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23177629 No.23177629 [Reply] [Original]

חוֹלִית edition
Old >>23173202

>> No.23177636
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I tried so hard, and got so farー
but in the end it doesn't even matter.
I had to fall to lose it allー
but in the end it doesn't even matter.

>> No.23177650

The state of my bowel movements is extremely worrying. They are clearly not compatible with human life. I would see a doctor but my credit score is like 150 from payday loans and previous unpaid hospital visits and I know I would just be refused even if I went to the ER cause my credit history is a non starter.

>> No.23177656

cant you go to a hospital without you ID and pretend to be an illegal from canada or mexico depending on your skin color

>> No.23177690

Just got into a fist fight with my dad. Feel terrible obviously. I was in the bathroom taking a dump. He was about to swing the door open from its ajar position so I sternly said "go away". He gets angry at that and then it devolves into a shouting match in which I tell him to fuck off and he then says I'm not gonna fuck off in my own house and then swings the door open about 1/3rd of the way to make a point of it and we keep having a shouting match telling each other to fuck off etc. At this point I see red because I realize he's not going away and here I am with my pants literally down so I say "that's it", pull my pants up go up to the door swing it the whole way open and then we just come to blows until my brother pulls us apart. I guess we're as fucked up as each other

>> No.23177692

The fact that you respond so histrionically tells me you are far too concerned with your appearance as an intelligent person than you are with actually considering or tackling novel ideas. It is strange you respond so belligerently on behalf of a viewpoint you haven't exactly arrived at with deep critical analysis of any sort - you are spouting the advice any person off the street would give.
>It's a mental problem with root causes that almost always trace back to unprocessed traumas
The idea that there exist illness that take place solely in the 'realm of the mind' is one of the silliest assumptions slung about in the modern world. If the root cause is "trauma", then how is it that many people can suffer almost no trauma, and be afflicted by many addictions, and how is it that some people may suffer immense trauma, yet be riddled with comparably less addictions than others?
> being free from the substance does not mean they will ever be fully safe from falling back into addiction.
>Who the fuck said "cure" in this conversation?
You believe that addictions are 'incurable' because modern medicine and the psychiatric industry do not actually understand the mechanism of addiction, and instead of admitting that their current theories could be wrong, . Modern medicine, and modern addiction therapy, is weighed down with wrong assumptions - that addiction is some kind of spiritual (or psychological) disease that one can never truly be rid of, that 'addictive' substances must posses some kind of supernatural ability to control or ensnare people, and that one is ultimately powerless in the face of their addiction.
Tell me - why is it that a heroin addict feels so strongly the desire to plunge a needle into his veins, where such a thing would not only incite revulsion in the non-addict, he would feel absolutely no pull to do so? What would make it impossible for the former individual to ever return to the position of the latter?

>> No.23177694

>and instead of admitting that their current theories could be wrong, they claim that there can be no other possible solution.**

>> No.23177695

I don't really know how I'm gonna face God on judgement day

>> No.23177703

Ugly bastard here. I wish I had never even known that romance or cute girls existed.

>> No.23177704

literally my interactions with others if I do not initiate conversation, no one does.

>> No.23177733
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I watched clips of Ridge Racer 4 and now I want to write a story about racing, but S T Y L I S H
But where do I even start...?

>> No.23177760

>illness that take place solely in the 'realm of the mind' is one of the silliest assumptions slung about in the modern world.
Did you even read my post in its entirety? I literally acknowledged that the mind has a physical component. Would you like to rephrase this "observation" in that light?
>If the root cause is "trauma", then how is it that many people can suffer almost no trauma, and be afflicted by many addictions, and how is it that some people may suffer immense trauma, yet be riddled with comparably less addictions than others?
Minds are strange. The nice thing about the contemporary, experimental approach to psychology is that it doesn't need to answer questions like this. The reasoning is interesting to throw around for a friendly debate (less so with antagonistic people) but ultimately revolves around specific methodologies with outcomes proven to outstrip placebo. Until something approaching a psychological "theory of everything" comes into focus, it helps no one and solves nothing to spend your time arguing first principles. If you haven't noticed, that's the only reason I'm even engaging with you. I want to promote scientifically-evidenced therapeutic methodologies in a space where contemporary therapy is so misunderstood, and with such vitriol. To attempt a (low-confidence) answer specifically: because humans are all different. We are chaotic systems subject to an unknowable amount of variables with unknowable values. If that's a cop-out, so be it. I prefer to acknowledge what I don't know than to advance a half-baked theory in full confidence.
>one is ultimately powerless in the face of their addiction
There's a good body of research suggesting everyone is more powerless than they think they are; not to some monolithic construct of some variety or another, but simply to their habits. If the desire to evade unprocessed trauma leads most addicts to drugs, the extremely heavily-ingrained habits related to addictive substances handle the rest. As best as can be told, the body AND the mind become heavily conditioned by narcotics. Even after the narcotic is no longer a physical dependency, the habit to reach for a needle when the body needs a big dopamine dump is something most addicts have to work against for the rest of their lives. Yes, there are some who can white-knuckle it (apparently) from willpower alone. For the rest, therapy builds on first creating habits that can be more or less automatically engaged to deflect from prior habits. It is, essentially, behavioral engineering. It doesn't rest on talk therapy or Freud's theories but a concrete behavioral plan. It doesn't always work, but this methodology is both more effective than the stoic white-knuckle strategy but also surprisingly universal. It turns out thoughts themselves can become habitual, and, through hard work and usually (but not always) with the help of a qualified psychologist, can be re-engineered. There's more that goes into it, but post limit.

>> No.23177762

I saw a video saying the city of Miami had a marketing campaign to tell black people not to come there for Spring Break. Is Miami a based and red pilled white nationalist city now?

>> No.23177769

>Tell me - why this and why that
This is unsatisfying, but I usually don't know the answers to these questions. I have conjecture, but I don't have the answers. Consider examining the idea that anyone who can help you must know absolutely everything about... everything. Real life, unfortunately, doesn't always work that way. We have, for example, good evidence for the idea that meditation can help people a lot in a bunch of different ways. We don't really know why it works, but we know that it does. It's the same with AI, really. No one can really tell you on a line-by-line basis how AI does a lot of what it can do... but it works regardless. There are a lot of interesting parallels to the human mind as well.

>> No.23177770

I’m trying to figure out where to live for the next decade or so. I’ve spent pretty much my entire life in small city Pennsylvania. I don’t hate it here, but the place is dead. It’s a wasteland of rust belt towns taken over by leftists. I thought about moving into Philly because the rents are cheap, but when I went to tour some places I remembered that Philly is overrun by criminal activity. Maybe I should try New York. Or maybe I should just go even smaller, go to some small town nowheresville, USA farming community. I have a remote job and make most of my money from writing so I can really go anywhere.

>> No.23177772

>The fact that you respond so histrionically tells me blah blah blah
Get over yourself, nigger. I'm typing how I always type, using my natural vocabulary. If that's intimidating to you, feel free to suck it the fuck up and talk with people who are less challenging. I don't give a shit how I appear to you.

>> No.23177774

>planning for the next 10 years

I can't even think 10 days into the future

>> No.23177775


>> No.23177778

Ha, lost

>> No.23177788

You can acknowledge the influence of the past without giving up responsibility for your actions in the present. Understanding the origin of your feelings can help you deal with them.

>> No.23177795

Get to stay home and read all day :3

>> No.23177796
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Dis nigga look like Ahnold

>> No.23177798

I’m probably a bit older than you. I just turned 30 a few months ago.

>> No.23177800

No. If I went all the way thru the system they'd be bound to figure out who I am. I've done this before so I know.

>> No.23177815

Man, I just stumbled across some girl’s vlog on YouTube that’s all about “rebuilding her identity” because felt like she “never had an identity” and I realized just how lost women in our society are.

>> No.23177828

It's dramatically easier for women to pretend everything is okay because women have a much easier time with material goods/pleasure. If they need the imitation of intimacy, they just hook up endlessly, get govbux, get simps, etc. But they stay listless, depressed, and sometimes suicidal without really knowing why. Things are really hard for them.
For men, it's the same, but because there is such a low demand for low-value men, they can't even pretend everything is alright. It will be extremely obvious that they are totally alienated, destitute, economically, romantically, and politically worthless, and they will not have any form of recourse or method to cope besides scraping together a meagre existence on the outskirts of society. I think men overall have it much worse, but it's also very easy to ignore or forget that women are atomized and psychologically destroyed too...

