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/lit/ - Literature

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23188353 No.23188353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Confess your unpopular literature opinions. We are all amongst ourselves and anonymous here so don’t hold back

>> No.23188360

Why is he black? I refuse to read black authors btw

>> No.23188385

I hate when in Shakespeare's plays even the lowest peasant talks like a pompous twat with something up his ass

>> No.23188388

also I have no idea if the correct word here is talks or speaks because I am esl

>> No.23188391

Kafka is a mediocre author, and his success is due to (((nepotism)))

>> No.23188398

I find descriptions colossaly boring.
I always read the footnotes.
I always read the bibliography, entirely.
I always search for the year the book was printed, and the year the book was written, and I calculate how many years have passed from the day the original was written and the year the book was printed.
If the book is old, I read it in old English.
I find latinisms insanely annoying and lazy.
I always search for the edition of the book, and I am annoyed when it is not the first edition.
I never mark text in a book.
I never use bookmarks. I look up the page I was at, close the book and memorize it.
I never jump a single chapter.
I always read the introduction.
I judge the introduction by how English the name of the introductions author is.
When a book doesn't have a trailer on the back of the cover, I skim the whole book reading random excerpts to find out wether I will like the book or not.
I never read books that I don't like.
I never expect a book to become better when the first few pages aren't pure literary grandeur.
I love long and complicated sentences.
I love complicated words.
I judge the basedness of an author by their early life section on wikipedia unironically.
And last but not least, I love to read books so complicated I don't understand a damn thing.

>> No.23188404

Shakespeare completely denigrates lower class characters though. He is the definition of a class cuck.

>> No.23188408

Jewish writers are good

The Beats are good

Tolstoy is unbearable

Confucius is retarded and offers nothing to any reader in 2024 outside of historical context

>> No.23188412

Explicit sex scenes ruin books and only retarded coomers use them

>> No.23188416
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No one cares. You're not special or intelligent. You're just another shallow /pol/cel—devoid of originality, humanity, or wit.

OP, I have no idea what constitutes a popular literary opinion. I sit alone in my apartment and read, so all my opinions are unanimously shared with myself.

Let's see:

(1.) Ayn Rand was simultaneously one of the greatest and worst thinkers of the 20th century. She was one of its best novelists and completely mogs the average female writer.
(2.) Sartre was cooler than Camus. He just didn't look it.
(3.) John Ashbery's poetry is not meaningless or frivolous.
(4.) Jung was twice the thinker Freud was, but was still a retard at least half the time.
(5.) Robert Frost's 'The Road Not Taken' is not a poem for children. It's typical here to expose kids to it at some point in middle school or early high school, but at that point they have not lived enough to actually understand it. They grasp it on a purely intellectual level, sure, but this is shallow. This is a poem which should not be read until someone is thirty years old or older. Even though it is the greater masterpiece, Eliot's 'Prufrock' is a poem suited to youths of a late high school or early college age—far more so than Frost's 'Road'.
(6.) I really liked Venus In Furs. A lot. Except for the very end, maybe.

>> No.23188418

>No one cares. You're not special or intelligent. You're just another shallow /pol/cel—devoid of originality, humanity, or wit.
Man you somehow came off as less likable than the racist guy and I'm not even racist.
Can you get a grip

>> No.23188419

Why? Should I care what you think? I don't.

>> No.23188421

I like sub-level non-explicit sex scenes. Sex scenes that weren't even written, but that are there, somehow, if the reader is smart enough.

>> No.23188427
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Tolstoy is mostly correct in this book. Mostly

>> No.23188443

The monster tranny defending the niggers and the kikes.
What a shock

>> No.23188451
File: 33 KB, 500x648, Shakespearicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Francis Bacon or De vere or whoever wrote that overblown tripe was a pompous faggot. It's only popular because it's filled with cryptic kike symbolism

>> No.23188452
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here it is, we managed to have whole thirteen (13) comments before some retard makes this thread about trannies

>> No.23188455

Rampling is a woman, not a tranny; and I'm a straight man, you troglodyte. NAGGERS! KYKES! Always the same shit with you imbeciles.

>> No.23188456 [DELETED] 

THIS is an ESL post 1000%.

