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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 736x589, 7772d788b1b0ed56756064deddaf8c68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23150046 No.23150046 [Reply] [Original]

Of all the things to mock Nietzche for, why is the being compassionate to animals part people get hung up over? He did way more embarassing things, like being the third wheel to his oneitis Salome.

>> No.23150052

He showed no compassion for his actual fellow man. In his final meltdown he cried about a fucking animal which under his own philosophy should have been dominated probably hard than it was.

>> No.23150053

It's not that bad, but autistic NEETzcheans on here seem to think hugging an animal was NOT COOL and TOUGH and FAKE NEWS, despite Fred doing crazier shit like ripping up money and dancing naked etc.

>> No.23150066

To be fair. It's easier to like animals more than porch monkeys.

>> No.23150070

This. Fred is more based than he’s given credit for.

>> No.23150083

>t.never went manic
Do cocaine.

>> No.23150085

i actually hated Nietzche unti this moment

>> No.23150092

It could have kicked those faggy little street patrol niggers‘ heads in but had been beaten by slave morality.

>the weak always triumph over the strong because there are more of them and they are craftier

>> No.23150142

I dont make fun of him for this, this is the most redeeming thing about him

>> No.23150419

Being compassionate towards animals is the only redeeming factor of all humans

>> No.23150431

I actually really liked that moment.
One of nietzsche's best.

>> No.23150540

It seems he was the highly empathetic/sentimental type, but also self-hating. So he admired the type of person that was opposite to that.

>> No.23150777

>there are more of them and they are craftier
Sounds like they're stronger than "the strong" then.

>> No.23151049

I'm not sure, perhaps just projections of how they themselves feel about animals perhaps. I do like the pic related in your post.

>> No.23151121

But that‘s wrong and you‘re resorting to word games in order to obfuscate the point.

>> No.23151210

You people will never write anything worthwhile in your lives.

>> No.23151357

Loving animals is based, but nietzsche was a mentally ill faggot and this story was made up

>> No.23151471

>He showed no compassion for his actual fellow man.
This comment is strange to me, since compared to most philosophers I've read, Nietzsche stands out as the most compassionate one.

>> No.23152862

You are ugly, right?

>> No.23154097

You haven't read any philosophers, including Nietzsche.

>> No.23154217

Nietzsche's fanclub is here I see.

>> No.23154233

>muh Turin horse
This never happened thougheverbeit

>> No.23154237

It's surprising how often they reuse their deflection for any criticism of him.
>You don't understand Nietzsche!
>You've never read Nietzsche!
>Nietzsche was a mentally ill loser but he coped by writing lots of philosophy!
And my personal favourite:

>> No.23154242

>arson, rape and murder are… le based blond beast

>> No.23154243

This, how is /lit/ still spreading and believing in fake stories...

>> No.23154252

God is dead lol

>> No.23154306

you dont even know what you're talking about

>> No.23154355

The only men who are worthy of compassion are Nietzschean men, who are on a mission in their life.
The average disposable normie whose life revolves around hedonistic self gratification and trying to game up the social ladder is hardly even a human being. They can be replaced by another normie and nothing of value would be lost.

If you are not brave in life, and if you dont have a higher mission in life other than dopamine pleasure, then you are obviously not worthy of any compassion, or pity.

Nietzsche has empathy for people who are worthy of empathy, and that is what empathy truly means. Having empathy for all 8 billion disposable shells of humans isnt empathy, its just throw away reddit-morality.

>> No.23154364
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>The only men who are worthy of compassion are Nietzschean men, who are on a mission in their life.

>> No.23154386

I guess the fedoras were right all along lol

>> No.23154399
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>> No.23154406

Unironically based

>> No.23154407


>> No.23154443

The world would be unironically better if more men were like this

>> No.23154482

Yeah. N rejected himself very deeply; he was even intelligent enough to point this out himself sometimes.
A man after my own heart.

>> No.23154576

the horse hugging likely never happened

>> No.23154586

I've read dozens. Nietzsche is loved by artists for his compassion and distaste for autism in other philosophers.

>> No.23154604

He is the eternal hipster
Born in a slightly later epoch he would have worn striped knee high socks

>> No.23154617

Christians were the hipsters of ancient Rome.

>> No.23154651
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>> No.23154657


>> No.23154662

They're still the hipsters of modern Rome too.

>> No.23154947

Yes. Don't hurt the horsie.