>> No.23177835

And then you read all the incel mumbo jumbo about hunter eyes and canthal tilt and you realize that, wow, it's almost like men are "lost" in a similar way. The only difference is that men take solace in (often spurious) rhetoric where women are comforted by their... "women things." I don't really know what these are, because I'm a man. If both women and men are "lost," it becomes apparent that young people in general are having a really hard time of things. Even then, there's the possibility that nothing has really changed but the reach of these things because of social media. Who knows?

>> No.23177838

I’ve noticed also that women will double down on the sort of things that lead them down the garden path. If they did a bunch of shit in their 20s that basically fucked up their future, rather than admit this and say “I regret it” they’ll try to justify it and convince other girls to make the same mistakes. I think also women are more likely to go down these mental-emotional rabbit holes. Things like “oh I need to reset my identity” do occur to men, but more rarely. The enormous popularity of Jordan Peterson speaks to this. For me, the fall into psychological rabbit holes most often leads to religion, mysticism, literature, these sort of things. It doesn’t lead to vlogs of you traveling around while you talk to a camera about your identity. I don’t think any of this is natural by the way. I think they’re conditioned into doing this. I think women have been really brutalized by modern life in ways that men tend not to appreciate. I don’t know what to do about this though. It’s not as simple as sympathizing with them, but we have to find a way to bring women back down to earth if things are ever going to get better as a society. We simply cannot have a future where every girl is a working woman or an online whore on anti-depressants and is a single childless progressive political activist at 40. We just simply cannot have it.

>> No.23177852

Good point. People in general are lost. Personally, I concern myself a lot with the topic of virtue. My perception, and you can tell me if you disagree, is that men largely are not virtuous but are concerned with virtue and want to be virtuous, whereas women largely do not care at all. They are almost strictly moralizers, and morals are not necessarily virtues. Now, you could say well that’s just women’s natural place in society, and that might be true, but they occupy a lot of unnatural places that make this concerning. What to make of this in a world where the majority of political, instititional, and business leaders are women per current graduation rates etc. what to make of this in a world where women are very politically active? It’s a huge problem.

>> No.23177857

Why do you care about what women think or do so much? Don't you have your own problems to worry about?

>> No.23177874

I do disagree, primarily because I don't think it's possible to make generalizations on what people do or do want with respect to personal values. I think you're highly exposed to a certain subset of men and women and are trying to draw broader conclusions fallaciously. I would further suggest that virtue is probably insufficient to make further analyses on the broader society because its definition is nearly infinitely fungible. Consider the possibility that if women don't seem to "care" about virtue, it's because the concept itself seems to be loaded by a set of traditionalist values they aren't interested in. That, at least, would grok with overall trends, the seeming rise of feminism, etc. Have you considered the possibility that virtue isn't a monolithic, objective moral fact, or that a different, preferable construct might not be overall mutually exclusive with the core values of your virtue while differing on specific issues?

>> No.23177882

I hada dream I was in Washington DC with Thomas Jefferson

>> No.23177883

Did you cum?

>> No.23177885

The ER has to treat you dumbass

>> No.23177892

Very AI-like post. Maybe written by an unoriginal female undergrad at best.

>> No.23177897

>have no counterargument
>call argument's author an AI

>> No.23177905

They’re not just women. They’re also my sister, my daughter, my mother, my wife, my girlfriend, my coworker, my friend, my classmate, my neighbor, my countrymen, etc. and it bothers me to see them suffer.

>> No.23177906

I'm a different anon. I was just interested by how bland and utterly devoid of meaning your post was. It's very reminiscent of college undergrad sharties about some million-times done-over social issue.

>> No.23177909

I find this reply confusing because you said it’s just my bias but then affirmed it. Is it just a subset that aren’t interested in traditional virtues or is it not a subset? Why should it matter that said virtues are traditional? Virtue is almost by definition traditional. So in so far as they’re not interested in traditional virtues, they’re not interested in virtue at all, which is more or less what I already said.

>> No.23177913

Regarding the last bit asking if I’ve considered it. It’s not correct so it wouldn’t matter. Virtues come to us through inheritance as a matter of fact. To try to choose your own or set up new ones as something other than recovery of an inheritance now lost is precisely an abandonment of virtue, almost by definition.

>> No.23177926

>Virtues come to us through inheritance as a matter of fact
I guess I'm going to have to agree to disagree to disagree with you and take the first train out of la-la land.

>> No.23177932

They don't even want to conserve GDP.

If they did they'd end welfare & Section 8, radical raise enforcement for property crime, end Affirmative Action, Fire all regulators, Deport net-negative illegals

It's not GDP. Its ethnic cleansing by the bureaucrats.

>> No.23177934

Dante's inferno is the earliest known example of racism, and I'm loving it.

>> No.23177937

Uhh... Should we tell him about the treasure troves of ancient racism

>> No.23177938

Just shit so hard my lower back hurts

>> No.23177941

You can call it a matter of disagreement, but you’re wrong. You can’t choose virtues any more than you can choose your culture. In fact, they’re imparted yo you by your culture. Your only choice is to live up to them or not. What you’re calling for is to not, which is exactly where I said young women are, but you disagreed. So it’s not a matter of agree to disagree quite frankly. You contradicted yourself and you are wrong and that’s the train you’re taking out.

>> No.23177942

I don't think either of you are right. Human societies might qualify different things as virtues or vices, but human virtue is like any other animal virtue and natural to the species as any other. Societies are only virtuous in an animal sense where they do not encumber or refashion those natural virtues beyond their immediate recognition by another of the species, and so either the so-called traditional or a non-monolithic regional or temporal virtues by dint of not being able to recognise virtue in each other are not compatible with the natural virtue of the species. Frequently the first natural virtue any society will drop is the acknowledgement the members of it are animals.
Just fyi, if you kill a lot of people, GDP goes up. GDP isn't a reliable metric of any kind of economic or social health, because people getting cancer at increased rates will raise your GDP like that's a lot of goods and services, just like a gang war will.

>> No.23177946

I want to be as passionate for reading as I was, somehow I lost this during the years. I used to read plenty of books as a teen, now I can't read more than a few pages cause I get bored. I started dozens of books recently and finished only 2 or 3

>> No.23177947

Who is they? Most so-called Neocons would’ve happily eliminated all of this right up until 2016. Keep in mind that illegals also work for cheap. Didn’t you see that expose about corporations going to NGOs to get cheap illegals to work? They can work legally in this country for up to 5 years.

>> No.23177951

Animals don’t have virtues…

>> No.23177954

So wait a second. Why isn’t there a sub-culture of young conservatives traveling around the Western states doing cowboy stuff in some para-political lifestyle movement? All you need is a truck or a friend with a truck…

>> No.23177960

They know what they are which is more virtue than most human animals can muster

>> No.23177968

>Its ethnic cleansing by the bureaucrats.
To what end?

>> No.23177981

The common and least conspiratorial theory is that ethnic whites form the largest economic and political group in the west, and the single and only group homogenous and powerful enough to stage a popular revolt. So the theory is that this group needs to be economically damaged, reduced in numbers, and politically marginalized until they are at least even in numbers with other ethnic groupsー at which point they can finally be ignored like all the other proles.

>> No.23177989

We find that historically, diverse ethnic groups almost never unite to fight a common enemy. It requires intensive external pressure to convince hostile ethnic groups to band together. This was utilized by white imperial powers, and African revolts in the modern era were not grassroots, but funded by Russia and eastern communist countries to reduce western influence. This last part is actually not a conspiracyー the african ethnicities would have preferred to kill each other for eternity if not for extreme efforts from the USSR and to some degree china.

>> No.23177996

This is one of the reasons that the most common method corporations use today to prevent Unionization is diversity. Competing ethnic groups are TRIVIALLY easy to keep occupied in ethnic battles.

>> No.23178000

You’re just redefining what virtues are. Virtues have a specific definition. They come to us from the Greeks and then from the Church.

>> No.23178005

>it bothers me to see women suffer
Why? Everyone suffers. Men in general likely suffer more than women, your father, son, brother suffer, your male classmates suffer, and it is not just men, animals suffer too. Yet to only seem to care about women.

