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23190698 No.23190698 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books which explain why Jews are so verbally skilled, and why they consequently contribute so strongly to the Western literary tradition?

This isn't a troll thread. Considering that Jewish people make up less than 1% of the world's population, it is remarkable to me that so many great writers I love are Jewish. Kafka, Pessoa, Cervantes, Proust - today I learned that Clarice Lispector (one of the most well-liked writers among women) is also Jewish.

It is astonishing to me that this is the case, and it seems obvious that for whatever reason Jewish people possess the capacity for literary genius far more readily than the members of other ethnic groups, with the only exception perhaps being the Irish.

>> No.23190706

My vague understanding is that for political and religious reasons Jews were, in the Western world at least, confined to peripheral occupations which demanded intellectual ability (unlike farming etc) and thus maintained an ethnic reproductive culture which selected for those with academic ability.

However, if that is true how come Jesus himself (perhaps the most verbally intelligent person in history) was Jewish, as were his disciples whose written works today constitute the most widely-read and widely-loved book in the world. Which is to say, even without these pressures within repressive and hostile Western societies, Jews still seemed to produce literary work of such a high standard that they were widely disseminated and cherished.

>> No.23190726

They have a literary culture. That's it. There's nothing mysterious about it. They've have been bound together by a literary tradition for thousands of years.

>> No.23190733

Do gentiles not have a literary tradition (anymore)?

>> No.23190737

never had

>> No.23190742

What about the Greeks, the Italians (Romans) etc?

They also have an historic literary culture, yet their influence has not been as great. Granted, they do not have as wide a diaspora but still.

>> No.23190747

lol, just like the mythical 115 IQ of the ashkenazi kikes?
the small hat brigade were only published because they have a very aggressive in-group preference
any of their contemporaries is always vastly superior

>> No.23190748

The only Western ethnic group that has a living literary culture on par are the Irish, with both prose and poetry. Not to say the rest of the west isn't strong, it just hasn't been comparatively unique for over a thousand years or so pervasive ever since industrialization in the 18th century.

>> No.23190762

jews have been nitpicking about words and their own rules in order to bypass them, for thousands of years, and it just so happens that democracy is about nitpicking about words, idolizing the legal system and the civil servants who spend their lives creating rules for the population, while the servants themselves try very hard to bypass their own creation.
Weird huh.

>> No.23190769

they let the goyim work while they study

>> No.23190774

But this isn't true in the cases that I mentioned. Kafka was not widely published during his lifetime, but has since become one of the most well-respected writers among gentiles and Jews alike.

Pessoa's Jewishness is/was not even apparent to those who published and loved his work, again psothumously.

Cervantes the same as the above.

Lispector was published at a very young age and hailed as the greatest female writer in Brazil while those who promoted and read her were gentiles.

One of the my suspicions is that Jews have, for several reasons, evolved to both place pressure on their young to be intellectually (rather than physically) excellent, and have had to - due to their outsider status - maintain a level of intensity and ambition which the more staid, complacent members of the in-group did not really have to demonstrate.

>> No.23190775

not sure what you mean here, cervantes, dante, shakespeare, ovid, homer.

jews were unimportant outside of a religious context for many hundreds of years and have only recently joined the cannon say 19th and 20th centuries.

genre fiction like SF is definitely jewish, but it's also american you will be hard pressed to find an important jew prior to people like einstein, who were magnified by modernity, celebrity culture and a conscious effort by the world jewish diaspora to organize and contribute visibly to world history.

marx is probably the most famous jewish writer of recent note, and you can't honestly say it's good.

>> No.23190777

Interestingly, the Irish are known for their relatively large diaspora (Canada, US, UK, Australia, France to an extent) and also strangely enough are apparently more likely to develop rare genetic disorders like Tay-Sachs disease which are also found within Jewish - specifically Ashkenazi - populations (although on this point French-Canadians are apparently also likely to develop this disorder).

>> No.23190781

While true (I don't know much about religious Judaism, though acknowledge the vast amount of energy dedicated to analysing the Torah etc), isn't this true to an extent within Catholicism, or Orthodox Christianity?

>> No.23190782


>> No.23190788

the irish tradition comes out of romantic national revival movements trying to resist the anglophones, mimicking the travelling welsh bards singing sagas during the norman invasion of the isles. they were functionally illiterate as a people in the 1700s and then through a concerted effort by their landholding elites quickly rose to prominence in letters, science, industry etc. scots maybe did it a century earlier so the model was there to be copied.

in principle the jews did the same thing, gaining status through climbing a meritocratic system of rewards based on institutional achievement.

>> No.23190823

No, not really. I grew up in a very Christian household, we read a lot more than most, but even so, I'm not sure the demands are equivalent—particularly because there are no communally established standards. We do not have rights of passage which require Biblical study, though I suppose Catholics have Catechism, but the Catholics I knew had less Scriptural knowledge than I do, so I'm not sure that changes anything in this manner.

I grew up friends with the children of numerous professors of secular beliefs, and even they are not particularly well read. The Jewish tradition demands a certain amount of erudition, and growing up in a culture where literary learning is deeply pervasive seems bound to produce skilled writers. Even if I go to listen to a Jewish financier's take on this or that market, there is every chance I'll see two dozen commentaries on the Torah or whatever they are on the shelves behind him. This is what I mean. You may find some slant analog among more studious Christians, but you'll scarcely find it anywhere else.

That is hardly a tradition. Latin and Greek are not even mandatory anywhere in the West; not even most universities require an actual reading of the source texts. It's all professorial summaries and choice excerpts—a McEducation designed to provide the customer an illusion of scholastic achievement where the only genuine interest is in churning out a loosely prepared workforce. I have a close friend who went to one of the best liberal arts colleges in the country and he graduated with a degree in literature without even having had to learn a lick of Latin or Greek, without having read any Sappho, Hesiod, Xenophon, or many other Greeks. Just by being a nerd I passed up the "education" offered by his expensive bachelor's ages ago. This is the "tradition" of the gentiles.

Western Civilization only achieved the heights it did because of Christ, who brought the Tanakh to the Gentiles. Without Christian morals the Greek intellectual tradition has no legs. It devolves into mere sensualism—which is the nature and root of all paganism. The combination of Platonic attitudes towards learning—emphasized by the exhortations of Scripture, such as in Proverbs, and the morality of Christianity, ultimately a Jewish religion brought to Gentiles, birthed the West.

You may think I feel this way only because I was raised in a Christian household, but I left Christ for nearly a decade and followed after Eastern religion. I only came back to Christ because God involved Himself in my life beyond my capacity or desire to ignore. These are all my opinions of course, and as such, cannot be proven, merely asserted, but they are what they are.

>> No.23190829

Cervantes was Jewish.

>> No.23190836

>I only came back to Christ because God involved Himself in my life beyond my capacity or desire to ignore.

Explain please.

>> No.23190863

Catholic here, you are right. And to answer the OP answer, this scholarly erudite tradition the jews developed is defined as "Cathedocracy" in Paul Johnson "History of the Jews", you might want to give it a read.

>> No.23190862

suffering must make you a better writer

>> No.23190868

Do Jews really suffer more though?

I mean, economically they have tended to be far wealthier and more comfortable than the average gentile.

>> No.23190875

>Cervantes, Proust
These are Catholics

>> No.23190880

Ethnic Jews, ideological make-up doesn't really matter.

>> No.23190911

Yeah, the Torah, Talmud, Tanakh, etc.

