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/lit/ - Literature

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23185985 No.23185985 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.23186013
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Hell yeah!

>> No.23186025

The writing career came via school and individual initiative. The initiative came first, school cane later, but for others it's the other way around.

>> No.23186039

>came via school
So you're indoctrinated like a fucking faggot, gotcha

>> No.23186044

I wrote one novel and I'm planning a second one. My only reader is my grandmother who thinks everything I right is solid gold. I've also had a few people online who've fold me my stuff is really good

>> No.23186046
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Punched up and edited around 25 books

>> No.23186049

my plan is simple.
step one: become a youtuber
step two: reach a large enough number of subscribers that people now consider me an "e-celeb"
step three: publish book
step four: hope for the best
i already have 40k subs.
surely this will work.
t-trust the plan!!!

>> No.23186052

Got a link homie or anything so I can read your work

>> No.23186055
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Just need to 20x my monthly revenue and I'm moving to Albania!

>> No.23186074
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my first book (pic related) was published in 2019. it still sells two or three copies every month.
My second book (published in 2022) sells similar.
Got a third book coming out this year.
Slow but steady progress i guess.

>> No.23186076

Do you have an editor, or are you a coward?

>> No.23186117

I make $3k in pocket change a year writing short smut stories by commission. currently working on a crime book set in the 50s but who knows if that'll pan out.

>> No.23186120

Post your stuff anon

So we can shit all over it

>> No.23186147

I'm killing myself. Hope that helps.

>> No.23186159
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Hey if you're proud of your work, post the cover.

>> No.23186165
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>> No.23186167

I clean toilets now.

>> No.23186174
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>> No.23186183

I wish my computer could run this game. My PC not being able to run it might not be so bad, as the game is dark reminder of my future.

>> No.23186189

no covers

>> No.23186193

Less competition

>> No.23186253

Thanks for posting, I read the first story via the Amazon sample viewer. Not bad. What would you consider your best story?

>> No.23186276

Yes, my publisher edits it before we put it out

>> No.23186282

In the first book i think the best stories are Tracey's Lament and Driftwood.
In the second book i think the best stories are The Never Married Uncle and The Dissapointed Soldier

>> No.23186336

I have had a writing career for about five years, am now doing woodworking. I write on my own time when I'm off work when I have it.

>> No.23186342

shut up

>> No.23186345

The best thing about the job is the freedom. I would have a deadline for a day, week, month and be left to my own devices. Could also send docs over email and write from anywhere. Just need an internet connection.

>> No.23186346

post your work so we can disabuse you of that notion

>> No.23186376

>they never do

>> No.23186652

We're all gonna make it, brah.

>> No.23187658

>Woolston: The Last Free Man (2019)
>It still sells two or three copies every month.
That's bullshit. But I believe it.

>> No.23188303

Post it or bfto

>> No.23188436

I've noticed that I can't write when I cut my hair short. Is it autism?

>> No.23188566 [DELETED] 

You tell me.

A Poem: For /Lit/

and out it flew
from my nose it blew
that globulous goo
went straight through
and into the poo
a poo goo stew
for me and you

>> No.23188570

>>23185985 (OP)
You tell me.

A Poem: For /Lit/

and out it flew
from my nose it blew
that globulous goo
went straight through
and into the poo
a poo goo stew
for me and you
it's true

>> No.23188576


>> No.23188800

I forgot about the book I was writing.

>> No.23188868

describe your nan's midge to us in detail

>> No.23189312

It's going fine. I'm not making any money from it, but that's because I just write shitposts out in public.

>> No.23190510

Been running a substack and the slow but steady uptick of subscribers and views has given my life some simulacra of meaning and direction. They keep stats on user information, which websites people are coming from, and so on, which is interesting to read and game. I also keep tabs on new subscribers by running background checks on their names and emails, and get a little rush of dopamine every time a functionary in some mildly important civil or private office follows me or reaches out. My takeaways: 4chan is the best site for generating new sales, wikipedia for new subscribers, and reddit is by far the worst but is surprisingly good at boosting SEO ratings.

SEO optimization is also a lot of fun. Unfortunately it tends to favour commercial sites like Amazon, so if you're competing with Amazon on any keyword it will get drowned out. I'm also somewhat suspicious about the extent that what I'm being shown in google search results compares to what others are being shown, and the google analytics data I get doesn't seem to match up with the data from other websites. Not even close.