>> No.23155685

you don't really have criticism, you just do gay bitchy things like say
>le blond beast!!?!
and think you have made some sort of point
also you are a coping christcuck and you keep making posts about Nietzsche without having any real in depth knowledge about what you are talking about about

>> No.23155688

What country are you from? Go to their version of 4chan.

>> No.23155700

wow you totally eviscerated me bro

>> No.23155702

What country are you from? You didn't answer the question.

>> No.23155708

go back to /pol/ and stay there, or maybe actually read something

>> No.23155715

kek, you know nothing about me and are grasping at straws. Meanwhile, I know you have shit English and can barely write a coherent post (not to mention absurdly trash grammar)

>> No.23155722

truly the real subject at hand here.
you are retreating like a bitch into,
>post country
>your grammar bad
because you are a bitch and don't want to respond to my points

>> No.23155728

Your grammar sucks and is painful to read. I want to know your country so I can go to their 4chan equivalent and post in second language speak.

>> No.23155737

what a weird thing to want to do, are you this boring as a person in real life?

>> No.23155739
File: 42 KB, 360x346, pepe-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what a weird thing to want to do
Ironic, because you are posting on 4chan in broken second language speak right now KEK

>> No.23155741

>in second language speak
maybe start with getting your English skills sorted out first

>> No.23155743

>ESL chimps out on not knowing slang
I don't care that your ESL class didn't cover it, Chang. Cry about it.

>> No.23155744

only a non-native English person is this insecure about this

>> No.23155748

that isn't slang anywhere lol
you sound fucking retarded

>> No.23155750
File: 349 KB, 500x344, laughing-spongebob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ESL asks me why would I want to go to another country's forums and post in a second language

>> No.23155752

SpongeBob gifs are exactly what I should have expected from you

>> No.23155755
File: 263 KB, 397x480, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you clarify this for me? You were asking me why I would want to go to another country's forums and post in a non-native language. While (YOU) are doing this RIGHT NOW? KEK

>> No.23155762

you look ridiculous.
you should stop whilst you are ahead, this isn't going the way you wanted.

>> No.23155766
File: 47 KB, 600x600, kekekek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ESL is bamboozled why someone would go to another countries' website and post
I just can't stop laughing at the irony. Seriously, you're SO fucking stupid, ESL

>> No.23155769


>> No.23155786

>Of all evil do I deem you capable, therefore I want good from you. Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws
Retards think Nietzsche wanted you to just rape and murder all day. His point was that you're not a good person if you only do nice things because it's the only way you can survive as a weak bitch. You should be good because you choose to be, not because you have to be.

>> No.23155819
File: 91 KB, 960x954, 1000033780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel knowing Spic Fuentes won't ever fuck you?

>> No.23155820

Silence, pajeet.

>> No.23155832
File: 31 KB, 780x438, cover7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B0T posts, mentally handicapped, or Bing Bong Ching Chongs. Hard to tell.

>> No.23155845

They cannot do research or read anything outside of ecchi/hentai manga.

>> No.23155853
File: 60 KB, 737x1280, stickfuentes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you think about him every night

>> No.23155861

Based meltdown.

>> No.23155864
File: 26 KB, 640x360, catboykami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he'd probably make you dress up like a catboy before he fucks you in the ass

>> No.23155880

Give me a QRD. Is this fag a gay ESL like (You)?

>> No.23155889
File: 9 KB, 225x225, ENTMA5CWkAI1nk6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he is mexican, you should know because you dream about him

>> No.23155960

>which under his own philosophy should have been dominated probably hard than it was.
t. never read Nietzsche

>> No.23155970
File: 418 KB, 2048x1630, spanish nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is good? -- All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man
Beating the horse gives me feeling of power, and so does going trans, chud.

>> No.23155980


>> No.23155985


>> No.23155988

that horse was the dragon in another book quite old nay ancient scrolls this gamers should know the subtle joke as an initiatory test at the Store.

>> No.23155990

you don't have a job

>> No.23155995

(NEETzsche's Landlord)

>> No.23155994 [DELETED] 

>people on lit read
>they read enough to read someone they hate so they can post low memes mocking him

>> No.23155999

>people on lit read
>they read enough to read someone they hate so they can post low quality memes mocking him
that surely adds up

>> No.23156005

shut up Neet

>> No.23156006

(Mr. Fino)

>> No.23156014
File: 471 KB, 565x318, 1709528530317986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sister got the short end of the stick

>> No.23156066

(You're gay)

>> No.23156072

the horse thing is just a myth, I'm pretty sure it's just a copy of the horse dream in crime and punishment

>> No.23156075

Who cares though?

