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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 268 KB, 1080x1004, Goonlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23198056 No.23198056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that women only read more than men because it's their primary form of goon consumption.

>> No.23198069

Twitter will destroy humanity. I'm 99% sure of this.

>> No.23198071

My wife exclusively reads that fairy smut romance that's becoming so popular, ACoTaR et al., but when she found out a Twitter account I follow posts historical nudes she told me she was uncomfortable with it.

This is now a "What the fuck is wrong with women" thread.

What the fuck is wrong with women?

>> No.23198077

>pop literature is a low iq hobby
who could've guessed?

>> No.23198078

The more surely and wholly mankind is able to fulfill its impulses, the more quickly it destroys itself.

Twitter is just an accelerator for the eschaton.

>> No.23198093

Lol, I have my goon content pulled up in another tab.

>> No.23198095

the female coomer, many such cases

>> No.23198103

Women and children get lumped together for a reason.

>> No.23198118

"romance" books for women are just porn. are you just now figuring that out? its been an open secret for decades.
the female experience of sexuality is different from the male experience -- its intellectual. its about ideas and thought and less about the physical.

>> No.23198129

She has a Master's degree and she still wonders why she's getting so moody once-a-month and I have to pretend like I don't know and she has me manage the finances because they make her 'anxy.' It's like David Copperfield's child-bride, I swear.

I used to think the "most women are basically children" thing was a meme, but I've been married for almost ten years and it has been an education.

>> No.23198135

It used to be common to attribute these moody phases to menstruation. Now it's taboo apparently because muh misogyny.

>> No.23198154

I frankly agree that women should be empowered within our society because they're such important stakeholders, but I feel like it's a bad idea to ignore biological and objectively observable reality in order to, I don't know, save feelings? Combat prejudice? What? I feel like if I were a woman I would probably fight passionately for cultural position and the recognition of power, but I would do it FROM the parts of my experience that are unique, my emotionality included, not deny it.

Unless, of course, that level of self-reflection actually is more difficult for them.

I don't want to be a sexist, I swear.

>> No.23198158

There was an episode of the fucking Office about this.

Each generation must discover the world anew, it seems.

>> No.23198175

Imagine the smell

Pam is lowkey thick pawg
Source: Red carpet photos
Chad blue collar Roy had her first
Beta Jim office puke sloppy seconds

>> No.23198180

you already write like a sensitive faggot so don't worry too much

>> No.23198184

iterature has always been a female entertainment, even before the atheist revolutions.
With the british, american, french revolutions the bourgeois took power and they developed the entertainment industry to the max. So now literature is the slop of sex and crime stories and fake introspection targeted to women, written by jews and bourgeois and now women.
You have to understand that bourgeois, jews and women share the same intellect, ie being deeply addicted to sex, being deeply hysterical, and being deeply addicted to virtue signaling during the day to fill their empty daily life full of boredom before going to orgies at night.

This is why all the books have been about sex for the last 2 centuries. Think of atheist like stepehn kings and houellebecq

>> No.23198190

Sex is the only thing women tend to have better taste in than men. The fact that men treat it just as an itch to be scratched is kind of based because it shows how much they really don't care about it compared to women, though this also causes them to become whoremongers with no standards. Women, on the other hand, treat the erotic as an art. Aristocratic courtship is more laborious, but the payoff is so much sweeter.

>> No.23198199

>suggest women have the minds of children but that children deserve respect as well
>"sensitive faggot"

Tell me, does it exhaust you as much as those around you to carry the burden of your stupidity, or does the load seem light to you?

>> No.23198206

Children may deserve respect but they shouldn't be in positions of power.

>> No.23198207

Look at all these sad faggots postulating on the nature of women. Mixing up facts and fancy, some things never change. Have fun in your circle jerk, guys.

>> No.23198209

It’s ok when fictional chad does it, not when her beta husband does.

>> No.23198211

>Mixing up facts and fancy, some things never change.
Set the record straight, then.

>> No.23198214

Because fiction is different from actual photographs.

>> No.23198219

Thanks for being so above it you haughty fag

>> No.23198221

Recognition of power =/= Occupation of position of power.

Chose those words carefully.

>> No.23198224
File: 50 KB, 720x730, 1708461241850656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are women capable of thinking of things beyond their vaginas and relationships dramas?

>> No.23198230

>"I frankly agree that women should be empowered within our society"
empower (verb): give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

>> No.23198232

The difference is historical nudes are artistic and not arousing whereas her smut books are porn fantasizing about fucking other people?
Right? That’s what you meant surely? No? Could it be that man bad, woman good? Stunning and brave retort.

>> No.23198238

I wouldn't want to be on the side of some silly woman but what you (or some other guy) posted (>>23198071) isn't particularly hypocritical on the woman's part.

>> No.23198239

Who fucking cares? Every day with this shit. "Women, women, women." Go read a book, retard.

