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/lit/ - Literature

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23197622 No.23197622 [Reply] [Original]

previous: >>23194447

>> No.23197631

His point, probably, is that in both cases there is a lack of self control and chastity, which is what is the important thing and that which you should be cultivating. In both cases, it is delusion. When you say to use your 'imagination' what else can anyone understand that to mean other than imagining sex in your own head to masturbate to, which is essentially like running a porno in your head.

>> No.23197634
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I made my first friend at eighteen; I met him in a shelter off Petersburg. Before then, I lived in an unkind home, sheltered, uneducated, and entirely unknown to the world. I had never even attended school.
He taught me various things— how to talk, for instance, and introduced me to a girl. I developed a timid respect for him despite the fact that he was only five years older than I, and a fellow resident at the "home." My feelings gradually turned to platonic affection, and I, despite my incredibly reserved nature, began to feel as though I could be comfortable around another human being.

It was Sunday, and the overcast sky was visible from the window above my bed— we were to head for Church service in Petersburg within an hour. I cannot say what provoked it, but I found him on top of me. I did not resist. He had my calves gripped in his large hands and lifted into the air, while his groin thrust between my legs. In those moments, I really felt nothing but a kind of "submissive passivity." It felt more as if I were witnessing these events through an utterly disinteresting commercial, besides a strange "shadow" of what I should be feeling. Humiliation of course, but at the same time, guilt. I could feel something shameful as well, a feeling that I would more describe as pain than pleasure, nevertheless welling up inside of me. To be clear, I didn't want to feel it— it reminded me of the times that I would lie on my bed while my father "trained" the rebellion out of me. I suppose that's why I failed to resist.

After some time, and my humiliation completed, he left. I entered the shared bathroom quite shakily, panting, and tried to cause the shameful feeling to leave me. It did not, even after sitting on the toilet for nearly thirty minutes. I would have sat there all day— perhaps starved— if our handler had not called for me. I carried the "shame" inside of me during Church service— and felt as though I were a demon defiling consecrated ground with my unholy presence. I never made another friend after that, and I attempted suicide a week later.

>> No.23197639

Please don't repost shit from last thread. No one cared then, no one cares now.

>> No.23197644

Hey, I just want writing feedback. Go whine where someone will care.

>> No.23197649

is petersburg different from st. petersburg (florida) and st. petersburg (russia)

>> No.23197652


>> No.23197663

It's where they make guys named Peter.

>> No.23197666

This thread is for anons to express their current thoughts and how they are feeling, quite literally what is 'on their mind'. Not to post excerpts from their work to receive criticism. That would be /wg/- Writing General, which is here:

>> No.23197688
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I didn't read anything in Janaury and February as I was very busy, but I'm back on it now. This is what I've read so far this year.

>> No.23197693

actually it's a contest for authors under 6"

you and I didn't make it bro, thank god

>> No.23197700

This negotiation for the house is brutal, just brutal.

>> No.23197711

A lot of what happens in /wwoym/ is creative writing, and a lot of creative writing reflects the current thoughts and feelings of the writer.
Besides, I already had something posted in /wg/, and the thread is going to be off the board soon. Then I would just receive the same complaint next /wg/ー
>You already posted...

>> No.23197720

blessed wwoym thread

>> No.23197726

What I am saying is if you are hoping to receive legitimate literary criticism for your writing, you are more likely to find it on /wg/, since that is what that general is designed for. wwoym is mostly designed for anons to vent and receive general life advice. It is true that on any given wwoym thread you will see anons post excerpts but you will also see no one respond to them, as was the case with yours last thread. I'm just trying to help you get what you want. I'd even encourage you to start the next /wg/ thread with that excerpt since the current /wg/ is about to archive. Best of luck.

>> No.23197756
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I'm putting together a team

>> No.23197759

They dont want to see this team getting back together.

>> No.23197762

Feedback: it's gay fetish porn. You are gay.

>> No.23197775

Ah, thanks. It's okay. Most posts in general receive little or no attention even on /wg/, and I like the opinions of general readers more even if it tends to be more hostile. Thanks for the heads up though :-)
(I do have a post on /wg/, but it didn't go anywhere. Sad!)

>> No.23197776

i am man from who god hid everything

>> No.23197783


>> No.23197789

I can say about what you posted here is it is gay erotica and many adult-minded anons are not going to give you much literary criticism on a theme like that since it is so depraved and perverse.

>> No.23197794

i see something like this and i picture a girl getting spitroasted

>> No.23197803 [DELETED] 

Well it isn't gay erotica desu but I guess that's how it would appear from this. This is just what was on my mind at the time, like a writing shitpost intertwined with a blogpost. I'm not gay and the story was not erotic for me.

>> No.23197806


>> No.23197839 [DELETED] 

I guess that's good feedback in itself. It wasn't erotic or gay for me desu just depressing, mostly just a shitpost inspired by random unrelated stuff I read.

>> No.23197842

>inspired by random unrelated stuff I read.
You mean gay rape erotica?

>> No.23197844 [DELETED] 

Hahaha. No.

>> No.23197852

>A lot of what happens in /wwoym/ is creative writing, and a lot of creative writing reflects the current thoughts and feelings of the writer
Then why does it read like /adv/ for most of the time?

>> No.23197857

Can anyone give me advice on where I should I post my gay erotic rape fantasy for feedback? Thanks.

>> No.23197862

Have you ever been close to death, Anon? What were your thoughts like at the moment when you realized you were going to die? When I was having an asthma attack outside during a brutal cold wave in a remote area with no people in sight, I remember thinking, "I want to tell my loved ones how much I love them," and "there are so many things that I want to do", but then the asthma attack started to ease off, and I was able to reach a safe place. And for some fucked up reason, I didn't do what I had been grieving over several minutes ago. I didn't call my loved ones, and I kept putting off things that I wanted to do, as if nothing happened that day. And it didn't even bother me until a few days ago when I began to reflect once again on what happened.

>> No.23197933

Seeing a neuropsychologist, finally gonna find out what's wrong. The first day of the rest of my life starts tomorrow.
Each of the three possible outcomes will warrant it's maxim.
Hell: The only way forward is straight down
Heaven: In time, all will be well.
Purgatory: Run out the clock.
Pyrrhic victory, decisive victory, and a war of attrition respectively.

>> No.23197937

got a bad cut that i recognized as arterial bleeding and thought, "well this isnt very good"

>> No.23197950

I thought I died while tripping on ketamine. I was ready.

>> No.23197981

a lot of bmwf offspring look like Karl Marx no matter the gender. The same blank round face with ant eyes and a Norwood 4 tuft of pubes.

>> No.23197994

holy fvarking fvark I can see the sun appearing among the clouds... holy based

>> No.23198001

Sometimes I wish I lived in New York before it was a total shit heap.

>> No.23198012

New York was always a shitheap

>> No.23198039

I used to visit before COVID and I had fun there. I still have fun when I visit but not as much fun and the possibilities for lifestyle lesser, while the costs are worse.

