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23179277 No.23179277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do i kill the urge/desire for romantic relationships

>> No.23179279

meant for /adv/

>> No.23179284

read redpill lit then marathon eggman's videos
over the course of a decade jerk off to progressively more deranged hentai with perfect flawless young girls until real women just aren't attractive

>> No.23179298

by getting continuously rejected

>> No.23179302

Castration supposedly works well but I don't think I would recommend it.

>> No.23179307

Take the Christpill

>> No.23179312

Cool it with the transphobia

>> No.23179330

this will probably make me bitter but not get rid of the attraction

Methods that dont include mutilation or fuck up the hormones in my body

Do you get to a certain point where the lack of attraction to IRL women stays even after you no longer do all that?

>> No.23179342

Any method that works will fuck with the hormones in your body.

>> No.23179346

I went from bitterness to apathy you just have to reach your threshold

>> No.23179394

Or just wait until you turn 25 lol

>> No.23179560

become aromantic (you can't).

>> No.23179661
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Renounce love in favour of gold and power.


>> No.23179870

>how do i turn off the check engine light on my car?

>> No.23179877

why would you want to?

>> No.23179879

Just wait, it'll happen.

t. Level 38 wizard

>> No.23179884

any change from your first ascension at 30?

>> No.23179908

You don't, it's caused by hormones. Its natural to feel the urge to reproduce with a suitable mate. In a similar way you have the urge to make money; to gather resources to complete you hierarchy of needs.

>> No.23179921

If you embraced it, you probably wouldn't feel so victimised by it. How weak are you that you need to get rid of a desire to get over the pain of it? It's like saying 'how do i get rid of the self-preservation instinct' so you can die heroically. The heroic aspect comes from trumping the instinct, not from acting without its existence.

>> No.23179948

I wish I wasn't born into this asocial world built by autistic engineers

>> No.23179955

autistic engineers are just the tool wielded by based machiavellian upper class english grads

>> No.23179963

Are you a bot

>> No.23179978
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no i'm autistic

>> No.23180019

I wonder if modern technology has made women unable to love 5's due to the mountains of them that are available causing desensitization.

Or is it that women only "loved" men because we lived in a patriarchal world that forced them into it, and now we live in a world designed for women to succeed over all.

>> No.23180022

women aren't good at their jobs though

>> No.23180025

It doesn't matter, our economy is fake anyway.

>> No.23180029

yeah but you're expected to be serious about faking it, part of the bullshit is acting frantic and overworked

>> No.23180054 [DELETED] 

lmao based

>> No.23180058

lmao based

>> No.23180061

lmao based

>> No.23180065

How do I unkilll it? Women give me attention now but it makes me depressed and sick and when I look at them I feel nothing. I just see an animal

>> No.23180069

lmao based

>> No.23180076

lmao based

>> No.23180144
File: 44 KB, 526x531, 353459632_582944023823577_159954242361690813_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot on , anon.

>> No.23180146

My libido has mostly withered and died. I only have to wank it a couple times a month. The rest of the time find f*males repulsive.

>> No.23180161

Literally just wait until you're old
Past your mid thirties your libido will naturally diminish over time

>> No.23180851


>> No.23180856

It's a biological imperative. The only way is to end that biology.

>> No.23180919

Go beyond the desire and see it for what it is. It is just animalistic desire. You can surpass such an urge. You are not an animal and you can surpass this arbitrary desire. It is not as big as you think it is. In the heat of a moment your mind expands it though. Make it small. It is nothing.

I've had very trivial passages of romantic musings enter and exit my mind after a really hard break-up. you end up realizing it is not worth the trouble. You dislocate the feeling and it disappears.

And don't believe all that "man le bad" "woman le bad" bullshit people spout. It is meaningless prattling. Some kind of cultural war to distract yourself with instead of just dealing with the fact romance sucks shit and is to be abandoned rather than commit to a social analysis of either man or woman.

Anyway point is. Make it smaller until its gone. If you've had relationships you'd also have quite some reasons to not engage with romance. Eventually you will not care for it anymore.

Also this is /lit/ dude. I get you want to ask "smartest board" these questions but c'mon.

>> No.23180926

You can overcome desire because it is smaller than you are imagining.

>> No.23181387

does anyone have the image of that author who got a fan letter asking how to find a girlfriend and he said to seek out mental institutions? i forget who it was. i keep thinking hemingway, but i can't find the image

>> No.23181397

it might have been david foster wallace, actually. but i still can't find it

>> No.23181428
File: 225 KB, 769x1164, qeJWZJq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(i found it)

>> No.23181432

By actually having to interact with woman. However this may backfire as you may meet one who is genuinely sweet and makes you happy.

>> No.23181439

Have one for three weeks. You'll learn.

>> No.23181440


>> No.23181933

This, here, right now, is me replacing relations with a female.
The only aspect of my marriage that I miss is the intimacy. I miss having a pack, a team, a family unit. Now 'us' is 'me.'

>> No.23181941

This, once you put trust in Him, you realize that a relationship is a blessing. It will materialize if you don't fret over it.

>> No.23181952

I'm a suicidal person, so I won't hate on this too much.

You can mainline sunshine if you'd like. If you lobotomize yourself you'll feel a lot better.

(One of the side-effects of a lobotomy is you honest-to-God believe you're not lobotomized.

>> No.23181955

>to complete you hierarchy of needs
Complete nonsense