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23201653 No.23201653 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Midwit concepts of philosophy. I'll start

>humiliation ritual

>> No.23201659

slave morality / master morality

>> No.23201673


>> No.23201683


>> No.23201697
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>OP why did you make this thread?
>My grandfather was born in 1932...

>> No.23201698

blond beast
great man theory
symbolic exchange
body without organs
the accursed share

>> No.23201708

They are freemasons and the main thing about freemasonry is celibacy, that is why they wear an apron thing over their crotch. it is meant to represent sexual purity. It is the thought that counts, I guess.

>> No.23201709


>> No.23201740

>>humiliation ritual
Where does this come from? I feel like I’ve been seeing this phrase a lot recently.

>> No.23201745

>great man theory
Giga-cope. You'll never be a good writer.

>> No.23201755

>great man theory
Giga-cope. You'll never be a good writer. You haven't the greatness.

>> No.23201758

lol I expected carlylefag seethe
most fragile fans on /lit/

>> No.23201762

It's coming from /tv/ where John Cena's mostly naked body at the Oscars spawned a conspiracy theory that the elites were inducting him into a secret cabal by way of a humiliation ritual.

>> No.23201764

>great man theory
Giga-cope. You'll never be a good writer. You haven't the manhood.

>> No.23201765

You will never be Napoleon.

>> No.23201768


>> No.23201772

Its old. There's lot of humiliation rituals. Forcing people to call a man dressing as a "woman", watching their children get taken away by government so they can be castrated, racial reparations, the picture of white guy kneeling under a black guy, the BLACKED porn genre, etc.

Its all humiliation ritual.

>> No.23201782

Doesn't the term come from Cioran?

>> No.23201786


>> No.23201794

"Might is Right"

>> No.23201799

>a priori
>the thing in itself
>Plato’s forms

>> No.23201802

>Plato’s forms

>> No.23201805


>> No.23201940


>> No.23201987

capitalist realism

>> No.23202004

secular humanism
end of history
moral relativism
social constructs

>> No.23202012

How is that midwit? It's one of the most useful concepts to understand the modern world.

>> No.23202013

>social constructs
this is true thoughbeit

>> No.23202180


>> No.23202189

It’s always funny that the ones who spout that the most tend to be the most dysgenic

>> No.23202197
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>muh language games

>> No.23202312

None of that is based on anything but your own fantasies about the elite being nefarious.

>> No.23202319


>dude what if reality isn't really real
>dude even if we both look at a color and we agree that it's the same color, how do we like really KNOW that we're both SEEING the same color, we could just both be looking at the same thing and agreeing on what it is without direct experience of the other person's perception, besides, the other person might be a
>dude the Five Ways are a satisfactory proof of god, huh
>okay dude so like sometimes something happens than this opposite thing pushes back on it
>dude politics is like philosophy too
>dude abstract math/logic symbol pushing doesn't count as philosophy, you have to talk about feelings or something

>> No.23202354

You've already castrated yourself right?

>> No.23202411 [DELETED] 

>humiliation ritual
lmao it has nothing to do with philosophy.
It's a noted thing that Hollywood execs do that people like Chapelle were complaining about like 18+ years ago.

>> No.23202416


>> No.23202418

>Where does this come from?
Hollywood. Chapelle complained about them trying to make him wear a dress (and everyone black who makes it) back in like 2006 on Oprah then Katt Williams said the same thing a few weeks ago on Rogan which is how all the zoomers found out about the term.
The current spam are just assruptured /pw/fags who got upset that people mocked some Cena Oscars skit as a humiliation ritual and want to kill the use of the term pre-emptively. (but they're like 20 years too late)

>> No.23202422


>> No.23202436

>theory of forms
>substances and essences

>> No.23202460

the enlightenment

>> No.23202464

Every single modern esoteric "philosophy"

>> No.23202475

Thread full of retards seething that they'll never be midwits.

>> No.23202536
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>> No.23202537

You cant just slander an entire school, Klebold!

>> No.23202545

>taking this shit seriously
Aww a brainlet coping he’ll never be a retard

>> No.23202552

Duh, just like terminal patients are in favor of assisted suicide.