>> No.23198240

>children deserve respect as well
i never claimed that, children should be disciplined first, respect assumes responsibility

>> No.23198246

can someone explain what it means when they have the watermelon in the name

>> No.23198249
File: 254 KB, 961x759, 1451329118303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to print your wells until you're looking onto my sheets

>> No.23198254

A dictionary is the last resort of an exhausted imagination.

If you really don't recognize a difference between empowering someone and putting someone in a position of power, I don't know what to tell you. I can empower my dog by letting him choose when he eats. Him licking his asshole is not an elected position.

>> No.23198261

Tons of women watch porn. It's really sad.

>> No.23198263

It's a pro-Palestine symbol. Don't know why, never bothered to find out.

>> No.23198266
File: 43 KB, 1200x630, IMG_3773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criminals, billionaires, and vampires

>> No.23198267

Because it has the same colors as the Palestine flag: red, green and black.

>> No.23198272

And white, too.

>> No.23198274

I enjoy looking at nude women and I enjoy the aesthetics of classical art. That's it.

I feel like this is less 'problematic' in the context of our relationship than her enjoying the vicarious experience of reading reader-insert characters fucking muscular elves.

>> No.23198275


>> No.23198277

You mistake elected positions with positions of power. Either someone has power or he hasn't. There's no "recognition of power" without actually having power.

>> No.23198280

>The fact that men treat it just as an itch to be scratched is kind of based because it shows how much they really don't care about it compared to women
Men treat sex as an itch to be scratched because that is what it is to us. The pleasure and associated (very) vaguely esthetic feelings are a secondary bonus, men would coom and desire to coom about as often if it was slightly painful instead, and most men find sex mildly disgusting if you force them to watch it after cooming. The primary motivation is to not be horny anymore.

>> No.23198279

I've learned something against my will today.

>> No.23198281

Oy vey

>> No.23198299

I will say that watching Jewish people on social media accuse watermelon emojis of being 'like the holocaust' is pretty fucking funny.

>> No.23198303
File: 43 KB, 564x564, Nerdy guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female experience of sexuality is different from the male experience -- its intellectual. its about ideas and thought and less about the physical.
Strange then how a tall, handsome, ripped but retarded frat boy stimulates the female neuron far more often than a short, frumpy, fat, but brilliant PhD graduate. Strange too how the male characters in the type of books featured in OP's pic all feature men who are described in explicit detail as extremely attractive eye candy for the female gaze.

And this isn't me pushing some incel blackpill philosophy that "only tall chads get pussy" and that regular or even below-average-looking dudes can't get GFs. That's retarded. But equally retarded is this idea that the average woman is some sapiosexual creature who needs an IQ of at least 120 to get them wet. Women like handsome faces and nice abs just as much as men like pretty faces and nice tits. Simple as.

>> No.23198306

Tinder and and prostitution and porn speak the truth.
Porn has nothing to do with abuse, contrary to the atheist propaganda. And another thing atheists push for is ''sex is about power''

Yes women love to be fucked by Max Hardcore, James Deen, Pierre Woodman. Women love amateur porn. Women love to be filmed having sex.
Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''rings her bell''

Women don't give a shit about long-term relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad and free of charge.

>> No.23198322

Me on the lower right corner

>> No.23198330

That's an ugly fag on the upper right corner. Literally a chudjak lmao nice try chuddies

>> No.23198372

>Women don't give a shit about long-term relationships.
Even in this day and age of coercive mass transfer of wealth from men to women by the government, plus affirmative actions and bullshit jobs, women still care very much about betabux. It might not be what you had in mind but betabuxxing is a long term relationship. Perhaps you are young, women only start really caring about it in their late 20s.

>> No.23198396
File: 146 KB, 1019x1090, 254326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choose your boyfriend

>> No.23198405

KEK and womanpilled

>> No.23198409

I see pretty women with ugly men all the time. It demoralizes me harder than seeing them with handsome guys. It feels unnatural.

>> No.23198418

Upper right corner is Theo James. He just starred in Guy Ritchies The Gentlemen TV series. He's anything but a chud.

>> No.23198518

I don't care in the slightest about any of this as a moral issue but holy shit that writing is ungodly terrible. The worst part is it's not like it could even be edited into a good form because it lacks any spark of actual eroticism or any understanding of what feels real in dialogue, even if we accept that you are going for a heightened sort of "reality" in this context.

Ok my man hiding behind the tree is pretty funny

>> No.23198569

Was writing a reply but realized this is a good point.

I want women to be comfortable, not empowered. Learned something about myself today.

>> No.23198600

>She has a Master's degree and she still wonders why she's getting so moody once-a-month
there's a fix for that. maybe she's wondering why her husband isn't fulfilling his husbandly duty and knocking her up

>> No.23198608

how do we save women?

>> No.23198630

Yes, pregnancy makes women much more reasonable, as is known.

>> No.23198638

I remember reading that rich women used to go to therapists in the late 19th century and they were told they had neurosis. The cure for such condition was the therapist fingering them till they reached orgasm.

