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23163723 No.23163723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this why the majority of great writers were homosexual? Wilde, Mishima, Woolf, Ginsberg, Forster.

This might be why your novel isn't being published, anon. You need to be fagmaxxing.

>> No.23163737

People come in all types but there's definitely a conformative "normal laborer mindset" that disdains anything unfamiliar, and insists if not on tradition then simple appeal.
Laborers ask "tits or ass?"
Thinkers ask "are traps gay?"

>> No.23163742

Not all writers are gay
But all artists are gay in spirit/heart

>> No.23163743

You forgot André Gide

>> No.23163748
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>Wilde, Mishima, Woolf, Ginsberg, Forster
That is not "the majority of great writers", retard. Most great writers were straight, white men and you faggots cope by reading into "queer coded" shit that was never there. Kill yourself.

>> No.23163749

>Védrès "May I ask you an indiscreet question?
>Gide "There are no indiscreet questions, only indiscreet answers."
>Védrès "Is it true, cher Maître, that you are a homosexual?"
>Gide "No monsieur, I am not a homosexual, I am a pederast!"

>> No.23163753

wtf im actually a genius?

>> No.23163755

Seems like you're the one coping, anon. Maybe you're straight because of low IQ? After all we believe that IQ is genetic, right?

>> No.23163763

Outliers tend to cluster with outliers.

>> No.23163764

It says "more likely." The reason is because high IQ people are more likely to be high in trait openness, which can, but doesn't necessarily, manifest itself as deviancy.
This doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.23163777

nice thread

>> No.23163785

I can tell you from my own experiences that any kind of hard science generally scares gays, I rarely encounter any who possess decent knowledge of those. I would say however that in terms of social adaptability and wordcraft gay men are quite adept and this may be a result of having to work harder than their straight counterparts, it could also be a derivation born of necessity, in either case gay and bi men have historically always made good and excellent writers. For females it does not actually matter whether they are gay or not, it is still just a female and will always be inferior regardless.

>> No.23163790

you're right but times have changed.
Now being gay or open or deviant is much more acceptable. So instead of thick-skinned people that are relatively successful and confident in their lives coming out as gay, it's the fucking loser crowd too.
There's still a popular opinion that "gay people are smart" but that's from the culture of bygone years. Now that the doors are open, "gay people" come just as fucking brick dumb as the rest of them

>> No.23163795
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Women take up too much time, which is why Jason Bryan gets his most work done when he isn't pursuing women or being a full time father.

To be able to write, be a father, and a husband to a woman, you'd have to be the most fucking amazing person at time management. If you can find men who are great fathers AND great writers while married, then they either have teams of people helping them, or they are one-in-a-million genius level people who can handle all of the pressures coming all at once that intrude on the introspection and quiet you need to actually put pen to paper. I fully admit I would fail at being a full time parent and husband while writing, I could handle one or the other, not both at the same time.

>> No.23163799

Go back, faggot.

>> No.23163802

I see what you're saying and agree. Yet, deviancy is still deviancy even if everyone decides its actually normal and good. Thus we live in a Godless Era of Hells presence upon the Earth.
And what you wrote, is basically normals copying smart people's traits to appear smart, which is the most cringe thing they do lol.
Normals are so wild. They'll literally suck cock and get fucked in the ass bc they think this is what Plato did so they better too. Lmao

>> No.23163803

>it is still just a female and will always be inferior regardless
kek so true

>> No.23163804

Also, at writer's fests, the homosexuals are the worst people to talk to. The entire crowd is mostly women and faggots, and the problem is that if you're a masculine dude who writes, you're going to stand out like a sore thumb. The gays aren't even masculine bro-gays like gym bros, they are the super skinny twink gays who are incredibly feminine and more annoying than women, OR you get the really perverted, drunk old gays who wear tweed jackets and have ruddy faces with ugly fucking mustaches. Writer's fests are a huge let down, at least in Vancouver.

I did meet one really interesting woman at the last one I went to, and we had a steak together. I forget her name, but she lives in Seattle and had helped publish some book about downs' syndrome people who grew up in state care, or something like that. I forget.

>> No.23163811

>Wilde, Mishima, Woolf, Ginsberg, Forster.
Cherrypicked examples.

>> No.23163814

>has been to a "writers fest"
>thinks only others are gay
Anon I have some troubling news.

>> No.23163823
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>at least in Vancouver
I think I found your problem, bro.

>> No.23163827

Straight IQ. The research clearly shows that homosexuals have a higher IQ. There is no "but," stop trying to cope.