Consider how their religion revolves around annotating and annunciating a book. Christian exegesis is more about "feels." Islam is similar but too tied to Arabic.

>> No.23190942

Permanent urbanites. Go to any capital city and the Jews are like everyone else, but more so.
Poetry comes from the heart, not the mind.

>> No.23190947

This is Jewish cope, on par with Jews saying Wagner was Jewish. He was entirely Spanish.

>> No.23190956

Dicken's, Lewis, Kipling, Milton, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Addison are all superior to those authors you listed (except Cervantes, who isn't jewish), and they're all angloids. How do Jews cope?

>> No.23190958

Yes, Zvi Eckstein / Maristella Botticini: The Chosen Few. It's a social history of Jewish literacy and basically argues that the "literate urban cosmopolitan Jew" stereotype was selected for during periods of highly networked non-Jewish empires needing literate polyglot elites, both at court and in mercantile professions. During times of disintegration, when urban life, complex trade, and literate professions declined or (crucially) were able to be monopolized by local language speakers, Jews tended to get squeezed out of those trades, and the "reward structure" for being a literate Jew and specifically keeping your kids out of farming by devoting them to study was different, because now it was exclusively an economic malus rather than a bonus: in short, there was no international market for your sons as polyglot educated "go-betweens" anymore, so it was JUST a detriment that they couldn't farm.

In times like that, poorer Jews tended to convert to local religions and absorb into the local majority population for obvious reasons (it made life easier). The idea being, if you take a Jew on the lower end of the economic spectrum of the Jewish community, and ask him whether he'd rather be a second-class citizen spat upon in the Jewish community for "only" being able to send 2 of his 5 sons to study Talmud and never farm, or whether he'd prefer to convert to a Jewish Christian denomination that isn't structured as an oligarchy of rabbis with the wealth and leisure to study all day, OVER TIME those poor Jews would gradually answer the latter, by converting. Obviously many of them "half-converted," but then their sons would be raised mostly in the local majority culture, and over time the family would cease to be Jewish.

The authors note that this is what happened in the time between the destruction of the Second Temple and the rise of Islam. Then Islam came and restored an international imperial structure with complex trade networks, and "literate Jewry" became an international phenomenon again - if you read Pirenne, prior to this they were basically just Mediterranean slave merchants who sold Christian slaves to any buyer. (They seem to have been highly overrepresented in the slave trade, according to Pirenne.)

Things are complicated by the existence of poor stetl/ghetto Jews in Russia, the Pale, and other eastern European countries in early modernity, but even those Jews usually acted as go-betweens and as a proto-bourgeoisie (because urban + trades). Jews had international networks of other Jews so that when they travelled they could find safe harbor, but this also worked to promote business and trade, obviously. You "know a guy" in Bonn or Berlin, because you sent your sons to study Talmud with him, but there's no reason you can't also receive accommodations from him when you go there to establish a lucrative trade deal, and vice versa when he needs to send a son to oversee a deal in Gdansk.

>> No.23190964

When Russia progressively expelled its Jews, they flooded poor, overwhelmingly peasant states in eastern Europe, still mostly feudal in structure. They established themselves in the very small and barely nascent towns, and also did stereotypical east European Jew behaviors like operating alcohol stills and local trade entrepots. (They also did this in the New World - they were heavily overrepresented as "go-betweens" and providers of basic colonial supplies in both North and South America, but also heavily overrrepresented in the "triangular" slave trade, just as they had been in the ancient Mediterranean.)

There were several revivals and discourses on revival of Judaism in early modernity and the Enlightenment: Do we become hardcore religious Jews? do we use our education to become the spearhead of the Enlightenment with its secularism and civil codes respecting freedom of religion? how do we escape the Russian "shtetl Jew" lifestyle and image, especially in light of our successful intermingling (to put it mildly) / successful parasitization (to put it aggressively) of local national economies in central/eastern Europe, where e.g. we are sometimes 50% of literate urban professionals, 50% of university students, or even 50% of the entire urban bourgeoisie despite being 1-5% of the population?

There was always a trend for the old eastern European Jew, highly "visible" in eastern Europe for obvious reasons, to flee toward Britain, France, and America, with their liberal constitutions and their long-established traditions of tolerating very prominent Jewish bankers and other haute bourgeoisie among the elite. This trend obviously accelerated as the Soviets first used urban Jews as ideal agents of red terror (using Lenin's rationale that, because they are hated by & hate native Russians, and are disconnected form Russian social/cultural structures, they will be more efficient at enforcing the revolution's aims), then purged the Jews under Stalin. The Jews, as "Trotskyists" (internationalist anti-Stalinist red terror enthusiasts) then fled to the West, where many of them harbored extreme spite toward Stalin for taking Russia away from them, and many of these became famous Neocons and anti-Russia hawks. (See the "New York Intellectuals.")

>> No.23190966

Then of course the Germans expelled them, and this really catalyzed a "moment" in modern Jewish history, as HIGHLY (this can't be overemphasized) self-conscious "diaspora Jewish intellectuals" largely from Germany but also from countries with incredibly powerful Jewish hautes bourgeoisies like Hungary fled to the United States in a concerted, self-conscious movement, saying "That's enough of being second-class citizens in Europe; we're DEFINITIVELY setting down roots in US urban/financial centers, where we are already well-represented and have friends who can 'prepare our landing'." The Jewish mafia at this time was also extremely prominent, alongside the Irish and Italian mafias, two other outsider/ghetto populations in the context of late 19th/early 20th century American society: the Irish mafia simply became the modern corrupt "political party" (Tammany Hall e.g.), the Italian mafia stayed "outsiders" until Italian-Americans ceased to stand out and then it faded away under RICO etc., but the Jewish mafia simply "went legit" by transitioning into smut-peddling businesses (organized modern pornography industries, analogous to the previous generation's selling alcohol to poor farmers in eastern Europe), and its biggest cash-cow: Hollywood. Hollywood was a Jewish racket in the same way Tammany Hall was an Irish racket and "organized crime" (really, organized PETTY crime - the only type of crime left over to the Italians) was an Italian racket. The Jews also had massive influence in finance of course, and like in the UK, they intertwined with the WASP elite and competed with Rockefeller types for power, eventually outcompeting them.

Once again you see the pattern: Jews, by virtue of being itinerant and polyglot, find "niches" in economies, usually niches associated with vice (fatefully hooking entire populations on vodka from cheap stills via their monopolies) or "dirty" jobs (slave-trading). They are adapted to this because they see goys as "outsiders," in the same way that the British were well-adapted to get American Indians addicted to booze because they were outsiders, or to sell rum made from molasses traded for slaves back to the original African slavers, or to get the Chinese addicted to opiates, etc. The Brits didn't care that they were potentially destroying the entire Chinese people by doing this, because systemically they were "just trading with a foreign people." Jews enter into cities in which they see themselves as ghettoized outsiders, and they "find a niche" that allows them to support themselves and that isn't monopolized by locals. Sombart talks about how in the early modern period they basically invented the modern form of dishonest and aggressive advertising as a way of competing with local European merchants, who instinctively saw it as undignified and unnecessary. They also did things like mending and re-selling clothes ("ragpicking").

>> No.23190968

But obviously over time they corner more profitable industries like pornography, drugs, and the quasi-pornographic Hollywood, which exclusively caters to the base side of non-Jewish society, and has a vested interest in making that side more prominent and more active (to create higher demand for more quasi-pornographic movies). Same thing in the music industry, which you can use as a microcosm of how they operate: they deliberately promote awful behaviors to the black community in exchange for "uplifting" key/token blacks and letting them lord over their fellow blacks in an empire of vice, because this creates a permanent captive audience for their vice-based prolefeed.