>> No.23198043

Dubs and i win the contest and my dick gets sucked this year

>> No.23198049


>> No.23198059

Anyone else notice that all the male journalists sound really gay now?


They really couldn’t find any normal sounding journalists?


>> No.23198066

>i am a tainted wether of the flock, meetest for death
damn, why are gays and women so emotional

>> No.23198070

Super tempted to skip my classes today

>> No.23198089

Do you think people who aren’t progressive idiots should move to states like Texas and Florida? I want to stay in the state I grew up in near my family but everything is rapidly getting worse and I’m increasingly not seeing a successful future for myself here.

>> No.23198123

Classic case.

>> No.23198126

I've noticed that I've become way more defensive and socially anxious and just more worried about what people say ever since I broke up with my ex about 6 months ago.

We used to talk for an hour every single night and she always made me feel heard and I guess there is something so secure in knowing that you are heard and understood every single day. And now without the security from our nightly talks, I am weak, fragile, and susceptible to all unnecessary trolling I receive irl and online

>> No.23198131

you don't have to engage with politics, or other people at all for that matter

>> No.23198234

Do you really think moving to Texas or Florida will improve your quality of life?

People have been saying some variation of this for decades. Everyone wants the New York of their youth.

>> No.23198255

My grandma used to say "no matter where you go, there you are". That is to say, people are people everywhere, all having the same wants, passions and desires. Having lived all over the country, while I can say certain regions and cities did have unique characteristics, generally speaking there is no real difference whether you live in Oregon, Florida, Arkansas, Massachusetts, wherever. Especially with how big the internet has become and how it has allowed major media to more easily influence the masses. Maybe 100 years ago you could have really seen a major difference between states, and cities within states, but not really anymore. My 2 cents. Moving somewhere different can definitely be a healthy experience but change is going to ultimately come from your own will and desire to change, the change in environment will be very minor.

>> No.23198264

I wonder what makes it go from a raw account of sexual assault to gay fetish porn? Where is the literary line drawn?

>> No.23198292

I do though and not only because I’m a citizen but also because I work for a university. Even just the DEI stuff has effectively rendered my career a dead end. Only women and ethnic minorities get hired let alone promoted at my institution now. I could potentially salvage my career by going to somewhere like Florida.

I think your grandma was making a point about something which is not relevant in this instance. That people segregate based on politics is pretty much a fact of life and probably necessary.

>> No.23198295

I don’t know. That’s why asked. I definitely think there’s more professional and social potential, yeah. What if I was a young conservative politician or something? Obviously, my life would be improved by going where people will actually vote for me. So yeah, that’s totally possible.

>> No.23198310

No, my grandma always clarified after that statement that what she meant was that people are people everywhere. She'd often follow it up with the Bible verse "there is nothing new under the sun", further emphasizing her point that people do not change on a fundamental level.

>> No.23198320

Okay, but if I take it as applicable to this scenario I must also take it as applicable to all scenarios so your grandmother’s advice is effectively “never go anywhere”.

>> No.23198345

I have officially lost the plot. Staring into the pleroma and its looking an awful lot like void.

>> No.23198347

I made an audio book instead


>> No.23198379

Never forget that libs allied with muslim people - suicidally - merely because of their malice against Christian civilization In their race to displace one public orthodoxy, they imported another that will be far less tolerant.

>> No.23198387

Libs are just pawns.

>> No.23198393

assuming muslims can over power libs. If libs were all it took for muslims to over power christianity, then its clear that libs were the dominant part of that dynamic. The second the muslims start being "intolerant" they will be quelled. The. the religion will be liberalism. praise be to progress.

>> No.23198403
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That has yet to be seen, it’s just getting started.

>> No.23198408

Those people aren’t libs though. Never were. I don’t think it’s helpful to keep calling them libs.

>> No.23198411
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I just found out that beauty standards of the 90's (rail thin coat hangers with legs) were set by majority of gay men who were attracted to twinks, not women.

>> No.23198420

I think that implying that libs + Muslims > christianity, when christianity is such a dominant religion on the world stage compared to the Muslim religion, in other words christianity >> muslim, then it must also imply that, at least as it stands, libs > muslim. Meaning that the muslim religion is not the one in the position to subjugate anything.

>> No.23198456

After being a perfectionist for many years, I eventually realized "good enough" was enough. I wish I had integrated that sooner.

>> No.23198469

Maybe you can't think that when you're starting, you push for the ideal until you're close at which point you're competent enough that what you do with relative ease is actually good enough.

>> No.23198477

I just took some ADHD meds. I feels like it’s made me more hyper, maybe I am thinking faster but I can’t tell. I want to go for a run right now but I also feel extremely anxious. If I sit still I feel the need to constantly move my tongue and Jaw. I still can’t focus all to well. I am sweating much more.

>> No.23198509

I have a lot of OCD-esque thoughts about something bad happening to me. You could be just living your life and then develop a muscle wasting disease or lose your legs in a car accident or something awful like that, and there's nothing you can do to change that. Shit makes me pathologically anxious sometimes.

>> No.23198510

Just don't be who you are in the situation you're in, dumbass.

>> No.23198553

I went out on a date with this one this chick a while back and I knew she was interested in me somewhat but I couldn't really afford to be in a relationship due to a lot of family complications. But during that date we got drunk and while I did keep my hands to myself, when I said good bye to her she ran up to me and kissed me and left. We haven't really talked since. I'm wondering if I should even bother trying to hang out with her again.

>> No.23198573

fuck her in the living room, out of spite with family spectating

>> No.23198602
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>> No.23198606

what constitutes of good enough?

>> No.23198615

How did you find out? It was one of our best guarded secrets! Im victor-ia by the way.

>> No.23198621

The suicidal thoughts are flaring up again. Classic.

>> No.23198625

Damn. Thanks. Do you have a book out? Or maybe a podcast? Where can I buy your supplements?

>> No.23198631

I suspect she is waiting for you to talk to her my man. She probably thinks you think she is weird for being so forward and would be relieved to know that you don't think that way. The ball is in your court dude. Go for it.

>> No.23198653

why the suicide?

>> No.23198654

I don't know. I don't care about being competent anymore. I'm just doing my job, and I'm not very good at it. I'm good with that.
Good enough is when you get to that tipping point where any improvement takes double the time and effort. People don't care that you are going above and beyond. Just do what you set yourself to do and move on. The field doesn't matter.

>> No.23198661

>People don't care that you are going above and beyond
but I cannot do otherwise, its like I have to overwork myself even if no one notices it.

>> No.23198669

When you say "everything is rapidly getting worse," what do you mean exactly? If you work for a university, you will probably find yourself in a very similar cultural milieu regardless of what state you're in.

Congrats, you don't have ADHD

>> No.23198675

Why not?

>> No.23198676

i hear meth dick is a thing too
how many times have you jerked off so far?