>> No.23156078

why are you in this thread if you don't care?

>> No.23156081

(Your mother, to You)

>> No.23156084

bad grammar

>> No.23156091

(Mum's Gay Boy)

>> No.23156094

(no u)

>> No.23156163

Because you can't force me not to be.

>> No.23156174

don't care

>> No.23156236

The horse episode is a complete fabrication without any evidence whatsoever.

>> No.23156719

>like being the third wheel to his oneitis Salome.
This isn't even embarrassing.

>> No.23156745

>You should be good

>> No.23157214

He has priestly blood

>> No.23157231

>Having empathy for all 8 billion disposable shells of humans isnt empathy
It's not mere empathy, It's Christ, the Lord himself, crucified.

>> No.23157276

so when white women have empathy for niggers and Muslims and bring them into white countries that's actually Jesus Christ himself talking to them?

>> No.23157286

No you have to actually be productive and helpful, especially by being the best possible version of yourself. These women aren't sacrificing themselves. They're just following trends.

>> No.23157322

your shit isn't consistent, it looks like you are just making this up

>> No.23157399

they are sacrificing, their whole country and race.
did Jesus ask them?

>> No.23157512

Present the inconsistency you've detected or stfu, lowlife.

I'm not interested in word games.

>> No.23157550

it's not word games I'm using the real definitions of the words you are using, are you too stupid to deal with that or what?

>> No.23157555

>A man after my own heart.
kys faggot. fucking everywhere I turn there are faggots.

>> No.23157943

>They can be replaced by another normie and nothing of value would be lost.
They'll be replaced by AI, and not only will nothing of value be lost, but value will be gained by having these subhumans eradicated from the gene pool.

>> No.23159326

>more word games
I'm said I'm not interested. Fuck off.

>> No.23159528

if by word games you mean using your words and following what you say to their logical conclusions then yeah I'm playing word games.
maybe you're too fucking stupid and should get lost before saying dumb shit again, if you aren't capable of defending your positions don't present them as truth.

>> No.23159553

Wtf happened

>> No.23159623

Original statement:
>Nietzsche has empathy for people who are worthy of empathy, and that is what empathy truly means. Having empathy for all 8 billion disposable shells of humans isnt empathy, its just throw away reddit-morality.
>It's not mere empathy, It's Christ, the Lord himself, crucified.
>so when white women have empathy for niggers and Muslims and bring them into white countries that's actually Jesus Christ himself talking to them?
>noooooo!!! not like that!!! :'(

your hypocrisy is plain to see with any close reading of the things you have actually said.

>> No.23159628

didn't mean to reply to you btw

>> No.23159928

because people are cruel. end of story.
fuck human beings, as much as I hate Neetzche for enabling chuds and trannies alike, deep inside he was more human than almost all of the hominid genus combined.

>> No.23160227

You are a vile creature. You disgust me, you subhuman. Why are you even on this board? /pol/ is more suited for your ilk.

>if by word games you mean using your words and following what you say to their logical conclusions then yeah I'm playing word games.
No, you are playing games with my words, then following that to meaningless logical conclusions that nobody cares about. Let me give you a simple example of what I mean:
>These women aren't sacrificing themselves
This clearly carries a certain connotation. When you sacrifice yourself, it means you willingly and knowingly put yourself in harms' way, for the benefit of others. You then replied with "they are sacrificing, their whole country and race" which is based on a flimsy usage of the word "sacrifice" (where no willpower, agency, selflessness, or knowledge is involved, in case you STILL don't get it), and misses the point I made completely. I mean, why even bother to reply in that case? I don't fucking get it. It's not about MERE empathy. It's Christ, CRUCIFIED. If you had any brains, and any reading comprehension, you should have gotten that from the very first post you replied to, where I that made that extremely fucking clear.

>maybe you're too fucking stupid and should get lost before saying dumb shit again
Your insults mean absolutely nothing to me, subhuman.

>if you aren't capable of defending your positions don't present them as truth.
I've presented a very clear idea that you seem unable to grasp or unwilling to engage with. Disgusting hypocrite.

>> No.23160260

which is why people are comparing christianity to the equivalent of inviting a "reformed" serial rapist fresh out of prison into your home only to be murdered with the Live, Laugh, Love sign hanging on your wall

>> No.23160262

I think you've got that confused with the USS Liberty radioing Israeli fighter jets and then getting attacked by them a few moments later.

