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/lit/ - Literature

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23203589 No.23203589[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Yeah, I'd love to grab coffee and talk about books anon
>You're not one of those lit-bros though, right?

Well? You're not reading a chud author, are you?

>> No.23203591

Not a /pol/troon, so no.

>> No.23203605

I do read Chud authors because chud authors are smart. I don't care what fat women think of that

>> No.23203609

Bitch I only read chud authors, they're the best.

>> No.23203610

pick one

>> No.23203614

There is no contradiction

>> No.23203615

Name 5

>> No.23203620

chuds are retarded, so yea, big contradiction in fact.

>> No.23203634


>> No.23203636

Can a person who has only ever read manga be considered literate?

>> No.23203638

Truth is paradoxical

>> No.23203640


She's pushing the book cart anon, how much more authority can there be?

>> No.23203641

By the standards of a woman who looks like that, probably. Even mild authors could get me categorized as a chud. Just take a look at a few excerpts from a couple chapters of Trollope:

>He certainly had some idea that girls were apt to be coy, and required a little wooing in the shape of presents, civil speeches—perhaps kisses also.
>What a question was this that was asked him! What would he think of a marriage between Mary Thorne—his Mary and Sir Louis Scatcherd? Between the alpha of the whole alphabet, and him whom he could not but regard as the omega! Think of it! Why he would think of it as though a lamb and a wolf were to stand at the altar together. Had Sir Louis been a Hottentot, or an Esquimaux, the proposal could not have astonished him more.
>Was he not personally all that a girl could like? Were not his disposition, mind, character, acquirements, all such as women most delight to love? Was it not impossible that Mary should be indifferent to him?

So meditated the doctor as he rode along, with only too true a knowledge of human nature. Ah! it was impossible, it was quite impossible that Mary should be indifferent. She had never been indifferent since Frank had uttered his first half-joking word of love. Such things are more important to women than they are to men, to girls than they are to boys.

Mild as they are, I have little doubt at their potential to start a good seethe.

>> No.23203643

Meh. I read those same people.

>> No.23203644

woops, screwed up the greentext.

>> No.23203652

Ok awesome

>> No.23203658

wtf is a chud?

>> No.23203664

shut up and give me sloppy

>> No.23203665

People like (((me)))

>> No.23203667

is she handing out manga in a prison?

>> No.23203684


>> No.23203698

is that a school or a prison

>> No.23203700

Whats the difference?

>> No.23203719

Imagine the smell

>> No.23203783

One has free meals and a proper gym, the other doesn't.

>> No.23203864

I'm a 25 year old virgin and I wouldn't go near that thing

>> No.23203878

Damn are those Ruroni Kenshi manga? I have that whole set.

>> No.23203893


>> No.23203910

I think literacy is a social justice issue
I think that every child should be read to as soon as possible
I think that every child should have access to as much reading material as they want
Every child should be encouraged to read and after years of their parents reading to them, that should hopefully cultivate a life long love of reading
It's a tragedy that many children do not develop to their full potential when it comes to reading
One of the most powerful tools for language learning is free and voluntary reading and so children, teenagers and adults are missing out the benefits of learning their own native language by not engaging in that activity

>> No.23203946


>> No.23204127

I'm a 25 year old chad with a 40+ body count and I would fuck her brains out and and impregnate her with my fascist seed

>> No.23204128

Being a gooner doesn't make someone a chud. He was quite left-wing in his political views, iirc.

>> No.23204236

are you a troon?

>> No.23204240

Most niggers are secretly massive weebs so it makes sense that manga would be popular in prison

>> No.23204242

>tfw the author of Kenshin got caught with A LOT of child pornography

Unfathomably based

>> No.23204415

Why are you scum? Why are you okay with being scum? Fix your life!

>> No.23204423

why would I agree to go on a coffee date with a woman who is clearly wearing a wedding ring

>> No.23204435

All authors are chuds. Its a prerequisite.

>> No.23204446

No, I don't read at all, as it should be.

>> No.23204458

I don't know, is Hitler considered a chud?

>> No.23204486

I would never ask a fatty out even if I were desperate.