>> No.23198677

you said again

>> No.23198678

Cause I don't like it.

>> No.23198679

>but I cannot do otherwise, its like I have to overwork myself even if no one notices it.
The thing is that more often than not you won't get the reward you think you'll get. I know of the high you are chasing. It's mental stuff. Good for you though anon if you are happy that way. I know I wasn't. When I was like you I had shitty sleep, felt like everyone was out at me and didn't feel any appreciation for what I did and it hurt.

>> No.23198691

>When I was like you I had shitty sleep, felt like everyone was out at me and didn't feel any appreciation for what I did and it hurt.
It literally me RIGHT now. I just expect that honest work = honest wage. I just hyperfocus on my job because there's nothing else going on in my life. Sudden changes are bad because they leave me unprepared.

>> No.23198702

I hate this little life I’ve built for myself. I wish I had done things differently…

>> No.23198731


You are not going to starve by sitting on a toilet for one day or even five days.

The excerpt is fairly well-written but it's not believable in the least. How to talk? First friend at 18? Never made a friend after that? Attempted suicide a week later? Yeah... right.

Don't be so dramatic. If you're going to describe a certain kind of character you have to spend a hell of a lot more time making us believe this kind of person is even possible. Even less plausible is that this person who is ostensibly uneducated and doesn't know how to talk is the POV narrator writing phrases like "utterly disinteresting commercial blah blah blah..."

It was really nice in the 90s

>> No.23198762

Since life is unfair, why shouldn't I long for that which I do not deserve?

>> No.23198764

do not deserve?

>> No.23198774

ive come to find out that a guy who at one point tried to calm my moral qualms about attempting to steal another man's gf, has had his wife leave him. i remember we we're on top of a rooftop and he said 'you know its 2022, i think everyone is okay with cheating nowadays'. LOL

>> No.23198806

I literally can’t sleep and have constant anxiety because I have this sense that I’m not doing what I should be doing or somehow already failed to do it.

>> No.23198817

>It was really nice in the 90s
Objectively speaking it was much more dangerous than it is today

>> No.23198837

The leftist conception of communitay is a combination polycule/trap house/trafficking operation. Leftists bleating about the loss of muh community are no more to be taken seriously than pimps talking about chastity.

>> No.23198840

yea, no shit
you should be sleeping

>> No.23198854

I haven’t jerked off yet, don’t feel the need to, but I think it’s slowly started to wear off. I don’t have to move my jaw, and not sweating anymore. Driving felt more difficult. Strange because it’s supposed to last 10 hours
Not sure, I kinda hope I do have it because that somewhat excuses my mental retardation

>> No.23198865

how do i cope with not being damion dayski

>> No.23198873

The phrase “Every Accusation Is A Confession” could not be anymore true. They preserve their unity and sow division amongst everyone else. They use the shield of victimhood while attacking as the aggressor.

This is how actual Supremacy operates.

>> No.23198883

That's nor how actual supremacy works. That's how fake, acted supremacy works.
True supremacy is the supremacy of virtue and merit.

>> No.23198893

Why did Frank Herbert die at the relatively young age of 65?

>> No.23198920

LARP can get cringe very easily, but it's what a lot of society has always been built on. Alexander the Great LARPed as an Egyptian Pharaoh and Persian Emperor, Roman Emperors all LARPed as Ceasar.

LARP is about what you do with it, ultimately. Knew a girl in highschool, very vapid, very shallow. Had careerist ambitions. Got married and got into head coverings and trad memes. LARP?

I'm helping her husband and five kids slaughter hogs this weekend.

>> No.23198922

Because his books sucked.

>> No.23198931

I agree, it’s more deceptive.

>> No.23198940

Someone who needs to pretend to have supremacy can't possibly have any real sort of actual supremacy. Believing that exactly means falling to their lies.

>> No.23198942

>True supremacy is the supremacy of virtue
Supremacy has nothing to do with virtue.

>> No.23198945

I LARP as a gay methhead, I'm totally faking it of course.

>> No.23198951

"I want to leave," said Anna, hugging me tight, her petite body trembling between my arms. "There is nothing in this world for me. I think I might not make it," she sniffed before she fell silent. I could feel her tears down my collar. "Aren't you?" I whispered, tousling her hair. "I saw you struggle. You did great," I said. For some reason, that seemed to make her cry even more, and her weight shifted onto me. My focus was now on not falling backwards. We were outside because we were initially planning to get pizza, and the situation was awkward. Not something I had expected in a pizza night with a cutie pie. So I tried something. "It's alright, I'm here," I said. She bursted into whines that were akin to small animal screams. Guess I fucked up again. I waited a few minutes for her to calm down before asking if she wanted to stay that way or get pizza. She nodded and got out of my chest. Her face was puffy and red. She looked at me for what felt like an eternity and wiped her snot with her sleeve, which I thought was kind of cute. Inwardly, I pumped my fists in relief. I had saved my pizza night.

>> No.23198953

The things that keep me up at night the most are:
the times when I was in a position of responsibility and let those under me down, and the times when I was rejected or a relationship failed due to something I didn't understand or even perceive until months or years after the fact.

>> No.23198957

You can say what you want, low value masters gather low value servants.
High value masters gather high value servants.

>> No.23198959 [DELETED] 

"I want to leave," said Anna, hugging me tight, her petite body trembling between my arms. "There is nothing in this world for me. I think I might not make it," she sniffed before she fell silent. I could feel her tears down my collar. "Aren't you?" I whispered, tousling her hair. "I saw you struggle. You did great," I said. For some reason, that seemed to make her cry even more, and her weight shifted onto me. My focus was now on not falling backwards. We were outside because we were initially planning to get pizza, and the situation was awkward. Not something I had expected in a pizza night with a cutie pie. So I tried something. "It's alright, I'm here," I said. She bursted into whines that were akin to small animal screams. Guess I fucked up again. I waited a few minutes for her to calm down before asking if she wanted to stay that way or get pizza. She nodded and got out of my chest. Her face was puffy and red. She looked at me for what felt like an eternity and wiped her snot with her sleeve, which I thought was kind of cute. Inwardly, I pumped my fists in relief. I had saved my pizza night. I didn't know why women always wanted drama in the middle of nowhere and not at home, but I hated that shit. Thank God.

>> No.23198974

You may want supremacy to be related to virtue for personal reasons, feelings, moralistic worldview or something similar but the fact of the matter is that virtue and supremacy are not related.

>> No.23199008

Saying that power goes without virtue is like saying that money is best spent without the use of economic calculation.

>> No.23199017

You wouldn't be tweaking like this if you had it

>> No.23199040

"Lente, lente, nocte"
Currently I have no number
Or face or body worth anything at all

>> No.23199074

Girl I flirted with is now Instagram famous with over 50k+ followers. I don't know how to feel about that. She kind of deserves it buuut I feel like shit knowing she's going to be more wealthy than I am with a tenth of the work, only by her virtue of being a pretty woman.