>> No.23163831

>normals copying smart people's traits to appear smart, which is the most cringe thing they do lol
you know the fucking guy wearing flip-flops to hike the grand canyon?
you know the woman in the restaurant that reeks of fucking mildew?
the people in walmart that have visible shit stains leaking out of them?
These people are 100% mindless zombies. They work and vote. There's more of them too, ones you would miss if you weren't careful, ones that try to look presentable. They're the lost and damned and they do try to imitate people that appear intelligent. Doing that and obeying whatever is expected of them gets them through life and into tens of thousands of dollars in debt

>> No.23163843

>the research
I know. This is why I sort of consider it my duty to bring God back into the collective consciousness before I die, because if I don't, humanity will kill itself.
Normals aren't good or bad, they're neutral. If their guidestones don't act honorably, they become pants shitting Walmart zombies. Not because this is who they are, but because they are cue-takers, and those giving them cues have allowed them to become this.
Which is why this posy
Is hilarious. That anons mentality is killing the human race.

>> No.23163863

Thank God I never fell for the IQ claptrap. Seeing high IQ men troon out made me realize it is a bunch of nothing.

>> No.23163866

>Normals aren't good or bad, they're neutral
You're wrong about a lot of this.
Some "normal people" are good. They try to help others, or at least think about what they've done and how they can act better next time.
Some "normal people" are evil. They don't give a fuck about others and try to scheme to fuck people over any way possible, or easy.
What really matters is personal drive, principles, awareness. There's lazy good people that donate money, and there's lazy evil people that run lazy scams.
The lazier and dumber people these people get, the more they tend to be the walkers, the living damned. The walkers exist to spread misery and replicate. Spreading misery weakens the will to resist, so the famous "mind virus" spreads. The walkers will go to religious or philanthropic functions to, if they're expected to. They're set to infiltrate everywhere.
>and he says to them
>I am all
>we are one
>go forth and bring them down

>> No.23163874

>people are dichotomous extremes
You are a normal.

>> No.23163878

It seems to reliably predict that niggers are stupid, so it can't be all wrong.

>> No.23163945

Yeah Vancouver is a strange place, it changed so much in such a short time. Used to be based as fuck.

I've known 3 transgender people and each one of them transitioned because, as men, they had people who expected certain things from them. Once they transitioned into "women", they could do or be anything they want without social pressure.

>> No.23163953

Higher IQ correlates with higher timidity (it increases sensitivity to stimulation and encourages withdrawal from social situations) and that's the only reason for the homosexuality that's prevalent there. Most homosexuals are how they are because they resigned to getting their sexual needs met with the sex that's more familiar to them, since the familiar is less scary.

>> No.23163960

It's bc of trait openness. Higher IQ does not necessarily correspond to timidity.

>> No.23163963

>Most great writers were straight
You think that because you have low IQ. You can only detect faggotry when it's blatant.

>> No.23163967

Higher IQ correlates positively with both, but the openness is definitely not the reason for the homosexuality. It requires greater openness to have sex with the opposite sex, since the opposite sex is inherently more unfamiliar to the self.

>> No.23163968
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>I've known 3 transgender people and each one of them transitioned because, as men, they had people who expected certain things from them. Once they transitioned into "women", they could do or be anything they want without social pressure.
Many such cases, it's almost as if that was the intended effect.

>> No.23163975

I'm detecting some pretty blatant faggotry from your direction.

>> No.23163977

All of your ancestors had higher average IQ than you do and walked headlong into machine gun fire. You post here.
No it does not.

>> No.23163979

I would argue that this is only true in modern western context. As most geniuses throughout history, were married and had happy family even in (Christian)West. Western modernity has this peculiar way of working that, as some other anons have noticed, enable a narrow band of expressing yourself in a society. And as geniuses are more often than not eccentric, they need different outlets, which these institutionalized forms provide

>> No.23163981

>No it does not.
Studies have confirmed it does, retard.

>> No.23163982

>studies have confirmed
>thinks he's high IQ
Can't make this stuff up

>> No.23163985

>I shove dicks up my ass because I'm courageous
lol, kill yourself.

>> No.23163987

>Studies have confirmed it does,
Appeal to authority.
You are not as smart as you think.

>> No.23163990

I have never had gay sex
This anon just told you the truth

>> No.23163992

>Appeal to authority.
I'm just responding to the bullshit ITT that higher IQ correlates positively with openness, which is also promoted in accordance with studies.

>> No.23163994

Or maybe you're just projecting repressed feelings. It's okay, bro.

>> No.23163997

Where are these studies?
Who conducted them?
Have you reviewed their methodology?
Or are you just making blatant appeals to some nebulous authority based on some thread you saw on reddit, like the world's biggest faggot?

>> No.23163999

>promoted in accordance with studies.
Appeal to authority, again.
Did you not get it, last time?

>> No.23164002

>anons ITT say high IQ correlates positively with openness
>I mention it also correlates positively with timidity
Are you retards fucking kidding me right now?

>> No.23164003

>I'm gay, so you must be too
classic faggot projection

>> No.23164004

I'm basing mine on having a high IQ

>> No.23164006

>classic faggot projection
Yes, that's exactly what you just did. Good job for realizing that.