>> No.23198640

Lost cause, in my opinion. Every time our culture extends a hand or a lever of power to women they fuck it up in spectacular ways, and every time we invite them into the broader cultural canon they fundamentally misunderstand the nature of beauty and truth and demean themselves unwittingly. The only exceptions to this are aberrations so rare that the women involved border on mentally ill (eg. Virginia Woolf, Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson).

>> No.23198645

It already has

>> No.23198784

You must groom your ideal wife from a young age nowadays

>> No.23198835

no one cares about your whore wife blogging normalfag

>> No.23198847

needs a bigger bulge

>> No.23198919

this, i seem to have more sex now as a pudgy disheveled desk jockey than i did at 21 with abs and cum gutters. i asked a recent fling about this and she said i'm "more approachable." same appeal as the girl next door, i guess.

>> No.23198948
File: 358 KB, 1079x1359, alienjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I were a woman I would probably fight passionately for cultural position and the recognition of power, but I would do it FROM the parts of my experience that are unique, my emotionality included, not deny it.
There's a lot of feminist literature on this. I can't remember the title that originally made this point, but the argument goes something like this:

>Injustice is enraging.
>Being mad is motivating.
>It's good to be motivated to fight injustice.
>Therefore, our emotional response to injustice is productive.
>Rather than being stoic, we should retain our anger as motivation to pursue political change.

There are separate arguments about the epistemic value of rage, wonder, and other emotions -- if you feel strongly about something, you feel that way because you perceive something about it. Following that feeling can lead you to a fact, provided you do your due diligence.

However, most feminists would dispute that this is exclusively (or even primarily) a female way of doing politics or research. Plenty of predominantly-male political movements like anti-immigrationism leverage fear of and rage at the other.

>> No.23199156

Go back to wizardchan, whiny virgin.

>> No.23199397

i was imprecise. i didn't mean that women value intelligence -- i meant that they experience attraction intellectually, ie, with their minds and their thoughts.
they love the *idea* of a man. a man with muscles is attractive not because they find the actual flesh itself attractive, but because of the ideas it represents, the idea of the man that it symbolizes. they like the idea of a heroic male, someone strong, capable, protective.
in the rare case that a women does value solely the flesh, she's likely a nympho, bisexual, or lesbian who is largely psychologically male in character and has let her psychological femininity atrophy

>> No.23199408

You mean the internet as a whole.

>> No.23199431

God I wish I had the time and energy to start ERPing again.

>> No.23199439

I've read a bunch of these sorts of books in an attempt to learn from them, as I write smut by commission, but I can't stand them anymore. Initially I was eager to see how women write smut/romance but the majority of it is just cheap and insipid.

I'm curious though, are there any good romance books by women?

>> No.23199475

Both of you are weird af

>> No.23199499

What book? Not so I can read it (of course) Just so I can be more educated on how to detect a goonette.

>> No.23199519

paint your walls until you're leaking onto my sheets.

>> No.23199535

Entered this thread to say something to this effect. We need to stop replying to 4chan posts that contain twitter screencaps and nothing else.

>> No.23199537

Mocking stupid whores for being perpetual toddlers in their "mine" phase finally culminating in the most toxic incarnation of their fairy world delusion sometime around menopause is funny though, try and act like they don't deserve it you'll get slapped in the face with reality soon enough, you'd do well to take these posts as a warning

>> No.23199542

Vaginas? Perhaps
Relationship dramas? I don't think so

>> No.23199565

for the majority of the pregnancy, it does

>> No.23199612

The weirdest thing for me about smut written for women is that it often reads like an exact transcription of visual porn made for men. Every male love interest is hung like a horse, cums like a broken fire hose and are super rapey and never do foreplay or aftercare, the women are all described by the men as incredibly hot despite the women feeling too self-conscious to think of themselves that way, and so on. Really the only difference is that you usually get some background lore that makes women's status-sense tingle, like, oh, this guy is a billionaire CEO or a mafia boss or something like that.

>> No.23199840

How very semitic of you

>> No.23199845

And you've read enough of it to make an actual summary?

>> No.23199874

>fairy smut romance
Just when I'm planning to write a fairy story women ruin the genre. Fuck this.

>> No.23199940

Because long ago you started cucking to her in small ways rather than putting her in her place and now she's basically a feral animal.

>> No.23200046

There aren't any humans left alive within 200 miles of a powerline or cellphone on planet earth.

>> No.23200127

>letting your woman fantasize about getting fucked silly by men who aren't you
Your mistake was letting her read smut to begin with.

>> No.23200130

Such a dogshit prose

>> No.23200182

>meant that they experience attraction intellectually
A faggot's way of saying they are delusional lmao

>> No.23200398

Most women do not like that physique irl.

>> No.23200420

Why the fuck are you posting on twitter instead of satisfying her fantasy-romance desires?

>> No.23200426

why not?

>> No.23200524

You mean birth control.