>> No.23178006

Does your wife know about your girlfriend?

>> No.23178013

By that definition they cannot be human virtues as it already draws a line at the values the Greeks took from Egypt and Persia, as though those virtues were of a nonhuman species. It's as absurd as trying to reason humans are not animals.

>> No.23178017
File: 527 KB, 1170x1146, IMG_8789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haiti may be the best example in the world of a nation truly and completely achieving the goal of 'eliminating Whiteness' - leaving only a vulture or two, and the utterly destitute and incapable..
the most unfortunate of all possible demographic combinations.

>> No.23178031

I'd never really paid much mind to the memes about NPCs and empty internets, but recently, reading through some fanfiction that pre-dates LLMs, I'm starting to wonder. I can forgive teenagers and ESLs their slip-ups; they probably encounter "tale" and "tough" written as "tail" and "tuff" more often than the correct spelling, and reading comprehension can be hard when you're starting out. But how can a human mind, before the age of GPT, produce clear GPT-isms? I've read lines where the author confuses simple concepts in the same way GPT might write "it towered over her like a mouse". They'll write "We didn't wipe ourselves out with nuclear weapons, except for those few insane survivors who had nuclear grade bomb shelters." or describe how the human characters being chased by aliens are afraid of the humans and being caught by humans. I've found honest-to-god love loops and self-repeating babble that would make perfect examples of what a low repetition penalty and/or temperature output looks like. It's quite honestly surreal, and putting into question just how conscious the people around me actually are. I hate it.

>> No.23178033

Your mom's an animal in my bed

>> No.23178035


>> No.23178037

Chatgpt was trained with those fanfics nigguh

>> No.23178043

I think there are different kinds of suffering. While physical and even mental suffering is a necessary fact of life, spiritual and this existential sort of suffering is not. But more importantly, I’m taking issue with what a lack of virtue. To be virtuous is precisely to strive for the good, and so I’m called to do what’s right, to care about these people. And I do.

>> No.23178045

I don’t only care about women by the way. I never said that because it’s not true.

>> No.23178053

> muh China has a social score system because of muh evil commumism
> n-no! Credit score systems are not the same! Bapitalism is bood, bosialism lle evillll!

>> No.23178055

Im not even clear on what you’re trying to say. Western virtues are inherited in part from Christian revelation and in part from Greco-Roman civilization. They’re fundamentally religious in either case and come to us as an inheritance. One set comes to us from humans, the other from a God who is not a “non-human species” but rather the origin of all species.

>> No.23178061
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TikTok might get a banned. What do you guys think as to why?

>> No.23178070

Effective in debunking much of the propaganda about atrocities in Gaza attributed to Israel, such as the false claim of the beheading of hundreds of Jewish babies. This would have been accepted as a "fact" had it not been for the unironic efforts of TikTokers debunking it.

>> No.23178075

I feel like a major reason why modern man obsesses over sexuality so much is that sex, love and intimacy is the closest one can get to a religious experience without religion. The lust for the flesh is the material counterpart, the shadow of the lust for the divine.

>> No.23178079
File: 810 KB, 1504x945, 1708562960841193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can’t choose virtues any more than you can choose your culture
>You can't heckin' choose your beliefs because... because you just can't, OK?!?!?!

>> No.23178080

It’s election season, that’s it. It’s not about banning Tiktok. The actual bill allows the Federal Government to force the sale of any social media platform that is accused of “interfering in elections.”

They are also blaming Elon Musk for interfering in the 2022 midterm elections by changing the algorithms on X. It gives the Feds to ceases platforms that don’t follow “the narrative.”

Pray it doesn’t get passed.

>> No.23178081

So you have an issue with other people who do not care about others? But how is this related to suffering again?

>> No.23178085

And my horror is that those fanfics existed in the first place, because it implies that there are humans whose minds are so profoundly simple that they can make such mistakes. It's like discovering an exceptionally well spoken retard. Everything they say is grammatical and maybe even poetic, but it's also gibberish that lacks any understanding of what the words mean. It's difficult to reconcile.

>> No.23178092

Then why do other humans gods start writing virtues long before that? Seems odd he's taking a nap on that

>> No.23178099

Anon doesn't believe history and considers only certain human animals from certain dates and places to be animals. He believes the Chinese to not be possessed of human virtue until the Jesuits arrive, for example.

>> No.23178101
File: 109 KB, 453x567, 1494369146294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I choose to see everything as virtuous or not virtuous because, well, I just do. Okay?

>> No.23178109

Zizek claims a brain interface (Neuralink) has been installed in Rats and was able to “steer” them remotely

This will take brainwashing to a whole new level.

>> No.23178113

Takes time to learn dawg. I'm working with elementary school kids and they struggle to spell basic words. This is normal.

>> No.23178116

Credit is gay but no one is denied medical treatment by law

>> No.23178121

What too much Vatican do to an mf

>> No.23178124

Nta but Catholic. The Church doesn't believe what anon is saying so he might not be Catholic, or, if he is, he's bad at it

>> No.23178130

Try history. I am not even a Catholic.

Everyone believes this because it’s history. How can you be a Catholic and have never heard of the Cardinal virtues?

>> No.23178135

No. Also, they're about to get an influx of Haitian cannibal gangs. So they have that vibrant diversity to look forward to.

>> No.23178139

>I realized just how lost women in our society are.
They're lost because they refuse to do the one thing that would make them happy: shut the fuck up and get pregnant.

>> No.23178145

>Consider the possibility that if women don't seem to "care" about virtue, it's because the concept itself seems to be loaded by a set of traditionalist values they aren't interested in.
Consider the fact that they're fucking miserable exactly because they reject those values, retard.
No, he's entirely right. Your post is indistinguishable from AI slop, mostly because you're a brainwashed drone.

>> No.23178147

I guess I’m thinking about this because the last time I felt good about life was when I was working on the ranch, and those big open spaces and big landscapes and big skies out West look so freeing. Even in pictures, you can just tell that you can smell that special something that makes life beautiful in the air.

>> No.23178150

Remember that time that Trump called Haiti a shit hole, and all the virtue-signaling leftists rushed to defend its vibrant diversity? And now they have roving cannibal gangs in charge.

>> No.23178151

Love never found me.

>> No.23178157

>you can just tell that you can smell that special something that makes life beautiful in the air
horse shit?

>> No.23178166

Then go out and find it.

>> No.23178167

>knocked up another girl
>she too had an abortion
4th time this has happened to me. I'm just kind of numb to it at this point. All my dead sons.

>> No.23178168

Too old and too inexperienced for that. It needed to happen decades ago.

>> No.23178169

All those horses and you usually can’t smell a whiff of horse shit actually. It smells like dirt and pine and saddle leather and sometimes wood burning fireplaces.

>> No.23178172

>How can you be a Catholic and have never heard of the Cardinal virtues?
Your framing of them as religious is kind of hilarious, and your idea the Church believes they came to the West alone, that they were religious for the Greeks, or indeed for all of Catholicism is a rather liberal view of history on par with some Japanese people really believing Jesus died out there and not on the cross.

>> No.23178179

Wait, are you saying God handed virtues to the Western Catholics, and rather than become Catholic in the long wake of that, you became a Protestant as that's proximate enough to the source for God? Kek. This is the weirdest form of western exceptionalism I've seen since the fedora era.

>> No.23178185

Why are you fucking women that you aren't in a serious relationship with while not using reliable contraception? What did you think would happen? Start using condoms. The first time you get a girl pregnant could be understood as a genuine accident or mistake. After that you should've learned your lesson, and at this point it's just stupidity or carelessness.

>> No.23178187

Why have no feudal societies lasted into this day? Why aren't some at least feudalistically capitalistic? Everywhere the same soulless liberalism, socialism or despotism.

>> No.23178189

demonic fucking retard

>> No.23178193

Dumb women getting impregnated by me. It's all their fault if they allow it.

>> No.23178195

>Why are you fucking women that you aren't in a serious relationship with while not using reliable contraception?
because it feels good
>What did you think would happen?
that I would coom
>Start using condoms.
hell no
>The first time you get a girl pregnant could be understood as a genuine accident or mistake. After that you should've learned your lesson, and at this point it's just stupidity or carelessness.
see above
I'm not the one murdering children, doublenigger.