Been doing the same with instagram and twitter. Instagram especially, since twitter seems to trend towards stupidity in large numbers. My recent pet project has been to target certain social networks in intelligence and academia. If you know which universities and social circles important people are in then you can hyper focus on reaching them for targeted messaging, although truthfully this is more an idea than something I've put into practice. Usually those people stay in the offline world, but it's been interesting conceptually. Real life intelligence targeting is much more fun, but geographically reliant. Last year I was able to arrange a tour of the party headquarters of the National Synarchist Union by leveraging some publications I'd written and giving them a firm handshake. My new pet project is to get good with some Russian academics within an interesting but niche field of study.

My biggest complaint is that Wolfram Alpha no longer runs comprehensive social media analysis, so I can't have easy access to network diagrams, which are obviously extremely useful

>> No.23190827

Lot of rejections, two short stories accepted, and various poems forthcoming, from last year; I had to have a break this year due to changing directions.

>> No.23191201

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.23191206

Why are there so many wojaks and pepes on this board? It's usually a sign of newfags and tryhards. They're stale, outdated and not particularly funny nor creative. Are there really that many newfags on /lit/ of all places?

>> No.23191479
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Nobody here writes or reads.

>> No.23191840
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I discovered my liking for the written arts too late in my life, so nowadays I just cope by writing short erotica and posting them around

>> No.23191966

where are they available?

>> No.23191976

I don’t want to write a novel anymore.

>> No.23191991


>> No.23192009

i'm not retarded enough to pursue a writing career.
like any real adult, i realized my degree in english literature was a mistake 3/4ths of the way through but am finishing it because it's better to have a degree than none at all.
successful writers are one in a million and the odds that any of them are (You) is close to zero.
If you're reading this, grow up. College happens fast, and when it's over, you'll be in the same position you started.
You will never be a writer. get over it now and practice it as a hobby

>> No.23192012
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imagine being such a faggot that you attempt to gleam some sort of superiority over others based on the fact that they post le funny images on an imageboard.
you must truly have nothing.

>> No.23192096


>> No.23192486

Mostly fantasy and sci-fi. The best ones are in development hell, unfortunately.


>> No.23192915

How different is your writing before and after being edited by your publisher? What do they do to enhance it?

>> No.23192920


>everything I right


>> No.23192932

Lots of mainstream books have teams of editors now, and they're STILL boring as watching paint dry.

>> No.23192960

But I mean what do they edit? Specifically? Spelling, punctuation grammar only? Or do they also add more descriptive prose and a little more 'flair' to bring the elements such as character plot and dialogue to an enhanced/more "brought to life" quality?

I'm not talking about ghost writing, I mean do they do little touch ups in story and character and description to a manuscript already written to further enhance readability and reader engagement?

>> No.23192972
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I just finished my manuscript and made two submissions. I'm having trouble drawing architectural designs for the story, and I can't find a way to develop the front and rear covers to what I need them to be.
Anyone know some good artists (Non AI) that could help with the covers?
Anyone know some good publishers willing to accept my horrible writing? Proofreaders? Test audience community?

>> No.23193017

Penguin and such probably need to keep a certain number of women and POC on staff to qualify for grants and keep their ESG score up. They aren't so much a business as a social-engineering arm of the government.

I dare you to read "The Glass Hotel" and not fall asleep. Obama gave the Canadian female author of that book a shout-out and it is the most boring fucking book I've read in ages. Couldn't finish the 2nd half.

>> No.23193041

You didn't answer my question.

>> No.23193049

I haven't written seriously in months. Was previously unemployed, had a bunch of free time, pissed it away drinking and gaming. Now I'm employed 60-70hrs a week. In my little spare time I play vidya. Christ I need to read and write

>> No.23193055

Once you're big enough, they just slap your name on a book and have it completely ghost-written. Everything in life comes down to least amount of work for biggest return, and once an author is "known", they can have 50+ books out in the world, or even hundreds under their name, because they just sell.

My mother-in-law buys these paperbacks when she travels, and I looked up the author and they have like 100+ books to their name, I highly doubt they took the time to lovingly craft each sentence themselves. I mean, that is how the world works...

>> No.23193057

I lose confidence in what I'm doing too easily

>> No.23193079

I mean to ask because I wrote a full length scifi 85000 words and while 100 percent of it is my story, 80% of the writing is mine with 10% being little enhancement suggestions I incorporated by my father who is a writer himself and 10% of the edit has been adding a bit more descriptive prose and subtext.

