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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 457 KB, 1360x2089, clana_del_rey_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23206365 No.23206365 [Reply] [Original]

Does being well read help you attract the ladies?

>> No.23206368

Not really no.

>> No.23206367


>> No.23206372

Reading 1 book attracts a women if you're handsome.

>> No.23206377

It doesn’t hurt your cause but, at bottom, the most important thing is how you look. Women decide if they will fuck you as soon as they look at you. Finding out you’ve read a bunch of classic novels isn’t going to move the needle if she has already designated you as a non-sexual option

>> No.23206383

Short answer: No.
Long answer: Yes, but only if you already attract them.

>> No.23206391

It depends on your environment and people around you

>> No.23206393

Yes. Very much so.

>> No.23206411
File: 243 KB, 500x373, m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that smell when a girl has been wearing leather flats all day with no socks

>> No.23206422

haha no

>> No.23206437


>> No.23206448

This is why women don't like you.

>> No.23206492


>> No.23206599

This might be the funniest thing you've ever posted.

>> No.23206629

yes, the ladies with a little extra

>> No.23206636

No but it helps you keep them if you’re not obnoxious about it

>> No.23206644

It helps you escape their grasp.

>> No.23206833
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Only if you are REALLY well read

>> No.23206872
File: 130 KB, 462x887, 1682789884245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweating in the backyard
>I hear the ice cream cart
>Jingling my name

>Eyes begin to tear
>As you say, "Get over here
>You've had too many today"

>I squeeze into a sundress
>So tight it's like I'm undressed
>McDonalds is downtown

>I say, "Supersize this"
>Lean in with muh big tits
>Put that extra mac sauce on
>Go 'head I have no shame

>It's me, it's me, it's all for me
>Gonna finish that? I ask you all the time
>Heaven is a greasy spoon with you
>Eating is the only thing I wanna do
>I hope that you like the big girls honey,
>Is that stew?

>> No.23206878

Is he actually wearing a duster jacket? LMAO!

>> No.23206879

Sort of a requirement if you want a lit gf, doesn't really matter otherwise.
That is not saying much.

>> No.23206890
File: 94 KB, 800x1200, lana-del-rey-in-swimsuit-at-ipanema-beach-in-rio-de-janeiro-05-26-2023-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Cause my body is my temple, my heart is one too
>The only thing that still fits me is this black bathing suit

>> No.23206898

That is a trench coat.

>> No.23206908
File: 158 KB, 926x932, 1638642004353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a duster, lol.

>> No.23206927

Dusters go well below the knee, generally down near the ankles so they can keep the dust off you clothes, hence the name. Trench coats stop around the knee, generally a bit below. Unless DFW was very oddly proportioned that is a trench coat.

>> No.23206936

It's essential if looking for a high tier girl, except most of you will only date waitresses and retail workers and in that case it doesn't matter

>> No.23206954

Yeah, dude. He looks so cool. Like Axl Rose raided Walker Texas Ranger's closet.

>> No.23206964

Arr you really so lonely that you will play such games and make such low effort bait? /b/ or /r9k/ will distract you from your life better than /lit/ and it's snails pace.

>> No.23206975

If I were lonely I'd watch tv because I'm not afraid of becoming addicted like a certain Axl Rose cosplayer.

>> No.23206986
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Knowing just enough to share literary jokes will help a lot.
Being actually well read won't help any more than that.

>> No.23206996
File: 375 KB, 1200x1800, df8ugsq-7c06971d-151a-4d58-971c-8a6ea7d29bda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my black Spanx on tonight
Concealin' in the dark, flubber is wound real tight
My curves look real big, snowbunny style
Elastic waistband, I'm feelin' alive

Oh, my God, I smell it in the air
The bacon in the pan is sizzlin' like a snare
Honey, I'm on fire, just smear it everywhere
Nothin' fills me anymore
(I'll have One, two, three, and four)

I got that supersize
Supersize madness
I got that supersize
Supersize madness

>> No.23206997

It can and often does. If all you are is well read then you will be a disaster with women. Reading is like a garnish or light seasoning. It often helps and definitely adds if you’re already working with something

>> No.23207097

Only if you also have interesting things to say about the books you've read. No one wants to be around someone who's only read anything because they think it's their duty or that it will make them seem interesting. Read things you really like, and then be opinionated about it. Share those opinions and have *reasons* for those opinions. Preferably all of your opinions. Invite women into your interests.

>> No.23207134

i heard if you read jane austen over and over again, you will finally understand women

>> No.23207167
File: 37 KB, 504x360, yelling cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image isn't true at all!!!

>> No.23207176

I been out on that open road

>> No.23207184

As long as it promotes status or wealth. Then it’ll draw the whores

>> No.23207197

Grim. One of the more depressing posts I have seen in a good while.

>> No.23207205

>tfw no fat lana gf

>> No.23207222

>tattoo on the side of her hand

She's a completely fucking schizo whore, stay far away.

>> No.23207232
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>> No.23207243

In my experience looks are tied with pure innate confidence that can't be learned or faked (i.e. if you have to learn it from PUAs or whatever you don't have it and never will).

>> No.23207337

lmfao. this was funny. this fucking dork finally said something funny.

