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/lit/ - Literature

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2317116 No.2317116 [Reply] [Original]

What's that one question you want answered most?

>> No.2317120

What is consciousness?

>> No.2317123

I'm just a scared and lonely rider. But I gotta find out how it feels - I want to know if love is wild.

I want to know if love is real.

>> No.2317125

Where is the clitoris

>> No.2317134

what happened to frosted mini chex? they were the best godddamn cereal ever and they just disappeared as suddenly as they arrived

>> No.2317143

I want to know what advancements in science and technology will be made.

I mean, when the hell are we getting cyberbrains and spinal implants? Wasn't that shit supposed to happen years ago?

>> No.2317147

The world riddle.

runner ups:
-is a theory of everything possible for humans to achieve?
-is the rienmann hypothesis true or not?
-does p=np?
-why am i alone?

>> No.2317148

What steps can we as humans take on Earth to maximize the happiness of the most people in the world forever?

>> No.2317153

How can I synthesize cocaine from my urine after already doing the cocaine?

>> No.2317155

Too bad nobody would follow them.

>> No.2317161
File: 32 KB, 420x315, Depression-era.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will /lit/ get better posts?

>> No.2317174

Possible through regular, direct dopamine injections to the brain.

>> No.2317175

Oh easy.
Enforcing the right balance of freedom AND justice world round, to ensure moderate social gains for everyone. Education and health for all is key. A politically proactive populace is the path to properly working (sound) ideology. whether its absolute democracy, Marxism, or Anarchism.

>> No.2317183

How do you handle the inevitable corruption that arises in the new system?

>> No.2317180
File: 12 KB, 464x335, Maggie McOmie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. That would lead to a THX style existence.

>> No.2317190

The only corruption in the world comes from capitalism and the desire for wealth. It obviously wouldn't exist in a truly communist society.

>> No.2317202

Absolute transparency. I left a lot of details out obviously. Many of which are all the social forces that will resist. (So not really "easy") But its possible stuff.

>> No.2317213

Was Harry really a horcux?

>> No.2317217

Corruption is inherent in EVERY system, more so in systems where power is concentrated to small groups of people.
Complete transparency would require an invasion of privacy. Literary everything government officials say or do would have to be made public, even their personal affairs, everything.

Implementing the new system would also require violent revolution and unbiased enforcement of the new rules. This impossible given how selfish most people are.

>> No.2317235
File: 333 KB, 630x419, egypt-tahrir-square-mubarak-2011-2-111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What invasion of privacy? Making a public figures taxes public? There's still privacy in this transparency, its not people being forced into glass houses or cameras every fucking where. Like I said before, A politically proactive populace is the path, the key, to a properly working (and sound) ideology. Low voter turnout cripples a democracy. The fourth branch of government should take a long hard look at itself before it criticizes the other three.

And again, I let alone implementation. I know it would be very difficult. Education of the masses could turn that all around rather quickly though.

>> No.2317238

Why the fuck is inflammable a synonym of flammable? If I want to say something can't catch fire, I have to say incombustible or noncombustible or flame-retardant.

What the goddamn fuck?

>> No.2317239


>> No.2317240

It's the result of having a left and right brain.

>> No.2317244

Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet? Why did Judas rat to Romans while Jesus slept?

>> No.2317247

Could someone explain to me what is this p=np thing? I honestly don't know about it and I don't have google installed here.

>> No.2317245

where's wallace

>> No.2317248
File: 21 KB, 288x409, Gospel of Judas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did Judas rat to Romans while Jesus slept?
He asked him to. It was all The Jesus' plan.

And insidious plot!

>> No.2317249


>> No.2317250

essentially it's a complicate question about algorithms. it is basically a question about how quickly computers can prove given things: some questions can be answered quickly (in polynomial time, P). other things we don't know how to answer quickly (non-polynomial time, NP). here read the fucking wiki page they know better than me


>> No.2317274

Why is house of leaves so goddamned awesome? Wait I can answer that question. Because it's House Of Leaves, and because Mark Z. Danielewski is a fucking genius.

>> No.2317281

It's because you're a teenager.

>> No.2317291


>> No.2317358

The directional mechanism of attention

>> No.2317375

now lemme tell you why that's bullshit
>a brave new world

>> No.2317389

When will the rest of you acknowledge there are amazing works of fantasy and scifi? When will all the kids who read tripe like Wheel of Time, Mistborn and Hunger Games acknowledge they're shallow, poorly written and not worth reading?

>> No.2317395

What the fuck does it mean when people say (in regards to young-folk) "they're still wet behind the ears." I understand the point is that they're meaning young folk, but, what the fuck? Wet behind the ears?

>> No.2317409

when will i lose my virginity

>> No.2317422

wet from birth numbnuts

>> No.2317423

I and plenty of others acknowledge it. But there are very few that merit.

The meaning is that they are soooo young that they have just been born and still have afterbirth wetness behind their ear.

Sometime after you lose the trips
Also, probably after you have left 4chan/chan boards

>> No.2317425

That's fucking disgusting.
And stupid.

>> No.2317428

Its folksy absurdist humor.

>> No.2317429

who am I?

>> No.2317431

But you're a tripfag too butterfly person. Have you not lost your virginity?

Admittedly, I'm an occasional tripfag myself, albeit a still new and relatively obscure one.

>> No.2317440

>Admittedly, I'm an occasional tripfag myself, albeit a still new and relatively obscure one.
So'm I. Which one are you?

>> No.2317464

This cunt. So far my poems and prose - which are admittedly mostly in jest - have not gone down too well so far. Well, I did write one about a racist parrot called Percy a few people seemed to enjoy, but other than that, I'm just another despicable tripfag. Woe and fie.

>> No.2317469

Ah, I remember that poem.
I also write poetry here for fun and nonprofit, under another name.
There haven't been many poetry threads here lately, though.

>> No.2317473

Not sure I've seen you around but I like your username. Sounds like a book title Alexander McCall Smith would come up with - reminds me of 'The Unbearable Lightness of Scones', one of his Scotland Street books.

>> No.2317480

Is he a truthful Whitefoot or a lying Blackfoot?

>> No.2317513

diffraction, strong cohesion and because he was the true messias.