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23192691 No.23192691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What -dere type does Chud prefer?

What’s the psychology of the Based Chud?
I’m going to write a novel where Chud reaches catharsis and gets to violently kill traitors and rebels and also he gets a virgin girl. It will be the premier novel of the 2020s decade.

>> No.23192706

Trying to philosophize turning resentfulness into aggression (but the motivation comes through impotence meaning they miserably fade away or commit acts of evil that destroy any semblance of moral high ground to which they were pretending).

>> No.23192709

>"will be the premier novel of the 2020s decade"
>doesn't understand the psychology of his own characters, particularly what appears to be the main character


>> No.23192730
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>What -dere type does Chud prefer?
Tsundere. Chud's are tsunderes. You can see that in the Underground Man. Goes to a hooker and praises the good life to her and later on cruelly rejects her only to fuck himself over.

Chuds are based on repression. That's why so many chuds end up on /lgbt/ as transgirl bottoms.

>> No.23192778

Chud psychology is basically a form of deviant narcissism where the chud constructs his sense of self in opposition to society through a phobogenic object of hate/fear which becomes an outlet for their aggressive overdeveloped super egos. This is why their worldview is extremely inconsistent. A pillar of faith is to do the opposite of what mainstream liberals do so they end up an inadvertant puppet on a string letting others dictate their identity, unable to respond with a real alternative as a result. The root of their neuroticism is a persecution fetish. They enjoy seeing themselves as the hated, despised, underdog, it turns them on. They are the biggest consumers of blacked cuck porn because they like being the cuck in the generic sense. Its the feeling of being fucked over, replaced, rendered impotent by clownish coon representation of the object of their hate. Turbo inverse narcissism.

>> No.23192791

Anons don’t like it if you point out that blacked porn is marketed towards racists and they are the main consumers

>> No.23192799

Pretty sure the main consoomers are black men. Interracial shit is such an open fetish with them Malcolm X waxed philosophical about it.

>> No.23192821
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Chud doesn't care about dere type as long as the girl isn't white. Make her a BBW afrolatina queen from the ghetto.

>> No.23192848
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Understanding Chud paychology is easy when you realize that everything associated with being a "chud" was the norm throughout human history. Racism, sexism, and VERY BROADLY, authoritarianish views are all completely normal historicalー therefore, we have to consider what is DIFFERENT.

The Chud is different in that his views are no longer acceptable to society. Therefore, these are the possibilities:
>1. The Chud is intentionally bringing himself into conflict with society.
There are no doubt individuals like this. However, believing that the only reason someone disagrees with you is that they want to disagree is, simply put, retarded. The vast majority of Chuds have a deep respect for western culture and civilization (at least as it was in their heads) and usually identify with a fairly large community.*
>2. The Chud is less influenced by social pressure.
It doesn't matter particularly what the Chud believesー what is important is that a normal person will tend to align their politics, ideology, and morals with that of society. A Chud is less influenced by societal pressure and may align it with whatever he feels is best. So a Chud might be more greatly influenced by philosophical literature, where a normal person might take some things away from it, but they will make sure that it is assimilated into a form that is still "acceptable" to their societal peers.

Again, the Chud does not have any beliefs that are particularly exceptional historically. The defining feature of the chud is that they are not in agreement with their societyー American or Japanese Communists in the 30's-50's are an example of people who had radically different views from their society, who were generally seen as violent, and had on their minds dramatic, revolutionary reform. Nothing in particular can be said of the Chud's psychology except that he is generally less influenced by social pressure.

*Trumpists, for example. Although Trump is a boomer liberal and not even remotely close to a chud.

>> No.23192851
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You have to make him so despicably pettily evil that it goes full circle to based. something like the joker in the nolan movies but pathetic. psychopathy, fear, selfdoubt, deep jealousy of normies, violent murder fantasies, autistic obsessions, gradually worsening family connections.l, only friend leaves him, drug addiction, murder suicide

>> No.23192856

psychology* damn I hate phoneposting.

>> No.23192886

Leftist extremists tend not to be LESS influenced by social pressure, but in fact MORE influenced. First, it is less societally unacceptable to say that 5 year old children should be able to be physically castrated if they're "trans" than it is to say that minors should never receive partially or fully irreversible medical procedures.
The leftist extremist, when they get to the point that their views are really no longer acceptable, are in fact extrapolating on their highly oversocialized values. Hyper-progressive values espoused by the most extreme of progressives are really a predictable trend, and the tranny's beliefs are simply ahead of their time. For example, "muh kill all wypipo" is unacceptable but a predictable result of considering white people to be historically evil, presently evil, living on land that isn't theirs, being privileged, and apparently intentionally maintaining an evil system. So the leftist is not in conflict with their society, they are simply pushing their societal values towards the inevitable outcome.