I keep feeling bad that I didn't fully edit it on my own but I've been engaging with learning as much as I can about the editing process to do it on my own for future books. I'm wondering if I should feel bad my father who is a professor in english studies, did some work adding some enhancements to my story to make it more readable and engaging.

He said to me: "You wrote a pretty good story, you just needed an editor to make it "pop out of the page" and said most books published by people like celebrities are thoroughly edited by an editor before being published. That most authors don't write and fully edit a book alone, that it's rare, at least today. I wonder if that's true?

>> No.23193083

I was exactly like you. 3 months ago I was hovering around 30k words for my current project. Six months before that I was near the same. and it's not like I was making zero progress, but there was a lot of editing and negative progress. since the middle of february I've gotten back on the wagon. I'm once again starting to spend time thinking about dialogue and upcoming scenes at work and I'm back in the habit of writing every day. 43k words, I wish I was further along, I'm glad to be making forward progress once again. you know what you have to do. try and find some way to make yourself do it.

>> No.23193090

your father is correct
never feel guilty because he helped
be grateful you are so blessed

>> No.23193097

I got diagnosed with mild fatty liver and I've noticed my writing isn't as good. Apparently it can affect cognitive skills due to toxins being released by the liver. I'm hoping with my lifestyle changes I've been incorporating in a month or two I can regain my clarity of mind to write to my previous full potential. Been reading a lot in the meantime.

>> No.23193106

Alright thanks man.

>> No.23193110

I blatantly plagiarize pieces from major poets like Creeley or Apollinaire. I’ve actually gotten published in a few magazines which now makes me not think too highly of them. I got paid for a few too

>> No.23193136

They won't do anything until someone calls them out for it.

>> No.23193186

How much do you drink?

>> No.23193201

Now, the real question: how are you going to spend your retirement?

>> No.23193206

I plan to die by liver disease/cirrhosis and have my family discover unpublished works, which they will promptly dispose of for the good of humanity.

>> No.23193214

I was drinking 4-5 beers a week at most. Also smoking 5 cigarettes a day.

I'm 20 pounds overweight and past year I had very high cholesterol preceding fatty liver.

I've quit smoking, quit drinking, started exercising more, gone pescetarian lowering calorie intake cutting out meat, drinking lots of water.

>> No.23193218

Also cut out sugar intake by 40 percent.

>> No.23193221
File: 54 KB, 480x640, jason2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you need to do is this:

Plan ahead to have a day where you, the night before, can have a relaxed evening of nothing special. Maybe just make a nice meal, watch some goyslop TV / movie, and fall asleep whenever you feel like it. Make sure nothing in your life is too crazy or fucked up. Have a good night's sleep and set no alarm.
>day of the edit
Wake up, stretch, do whatever morning routine you have. Sit down with your book in whatever stage it is, right now, and start at chapter 1. Read it and read it slowly. Read your entire book in silence. Just take it all in. When you're finished the book, get up, go walk around, take a piss, make lunch or breakfast, have a coffee or two, whatever.
>stage 2
Now, sit back down at your book and re-read it from the first sentence. Read it out loud. Read it to yourself and have fun with how everything rolls off your tongue. Is it fun? Yes? No? If it doesn't sound fun, mark it for later editing.
>stage 3
Sign up for Chat GPT, make sure you use the 4.0 model. Paste your chapters into it bit by bit, ask it to model your words as a speech for flow and rhythm. Ask it to re-do your work a couple of times and read it out loud. Does it sound better? Worse?

The AI will help you get a flow going, because it can help you to understand when you've created good flow, but it can also show you where you are stumbling over words like a stupid drunk trying to wander home at 3 AM.

The read is like a woman, she knows when you're fumbling over her bra clasp or awkwardly digging your hand into her pants and missing her pussy entirely with your middle finger in her butthole. You need to finesse your work, but most of us don't have a team of editors like the fags at mainstream publishers do. So use the AI to help point out where your flaws and strengths are. The anon who said "AI is dumb as fuck and only knows what is pumped into it" is half right, the AI is like a genius 5 year old, but the moments they are right will stick with you. Don't give up on your book, make sure you refine it with AI. You can do it, but chances are, you'll be too much of a fag to actually sift through your own work. You probably have amazing ideas and untapped knowledge in your mind, but you have to force yourself to refine it with either the AI or multiple editors. Since you can't afford to keep on staff a team of editors that probably cost a big corporation 250k/year, you should use the AI which has significantly less blue hair and septum piercings.