>> No.23199079

Of course! Only those people who are obscenely rich can spend untold amount of money on anything they want. That is the best way to spend money, it is an absolute materilistic supremacy.

Few can afford to do it, those who cannot can only spend their money wisely, actually it is not a bad choice but they are not the at the top.

>> No.23199278

Damn, my life is so kino (very sad, atomized, and banal).

>> No.23199301

Doesn't sound very vibrant...

>> No.23199386

I wish I could get into video games or tv series, or just be able to read books without getting distracted every 10 seconds

>> No.23199388

it kino. I have estranged from my family, have no friends, work in a factory, only leave my apartment for food and alcohol and to pick up books in the mail. the only love I've felt is unrequited. I've been to war and college. I've lived in six states and seen castles in Europe and tombs in Isreal. I'm probably going to kill myself. so fucking kino.

>> No.23199392

That super hot girl in my philosophy class attended today. Again wearing crocs. No super sexy dominatrix boots anymore. There is no footwear more unattractive on a female than crocs. Wish she'd show off her shiny boots for me again

>> No.23199396

How did you end up estranged?

>> No.23199406


>> No.23199409

>Girl I flirted with is now
Damn, you were practically married. You should talk to a divorce lawyer to see if you're entitled to half of that money. Did she make you sign a prenup?

>> No.23199410

What war did you serve in(if that's what you meant) and what is war like?
What was your favorite state? They all sucked ass when I visited.

>> No.23199433

I don't know. We just never talk. We all live in different states. I don't like to call because what would we talk about.
I deployed to Afghanistan a few times. I liked it a lot but don't talk to any of my Army friends anymore. I was infantry. More guys from my platoon have died in traffic accidents since I got out then in combat.
Everywhere feels the same to me, coast to coast.

>> No.23199434

Chuds are unfuckable because women evolved a disdain for challenges to the status quo, in our early days the chief would kill anyone disloyal to him as well as their wives and children, like lions. The chud gene will soon be extinct, only delegated to the deepest depths of the Louisiana bayou.

>> No.23199438

Cool, did you get to kill anyone? If so, how was it?

>> No.23199443

Women don't exist to please you and strangers in your classes are under no obligation to wear footwear that you find sexually attractive. She probably wears crocs because she's just going to class and wants to be comfortable, and doesn't care about making sure she looks appealing to some random perverted footfag sitting next to her.

>> No.23199445

Don't chuds want to protect the status quo? They are literally traditionalists

>> No.23199448

At what point do you look around and see a traditional society? Do you live in Afghanistan?

>> No.23199460

>chuds are traditionalists
Not by choice. If fact they hate it but no other group will accept them.

>> No.23199463

Restoring the old status quo isn't really challenging much

>> No.23199467

ugly men can only be oofy doofies or criminals

>> No.23199474

Davil Rashanelle sat in the front seat of her vaporwave miyada, cruisin down the highway with her hair down. Dressed up all dandy in a sparkly new (and now rock solid) relationship. Red cap gone black with rain. yeah, that’s her. Been there, done that. She forgave him like he forgave her. Simply thinking about milking her main man’s man meat for his man chowder, like the mustard dispenser from the convenience store where he worked, brought a frothiness to Devil’s loins that doubled her vision. The heavy rain displaced by her vaporwave car’s wiper blades were like her main man’s man meat spraying man chowder all over her. Davil couldn’t help but moan, and her eyes closed, and the wheel turned. Her car penetrated the outer walls of the gas station, consuming Davil in warm goo.

>> No.23199479

What the fuck is an oofy doofie?

>> No.23199480

Yes, I killed somewhere between three to five people, or at least shot them along with five other guys. One for sure. I don't know man, I don't feel anything about it.

>> No.23199495

>Women don't exist
Stopped reading there. I 100% agree with you.

>> No.23199496

very kino

>> No.23199503

my cock is beautiful. long and well proportioned. a pink big head to lick and kiss, veins for days, made for sitting on it, slow or fast. hoes cant wait to sit down on it, possesed by the desire to reach the pubic bone even if it hurts. im just a gift for the women of this world (that im welcome to)

>> No.23199539

Such nice cock ...why do you want to waste it on women? Men have much tighter boipuccies, your cock will appriacate it.

>> No.23199543

Why do people use vaseline to fap? I thought the sexual stimulus is mainly caused by the amount of friction on the erogonous area. Vaseline reduces the friction.

>> No.23199578

How quickly can quicksand kill someone? Where praytell, would I find some that is 8 feet deep?

>> No.23199619

>You are not going to starve by sitting on a toilet for one day or even five days.
>The excerpt is fairly well-written but it's not believable in the least. How to talk? First friend at 18? Never made a friend after that? Attempted suicide a week later? Yeah... right.
>Don't be so dramatic. If you're going to describe a certain kind of character you have to spend a hell of a lot more time making us believe this kind of person is even possible. Even less plausible is that this person who is ostensibly uneducated and doesn't know how to talk is the POV narrator writing phrases like "utterly disinteresting commercial blah blah blah..."
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.23199627

lol those are cutfags with mutilated cocks, they need a lubricant to fap because they lack foreskin. No foreskin means it's all dried out with no elasticity left therefore they have to use lubricant and their hand in gliding motion to simulate normal elastic skin movement over the penis, on their mutilated cock.

>> No.23199634

>Quicksand may be escaped by slow movement of the legs in order to increase viscosity of the fluid, and rotation of the body so as to float in the supine position (lying horizontally with the face and torso facing up).
minecraft players will be able to get out, bro

>> No.23199644

>jews make circumcision the common practice in their host nation (US)
>the people of the US produce media surrounding this topic
>the meme replicates
it's a meme produced by a nation that has taken up Jewish practices because people with foreskins don't need lube or lotion to wack it.

>> No.23199653

the more we are exposed to things, the less sensitive we are to them.

>> No.23199668 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 1004x1236, 1706588804850433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... Is this a psychological Rorschach test?

>> No.23199674

fucking your hand/onahole dry is unthinkable, it's just better with lube. preferably water-based for easier clean up and for no damage to the instrument
and i type this with my uncut schlong

>> No.23199690

I'm not a fascist but I honestly find them fascinating and enjoy their writings.
If you can recommend good fascist stuff I'd like it
It doesn't have to be a philosophical treatise or be necessarily about fascism

>> No.23199693

Fucking and faping are two different things. In real fucking wetness of the vagina provides lubrication, if you are "fucking" some plastic sex toy then yes, you need lube for that.

>> No.23199707
File: 1.94 MB, 970x1322, rat in a cage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually getting diagnosed with autism (for real this time). I thought people would contest it, but I told my sibling and my only close friend, and they got teary-eyed and said they've always thought that... I think I can live with myself a little better now. There's less pressure to excel. I can be retarded, chew on my blanket, collect anime figures, isolate myself, and read/research whatever the fuck I want, regardless of merit. I'm retarded!!!!!