In the 1920s in America, the early phases of diasporic Jewry had already basically made New York, arguably the most important city in the country, into their personal haven. They dominated arts and culture there. If you read a history of "American culture," "American art," "American literature, poetry, drama," etc., you will see a LOT of New York Jews, who are really basically reflecting European (especially German) Jewish consciousness and writing for European/German-Jewish concerns, not even "to" an American audience but "before" an American audience, as Jews prefer to talk to themselves about themselves in front of the non-Jew.

By the post-war period, they had intertwined with American culture even more deeply, and in key ways. In order to prevent a change of regime, which the old WASP elites utterly rejected for obvious reasons, America had to decisively distinguish itself from European intellectual currents of the early 20th century. This principally meant no socialism or communism and no fascism. But by the 1920s, it was painfully obvious to the old WASP elites (now dying as a class, unbeknownst to them) that America had lost its identity during its transformation to the world's premiere industrial-financial megapolitan urban society (what Europeans increasingly and disparagingly called "Americanism"), and with the advent of mass society. "Mass" democracy, with its clamoring for a welfare state and its rejection of rule by old business oligarchies, was clearly different from the republican democracy the Founders envisioned. The propaganda and mass organization apparatuses used in WW1 were thus continued after the end of the war and reconceptualized as tools for the "management" of society (see Lippmann and Bernays), and the WASP elites planned to insulate themselves in centers of power and to stabilize the masses and defuse their more dangerous "irrational" behaviors, like their desire for a circulation of elites. Remember, these developments also dovetailed with the rise of truly frivolous and base "pop culture," like jazz music, swing dancing, and the general sexual libertinism of the 1920s (all of which were buoyed by the apocalyptic world war in recent memory and the relative prosperity of the period, pre-Depression).

>> No.23190971

So the possible vectors for mass control were pretty obvious: the same people who wanted socialism also evidently wanted prosperity and hedonism, so perhaps the latter could be used to avoid the former.

The Great Depression and the wars with the fascist and communist states forced the US and the UK to become even more self-conscious of the need to differentiate themselves from these European alternative visions of post-industrial modernity. They did this by using the Lippmann/Bernays propaganda apparatus and the new upgraded culture-shaping apparatus provided by WW2, especially the OSS/CIA, to promote "liberal democracy" - as if it had been perfectly continuous through the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries as a single "tradition," when in fact it had lost public confidence and lapsed as a viable tradition roughly beginning with the financial crises of the 1870s and the rise of both left-wing and right-wing socialist discourses. This "liberal democracy" was aggressively associated with things in the interest of the WASP business elite, like the Dulles brothers: free market capitalism (reheating early 18th century vintage Mandevillian arguments for "aggregate self-interest = prosperity," considered demolished and naive even by liberals in the 19th century), freedom of choice (which dovetails nicely with the aforementioned narcotizing libertinism), lack of "extremism" ("don't rock the boat, don't circulate the elites"), etc.

All this of course dovetailed with post-war neo-Fordist prosperity, in which EVERYBODY thought that utopia was both on the horizon and liberalism-shaped, EVERYBODY could afford a car and a house, jazz 2.0 (modern pop genres, with such edifying themes as "I love you baby baby baby" and "I wanna hold you baby baby baby") and the loudest voices in the chorus were triumphantly anti-communist and anti-fascist, with bitter emigres from those countries and "reformed" communist/fascist ideologues already overrepresented and eager to create entire genres of post- and anti-fascist/communist literature. Government in this period also became totalitarian and managerial in the same way as the fascist and communist states intended, but once again, hidden behind neo-"liberal democratic" veneer and tightly managed by WASP elites (cf. Powell memorandum). Just like in the '20s, when elites tried to take hedonism, "pop" counter-culture, prosperity-worship without also taking socialist/fascist radicalism, the elites of the '60s and '70s deliberately promoted the hedonistic and frivolous aspects of the Beat/Hippie counter-cultures while denuding them of serious political content (cf. Dave McGowan).

>> No.23190973

Many people believe Cervantes's parents or grandparents were conversos.

>> No.23190974

Ex-CIA affiliates like Marcuse, promoting "free self-expression AS praxis!," were every useful in this respect. Eventually a "new elite" (cf. Lasch, Lebedoff, Djilas) was created which was a hybrid of accredited apparatchiks (technocrats), neo-"liberal" feel-good self-expressionism and optimism, and New Left pseudo-socialist "express yourself!! why can't we all be friends, man?" hippie scum. We call these boomers now, but really all subsequent generations have just been progressive mutations of the same demonic strain.

Obviously crucial to this new, urban-centered, post-republican hippie-hedonistic America, with its synthesis of fun anti-corporate college campus counter-culture and cheap omnipresent corporate junk food and pop culture, were the urban centers themselves, and the massive financial apparatuses necessary to govern and manage them, all of course run via influence and nepotism (actual democracy can't even exist at the local level in neo-"liberal democracy"). But now reflect: Jews are incredibly overrepresented in every single trend we have been listing here:
>pornography / selling general vices and frivolity to non-Jews
>Hollyweird and its quasi-pornographic movies that only appeal to base, prurient, childish, and sensationalist aspects of the human being
>music industry with its "Baby baby baby I wanna fug you (isn't it crazy I hinted at FUG in a SONG? This ain't your parents' music, baby! Groovy!)" prolefeed / willingness to recruit hep cat blacks from nightclub acts to soup up its efficiency in generating catchy meaningless sex songs
>finance obviously
>the WASP/Jewish hybrid literati ("can we get Einstein to write another op-ed in Encounter on how the 'free market' is good? the proles like Einstein, right?")
>post-communists ("Trotskyist" -> New York Intellectuals -> neo-con / anti-Stalin socialist intellectual pipeline)
>urban centers in general, but especially New York (which increasingly dominated American arts and letters since the '20s, mostly because America by that point had lost any cultural integrity and was drifting into mere hedonism, therefore ANY aggressively self-promoting "literary elite" would have center stage) and LA

>> No.23190975

Jews = Neanderthal remnants
Jews inherited a Neanderthal left brain inflammation which leads to above average linguistic skills. But, as we know, linguistics and technology are basically one and the same thing. So jews quite literay turned Europeans into tools just like any other technology, and this is why they are disproportionately represented in literature. Because they *are* the original literary elite (in the wesrern world). Everyone else (in the west) is just aping them, the superior species

>> No.23190977

Where are you pasting this from?

>> No.23190979

As I said above, the WASP elites didn't realize they were decadent, and they were distracted by the needs of suppressing the lumpen and defeating commies and fascists abroad, so really all they did was create the self-running security-and-orgyporgy-state that could then be inherited by whoever came next. And "whoever came next" inevitably included disproportionate numbers of activistic Jews with enormous financial resources, enormous influence over culture, far more worldliness and willingness to talk and set ideological and cultural agendas than badly fragmented and docile "middle America," and total willingness to collude amongst themselves, systemically, to monopolize positions of influence and authority. It became a common joke among Jews that they are the real ruling class in America.