>> No.23160269

>some dead kike faggot
who cares

>> No.23160277

>yeah but what about... le joos!

idk they're wild guys but that's another subject

>> No.23160278

>why is the being compassionate to animals part people get hung up over?
Because Abrahamics genuinely hate nature, think nature is "cruel", and that the world is theirs to rape as life is temporary and doesn't mean anything.

>> No.23160292
File: 94 KB, 1159x1023, kotori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rabidly froths at the mouth at christianity. THEY'RE RAPISTS!
>le joos are so kooky and wild, though! XD

>> No.23160301

lmao wut. sure it's true that they're like this but you seem to be implying the world was different before them. the entire "triumph" of christcuckery was making the average normie in the west proclaim that all people are equal and valuable and shouldn't be enslaved or tortured for your own amusement or whatever, in public at least. in antiquity people were much more openly ruthless about who is a subhuman and undeserving of consideration.

>> No.23160311
File: 501 KB, 639x1028, IMG_8001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire "triumph" of christcuckery was making the average normie in the west proclaim that all people are equal and valuable and shouldn't be enslaved or tortured for your own amusement or whatever

>> No.23160326

>having hebe derangement syndrome in 2024

>> No.23160336
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>> No.23160340

The hypocrisy of Abrahamism is that the jews who invented it proclaim the divinity of their "god" (a cow demon) because he protects "marginal creatures" from the alleged cruelty of nature. Them, being jews, are the marginal creatures here, being subject to the various world empires around them for millennia. Of course, when jews actually have power themselves, they're the most malevolent evil mass-murderers of marginal people that have ever walked the face of the Earth, thus proving Abrahamic though is essentially a con to get you to lower your guard.

>> No.23160343

it could potentially be cool or at least funny but not in the way you're doing it. your anti-semitism is based on chudism and therefore a flop. you have to hate kikes for novel reasons and not just HDT.

>> No.23160344

>knowing this guy >>23160311 is jewish
You just self-doxxed as a kike.

>> No.23160350

by that logic you are also a kike thoughbeit

>> No.23160352
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but not in the way you're doing
Oh yeah? Who said that? Mike Fart? Fuck off, crypto-kike.

>> No.23160357

I don't know that he's jewish nor does that statement imply I do, retard. Life as a 115 IQ ethnic jew must be tough for you

>> No.23160364

Because it's a retarded thing to have a meltdown over. It also never happened officially.

>> No.23160379

They could just argue a world without Jewish influence would be even crueler. Anybody can do this. "Cruel" is in the eye of the beholder because anybody involved in making many important decisions is going to have to do shady shit in a dog-eat-dog world, so one man's justified cruelty is always going to be another man's senseless cruelty/hypocrisy.

(no i'm not a joo but whatever i can be one for this thread if you want lel)

>> No.23160439

My interest wasn't in saying you were a jew or not a jew. I couldn't care less. My interest was in demonstrating why their philosophy is entirely self-serving, which is why any alleged christians are tragic creatures, since they're effectively just being used.

The Delphic Maxims and the writings of Marcus Aurelius provide a much better moral framework than jewish harry potter tales. The bible almost entirely revolves around how great jews are and how everyone else is bad/deserving of death and enslavement. Isaiah specifically says how jews are going to enslave non-jews and steal the wealth of the world, and starry-eyed christians oo and ahh over it, or just ignore it entirely.

>> No.23160463

>Because it's a retarded thing to have a meltdown over.
lol filtered

>> No.23160470

>their philosophy is entirely self-serving
Nobody denies that. Because it's a vacuous statement. It's like saying 1 = 1. You are clearly immature in your experience of the world. Go outside.

>> No.23160478

>The Delphic Maxims and the writings of Marcus Aurelius provide a much better moral framework than jewish harry potter tales.
They also are not mutually exclusive.

>The bible almost entirely revolves around how great jews are and how everyone else is bad/deserving of death and enslavement.
Wildly incorrect.

>Isaiah specifically says how jews are going to enslave non-jews and steal the wealth of the world, and starry-eyed christians oo and ahh over it, or just ignore it entirely.
lol yeah how rare it is to find that in holy books

>> No.23160509

i'm not a christian tho. or even a moralfag. or a nietzschean larper.

my whole argument is that jews (and their influence is definitely outsized but "everything is the joos" is a simpleton oversimplification) represent an idea that has spread to the masses. so sure, people in power, including jews, are always going to be psychotic pedophiles who financially devastate half the planet/their own cultures, but which do you think would turn out more cruel, a society that puts a million barriers in place that prevent the average person from embracing cruelty due to jewish(christian) autism, or a society that uses the language of rome/non-west about what type of person makes the best chattel?