>> No.23202589

Substance and Accident

>> No.23202597

>I am merely pretending
Yet twice you felt the need to tell readers how smart you are without really saying anything else. Anonymously in an environment where "you" only exist as the retard who made these posts.

>> No.23202605
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Plenty of well known humiliation rituals exist among the social elite. Very well off young men practically rape each other in college frats/secret societies

>> No.23202671
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Master/Slave Morality.

>> No.23202683

What's the Wagner context here?

>> No.23202966

>>humiliation ritual
This only makes you seethe because of your cognitive dissonance. When you accept "humiliation ritual" as a thing though, you inevitably come to the conclusion that everything else must be a humiliation ritual.

>> No.23202973

I'd love to see you and your family's - including the infants, have their heads impaled on pikes.

>> No.23202974

part of the mithraic initiation

>> No.23202986

Not really. But I'm not going to explain it to you because I'm not being paid. I'll let you know that I judge you strongly however for adopting your current position.

>> No.23202989

Is NEETdom a humiliation ritual or a direct aversion to humiliation rituals?

>> No.23202996

I was in a frat and none of that ass paddling or any other gay shit ever happened. I think that kind of thing came about because nerd jews in hollywood were jealous that they were never part of the bro club in college so they made up shit about them being secretly gay.

>> No.23203005

NEETs are by definition people (overwhelmingly men) abandoning a society that no longer offers them any benefit for their effort, so it's definitely an aversion to humiliation rituals.

>> No.23203033

Existence preceding essence
Tabula rasa

>> No.23203040

Good, I'll surpass him.

>> No.23203064

both depending on circumstances. getting yourself legally declared incompetent or mentally ill for meager gibs definitely qualifies, but you avoid the song and dance of endless five stage job interviews and diversity seminars

>> No.23203095
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Just a trend with weird satanic hollywood types.

>> No.23203100

Sounds like something a slave would say.

>> No.23203417

Checks out. Every other answer ITT is just retards trying to slander shit they dislike.

>> No.23203423

lol ok

>> No.23203514


>> No.23204196

Okay, explain slave morality in one sentence.

>> No.23204202


>> No.23204203

You picked a good one. The rest of the thread is people just saying stuff they don't like is midwit. Another actual example of midwit theory is the idea of a fertility cult, especially for early history.

>> No.23204247

Employment is a humiliation ritual, so yes

>> No.23204326

>Tabula rasa

>> No.23204330

Midwit detected.

>> No.23204332

How can a person be a morality? I'm starting to think you have no idea what you're writing about.

>> No.23204339

Ironically that's exactly what a person operating under slave morality would say. My theory is that people here reject the concept because they realize that it's accurately describing their psychology.

>> No.23204357

He's a wrestler who wore a fucking speedo his whole career

>> No.23204370

Anything nominalism/conceptualism. Especially conceptualism

>> No.23204400

>human rights
>natural rights
Every day moral and legal talk is baked with these terms, yet there is zero proof for them. Where are these rights? What do they look like? How do we know they are real and not just madeup, like a unicorn? Makes no sense.

>> No.23204636
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where the fuck did this "humiliation ritual" shit even begin? why do I see this on every single fucking board now?

>> No.23204676

I think it's a real thing. I think people with power often compel people under them to behave ridiculously, as an expression of that power.
I mean, we know they do that. It's not like they're secretive about it.

>> No.23204684

I've a philosophy I call it THE ONE, are you anons intrested?

>> No.23204687

Well yeah, you experience it first hand, the first time someone decides to bully you as a kid, and somehow you're made out to be the bad guy, and no one takes your side.
How can you not believe might makes right, at that point?

>> No.23205117

Basically most concepts conceived after the Renaissance. They reanimated a corpse from the skeletons of the ancients. A seemingly sentient thing without a soul appeared in their wake

>> No.23205126

Love how Tucker went all the way to Moscow only to be clowned on for failing to make CIA. Imagine his inner seethe

>> No.23205199

>i’ll surpass Napoleon
>by spending my days lurking and posting on some shithole website
Sure you wil, anon, sure you will.