These developments are the backdrop for what Capote said in that interview:
>Capote: Well, it has brought about the rise of what I call the Jewish Mafia in American letters. This is a clique of New York-oriented writers and critics who control much of the literary scene through the influence of the quarterlies and intellectual magazines. All these publications are Jewish-dominated and this particular coterie employs them to make or break writers by advancing or withholding attention. I don’t think there’s any conscious, sinister conspiracy on their part—just a determination to see that members of their particular clique rise to the top. Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow and Philip Roth and Isaac Bashevis Singer and Norman Mailer are all fine writers, but they’re not the only writers in the country, as the Jewish literary Mafia would have us believe. I could give you a list of excellent writers ... the odds are you haven’t heard of most of them, for the simple reason that the Jewish Mafia has systematically frozen them out of the literary scene. Now, mind you, I’m not against any particular group adhering to its own literary values and advancing its own favored authors; such cliques have always existed in American letters. I only object when any one particular group ... gets a strangle hold on American criticism and squeezes out anybody who doesn’t conform to its own standards. It’s fine to write about specifically Jewish problems, and it often makes valid and exciting literature—but the people who have other messages to convey, other styles and other backgrounds should also be given a chance. Today, because of the predominance of the Jewish Mafia, they’re not being given that opportunity. This is something everyone in the literary world knows but never writes about.

>> No.23190980

But really all this should be understood as just another manifestation of their socio-historical function as gypsy polyglots who, systemically and in aggregate, don't care about the majority populations they live amongst, or rather, who care about them less than they care about Jewish identity. Even if individual Jews disdain selling alcohol to poor farmers, human nature being what it is, Jews are gradually going to fill the niche of vodka bootlegging (or pornography, or whatever it is) because that niche is open to them and extremely profitable, and it is a means of survival. And traditional enmities between Jews and Europeans being what they are, Jews are not even particularly disinclined to become pimps and dealers to non-Jews.

This creates a situation in which they are so dominant and so assured of their positions of prominence that they relax slightly and "cohabitate" with the people to whom they sell pornography and drugs. As long as those people walk beside them on the same "liberal democratic" streets of New York, ordinary everyday Jews can maintain the illusion that they are all just equal strivers for prosperity in one big anonymous land. But systemically, sociologically, they have a perfectly determinate function in the modern totalitarian soft-managerial regime that replaced republican and national democracies, Sam Francis' "anarcho-tyranny." This is why Marx said that it's nothing particular to Judaism that makes Jews "Jews" in the anti-semitic sense, it's rather that modern civilization called out for a Jewish-esque elite and in a sense constituted it, in the same way that it transformed 19th century liberal WASPs into 20th century technocrat WASPs by parasitizing their genuine short-sighted motivations, and then once it was done with them, dissolved them too into the mush of the new post-racial oligarchy which is better fitted to the post-WW2 totalitarian orgyporgy globohomo consensus.

Jews were basically white collar gypsies. The system does the same thing with mass immigration: it needs inbred scabs from the third world who will come and swamp social services and degrade the quality of life in welfare states, to prevent the "outmoded" legacy white populations from attaining any kind of self-direction. It needs a permanent lumpen. But it does not particularly care WHICH third world country or countries provide this endless influx. What it really "sees" is not "feed me more inbred Pakistanis," it sees Renaud Camus' "undifferentiated human material" (UHM), THEN it picks up an inbred Pakistani and goes "this is perfect; import twelve million of these, and tell the originating country to breed 12 million more, for next month's shipment."

>> No.23190986

So when you want to understand Jewish influence or prominence you need to understand it against this very complex cybernetic totality, which is converging on the omega point of the complete spiritual death of humanity. They are simultaneously the highest representatives of a certain phase of the system and puppets of that system just like WASPs were. Their behaviors are all both beneficial to and thus selected for by the system, and trained by the system once they are integrated into the system. For example it is beneficial to the system if "based" Jews really believe that they are advocating "liberal democracy" by opposing "wokeness," so that they will act as a natural tamping/distracting/defusing factor in anti-wokeness discourse to prevent it from becoming openly fascistic or communistic (in short, anything that could cause a circulation of elites). It's also beneficial if New York Jews really and actually believe what they are saying, and believe they believe it, BOTH when they say "This is a country of minorities! Constitutions, not white peoples, define the identities of western nations!" on Monday, AND when they say "Fuck you goy, you are a cultureless flyover white peon and nothing compared to my cultured worldly New York Jewishness, I went to Harvard you fucking pleb, you are banned from flying or having a credit card because you criticized me!" on Thursday because someone said something mildly critical of Jewish overrepresentation in the president's cabinet on Wednesday.

>> No.23190987

You are just stupid and brainwashed. I met some Germans who has nothing to do with judaism or jews and are verbally skilled, on the other hand I met some Israelis who are verbally retarded and apes.

>> No.23190994

>They have a literary culture
The literary culture in Israel is literally non-existent, and 99% of the people there dont read books, compared with , lets say, Europe or even America.

>> No.23191000

In many ways Jews are massive victims of this system and they are in for a very rude awakening because all of their unfortunate tendencies, like their gypsyish disdain for non-Jews and pride in having "finally made it" and made the world safe for Jews, are just temporarily useful moments in a dialectical progression toward the irreversible nadir of subhumanity intended by the system. Jews will be cast off like the WASPs were, in the same way that Buckley was left adrift after being used to purge serious conservatives from the movement once he was no longer useful, in the same way as the genuine ideals of ferocious anti-communist patriots were used to oppose socialism insofar as socialism is not beneficial to the system but then cast aside as the very society they thought they were protecting basically ended toward Soviet-esque totalitarianism anyway.

The casting aside of the Jews will probably involve their extermination, as once they are no longer useful to the system it will have no qualms about annihilating them, at the hands of whatever new phase of the oligarchy has recently become useful. For example the system would gladly tolerate the systematic annihilation of the Jews at the hands of a "mixed" European population that is venting historical rage, and that THINKS it is getting rid of the evil elites making everything bad in modernity, without realizing it is itself constituting the new phase in that badness and merely being permitted to purge the last elite, just like the last 50 years has provided many opportunities for Jews to stand astride the corpse of white European civilization and say "see? we won in the end!" But it's not the end.

If I were Jewish I would start developing a discourse for anti-secular Jews who are rabidly pro-nationalism and highly self-conscious of their minority status and eager to accept exclusion from centers of power and influence in Western countries. That way, when Western countries begin to react exponentially badly to Jews, which will probably be a self-catalyzing process once some decisive shift in the overton window takes place, there will be a ready-made discourse of "don't gas us, it was just the secular ones who were the problem," and any natural kindness and desire not to gas people on the part of the new anti-semitic movements will be able to enter into fruitful "how do we find you a Madagascar, little buddy?" dialogue with the new Jewish leadership.

The worst thing Jews could do is double down on being smug secularists and cosmopolitan nation-haters.

>> No.23191018

What is it with those JIDF threads lately?

>> No.23191019

Childhood-induced trauma through circumcision and the early onset of taking responsibility through the Bar Mitzvah. For the especially religious households numerology and maths at an early age. Plus, of course, the constant imagined victimhood and thinking everybody around you is an antisemite.

>> No.23191048

what do you think about Ber Borochov, in relation to this? He was a Marxist Zionist.
>Borochov argued that the class structure of European Jews resembled an inverted class pyramid where few Jews occupied the productive layers of society as workers. The Jews would migrate from country to country as they were forced out of their chosen professions by a "stychic process" which would ultimately force migration to Palestine, where they would form a proletarian basis in order to carry out Marxist class struggle.
I can't say I'm too knowledgeable about this but I appreciate your analysis and would be curious to hear what you think

>> No.23191061

Pretty much everybody in developed countries is preoccupied with entertainment 24/7. Pretty much everyone in the third world is preoccupied with survival 24/7. Jews don't fall for their own entertainment traps.