"We should get rid of the neurotic desert semites and let the law of the jungle take its course, nature knows best how to rule" just isn't very appealing for an anti-cruelty argument because 1) it wouldn't even work, powerful jews are just one group of many doing the same shit and 2) even if you remove all those groups they will be replaced, it won't turn out less cruel, and nature is in fact brutal meat grinder, so what could such a person be arguing for except... their own ruthless rule over the world, like they accuse jews of hypocritically wanting?

>> No.23160611

/// This dish is a cinch to make /// The book is a magnificent idea, ruined by jejune bombast /// I was stuck in a rut and decided to look for a new job /// Deer, feral hogs, quail, turkeys, and water fowl were abundant on the ranch /// The commercial is a part of an underhanded PR campaign to whitewash the company's environmental record /// The hero had feet of clay and, oddly enough, that increased my tenderness for him /// Some of the jokes were pretty funny, others fell flat /// He just had a good offer from a rival firm and decided to get out while the getting is good /// The men were asphyxiated by smoke /// I don't want to harp on this issue any longer, but I really need it to be resolved today /// Wrens are tiny and immensely loud /// Until now, only four sites older than 30,000 years have been postulated, all from western Europe, including a Neanderthal site /// All such receptacles are placed on a small plate either with or without a paper doily of the right size /// Get off your heinie and do some work ///Telos is the concept of an end goal or ultimate aim /// Similarly, girls' lack of participation in lower brass and percussion and in popular music is evident in schools and professional environments /// He launched into a long diatribe against the lack of action in Congress ///

>> No.23160653

An ad hom of no substance, just like the religion you subscribe to.

>> No.23160678

>lol yeah how rare it is to find that in holy books
Are you implying all holy books in the world are about how jews are going to enslave non-jews and steal their wealth? Because this may come as a shock to you: There's only one that does this.

>> No.23160695

>so sure, people in power, including jews, are always going to be psychotic pedophiles
>(and their influence is definitely outsized but "everything is the joos" is a simpleton oversimplification)
Your trouble is failing to understand these things actually are congruent, and not divergent trends. The reason you have jewish psychopaths in power is because they have many believers in jewish fiction putting them in power. Namely christians.

The rest of your argument is effectively that even though the jews are rotten and their philosophy is evil, we need them because things would be bad if we reject what they wrote entirely. To which I say: Proof? Europe had a functioning highly moral civilization before the jews even existed.

>"We should get rid of the neurotic desert semites and let the law of the jungle take its course,
This, right here, is exactly the problem. You believe only jews are capable of crafting moral codes. In fact, you believe jews invented the very concept of it. Therefore, you believe humanity, and especially White Westerners, cannot exist without it. But they did exist without it. For millennia, in fact. Jews did not come up with morality, nor did they spread it, nor did they standardize it, nor did they enforce it. Jews wrote what they wrote to benefit jews. Getting rid of jewish lies would no more end global morality than it would ending a blue sky. And the rest of your post I'll simply dismiss because it's laughable. We have had more than a few "meat grinders" in history after the imposition of jewish morality. Claiming we'd have another by getting rid of it is wearing horse blinders.

Ultimately, the world will be just fine without jews or their toadies.

>> No.23160729

ad hominem

>> No.23160852

>Proof? Europe had a functioning highly moral civilization before the jews even existed.

lmao the average person was pro-slavery until the anglos put the kibosh on this shit over a few centuries so any time a somebody says "le past was better" it comes with the big ol' asterisk of "the shit work was done by a massive underclass of slaves and 'free' people who were effectively slaves so unless you disregard most human beings' lives and want to return to this, no it wasn't better." of course nietzsche, the subject of this thread, did indeed feel this way, but that's not what some people ITT are now arguing for (and unless you're a blue blood, he probably meant you for the slave but this is all beside the point).

>This, right here, is exactly the problem. You believe only jews are capable of crafting moral codes.

i believe that "morals" are fake and gay expressions of emotions/aesthetic preferences which is some variety of non-cognitivism. i only used jews because they are the historical example of why the west is the way it is via christianity. maybe somebody other than jews + christ-brained anglos could have ended shit like de jure slavery (of course it still exists off the books but most people don't like it) but they didn't and we can't know. so it's pointless to speculate. you go with whatever you have that's the best and that's the unholy alliance of the jewnited states of america + their allies.

>> No.23160854

>your ilk
you are really funny, you came at me with insults and are now pearl clutching like the little bitch you are.