>> No.23178203

>activates the conditions for bringing a soul into this world out of ignorance, carelessness, apathy, take your pick
take responsibility you fucking clown

>> No.23178206

They still are. Leftists think it’s a good thing that Haitians cannibalize people, as long as they’re white people. They get fascinated with it as some sort of voodoo virtual. When it’s not white peoples they just insist it isn’t happening. You have to understand that leftism really is a mental illness. It’s delusional, utopian, and nonsensical thinking that undergirds it. That’s precisely why it’s so dangerous. If instead of “men are not piano keys” Dostoevsky wrote “people are not perfect creatures in nature” he would’ve wrote the perfect critique of three fourths of Western civilization and all of modernity. Even so-called conservative country music singers “believe most people are good” even when they boil people alive.

>> No.23178207

>take responsibility
How? I don't have domain over how these bitches act. I can't make them not get abortions.

>> No.23178208

Why are you supposed to be a retard in their care?

>> No.23178217

Don't give them your seed

>> No.23178218

I can't believe dull faggots like you get love and sex but I don't

>> No.23178221

>these furious incel responses

>> No.23178222

So nowadays men are raised into being virgin incels while women are raised into being 30+ body count whores.
Am I the only one noticing?

>> No.23178225

it's my biological imperative
you should try being charming, like me
how many abortions have you have? how many children have you murdered? do you have a punch card?

>> No.23178226

>Am I the only one noticing?
Noticing can get you a life sentence in a lot of countries these days.

>> No.23178239

Trying to come up with what to make for lunch and dinner is tough. I'm a pretty simple guy so I usually used to have lentils curry called Dal with rice. But I can't for the life of me figure out what else I should make.

>> No.23178250

>pajeet detected

>> No.23178257
File: 257 KB, 1170x1529, IMG_0829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are religious. What else could justify virtues if not religion? It’s objectively not a liberal view of history. Biblical revelation and Ancient philosophy are the two pillars of Western thought, including thought about ethics, and this was a mainstream view in the West until very recently when Westerners decided they could just deny this and find new virtues, which has clearly been a ridiculous and failed project. This is mainstream history.

I’m not actually. To say that virtues are imparted via revelation is not to say that this or that institution is necessarily the authority on said revelation and thus the virtues. It’s merely a matter of fact that the Catholic Church was the authority for over a millennium. Who don’t think taught the Bible, theology, and philosophy of ethics for all those years?

You are just very poorly educated.

>> No.23178262
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>Who don’t think taught the Bible, theology, and philosophy of ethics for all those years?
>You are just very poorly educated.

>> No.23178265
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>> No.23178272
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It wasn't spelling, it was an entirely different word, you stupid nigger.

>> No.23178279

> what is a typo?
You’re a disingenuous weasel. Either you can critique the point on its merits or you can play semantic games about a typo. Choose the latter and you’re clearly a pseud. Choose the former and answer the question. Who do you think taught ethics for all those years of not the Catholic? Do you imagine illiterate peop”3 just apprehended them from observing nature? They just intuited what the Romans thought? Just through magic?

>> No.23178280
File: 604 KB, 730x518, 1707706246598469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, you stupid 80 IQ schizo nigger. You already lost.

>> No.23178283

> I have no argument
Didn’t think so but appreciate you taking the time to confirm

>> No.23178286

I’m over novels and philosophy. I read poetry, biography, and history almost exclusively now.

>> No.23178287

I accept your full and unconditional surrender.

>> No.23178291

You both lost

>> No.23178293

How insidious is it that conservative Republicans Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft invented progressive politics and then the left-wing Democrats Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt stole it, monopolized it, and enshrined it as a lefty platform for the next century, totally excluding conservatives and Republicans from participating in serious national politics? The failure to morph into the Bull Moose Party has got to be the biggest political disaster for the American right since the civil war.

>> No.23178295

Nuh uh u

>> No.23178299

I’m very conflicted about my career so far.

>> No.23178301
File: 116 KB, 865x1024, 1708102550103740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill niggers lmao

>> No.23178317

What made you think you could call others uneducated when you show your own lack of it and still maintain some superiority. You twist history like your pronouncement of it will make it real, and your beliefs on virtue and its origins is equally obviously self aggrandisement. Had you been born in any other sphere of history, you would as blindly beat at that until it proved you superior by methods equally as faulty as you use now. Your defense of western virtue ethics isn't even rooted in those ethics it proposes, but in the same self centred fantasy that cannot conceive of (You), the special snowflake, being by chance born into any tradition or society which was not THE BESTEST by virtues of your presence. You're basically what the value set you try to advocate for despises most.

>> No.23178318

In 4th grade my friends realized we could get away with saying anything by ending it with “…on Opposite Day” I said something like “I’ll zip-tie your limbs & nerfblast my boymilk into your labial folds Ms. Harrison, on Opposite Day!” Looking back I think her silence was consent

>> No.23178321

Hate how Curtis Yarvin always tries to frame urban cosmopolitans and the laptop class as “natural aristocrats”. They are not. They never have been.

>> No.23178322 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 420x420, 1709083595217353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see trillionth video in my life of niggers killing a white woman
>think the usual thoughts
>"that's just how things are; only a small group of internet racists know how bad it is, and you'd lose your job and get yelled at for 'cherrypicking' if you tried to get others to notice too... maybe one day things will change"
>wake up today
>entire internet is talking about it
>comments sections of random normie news sites look like my racist websites
>mfw imagining the avalanche of noticing once the normie hivemind flips the racism switch from NOT OK [PERSECUTE PEOPLE WHO SAY IT] to OK [FUN THING TO DO FOR SOCIAL CLOUT]

>> No.23178330

>entire internet is talking about it
I am terminally online and I have no clue what you're on about

>> No.23178336

When it happens, it will happen all at once. Just look at all the retards finally nooticing things about Israel.
Nigger teenager smashed a white teenage girl's head against the concrete repeatedly on camera, she's in critical condition and probably going to die.

>> No.23178344

> muh career

>> No.23178348

>We didn't wipe ourselves out with nuclear weapons, except for those few insane survivors who had nuclear grade bomb shelters
>dumbledore yelled calmly and he was also gay with hagrid in this scene btw during everything that happened ok it was very sexual and respectful to the aboriginal community

>> No.23178350

Yeah I found it, kek the story has been buried already, no one is really talking about it anymore.

>> No.23178353

Don't they need the $0.5 you get for posts like this to pay police to catch reservists before they flee the country so they can die in Lebanon?

>> No.23178367


>> No.23178375
File: 66 KB, 800x590, 1699563467522514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everything is inherently political, then all boards are inherently /pol/.

>> No.23178389

The only reason the discourse isn't 50/50 or 75/25 racist vs. obviously pearl-clutching liberals even on sites like plebbit for stories like this is that the mods hand-delete every post. They go through whole threads or whatever they're called on plebbit and delete only the racialist's side of any argument.

And this relies on a handful of highly ideologically motivated unemployed janny troons devoting their lives to protecting niggers.

The strength of the dam is a fixed quantity, the amount of water building up behind it is not. To be honest I was expecting normies to be permanently indoctrinated into the cult of not noticing, since they actively enjoy all the little daily rituals and shibboleths, like saying loudly in their head BUT WHITE PEOPLE INVENTED SLAVERY when they see the fifth chimpout in one week. But the system has become so unstable that we might actually see a reversion to normalcy (a word I coined for when you notice that 95% of violent crime in your area is black/hispanic).

>> No.23178392

I'm so depressed because no vagina to dump my cum inside whenever I'm horny. Also my computer isn't good enough to run the latest games.

>> No.23178395

Insane how a good wank with a sleeve can take the edge off after a long fucking day

>> No.23178396

>The only reason the discourse isn't 50/50 or 75/25 racist vs. obviously pearl-clutching liberals even on sites like plebbit for stories like this is that the mods hand-delete every post. They go through whole threads or whatever they're called on plebbit and delete only the racialist's side of any argument.
Correct, but it also happens here. I can't count how many times some tranny janny has b& me and deleted all my posts, while keeping the other side of the argument up. This town needs an enema.

>> No.23178401

I get paid $100k per year to work for 3 hours per week. I’ve got to be crazy for considering leaving this job.

>> No.23178407

The only thing more disappointing than the state of video games after 2010 is the state of sex. Enjoy fucking a 5'3" woman who has the body language and cadence of a man but not the reasoning or sense of responsibility of one. Having sex with zoomer women is on the same level as masturbation, it's mostly shameful and time wasting.