>> No.23191062

They aren't as smart as you think. Sure there are some good writers, but most Jews live on trust funds. They're good at manipulation, you mean?

>> No.23191064

How about some evidence.

>> No.23191083

I suppose I can't ignore an outright request to share the testimony of my faith.

After several years of more casual Buddhist practice, beginning, as many Westerners do, under the influence of Soto and Rinzai Zen thinkers, I had eventually settled into a sort of combined practice of predominantly Shingon sect Buddhism with influences of Tibetan Theravada, Chinese Daoism, and, at least intellectually, a casual habit of occult study (as I still had a literary inclination, and the occult provides for lots of reading). I had been studying Japanese out of joy of the language for a few years and this combined with my desire to take my Buddhist studies and martial arts practice (something I have long since given up, but which was then a serious part of my daily affairs) further, had me following a strict regimen on of yoga, meditation, and martial practice every day, which I had taken from both my own ideas and the recommendations of Japanese monks, with the hopes of spending at least a few years as a priest on Mt. Hiei in Japan and perhaps having a chance to study Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu, which was only taught under keppan (blood oath) in Japan—at least, at the time. I had a sincere impression my practice was gaining me spiritual refinement, however small, until without warning I found myself beset by what I can only call demons or spirits for six days—always beginning at night.

>> No.23191086

The entire affair was peculiar in every regard, and it would be difficult to describe it all in minute detail, but each night the spirit(s) returned, and each night the circumstances and manifestations of their doings worsened to the point of my even passing out outside the front door of my mother's home and awakening to paramedics on the fifth night of these affairs. The paramedics found nothing and clearly suspected I was some sort of drug abuser, but offered to take me to the hospital nonetheless. Refusing for the cost, I climbed into the passenger's seat of my mother's car when she, being a Christian, stopped and told me she believed these circumstances were spiritual in origin (which I knew) and she wanted me to stay at her home that night so she could pray over me and let praise and worship to the Lord play throughout the home as I slept. I consented, but expected nothing really, yet my predicament was such that I had already tried everything I knew to try—I had even gone so far as to ask a Jehovah's Witness (who was one of my roommates) his opinion—he merely became visibly disturbed. I consulted a pagan shaman I knew. He had no answers. I asked a secular friend. He looked at me like I was loosing my mind (which was a very real concern of my own at the time). So at this point, I thought, "Why not? I'll let my mother have her way. It won't help, but what could it hurt?" However, to my surprise, that night the demons did not attack. Instead, I could feel their presence come right to the door of the room I was in and yet not enter. It was altogether...you know, I'm not sure what. It was a relief, but you have to understand—I did not like any ideas of accepting Christ or being a Christian, so, when morning came, I decided that on no account would I change my life because of a single night's events. I returned home. I renewed my practices and proceeded as if nothing had changed. As you might expect, that night the demons attacked. Everything which had occurred on the prior nights (which I have omitted till now)—spiritual pressure of the demonic presence, cold sweats, bodily pains, swelling, human-like inhuman voices in an indiscernible language, everything came back all at once that had previously built upon itself night by night. I should probably have mentioned, that the third night, the first night in which the demonic presence had not merely occupied a space, but followed me (as I left the house in an attempt to escape) there had been a moment where it was so acute I could have sworn the demon stood behind me, and, indeed, spun around like a madman to see what I knew would not be there, yet when I did, something like a punch to my stomach came, and I felt like something peeled me open just below my navel and, though I hoped I was wrong, slithered in. It will become relevant.

>> No.23191088

I suppose I ought to have merely recounted each night's events clearly, but was trying to avoid it, honestly. Forgive me for that. In any case, afflicted as I was by all these symptoms of something I knew not, I considered waking my best friend, who slept in the room next to mine, and rushing off to the hospital, but I recalled in embarrassment the incredulity of the paramedics and the enlarged eyes of those I had disclosed to before, so instead I sat on my bed in panic, still hearing voices, thinking of what I ought to do. I glanced over and saw upon the bottom of my bookshelf the Bibles which my father had given me as a high school graduation present. I had kept them because they meant something to him. His father had done the same and he had worn his Bible to rags with use. I picked it up and spoke in desperation to the God I did not believe in, "God, if you are real, please save me." And I flipped it open. The first verse my eyes landed on was Joshua 1:9, "Do not fear nor be dismayed for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Actually, those two events may have happened in reverse come to think of it, haha, as immediately afterwards I believe I prayed those words and everything stopped. The voices, the sweat, the pains, swelling—everything stopped. However, as you can tell already, I am a stubborn man. I thought it over and I told the Lord I would give Him one year. For one year, I would set aside all my designs on my own life—all my practice—and instead read the Scriptures and try to do as they said, but if that year ended and I did not know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He was God and there was no other I would throw that very same Bible in the trash and burn it, and whether I lost my mind or became the enslaved vessel of spirits or whatever I would never call on His name again. So I gave Him the year. It only took two weeks before I was certain.

>> No.23191093

In the first week, having no Church of my own, I merely began to follow along with a Read The Bible In A Year plan which my Bible had in the front portion. I went onto Google and looked up Bible studies. I watched sermons, I think. In any case, during these times I began to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. The odd thing was, even though I would say the presence of God felt good, as it ought, I also felt nausea or sleepiness or both when I either tried to read the Word or the presence of God came around. I didn't understand what that meant, but I would. In my readings of the Torah, as I started with, first, Job, but then moved immediately into the Torah and onto Joshua, I would see that God had given so-and-so a spirit of Wisdom or of Prophecy or whathaveyou, so I had naively written up a list of spirits I wanted from the Lord and spirits I did not. I had begun to take Communion daily and to read the Lord's Supper portions of the Gospels or else to reread the Passover portions from Exodus before doing so. I don't recall now whether I had read somewhere that I should, or whether this had been of my own design, but either way, one of these times, about a week out from the seventh morning following the six nights of demonic attack—the morning where I had given the Lord the year, having shut myself up into my room for privacy, and the door of my room being flush to the fluff of the carpet so that the door would drag it as it closed—as a seal, I proceeded to have a "quiet time" with the Lord, and to pray that list of spirits I did and did not want to Him. At that moment, for the first time where I could be fully sure in my life, I heard the Lord speak to me. He spoke clear as a day in an inaudible voice in my heart, interrupting my praying of that list to Him, and said, "Pray to be released from the spirit of sorcery." I was shocked, but being sure I heard Him I prayed it, nearly as a question, "I pray to be released from the spirit of sorcery?" And as soon as I had said the words, something that felt like a column of wind shot out of my chest! It rattled the blinds on the window to my right so that I spun round to see them, then whirled up to look at the ceiling fan (which was turned off), and then proceeded to run out of the room without thinking and inform my other-other roommate (who was irreligious) of what had just happened (and he spun around in his computer chair with a face that said he had genuine concern for my sanity, but I did not care). I don't remember precisely what happened after that, but I continued my new fumbling walk with Christ. However, it was not this that swayed me, although I suppose, had you asked, perhaps I might have been convinced already, I don't know—no one asked.