>> No.23204539

its some meme that doesnt mean anything mentally ill /pol/tards have been trying to force for months that's just now picking up

>> No.23204552

Looks like the female version of EggWhite.

>> No.23204553

Explain how they are chud authors?

>> No.23204559

>chud authors are smart
Name. Fucking. One.

>> No.23204569

i can fix her

>> No.23204582

>I’m reading Marx (Hitler) right now, I like to read him in dark alleyways so I can feel a real connection to the impoverished working class (homeless minorities), would you like to join me? (GRAPES HER)

>> No.23204769

despite his chudiness, houellebecq isnt disallowed by the more insane of the literary lefties, ive had some good conversations about his books with journos. also you could get by with the rest by just saying something like "he had some pretty nasty personal/political beliefs but i really enjoy x about his writing" if the woman in op was hot and worth talking to

>> No.23204961

Carl Schmitt, Joseph de Maistre, Spengler, Junger

>> No.23204992

>Never had political progressivism a foe it could more heartily respect.
Walt Whitman on Carlyle

>> No.23205036


>> No.23205088

>Whalt Whitman's opinion
>Literal who's opinion
Gee I wonder who cares

>> No.23205112

op woman totally digs whitman

>> No.23205122
File: 59 KB, 1024x676, 1647431324352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentally ill /pol/tards have been trying to force

>> No.23205125


What is this?

>> No.23205147

Whitman was a faggot. Anything a faggot says is questionable and likely misguided like their brains.

>> No.23205149

> Spengler
Didn’t like the nazis, nor racialism, and he appreciated other cultures. Total opposite of a chud.

>> No.23205155

>I dont like oppressed peoples if they dont agree with me
Why are leftychuds like this

>> No.23205159

Look at /lit/ judging a book by its cover… how shallow.

>> No.23205165


>> No.23205248

Read the Hour of Decision. That is one of the most chuddy books in the history

>> No.23205271

Nietzsche, if read through the lens of present progressivism, is a chud.

>> No.23205276

? Chud was coined by leftists. I remember people using it all the time like 3 years ago when I was on Marxist discords. It comes from the Chapo Traphouse sphere

>> No.23205279

Mircea Eliade
Colin Wilson

>> No.23205298

Wtaf is going on in this picture?

>> No.23205310

>if you aren’t a chud, you must be a leftychud

>> No.23205312

chud's been around for decades, it's in Clerks 2, and obviously the movie c.h.u.d

>> No.23205321

I think you're just making oldfags feel old not getting the internet to cite its sources, etymology, and philological reasoning.

>> No.23205324

Your counterargument gave you away as one. /pol/chuds glow but so do you leftychuds, even if you try to deny it (real humans see right through you)

>> No.23205336

>dismissing some faggot’s opinion makes you a leftychud

>> No.23205338

>they wont realize i'm leftist if i play dumb
why do /lit/ leftists always do this?
>>23205324 is right. we can smell you through the screen. its in the way you talk.

>> No.23205412

>Chuds arent le smart
>Whitman said Carlyle was a pretty admirable ideological opponent
>Whitman was important and who are you exactly?
>Whitman is le faggot
I mean yeah, you are very obviously a leftychud.

>> No.23205418

Leftist schizos, you know, the sort who came to 4chan after gaymergate to crusade against the "heckin biggits" who never left are the ones who spam mind-numblingly retarded shit like "chud".

Why is this thread even still up? It's absolute trash.

>> No.23205434

Everyone in this obvious bait thread should be sent to the gulag

>> No.23205462

false dichotomy

>> No.23205465

It’s an ironic thing that is slowly becoming non-ironic, like supporting Trump.

>> No.23205606

That includes you, dummy.

>> No.23205836
File: 128 KB, 1170x942, Booktuber Opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt incels

>> No.23205954

>Fuckbois of literature

>> No.23205966

As a hardcore gamer I only read far right extremist authors like Jordan Peterson, James Watson and Mahatma Gandhi.

>> No.23206359

>try to flirt
>nervous, arms are heavy, knees weak
>pynchon novels spill out of my backpack
>she gets the ick, makes the :I face, and walks away

>> No.23206362
File: 22 KB, 498x348, Grady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nigger cook.