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/lit/ - Literature

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23179664 No.23179664 [Reply] [Original]

Can you write good literature if you are NOT chad?

>> No.23179673
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>> No.23179678

Fucking weird face

>> No.23179680
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>> No.23179681

Yes, but it’s significantly more difficult, and you’re probably most likely a raging faggot. See Proust, Kafka, Wilde, etc for proof.

>> No.23179686

Yes, that's the one thing you can do by not being a chad.

>> No.23179690
File: 15 KB, 220x330, 3D5D8D9D-E338-4E06-8BD2-FFD502DC1ACF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally resembles GIGACHAD

>> No.23179691

>but it’s significantly more difficult
It's easier, actually.
Mid-transition tranny, not chad.

>> No.23179696

Probably; but then again I am both a great writer and a Chad so who knows

>> No.23179699

Now, that's an actual chad finally.

>> No.23179702

All 4 are in the top of /lit/ lists consistently. Compare them to George Fat Ass Martin, limp wrist low cheekbone John Green, or that weird French faggot hollaback

>> No.23179712

>he’s mad that Irish American celto genetics MOG his briton ass
Many such kacy’s

>> No.23179714

Only two are chads: Melville and Kerouac.
Only one is in the top of /lit/ lists constantly: Melville.
So, no, your thesis is incorrect.

>> No.23179721

who even uses "mad" to mean angry/upset rather than crazy? are you a negro or something?

>> No.23179732

>*Only writes shit in your path*

>> No.23179735
File: 100 KB, 856x1172, Thomas_Carlyle_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the pic

>> No.23179756

>not even 5’ 9”

u wat m8?

>> No.23179764

It's all about the face. Women prefer a chad of average height than a tall guy of average face.

>> No.23179811

>Kerouac was a manlet

This gives me hope. If only I didn't look like a chudjak.

>> No.23179842

kafka was far from a chad

>> No.23179853

>If only I didn't look like a chudjak
buy contact lens

>> No.23179863

Nonchad writers: Kafka (brought up in this thread repeatedly), Joyce (a very sensitive, somewhat schizoid and eccentric man, especially when younger, which Stephen Dedalus is a portrayal of), Pope (a dwarfish, hunchbacked man who was sickly throughout his life, yet became a literary celebrity in his day), F. Scott Fitzgerald (infamously admitted having a small penis and his insecurity over it to Hemingway, to which Hemingway comforted by him and tried to boost his confidence by showing him Greek statues and saying it was completely normal), Milton (highly respected eventually in his lifetime for his poetry, but started out as a delicate, sensitive ultra-bookworm with long hair teased for looking feminine by classmates as a young man), etc.

>> No.23179873

I think he means the negro lips, huge eyes, and receding hairline, more than the glasses.

>> No.23179881

S-s-stop spying on me...

>> No.23179918

Celine’s Bagatelles pour un massacre were basically Carlyle’s Latter Day Pamphlets of the 20th century. Except one can never discount that Celine was doing a little trolling while Carlyle was in deadly earnest (he kinda lost the ability to troll when he hit middle age admittedly)

>> No.23179927
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He was on the uglier side. Makes considering all the hatred he spewed.

>> No.23179931

makes sense*

>> No.23179934

He looks like Brad Pitt, bro

>> No.23179941

lol if Brat Pitt was ugly and dwarf-faced, yea.

>> No.23179952

Face blind sperg

>> No.23180057
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Not sure

>> No.23180072
File: 26 KB, 340x340, carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you are

>> No.23180112
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Lol some more to pretend you're not seething. He's Brad Pitt in a world before sunscreen

>> No.23180145

5’8 was like a modern 6’3 back then

>> No.23180168
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Beard is everything

>> No.23180409

average male height was 5'7" when jack was playing ball

>> No.23180414
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>> No.23180436

Looks nothing alike. Get your eyes checked.
It helped him hide his uglyness.

>> No.23180694

Checked for what?

The only difference is Brad Pitt has chudjack lips, and Carlyle has a thin upper lip which is indicative of high testosterone levels, actually.