>> No.23191096

It was the following week. Each night before bed, I was praying a rudimentary and mundane set of prayers—thank you God for this or that, please God this, please take care of this or that person, bless my sleep—whatever, when, for the first time in my life, I had a vision. In my spirit, I saw very quickly a single scene: God's finger (which I simply knew was His and His hand reach around it and squeeze it like someone wringing out a towel. On the end of His finger a single drop of what looked like olive oil appeared and fell. When it fell the vision ended, but I felt that drop hit my forehead hot, and when it did the power of the living God rushed into me and filled me up! I felt like I was on drugs or something I felt so good! Tears were gushing out of my eyes for no reason, snot was running out of my nose, but I felt like a glass vase into which someone was shoving the water from a firehose on full blast and I thought I would break! Face down on the floor, I thanked God for His presence, but I begged Him that He remove it so that I would not die! And He did. No sooner had I asked, then the Lord dialed it back, so I could stop weeping and snotting and sit up straight. I no longer felt like I would die. And I no longer had any doubt who was God. You see, in the various occultisms, paganisms, Buddhisms, and so forth that I had explored over the years, I had experienced various things which made me think that somewhere deeper, further in, lie greater Truth or power. That was why I had continued on, but in that moment God very clearly showed me without my asking that a single drop of His presence was beyond anything all my thousands of hours of training and study had amounted to. He gave it freely. He asked for nothing, but my love and fidelity in return for His. He was and is God and there is no other.

>> No.23191098

I was too much of a baby Christian to know it then, but there was another reason this happened. For approximately thirty nights after the demon was cast out of me, it would come to the foot of my bed and stand there. I could not see it, but I could feel its presence so clearly I could have traced you its outline. I asked God what to do about it and He told me to read the Word of God out loud before bed, and after that thirty or so days it stopped coming. In the Word, Jesus says (paraphrasing to the best of my memory, begging your pardon), "When a demon is cast out, it wanders through waste places; and finding no rest, it returns to the house from whence it came, and finding it clean and put in order brings with it seven spirits and the latter state of that man is worse than the first." Something like that. Likewise, there is the "Parable of the Strong Man." In other words, in a typical situation where a man is possessed by a devil, the devil is cast out by elders of the church who know what to do. That person converts, is baptized—first by water, and then in the Holy Spirit—and once full of the Holy Spirit of God, the Strong Man, no demon may afflict him. However, I had no elders, no church, no genuine knowledge I was possessed or anything of that nature. God Himself therefore delivered me and baptized me in the Holy Spirit that day so that I would be protected against repossession by the spirit He had cast out.

Since then, I have had many more experiences with God and even seen further possessions, deliverances, and miracles. You may wonder if I simply went insane or if I am a schizophrenic, but it is not the case. I have never since had any experience quite like that six day terror and deliverance. I am friends with lawyers, a cardiologist, and various intelligent professionals who would be kind enough to point out if they suspected I were more than just odd and legitimately loosing my marbles. And no, they are not all Christian either. As you might imagine, I refrain from rushing to share this testimony both for its length and its fantastic nature, but when someone directly asks, I take it as a sign that someone, whether the asker, someone else, or perhaps even me, needs to hear it, and that God wants me to share. I am sorry for taking up so much space. Would that I could explain it more easily and still do it justice. May God bless you and any who have read this in the knowledge of Jesus Christ His Son and take you and your family into the Kingdom of God by His mercy. Thank you for hearing what I had to say.

>> No.23191102

Luke was a gentile and wrote more of the new testament than any other author
The cope from those who want this type of gibberish disseminated >>23190698
is that Luke was a Hellenized Jew.

>> No.23191118

Oh cool, anecdotal evidence!

>> No.23191164
File: 86 KB, 1113x587, neanderthal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neanderthals had a massive occipital lobe, suggesting strong reliance on vision. If anything modern Jews are the opposite of this, usually having poor vision and mediocre visuospatial abilities.

>> No.23191200

Nepotism and media attention.

There are several groups of people with great literary outputs that don’t receive nothing near the attention that Jews receive.

Lispector herself is an example: she was mostly unknown in the world until culturally influential Jews from New York noticed that she was “one of us” and started to mass-promote her.

Also, there’s nothing in Jewish literary history that comes close to the language of Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson, or the novels of Tolstoy, or the short story corpus of Chekhov.

Lispector herself is nowhere near as good as people are forcing her to be. She is being forced inside people’s throats right now, just as some other Jewish writers were in the past.

If one take, say, Poles, and started to promote them as much as Jews are promoted you would get as many great writers as Jews boast.

>> No.23191204

>narcotizing libertinism
lol that's a funny phrasing

>> No.23191207

Pessoa was hardly a Jew. Even his Jewish translator Zenith who would have everything to gain from making a Jew out of Pessoa, said his Jewish ancestry was extremely diluted. Pessoa also was anti-semitic, planned to translate the The Protocols, racist, nationalistic, flirted with fascism. Calling him a Jew is kind of silly. Does being 2% Irish make you Irish?

>> No.23191230

>Pessoa also was anti-semitic

Any evidence to support that?

>> No.23191236

There’s also no significant evidence for Cervantes being the son or grandson of Jews. Most scholars agree there’s no basis to deem him as Jewish.

>> No.23191242

>Among Pessoa’s most disturbing facets were his brushes with anti-Semitic texts as well as fascism. Again, Zenith, adoring as he is of his subject, walks a delicate line on this topic, though he does not flinch from confronting this aspect of Pessoa’s writings. Under the aegis of Olisipo, Pessoa entertained the idea of publishing, in Portuguese translation, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a nefarious, fraudulent document that first circulated in Russia and purported to show that a global Jewish cabal was intent on controlling governments, business, and the media. Pessoa commissioned someone with the initials A.L.R., a writer about whom nothing else is known, to do the translation. In the end, nothing came of it.
>The episode, however, was only one in a series in which Pessoa toyed with xenophobic, jingoistic literature, such as a booklet called The Interregnum, in which he defended military dictatorship as advisable for Portugal to find political stability. And among his publishing adventures, he planned to issue a pamphlet—in Portuguese, English, and French—titled The Jew Sociologically Considered, because, in his view, Jewish themes were not sufficiently pondered in Portugal. The pamphlet never materialized either. If it had, it is possible it might have been anti-Semitic.

>> No.23191250

Cervantes was much closer to the conversos chronologically speaking. That would surprise me. I wouldn't be surprised if Pessoa's family long ago had a converso in it, but he was very separated from that.

If you know Portuguese/Spanish people, they conjecture a lot about their potential ethnic admixtures. I knew a Spanish girl who told me she thought she had African blood because her hair was curly. I bet the Pessoa thing was a myth started by his own mom because she had a big nose or something. That's how Iberians think. It gets really silly.

>> No.23191268

>it is possible it might have been anti-Semitic

>> No.23191281

Basically showing that he tried to get two anti-semitic texts translated and published. One we know is anti-Semitic. The other they think might have been.

Who would want to circulate The Protocols except someone who, at least partially, endorsed in them?

>> No.23191303

Okay, but still in the Zenith biography there are letters where Pessoa describes himself as being descended from Jews.

>> No.23191315

See >>23191207.

>> No.23191411

Mass promotion is a helluva drug.