>> No.23199724

See if you can get one of those bear hug chairs

>> No.23199739

the absolute horror of trying to get hired as a socially-retarded autist...
i hope you get NEET bucks, bro

>> No.23199745

Why are you socially retarded? Like nigga, just talk to people lol

>> No.23199754

I've been posting in this damn general just about every day for the past 3 years
I'm not a footfag. I'm a bootfag. Feet are so lame.
>Women don't exist to please you
Don't know about that one senpai

>> No.23199778
File: 66 KB, 640x480, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons. I mask too heavily so no one detects it in my adult life. By the time I'm home, I'm physically disabled by the fatigue of having maintained the mask all day. They originally diagnosed me with depression, but now it's mainly "autistic burnout," where you don't lose interest or pleasure in things; you're just too mentally drained to pursue anything after frying your brain larping all day. I'll probably finish my graduate degree, then live in a van and find remote work...I can't keep doing this.

>> No.23199785

You're braver than me. I'm too terrified of any diagnosis. I'm just going to keep spiraling down forever

>> No.23199789
File: 349 KB, 1977x907, scathingcritique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, i made a comic

>> No.23199801

Where is the panel where he eats shampoo?

>> No.23199835

diagnosis as an adult is nearly pointless. I'm only going through with it because people beyond direct family would never believe me (but continue to think I'm strange and hyper-fixated), and I have the financial means
>I'm just going to keep spiraling down forever
There's really no resources for us :( The degree I'm pursuing would allow me to do biomedical research on ASD. I want to do it for the betterment of us spergs, but I'd have to keep gaslighting myself to survive in academia/medicine.

>> No.23199839

Spent the past few days getting flashbacks of my last workplace, which I was supposed to have forgotten all about. My fucking dipshit boss who loaded all of his work onto me, preferring to spend his time talking to his fellow faggots about cocks or whatever. Some other bullshit that he pulled on me was
-making me carry eggs over to him from HR, who were all the way over at the top floor, every single week
-go shopping for him, after a while he even started working out and forced me to buy him his shitty sugary protein drinks
-some other shit, which I can't remember right now
Only good thing here is that despite working in a leading position the fucker got paid minimum wage. On the other side though, he got born into a shitton of wealth so he's literally only "working" because he hates his wife and doesn't want to be home.
There was also some other dipshit, who managed the inventory or whatever. He would sit in his office all day, blasting music through the speakers, cuss out everybody he sees, and he would go around slamming and kicking doors open like a fucking psycho. The first time I met him he started yelling like crazy, asking who the fuck I am and throwing something at me. As you may expect I was a bit too surprised to give a proper fucking answer, not that he wanted one. There were two people with their offices right next to his, both good people, and I feel bad knowing that even to this day they're there sitting, doing their jobs while this nigger blasts his shitty music right next door. Now that I think about it, that whole fucking workplace was just really strange. Bunch of freaks.

>> No.23199843

I like fascism that isn't based on race or gender because they get more esoteric and interesting

>> No.23199865

It's fine just try not to post relationship/women/coomer nonsense.

>> No.23199891

Stop equating these things

>> No.23199900
File: 64 KB, 511x683, 0_vXp3OkmH2j4Lqbg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy this is my favorite place on the internet.

>> No.23199918
File: 81 KB, 714x771, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pride had reinforced his native laziness - the pride of an able man who is not quite able enough, of an admirer of great achievements who realizes that he lacks the talent to do original work and who will not humiliate himself by what he knows will be an unsuccessful attempt to create, or by stooping, however successfully, to some easier task.
that is literally me

>> No.23199956

I am merely writing what's on my mind

>> No.23199957


>> No.23199963

Don't write any nonsense about women/relationship/cooming. If you have nothing else your mind just don't write anything then.

>> No.23199971

What is wrong with you

>> No.23199973

What are you, a wannabe jannie? I'll write whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.23199974

Thread would be better without all the doomer and coomer crap

>> No.23199976

It's funny how the lived experiences of some people can be so foreign to those of others that they are simply unbelievable. The first time that I ever spoke to a psychiatrist demonstrated this. I guess the unbelievability is its own blessing, in a way.

>> No.23199983

Got a new monitor. A while back I was shocked by the realization that it would reflect my face on itself, which is something that hasn't happened to me for a very long time now, since the monitor that I've been using for the past few years...did not do that. I don't know why that was the case with it. I wish this new one was like it, I do not want to be gazing on the beautiful smile of some anime girl or another, only to suddenly see my ugly ass troll face reflect upon her. Sometimes I wish that wearing masks was normal.

>> No.23199994

This is /lit/ . If you want to post women/relationship/coomer nonsense go to a different board.

>> No.23199997

Just buy a non reflective (matte) screen protector

>> No.23200000


>> No.23200003

Stop equating these things

>> No.23200011

have you tried being pretty?

>> No.23200023
File: 47 KB, 320x293, Lioness silver eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life's not the story of a great man. I'm not someone who stands out from the rest, in fact, I'm struggling to meet eye-to-eye with the common man. On every regard I'm just not good at all, not enough, barely escaping neetdom.
My life's a big tragedy, it's the tale of what could have been had I not been addicted to the lamest fucking thing. Or did the government make an experiment on me? Was I born this way or did someone make me into this? Is every day preordained or did I really fucked up this bad?
My cock is not what it used to be. It hurts a lot when I pull on it. It gets sores after a short session. My right hand is very creaky, it hurts when I hold a pencil. My eyesight is saying goodbye, my body hurting every day a little more and my mind has turned to mush. I feel like a walking corpse.
For more than half of my god damned life I've stared at screens. I've consumed so much pornography whenever I think about it it makes me want to die. I haven't reached the bottom yet, but you'll know when you hear the splat.
I got no talents at all, can't draw can't write can't sing. Never touched a woman in my life, even though I've seen more pussies than my entire bloodline. I can hardly hold down a job, everything feels to scary for me. I just feel so outmatched and so overcome by everything and everyone else.
If I go a couple of days trying not to think of big colorful tits my entire body starts to hurt and my mind demands some more of that same poison that has turned my life into a big fucking joke. Every day there's a war between jerking off and doing anything else, but it's so hard to focus when your pp tingles this hard.
I'm not half the man I could've been. I'm a fucking paranoid weakling porn addict. A victim of society? I was born with everything to be happy except a fucking brain!
And tomorrow will be the same. I'm stuck with this body and face, with this name and all its disgrace. I live with the knowledge that I have wasted so much time and that whatever lies ahead might as well be a consolation price. Uphill battle into nowhere, but it's either that or fucking my hand until my dick gets cancer.
Pornography lives in my brain, it defines my whole being. There is not a single fucking day in which it doesn't take center stage as the worst that's ever happened to me or as the only real pleasure that exists. I've become my own worst enemy.
I will never be anyone. At best the guy who managed to not be a fucking porn addict, but little more than that. Sometimes I really want to die.