>> No.23200592

>women aren't visual
holy cope

>> No.23200593

>You mean birth control.
In the old days we just put the baby in a reed basket in the river.

Take 20 women to watch a male stripper and carefully observe.

>> No.23200759

Those are just symptoms. The causes are the industrial revolution and materialism.
Yeah, I'm sure banning birth control and getting MORE retarded people in this world is just what we need, anon. It'll definitely make things better and not worse!

>> No.23200769

after you're done sucking each other's dicks will you acknowledge that men walk around with testosterone impairing their judgement all day, every day, not just a few days a month?

>> No.23200774

>t. beta bux

>> No.23200784

>She has a Master's degree
what field?

>> No.23200788

don't be a low T incel for one

>> No.23200794

>It’s intellectual
I don’t see them reading Kierkegaard’s first part of Either/Or. There’s fuck all intellectual about it. They just daydream like children. There’s no systematic thought behind it.

>> No.23200804

And I take it you took it like a submissive little cuck?
>y-yeah kind of weird I KNOW dear!

>> No.23200868

the very existence of female romance novels never fail to make me laugh.
An entire book industry built of women's obsessive, unreasoning attraction for tall, muscular,dominant, successful men.Men know these books exist.they know that women read them,enjoy them and often masturbate to them.And yet, they will still go out of their way to ask women what they find attractive in a guy, only to receive some bullshit they gobble up willingly to mend their bruised egos.

>> No.23200880


>> No.23200883

When I was in college I dated a lot of women who read the same kinds of things as me, theory, litracha, postmodern authors, and they were all completely insane. In lieu of searing insanity, I married a normie-ish but goth inflected woman who reads fairy porn. Still don't know if I made the right decision; never will.

>> No.23200887

Acknowledged with no qualification whatsoever. I was raised with sisters and no brothers, and all my closest friends growing up were women. While the average woman is pretty vapid and emotionally motivated, the average man lacks self-insight to a degree that's almost as if not more frightening than women's emotionality. The idea that women shouldn't have access to the Big Red Buttons of government because of their emotions is a point to be made, but that men have this access in the midst of their unreflectivity is equally troubling to me.

>> No.23200889

Higher Ed. Administration--she works in Admin. at a local college.

>> No.23200891

>the female experience of sexuality is different from the male experience
We should really drop these silly descriptors. I'm a guy and sex has always been a psychological matter for me. I can remember being in grade school and having sexual fantasies of classmates and teachers that were highly psychological in context.

We need something more accurate than "male vs. female." I would suggest "assertive vs. passive" as an alternative, but that's also not perfect. "Dominant vs. submissive" is equally as inaccurate.

>> No.23200899

This board is so single it's unreal.

>> No.23200905

>I am my wife’s boyfriend’s cuck therefore you’re an incel

>> No.23200910

where did you think you were

>> No.23200924

just another layer of cuckoldry in the horror of modern marriage.
cucked by the state.cucked by the court.cucked by her boss/employer. cucked by football players, basketball players.cucked by musician, writers and rappers. And cucked by vampires, werewolves and fairies.
and there's nothing particularly wrong with her. she simply has a clearer understanding of how unequal a modern marriage should be and how her privileges far surpass yours

>> No.23200934

I didn't use this word, my man. Move to a country with prostitutes and find yourself some easy virtue to calm yourself down.

>> No.23200987

The sad part here is the fact that the writing in the picture is not even that explicit - we've probably all red more hardcore descriptions of sex at some point of time.

>> No.23200993

7 sisters, 4 brothers.
Some women are unreasonable, unfathomable in why they do what they do. But it seems more to do with how they were raised and if they are actually told to calm down, and so far all by one of them has. All of them are responsible and reasonable, though the younger ones have made some mistakes.

>> No.23201061

I think the more coherent explanation is that humans are inherently irrational, and that people's irrationality takes on the color of their sentiment, the sentiments of women being emotional and those of men being goal and object oriented, but to pretend as though men don't thereby treat their own emotions as objective and engage in forms of irrationality as profound as women is just ignoring the obvious evidence of history and day-to-day conversation.

>> No.23201145
File: 123 KB, 559x615, CDF48AE0-BF95-425C-9E43-12D9307B753C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> intellectual
It’s not intellectual. It’s psychological.

Women are inherent manipulative whores. They literally either fuck for resources, status or attention or women fuck men so men will bring them resources, status and attention. They loathe the fact that men will never respect them for being manipulative whores despite the reality that they can’t stand other women who act like manipulative whores, especially to them. They can’t stand anything that reflects their true nature right back at them. But they will flock to anything that unrealistically portrays women as virtuous for being manipulative whores.

This is why women always blame themselves for being rape recipients. Women literally can’t stop themselves from playing with fire in every single social scenario they come across and they fucking know it.

>> No.23201159

Useless endeavor. There’s no ROI in long term heterosexual relationships. Straight men would be better off engaging in asexual relationships with other straight men and then just hire women for temporary sex work as either prostitutes or surrogates.