>> No.23206224

/// Crimp the edges to seal them tightly /// The result is that people have exalted expectations and are shocked when they don't materialize /// It is reserved for those who distinguish themselves through "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty" while in action /// The soldiers were ready at a moment's notice /// Additionally, about 96 percent of the land is under conservation easement, meaning it can’t be developed /// He's a mouthpiece for the pharmaceutical industry /// The army has been whipsawed by a shrinking budget and a growing pool of recruits /// It’s been really hectic here. When things settle down, I’ll give you a call /// He had developed a reputation as an automotive savant and tinkered on cars in his spare time /// Although exports are in this sense an epiphenomenon, they are the most measurable of the two /// She strapped the children in and drove away /// The lotion alleviated the itching /// I'm sure they will charge up the wazoo for tickets /// Farming may seem bucolic, but it is an inherently volatile industry, subject to the vicissitudes of weather, disease, and disaster /// Kept the truth from their unwitting friends /// The wily City veteran is rarely caught on the wrong side of a trade /// He saw no fulsome eulogies carved upon the headstones, often nothing but a name and the two dates of birth and death /// Everyone loved her for her blithe spirit /// He's alternately warm and accommodating, then irascible and prickly /// All the world can now peddle its wares on the internet with few restrictions /// In at least some of these alternative ontologies, the visions that come to us unbidden, in the liminal states of insobriety, hypnagogia, or theurgic ecstasy, are not to be dismissed out of hand as obstacles to our apprehension of truth, but may in fact be vehicles of truth themselves /// That practice kept the dynastic line pure but it also increased the risk of passing on congenital defects /// Of course the hoarders' obstreperous attitudes are due, at least in part, to their various illnesses /// As kids got older, their metacognition got better all around ///

>> No.23206307

they're useful. they preserve the status quo. simple as. pretty much every question like this ends up:

>dude what about muh [moralfaggot philosophy that takes 10 years to understand]
>it's actually just another retarded cope justified on the quasi-religious grounds that while it may not be true, it's best to pretend it is

all of this shit is just smoke and mirrors to hide that we are apes and the apes at the top are x10 more evil by normie standards than the average sadist pedophile. but you can't convince demons they live in hell. just ignore it.

>> No.23206311

lmao we got a live one

>> No.23206323
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Does that mean you're going to eat the bugs?

>> No.23206354


>> No.23206514

>social constructs
Social constructs exist, it's just ontology repackaged by liberal types.

To my understanding:

>Social construct
Doesn't exist outside human perception, or in other words, we give them their meaning.

Exists regardless of human perception.

By the way, race and sex aren't social constructs.

>> No.23206526

Working is a humiliation ritual.

>> No.23206534

What a terrible attempt at drawing steam

>> No.23206559
File: 129 KB, 629x1000, 71C2075HvuL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything becomes a social construct once people try to conceptualize what they perceive.

Science is a social construct by your logic, thus race and sex classifications are too.

My point is, you should stop engaging in semantics. Its a futile and fruitless endeavor.

>> No.23206575


I mean, it’s clearly a real thing.

>> No.23206581

Underrated call out. Basically nobody can properly describe what it is.

>> No.23206914

True it is useful. However, I think the trick is getting old. Maybe some day someone will meme in a replacement. In fact, you can replace the term "right" with any jibberish, i.e. "XXYYZZ" and no meaning is ever lost.
>I have an XXYYZZ to life, liberty, and...
It's all the same shit.

>> No.23206968

>will to power
>ontic structural realism
>multiple Daseins
>"Becoming"/"Other"/etc. (not the concepts, just hate these terms)
>phenomena-noumena distinction
>French existentialism
>positing that some "thing" is "beyond being"
>non-overlapping magisteria
>Stoicism that is not Seneca, Chrysippus, or Epictetus
>appreciating any Diogenes anecdote except for the one where he abruptly leaves Zeno of Elea's lecture
>thinking calculus and limits solves Zeno's paradoxes

>> No.23208328

>t. christcuck

>> No.23208331

>I'll judge you
who cares?

>> No.23208339

It's been around for a while
People are just doing the "forced meme" thing with it right now
The origin of that who knows probably started on some discord like everything these days

>> No.23208358
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>who cares?

>> No.23208959

when John Cena walked out at the Oscars on stage completely naked, covering his crotch with a sign. Several right wing news sites and twitter users posted it, more repeated it, and a retarded meme was born. Kinda like Big Chungus, more and more people talking about a midwit joke until Pew Die Pie says it, then it gets popular.