>> No.23188464

>what? this anon doesn't have perfect english?? damn I bet it's not his native language!!
congrats I guess

>> No.23188470

Nothing about that comment is esl lol. I think the pompous faggot comment might have touched home there

>> No.23188477

It wasn't about your English. It's just that only a non-native speaker would fail to recognize Shakespeare's genius command of the language.

>t. ESL
The opinion itself is what's ESL. Besides, it's already confirmed, lol. Guess you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.23188485

>fail to recognize Shakespeare's genius command of the language
Where was that the case? How could it possible be filled with cryptic symbolism if he had a poor command of language you fucking pompous retard?

>> No.23188490

All these ESL detectives are starting to get quite annoying, it's in almost every thread now ..

>> No.23188494
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No one cares

>> No.23188500

I didn't enter a language discussion thread though you absolute retard

>> No.23188504

>absolute retard
>seething about unpopular opinions in an unpopular opinion thread

>> No.23188509

You'll never get it ESL. There's no point in explaining.

>t. ESL

>> No.23188510

what a backpedalling, the thread is clearly not about pointing out which posters are esl and which are not

>> No.23188514

>>t. ESL
yes, am I supposed to be insulted or what?

>> No.23188518

fucking retarded thread and fucking retarded board. bye

>> No.23188520

Not really; I'm just having a little laugh at your expense.

>> No.23188522

Yeah it took like 10 posts before retards autistically derailed it

>> No.23188523

It's actually a stereotypical thread. These "confess" threads have always been around.

>> No.23188529

>lol he speaks multiple languages
uhh ok then

>> No.23188543

Don Quixote is boring, I tried to read it several times because it is the great masterpiece of my country, but I couldn't get past the first few pages. Ironically I was able to finish War and Peace in a few days. I'm Spanish and the literature of my country doesn't attract me at all, does that happen to you too with your country?

>> No.23188548

Nvm thought you were the other faggot

>> No.23188550

You are a victim of postmodernism. Don Quixote is unironically one of the greatest books in history

>> No.23188558

I like books and writers from every country. I never really got into the whole nationalistic lit thing. The output of literature is tremendous and every country will have books I like and don’t like

>> No.23188572

Shut the fuck up you disgusting tranny nigger

>> No.23188574

Love when burgers cope with being illiterate by basically saying "at least I don't speak two languages".

>> No.23188577

What was that /pol/cel? All I heard was seething.

>> No.23188578
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LOTR sucks

>> No.23188581

99% of the canon isn't worth reading.

>> No.23188582

How can anyone defend the Jews?

>> No.23188583

I speak three, actually. EFL does not mean EOL. I'm literally laughing though at all the seethe pointing out one guy is an ESL has brought. No wonder this board has gone to hell now. Everyone is a zoomer operating outside of their mother tongue, LARPing sophistication! KEK!

>> No.23188585

>Don Quixote
The author keeps telling me how much I look down on the romantic knight but all I want is sincere romanticism.

>> No.23188587

I'm not interested in the discussion, sorry. All I will say is defending some Jews is not the same as defending all Jews and I will leave it at that.

>> No.23188597

But you don't point anything interesting out like a funny quirk they share or how a forum having voices from all over the world is actually a problem.

>> No.23188648

That's because I'm not here to teach a class for ESLs or lay out some big message. I was just making an observation for my own sake and out of my own intuition. You kids need to relax. Stop getting your feelings so hurt, good grief. For nerds hanging out on a board where hurling around slurs is common, you sure have thin skin.

>> No.23188662 [DELETED] 

I just have read one book of Goethe in my life and it was The Sorrows of Young Werther. So fucking annoying and boring.

>> No.23188667

I just read one book of Goethe in my life and it was The Sorrows of Young Werther. So fucking annoying and boring.

>> No.23188705

Not a literature opinion, but I just spent the last hour edging to nude models and Etsy and the nude pics customers upload in their reviews. I'm convinced the listings on Etsy are ways to traffic these models or to sell their escort services. I guess my sin is jerking off instead of reading.

>> No.23188711

>pointing out one guy is an ESL
like hundred times a day across all threads

>> No.23188715

>Etsy and the nude pics customers upload in their reviews
what, how to find this

>> No.23188719

The only information your posts contain is the implication that you're an illiterate retard. Say something retard.

