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/lit/ - Literature

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23149642 No.23149642 [Reply] [Original]

What languages do you know?

>> No.23149698

And what languages would you recommend?

>> No.23149707


English has the biggest lexicon, and that makes it the most expressive. There are nuances of meaning that simply do not exist in a language like French or Russian - the poor buggers don't have enough words for that. Even the much-ballyhooed "Classical" languages have extremely small lexicons.

So if you know English, you know all you really need to know.

>> No.23149714

English. I dont have a reason to learn anything

>> No.23149715 [SPOILER] 

Spanish (native)
English (second language)
French/Italian (third language)

>> No.23149717
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Italian, English, German, Latin, Attic/Homeric Greek

>> No.23149721

Spanish, native.
English, ESL retard.
Français, learning the basics and reading short tales.
Next ones, germany, latin and classic greek.

>> No.23149728

Spanish dutch english german italian french (from most to least proficient). Wish I never learned german, fucking poopenkacken language.

>> No.23149733

Russian (native)

>> No.23149740

English(still working)

>> No.23149746

English is a jack of all trades, master of none. Until you know another language, you have no clue what you're missing. It's like a colorblind person discussing art palettes.

>> No.23149749

>replying to bait

>> No.23149753

Next pessoa in the making

>> No.23149755

>another dick-measuring thread

>> No.23149761

Thankyou for being above it all yet still commenting anon

>> No.23149762

im not saying english is better than everything i just have no reason for anything else. im not european so i just dont have any use

>> No.23149766

French** (B1, reading, but will churn through texts as I just discovered LingQ, which is brilliant for reading)

**Hoping to eventually start translating (for free) French writers who have remained inaccessible to English speakers.

>> No.23149768

>MY dad is better than YOUR dad! He has a BIGGER cock!
Grow up, /lit/.

>> No.23149770


>> No.23149777


>> No.23149791
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>Have learned
English (native)
Modern Greek
>Still working on
Ancient Greek
>Plan to learn
Old Norse
Then maybe spend the rest of my life on Chinese and Japanese

>> No.23149793
File: 1.47 MB, 1326x986, Screen+Shot+2018-01-08+at+13.20.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, languagecels

>> No.23149798

shouldn't he read the original version

>> No.23149797

I kneel, Max.

>> No.23149802

>claims to know fluent German
>always reading translations of German literature
Kek that retard is really using DeepL to translate

>> No.23149804

He's just checking that dissapointing translation! You clowns

>> No.23149818

Only English and a modicum of conversational German. Some Latin and Greek words. Learning languages is difficult for me due to autism.

>> No.23149820

I thought autism made it easier

>> No.23149851

Swedish (native)
Norweigan (worked there quite a bit)
Danish (again worked there)
German (School, but kept it up through work)

>> No.23149875

Hungarian (first language)
Serbian (learnt it parallel with hungarian, so second first language)

>> No.23149878

why are italian and french counted as one
nta but i think autism makes it easier in terms of reading and listening, but makes it a lot harder for speaking. i can read novels and understand full conversations in my 2nd language but sound like a bumbling retard when speaking

>> No.23149906

English was my first language
Latin, Greek, Italian, German from school
Esperanto and Dothraki for fun
Hebrew for OT studies
Spanish from family
Tagalog from family friends
Ebonics from friends
Mandarin and Cantonese from studying abroad
French for research into the French Revolution
Old English and Old Norse to study Germanic philology and Proto-Germanic
Arabic to debate with Moslems about the Koran
Japanese to watch anime without subs

>> No.23149912

God damn, Anon. How well do you speak them?

>> No.23149916

I have a speech pathology disorder

>> No.23149920

I believe all of these except the ebonics

>> No.23149928

Ayo me got nigga Brothas in da hood >>23149920

>> No.23150306

As many as my phone can translate.

>> No.23150366

No, most autists are extremely adept at their own language but terrible in others

>> No.23150461

English but I can kind of read French
I think I'll need about 2 years of reading French daily to feel comfortable to say I 'know it'
Frankly I don't think it's worth learning language for literature

>> No.23150504

Working on:
Want to learn:

>> No.23150513

> Frankly I don't think it's worth learning language for literature
It’s the only reason to learn a language

>> No.23150614

In my opinion yes

>> No.23150616

none. not even English.

>> No.23150619

English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, Halaula aramaic, lojban.