>> No.23178414

I don't understand why nearly every book community sucks and is filled with incompetents and idealogues who cannot comprehend much of anything.

>> No.23178419

Maybe try gay sex if sex with women does not satisfy you.

>> No.23178427

Has it ever occurred to you that your extreme worry is the cause of your insufficient bowel movements?

>> No.23178450

>credit score for hospital visits
Just do as the niggers do and get state health insurance for free.

>> No.23178463

Finding it harder to actually discuss with some people. I think its the fact they just accept something as true as in like CNN is non biased because some site told me and that site is true therefore CNN is un biased.

>> No.23178467

Love the pic related honestly

>> No.23178477

>lefty mods delete anything that remotely doesn't fit their narrative
Wow, first day on the internet

>> No.23178482

The books are a prop

>> No.23178498

Sincerely, /lit/ has gotten worse, especially over the last few years, but it is not that bad. There’s a minority here who are really great actually. But as for answering your question, I think literature has just been pushed to the fringes in this civilization. There was a time where literature was bound up with aristocracy, but now professionalism is bound up with aristocracy. It’s mainly overly intellectual loners and weirdos or else women who are into what is now a niche hobby.

>> No.23178515

The scene seems to be filled with these and I'm even finding it harder to find actually good philosophy groups that teach everything instead of whatever fits with atheism, Christianity, paganism ect.

>> No.23178533
File: 337 KB, 1200x1063, IMG_8790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jewish ADL says "we have a tik tok problem"
>Just like magic, we have legislation banning it

>> No.23178536 [DELETED] 

I am conflicted because if you said "We need to ban tiktok because the chinese are using it to make our kids all gay" I'd be on board, but when congress goes "We need to ban tiktok because it makes the jews feel big sad" I'm not on board

>> No.23178540

>It’s mainly overly intellectual loners and weirdos or else women who are into what is now a niche hobby.
This was always the case. That's why there's several health scares where people start thinking women are catching hysteria from reading too many books, and men are catching unnatural urges from it. Honestly, why do you think so much of it has always been porn? The female porn industry is the only thing letting us still chop down forests and fire up coal burning electricity plants just so anyone who cares to can read for as cheap as possible (give or take an Amazon margin)

>> No.23178545

I'll be honest with you chief, I don't really care since Instagram is kind of more entertaining for random videos but I'm sure my normalfag friend will be big sad.

>> No.23178550

I'm not on tiktok but doesn't tiktok make people like Tate and other right wing people big?
Compare it to a facebook or discord. Those platform make people troon out and should be banned before tiktok.

>> No.23178552
File: 535 KB, 600x996, 1710339903930594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that exact feel

>> No.23178556

tiktok is the #1 propagator of troon shit, retard

>> No.23178558

Honestly, /lit/ is one of the better options compared to a lot of the other places I've checked out.
I understand that discussing nuanced and complex ideas are too difficult for many people to parse through, but I had expected people who enjoy books would be at least a little more capable.

>> No.23178573

Yet they churn out people like Tate and others who clown on jews and troons.
Find me a platform outside of Twitter that allows that, faggot.

>> No.23178577
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It was actually the number one outlet that shilled against Israeli atrocity propaganda for the normies, there’s a recording of Greenbatt kvetching about how the left and right think israel is in the wrong.

>> No.23178581

Yesterday I felt so depressed I went to bed at 8 pm eating an apple.
Today I don't feel that depressed but I'll probably still go to bed at 8 pm hadn't I met the decision to start the lengthy process of getting drunk. Not that I planned earlier in the day, but I had to go to the basement to get the hard stuff and didn't want to in broad daylight, someone might very seen me.

>> No.23178591

I think you should eat a real meal and have an early night, anon

>> No.23178597

Plan to get up at 4am, bake some bread, maybe heat some of the stuff I got in the freezer. Until then, dry meat will do it. Booze is better on an empty stomach.

>> No.23178598

Why don't we simply relocate all illegal immigrants to puerto rico? think about it though:

russia had siberia

the uk had australia

france sends its failsons to the belgium

But the us has never done this. why? especially when puerto rico is perfectly situated?

>> No.23178604

Why do you want to go to Puerto Rico so much?

>> No.23178609

Send them to Detroit

>> No.23178616

Alaska is right there for the U.S to use.
Populate it with browns and create more settlements. Just forbid them to move to the U.S proper

>> No.23178621
File: 30 KB, 540x360, IMG_8793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think people realize how badly this bill is going to affect internet services and website for semitic narrative purposes. The Left is pissed off because it takes away their activism and the right is being tricked (as usual) into thinking it’s to stop China. This bill is the most Jewish coded thing i've seen in a long time, it benefits NO ONE but a small minority of powerful Jews by controlling the narratives of the country, and TikTok is just the beginning.

Millions of people are about to lose their way of living, and billions more will lose the right to knowledge. This is about control and not wanting U.S citizens to be aware of what's going on outside of the US besides what they see fit.

>> No.23178622

If I was born maybe 5 years later I might have been in a position to troon out. People would've prayed on me to do so. I don't think I would but I was depressed in my late teens so who knows.
Luckily I'm not a zoomer so no such influences when I grew up.

>> No.23178642

Nothing should be banned. The core issue of moral education is not addressed.

>> No.23178646

>Millions of people are about to lose their way of living
Good. Next they should ban onlyfans, or at least tax them heavily

>> No.23178652

Onlyfans will continue because its own by a tribe member. This isn’t about stoping the bad, but prosecuting your adversaries.

>> No.23178658

The only people who think sex is uniquely and permanently interesting are non-sex-havers. There are two kinds of non-sex-havers, before you become a sex-having non-sex-haver, the dialectical synthesis of sex-having and non-sex-having:
>Total non-sex-havers / occasional sex-havers (functionally the same)
>Regular sex-havers

Non-sex-havers think sex is interesting because they are not having it and they project their fantasies and general lack of fulfillment in life onto sex. Occasional sex-havers do the same, but at regular intervals, since their occasional sex-having only allows them to see how uninteresting sex is for very short bursts, not enough to build up immunity.

Regular sex-havers are occasional sex-havers who have begun to realize sex is uninteresting. But they then go through the inevitable dark night of the soul of all sex-havers: the shifting of the goalposts of "sex" to "some particular sex." They start thinking "Maybe if I have sex with HER I will be happy" and "Maybe if I get to live out THIS fetish/fantasy I will be happy." Now, they are in the position of non-sex-havers all over again: sex becomes for them not-sex, relative to their new sex, which is "that specific woman/fantasy/ethnicity I want to have sex with." They then have to go through the entire cycle over again, of becoming occasional and then regular sex-havers with respect to this "second sex."

It's only after having this second sex, not just once, but many times, as many times they had to have first sex in order to become a regular sex-haver the first time around, that they realize that the sex cycle is an infinite one and will never be satisfying. Sex, whether first or second sex, is Descartes' wax, and only takes on whatever forms we project and mold onto it.

Blessed are the Chads who kill their first sex by 25 and their second sex soon after that. Blessed are the renunciants who never play the game to begin with, and never look back. Wretched are all who are trapped in between.

>> No.23178665

Sex is actually incredibly mundane.

>> No.23178674

We don't know for sure what levels of hideousness certain human breeds have reached during the era of the races. Isolation protected their ugliness, their fatness, their ogreness. Once reached by another, more fortunate human tribe, they disappeared almost instantly because of how unattractive they became, not to other people but themselves.

>> No.23178677

>Nigger teenager smashed a white teenage girl's head against the concrete repeatedly on camera, she's in critical condition and probably going to die.

>> No.23178683

Maurnice Declue and Kailee something.

>> No.23178694

Last night I heard a Zoomer girl complaining about her bf. He refuses to pay for anything. He insists they split everything, asks her to Venmo him, etc.

She asked him to take her out to dinner just as a romantic gesture, he called her a gold-digger. He makes good money for his age.

It seems many Zoomers don’t understand the basics of courtship, let alone having the basic male impulse to provide. It’s good to build yourself up when you’re younger and spend less to save, but taking your gf out to dinner is table stakes.

She’s a sweet and pretty girl. Regardless of how he feels about it, she’s gonna fuck the skin off of the first normal guy who takes her out to dinner. Unless Zoomers understand the provider element of relationships, Zoomer girls are just prey for Millennials at this point.