>> No.23188765

Just go on Etsy and look up "braless", "bottomless", "topless" or "sheer lingerie", or "open lingerie".
I really like the models on SavageLingerie and PinkPantherLingerie. Trust me buddy, this is a coomer hole you might not want to go down...

>> No.23188778

Oh you were specifically looking for customer uploads? Well still search those topic and click on an item. If you scroll down you'll see any uploaded picture across all of the seller's reviews. Most of the customer uploads are the same pics across multiple sellers, which leads me to believe they are botted or paid reviews. Or maybe they're just really horny middle-aged women? Who knows, but be warned you'll come across some dick pics and I think a tranny too.

>> No.23188784

>t. butthurt ESL projecting
Your tears are hilarious.

>> No.23188802
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I have never really understoord the esl witch hunt, esls discussing shakespeare is like efls discussing dosto which happens daily

>> No.23188805

Just some examples. Scroll down to the "Photos from Reviews" section if you want to see if there are any customers uploading nudes.

>> No.23188808

some of them are quite grim

>> No.23188809

There's no witch hunt, you wailing women! His comment was just an obvious ESL comment. It is literally no deeper than that. Man, you ESLs are pussies. Holy shit. I've lost a lot of respect for you today. What started as an unimportant jab has become of revelation of your weakness.

>> No.23188812

>His comment
I don't mean the specific comment here, just the whole esl/efl situation, it's always an off topic spam, same as the tranny/jew guy above

>> No.23188814

he wasn't interested in the bourgeoisie either, he always makes them into clowns.

>> No.23188815

Yes, some of the customer photos are quite grim. They are just added bonuses. The main appeal is the Russian models posing nude in lingerie. That redhead chick from PinkPantherLingerie is exotic as fuck. She has really ashy nipples and I like that. I've never seen that style of nipple before.

>> No.23188828
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>> No.23188842

The effects of Anglocentrism are significantly understated, anglo authors are often a full tier overrated relative to comparable non-anglo authors. Often times an anglo will be exalted as a genius even though a better author is available in a different language. Dante being far superior to Shakespeare is just one such most obvious case.

>> No.23188845

i disagree, obviously. but you can take this sentiment and apply it perfectly to american writers

>> No.23188852

Americans are anglos. It is only obvious with American writers because it is presently happening. The same thing historically happened with British authors, we are just too far removed to uncover layers of British imperial propaganda

>> No.23188867

i mean yanks specifically. brit lit in the last century has received something less than it's due.

>> No.23188978


>> No.23189048 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23189051

Anglo philosophy is far superior to that of the germans, french, or greek.

>> No.23189135
File: 296 KB, 457x421, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free verse poetry can be great, and those who trash it because of muh lyricism don't understand what poetry is about.

Borges was a pseud and a shitty writer sauf for a few of his short stories. Cortazar is the true argentinian GOAT.

Female authors can be just as good as male ones, but only when they're mentally ill, lesbians, misogynists or FtM trannies.

>> No.23189150

I fucking despise Oscar Wilde with a passion

>> No.23189178

what's poetry about

>> No.23189216

Jane Austen understood neither men nor women. Fucking trash.

>> No.23189239

Based winking enjoyer.

>> No.23189258

Hegel fucking sucks and everything that came from him fucking sucks. If I had a Time Machine I would go back and skin him alive and make him roll around in salt

>> No.23189311


>> No.23189787
File: 1.82 MB, 500x438, 1641776646808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science fiction and fantasy are a shitty genre, and most authors are bad writers

>> No.23189796

Based on that picture and the way you type I think you are The Last Stand on Kiwifarms. Your interests and opinions align with that person.

>> No.23189868

I like cool covers and I'm tired publishers don't care about it.

>> No.23189922

If a reader misses the book message, it isn't the reader's fault, it's the writer fault for failing yo convey the message.

>> No.23190211

>The Last Stand on Kiwifarms
I don't know what that means.

>> No.23190229

I don't like a lot of genre fiction. I have read a lot of genre fiction to come to this conclusion. I do still enjoy fantasy if it's urban fantasy. I prefer literary fiction more.