The Chud is interested in redirecting society's values, putting him at odds with it in a direct and confrontational manner. This is also why Chuds are outnumbered dramatically by the extremist left, yet still seen as a greater threatー because they are society's only real opposition (even if they are highly marginalized and almost inconsequential in influence).

>> No.23192890

>being a "chud" was the norm throughout human history. Racism, sexism, and VERY BROADLY, authoritarianish views are all completely normal historicalー
Even if that's true, which I doubt it is, there are plenty of racists and sexists who aren't chuds by most standards. Thomas Jefferson was a perfectly wholesome racist sexist.

>The vast majority of Chuds have a deep respect for western culture and civilization (at least as it was in their heads) and usually identify with a fairly large community.*
Most chuds can barely read anything longer than a paragraph.

>A Chud is less influenced by societal pressure and may align it with whatever he feels is best.
Chud feels societal pressure more intensely and has to release all that pent up energy somehow. Why else are they so mad all the time? Ever seen one loose his shit against some cosplayer and go on a rant about trannies and homos? Dude was cosplaying as a male FF character but nooo chud had to ruin it.

In addition to the above, chuds feel its their duty to shit up every nice moment by shoving politics into it. Chud sees Jewish propaganda in the clouds.

>> No.23192900

You are making irrational guesses and broad generalizations based on strong emotions. The average twitter/discord zoomer can barely read a paragraph anywayー does that invalidate leftism?
You can say that a greater number reads in universities, but that is an obvious result of a political ideology having control over a system.
>Chud feels societal pressure more intensely and has to release all that pent up energy somehow. Why else are they so mad all the time? Ever seen one loose his shit against some cosplayer and go on a rant about trannies and homos? Dude was cosplaying as a male FF character but nooo chud had to ruin it.
All of this is not really relevant and mostly your emotional view.
>In addition to the above, chuds feel its their duty to shit up every nice moment by shoving politics into it. Chud sees Jewish propaganda in the clouds.
Leftists tend to do this as well. "Everything is political" etc. Politics are now included in the introduction to every new print, either being exposition on the book's sexism/racism, or whatever else. You only notice it when Chuds do it because your own views are so normalized that they are unrecognizable as political issues. This is more to do with your ignorance (and I don't mean that in an insulting way).

>> No.23192911

>Thomas Jefferson was a perfectly wholesome racist sexist.
I give you a guarantee that if he were alive today, he would no longer be a "wholesome racist sexist."

>> No.23192913

But what if Chud is taken out of modern society and placed in the high medieval period? What sorts of things is Chud motivated by?

>> No.23192928

Good take

>> No.23192930

Biden has proved you can be borderline chud and still worshipped by milktoast liberals who watch MSNBC

>> No.23192933
File: 136 KB, 618x339, lutherreform_feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE WEST(ern catholic church) HAS FALLEN

>> No.23192944

We can't say because Chuds are an extremely diverse group of people... Unironically more diverse than college leftists (who are predominantly white women). For example, I am a non-white chud. lmao
The average chud is likely to have these two features at the very least:
>1. Moralism
The average chud seems to be highly motivated by social justice, even if they don't want to admit it. This is why the comparison to SJW's is unironically accurate— they are very similarly motivated.
>2. Tribalism
Besides moralism, chuds are tribalistic VERY GENERALLY but the existence of non-white chuds indicates that this is not the CORE of chuddism.

Not much can be said about the chud. It is not likely that the majority of chuds believe what they do for the purpose of disagreeing with society or because they're outcasts. Being alienated simply removes social pressure to conform— it's why, very generally, the people involved in radical movements anywhere and at any time had major flaws that caused them to either be hated or at least shunned by their respective societies. It is not BECAUSE they're hated that they do what they do, it is that they are more free to explore differing ideologies when they no longer have anything else to lose.

There is an element of realpolitik involved in continuing to prop up Biden.

>> No.23192958

>>1. Moralism
>The average chud seems to be highly motivated by social justice, even if they don't want to admit it. This is why the comparison to SJW's is unironically accurate— they are very similarly motivated.
Adding to this, I think it's very obvious that a lot of social justice issues that involve white or male victimhood are largely under-addressed in today's society. SJW-types generally aim for issues that they (at least perceive) as being unfairly ignored. The normal social justice type is far too oversocialized to dare pursue any socially unacceptable form of justice, whereas the Chud, being alienated, is able to assess these under-addressed aspects of society. Again, this is why non-white Chuds will tend to simp for whites. They are motivated by a sense of social justice upon discovering these perceived injustices.