>> No.23164008


>> No.23164016

So am I. I don't need studies to know that higher IQ correlates positively with higher timidity. It's common sense.

>> No.23164017

shut the fuck up and go kill yourself, faggot

>> No.23164021

>so am I
I have bad news

>> No.23164025

>n-no u...
I accept your full and unconditional surrender.

>> No.23164026

You're faggots because you're afraid of girls, not because you're high IQ.

>> No.23164027


>> No.23164031

>my appeal to authority failed
>hmmm, maybe next I'll try an appeal to an imaginary consensus
or you could just stop posting

>> No.23164034


>> No.23164036

I'll only agree so I can call stemfags actual fags.

>> No.23164042

I have never has gay sex and have had sex with women
This is due to high IQ

>> No.23164047

>Too dumb to prevent getting aids
>Cry how the government should've done something about gay men buttfucking others

>> No.23164048

If you're not gay, then what the fuck are you even arguing with me for? I entered the thread to point out that fags are fags because they're afraid of the unknown.

>> No.23164049

Because you're wrong about that

>> No.23164052

Fags usually befriend roasties

>> No.23164055
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The cope in these replies is insane. Never before has coping of this scale been seen in /lit/.

>> No.23164056

You could say the same of pederasts and sadists. If that's true it's probably because their idiosyncratic sexuality was a result of being socially isolated by their intelligence.

>> No.23164058

Didn't think gays were into dbz

>> No.23164059


Befriending is a tactic used to subdue opposition. Behind it is often fear.

>> No.23164062

>friendship is based on fear response
Damn. That's truly remarkable

>> No.23164063

And immediately talk shit about them once they're gone

>> No.23164066

It sometimes is, yes. It's a form of pacification. It's a lot riskier to attempt to court the opposite sex than to befriend them.

>> No.23164069

OK, now you're back to reality.
And sure. But who said that wasn't the case

>> No.23164070

>now you're back to reality.
I said "often" here >>23164059
as in just sometimes.

>But who said that wasn't the case
Thing is, this is the reason why higher IQ correlates with homosexuality. It's not related to openness since it requires less openness to have same-sex relationships than opposite-sex relationships.

>> No.23164073

Well that's just how female friendships work

>> No.23164077

He didn't appeal to a scientist (authority) he appealed to a study which likely explains how the data was taken and thus its reliability doesn't depend on being done by a scientist. It's the not same thing, you don't trust it because science, which would be fallacious, you trust it because you can check how it was done at every step and thus conclude the results are correct.
So, essentially, you are fucking retarded
In your ideal world everything is to be argued without proof, because proof is a fallacy according to your retarded fucking asses. This is why nobody takes philosophy seriously anymore (See what I did here? Ad populum!)

I'll add not fallacies make an argument null, if all people (ad populum) and all authority (appeal), argue that something you have a history of doing (ad hominem) is wrong, well you better present some good fucking arguments against them before calling out the fallacies.

>> No.23164079

Yes, because they fear being one upped by the other so they immediately need to bring them down (in their mind) to feel at ease again.

>> No.23164083

1 word
Reproducibility crisis

>> No.23164090

1 word

>> No.23164092

It requires far more openness to put another man's cock in your ass than to put your cock into something. Never mind sucking a dick.

>> No.23164093

The majority of studies are never repeated and of the ones that are they only reproduce the same result an average of 50% of the time
Most of science is fake
Good job.

>> No.23164097

It doesn't. A same-sex relationship is far easier to manage because your partner will be much more like you than a member of the opposite sex ever will be. Success and intimacy in such a relationship require venturing into the unknown to a far lower degree.

>> No.23164103

You are biologically wired to find homosexuality repulsive
It requires more openness.
Well. Based on the evidence, perhaps not you. But most men.

>> No.23164107

This seems like hell to me. It's like a game theory / prisoner's dilemma / tragedy of the commons / mutually assured destruction system. What is even more sad is, I have known or dated a few women who really didn't like it, and who were too principled to engage with it, and they'd try to form really deep friendships with women by being selective and only picking ones who seemed to be like them, and inevitably the other woman would grasp for the forbidden fruit of throwing them under the bus at some point.

It was always so sad to watch the few women who were too principled and intelligent to commit to a tragedy of the commons dynamic, even if it meant they had to be the ones who to get fucked over game-theoretically by never "backstabbing back" (purely on principle, even though "backstabbing back" is the norm and at least gets you a womandopamine hit), still get fucked in the ass and punished for their principles. I really felt bad for women in those moments. All that work and all that introspection to do the right thing, to take the high road despite every incentive to do the opposite, and there's no magic moment where you start getting rewarded for it. Instead your fellow women just piss in your face twice as hard. The collective doesn't even admire your principles, it can't even SEE your principles, it just sees you and thinks "wow she's leaving herself wide open with her Trust choice for me to choose the Betray option and get double dopamine, usually we women mutually Betray! What a find, she must be a total retard lmao!"