>> No.23200026


>> No.23200040
File: 203 KB, 1877x1258, Untitled44124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23200042

I seriously want to wipe my memory and become an amnesiac and start over.

>> No.23200055
File: 49 KB, 662x499, 4zsrgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as a Burger with predominantly English and Scottish background, am I really the bad guy?

>> No.23200056

You're scaring the hoes.

>> No.23200058

It's okay anon... You have shared your story, I listened.

>> No.23200061

They're anti smoking, fuck em

>> No.23200066

You're just finding this out now?

>> No.23200079

What a buffoon

>> No.23200083

Actually they do and I'll use violence to prove that

>> No.23200085

Social skills are too important and highly overrated as a skillset. People should just try to less offended. Being offended is a choice.

>> No.23200086

NTA but Who gives a shit

>> No.23200090

Idk how close is the nearest Portuguese?

>> No.23200102

No her point is that people are fundamentally the same everywhere--same underlying drives, same desires,
There is cultural and political variation--different, but the real underlying drives don't really change
Maybe you don't believe that
Such a belief in a universal shared humanity tends to either be rooted in religious belief or in the belief that biological drives are pre-eminent above culture. Culture is just window dressing
But regardless of the source of the belief, the idea is basically that people are the same everywhere

>> No.23200109

I'm going to increase the amount of coomer posts I make just to spite you

>> No.23200125

Gonna change the gender on my sate ID to X (unspecified) once I get around to it

>> No.23200132

previously twitter

>> No.23200136
File: 1.98 MB, 190x190, 1568008272520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23200142


>> No.23200146

All Lives Matter is considered racist because, when you generalize, the mind tends to snap to the normative. Ergo "All Lives Matter" really means "Only White Male Lives Matter."

>> No.23200158

My birthday was several days ago. It passed by the same as everything
I can't say I've grown as a person. I just drift from job to job, and from place to place never making lasting connection
I haven't been able to find any place i could call home. Everywhere I go i feel like an alien. My name doesn't sound like a real name, at least not an American one. I don't know who I am.
The past two years have felt grotesque, unreal.
I briefly worked in a fish lab. I would breed the brine shrimp to be fed to all the fish. We would mix it with fish flakes into a sludge paste. There were different breeds genetically engineered. The lab was humid, and i would come home reeking of brine shrimp.
When I graduated i couldn't find a job. I got into a conservation job in a small town. Walking through fields from 5am to 5pm digging up weeds
Every morning i woke up to the sound of cows. The ranchhouse I lived in was surrounded by farms. There was a stray cat i liked to let in and feed bits of bread much to the annoyance of my roommate
Same as anywhere I was unable to connect with anyone and quickly ended up alienated and alone
Then i was kicked out. Women always have a problem with me for reasons I don't understand. She didn't like me, thought i was dangerous.
for a period of 3-4 months I just lived out of my car driving aimlessly all around the southwest.
Looking back i remember that time positively despite the fact that several times i thought about driving my car off a cliff
I lived like an animal. Remembering makes me cringe. I don't know why i chose to live like that.
I cringe at the thought of my next family meeting and having to explain what i was doing.
I'm not sure how to move past everything besides trying to forget.
I want connection but hate it in reality. I tried visiting a whore but i felt nothing.
I can't seem to feel anything anymore

>> No.23200170

Live in the city and have a social life or live in the country and buy a big house and a truck?

>> No.23200177

Why can't you have a social life in the country? The people there are very kind.

>> No.23200179

First paragraph good rest is coal.

>> No.23200183

funny, laughed

>> No.23200186

the american country isnt very sociable to be honest and everyones going to be old which doesnt make invalidate speaking with them but it does kill some avenues if i just have nobody my age to be around

>> No.23200187

:-( my vibes are totally effed 4evr...

>> No.23200188

There’s nobody here. Everyone is a senior citizen or a child.

>> No.23200189

What makes the rest coal? General syntactical issues and word choices?

>> No.23200192

So he meant to say sex life and not social life. Got it.

>> No.23200194

what the fuck?

>> No.23200200

What? He could have a social life with a sparse number of old people and children. What he wants are people his age, because he wants to find mates, because he wants sex.

>> No.23200202

sometimes people like socializing with their peers/age group anon, very projected take. desiring a sex life isnt bad either

>> No.23200203

you're actually deranged, fuck talking to you. i hope that guy can choose his best life.

>> No.23200204

Lemme send you sum good vibes hold on >_<

>> No.23200210

Calm your tits

And why do you think people like this? Hm?

>> No.23200218

You could call it facistating

>> No.23200222
File: 46 KB, 408x630, 9780415389556_p0_v2_s1200x630-438266802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This except unrionically

>> No.23200224

>And why do you think people like this? Hm?
Because it's going to be hard talking about Elden Ring and Solo Leveling or whatever people do these days with a 60 year old or a 15 year old. People in your age range tend to have similar interests. Maybe OP doesn't want to be the only 30 year old in a group of seniors discussing the Brady Bunch or the only adult in a group of teens discussing Skibidi toilet??

>> No.23200250

My muscles are perpetually tense, my heart won't slow down, I feel like a tornado ripped through my chest and I just can't feel it yet. Like my chest is hollow. I'm rushing everything or slowed to a crawl. I fled from my old life without telling anyone, and now I'm willing to fight for this something that hasn't come to fruition yet. I wanted an escape, I got it, and now I'm pacing around alone, going insane in my bedroom. I miss the sun, but I know true warmth is within me. These external influences that constructed my reality were the only thing standing my corpse upright. I existed as a zombie for years, only now do I feel alive but I am absolutely terrified.

>> No.23200273

Nothing out there in this world more painful than having to retreat to your parents house and spend your days there, dealing with the old spergs on a daily basis.

>> No.23200285

>Canadian copyright: author's life + 50 years
>US copyright: author's life + 70 years
land of the free everybody

>> No.23200296

Can’t sleep. Can never sleep anymore. It’s been months since I had even a mediocre night of sleep.

>> No.23200311

Think of it this way: You could also have ball cancer. Boom! Insta morale booster
Also, don't kill yourself, you'll reincarnate into an Indian. Always think to yourself "thank god I'm A. Not Indian and 2. Don't have ball cancer

>> No.23200314

Unless you're Indian then you might get ball cancer.

>> No.23200322

I’ve noticed most of the younger guys in my office sound like fags

>> No.23200329

I want to start running but I think I’m too heavy to do it injury free.

>> No.23200359

>download a picture that the site says is 2.9 MB
>the downloaded picture is 1.7 MB
Wha happun?

>> No.23200385

walking is healthy. healthier, even. the only way to lose weight is to diet.
diet + walk is all you need

>> No.23200387

it's wrong of me to think that all gay men are horny and depraved?