>> No.23201295

>the female experience of sexuality is different from the male experience -- its intellectual. its about ideas and thought and less about the physical.
sheer fucking hubris. A contrived notion made up to
mystify and mask unflattering truths on female sexuality.
it is men who were always the true romantics.Men wrote poetry and songs for women.Men fought and died for a women's love.Men made women into goddesses and erected temples in their name.Men carved sculptures and painted art in women's form..
Meanwhile, women's 'love' for men is so fickle many debates it doesn't even exist and their sexuality hasn't taken a single step forward since cavemen days

>> No.23201483

men are not as delusional as women have allowed themselves to be, even the dumbest man understands this, we can talk about male and female emotions all day and it won't change this, and for this simple reason, women should have as little responsibility as possible

>> No.23201499

>I would suggest "assertive vs. passive" as an alternative, but that's also not perfect. "Dominant vs. submissive" is equally as inaccurate.
it's close enough. don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

>> No.23201517

>There’s no ROI in long term heterosexual relationships
you're excluding children entirely, for some reason. the literal raison d'etre heterosexual attraction is the norm

>> No.23201518

Why wouldn't it be? Reddit and facebook are for married normfags, maybe go back.

>> No.23201614

>imagine being unable to satisfy your woman and not even realise it. Also, watching porn on twitter.

Just divorce her already and get out of the closet ffs

>> No.23201620

Not beating the incredibly fucking single allegations.

>> No.23201630

what allegations are you talking abt, women have been like that from the beginning of time. If you want to marry a man go for it, and let another real man deliver to your unsatisfied woman

>> No.23201640

>critisizing women's hipocrisy and lack of loyality means you're....single
Uh okay?

>> No.23201646

ayo this nigga be speakin fax tho naaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.23201652

>You're le single!
Holy reddit. Not being a normalfag is a mark of honor.

>> No.23201672

How do you know all this for certain?

>> No.23201702

Where’s the ROI in that? Children are money and time vacuums in the modern world. This ain’t the 1800s when they could help you around the house or be your apprentice at your workshop. They’re a massive 18-25 year investment with high risk. There’s literally no reason a modern man would get married other than to satisfy his coomer instincts. Women know that perfectly well and milk men using the rights given to them by pussywhipped ideological faggots a hundred years ago. Why would they use those to achieve something great when they can parasite off a man who goes crazy without sex? Everything else is cope.

>> No.23201705

>This ain’t
>pussywhipped ideological faggots
this nigga be thinkin he be shakesnigger n shiet

>> No.23201966
File: 70 KB, 1074x752, 1150E959-0C9C-4694-A0CB-FD0937C9263F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23202039

Read gooning is based thoughever. I jerk off best to Gigglinggoblin

>> No.23202095

By saving men and resurrecting God. We have to dethrone the government God that serves as modern woman's husband-father and reinstate the authority of real human men laboring for divine purpose.

The first thing we should do is revoke universal suffrage. Only married couples and/or single military men that have served for x number of years should be allowed to vote.

>> No.23202108

After you're done sucking each others armpit hairs, will you be ready to come out and admit that you did it out of the freedom of your own will and that everything man does is ultimately his responsibility?

>> No.23202116

no one should be allowed to vote. Your relationship to god is that of a dog and its master. That is the most divine relationship of all and how it should be between a man and the authority in his society.

>> No.23202122
File: 1.40 MB, 1360x1330, TraditionalCatholicMonarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No voting. Your heart is in the right place but you are misguided in your destination.

>> No.23202135

I am stronger than you and faster than you.
Thus I make rules

>> No.23202141
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x1450, TraditionalCatholicAmericas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalize that G. The relationship between God and humanity is that of Father and children, and simultaneously King and subjects.

>> No.23202146

Seems like alot of idolatry of Mary going on here

>> No.23202159
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1070, TraditionalCatholicEuropa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know nothing. Educate yourself on the Saints

>> No.23202186

God, can reddit catholicucks fuck off back to /his/ instead of shitting up every thread?

>> No.23202204

>She has a Master’s degree
As a note, because there are also foolish PhDs and many intelligent people who have received no education at all, I am not taking educational attainment into issue at all.

>> No.23202211

Fuck off larper. I grew up cathplic. We pray extensively to saints.
Not even any window dressing about praying to God through saints.

>> No.23202247

or a master and his dog.
That's not the question. The question is whether you should be the one to make the rules or rather to rule.

>> No.23202344

Ah, to be young and retarded again.

Abrahamics are wrong about god

>> No.23202562

>The question is whether you should be the one to make the rules or rather to rule.
Violence and the ability to perform violence is the superior authority from which all other authority is derived.

>> No.23202761

This is the same as
>you don't have access to my vagina therefore you're wrong
Thanks for outing yourself as either a woman or an effeminate man

>> No.23202764

Facebook is for divorced boomers, Reddit is for incels in denial.