There seems to be a really deep melancholy in women like this. The ones I knew just focused more on male friendships and close relationships, but then that requires its own entire gauntlet of 10+ years of depressing realizations, that even after your fifth attempt to purge all the orbiters and keep only the men who are capable of being your actual friends, they were still all just orbiters. Or of realizing that your otherwise A+ exception to the rule boyfriend who loves you, is still not really your FRIEND because he still sees you as "just a woman" and/or pollutes your friendship dynamic with his domination fetishes and masculinity issues, wanting you to be submissive in ways that subtly aren't just contained to sexual roleplay.

I can see why so many women with higher intelligence get tempted by the tranny cult. I can see wanting to repudiate femininity entirely. It's obviously not the right solution and it just brings on even more problems but I can see why they are drawn to the promise of desexualizing themselves and being "just a person," like men seem to be.

>> No.23164109

>You are biologically wired to find homosexuality repulsive
I'm also biologically wired to find weakness repulsive. This is the same biological wiring. Homosexuality is an aversion to the sexual unknown.

>> No.23164118

I can't believe I actually read all of those words.
You're just describing what happens when high IQ people who have souls encounter normals. Men do this to one another too.
That was a LOT of words.

>> No.23164121

Anal sex with a woman is even disgusting, I had an ex who wanted me to do it and she even douched out her asshole and still she fired a turd out onto her own bed while orgasming. I was so grossed out I broke up with her a week later.

>> No.23164127

>Homosexuality is an aversion to the sexual unknown.
You are unironically a closeted gay man

>> No.23164133

You're not intelligent enough for this topic.

>> No.23164137

Interesting post, have nothing really to tack onto it. It does surprise me however that even those intelligent women who entertain the thought of desexing themselves (because of their perceived notion of gender based roles and behaviour, as you astutely observed) find a way to blame it on everything but the sisterhood. Sure, other women try to humiliate you but you're still not gonna disavow that oddball womannerbund entirely. Very stockholm syndrome esque tbdesu.

>wow she's leaving herself wide open with her Trust choice for me to choose the Betray option and get double dopamine, usually we women mutually Betray! What a find, she must be a total retard lmao!"
made me kek hard and yes sure that's quite sad. I worked at an 95% female company before, I got hired by a woman to rein in her fun but out of control team, and women are brutal to eachother.

>> No.23164143

I gave specific differentia for women's experience. You just hit the 125 cap and it's a 140 min post. However, responding "Dude I get it, it's a mammal" to "It's a bipedal placental mammal" is a 110 move. Your brain is angry at being given "too much information," however you are mistaking "too much for me" with "too much." The ability to think "Perhaps there are cups larger than mine?" is itself mostly a 140+ insight.

>> No.23164146

They dont if they are friends. Men dont want to humiliate their friends because it makes the group seem weak as a whole, only rival males try to degrade eachother. Women humiliate to cut down their friends to make sure they themselves aren't left behind. You can observe this in monkeys too anon, there's lots of studies on this.

>> No.23164161

Yeah I agree with you, and personally I think it's a function of two things: (1) even intelligent women are still women, so they have a certain baseline naivete about the world, something to do with a lack of interest in penetrating/dominating it by understanding it maybe (like that famous Schopenhauer quote), and (2) they have to see men at their absolute worst, so any hatred they have of women or womanhood is balanced not just by their hate of men, but their awareness that men collectively will be like "Yes, now you can be my sidekick pickme slave! Get ready to act out my Brazzers fetishes, mommy!" if they repudiate "being like other women."

Whenever the instinct rises in them to critique women, they see that slimy dick pics from coworker at 2AM side of men clapping and saying "Yes! Do it!" And they get trapped between the two worlds.

I also think there is something primal about female friendship, which they need and (at least dimly) know they need at an instinctive level. I remember this Paglia quote about how feminism destroyed "women's spaces," not in the gay sense this term now has, but in the sense of all the women, of all ages, going down to the river together to do the washing, sharing intergenerational advice as each goes through the problems of her phase of life, picking up the wisdom etc. That's a space of total trust in a way and also completely untouched by "the menfolk."

>> No.23164173

You're making the phenomenon out to be far more sinister and painful than it really is. Both men and women sabotage and try to herd each other, and most of them either develop a thick enough skin to immediately bounce back from it, or they conform and learn to enjoy the ride. Additionally, there's no such thing as "just a person." Everyone is people; no one is more of a person than anyone else.