>> No.23150657
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I don't know if I'm doing it right but understanding my TL isn't as great as it used to be
I remember stumbling onto a TL post on the internet and being able to get the general gist of what was being said and that motivated me a lot
These days it's nothing special
I don't feel joy reading my TL and understanding it, I just want to read whatever it is I'm reading and to understand it

>> No.23150679

turkish (passable)
english (barely)

>> No.23150721

A deranged homosexual your responding to anon

Ignore it

>> No.23150725


>> No.23151247

T-thanks anon...

>> No.23151253


>> No.23151265

I wish there was a language that was dead easy to learn to read

>> No.23151276

glish for talking
mexican for food service
latin for school
french to beg with

>> No.23151288

I really believe that, unless you're a linguist, foreign-language acquisition needs to accompany a philology-style deep dive into a language's history and culture to stay rewarding.

I don't envy anyone who knows more than 3 languages, because that's almost a guarantee he engages with foreign languages in a shallow way. You simply don't have enough time or energy to give all of French AND Russian AND Italian AND German their due diligence. The smart move is to pick whichever culture looks the deepest to you, and dive very deep until you hit the bottom.

>> No.23151360


>> No.23151478
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>You simply don't have enough time or energy to give all of French AND Russian AND Italian AND German their due diligence
Ever heard of time management?

>> No.23151517

Depends on what you mean by "know", but:
>Native: English
>Mostly fluent, just not quite at a native level in vocabulary: Esperanto
>Not fluent but can basically read and converse for most practical purposes: Spanish, Japanese
>Can wade through reading with the help of a dictionary: French, German, Classical Chinese; Italian and Portuguese mostly by relation to other Romance languages
>Could just about order food and ask directions: Mandarin, Latin (yes, I know, will be very useful if I ever get stranded in the Roman Empire)

>> No.23151525

>English has the biggest lexicon, and that makes it the most expressive.
You can't really meaningfully measure how many words a language has.

>> No.23151533

Sure. In practice, do you see anyone doing this? Nietzsche had his Greek and that was it; Borges had his English, that was it. We learn one foreign language to a profound degree, and the rest are generally fluff, a boy scouts' badge to puff up your ego.

>> No.23151535

It's wild how I can like half understand this.

>> No.23151549

The more I read the biographies of authors and geniuses the more i think this is right. I seriously doubt many of these people were able to be fluent in all these languages and pursue the other things in their life. I think its just that back then people had lower standards for what they considered "knowing" a language. Nowadays you wouldn't really say you know a language until you near fluency.

>> No.23151613
File: 428 KB, 1080x1693, Screenshot_20240305-201330_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were fluent, but to a shallow level.

In the past, European nations had their own unique cultural spheres, unique ideas, concepts, histories, etc. You can read Goethe in English and you'll get a shallow picture of Goethe. Or you can learn German, and get a slightly deeper picture of Goethe. But to get a truly full picture of any author, you must study the time period in which they lived, who they communicated with, what they believed, and so on. Learning German or French or Japanese will not take you to this level of understanding, but it is necessary to learn these languages to truly understand Germany or France or Japan.

Likewise, if your learning of the language is not accompanied by deeper study of the relevant culture, you're going to hit a ton of bottlenecks as you keep reading and ideas/people/jokes/events come up that you don't understand.

>> No.23151615

It's called Spanish. French if you're not too much of a pussy to learn French orthography (it's much, much more consistent than people make it out to be).

>> No.23151616

>The learning of many languages fills the memory with words
Damn, even the AI is ESL

>> No.23151618

Are you dumb?

>> No.23151625


>> No.23151627
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>> No.23151630

>Spanish or French

>> No.23151634

Just you, Patel.

>> No.23151637
File: 255 KB, 1024x1024, 1702870759065345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quand un bon vin meuble mon estomac
Je suis plus savant que Balzac-
Plus sage que Pibrac;
Mon brass seul faisant l'attaque
De la nation Coseaque,
La mettroit au sac;
De Charon je passerois le lac
En dormant dans son bac,
J'irois au fier Eac,
Sans que mon coeur fit tic ni tac,
Premmer du tabac

>> No.23151638

Yes, genuinely. Esperanto is based. Resist Anglo hegemony.

>> No.23151662
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What's up with your books section?..

>> No.23151666

I want something easier. I have nothing against france

>> No.23151667


>> No.23151675
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 1685997465501967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those digits
Fitting. Go learn Toki Pona. It's your best bet.