>> No.23200396
File: 534 KB, 640x636, 1684902837825681.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working on my master's thesis
>thesis advisor says I've finally edited it to his satisfaction
>free to send it to my secondary reader
>encourages me to get something published related to the thesis in an academic journal
>called my ideas "powerful" in a phone call the other day

I'm going to do it, /lit/bros. Combined with the advances I'm making as a poet and a prose writer, too, I'd say that within the next decade I'm going to emerge as a major literary and cultural figure. I can feel things swelling, I can feel the course of things moving in a positive direction for me. I have not hit my peak and I can feel things coming together for me to be a big deal, maybe even internationally renowned.

Basically: I'm gonna make it. I feel it.

>> No.23200405

Youre a delusional narcissist. Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.23200411

you are going to be waiting tables before being drafted

>> No.23200432

Walking is good. I've started going out for more walks lately. If you walk more you lose weight and exercise is less arduous. Godspeed anons.

>> No.23200447


>> No.23200450

Powerful ideas. Share some then.

>> No.23200456

which version of hamlet should i watch?

>> No.23200464
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Wonderful Precure! - 06 (1080p) [CE9EA238].mkv_snapshot_19.27_[2024.03.09_22.47.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last summer I signed up for a TEFL certification program and I've done everything except the practicum - 20 hours only, but me being the giant coward that I am haven't sent emails out yet to try and find a place to complete it. I could have done it at my university, probably still will, but I'm going to graduate in a couple weeks and now I don't really know what to do. I'm going to do the practicum, otherwise I'll have wasted 2k on taking it. But had I gotten it done already I'd be able to go teach overseas as early as next month...

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, I've been making shit up as I've gone since stopping being a NEET in 2018. I never actually thought I'd get to the point I'd be on the verge of graduating university at 28 years old and being able to go out and actually live. Anxiety and fear of social interaction still runs rampant within me but even then I know there's nothing to be afraid of but I still am. There is so much I could have done and can still do but the only limiting factor in my life is myself. Fuck man, I can't even go get a haircut because the idea of sitting with the hair dresser for 15 minutes makes me want to kill myself.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.23200465

A few years ago I used to partake in
posting. Now I’ve realised that I’m too mentally screwed up for any self-respecting woman to want to be with me. It was always for the better. God knows what He’s doing.

>> No.23200472

I think I'm getting into this mindset as well, whether it be by choice or not. I can't even imagine myself with a girl anymore, not without feeling shame.

>> No.23200478

>not without feeling shame
Yep. I’ll feel like I’m deceiving the poor girl into thinking I’m something that I’m not. I’m more than capable of making a good impression and maintaining that for a few months. Beyond that, my anger, insecurity and neuroticism will inevitably shine through. A woman worth her salt shouldn’t have to deal with that

>> No.23200492

To write is to communicate, to say something, but I haven't asked myself what I intend to say. Does it matter what I write if I write it beautifully?

>> No.23200526

going by their last podcast, dasha desperately wants to play the mc in an adaptation of moshfegh's year of rest and relaxation. I'd probably watch but not pay for it, at least till after dasha got her tits out. iirc, there's no need for that based on the book, but come on, they're alright.

>> No.23200530


>> No.23200531

Gonna stop showering & washing my hands now that I know soap is gay

>> No.23200540

cialis is a godsend

>> No.23200542

what is unconditional love? does it make sense to love someone unconditionally?
does God love unconditionally?

>> No.23200544

I feel this way sometimes but there are plenty of wackos doing just fine with women. They cheat on their wives/girlfriends. They beat them. They have insane fetishes. They're fat. They're rude. They're ugly. But they still do just fine. Not me though. It's really hard to come to terms with the fact that people perceive me to be worse than a fat, dumb, ugly wife beater. I guess I just need to eventually accept that's just the truth of the matter. tfw no gf...

>> No.23200551

>They cheat on their wives/girlfriends. They beat them. They have insane fetishes. They're fat. They're rude. They're ugly
have you tried any of that?

>> No.23200553

Never managed to get a girlfriend to beat or yell at. If they would just give me a chance I could rough them up pretty good!

>> No.23200554

>I feel this way sometimes but there are plenty of wackos doing just fine with women
Those are women with poor judgement or men who don't feel shame. At the end of the day, I know what I am. I desire a good woman but I'm not a good man. I will not settle for a bad woman so therefore it's better that I remain single. A relationship will exacerbate my worst traits.
>does God love unconditionally?
He's the only one Who loves unconditionally.
>what is unconditional love?
>does it make sense to love someone unconditionally?
St Paul speaks about 1 Corinthians.
>Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.

>> No.23200556


>> No.23200558

This is my favourite Greek song:

>> No.23200561

>Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.
what does he mean by this? i don't understand...

>> No.23200564

meant to reply to >>23200554

>> No.23200565

Love conquers all of these things. Nothing can stand in it's way.

>> No.23200569

The short answer is that the gifts of the Holy Spirit such as prophesying are for this age while we live in the world as children. However, the love we will experience in the eschaton is complete and atemporal. The long answer is in St John Chrysostom's exegesis of the passage here: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/220133.htm

>> No.23200571

i think it's also saying something about how it's intangible too. I wouldn't say it's so much that it conquers those things, but that it transcends them.

>> No.23200572

I’ll get moments where I feel I may be salvageable. Life could not possibly be this bad. Not for someone like me. I question why I’m so failed, maybe I’m to be miserable. I feel like I’m being punished. But why must grief stick itself to me in the process

>> No.23200576

Oh, I see. I have a lot of trouble understanding the language of the bible, so thanks for both posting and clarifying that passage. I should really read the bible. I'm going to read through the link you posted now.

>> No.23200577

The Demiurge is sabotaging you for reasons beyond human comprehension.

>> No.23200594

is the opposite of innocence corruption or wisdom?
man has free will; can he choose innocence?

>> No.23200621

Fuck man 3 job rejections in 24 hours
It’s tough taking so many hits back to back

I have like 4 yoe at a major tech company, idk what’s missing

>> No.23200624

Its just a gacha mate, don't mind it and just keep pulling until you get one.

>> No.23200627

thanks bro, it just really sucks the energy outta ya

i even stopped using dating apps lol, i can’t handle continuous rejections on all these fronts

>> No.23200636


I'm not kidding though, I fucking love reading, I'm so glad I found this board.

>> No.23200650

Whatcha readin?

>> No.23200652

i'm glad you're enjoying yourself, anon. you should read crime and punishment if you haven't already; when i was first starting to get into reading, it opened my eyes to what literature as an artform was capable of.
Oliver Ready's translation is the best imo

>> No.23200653

absolute chad

>> No.23200654

Normie shit, Fairy Tale by King.

>> No.23200656

action paralysis will be the death of me. no idea what to do with myself.

>> No.23200657

Is there a PDF for this version?

>> No.23200667

i'm sure there's one out there, but i couldn't find it easily so i bought it

>> No.23200676

I imagine in another life I would have been a political speechwriter. Would I be insane to practice writing such speeches anyway? Seems like a fun thing to do, and, while not fiction or poetry, still a good way to work on the craft of writing.