>> No.23178708

Naw fuck Tik Tok, I dont give a dog dick about someone whos job consists of making of shitty little videos. If tik-tok can go away, that gives me hope that all the other social media sites can go away.
The argument Ive been seeing that taking down tik-tok is violation of free speech is retarded, the rest of the internet is still there ya know.

>> No.23178712

Why should I provide for a woman if she doesn't do shit around the house?

>> No.23178713

God I hate women, they truly are a bane.

>> No.23178719

Tip: She's already fucked the skin off of many guys and that's why her bf doesn't feel taking her out to dinner.

If you want to feel special, be special. Whores are not special. If you want men to embody their masculine archetype and provide for you, embody your feminine archetype and resist being a fallen whore who purchases attention and validation with pussy at a going rate of 20 minutes per fuck.

>She's a sweet and pretty girl.
She's a zoomer. Her body count is 20+ minimum.

>> No.23178739

Equality is a bitch. Anyway if he did start taking her out she'd think he was a whimp and dump him

>> No.23178744

Or we could just dump them back in mexico

>> No.23178747

Is this some kind meta joke or something

>> No.23178752

I'm not a vulgar right/left-wing apologist, I'm a politosopher.

>> No.23178762

Fine by me. The West has spent 80 years suppressing knowledge of Jewish influence and it's all crumbling down.

>> No.23178765

The introduction of Aristotle to the medieval Church is probably one of the worst things to happen in Christian history.

>> No.23178766

Ordered a book from amazon but the seller is anybook.com. Can they be trusted? Fuckers didnt provide tracing.

>> No.23178768

If they fuck up you can just complain to Amazon and get a refund

>> No.23178774

What's on my mind? Almost nothing. I find one of the dudes I work at has the physiognomy of a Gasconian nobleman. The debrises of the Aryan race have not been fully defeated yet.

>> No.23178788

Been home from work for about an hour, unwinding. Gonna go destress with a goon sesh and then work on the college assignments that were due two weeks ago.

>> No.23178795

I can't believe I haven't jacked off in more than a year. Haven't felt the urge in ages.

>> No.23178805

When I was a kid I was sexually attracted to Alice from Alice in Wonderland, but for some reason I'm not longer attracted to her.

>> No.23178811

ur holy as fuck bro

>> No.23178826
File: 3.05 MB, 2848x4288, 1706673889887919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally obsessed with the goddess Aphrodite

>> No.23178833

You should get your health checked prolly

>> No.23178837

For having too much test in my blood maybe

>> No.23178842

for being an incel

>> No.23178851

You think not chasing worthless whores is an insult to me?

>> No.23178856

you should join a monastery or some shit

>> No.23178858

There is something deliciously satisfying in watching girls in their early twenties attempt to make a career on Instagram by showing a lot of skin and shaking their ass to gay ass dances. I’m a disgusting fat misogynist but I love looking at women — so it’s genuinely amazing to watch these terribly intimate, enticing videos of these gorgeous women that I know I could never ever be with while simultaneously knowing that they’re wasting their only commodity in life in this futile venture and will wither away in just a few years when their boobs begin to sag and their looks go bye bye with no real life skills or emotional IQ to support the rest of their lives

>> No.23178866

The way this faggot seethes in defense of Max Lawton in every thread makes you wonder if it’s him or his lame little terminally online friends from truelit. He probably does post here since Max is terminally online, larps as orthodox, and whose taste is similar to /lit/‘s, especially /lit/ from 2014-2018.

>> No.23178872

It wasn’t. Literature was one of the core interests of aristocracy up to and through the European political revolutions. This idea that it’s always been porn is just bullshit. You’re not well informed on this topic, unfortunately.

>> No.23178878

> mimimimimimi you should do this you should do that
Fuck off

>> No.23178882

I pay a lot of attention to the online alt-right, especially their YouTube channels. I’ve noticed that they just consistently don’t get it and easily get sucked into intellectual circle jerks. They love to look at these things like engineers would look at a system, but of course politics is not a mechanical system and so they always end up getting it wrong. Their recent take was about Peter Thiel, the PayPal mafia, and as always “the elites” and what their tendencies say about the future.

Why is it so hard to find people who “get it” nowadays? I recently read Spengler and in his book he talks about how basically nobody has any fucking clue what they’re talking about anymore and everyone is wrong. It’s hard to disagree. Everyone seems to get sucked into some institutional mode of thinking and its language or some collective non-institutional mode of thinking and its language. Basically nobody seems capable of thinking about problems as they really are and talking about them plainly in sensible language.

>> No.23178889

(You)'re only posting him because (You) want to turn him into a meme.

>> No.23178893

seems like the only one seething here is you lil bud

>> No.23178956

Even if you go back before mass literacy, private books of hours etc have more porn than bibles produced in the same monastery (i.e. people were paying illustration money specifically for the sexy bits, which is like buying a Porsche because there's a naked lady sprayed on it levels of fuck you money)

>> No.23178982

But you’re just comparing arbitrary categories. If we look at “published” manuscripts from Charlemagne to Dante there’s more non-porn than porn, but even if that wasn’t the case, I don’t see what this has to do with the basic reality that literature, non-porn literature, was valued by the upper class. It doesn’t disprove that.

>> No.23178995

Why do songs I haven't heard in decades keep popping into my head suddenly?

>> No.23178996


>> No.23179015

are bad

>> No.23179031

Do you think it’s ill-advised to pursue work or business opportunities in an industry that’s hard to make money if that’s your only genuine interest? You are literature people are you not? Do you think literature is worth pursuing as a career even though it’s difficult to make money?

>> No.23179049


>> No.23179050

There’s a twitch steamer who I’m pretty sure is psyopping millions of people into homosexuality. He’s some guy who trooned out and is slowly transitioning into doing porn. He is now posting his dick online and I come to find that it’s being talked about online like it’s an event. And it’s just insane to me that this is what our culture is. Countless young people lined up waiting for a person to post his penis in public. And they celebrate this, they lust for it because he’s a tranny, they talk about how he’s “one of the good ones” etc. This is considered normal. This is a culture that everyone in power currently supports because it supposedly makes us freer and morally pious.

>> No.23179076

You have to be mentally ill yo be part of that audience in the first place but there could be some kids in there

>> No.23179080


>> No.23179081
File: 95 KB, 1080x862, i270i55qx51a1-4141795733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.23179094

Sometimes I visit the subleddit of my country and it seems a common problem people have is an unreasonable neighbour that is making too much noise and there is basically nothing that can be done about it. Its one of my fears to end up in such a situation as well desu.

>> No.23179106

fuck off ledditor

>> No.23179115
File: 196 KB, 593x584, 32fcbff9978002459b8f5618299f59ba452f9ecfbf5cd1ab525f3befa145710d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23179136

I'm comparing readers: if you want to go back to when books were all commissioned works, there's consumers buying a lot of porn; if you want to go from printing presses on, there is an immediate international market for whichever country has the weakest porn censorship. Caxton isn't picking The Canterbury Tales to cement English because it's the best available writing, but because that shit is going to sell like hotcakes once people work out there's naughty bits.

>> No.23179151

im fucking astounded by how big of an npc i am. i had my final day of uni today, and i ended up having my first conversations with the people in my lecture before i left. all i got was "what books do you like" and i didnt have the heart to tell them that my life is an endless cycle of reading manga and staring at the ceiling. how ive made it to 22 without ever trying to engage with serious media is just fucking baffling, and now i feel like an absolute alien walking past waterstones

>> No.23179157

it's just a bunch of retards that would otherwise watch some tranny porn instead

>> No.23179181

>t. (You)

>> No.23179185

that's a british face if i ever saw one

>> No.23179194

This is the best era to be born into. Nothing in the future will compare.

>> No.23179225
File: 392 KB, 608x768, Capture+_2024-03-13-15-31-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother has really started to weird me out the past couple of years. In the past year he's started larping as Christian, posting these cringy memes
It comes across as ingenuine cause I know he's not that kind of a person.
He's a socialite that's very fixated on appearances, fashion, and trends.
When i visited family for Christmas he suggested that we should do weed with our parents. I was like hell no that's weird af and he goes "why not? lots of people are doing it these days"
But then he turns around and posts these shitty memes about God and Christianity. Idk if he's just pretending or hoping he can get cred from my parents who still consider themselves Christian but it's super cringy
Pic rel is a meme he posted

>> No.23179264
File: 638 KB, 1271x1199, 1709950647657520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it immoral to kys after the only person you love dies?

