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File: 117 KB, 898x586, Ted & Yukio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23190743 No.23190743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Adulthood is realizing that all of Uncle Ted's and Yukio Mishima's screeds against the state of society were just manifestations of their frustrations at their inner gender dysmorphia and homosexuality respectively.

>> No.23190745

Mishima was right about the west’s destructive forces against his culture.

>> No.23190751

>ITT: OP tries to trannify and faggify any ideologue he disagrees with
classic example of why OP will never stop being a faggot

>> No.23190759

>it's the west's fault my inferior culture is rotting

>> No.23190764

Nope, that's called senility, not growing up. Alienation is what allows someone to assess uncomfortable flaws in their society as a (somewhat) external observer. Ted and Mishima were both alienated thereby better able to overcome the social pressure to relieve any conflicts they had with society in the same way you're doing now.

To the disabled or otherwise mentally retarded, it may appear as though some property of a radical is the definite CAUSE of their belief. In reality, these properties simply alienated them, freeing them to some degree from the need to prune any belief that would bring them at conflict with their peers.

Be sure to tell us how the nursing home is treating you!

>> No.23190765

It’s the west’s fault his culture rotted away, yeah. That’s just a fact.

>> No.23190771

into conflict* Several errors in syntaxー phonepostinf.

>> No.23190773
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Adulthood is realizing you will never be a real woman. Look in the mirror again faggot.

>> No.23190780
File: 94 KB, 350x385, 1686419094908183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. hasn't read the manifesto

>> No.23190789

Additionally, it doesn't really matter what the root cause of a belief IS. It doesn't matter if, for instance, the belief that the Earth is round came from a tranny that wanted to rebel against his society. (Obviously not the case, but we take this as an example) What matters is simply that the belief is correct, and both Kaczynski and Mishima were correct and had many valid points about their respective societies.

>> No.23190795
File: 79 KB, 1139x627, Ted problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaczynski's troon delusions have been known for decades guys. Not everything is a tranny psy-op.

>> No.23190801

All stem from the same psych paper with no proof other than some fed appointed doctor. The FBI and CIA has used character assassination on every single one of their targetsー in the past, it was calling people like Yockey a "gigolo" or some other appeal to conservative social sensibilities, now it's the reverse. When the FBI wants to assassinate a character, they will describe them as "fascist," "sexist," or whatever else they can make up.
No one gives a shit about fed character assassination hereー go back to plebbit.

>> No.23190802
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>> No.23190804

His homosexuality? No. Manifestations of his failed masculinity because he wanted to serve in the Jap army but he couldn’t. Everything I read from Mishima seems like a projection of this fact.

>> No.23190807

>my mother Fusako made me wear a tweed British suit and she took me to a Chinese restaurant! Ahhhh IM GOING INSANE!!!!

Yeah, great cultural criticism. He really had this thumb on the pulse of postwar Japanese society.

>> No.23190816
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>t. hasn't read a single one of Mishima's essays

>> No.23190895
File: 33 KB, 475x331, Akihiro Miwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to Mishima's sexuality, I kinda think of the "I am not gay! I just have relationships with women and sex with men," dude from Law & Order. According to Mishima's gay crossdressing celebrity friend, Akihiro Miwa, that's what he and the Japanese queers that knew of Mishima's "proclivities" classified him as:
>"Akihiro Miwa, who was close to Yukio Mishima, wrote that “Mishima was not a 'real' homosexual,” so even though he had a homosexual tendency, he was not really gay like Akihiro Miwa. The fact is that there was nothing definite that there was a real experience, even if there was a homosexual tendency."

>> No.23190903

I don’t need to. The economy is global and will be from here on out. Ergo, culture will also become global. Mishima’s focus is on aesthetics clearly but crying about British made jackets and Chinese food are ruining Japanese culture just comes across as petty vulgarity. He clearly had hangups about not fighting in the war. He is really the jap version of “omg the west has fallen” meme.

>> No.23190907

He saw marriage to a woman as a way to leave offspring and also it was the masculine, trad social relation to seek. Everything he did was just what he arbitrarily felt like doing because it was Japanese trad culture to do so, not because he actually wanted to.

>> No.23190915

>I don’t need to. The economy is global and will be from here on out. Ergo, culture will also become global. Mishima’s focus is on aesthetics clearly but crying about British made jackets and Chinese food are ruining Japanese culture just comes across as petty vulgarity. He clearly had hangups about not fighting in the war. He is really the jap version of “omg the west has fallen” meme.
Anon, I... It's okay little guy. Go back to... Whatever it is you do with your time.

>> No.23191008

? its like you haven't even read Kaczynski's tranifesto. OP is spitting fax no printer sweatie :)