>> No.23200693

Where do I find a /lit/ girl? I don't want to marry someone who hasn't even read LOTR!

>> No.23200697

libgen it

>> No.23200702

Best Conrad to read after the Nigger of the Narcissus?
I've already read Nostromo and Lord Jim.

>> No.23200703

What are the differences between all the translations?

>> No.23200705

I get that but you need to stop being a pussy

>> No.23200708

How is that a problem? Just find a kid or old fart to fuck

>> No.23200709

Extremely remote

>> No.23200713

There are a lot of them, but I've only read those by Oliver Ready and Pevear + Volokhonsky. The P&V translation is autistically faithful to the original Russian to the point of (sometimes) making no sense. Perhaps useful for academics, but for the average reader it is very awkward.
I found Ready's translation to be far more easily understood and natural-seeming.

>> No.23200721

Just had a meal, now having a coffee. Somehow this combination always manages to knock me out for a good two hours, my body finds enjoyment in its internal management and busies itself with it, while I'm stuck with mainly laying on my ass, waiting for my body to finish and boot back up.
>Would I be insane to practice writing such speeches anyway?
Not at all, no. I'm not sure why you'd even ask. If you can see yourself doing it and having fun, why not do it?

>> No.23200728

Dostoyevsky is just awkward to read in general. His dialogue is terrible. I've read many P&V translations of other Russian writers and they read fine.

>> No.23200734
File: 165 KB, 820x713, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's chill as fuck, bros, I think I've got a good homie in the making.

>> No.23200735

The cosmic joke is that its both my man.

>> No.23200739

Wisdom comes with life experience so in a way a man could chose innocence if he choses not to experience life. Though only to a certain extent if he doesn't kill himself. Survival requires a minimum amount of interaction with life that will take away some innocence.

>> No.23200749

Yeah but only because you have specifically targeted gay men in this assessment. All men are horny and depraved. In a way you aren't saying anything at all.

>> No.23200751

years ago i had such a brutal experience reading their translation of Demons that i swore to never read another P&V (despite having already read all of dosto's other works translated by them, except TBK)
i have a copy of their War and Peace lying around but i'm considering buying a different translation. have you read it? if so, is it good enough or should i go with another translator?

>> No.23200753

You could have no retreat my man. Have some perspective. Sorry you don't care for your parents company though. I know how that is.

>> No.23200756

>a man could chose innocence if he choses not to experience life. Though only to a certain extent if he doesn't kill himself.
interesting, very interesting

>> No.23200781

I read the Maude W&P but I've read the P&V Anna Karenina and the Vintage Ivan Ilyich book. Briggs' Resurrection. McDuff's Cossacks. Wilks' How Much Land Does a Man Need? Hogarth's Childhood, Boyhood, Youth. They all feel like Tolstoy and are not at all awkward. I've read P&V's Crime and Punishment and the Garnett translation of some of Dostoevsky's short stories. I firmly believe that Dostoevsky is the problem, not the translators. I've also read all of P&V's Chekov translations and they were fine. I don't have anything to compare the Chekov against, however.

>> No.23200789

There are some differences between translations but I would say they are inconsequential. Maude translates Denisov's speech impediment differently to P&V in War and Peace. Maude editions also come with terrible footnotes for the extensive French dialogue. Be prepared to learn a bit of French.

>> No.23200800

Alright, thanks for the input; I'll give it whirl and feel it out.
>Maude editions also come with terrible footnotes for the extensive French dialogue. Be prepared to learn a bit of French.
The French dialogue is rather intimidating for me. To clarify, do you mean to say the Maude footnotes are terrible because they are so plentiful (on account of the plentiful French dialogue) and thus annoying, or that they are terrible because they do a poor job of translating the French text?

>> No.23200812

They translate some of it, and only once. Usually long complicated sentences are translated fully but shorter ones get translated the first time and after that they expect you to remember what the words mean. It's usually something like "Hello my dear, how are you? Good?" so it's not too bad if you aren't retarded. You'll have a worse time remember the different character's names if you're really that dumb.

>> No.23200813


>> No.23200821

I see. Ok thanks

>> No.23200823
File: 23 KB, 220x326, Art of the Deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling all business and economics nerds, is this a good book?

>> No.23200876

Yes. You should buy two copies.
t. Multimillionaire economicsman

>> No.23200958

There are better books about Deals, find a serious one.
Also there are diferents types of Deals. e.g. M&A Deal =/= VC Deal.
A "Deal" can take various forms/nature of the contract.
That world is a combination of finance + legal stuff.

>> No.23201027

Should I be taking more photos of myself and random shit so I can look back on it when I'm old? I'm only 21 so I haven't missed a bunch of opportunities but still.

>> No.23201070

What a shit universe this is

>> No.23201084

Don't you think innocence comes from action, not knowledge? You're "innocent" of a crime because you haven't done it.

>> No.23201087

You're letting it stick. That's what depression is, anon.

>> No.23201091

>Paul to Corinthians
Reminder that love in that context is divine love

>> No.23201094

Olivier, it's basically perfect.

>> No.23201097

same, and i think i'm too used to being alone anyway

>> No.23201100

Crime is subjective and depends on context, therefore innocence is also subjective.

>> No.23201108

>I'm so glad I found this board.
i would not hesitate to send half this board directly into the sun

>> No.23201121

Same, I still appreciate it though.

>> No.23201129

yes, and you should think about getting them printed too
we don't have that many photos on display in our house, but i wish i did

>> No.23201226

>normie authors
No such thing. Normies doomscroll on Chinese clock app too much to actually read

>> No.23201243

the other ones are worse
t. i love to travel

>> No.23201261

a dutchman

>> No.23201282

I should shower and shave and make myself presentable to the masses

>> No.23201293


>> No.23201310

Thinking a lot about courtesy and it's making me sad

>> No.23201831 [DELETED] 

>You're "innocent" of a crime because you haven't done it.
In the legal sense of the word, yes—one is innocent when one is not guilty—but I'm referring to the other sense of the word: the innocence of children who have not yet seen wickedness.
>Don't you think innocence comes from action, not knowledge?
When I was around five, my mom left me to watch TV while she did something in another room. I had grown bored with my cartoons and decided to flip to a random channel. I flipped through many channels before stopping at a scene of a man looking at himself through a mirror. Suddenly, he grabbed his face by the loose skin of his cheeks and began tearing handfuls of bleeding flesh from his skull, exposing the bare bone beneath. I quickly ran out of the room in a crying flurry of abject horror. My five-year-old brain felt that every ounce of my innocence had been eviscerated.
I was a passive observer; I didn't perform any particular action, let alone commit a crime. The screen simply showed me new information, yet this alone was enough to destroy my innocence.

>> No.23202022

Why is it making you sad?

>> No.23202650

Right, which is the model on which all love is based

>> No.23203084


It's a steaming pile of shit.