>> No.23164211

>psychologists too dumb to actually cure homosexuality
>APA cries and gives into annoying activists and makes finding cures illegal
yeah makes sense

>> No.23164244

Oh yes ofcourse, but it then also baffles me as to why they both have a hatred of men (as a collective) and a love of manhood (seen as being "just a person"). I mean the discrepancy between seeing something as more free, perhaps the only way out of backstab world, while also being disgusted by what comes with it. You'd think that they would be able to at least disavow concepts of both man and woman, but that doesn't happen nearly enough. Well, I don't think non binary bs is doing that. Something like that anyway.

And oh yes, I recently thought about what a shame it is that, with the advent of the internet and everyone being more connected as a result, there is hardly any generational benevolent interaction.
Sure, grandma is on facebook but you don't want to see her posting about her bladder problems so you're on insta.
While writers like Woolff put emphasis on having a "room of one's own" it isn't nearly as beneficial as what you described. So now you have a female existence where your friends have nothing to offer but vain platitudes and backstabbing while also being completely isolated from what older women can teach you. Well, older women would benefit greatly from being included in youngsters talk as well. That way they can still feel part of the living, breathing part of society, which is an inherent need to them, more so than men at least.

>> No.23164279


I wouldn't be surprised if there was a link beteen perverse behaviours and high IQ. But being a sexual deviant does not mean you are high IQ. A lot of sociopaths and criminals are high IQ also but I notice people would gloss over and ignore that.

>> No.23164296


Now post the research linking homosexuals and pedophilia!

>> No.23164354

Yes, pedophiles in average have even higher IQ than homosexuals. Wad this supposed to be an own?

>> No.23164459

And even higher timidity, which is the actual cause.

>> No.23164473

High IQ people are more likely to become drug addicts.

There was a kid in my school who went onto doing University level math and physics when he was like 15 years old, and he had rich parents and a good life. Dead by 20-22(?) or so because he couldn't stop doing every drug people gave him. I wasn't really friends with him after about 15 or so, but I looked him up when I was older and he had already died. I forget his name, David something. Anyways, a lot of the smartest people I've known were all drugged up the ass constantly.

>> No.23164488

Awareness is pain.

>> No.23164564

she left this world too soon

>> No.23164594

sexual fetishes (including being a fag, it's a weird fetish not an identity, you faggots) are disproportionately present among those with very high and very low IQs. Fags, furries, trannies, all of them. It's also dysgenic because this same group has lower reproductive success. Fetishization of intellect over wisdom, prudence and tradition is a sign of a decadent civilization.

>> No.23164603

She was too based. You have to be a schemer and real weasel to find success in this hebrew dystopia. If she only knew who was in charge of whether or not she got bumped up in the algorithm.

>> No.23164615

>yet another weird gay thread

>> No.23164666
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If they were really high IQ they would not engage in homosexual acts and would instead have a cute fairy gf that follows you around as you’re a mean old mystical druid that everyone gives themselves up to automatically because they think you have magician powers. The highest most end tier person is like that sort of David Koresh male sex guru and that’s what a lot of the old intellectual tradition represented the symbols to becoming that type of free man in charge of his destiny with that sort of real education. It’s a matter of taste, you can have fraternal education with the master student ‘homosocial’ thing, or druidic pastoral sex mastery and becoming more affiliated with underground and unofficial networks, basically living like a gypsy. Mage, or conjurer. I feel like the homosocial thing is becoming way too mainstream and generally signals as low class now. Druidic sex mastery is something else, few man have what it takes to become something like that

>> No.23164694
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>Druidic sex mastery is something else, few man have what it takes to become something like that
I had it until I had my kid and moved out of Gastown. Basically, if you are just gregarious, fun, and aloof, women are drawn to you like a magnet. The thing that matters most is when other women in your orbit have greenlit you for other women. Women don't care about being slutty at all, they care about how people will think of them after... so if you're a fun guy that all the women in your life think is cool and enjoy the company of, women will sleep with you just for being socially fluid and pre-approved by other women.

>> No.23164759

This is the best I've seen female socialization be described

>> No.23164786

that's two words

>> No.23164838

I'm a woman and all of that is moid bullshit.

>> No.23164875
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90% of the people on /lit/ are incels or virgins. See how they cope and seethe when pic related is posted.

Truth be told, dating has DRASTICALLY changed in the last 10 years. Even more in the last 5. Why would a woman settle for 1 boyfriend when she can have 1,000 each paying $15 a month for access to her pics and chatting with her?

Vagina-capitalism was discussed here recently and I found the theory fascinating. It is the evolution of the red pill, and, while there is some truth said in that jest of the red pill, the real meat and potatos of dating is that the monetary system is what completely games dating.