>> No.23191441

>Lispector herself is an example: she was mostly unknown in the world until culturally influential Jews from New York noticed that she was “one of us” and started to mass-promote her.
Holy shit lmao. She was unknown to you americans but she was considered one of the best and greatest female writers in Brazil decades ago. She is very well known in Latam.
But I do know EXACTLY what you are talking about, some weird rich gay guy in New York publishes his new translations on her works. His translations are total hack jobs btw. He wrote a biography about her, where he made up this outlandish claim that father wasn't really her father, but rather her mother was probably like totally maybe raped by nazis because that would be SO Jewish.

tl;dr don't buy anything from New Directions publishing ever. you can buy old editions for pennies and a dollar on the used market

>> No.23191487

the proper way to deal with this is the buddhist way and the buddhist way is this

>> No.23191490

>Jews don't fall for their own entertainment traps.
that's not true at all. i get what you're trying to say here, a 'don't get high on your own supply' trope but jews in reality are just as subsumed in the entertainment vortex as everyone else. They like reading books and watching tv like anyone else.

>> No.23191508

>If you know Portuguese/Spanish people, they conjecture a lot about their potential ethnic admixtures.
this is true and due to the staggered ethnic displacements in iberia you can really have a field day with pick your race. and it also changes depending on the regime at the time. during Franco, you would of course say you were pure blooded raza castellana to make your life easier. However, as this anon says, you might get a woman with a big nose claiming her pura sangre gitana or a cordoban jew or andaluzian royalty just depending on so many idiosyncratic factors. Since antisemitism and leftism have this really fraudulent contradictory relationship in Spain, you get conflicting self reports on whether someone was actually a converso or not depending on the audience, the era or whether its simply convenient for that individuals self story.

>> No.23191518

Sort of but in Judaism it's not necessarily frowned upon apart from certain groups like the Karaites.

A few unconventional Rabbis even see the Law as a challenge from God to figure out how to do something while fulfilling the word of the law. I find to be a very strange mindset but I don't think the latter is a mainstream view among the Jews.

>> No.23191533

How do you know about the Karaites?

>> No.23191579

>or to get the Chinese addicted to opiates, etc. The Brits didn't care that they were potentially destroying the entire Chinese people by doing this, because systemically they were "just trading with a foreign people."
Jews organized this and took over half of the profits. Look up the Jewish Sassoon family.

>> No.23191665

What have you published? Do you have a permanent collection of your writings?

You are correct but I'd like to point out if Jews single themselves out as a permanent existential threat, they will be annihilated on the basis of genetics.

>> No.23191676
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>irish literature
no such thing

>> No.23191698

>Lispector herself is nowhere near as good as people are forcing her to be. She is being forced inside people’s throats right now, just as some other Jewish writers were in the past.
I believe you. What two famous writers would her skill be in between as a writer? I'm assuming Lispector is worse than Graham Greene.

>> No.23191726

they still have irish genetics, but id argue everything worthwhile came from their anglo side.

>> No.23191854

Nonsense. It's already well beyond dealt with. Hilarious that you thought you could shill that garbage now.

>> No.23192123

Really? I don't see it happening. Yes, they read books, that was the point, but they're not addicted to Netflix et al and generally not glued to their phones (Maxwell is an exception imo).

>> No.23192126

A single counterexample is sufficient to disprove absolute statements.

>> No.23192233

one of the richest jews i knew from high school was a fanatic fan of rocky horror picture show and liked to dress like frankenfurter and went to live shows. He was a good friend but the more he acted like this freak show enthusiast the less we all liked to hang out with him.

I could name several other examples. Jews are just normal people like anyone else even the neurotic high verbal iq literary types like to watch tv and listen to retarded podcasts.

>> No.23192246

That's because you don't really know what type of people actually make up Israel and it is overwhelmingly not "the Jews" capital J in the /pol/ sense. Many israelis are russian jews from shtetls hence their proclivity to fierce physical tribalism over inches of dirt and a relatively non existent Israeli entertainment industry whose cultural output is less impactful than Adam Friedland by himself.

>> No.23192272


>> No.23192423

I'm not doubting that they exist. I'm just saying the high-finctioning people, like those in charge of large companies, blackrock, Disney, government and so on, aren't.

>> No.23192435

Every European author with a drop of jew ichor was promoted after their death by jews who need every W they can get? Not saying as much as you think you are

>> No.23192449

>christcuck worships jews
Tell me something I havent heard before
>the jews bequeathed platonism to the west
Mental illness

>> No.23192460

>genre fiction like SF is definitely jewish
Their primary talent is the ability to shit out a lot of words. Theres so many great white sf authors, the ones who've become obscure outnumber the total of jewish ones by 2 to 1.

>> No.23192478

>I suppose I can't ignore an outright request to share the testimony of my faith.
I can

>> No.23192586

I am descendant from Jews too, in the Portuguese side of the family. One of my maternal great-grandmothers was in fact a practicing Sephardi Jew.
DNA results: 3% Jewish. Meaning my great-grandmother herself was only about 1/4 Jewish.
Portuguese "descendants of Jews" are about as Jewish as Elvis Presley was native American...
Cervantes and Pessoa weren't Jews.

>> No.23192587

Oh is this the thread where we pretend Jews have more merit than whites. Thanks for the daily laugh.

>> No.23192878

Lispector is a shit writer and so were the second-rate critcs simping for her in the 40's.

>> No.23192954

their survival has relied on them lying and tricking people, deception and word games (pilpul) is a great point of pride amongst jews. they've "evolved" to be snakes

>> No.23193117
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>Jesus himself (perhaps the most verbally intelligent person in history)

>> No.23193125

>the most widely-read and widely-loved book in the world.
it's widely read and widely loved for political and social reasons, not because it has some supernaturally high literary value. there are interesting, moving passages in the bible, sure, but comparing the bible to say, shakespeare, in terms of literary quality, its night and day

>> No.23194207

Maybe they're just arrogant and connected so they say SOMETHING about interesting things that other folks have the sense to stay silent about. Because it's interesting and sold, people buy it. And if it's crap, they don't mind polluting the minds of the Goyim to make a buck.

>> No.23194311

Cervantes isn't Jewish, retard. Proust is barely Jewish.

>> No.23194327

Cervantes is not Jewish (I don't know where this meme comes from) and Proust is like half Jewish with his Jewish half being Ashkenazi, so like 25% Jewish (Proust is mostly European-blooded).

>> No.23194537

Well, in any case, they domesticated (ie civilized) whites and something is otherwise fucked up with their minds

>> No.23195465
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>be jewish kid
>parents send you to hebrew school
>learn a (practically dead) language
>read the torah, a big book written in that language
>read commentaries arguing about the finer points of the big book
>write responses to those commentaries
>have a rabbi explicitly encourage you to question everything you read, including the holy book
>recite poetry from memory during your coming-of-age
>hang out with other kids who have done all this
>you've received the equivalent of a liberal arts education from your religious institution, for free

>be protestant kid
>parents send you to bible camp
>continue reading everything in english
>read summaries of bible stories instead of the bible itself
>write simple prayers or affirmations, if anything
>have your youth group leader tell you to take your church's interpretation of the doctrine on faith
>repeat a simple prayer after your pastor during your coming-of-age
>hang out with other kids who have done all this
>you've received a slave's education from your religious institution, and paid for the privilege

>be catholic kid
>parents send you to mass
>everything's in latin, but you don't learn it (or it's translated into the vernacular, and you never hear the original)
>get beaten by nuns
>go to confessional every now and then
>(honestly i don't know much else about catholicism)
>hang out with other kids who have done all this
>you've learned almost nothing, but at least the ceremony was pretty

>be secular kid
>parents send you to public parks & rec camp
>counselors let you do more or less whatever you want
>have fun playing with other kids
>you've learned the value of friendship :)

>be atheist kid
>parents send you to STEM camp
>3d print a transmission
>nobody explains how gear ratios work
>gears go spinny though :0
>write minecraft mods in Java
>you've learned that science is epic, and you know object-oriented programming, sort of

which way, western boy?

