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/lit/ - Literature

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23178355 No.23178355 [Reply] [Original]


Ok. What's good fantasy series then? Tell me.

>> No.23178357

Book of the New Sun

>> No.23178360
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>> No.23178363


>> No.23178366

The King of Elfland's Daughter

>> No.23178393

Bakker is unironically King

>> No.23178412

>Good fantasy
You would be luckier asking here:

>> No.23178422

Start with the Greeks and read the Iliad

>> No.23178491

The Once and Future King

>> No.23178495
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>> No.23178528
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The Belgariad

>> No.23178580
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why does ASoIaF make this website seethe so much? because normies liked the tv adaptation?

>> No.23178582

Bakker is the closest to Martin's pseudo-realistic worldbuilding. Maybe Guy Gavriel Kay also.

>> No.23178586

nothing is better than ASoIaF, there I said it, it's the best fantasy series ever, even in it's unfinished form

>> No.23178625

David Gemmell wrote individual scenes with more emotional and philosophic content than the entire ASOIAF series. They also always ended, and were always self-contained so that even if later ones were sequels they could be read in any order and still enjoyed, sort of like Conan the Barbarian except Christian.

Basically he mogs the fuck out of Martin and is currently atop Fantasy Mountain, where he and Robert E. Howard look down from a tower of skulls, and coldly they laugh.

>> No.23178633

The prose seems a bit lacklustre from the little I've read of it. "Her cunt became the world" and "fat, pink mast" are just silly, silly phrases to read on the page. Add to that the fact that the series' main selling point is really just: "yeah... uh... did you know the middle ages were actually...uh... pretty brutal? Well, here's the Wars of the Roses (again) but with rape and dragons." I can see why it would be popular with people who are 15+, but it doesn't seem to have enough going for it beyond edginess and detailed descriptions. I just can't see why you, as an adult, would choose to pick up the series ahead of anything else. Even if you really wanted *realistic* fiction set in a semi-mythical version of the middle ages, there are better options currently.

Tell me what you like about it.

>> No.23178705

I don't see the point in reading fantasy when epic poetry and chivalric romance exist. It's just a bastardization of better works of literature.

>> No.23178718

My diary desu

>> No.23178736

OK but was epic poetry or chivalric romances written by obese, constipated, whiny feminists? If not then I don't care about them.

>> No.23178746

Game of Thones is just a poor imitation of The Accursed Kings series with dragons and shit.

>> No.23178751
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Not these


>> No.23178820


>> No.23178864

I don't think that's really fair. Epic poetry can be fantastic, but it is very much its own beast. Chivalric romance often comes across as deeply constrained by the time period and/or stiff in terms of its writing. There's plenty of depth to good sci-fi/fantasy.

>> No.23179163

You read the stupidest phrases in the books and then decide that all 2000+ pages aren’t written well because of it

>> No.23179168

I thought ASOIAF was fun but my favourite fantasy series are by far LOTR and the Silmarillion, and Harry Potter

>> No.23179172

aren't we all 15+ desu

>> No.23179224

>a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule

>> No.23179383


>> No.23179389

reddit taste

>> No.23179420
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>> No.23180525

dying earth by Jack Vance

>> No.23180549
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>Martin is for Summer Islanders.

>> No.23180747

>the little I've read of it.
>"Her cunt became the world" and "fat, pink mast"
those two are from book 4 and 5 so you'd need to read 3000+ pages to get to them. so I can't take you seriously that "you've only read a little" of it
>the series' main selling point is really just: "yeah... uh... did you know the middle ages were actually...uh... pretty brutal? Well, here's the Wars of the Roses (again) but with rape and dragons
again, you just prove that you haven't actually read a single page
>tell me what you like about it.
I mainly like how the story is character driven to the core and the characters are all human and well developed. I like the POV structure which makes absolute truth vague. the fantasy aspect in the series is kept to the minimum and most of the storylines are actually mystery/detective stories in a made up world

>> No.23180763


>> No.23180764

I liked Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn a lot.

>> No.23180771

I have read everything GRRM has published since 1971 except wild cards and I am fully convinced that ASOIAF is science fiction not fantasy. GRRM himself doesn't differentiate these two genres so it's not science fiction in it's purest sense but more like if sci fi and fantasy had sex and birthed a half breed genre

>> No.23180776


>> No.23180778

I am not preston jacobs btw, fuck that retard

>> No.23180785

It's not a single book, it's a book series and they kind of get more boring over time and the prequel stuff about targs are incredibly bland.

Like the TV series the first few are good, but unlike the TV series, they just become more boring over time. Nobody really cares much about POV of some random Greyjoys doing their own thing, especially after all the cool characters are kinda dead or detached from the main story by being in middle of nowhere.

>> No.23180796

feast is by far the best book in the series

fire and blood is complete trash however, I agree

>> No.23180798

It's bloated. He should've written a trilogy like he originally intended. But he kept adding more and more shit and now it's in limbo.

>> No.23180799

Has anyone read the 7th Son series by Orson Scott Card? Does it measure up to Ender's Game?

>> No.23180801

>fire and blood is complete trash however, I agree
I liked the bit about the rat catcher or whatever (I didn't read the whole book just flicked through it).

>> No.23180850

>those two are from book 4 and 5 so you'd need to read 3000+ pages to get to them so I can't take you seriously that "you've only read a little" of it
>what are excerpts

>> No.23180858

>what are excerpts
did you read those excerpts as greentexts on 4channel or reddit? because those aren't posted anywhere else

>> No.23180941

Are you aware that you can look up examples of a writers' writing on google before purchasing a book?

>> No.23180943

Elder scrolls lore

>> No.23180970

>another seethe thread in the catalog

can't /lit/ have a GRRM general already where /pol/fags can jerk each other off how evil and subversive he is and how pure and trad tolkien is

>> No.23180982


>> No.23181027
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Pynchon books

>> No.23181034

Benji be cry

>> No.23181036
File: 325 KB, 1024x776, Salammbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok. What's good fantasy series then? Tell me.
There is no such thing as good genre fiction, if it were good it would just be literature. If you'd like a literary treatment of a fantasy-like setting (actually historical fiction) then read Salammbo by Flaubert.

>> No.23181212

I read this when I was 12 and I can’t remember dick. There’s a young boy protagonist and a not-Gandalf and some romance with a girl. That’s all I remember. I read the entire fucking series and some of his follow up series about some warrior queen?

>> No.23181219

>genre fiction bad
>read old adventure novels
This is retardation but it’s also common. Why the fuck does Treasure Island or Last of the Mohicans or Ivanhoe get a pass? Why is Kipling literature? Why is Poe taken seriously instead of treated like horror sloppa? Sherlock Holmes is treated like literature but it’s detective sloppa. It’s like lit majors can’t cope with old books appealing to the same readers as genre lit does.

>> No.23181603

I think most modern fantasy is rather shallow and poorly written, and that the elements people find appealing about it are present in these two types of literature anyway. I also disagree with the "chivalric romance is stiff and boring" meme, it's obviously perpetuated by people who don't read.

>> No.23181611

LotR and BotNS are the only fantasy series I really liked. I had high hopes for both ASoIaF and The Witcher but they were disappointing.

>> No.23181638

You're saying you don't think chivalric romance of all things is very much of its time?

>> No.23181731


>> No.23181740