Jason Bryan is predicting this as a natural ebb and flow of humanity. Here in the west, money flows into assets like housing, crypto, gold, etc, but what is the most comforting asset to own for many men? A woman. How do they do that? Only through money, because without money, you need to absolutely be the 0001% of men that are good looking enough to get women even when you're a broke criminal or absolute lothario. Those men exist, for sure, and they can do no wrong by women, but the majority of men have to walk a very tight rope in order to get play, let alone keep a woman. Even then, people's attitudes are generally so much worse due to the smartphone programming of people's minds, what, exactly, is holding people in relationships? Much of it is that it is too expensive for many couples to even break up, because they can barely survive even while together.

Just watch as birthrates continue to plummet in Canada, South Korea, here we come! ( It's okay, we can import endless chinese and indians to replace us anyways. Even myself, the one woman who flirts with me the most is a cute Indian / Pakistani girl who is 20 years younger than me. Pretty sure if I try, I could date her, she even has a really ethnic sounding name. )

>> No.23164905
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That’s not the life of a gypsy. That’s not the life of a conjurer. We need real heterosexuality. Moe fairy, gold covered wagons, conjurer’s flame. That fun and gregariousness is recreation, it’s not comparable to the whispers of the conjurer’s flame. There’s real life, there’s mastery and knowledge of the secrets in the ground. That’s what the symbols in literature represented. Wealth and providence in a real animalistic way. Frontier civilization is the only real civilization. Not the school, not fraternity, and society is not the social contract. Man in society is not comparable to man living under the social contract

>> No.23164909

Figure out which one she is first before saying something like that to her. Ask her out and find out more about her.

>> No.23164911

Im so glad this weak bait only got a self propagating fag to reply

>> No.23164916

>Frontier civilization is the only real civilization.
I mean, if you're rich and popular you can live out whatever fantasy you can afford. You could easily get a ton of beautiful women to be your Slave Leia, I'm sure idiots like Andrew Tate can afford to pay women to think he is a God on earth. But that's all it comes down to, if you can't pay to play, you're probably not going to play much at all in the west. Vagino-capitalism is the evolution of The Red Pill.

Men who ignore this are just going end up sexless, divorced, living in a tent, gay, or troon out.

>> No.23164925

I looked up her name, she was so impressed that I remembered it and call her by name every time I see her. She's wearing a little bit of makeup and actually looks pretty fine. She has a bit of a look like Sensational Sherry from the WWF, but obviously much younger. She's got to be early 20's and pretty flirty with someone as old as I am. (45)

Although, I've met enough women in their 20's to know a lot of them like older men, there's a lot less headache and bullshit when someone has let the dew of testosterone burn off a little.
The name is of Indian origin and is shared across persons who are either Jain or Hindu by religion4.

>> No.23164928

>incel dork

>> No.23164935


>> No.23164971

>majority of great writers
>Wilde, Mishima, Woolf, Ginsberg, Forster.

>> No.23165025

If she is cognizant of your age and doesn't care it may be worth trying. Maybe she can do some top rope moves after cooking up a wicked curry.

>> No.23165052
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Well the whole vagina captilism thing is kind of funny because actual feminine ladies have always been an economic symbol. An actual beautiful lady as we know it already implies the frontier supply lines necessary to create that person. Women and them being well bred and well educated, the best most well bred and educated with the best manners and company always came from the best people. It’s always been a thing to do with status and development, and the whole obsession of meeting that standard has always been a main focus in ladies fiction. I’m talking about something that’s harder to put into words, it’s more secretive and obscure. I don’t even have have the words to describe it exactly, it’s something so hidden. The society you’re describing is in place for the man to buy the women out from under her father, the modern humanist version would be her imagining a father figure’s approval of you in her head. A women’s intelligence and a society of ladies and fathers. But what about a girls animalistic intelligence, like a squirrel or a raven, and a frontier civilization of boys and girls. We’re so weak we don’t even have the words to describe it

>> No.23165088

I am positive I can cook better than her. I have not met a woman yet who can cook better than I can. I had ONE EX GIRLFRIEND whose mother was the most fucking spectacular cook, she would do a Thanksgiving day feast that would liken Gordon Ramsay to a stale McDonald's cheeseburger meal. She was even more bipolar than I am and would literally cry while cooking, I think her tears fell into the food. She made this liquor-infused cranberry sauce that would sink into the turkey breast and make it almost melt in your mouth, it is hard to describe the care this woman put into her cooking, it was incredible. Her daughter couldn't even boil a fucking egg.

>> No.23165103

>We’re so weak we don’t even have the words to describe it
I think there was a time where women's liberation changed dating from the traditional, into somewhat of a liminal space, during the 90's and the 00's, women were chasing men and having money had nothing to do with love or attraction. When I was broke, I still got women like crazy, when I had money, nothing changed, but, myself, and much of the situation for young men in 2024, has changed quite a bit due to the insane expenses of modern life. Remember, there was no "housing crisis" 10-15 years ago, and there weren't even any real poisoned drugs. You could party with reckless abandon and work a normal job and still afford a nice lifestyle.