>> No.23195886

Jews practiced eugenics, on top of culturally emphasizing verbal ability and ignoring visual art, by allowing the greatest scholar to choose the prettiest girl as his wife.

>> No.23195959

This is very weak propaganda...

>> No.23195982

>>have a rabbi explicitly encourage you to question everything you read, including the holy book
They're literally not allowed to talk about Christianity kek.

>> No.23196906

I highly doubt Cervantes was jewish. Everyone and their aunt is a "converso" these days. Many modern conversos are liars who just want to marry jews for social reasons.

>> No.23196914

>be poor kid
>parents don't send you anywhere
>parents don't buy toys or video games
>no car, under-funded public transit
>no friendships because shy
>you've develop an imagination, yay

>> No.23196939

I can't think of a single jewish writer who isn't just some knockoff of a gentile author who did what he or she did sooner and far better, and obviously without the nepotism doing the heavy lifting. Even the ultra-philosemitic Nietzsche thought jews were just wholly incapable of originality and therefore incapable of true genius.

>> No.23196953

There is literally zero evidence Cervantes was a jew.

>> No.23196958

Nietzsche only loved Jews because Wagner hated Jews and Nietzsche was mad tsundere gay for Wagner.

>> No.23196966

He was also going nuts from syphilis.

>> No.23196967

Montaigne was also jewish.

>> No.23198215

Sephardic ancestry doesn't count. It is just too large of an ethic group and they mix too frequently with native spaniards. The Ashkenazi are inbred and their contributions are distinctive.

>> No.23198223

Jews are not a recognizable ethnic group. If someone calls himself a Jew without being strongly Orthodox it just means he is a demented left-wing mongrel hellbent on destroying civilization.

>> No.23198245

I agree somewhat. People count as Jews if they're old enough to have interacted with their Jewish ancestor. So real Jewish descendants would be old enough to know their great-grandparents, so 1/8th Jewish. Past that and the bonds of Jewishness that instill a scholarly culture, and genetics, are so diluted, any credit is owed to the West.

However, this would make Montaigne sufficiently Jewish. But while his fullness of appreciation for life is akin to the writers of the Bible, I'd still put the real credit to the West.

>MONTAIGNE, MICHEL DE (1533–1592), French writer and philosopher. His mother, Antoinette de Louppes de Villanueva, came from a Spanish Jewish family. One of her ancestors, Mayer Pacagon of Catalayud was forcibly converted to Catholicism and took the name of Lopez de Villanueva. His descendants, however, remained secretly faithful to Judaism, and several of them were persecuted by the Inquisition. One of them, Juan de Villanueva, from whom Montaigne's mother was descended, fled to Toulouse, France, where he settled.

>> No.23198805
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i'd like to imagine you're my friend

>> No.23198903

I personally don't think 1/8th jewish is sufficiently jewish, but hundreds of years ago that amount of ancestry was more significant since jewish populations were more segregated. Montaigne was from the 16th century, the jewish community in Spain was only just beginning to intermarry significantly.

>> No.23199275

idk what you're talking about, we had a "world religions" unit in my hebrew school where we learned the differences between various branches of christianity, islam, buddhism, and hinduism

>> No.23199544

>today I learned that Clarice Lispector (one of the most well-liked writers among women) is also Jewish.
Anon, this is one of the first things we learn about her. Have you ever read some of her books?

>> No.23199567

>why they consequently contribute so strongly to the Western literary tradition?
But they never contributed to anything until after 1945 where they magically earned a lot of benefits and representation for no reason.

>> No.23199575

>But they never contributed to anything until after 1945 where they magically earned a lot of benefits and representation for no reason.
this is simply not true, you know it.

>> No.23199633

>genre fiction like SF is definitely jewish, but it's also american
Third worldist toilet-shitter theory, everyone

>> No.23199645

Its shit like this that turns me against the current gen z zeitgeist

>> No.23200045

Cervantes wasn't Jewish. Proust had a Jewish mother but a Catholic father and was raised Catholic. Kafka is the only real Jew you mention and his books are glorofied genre fiction.
Where's their literary genius? I see no evidence for it

>> No.23200077

>Have you ever read
anon you're on /lit/...

>> No.23201564

>Jews are good at books cause oppression
>Jesus the best at words ever
>But how could this be possible if Jesus was Jewish and oppressed
Do you even hear yourself faggot? Seriously don't come here anymore kys.

>> No.23201575

The section on Jews is dead wrong. Jewish religious education is extremely narrow and discourages critical thinking. Rabbis of Lviv once put an anathema on a book written in Hebrew for suggesting that a continent of America exists

>> No.23202250

I love this very Jewish idea that you see where the Jews were always "forced" into banking and politics lmao.

It's a great little piece of rhetoric that I use a lot. "Yeah, I was unfortunately forced into the management position" or "I was forced to take more responsibility for the teams workload."

"My boss forced me into a position of power"

>> No.23202260

They are literally the chosen people and inherently better than everyone else

>> No.23202275

That, the persecution complex, and the superiority complex are all intertwined and explain a lot of the neuroticism and meanness of some Jews. The self-excusing (which you note) is active most of the time, and it's almost a "pity us, o we are the wretched of the earth" type pleading, but just beneath the surface of that is all the "every single goy is waiting to murder you, goyim literally think you are a demon with horns you know?" stuff they've been hearing since birth, and just beneath the surface of that is all the "rofl stupid goys" stuff they've also been hearing since birth (basically the Jewish arrogance equivalent of black people dabbing on whites for not spicing they food, except it's for being "basic" and cattle-like)

Very unstable mixture, and a lot of Jews you'd think are totally normal have unfortunately been inculcated with it. A lot of Jewish shitty behaviors are basically self-harm, as they lash out against a boogeyman image of the perfidious goy they simultaneously despise and fear and hate and also desperately need as the foil to their own identity.

>> No.23202364
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>Are there any books which explain why Jews are so verbally skilled
Here's a paper with a solid evolution-based theory to explain it:
>lol, just like the mythical 115 IQ of the ashkenazi kikes?
The results speak for themselves OP even points it out himself.
>the small hat brigade were only published because they have a very aggressive in-group preference
They do have in-group preference, but this is not the only reason. Certainly not for time periods before Jews gained so much influence in western institutions.
>One of the my suspicions is that Jews have, for several reasons, evolved to both place pressure on their young
Not quite. It's more simple than that.
Jews faced many generations of labor discrimination in Europe. They were banned from practicing many trades. Their best options for success were in finance and trade, both fields that reward high IQ. High-IQ Jews who succeeded in banking and trade had lots of children. Low-IQ Jews died childless. Over many generations this rapid pressure yielded a sort-of "IQ perk" focused on certain kinds of intelligence and paired (at the population level) with various downsides like genetic brain diseases, anxiety disorders and so on.

>> No.23202382

i'll grant that the openness of jewish education varies between times and places. spinoza was famously cast out of his community for questioning the dominant religious views of the time. but modern reform synagogues are a different beast, and the better orthodox synagogues at least encourage kids to learn hermeneutics. that's much more than you'll get out of the typical christian upbringing.