>> No.23179283

I'm going to eat and then I'm going to write my book.

>> No.23179292

I already ate.

>> No.23179319

*tips fedora*

>> No.23179341

There’s always the possibility for better days. You just have to take right action when you wake up.

>> No.23179345

I'm looking old but my personality hasn't changed that most in a decade or so.
At least I got a job now but that isn't exactly the cure for manchildrenism, I believe.

>> No.23179348

This idea that in the days of commission it was mostly porn is just not true. You made it up. The porn thing mostly happens when literature is subject to the mass market.

>> No.23179350

I literally cannot stop thinking about God & Jesus. And Satan & Lucifer. It's all I think about.

>> No.23179353

My mother literally scrolls Facebook and watches Netflix all day, every day. She gets home from her computer job, plants in the couch, and scrolls and watches. Every single day. No exercise. No hobbies. Just scrolling and watching.

>> No.23179354

The new Dune movies ae an abomination and I can't get my head around why any fan of the books would give them a pass.

>> No.23179358

There's no such thing as an NPC. It's a meme promulgated to enforce ritual, rote dehumanization.
You are a human being and the light inside of you shines as bright as you allow it to. There is not a thing, and never has been a thing, wrong with you.

>> No.23179361

The black mirrors absorb consciousness

>> No.23179369

I just wish she would get some physical activity or something. It’s sad watching her live such a sedentary boring life. I love my mother, but the choices she’s made in life and continues to make have been a disaster for her and for her family.

>> No.23179371

Master Shifu vs Tai Lung is so fucking cash.


>> No.23179374

She's not unique in that unfortunately. I appreciate that you love her, mine does a similar thing.
Then again, so do I, and I'm sure it breaks her heart, but we both do it regardless of the mutual heartbreak.
This indicates, to me, that it's a collective problem, not an individual one.
Collective problems require collective solutions.

>> No.23179376

Do you think universities can be salvaged or not? I realized today that these institutions have fundamentally corrupted the study of every field with their relentless emphasis on applying shit like queer studies and critical theory to every single subject from medieval history to mathematics.

>> No.23179393

The jew is the personification of evil, objectively. If they have their way with the remaining Palestinians, the rest of the world will be fair game.

The modern populace has been neutered and rendered into the sheep/cattle/fodder as predicted. Which is why they overtly play their hand now. Their only weakness is also what made them successful, so only from within will they likely be defeated.

They know this as well, so when someone speaks the truth like this they are reminded to subvert even themselves. A vicious cycle of control where they can't trust each other but can only trust each other.

>> No.23179398

>If they have their way with the remaining Palestinians
They will, they have no reason to stop.

>> No.23179407

The majority of science is non falsifiable and experiments never repeated. Of those which are repeated, the success rate hovers around 50%. The vast majority of science, even the hard sciences, is completely fake.
That which cannot stand, will not stand, and that which is based on falsehood, will inevitably evolve into even more ridiculous lies.

>> No.23179408

Haven't watched any of the movies, ever. Would watch the 70s one if anything. Same with any Star wars or trek after A New Hope & First Contact. Feels good.

>> No.23179414

>the Jew is the personification of evil
The people doing that aren't even Jews, they despise everything Judaism ever stood for.
The Jewish peasants who support it, are like any other peasants who've supported atrocity throughout history: fearful, ignorant and without faith.

>> No.23179425

They are physically indistinguishable from each other, their closest genetic cousins.

>> No.23179444

Semantics. I'm anti-semantic if it comes to jew, Khabarovsk, Israeli, caananite, branch davidian, it doesn't matter. We all know who we are talking about, the ones in power, easily follow the paper trail. It's always interesting to see random short video clips of chabad leaders, the rebbe, or even young orthodox abusing Christians in Jerusalem, aggressive 'settlers'speaking their mind with impunity, appear online at random intervals...

Such a difficult job for the internet forces to scrub or explain away, last resort to just flood the chat, as it were

Like when then the jew tunnels appeared!

>> No.23179447


>> No.23179453

The "semantics" are important.
The people in "power," are Satanists, and they're not just Jewish in ethnic origin.
This is important, because through your ignorance, you will advocate for the death of that which is innocent, and Satan will devour your soul. You will advocate for your own death.

>> No.23179462

So what?

>> No.23179542

Non-kike thread: >>23173226

true channers and the true world forever

>> No.23179547

The old testament Jewish conception of "God" is so antithetical and opposite to Jesus that either (a) the old testament was written by a non-divine lunatic or (b) the OT is based on actual supernatural acts -- by a demon trying to ingrain evil (e.g. baby killing) into a culture.

>> No.23179555


>> No.23179562

When did Jesus condone the evil acts of the Jew "God?" I'd like a quote where he says it was good that those babies were murdered. If he didn't condone them, and they're clearly evil, why do you?

>> No.23179566

I find that I have a natural impulse to spend money on women that I trust. It sounds like this guy is 'dating' a whore or is psy op'd to treat all women like that because in my experience, the impulse can be a little overwhelming. Women who you can't trust and exhibit past or present whorish behavior and appearances almost never create that impulse in me. It could be the case that she thinks they're dating while he keeps her (understandably) at an arms length.

>> No.23179568

No one can ever take an interest in a new thing!

>> No.23179570

I won't argue with you.

>> No.23179575

There's an active campaign against Christianity across the entire site. Most of those posts aren't even real, written by bots and legions of the damned.

>> No.23179586

I'm sure if someone took an interest in atheism and started posted atheist memes no one would call it a larp or fake or insincere or social chasing.

>> No.23179590

Parasyte was a fun anime. I wish I had a parasite in my right hand.

>> No.23179592

Actually, jews worship Lucifer.

>> No.23179604

Same with all forms of Occultism. Across all the boards. This only happens when someone professes earnest belief in God.
And it's happening more and more.
Go check out the happenings on /x/ the past few days.
No, Jews worship God, if they're religious.
Luciferians worship Lucifer; and Satanists worship Satan.

>> No.23179620

The illustrations were more pornographic in private collections. Illustrations cost more than plain text. People were paying mad money to see some insertions. If you could only afford a picture in marginalia, it was probably porn you chose, and if you could afford a lot of illustrations, you bought a lot of porn. I'm not even talking buying a dick with wings, something you could publicly display without anyone thinking it was porn: one of the things books have always allowed their owners to do is view them privately, and that is always going to pay more money to jackable material than anything else.
It's the same reason why a millennium later having your own handheld phone and laptop is the norm, because all other things being equal, it's easier than jacking it to the family computer in the living room or risking someone picking up the extension in the kitchen. Part of the selling point of e-readers was not having to hide the cover, and that was to get the much larger and more regular custom of female porn readers on board, not to protect the small market of people reading Mein Kampf in public who weren't doing that to show off the cover.

>> No.23179623

The parasite tried to jack him off.

>> No.23179628

I hope this is related

>> No.23179631

Again, this idea that the majority of collections, private or otherwise, contained pornography is just a lie. You just made it up. You have no source, no evidence. You flat out made it up. You know you did.

>> No.23179642

Yes in the anime. The MC gets a parasite in his right hand. It (voiced by a girl) tried to jack him off in the high school bathroom.

>> No.23179643

But look, there’s a difference between a study being fundamentally flawed or wrong and a study being fundamentally gay and lame. Queer studies is the latter. Of course, the academic approach to medieval studies has always contained some sort of bias and been wrong. But the mainstream bias now, queer, female, or otherwise progressive, is just so lame that it’s intolerable. So as far as I’m concerned, this shit is jettisoned from the academic mainstream or the academy in general should be abandoned and possibly dismantled. I would not like to see the latter happen but I cannot think of another time in history where something along these lines didn’t carry over into the mainstream of the future. How do you have a study of the Middle Ages once they’ve been “queered”? You know? The closest I can think of is the sort of Nazi Aryan science that was ended after WW2 and continued mainly in fringe online communities.