>> No.23151679

A real language man come on

>> No.23151684

That's one website. If you want ebooks in Esperanto try:
If you want to order physical books try:

>> No.23151686
File: 123 KB, 717x960, 1709642284884398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Durrr there has never been anyone who knew more than 3 languages on a deep level.
What about Schopenhauer, Unamuno, Calasso, Dávila, Gottfried, Marx, Engels, Mezzofanti, Powell, etc? It used to be pretty standard for scholars to know upwards of 6 languages. And yes, you can read a language on a deep level without knowing how to speak it.

>> No.23151716

Eh, missed the point. Try again?

>> No.23151720

>Nooo it doesn't matter that you're seeing and understanding the words in the book, okay?! you don't understand the language because i say so, okay!???!

>> No.23151730

Attach a wojak next time.

>> No.23151731

Basedjaks are gay

>> No.23151735

You called them based though.

>> No.23151750

English, Spanish, French (natively).
Portuguese, Italian (second languages).
Occitan, Modern Greek (literate, but can't speak them).
Currently learning Latin. Only other languages I want to learn are older dialects of Greek.

>> No.23151755

I do agree with your initial point, but I think that the idea that because one can only "perfect" one or two languages, acquiring any more than that is meaningless, is rather stupid. There are many uses for languages.

>> No.23152057

ah yes, germany the language

>> No.23152132

I think you misunderstood my point
For me the goal of learning a language is that, eventually, I will be able to read and understand my TL as if it were my NL
Meanwhile there are a lot of people who do not share this 'all or nothing' mindset when it comes to language learning
A lot of people are just happy being able to have a very basic conversation at a cafe and some people are extremely happy being able to watch TV and get a good gist of what's going on
People learning Classical languages would be happy reading 5-10 pages a day of an author like Cicero because for them, it's an extremely satisfying experience to be reading in the TL that they love so much

>> No.23152140

Btw my feelings on this subject are probably due to the fact that I chose my TL because I thought it was logically the best choice for me
I chose French because the French language seemed unmatched in terms of the number of canonical authors and also because it's a relatively easy language for EFLs to learn
I never felt a great passion for France, when I started learning French I thought the language just sounded so-so, I didn't care so much about the history of France and I had only read a single French book in English translation prior to learning it

>> No.23152186

You wrote
>understanding my TL isn't as great as it used to be

This is what I was addressing. The guys who are "Just happy to read 5 pages of Cicero" don't exist. Or rather -- they do exist. But what happens to them? The excitement of reading in Latin fades, and the effort and time Latin demands of them to read harder texts outweighs what they actually gain from reading in Latin vs. an English translation. Once you hit that point, you realize in concrete terms what you're working for. And for most people, it's a shitty time investment.

I'm not claiming Cicero isn't better in Latin -- obviously he is. But once you manage to successfully read Latin, you understand, "Oh, this is what I was working for." You can keep practicing to read Plutarch and Livy if you like -- but a ton of people won't. How many people who say they want to learn Latin actually read these guys in English?

See what I mean? Language learning is specifically for people who obsess over another culture (or linguists). Unless you *truly* love Roman writers (or scientific naming), don't learn Latin. You'll just waste your time. People think languages are like one night stands. They're really marriages.

>> No.23152350

English native speaker. I took French, German, Latin, and Mandarin in HS, but I forgot most of the first three. I minored in Chinese in undergrad, so I know Mandarin and Classical Chinese. I did a partial translation of the Yang Zhu chapter of the Liezi a while back.
I want to learn Pali, Sinhala, and Thai for religious reasons. I also want to learn Spanish because my boyfriend's dad is a native speaker.

>> No.23152376

Wow, you're pretty smart.

>> No.23154029

Native English, B1 Irish, N3 Japanese, A2 French

>> No.23154051

>Galician (but some linguists consider it the same language as Portuguese)
>Currently learning German

>> No.23154060
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>there are monolingual people on this board with us

>> No.23154235

I'm American. I'm only fluent in English. I can read some Latin and I'm getting close to fluency in Japanese. I can function in simple Spanish when I have to, but it's just what I've picked up from friends or coworkers.

>> No.23154239

You're the guy who posts in Greek in /clg/, eh? I am impressed.

>> No.23154246


>> No.23154253

yeah this. i wish i was smart enough and had motivation to learn a language. seems like people judge you if youre monolingual

>> No.23154263

Ebonics is a dialect, not a language.

>> No.23154338

What about does N3 Japanese translate to in CEFR terms?

>> No.23154351

Just dive into reading and watching stuff you find interesting and are motivated to want to be able to read/watch.