>> No.23192967

>Chuds are an extremely diverse group of people
>The average chud seems to be highly motivated by social justice
u sound like the average college white woman lol

no such thing as chuddism. Its just a bunch of mostly white guys mimic SJWs but going in the opposite direction because they are angry and resentful due to Americas economic and military failures. Chuds are poseurs tumblr feminists except pro-man.

>> No.23192971

>no such thing as chuddism. Its just a bunch of mostly white guys mimic SJWs but going in the opposite direction because they are angry and resentful due to Americas economic and military failures. Chuds are poseurs tumblr feminists except pro-man.
Again, broad generalizations about a diverse group of people.

>> No.23192980

Unironically if chuds kept quiet and out of the way, SJW’s would disappear. Chuds are useful idiots and easy examples for SJW’s to point at to justify their own pushings

>> No.23192983

>What -dere type does Chud prefer?
How does chud fare in a romantic relationship if it is thrust upon him? Maybe he is compatible with someone just as insecure and abrasive as he is? How would he seal the deal with her?
Whatever happiness chud finds is going to be fleeting. Unexpectedly, he’d probably find more fulfillment when, after watching her tragically die, he stakes out a plot for righteous revenge, becoming a villain. Would he be a based antihero or a spiteful villain grasping at air?

>> No.23192993

>Unironically if chuds kept quiet and out of the way, SJW’s would disappear. Chuds are useful idiots and easy examples for SJW’s to point at to justify their own pushings
This is false. SJW identity politics began in the 60's in universities and began to bleed into middle management diversity politics around the 80's and 90's, and by then they had an overbearing influence on society. Chuds are a reaction to the explosion of extreme identity politics perpetrated primarily by the left in the mid 2000's to mid 2010's. Without chuds, there would simply be no countervailing social or political force.

Even then, they are not simply at odds with SJW's or any specific political or racial group; In the absence of SJW's, society would not be reformed to the point that a chud would be satisfied. The Chud today has in mind total social reform, to the point that the conditions required to create SJW's or leftist belief non-existent (in the same way leftists want to make racism/sexism non-existent).

>> No.23193020

its literally a meme label
"diverse group of people" lol no such thing exists

>> No.23193025

Okay? Then your enemies are whatever you say they are.

>> No.23193042

>Besides moralism, chuds are tribalistic VERY GENERALLY but the existence of non-white chuds indicates that this is not the CORE of chuddism.
Not at all, you simply have different racial tribes.

You are chuds, but chuds can have differences just like leftoids.

>> No.23193050

Yeah, makes sense. Black chuds tend to be sympathetic to white issues while still believing in a sort of Black Nationalism (this is just based on observation: I've met only 3 unironic, actual black chuds anti-semitism and all IRL) Sort of just general support for tribalism all around.

>> No.23193065

Chuds typically are not chuddish about every last position. Some of them will have a soft spot for jews, or blacks, or women, the poor, etc.

>> No.23193076

Chuds are just another form of identity politics that became popular in the neolib era. If you look back at the 60s you'll see identical movements built on white resentment, anti-communism, anger towards political elites, and stab in the back myths after Vietnam. In the 2000s, the Bush administration eagerly pushed narratives of civilizational war and the idea that Western civilization is under threat from dangerous foreigners and their enablers. Liberals like Paul Berman were obsessed with other liberals being to weak and unwilling to stand up to "Islamic fascism" which was essentially echoed by the more lunatic fringe Christian crowd who recieved funds from pro-Israel groups. In fact, a lot of chud opinions were popular among liberals in the 90s. On release, the Bell Curve book was promoted by the New York Times, who recently ran an article where Tom Friedman compared Iranians and Palestinians to wasps and spiders. Yet nobody calls Friedman a chud.

Chuds are just liberals whose mask slipped. These guys aren't conservatives of the Burke or De Maistre variety. More like pseudo-conservatives. lolbertarians who've gone all in on the "West is underthreat" neocon agitprop. But what accounts for the behavior of most online chuds? Half are Nietzschean last men, and the other half are a classic case of ressentiment and this particular meme ideology just happens to be their outlet instead of LGBT shit or leftypol Parenti neoStalinism.

>> No.23193091

These black and white faces denoting those belonging to specific political ideologies are unpleasant to look at and unproductive to any kind of meaningful discourse. Sweeping generalisations are the tools of morons and fake experts. Unlearning propaganda is difficult but very worth it because the left/right dichotomy is perhaps the deadest horse on the internet. Let it go, stop being a mouthpiece for the ultra wealthy.