>> No.23208574

>Be me, handsome, well read, sociable
>Meet girl:
>'oh my god anon, you read books? what's your favourite book?'
>list my favourite books, get blank stares back
>'oh, i've never heard of those! you should read (insert YA fantasy slop or some really boring classic written by a woman). I can lend you a copy if you want!!'
>go on coffee date, talk more about books.
>'I don't know, anon. Lolita is a really problematic book. I watched a youtube video saying so.'
That's pretty much the baseline amount of female attention you'll recieve unless you read slop written for women and teenagers. Being a man and reading is a gimmick to them: at first it captures their interest but very soon after it wears off.

A girl came round mine one day and was impressed with my large bookshelf and looked through it and thought it was problematic that I had a copy of the Qu-ran. She was ex-muslim and seemed to think me, as a white non-muslim, was somehow romantising the idea of Islam through reading it. I She couldn't comprehend that I enjoyed theology. Women are nonironically retarded, so there's no point trying to impress them through intellectualisms.

>> No.23208683

I met a well read bookstore manager who introduced me to all the ladies who worked there. They always gave me discount on every book. Glorious 20es!

>> No.23208689

This photo gave me summertime sadness.

>> No.23208972

No. She wants your attention on her, not on books.

>> No.23208998
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Fucking scrumdiliumptious piggy!

>> No.23209009

Honestly, good of her to take concern. Islam is cancerous. It does say something, however, when a person cannot fathom mere intellectual interest. You have to be more engaging anon. If you and your ideas are engaging, women follow along. They like to be swept up in things.

>> No.23209097
File: 12 KB, 275x274, eddie_murphy_incredulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she's a 10/10 in Murca.

>> No.23209118

Ayo ma you tryna fuck or what

>> No.23209291

If I'm being objective, a six, but my penis is not objective. The tectonic plates would ripple from Los Angeles to New York I would hit it so hard.

>> No.23209344


>> No.23209422

>looks are tied with pure innate confidence
Good point. Someone who has received non-stop positive reinforcement their whole life will always be more confident than some guy who read a self help book.

>> No.23209494

Most of you are feminized morons that don't know how to talk to women.
I remember once talking to a woman, and I asked for her list of favorite books. I stopped her midway and called her retarded and began patronizing her, making it clear it was a mistake she ever learned to read or write.
She got turned on because women are whores who like to be abused due to the strange ways they internalize their issues with their fathers. I made it clear to her I am a gentleman who doesn't like extramarital sex, and I told the dumb whore to go waste someone else's time.
You have to be firm with women and make clear to them where they stand on a hierarchy. When you marry one, you must train them to become an inferior copy of yourself. Women deserve no autonomy or agency. Behind every accomplished woman is a great man like myself.
When the aliens synthesized us, they failed moreso with women, hence why they experience periods every month. It is faulty manufacturing.

>> No.23209544

Not in my experience

>> No.23209793

Get a load of this retard, KEK!

>> No.23209795

If you want to be attractive based on reading books you have to follow these steps
>dont be unattractive
>dont try to pander to them by reading any YA romance novels or smut books. Most women will know that you're bullshitting and if you do honestly like those novels they'll think there's something wrong with you
>Don't mention "boring guy books" (moby dick, blood meridian, anything faulkner, any stoic or philosophical books) or schizo autismo books (Joyce, Pynchon any fantasy thats not lotr, witcher or got)
>instead talk about books that girls could see a guy liking while also being in her field of interest, such as Dorian Gray, Frankenstein, 100 Years Of Solitude etc. Maybe pick a controversial one like Catcher in The Rye, so you can have a healthy disagreement on it, while still using a book that some girls tend to like
>if the girl exudes neomarxist energy just talk about any Russian novelist, it doesn't matter if she's read it or not, all of them are as vain as their ideology so the mere mention of a russian author will make her like you more
Then once you have a book gf shape her in your image and make the next guy she fucks have to listen to your niche weirdo tastes.

>> No.23209809

Nice fanfiction nigger.

>> No.23209879

Only if you read the correct authors

>> No.23210177

Things like being well-read or being rich or whatever are just a multiplier to your attractiveness. Remember, zero multiplied by anything is still zero.
Dangerously based.

>> No.23210245

Depends. First wife, no. Second wife, yes. She has 26 published Novels, and 75 published short stories. Also an M.D. Also liked the fact my background could assist in her writing. Married 32 years.

>> No.23210248

lana del ray is gross and looks like her pussy stinks
there I said it

anyways back when I lived in an apartment I had a stack of books on the floor and this girl I had over sat and started looking at all the titles. I had the sonnets and other generic shit and she was impressed that I was "a reader"

>> No.23210315

>She has 26 published Novels
Nice. Any bestsellers?

>> No.23210329

Tolstoychads get all the ladies

>> No.23210347

I think women generally do like intelligent men

>> No.23210360

>Glorious 20es!
you mean if you're old they don't give you a discount? wtf

>> No.23210692

yes, i used to have girls message me all the time about my favorite books list back in my okcupid days, and i had sex with many of them

>> No.23210697

what about osamu dazai?

>> No.23210765

Women are not into that shit. They're platonic creatures

>> No.23210771

No longer human is a classic Masterpiece

>> No.23210782
File: 387 KB, 1000x1097, 1671010685905477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That image isn't true at all!!!
You will never convince me that Mishima didn't cum violently upon meeting his end.

>> No.23211750

>Does being well read help you attract the ladies?
Yes, but none of them will be good looking.