>> No.23154357

Sure- a dialect of English. "Dialect" just means a subvariety within the same language. What you speak is also a dialect of English.

>> No.23154359

Thats not really what I mean

>> No.23154366

Then what do you mean?

>> No.23154475

Those linguists are dumb.

>> No.23154483
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thanks φίλε

>> No.23154488

if retarded toddlers can learn languages, so can you.

>> No.23154506

I just don't have any reason or drive to do so

>> No.23154521

Why, aren't they pretty mutually intelligible?

>> No.23154845

I'd probably just guess it's like A2 or B1.
GRMA, comrádaí

>> No.23154951

I know what it means...that's my point. You already have English on the list. Ebonics is a sub-category of English. You wouldn't list: British English, American English, Appalachian American English, Texan English, etc.,.

>> No.23154954

Knowing how to speak in a specific dialect is arguably at least a skill even if it's not a separate language.

>> No.23155150

>You wouldn't list Appalachian American English
Well, I reckon I would. Actually, talkin' 'bout it, I'm purdy sure you'd make the distinction fer German dialects.

>> No.23155169

this. i know english, bulgarian (native), french and italian and have chosen to write my prose in english just because of how superior it is

>> No.23155180
File: 944 KB, 892x864, 1689996742146943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true

>> No.23155211

Borges sucking anglo cock so hard making me want to forget that I ever read his works.

>> No.23155977

80iq eastern europeans with FAS can speak 3 languages, im sure you can do it too. just spend a lot of time with the language

>> No.23155991


>> No.23156190

>easy to read
>not French or Spanish
Try Italian.

>> No.23156201

I’m 21 and I only speak English
Trying to learn Spanish but I keep getting bored with it. I’d rather learn German, Dutch or Chinese but Spanish is infinitely more useful

>> No.23156219

Classical Chinese
basic Uyghur

>> No.23156265

What's the Love Language between him and
the Blue Lard author?

>> No.23156821

Retard. Just learn what you want

>> No.23156869
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English, Spanish, some French...
Also small Latin, less Greek...

>> No.23156887

Montenegrin, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, and English
Try to beat that

>> No.23156891
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Yes, probably more than some Arabic dialects. It only differs a little in pronunciation and writing.

>> No.23156892

I can underatand spanish

>> No.23156929

Well yeah a lot of Arabic "dialects" are effectively different languages.

>> No.23156948

tunisian east zeneti berber (native)
tunisian arabic (native)
classical arabic (second language)
French (second language)
English (third language)
German (forth language)
and i'm currently learnig homeric greek

>> No.23158112


>> No.23158146

>Montenegrin, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Literally just dialects of each other

>> No.23158491

None to be honest.

>> No.23158499

French, Breton, English, German
Still NEET, pseud and poor tho

>> No.23158507

Literally me fr

>> No.23158627

The language I can read and write the best in is English, but in terms of speaking fluency my Chinese slightly has an edge over English. I have moderate fluency and literacy in Malay, and limited fluency in the Hokkien dialect.

>> No.23158646

I think that's the joke. (You know, I once knew a fellow who spoke nine languages- Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Hindi, and Urdu!)

>> No.23158652

Also pretty based. Min is a branch that split off before the rest of the Chinese dialects ("dialects") and preserves some archaic features, right?

>> No.23158673

Im not sure about the history of Min, I just know it because it's how my parents and grandparents communicate. But honestly structurally it is not very different from Mandarin, just some differences in the term usage.

>> No.23158675

The literary/vernacular reading doublets seem interesting. It also has a lot less homophones, right?

>> No.23158928

"Ebonics" is an excuse for poor English usage.

>> No.23158971
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I should start putting Pig Latin as an option when a job application starts asking about other languages.
>computer detects "bilingual" and pushes it to the top
>phase two of plan depends if HR people have a good sense of humor

>> No.23158983

>languages known

>languages want to know

>> No.23158984

Ukrainian (native)
Western Mongolian (native)
English (second language)
German (third language)
Currently studying Norwegian, plan to study Spanish one day.

