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File: 276 KB, 552x300, Quentin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23168527 No.23168527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He went from Roman Aristocrat to Medieval Peasant in just a few years, what happened to him? He's like a modern day Antonin Artaud, do miss him and hope he is okay, this board was at its peak back when his channel was still around

>> No.23168552

That's literally the same dude, just bald.

>> No.23168553

They call it "twink death"

>> No.23168554

serves him right, what a cringe faggot.

>> No.23168574

The amount of suffering that finasteride can solve...yet nobody wants to take it for stupid reasons

>> No.23168606

I am become bald, destroyer of twinks.

>> No.23168630

you motherfuckers always shill finasteride without talking about post-finasteride syndrome, i rather be bald than live life as a schizo

>> No.23168663

went bald and too schizo, there's no coming back from jacking your equally schizo looking friends dick on camera, even if done in jest

>> No.23168670

This is how I imagine Diogenes' life trajectory.

>> No.23168674

Yeah you don't even need DHT it's totally not important haha

>> No.23168796

Back in my day we called this aging

>> No.23168826
File: 192 KB, 640x640, 1702671289832193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23168839

You people need to contemplate and accept your inevitable decay and death. So fearful of aging, so covetous of youth. Pitiful.

>> No.23168853

not lit and you are a faggot

>> No.23168909


he's not even bald in the picture, you faggots

>> No.23168933
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, if you get the opportunity you should kill yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board was at its peak back when his channel was still around

>> No.23168936

>if you get the chance you should suck me off

>> No.23169033

He probably got fucked into the ass by a strong man and thus became a submissive shudra serf, just like in ancient times.

>> No.23169156

yeah bro who needs the most androgenic hormone in their bodies
> DHT induces circuit modifications by changing the number of excitatory spine synapses in a paracrine manner, which in turn affects the cognitive function of the brain

>> No.23169191

That’s because we’re all convinced it’s not real

>> No.23169195

I think his just a hipster who thinks his being "cool" much like Sam Hyde tries as hard as possible to look like shit. Of course it goes without saying that anyone who does this must be somewhat mentally ill.

>> No.23169237

The high (developmental and serum) test that makes hot guys hot is ironically often the source of their inevitable downfall, through the high risk tolerance it promotes. e.g. My best friend, who still makes me look shit in spite of it, is slowly crumbling from over a decade of chainsmoking and chronic alcoholism. I imagine we'll reach parity somewhere around 35. The "alpha" behaviour we often celebrate is amusingly self-destructive. By design, these guys have shorter, fast-moving, productive life cycles.

>> No.23169273

Just a standard lit mental breakdown. The pattern of content of his videos betrayed deep insecurity of:
1. being a pseudointellectual
2. being bad at writing
3. going bald
I wish he would just go back to making funny videos. He brought me so much joy

>> No.23169310
File: 1.46 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-03-10-01-25-44-330_eu.kanade.tachiyomi.debug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a sick man.... I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my hair is receding. I'm loosing my hair, well—let it get worse!

>> No.23169325

>tfw I am the underground man
it sucks to be a meme. My hair is disappearing at 25 though.

>> No.23169402

>"Were I not R.C. Waldun," said the famous Dark Academic of the Melbourne Movement, "I should wish to be Quentin!"
>"Were I not Quentin," said the bald man in soiled sweatpants, "I should also wish to be Quentin."

>> No.23169508

trust the plan

>> No.23169511

better to have been chad and balded than never to have chadded at all

>> No.23169557

>w-w-w-women age l-l--l-l-like milk !!!
yikes, oof, mald

>> No.23170412

My brother took and developed gyno. He thought he had breast cancer for a while. He was very young at the time and hadn't been using it for long.