Post a picture of yourself before you write one more thing about another person's appearance, you freak. We all know you wont, and we all know why.

>> No.23180699

>Probably; but then again I am both a great writer and a Chad so who knows
Imagine being this transparently insecure

>> No.23180700



>> No.23180703
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<ywn suck 69 Rimbaud ( a literary gigachad
Why live

>> No.23180706

There were numerous syntactic errors in this post but the central thesis remains: Arthur Rimbaud's balls will never be on my face. Why persist in the folly of existence otherwise?

>> No.23180723

>Checked for what?
Blindness. Carlyle has a dwarf face. Pitt has a normal face.
>Post a picture of yourself before you write one more thing about another person's appearance, you freak.
He's dead. He's no longer a person.
>We all know you wont, and we all know why.
You're so butthurt I'm shitting on your little idol

>> No.23180730

Lol xd

>> No.23180734
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>He's literally Brad Pitt bro!

>> No.23180737

That midget does have a handsome face also. If you knew any girls, I'd tell you to go ask them their opinion.

>> No.23180744


>> No.23180748

That functionality doesnt exist on this website. You should go back to r*ddit.

>> No.23180751
File: 100 KB, 900x664, Chesterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rolls into the thread

>> No.23180755

Who's insecure?

>> No.23180766

mogs Carlyle
OK, dwarf simp lol

>> No.23181754

>Carlyle was in deadly earnest
he literally wrote in "nigger question" that he knew he'd piss people off and thought it was funny. he was 54 yrs old

>> No.23181867

canthal tilt fucks him

>> No.23181892

It’s very Irish-American

>> No.23181897

It helps nowadays because literature publishing is just part of the media machine. It’s like music. You don’t actually need any talent. Talent is actually a bad thing for getting published. They don’t want talent. They want a pretty face that can be controlled. So that’s how it is now.

>> No.23181908
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You can edit and publish the works of another.

>> No.23182007

Kerouac is not good and I don't care how many yanks are offended

>> No.23182013
File: 45 KB, 500x625, Charles_Brockden_Brown_Portrait_by_James_Sharples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks sensitive, but kinky. Probably swimming in Wollstonecraft pussy.

>> No.23182069

the quote about "the only people for me are the mad ones" is one of the best passages in american lit.

>> No.23182134
File: 56 KB, 500x515, 7a8bd3700f24248c983e7a6ae2d05bf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest chad in Japan also created the greatest literature.

>> No.23182143

Complete hack and says a lot about you that you consider this agitprop bloviator to be the best ever.

>modern day Japan is like.. like a pussy whipped sailor marrying a shrewd woman. We should kill it to end its misery.

Whoa… that’s deep.

>> No.23182167

filtered. Read The Temple of the Golden Pavilion. You will understand his sentiment.

>> No.23182450

Truth is rarely profound, but it usually hurts. Given your sore pussy on display here, I'd say Mishima hits the nail on the head.

Ryuji isnt whipped at all, either. Learn what words mean before you write again, you illiterate stooge.

>> No.23182462

The point of the book is that by marrying her (Fusako/ US interests) he is displaying effeminate behavior by betraying the masculine presence on the sea which is supposed to be natural to him (Ryuji/ Japan). He is pussy whipped in this scenario. Mishima is saying Japan is subordinate to the US and to liberalism as a man is to his wife who gives up the true calling intended for him.

>> No.23182776

Childish reading of Mishima based on meme preconceptions. Or, maybe you just dont know what pussy-whipped means. You need only refer to the scene where Noburo is discovered, specifically Ryujis handling of the situation, for a trivial refutation.
Try reading something other than the wikipedia entry for once, or worse yet, a video essay. It's only a couple hundred pages, it takes a couple nights to knock off, max.

>> No.23182941
File: 101 KB, 786x492, 293508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a jock
>get fucked in the ass by a foppish twink
It really do be like that sometimes.

>> No.23182953

>>be a jock
>become an alcoholic
>>get fucked in the ass by a foppish twink
You skipped a step.