>> No.23159010

/// The cold weather began to set in /// And parents can not, and should not, be constant sources of unqualified praise /// The trustees have a dispositive power to transfer the money /// This is more than just clever marketing - formerly desolate stretches of the riverfront, city streets, and buildings have been resurrected for locals and visitors alike /// The professor held forth on the current state of politics until everyone was sick of the topic /// You won the first game and I won the second, so it's a wash /// The new runway is a billion-dollar boondoggle /// He took folk music and melded it with pop /// They are guided by the visible grid of the trellis /// He is duped by a debonair con man into opening a car and safe, and lands in jail for a year /// He spoke without notes but with a crib sheet of four points /// I slipped away from the guided tour /// He found himself pilloried by members of his own party /// Why did people get in a flap over nuclear energy? /// His agonised eyes, fear-stricken, glinted white in the moonlight, and there was foam on his jowl /// I suspect that they stay in the scullery only a few days and in the kitchen only a few weeks /// He killed 12 people before the authorities finally nabbed him /// I was a sassy kid who sometimes talked back to my mother /// She delivered her speech with tremendous wit and verve /// The chassis lurched forward and then back sharply, knocking the four passengers off balance /// The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing ///Just put it in my in tray and I'll look at it later /// This odious walled vertical suburb is a civic embarrassment, the embodiment of a runaway plutocracy that places its own interests over the commonweal — and common decency /// They spent their honeymoon in a cruddy beachside hotel ///

>> No.23159011
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I raised feral and use neuralink to language first time. kind of boring. want find mouse for eat.

>> No.23159031

there’s a story about a guy who’s about to be executed for treason and the king asks the dude if he has any last words, and the guy tells a joke and becomes the court jester.
it’s kinda like that.
where the medieval scholars at?

>> No.23159512

portuguese or brazilian?

>> No.23160841

English (native)
French (fluent)
Spanish (fluent)

>> No.23161058
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Chinese is useful, though depends what "useful" means to you, what you emphasize the most, whether it's for your professional career, speaking with foreigners, literature, etc.
I want to learn Spanish, I'm thinking of moving to Spain to teach English and tutor and meet Spaniards and read Don Quixote, for all of the reasons I listed but perhaps for my professional career the most

Then again there's this kek

>> No.23161069
File: 501 KB, 639x1028, IMG_8001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to learn Spanish, I'm thinking of moving to Spain to teach English and tutor

>> No.23161071


>> No.23161079

I can't think of an uglier language with less accomplishments.
Ugly culture and people too.

I will never understand people who decide to make it their hobby

>> No.23161096

English (native)
French and Latin (learned in school and kept practice with)
I can just barely understand german italian and spanish in basic conversation to survive in those countries but I can't actually read them well, especially german

>> No.23161106

Mostly mutts with spic heritage who are desperate for some, any kind of deeper heritage and culture
This image is of a jew

>> No.23161113

What is your obsession with this man? He apparently has all sorts of opinions on every topic ever posted on this board, judging by how often I see his picture next to quotes so he must be pretty well informed.

>> No.23161149

No spic heritage I just studied Spanish previously and know it would be easy and useful to learn, you cover like 20 countries to properly visit as well

>> No.23161213

Russian (native)

I used to be very interested in language learning, i participated in language learning communities, dabbled in german and a couple other languages. I would pick up a language, get a hold on the basics and drop it over and over again (it happened with German multiple times), and this continued for quite a long time until i've finally swallowed the blackpill. I will never learn another foreign language because i know how much time and effort it takes to actually become fluent, and i simply lack motivation beyond a casual "yeah it would be cool to know this language".

>> No.23161274

My Spanish SO can read it without much difficulty (enough to read a novel) but can't follow it when spoken.

>> No.23161348

Is classical Arabic so different from Tunisian Arabic that it counts as a second language?

>> No.23161546

You 100% do not want to go to those countries
Me too. I took knowing English and my mother tongue for granted because I learned both as a child. I found it interesting and even considered studying Linguistics. I have picked up and dropped many languages. I just don't have the motivation or reason to learn anything.

>> No.23161811
File: 445 KB, 1536x2048, 1709860922134357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a disgusting individual

>> No.23162120

English and Bad English

>> No.23162136

Angolan (I'm not anon)

>> No.23162477

I’ve only been learning Chinese for 6 months; got to HSK2 level in 3 months and am now having simple and fun conversations with natives. In what alternate universe is this language difficult to learn?

>> No.23162490


>> No.23162517

>I'm not anon
then... who are you?

>> No.23162518

There is no objective criteria by which to judge one dialect as inherently better or worse than another.

>> No.23162527


>> No.23162570

When you go into Classical Chinese

>> No.23162573

Yes, and Latin is also harder than French. That's not really relevant to Mandarin.

>> No.23162574

See, I know you smart niggers exist on here, why don't you effort post more?