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/lit/ - Literature

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23150716 No.23150716 [Reply] [Original]

How come every modern novel is written for either women, children, or 65 year old dads?

>> No.23150719

Because women, children and 65 yr old dads completely dominate the world and will scream and rave like spastics if they aren’t catered to.

>> No.23150838

Because those are the people that buy books and publishers will pick up books that they believe will sell.

>> No.23150855

But surely there has to be something new coming out soon that's good?

>> No.23151074

if you think there's nothing good coming out then it's on you for looking at shitty stuff anon

>> No.23151087

Because they're the ones with enough time to waste reading?

>> No.23151098

Chad chads, no time for virgyning.

>> No.23151106
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I wrote a story.
I think I finally can write a decent query letter now so I'll huck it to more agents.
if anyone ever publishes it I'll be sure to shill it here.

>> No.23151109 [DELETED] 
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Get on my level

>> No.23151157

Novels were once the primary form of entertainment, which is why so many classic novels come from the era when it was.

>> No.23152973


You wont find what men actually want on the front page of any retailer. ;) Men are decidedly grown up and male, and therefore desire some things that the rest of society is uncomfortable seeing. We do have books, however. For example, check out a genre of fiction known as "harem lit". There's also plenty of books about power, and money, and honor and such, but truly male books also require the erotic as well, IMHO. So, you'll have to explicitly search for books with some explicit content included. It's there! You'll probably have trouble going back to normal literature after reading it, though.

>> No.23152998

Young men arnt reading or writing novels, thats why. All the fighting age men are reading nonfiction of some kind or they are playing vidya games

>> No.23153378


>> No.23153382

Because those demographics have time to read, and you need to spend more time in your wagey cage like a good goy while you're wife and kids stay home, consuming propagandized fiction and getting scared

>> No.23154093
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>having kids
>wife can afford to stay home
good joke, your wife is waging for some other man (basically cuckoldry) and your kids are getting brainblasted by some tranny during story hour paid for by your tax money

>> No.23155110

>How come every modern novel is written for either women, children, or 65 year old dads?
Case and point: Rabbit, Run by John Updyke.