2024? People are fucked. I know a guy living in a similar ghetto situation that I am, he's a foreman of a welding operation who makes $45 an hour but lives in a run down old trailer because he needs to save up like 100k for a downpayment on a small property with a workship. Only 10 years ago the property was 100k, now it is close to 600k. I met this dude at the local pub, he makes $45 an hour and lives as frugal as I do. At first I kind of joshed him about it, but then he told me that he's more worried that when interest rates go down, that property values will shoot up faster than he can save for a deposit. So fucked up.

>> No.23165114
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Data science is such a funny scam.

>> No.23165137

Ok this is actually a Reddit post dude Jesus Christ. Just try to talk about stuff like that in a different more holistic way I really have no idea how I would respond without sounding like I’m on a podcast

>> No.23165180

Then check the study or ask for source instead of screaming fallacy like a monkey
>Most of science is fake
Ah I guess that means we ought to completely remove any attempt at finding proof in a discussion and instead use only pure rethoric to push whatever inane idea we just pull out of our asses then

>> No.23165198

What a way to misunderstand. Science is useful if it can actually be proven consistently. That's the whole idea. And if some guy just says something after doing some "tests" we shouldn't automatically accept it as true. Why even strawman like that anyway "hurdur, you guys just wanna do away with science as a whole". No lol, but im not a dogmatic believer automatically for not immediately pandering to your "results"

>> No.23165208

The cultural and social pressures have converted women's liberation into women's dominance, men are simply not as valuable to women as they once were.

>> No.23165212

What exactly are you capable of proving?

>> No.23165217

I am not intelligent, at all.

>> No.23165257

Well that is pretty funny to imagine because I know a lot of families where the mom is the only one that works a WFH job and is the sole source of income for her whole family. and there's always been those families where they're all dependent on some rich grandma or aunt. That sort of female fin-dom has always been a classical thing. It looks more peculiar in reality. I think a pretty clear requirement of womahood is an inability to dominate and there's just no way around that, there's no language to describe that world. I don't know how many couples you've been around or seen how men and women of the same class actually behave around each other, if you were paying attention you'd notice something very strange. The women seems predestined by her nature to be the captive of a master or her own grief.

>> No.23165273

How so? I feel like I relate to a lot of what he said and it's surprising to see a man be astute when talking about this.

>> No.23165275

From what I've witnessed, the women who "submit" to men are only submitting if the guy is a multi-millionaire, and even then, they are just biding their time until they can divorce rape the shit out of him and then become the alpha-single mommy with the huge, 0-work income so they can live the life they've always wanted to. In Kelowna, the number of rich as fuck single mothers is fucking astronomical. The vast majority have money due to their divorces.

>> No.23165276

You're not actually replying to a woman, anon.

>> No.23165293

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt even if it might not be a "her"

>> No.23165308

No one expects anything from me and I have a cock

>> No.23165310

that is super alien to my experiences. Most women are still completely selfless workhorses for their families. And the intellectual independent ones are usually married to cop types that loves marvel movies and she just reads smut all day. I remembered the first time I saw a lady riding a motorcycle by herself. Lots of people have stupid money today that they didn't really earn, it doesn't make them better people or magically in control of their life, usually it just destroys them

>> No.23165312

Oh, yeah, the fat ones and ugly ones are definitely the work horses these days. It is extremely rare to find a good looking woman who has to work for a living.

>> No.23165315

Weird, satan, I was just thinking about David Koresh an hour ago

>> No.23165348

>It is extremely rare to find a good looking woman who has to work for a living
I feel like woman work way more on average because they're more comfortable in that environment and enjoy it. Most men know how to be as lazy as possible and still get what they want, and they're brave enough to push that moral boundary and take advantage of people in that way, it's a little scummy but the truth is both are happiest in that type of situation. For instance my female family members are all stacies with regular jobs and they still have to stretch to make their bills but whenever me and my brother need money the online casinos magically have freespins

>> No.23165357

They don't though, women work at least 30% less on average and they usually work in fields that are less uhmmm how shall we put it nicely uhm physically and mentally demanding.
It's 2 clicks away anon.

>> No.23165402

They work less, and then come back inside to continue working domestic chores for the rest of the time. Anyone with a mom and dad can tell you. Dad comes home later but spends the rest of the day doing nothing. Mom comes home earlier and cooks and cleans and helps with homework for the rest of the day. And they do it on the weekends and holidays too.

>> No.23165442

So they say but im honestly not from a country where that is the case at all. The only thing that remains true is the working less part.
I live alone and honestly don't even see the 24/8 work thing either. When I worked parttime, I didn't need 10 whole hours to keep up with everything else in the house like cooking and cleaning and all that.
Sure it's different when kids come into play but even then
>babies need the utmost care so mom is at home for the first 2 years/stays at granny after that
>toddler goes to school for 6 hours a day
>kid goes to school for 8 hours a day till 18 yo
>Wala that's the entire kid's burden
Not to mention, the men I know have their own chores at home and this has been a trope since tv has been invented.
Deadbeats exist but that is a gender neutral thing. Let's not forget all those women who just do jackshit at home themselves.