>> No.23202797

Yes. Nothing in my post (third from the top) was meant to absolve anyone of the responsibility all people have for what they ultimately choose to do.

>> No.23202949

Faggot, I am married. Some opinions above were stupid but others are 100% right, women are like children, like animals even, as a man you never have to surrender your principles because she will try to do worse and worse stuff until she cheats on you, I have made my wife cry without punching her or insulting her, just by being a man defending good morals, and guess what? We ended up getting married I love her and viceversa

Learn that as a man there is nothing wrong with being firm with your partner

>> No.23203032

Stepan <3

>> No.23203060

Have they ever needed to be?

>> No.23203061

I think women just want to smash a big axe right into a tree again and again, by just letting their mind becoming totally empty and clear, literature do the same

>> No.23203096

I certainly wouldn't call a woman's sexuality "intellectual", but they are triggered by vastly different things than men that most men for one reason or another simply don't know about or care to learn. I remember a guy who did a bunch of sex research regarding arousal, and one of the topics was on men vs women and their writing styles when it comes to "romance" books. turns out when women authors would write about the penis, they almost never described its size or went into physical details, instead it was always in the context of it becoming erect or engorging and throbbing in arousal at the thought of the woman in the book, while male authors would describe the penis in great detail down to the girth, length, shape and curvature, veins, etc, but glaze over the physical reaction of arousal.

>> No.23203107

ngl I gooned

>> No.23203135

> "Trust me, I'll remember." She whispers.
Anytime a woman tells you to trust her you should run, idc the context.

>> No.23203136

cuckbot 3000 joined the chat

>> No.23203345
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>> No.23203924

i meant political responsibility pretend femoid, women should only be in charge of healthcare and children, anything else and they ruin it for everyone else with their juvenile delusions and lack of accountability

>> No.23203971

Where the fuck do you think you are, moron? Post your wife's tits so I can goon to them.

>> No.23204000

Male and female is a cardinal difference. What dominant means for one is completely different for the other, and so for submissive, as well as assertive and passive, and everything else in the world. Your mistake is attempting to pigeonhole the expression of sex in each gender, but the most important thing will always remain that gender.

>> No.23204011

Can't you just gender-flip it and get your typical anime?

>> No.23204012
File: 1.26 MB, 1258x1909, chinatown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women dont like feeling less attractive than the man, studies show relationships where the women are more attractive than the male partners, the women reported higher rates of happiness

>> No.23204041

>you NEED to disprove my positive claim
female brained ngmi

>> No.23204142

what's this from

>> No.23204151

call me daddy by jade west

>> No.23204187

ngl it's kinda hot
who's jane? i assume his dead wife or daughter?

>> No.23204194

idk I haven't read it. I just flicked to a random page

>> No.23204212

>into the suction we've made
What a disgusting description

>> No.23204232
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Literally irrefutable.

>> No.23204234

>pretty women
How old were they?

>> No.23204235
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>> No.23204257

Testosterone makes you calm and facilitates judgement. Estrogen is a stress hormone, not the “female” hormone, which if anything is progesterone. You know nothing hole.

>> No.23204262

So is starting sex soft and then going rock hard in front of her better than her seeing me always being rock hard?

>> No.23204268

I have no empirical basis to judge this post on, nor I believe we in 2024 possess the tools to investigate such constructs empirically with a great deal of precision, but I believe it still.

>> No.23204269

Men ask it to get the blackpill right from the horse's mouth. It's more like "do you actually EXPECT to get this in real life?", because men will consoom porn and will look at women with insane huge tits and ass but I'm pretty sure men aren't retarded enough to expect this from every woman out there whereas women will absolutely seethe when a normal dude approaches her

>> No.23204278

Then you have no right to complain since state has superior ability for violence than you.

>> No.23204358

>testosterone impairing their judgement all day
the wiseman time lasts to three days post ejaculation

>> No.23204366
File: 1.89 MB, 1430x1240, mcnaughton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some good goon lit for bros.

Just read some Brian McNaughton. Plenty of perv stuff but also excellent writing that participates in the literary tradition of the gothic novel, with a deep understanding of human psychology and a wicked sense of humor.

Quit being prudes. Let the whores enjoy their whore books. And enjoy some erotic horror without shame.

>> No.23204381

What would you recommend? I've already read Throne of bones.

>> No.23204439

The House Across the Way is a very strong novel. It feels like he went just as tryhard on it as Throne of Bones. I'd go for that one.

But having gotten obsessed, and read all of his works (including his erotic horror/romance novels under the name Sheena Clayton), I'm very fond of these:

Downward Toward Darkness - a Lovecraftian horror novella. It has a sequel if you like it (Worse Things Waiting).

Guilty Until Proven Guilty - A police procedural serial-killer genre frame-up, but with the usual miserable marriages and fucked psychologies he brings to his characters.

Honestly he was a genius, and it's fun to hunt down his works because he's so slept-on.

>> No.23204535

>the female experience of sexuality is different from the male experience -- its intellectual.