>> No.23179648

I don’t do that. I get an hour of exercise everyday. I spend a lot of my free time reading and not mindlessly consuming, or doing other things. I’m known to draw or paint, or play music. She just does nothing. My brother is the same way with social media and the internet, but he at least tries to mix it up with a book or the gym here and there. She straight up does nothing but watch TV day after day.

>> No.23179658

They're generally manuscripts on public display now, but some are in private collections. They also contain grotesques, which can look like porn to modern eyes, but stuff like blowing a brass trumpet with your ass or bending backwards to try to eat your own dick at the time would have been interpreted as signs of man's foolishness, like dicks with wings would have been seen as good luck. You find those things in public bibles which were not for personal use, but in private books you find people just doing it even if the book is otherwise religious.

>> No.23179662

I have no issue with him being a theist. The belief itself isn't really the problem.
It's that it's ingenuine and seems purely performative. I know my brother.
We were both raised Catholic. He never cared much about religion growing up. Whereas i was very religious.
He is very much a socialite party animal.
Then suddenly the past year or so he starts posting memes like this
I know it's bullshit. He knows it's bullshit
I can't stand hypocrites whose beliefs exist purely to try and score social points
The meme is also retarded.

>> No.23179679

>took an interest in atheism and started posted atheist memes no one would call it a larp or fake or insincere or social chasing.
A lack of belief isn't really a religion or any cohesive social group. So I don't see how it could be considered a "larp"
I view a larp as any belief taken purely for social reasons rather than a genuine belief that these ideas are real--wanting to fit into a group, appease family members who jold similar religious beliefs, etc
I suppose a person could larp as a communist, or something similar But being an atheist entails no real commitment

>> No.23179707
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There is only one sin: indecision. Steel yourself for what is about to come.

>> No.23179708

>But look, there’s a difference between a study being fundamentally flawed or wrong and a study being fundamentally gay and lame.
Not really, it's just the set of lies you prefer.

>> No.23179727

>She’s a sweet and pretty girl. Regardless of how he feels about it, she’s gonna fuck the skin off of the first normal guy who takes her out to dinner.
Have you asked her out yet?

>> No.23179739

?Please wait a while before making a post
EXCUSEEEE MEEEE? What sort of demonic interference is this? I'll have you know I am a respected and well regarded 4chan poster who has frequently said upvoted and approved (thought correct) things.I demand to speak to 4chan's manager.

>> No.23179742

>He refuses to pay for anything. He insists they split everything, asks her to Venmo him, etc.
Based, he's just like me.
>let alone having the basic male impulse to provide.
Guys haven't needed to provide for a long time, hence why Zoomers don't get the impulse, women can provide for themselves now.

>> No.23179743

Can confirm that it does, indeed, feel good to be a gangsta.

>> No.23179758

But I think I was clear about the latter set of lies being far less preferable

>> No.23179759

I’m so tired of you both. It’s so embarrassing to be around you, and I can’t believe that I’m your child. You’re irredeemable, I can’t ever forgive you for that.

>> No.23179760

Belief that there is no God is a positive proposition and has a lot of cultural and social implications. If someone is raised in a Christian house, environment, worldview, and culture and that person suddenly takes an interest in atheism then that person is engaging with an entirely different mindset and identity. And yet, no one calls Christians turned atheists insincere or laprping. Yes they are called cringe or whatever, but thats an entirely different subset. If your friend from a Christian house suddenly started posting atheist memes you would not call it a larp.

>> No.23179766

It is a retarded meme, but just because he's looking into new beliefs or a new identity doesn't mean he's some liar or hypocrite. Even if he's in some liminal stage or halfway point.

>> No.23179777

>If your friend from a Christian house suddenly started posting atheist memes you would not call it a larp.
Specific atheistic groups like communists or existentialists can be a larp.
Posting Christian memes by itself is not a larp. A larp is an ingenuine or performative belief. It is entirely contextual, and has little to do with the actual content of whatever belief.
With my brother for example I can tell it is ingenuine because I know him well
He browses Twitter, posts progressive stuff, but then kinda semi larps as a moderate Catholic to try to appeal to my parents

>> No.23179779

Is that a fucking midget?

>> No.23179782

>he's looking into new beliefs or a new identity doesn't mean he's some liar or hypocrite
Nah it is 100% performative. He is a marketer. This is what he does; he only knows how to view things in terms of whether or not it makes him look good to other people

>> No.23179786

>raised catholic
>catholic family
>wants to be a catholic
>is actually a moderate and not some weirdo niche political reactionary
I don't see why it should be assumed insincere.

>> No.23179790

Being a catholic looks good to nobody unless you live in Italy or something

>> No.23179807

Yeah and thats why I know for a fact he doesn't larp to his friend group. He only shares this shit to my family in an effort to win mommy and daddy's approval
He may not be fully conscious of his own insincerity
Again what makes it insincere is how suddenly he will shift from being like
>we should do weed with our parents lol nothing really matters just chill out I am very liberal
To a day later sharing memes about God

>> No.23179828

Maybe he prepaid his indulgence before offering

>> No.23179832

Why can't your parents smoke weed and still love God?

>> No.23179837

>Achilles string Odysseus smart Aeneas pious
But like all these guys are also strong so whats the point. Kind of undermines it. And what the fuck does pious even mean

>> No.23179844

>what the fuck does pious even mean

>> No.23179866

You can still believe in God and smoke weed. It's more that with my brother he goes from this pose of being a progressive who is edgy, cynical, and kinda nihilist to then pretending to be this trad. He very much likes edgy and dirtbag leftist content like cumtown, BehindTheBastards, and MillionDollarExtreme. And his social milieu is upper middle class urban and progressive.
The dissonance between these two incompatible poses reveals insincerity. I can tell he shifts from one to the other depending on the audience entirely to win social approval.
I unironically would respect him more if he was a weirdo reactionary. At least that's a position which being so extreme takes some balls to take. An outspoken reactionary can alienate a lot of people, but someone like my brother I doubt he would ever voice a belief that would go against the grain of whatever group he is in . He just adapts his beliefs to whatever social context he is in

>> No.23179872

I don't exist

>> No.23179876

It's 2.30 AM here and I can't sleep

>> No.23179885

I think God probably doesn't give a fuck if your brother likes cumtown and I don't even know what it is, so I've assumed the worst from the title, short of it involving rape and trafficking. The purpose of Catholicism is not to pick whichever political position you want, but to be kind to your fellow man so more people might see God's grace. I think you should go smoke weed with your family and do dramatic readings of whichever bits of Luke you like best- keep a prize on hand in case anyone fully commits to climbing the tree.

>> No.23179890

I went to bed at 12:00 last night but I'm sick as a dog and it's hot here so I only got around 4 hours of sleep. I was either waking up to the heat, phlegm building up in my throat or the need to piss, which is weird considering I never wake up needing to piss in the middle of the night. I've been awake since 5:00 and it's now 12:05.

>> No.23179894

Why are you even posting this shit?

>> No.23179907

Wdym? It's wwoym and it's been on my mind.
I really don't care if someone is a degen, hedonist, or whatever. It s when people are like that and then pretend to be something entirely different. Guess you have to see it for yourself to understand what I am talking about

>> No.23179914

A million different people are the intellectual fathers of fascism, depending on who you ask. It’s either Hegel, Kant, de Maistre, Carlyle, or any other of about a dozen or so thinkers. Most likely all of them or none of them are in truth the intellectual father(s) of fascism.

>> No.23179915

No, they literally worship Lucifer. It's a secret but we wont talk it about it too much.

>> No.23179925

NEW >>23179923

>> No.23180135

The New Testament talks about people who are double-minded. It's a basic assessment of original sin. The flesh fights the Spirit and so on. A Christian can have inner conflict and still be a Christian.

>> No.23180141

No God definitely cares when we indulge the flesh.

>> No.23180174

No they don't. I already know what you're talking about/referring to. Those are Luciferians who are speaking on behalf of Jews. Real Judaism is about God. Henry Rosenthal was a Satanist, not a Jew. It's a defamatory technique.

>> No.23180177

The Truth is preferable to ALL lies.

>> No.23180181

Cumtown is the funniest podcast ever made developed by the archmage Nicholas Mullen, the mystickal troll Stavros Halkias, and their loyal resident Jew, Adam Friedland

>> No.23180245
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>I'm a politosopher
Yeah, me too, pal. And I'll still be a philosopher while I'm crushing leftist's tracheas under my jackboot.