>> No.23165450

Also, you were just talking about work that doesn't pertain to the home environment.>>23165348
Let's not dilly-dally. They sure as hell don't enjoy the lots of working (+at home) either. They use the same line of reasoning >>23165402 as to why they supposedly hate such arrangements.

>> No.23165461
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>great writers
>a jew

>> No.23165488

Pedophile oh sorry hebephile too
In his own words
>I’d say where force and violence are involved, where mental violence is involved, there’s a fine line. What about some thirteen-year-old kid whose parents have beat him up and rejected him and is out on the street looking for love, hungry, taken in by some pederast who treats him nicely, gives him an education, sleeps with him — what are you gonna do?

And someone trying to smooth it over
>Finally, it is likely that Ginsberg slept with people whom most of us would now argue were too young to be engaged in sexual activity with a person of his age. It is reasonable to condemn him for that; however, that does not make him a paedophile. As Bob Rosenthal has said, “Allen was attracted to young men, not prepubescent boys.”[liv] In the absence of any evidence that he was sexually attracted to young children, it is simply wrong to call him a paedophile, no matter how you feel about his actions and statements. This does not imply that hebephilia is acceptable, but these terms are not the same.

>> No.23165597
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Pedophilia is an aristocratic trait. Everyone was a pedophile before modernism arrived.

>> No.23165616

A pederast jew?
I am not even surprised anymore desu

>> No.23165622

Men and women aren't the same. Even then, Ginsberg the beatnik crybaby was very much not the owner of an aristocratic soul and you would agree with me if you do own one yourself.

>> No.23165663

This got me thinking about romantic love

How differently on average if you could find an average for each group would gays, women and straights describe romantic love

>> No.23165670

>gay romance is cleaning your shit off your partner's AIDS cock

>> No.23165677

Kek, Gordon Ramsey is known more for yelling and reality TV at this point. Post did make me hungry though anon.

>> No.23165781
File: 158 KB, 1456x991, Kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes SO MUCH sense. Most of the good writers from the last centuries had a troublesome and somehow lonely life.

I think I get now why priests started choosing to become celibatary in the first place (remind that it only became mandatory after the 10th century).

>> No.23165786

I'm in a creative peak since I told my baby's mother that I am never coming back to her shit house. Being around women is just incredibly annoying. Less than 5% of the time you spend around women is actually sex or anything enjoyable, the rest is just putting up with their bullshit. It's just not worth it.

>> No.23165817

Gays are gross and the reason they produced decent art in the past was due to (rightful) oppression and self-loathing. Today's fags have nothing to write about other than monkey pox super spreading events.

>> No.23165823
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Ok Groomer.

>> No.23165933

>a study is only valid if it has the same result the next time
Do you not see where the logic in this is flawed?

>> No.23166021

Just don’t leave your kid behind, anon. He doesn’t deserve it just because of his crappy mother.

Btw, I did something like this years ago and me and my kid get along very well.

>> No.23166030

I don't have a choice, I either write, or I parent, I cannot do both. Writing is more important.

>> No.23166041

>It requires greater openness to have sex with the opposite sex, since the opposite sex is inherently more unfamiliar to the self.
No, retard. It requires more openness to fuck men because it's shunned by society and disgusting (i.e. putting your junk somewhere we've evolved to consider absolutely foul).

>> No.23166045

Or psychopaths.

>> No.23166054

Propaganda. You're unironically sub 125 if you believe this.

>> No.23166071
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Rousseau and Marx did the same thing you plan to do, and look at the negative consequences their writings brought to humanity.

On the other hand, Saint Augustine already had a son before his conversion, and precisely by reconciling his responsibilities with his intellectual vocation, he was able to become one of the most important philosophers of the Middle Ages.

This probably happened recently with you, and you may still be nervous about it all, but do not deny your responsibility. A great pain will grow in your heart if you do.

Things always have a way to working out. I bet there’s a way for you to be a good parent – even if you’re not with his mother – and also a good writer.

>> No.23166079

>A great pain will grow in your heart if you do.
My mother killed herself when I was 19, pain is something that fuels me, I love being told to kill myself, I love when people hate on me. It only drives me to keep being myself even harder. I double down on this writing shit. Unstoppable force, immovable object, I crave the crabs. I need to feel more pinches on my skin. Bring it on, fuckers!

>> No.23166139

Fags are fags before society gets involved.

>> No.23166143

>sees dumb shit he read on twitter
>makes a thread about it
Why can't this shit species just die already?