>> No.23204551

>Violence and the ability to perform violence is the superior authority from which all other authority is derived.
it may be the thing from which authority is derived. But that does not mean that you should rule. Any functional society would come to that conclusion with rigorous succession and not what is essentially a dice-throw. also this

>> No.23205953

It's you who are wrong for choosing to have a wife in the 21st century.
I never had a girlfriend and never will. I fucked six girls, not counting prostitutes. It i indeed good, but not the kind of thing you need everyday, much less considering what comes alongside it (a woman's "brain"), and how easy it is to release sexual tension: just masturbate and it's over; and unlike eating, which can make you fat, it has no bad side effects.
If you really need a woman... As long as you don't live in a matriarchal dictatorship where male pleasure is illegal, you can always hire a prostitute, with the advantage that your wife grows old and boring while prostitutes are always exciting and stay young.
I am freer than you are.

>> No.23205959

This place is a joke. Never have I seen such an unserious place with no redeeming qualities. The resentment, seethe and cope are off the charts

>> No.23206051

>female smut: i want your cum eagerly in my vagene god it doesn't even feel like raw sex but making love i want to sex you with my penis so well that this moment will be remembered by you long after
>male smut: *plap PLAP PLAP* get pregnant *PLAP PLAP*

>> No.23206186

I am interested in these studies, do you have source?

>> No.23206729

> a short, frumpy, fat, but brilliant PhD graduate
No such thing exists. I've never met someone who was ugly and smart. There's pretty and smart, pretty and dumb, but the only pairing with ugly is stupid. Guys who think they're ugly and smart are either A. not really ugly, merely retarded and unware or B. so fucking stupid that they will never obtain awareness. Women are smart to avoid such pitiable creatures and spare their children the tragedy of having a troglodyte for a father.

>> No.23206736

kinda gay, bro.

>> No.23206818

Yes but that's based.

>> No.23207410

Whatever. Who cares. Some women get sexual excitement from reading smut. It's not a big deal and i bet most of you watch porno.

>> No.23207421

4chan isn't any better
have some self-awareness

>> No.23207425

Saying Twitter or 4chan will destroy humanity is essentially like saying humanity will destroy humanity.

>> No.23207436

On a more positive note about women: have any of you ever had the experience of letting a woman know your deepest thoughts, not directly, but through the expression of your passion, whether it be spilling your guts through writing or art, or if one is an athlete, the joy one feels when one is victorious, etc and see in her eyes how much she loves you for it? I do not even mean romantic love, although, this is when it generally occurs; but just when a woman is attracted to whatever you are doing when you are at your most authentic, the look in her eyes and devotion she feels toward you for being that way? Because that is one of my favorite things about women, how much they earnestly and honestly love men.

>> No.23207438

use contractions you highfaluting faggot.

>> No.23207440

I am just expressing myself as deliberately as possible. I prefer to write this way, to avoid laziness and error.
In other words: no, but thank you for the suggestion. Would you care to respond to what I had written?

>> No.23207471

lmao, she will use that against you once you slip into irrelevance, why can't you perform at the same level, why can't you beat 20-year old, why don't you get to hang out with cool people anymore, etc? always monkey-branching, you delusional retards have a funny definition of love

>> No.23207481

>no anon everything is actually bad and will always be bad and every moment of pleasure will be followed by pain and this is a major catastrophe! Hahaha! How do u feel now?
Same as I did before; sounds like you're having a fuckin panick attack though.

>> No.23207610

>oh no, he is having a panic attack therefore he is wrong, take that chud
is that supposed to prove you are not delusional

>> No.23207625

Yes. My girlfriend is adorable about it and basically melts before my eyes.

>> No.23207628


>> No.23207706

Women are deeply attracted to a man's honest confidence over most anything else. Deep and authentic expression of this that shows that you genuinely know yourself to be beyond other men, and when they can see that you are doing this genuinely and without posturing, that sets them off and stirs adoration in them.

>> No.23207725

haha, fagget

>> No.23207806

I appreciate this sentiment but I don't think it has all that much to do with being superior to other men. I think women understand intuitively that most men hate themselves on some level and are deeply insecure, and when they see us not acting that way it makes them happy because we are then happy.

>> No.23208764

why did they censor "squeezing" and "filling" and "orgasam?" who is this for?

>> No.23209061

You sound like a feminized bitter cunt. Ofc women want a guy to be in shape and handsome. Equating a commanding face and lean, mean hunger with the female body is retarded and reeks of some twisted prison-gay solipsism

>> No.23209072

You're wasting your time.