>these women aren't sacrificing themselves
nice statement, it's wrong. they are sacrificing everything they are because they feel empathy for brown people.
>implies flimsy usage of the word "sacrifice"
you are wrong, yet again. your statement is false, you retard. nice try tho.

>>Having empathy for all 8 billion disposable shells of humans isnt empathy
>It's not mere empathy, It's Christ, the Lord himself, crucified

you are talking about why you should have empathy, reasoning that empathy is more and that it actually comes from Jesus Christ.

once again, I'm using your own fucking words and following them to their logical fucking conclusion.

>Your insults mean absolutely nothing to me, subhuman
you started it you fucking clown, don't cry now after you went at me
you baby

>I've presented a very clear idea that you seem unable to grasp or unwilling to engage with. Disgusting hypocrite.

I find it really funny that you think something like this, it might be clear in your autistic brain what YOU are thinking about but you actually have to express yourself well, and you didn't and you don't, because you aren't as smart as you think you are. you are a mdiwit, you wanted to run away when I started actually scrutinising your own words, that is what someone who doesn't want to defend their position does.

try come at me without calling me a subhuman right off the bat, don't see that happening though, it's a crutch for you.

>> No.23160878

reading comprehension. he was talking about letting in Muslim rapists.
interesting you thought he was talking about you though

>> No.23160890

>not mutually exclusive
ok so why do we need the Jewish fairy tales

>> No.23160967


>> No.23161142


>> No.23161505

>they are sacrificing everything they are because they feel empathy for brown people.
You did it again. I already said it's not about mere empathy in the first post. Re-read 10,000 times until you understand it, subhuman.

>> No.23162272
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Its funny because Nietzsche in popular culture of the 90s to 2010s was associated with like existentialist "sensitive young man" stuff like Sartre and Camus but around the time BAP was doing his phd the genealogy of morality started to become the only work of his consistently taught in American universities. If you read Zarathustra and don't come away seeing Nietzsche as the most teary eyed "we're all going to make it bros!" philosophers I don't know what you even fucking read. If there is one major takeaway from that entire book it's that the part of humanity Nietzsche despises is the cruel and wicked. The entire book, the work of writing he considered to be his best and one of the most important in all of history, is a rallying cry for REAL compassion, or compassion through ACTIVITY and MERIT. It's why you fucking faggots shouldn't be trusted with the genealogy of morality because it is so easy to take the content out of context and the left and right does this EVERY TIME Nietzsche hits the popular discourse.

>> No.23162789

>mike fart
you people are unbearable

>> No.23162806

ok, so is Jesus Christ the source of empathy?
if yes then the empathy white women feel for brown and black immigrants has Jesus Christ as a source.
if not then I don't know why you said that
>>Having empathy for all 8 billion disposable shells of humans isnt empathy
>It's not mere empathy, It's Christ, the Lord himself, crucified.
because reading that statement you are led to believe that Jesus Christ is the source of empathy.
if your are now saying that Jesus Christ is not the source of empathy then you are contradicting yourself.
if it is a secret third thing, then you are fucking abysmal at expressing yourself.

also Your insults mean absolutely nothing to me, subhuman.

>> No.23163020

>because reading that statement you are led to believe that Jesus Christ is the source of empathy.
No, that's not the point I'm making. The point is that truly sacrificing yourself is not mere empathy. It's making a conscious choice to shoulder the suffering of the world, aka the human condition. It is not simply feeling pity for someone, which is often a womanly trait. It's deciding to hurt yourself, or even die, for the sake of someone else, out of pure intentions. It's a human trait that nature gave us for some reason. Maybe because sometimes you needed to die for the survival of your kids, and in Christianity that drive gets generalized, I don't know.
Jesus is the source of this insofar as he is the greatest exemplifier, or the archetype, of that innate human drive.
No need to believe in God (personal, omnipotent, omnibenevolent Creator deity) to understand this idea. Personally, I'm Buddhist.
Also the subhuman thing is just LARP, sorry for that. You are annoying as shit though.

>> No.23163265

maybe I would have been less "annoying" if you didn't immediately start calling me a lowlife scum, subhuman and other things. call that karma.
maybe consider that you are in fact just an unpleasant person.
In any case it's still not really even clear why what you said was even a rebuttal to what you were challenging, as he was talking about empathy, particularly empathy towards 8 billion, not self sacrifice for a higher ideal. Also I don't like the idea that I need to feel some sort of need to self sacrifice for the entirety of the human race 8 billion people, and maybe things like that are the reason people have problems with Christianity.