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23163390 No.23163390 [Reply] [Original]

>On January 26, 1977, an open letter written by Gabriel Matzneff and signed by 69 people, was published in Le Monde, presenting a defense of those placed in pre-trial detention for sexual relations with children under the age of 15
>In particular, the letter addresses... a 1973 incident in which three men were arrested for non-violent sex offences against children aged 12–13
>The signatories to the January 1977 petition included Gabriel Matzneff (the petition's author), Jean-Louis Bory, Pierre Hahn, Jean-Luc Hennig, Guy Hocquenghem, Françoise d'Eaubonne, René Schérer, Pierre Guyotat, Louis Aragon, Francis Ponge, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Philippe Sollers, Patrice Chéreau, Bernard Kouchner, François Châtelet, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Jean-François Lyotard
So this is the dude who drafted the letter
>Matzneff described his pedophilia and child sex tourism in some of his books and on his website, and even in television appearances. Despite this, he remained sheltered from prosecution throughout his literary career, benefiting from wide and enthusiastic support within French literary circles despite the fact his books did not sell well among the general public
>Michel Foucault argued that it is intolerable to assume that a minor is incapable of giving meaningful consent to sexual relations
Wtf is wrong with french

>> No.23163396

Marxists are fucked in the head

>> No.23163400

These french pomo intellectuals were anti-marxists. They were a reaction to marxism in academia.

>> No.23163407

You’re a retard.

>> No.23163408

Anon I...

>> No.23163429

Postmodern marxism isn't a thing lmao
You guys watch too much Jordon Peterson

>> No.23163473

Postmodern Marxism is called "woke", and one of its differences is that identity has replaced class.

>> No.23163497

Based anon btfo'ing pseuds

>> No.23163500

wasn't the age of consent in france 12 at the time?

>> No.23163696

It was 15 for heteros and 18 homos

>> No.23163705

you're literally a fucking kike

>> No.23163740

clearly it should've been the other way

>> No.23163766

Call me Muhammad, it should have been 9 for hetero and throwing off a bridge for homo.

>> No.23163768

jk, dn rd

>> No.23163783

Woke currently vilifies and pariazes Matzneff as le pédocriminel !

It was 12 in Holland (land of Lolita and Paidika - the French had nothing on it). The minimum working age there is also, still, 13. Telling and methinks connected in that molochistic mindset of theirs.

>> No.23163956
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>pagan christianity is called "wicca," and one of its differences is that the earth has replaced God

>> No.23163971

de Beauvoir and Sartre just met with Mao neutrally yeah. They were just chilling. Not Marxists at all

>> No.23164038

>12 in Holland

>> No.23164225

No. I hate those genocidal bastards.

>> No.23164250

You aren't wrong, wiccans are pretty much Christians burned by being around other Christians.

>> No.23164253

It literally is, they might decorate it with shit like feminism and anti racism but at the end of the day they want to take (you)r private property

>> No.23164528
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>you aren't wrong, christians are pretty much jews burned by being around other jews

>> No.23165906

At least christ was a Jew

>> No.23165910

Truth to be told, Foucault especially towards the end of his career started to idolize people like F.A. Hayek.

>> No.23166169

Yeah he apparently opposed the welfare statism for neoliberalism. He voted for neoliberal parties.
Source: The Last Man Takes LSD: Foucault and the End of Revolution

>> No.23166193


So he came around. Good.

>> No.23166237

Nah, he has always been a fierce critic of marxism and socialism. He just supported a vague notion of libertarianism at first and then later saw neoliberalism as the first step towards achieving this goal.

>> No.23166280

I wishlisted that despite being critical of Verso as a nominally right leaning person

>> No.23166350

i fucking hate franks so much man

>> No.23166373

Probably, most of these people were on intelligence community payroll. At one point, the CIA was bankrolling and effectively directing virtually every published author in Europe.

So what’s wrong with them? It’s called blackmail.

>> No.23166377

You’re right but these pomo thinkers were heavily influenced by Marx. To pretend otherwise is just a lie.

>> No.23166400
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They were heavily influenced by a biased and selective reading of Nietzsche. They utilized nietzsche to attack marxism.

>> No.23166408

Matzneff is a monarchist and is close to the French New Right, has collaborated on publications like Nouvelle Ecole, and is/was friends with Henry de Montherlant, Alain de Benoist or Christopher Gerard.

>> No.23166463
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It's just the 1970's in general. Pedo apologists were everywhere back then. Picture related, this was written by an NBC reporter and the foreword was written by a senator. This shit was so normalized at the time public figures weren't afraid of attaching their names to it.

>> No.23166476

Someone post a link to the story about the American sci-fi author pedo ring and pedo enablers.

>> No.23167378

total francophone death

>> No.23167400

>Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari
Haha It was obvious their whole concept of rhizomes is all about them wanting to have sex with children. They frames every kind of restriction placed by society as authoritarianism.

>> No.23167419

Rare french pomo W

>> No.23167793

>Wtf is wrong with french
I think you mean (((intellectuals))).

>> No.23168323

>Francis Ponge
>Fran Sponge

>> No.23168339

they're called kawaiizomes
t. Robin Mackay (they/them)