>> No.23209090

Done. They don't really look. It's not sexual at all, it's about them doing crazy shit for other women to see.
It's female sexuality to be the stripper. If you say that and then also say they still want the guy to be handsome and strong and be able to fuck them brainless you'll still be accused of cope.
Because modern man is a pathetic weakling who desires women desire them the way they desire women. And so their women are loveless harpy voids who celebrate abortion

>> No.23209144

Men are abstract. Women are carnal. Women desire abstract, so, say, they like the way muscles make them feel. They like the way sex takes them away or whatever.
Men desire actually holding women, possessing one, sucking on titties, squeezing an ass.
It's real simple and incredibly beautiful. That humans have lost this has been the death of meaning.
Man projects himself onto woman and so muscles stop being something real that makes her feel abstract (safe, dominated etc) and become like boobs to a woman. Dicks no long er manifest desire and invade a woman. They're just like boobs or whatever.
The idea of women really takes a hit and they essentially become old gay queens

>> No.23209149

Women are physically beautiful. Men are intellectually beautiful.
Men desire physical beauty. Women desire intellectual beauty.
Obviously men don't want a retard just like women don't want a slob

>> No.23209159

Imagine battling women and competing with them to the point you forget their dingbats w/o agency

>> No.23209191

Thank you chat gpt

>> No.23209215

>bourgeoise is addicted to sex
Why do you say this? I would say the same for the aristocracy of the ancien regime. But what is it about the bourgeoise that incites this. I agree with the jews being so, but that's because the old testament has no sexual rapport.

>> No.23209588

Ok but have you guys ever tried zerking off too a book? I have like twice successfully and it was great but like, ok so with fucking porn you look at it and 1.you can instantly tell of it's ok or not and 2.its porn y'know naked people sex you imagine your naked body touch another but with a book how are you supposed to know if it's good? It's not like literature where there are names right? You have to just pick a random book and stick to it for 50 pages until you find something you like? It takes like 10 hours to find something that you can jerk off to? Who has time for that?

>> No.23210059

>testosterone impairing their judgement
You can watch any one of hundreds of videos on youtube about the endocrine system, you have no excuse for writing something so stupid.

>> No.23210178

High IQ post

>> No.23210313

You're not a woman. Pay attention to them. Take muscles, they lay their hands on them. They'll 'squeeze' them to flatter. They sort of give men their touch. Muscles take them away to feelings. Same with dicks- they look to see if theyll get the job done. Any other 'interest' is theatrical flattery (or humiliation porn)
Men take women away to feelings. Whereas men simply want to go to & in a woman's body.
Not trying to sperg out about it just genuinely fascinated that men don't automatically know this

>> No.23210343

This is correct, and those who confirm it are homosexual men

>> No.23210479

>The perfect woman commits literature as she commits a little sin: as an experiment, in passing, looking around to see if someone is noticing, and to see to it that someone notices...

>> No.23210867

Jfc please go back, or at least don’t post until you’ve lurked long enough not to sound like a total faggot.

>> No.23210885

Gay post. This is why men have built civilizations while women’s history on all 7 continents is getting spread eagled and fucked.

>> No.23211042

>Men don't feel things they just want go in and out.
I bet you get so much pussy and know so much about women's sexualities. God you are so revolting.

>> No.23211066

Hatred of women is hatred of one's self

>> No.23211072

Idk man, I tend to be more feminine with sex. I love the art of it, the idea of eroticism and sensuality but I don't care for or think about the activity.

>> No.23211084

Lol I bet you tend to be more feminine with sex, if you know what I mean. Faggot you're a faggot.

>> No.23211689

>Twitter will destroy humanity. I'm 99% sure of this.
Women vastly prefer TikTok or IG... really anything where they can get attention by posting their ass instead of Twitter which requires gaining attention through words.

>> No.23212064

I'm not a woman, troon.

>> No.23212137


>> No.23212139

>its intellectual

We already had a thread debunking this last month. Women have fetishes and monkey brain shallow turn ons just as much as men

>BIG hands
>pretty boy looks

The only intellectual aspects are the fantasy of bagging a rich male who will look after all the problems that the world might throw at them so they can do nothing but have fun. Not admirable in the slightest. At least men acknowledge lust and its terrible control and affliction to rational thought and sought to control it. Women on the other hand entertain no such thoughts and wouldn't think twice about having a one night stand (contraception a bonus) with a taller, rich, pretty boy or famous guy if propositioned so.

>> No.23212471

They care about the dough but not the guy making it.

>> No.23212484

Because if the guy’s attractive, they’re always worried about him moving on to another girl. If the dude’s ugly, she has nothing to worry about and has more control over the relationship.

>> No.23212868

Their history is having and raising kids, being midwives for tribes, and raising man's consciousness through sexual self-awareness (condemned by Christians aka retards as an evil act)

>> No.23214442

How do men allow themselves to get into this type of arrangement? Sounds terrible lmao

>> No.23214443

The idea of a chick gooning to a book is hilarious to me. That sounds like some shit people who unironically say "sapiosexual" do.

>> No.23214675

men love the woman because of her physical charm, which includes mind. the love they feel is usually overwhelming.
women are usually in love with a man because he makes her feel more abstract.
e.g. a man loves a woman's face. a woman loves the way the mans face makes her feel.
stupid faggot