>> No.23193111

I still say that chuds are motivated primarily by morals, the same way that one can argue that the extremely hateful anti-white and anti-male sentiments held by much of the progressive left is a form of incredibly misguided love for those they perceive as victims. The chud is just alienated or undersocialized, so they are not as pressured to align their morals with those of their society.
I suppose this is enough to conclude the topic to chud psychology for you, OP. As for which GF type, I recommend you come up with whatever you want. Maybe there could be conflict in this way:

Chud is an alienated individual with genuine moral beliefs. He is not driven by hate, but just like anyone, he is prone to getting angry or hateful when he considers some sort of injustice has occured. However, he meets a girl that falls in love with him, and who he genuinely loves in return, giving him a sort of ultimatum: Does he give in to love and socialize himself, thereby aligning his values with those of society, or does he reject love for what he believes is morally righteous? This internal conflict between one's morals, love, and the values of society could be fairly interesting, without painting either the chud or society as inherently evil.

>> No.23193129
File: 164 KB, 893x1360, true bel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuds are the other side of the coin, woke tards are one side, chuds are the other.

Its all about morality and control. The mindset is better described in the book the true beliver.


The "New Poor" are the most likely source of converts for mass movements, for they recall their former wealth with resentment and blame others for their current misfortune. Examples include the mass evictions of relatively prosperous tenants during the English Civil War of the 1600s or the middle- and working-classes in Germany who passionately supported Hitler in the 1930s after suffering years of economic hardship. In contrast, the "abjectly poor" on the verge of starvation make unlikely true believers as their daily struggle for existence takes pre-eminence over any other concern.[5]

Racial and religious minorities, particularly those only partly assimilated into mainstream culture, are also found in mass movements. Those who live traditionalist lifestyles tend to be content, but the partially assimilated feel alienated from both their forebears and the mainstream culture ("the orthodox Jew is less frustrated than the emancipated Jew"[6]).

A variety of what Hoffer terms "misfits" are also found in mass movements. Examples include "chronically bored", the physically disabled or perpetually ill, the talentless, and criminals or "sinners". In all cases, Hoffer argues, these people feel as if their individual lives are meaningless and worthless.[7]

Hoffer argues that the relatively low number of mass movements in the United States at that time was attributable to a culture that blurred traditionally rigid boundaries between nationalist, racial and religious groups and allowed greater opportunities for individual accomplishment.

>> No.23193141

>I still say that chuds are motivated primarily by morals,
Yes and no...I think chuds have a point about many topics(I would no doubt be considered one myself by many), but the seething obsession they display is an indication of emotional imbalance. I know personally that if I'm psychologically on firm ground I simply don't care very much about politics. It's not that I stop believing certain things, it's just that they don't seem to matter as much. And conversely when I am in a mess psychologically it's much easier to start getting angry about some political topic. Perhaps this is too obvious to need stating but I think the full on chud is not animated simply by his sense of justice or morality.

I'm also not saying that it's impossible to care about politics in an honest way, but I think that really only applies to people that are genuinely involved in it, as opposed to randoms who just sort of observe and yell from the sidelines. I have never known someone who was really into politics as a hobby or side interest that didn't seem to be using it as a kind of emotional outlet for other problems they had.

>> No.23193142

Hoffer makes a few wild mistakes based on his own biases and ignorance (similar to Eco on fascism, but to a less severe degree), but I suppose it does have some merit to understanding chuds.
One problem raised in this thread is that SJW's are different from chuds in that they are NOT alienated and typically privileged (though this is no directed related to Hoffer, just your post). I think that getting into Hoffer will be going quite outside the scope of this thread, though.

>> No.23193149

>Yes and no...I think chuds have a point about many topics(I would no doubt be considered one myself by many), but the seething obsession they display is an indication of emotional imbalance. I know personally that if I'm psychologically on firm ground I simply don't care very much about politics. It's not that I stop believing certain things, it's just that they don't seem to matter as much. And conversely when I am in a mess psychologically it's much easier to start getting angry about some political topic. Perhaps this is too obvious to need stating but I think the full on chud is not animated simply by his sense of justice or morality.
>I'm also not saying that it's impossible to care about politics in an honest way, but I think that really only applies to people that are genuinely involved in it, as opposed to randoms who just sort of observe and yell from the sidelines. I have never known someone who was really into politics as a hobby or side interest that didn't seem to be using it as a kind of emotional outlet for other problems they had.
Yes true, but people that are content in life don't really have a reason to do anything but passively consume anyway. It becomes not a chud problem, but a problem with political engagement in general.

>> No.23193172
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as i said its all about morality. read into nietzsche and max stirner if you want to stop being a chud, a sjw, and a centrist.

with the death of god there is no longer religion or morality, most people alive use politics as their new identity and this drives their morality, whether it be a rainbow haired social justice warrior or a frigid right wing evangelical or a decorum obsessed centrist.

Its hard to live true to yourself in this world since the stifling morality of political idpol feels all encompassing thanks to technology

One must stare into the abyss and not be scared, do not become a passive nihilist, but an active one!

Only then will you become your true self