Who am I kidding, you'll never do shit, kid.

>> No.23193228

I drink like 20 litres of whiskey a month, 5 litres of wine and like 400 beers, how do you have fatty liver and I'm fine?

>> No.23193237

But I have anon. Except I've used chatgpt 3.5 to review small sections to tell me the writing quality.

I'm too scared of submitting full chapters and a full synopsis to it, i fear chatgpt will regurgitate/recycle my story slightly different but essentially the same to someone else poking it for story ideas or writing.

Plus I want to better myself without completely relying on AI. Maybe I'm too altruistic, but that's who I am. I try to be a decent honest person, especially as a writer.

>> No.23193239

You're not fine. Firstly, you're exaggerating your numbers. Secondly, you're killing yourself in slow motion. Alcoholism kills you slowly but steadily.

>> No.23193244

Doctor says I was taking too much iron, b12 and I have overload could've affected liver. Also my cholesterol was very high preceding this but I did nothing to change it and I've been 20 pounds overweight for a few years now.

>> No.23193247
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Why would I want to live any longer than the time it takes to finish the 10-15 books I've got planned?

I already had the best life! This hebrew dystopia is pure shit.

>> No.23193251

I take 0 supplements, just eat a balanced diet and you'll be fine. A couple of dudes I know who loaded up on supplements and gear are the least healthy fuckers I know, two are already dead. I think Moondog Mason is the only dude I know from back in the day who was on gear and supplements who is still alive.

>> No.23193258
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>Alcoholism kills you slowly but steadily.
I pray for the sweet release.

>> No.23193260

You didn't finish your books. You haven't had the best life. You are wasting away. Lying to me doesn't harm me, but it harms you. Smarten up, lad. You were given life on this earth, you have a predisposition to write, but you're too lazy and undisciplined to actually do it. You'd rather drink. Smarten up. (I'm talking to myself here).

>> No.23193265

Is that Wreck Beach in Vancouver, by chance? I recognize that gay suntanner.
But seriously, the biggest regret of my life is starting to drink at age 13.

>> No.23193279

Yeah I fell for the anti aging maxxing shit taking high doses of niacinamide resveratrol and quercetin and multivitamins in addition to iron and b12, i've completely stopped all supplements. Never doing that again. I'd rather age and look/grow old then die at 38.

>> No.23193284

Life is about living, the more you worry about death, the less you live.

>> No.23193308

I'm not worried about death. I just realize that I lived life incorrectly. I could've done so much more.
is that wreck beach, though?

>> No.23193329
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Of course. I was with a group of chicks, it was amazing.

Whoops, had to censor the sweet puss. She loved showing off that juicy slit. Gets me horny 10+ years later!

>> No.23193338

Ryan and/or Jason, go to bed.

>> No.23193351

I need to take iron for my fatigue, I literally cannot work out without it, like my CNS refuses to activate my muscles. I think my liver is heavily scarred and has trouble processing iron now. Taking large doses of iron is actually part of the prescribed protocol for salvaging liver function, at least in a couple studies I read.

I also get this persistent cough when I do intense runs now. I have figured out ways to suppress the cough(quercetin mostly), but it seems like my actual bronchial tubes are still being injured by the running, my throat is always sore if I do it every day. I can still do hill sprints or long runs just fine at least, it's only really intense 1 mile range of distance runs that hurt it, because you're just gasping for air for 5+ minutes straight.

>> No.23193358

Very cool. Was there this summer but it was a quiet, overcast day.

>> No.23193415

Vancouver used to have such a cool vibe, now it is just faggots and woke fucking dorks.

>> No.23193427

I got that impression too. But I was a tourist, so I have no leg to stand on. It was as plastic and shitty a city as I feared it was... but the waterfront was nice.

>> No.23193445

Vancouver was an amazing place as early as like 2013-2014. After 2010 it went downhill, after 2015 all the drugs were poisoned and everything became woke, but post-COVID, Canada is an absolute shithole.

>> No.23193460

I spent three hours on East Hastings on my way out of town last summer. It was 3-4 times worse than I remember it when I was last there in 2014. But the city itself is totally soulless. It just seems completely manufactured. It's sad because it's on such a beautiful piece of land.

>> No.23193489
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The suffering is intended. Canada is occupied by a foreign force.