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/lit/ - Literature

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23150812 No.23150812 [Reply] [Original]

>incorporates Jungian psychology and feminine symbology
>Explores Harry's shadow, his repressed persona
>Plot revolves around a mystery in an abandoned girls bathroom where a hidden underworld resides and a feminine dragon of chaos lurks

This is brilliant symbolism.

>> No.23150840

I seem like 1 thing but be another thing woaw

>> No.23150846

Joan has good ideas sometimes. A shame she simps for Israel.

>> No.23150850

You laugh but it's a children's book, and word association and obvious metaphors work for normies.

>> No.23150861
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I mean she defended the rigid English class disparity when she was working as a waitress living on minimum wage as a single mom. She doesn't have hot takes, she just enjoys the status quo

>> No.23151168

>be scholar on Salazar Slytherin
>write 5 volumes on the man and his works over a lifetime
>investigate numerous artifacts from the man, disproving forgeries
>track down every written source that you can find
>dedicate an entire volume on the chamber of secrets, speculating about the location based on your knowledge of the man’s psychology
>hear that the chamber has been discovered
>when you go to hogwarts and dumbeldore tells you he’s sealed the chamber
>when dumbeldore tells you that you aren’t allowed to interview the students
>when you have to confine yourself to interviewing lockhart

>> No.23151204
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>living on minimum wage as a single mom.
I am a Jo hater, but I do that as a resident of Scotland who is unimpressed with her larp.
For all the wankery and her misguided political alignments where she aligns closer to the centre right but believes she is part of the radical left:
There was no minimum wage when she wrote or released the books. That didn't hit until New Labour (TM) and Jo was out of the trenches.
However describing Jo's worklife as the trenches is a bit rich; like her family. It's very vogue to say she lived a life of relative poverty but Jo, no hun. Jo was middle class masquerading as poor.
She was privately educated at a time before tuition fees were abolished and in an English university no less, she enjoyed stints in public service and the private sector, she even got to work abroad and married, although that fell apart since it was borne out of a short term relationship.

By the time she came to Edinburgh in late '93 she already had a bunch of work done on the novels and had the means to support herself pre-NMW off of a living wage and she was studying part time. The child came off her own volition as did the choice to study part time AGAIN while living in "relative poverty".
Now millionaire Jo (formerly billionaire) LARPs as someone vehemently interested in Scottish politics and likes to talk about her life in poverty when the life she faced for those 3 years in 'burgh were stil extremely priviledged and better than the life of any child raised reading her books under SNP rule. Even with tuition fees paid for, even with the national minimum wage. They could never measure up to her level of priviledge.

-And that is why it's so utterly sickening & offensive to see the narrative that she lived in relative poverty and all her misguided views mangled with her own inability to see where she lies on the political spectrum.
She really does embody everything wrong with Edinburgh, right down to owning a millionaire property as an Englishman.

>> No.23151215
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Hi Jo Hater. I've seen pics of JK's childhood home and shit's nothing short of a Neo-Gothic Manor. Bitch's never been poor and I've seen some talk about that popping here and there. Anyhow...
>she aligns closer to the centre right but believes she is part of the radical left
How so? Wasn't she Anti-Brexit and also pro-Abortion and pro-LGB I'd said that makes her kind of a lefty. Or do you mean Centre-Right by UK standards but that's be still pretty left of center in other countries?

>> No.23151226

I watched the third movie (or was it the forth) and it was a complete fucking nonsense.

>> No.23151236

Yeah, forgive me, her early life is so scrubbed and I just glanced at it.
The idea of a poor schmuck trying to maintain the inequality of the status quo was disjointed, when really she was always raised with a silver spoon

>> No.23151248

Not him but I don't really understand why Brexit became a partisan issue. Same with abortion. One was a valid economic decision and the other is just an ideological one. I hate the classification that all right wing conservative parties are anti abortion or anti immigration.

>> No.23151255

Did you only watch the 1 movie?

>> No.23151268

I've seen both and both are bunch of convenient non-sense and from a friend I've heard the books were actually worst.
She does strike me like the UK equivalent of a Democrat White Woman. Make of that what you will.
I think it's because, in the case of Abortion, it's Conservative Christian groups that oppose it so left-wing parties by default support it. Brexit I guess was tied to "Nationalism" and some left-wing organization oppose that.

>> No.23151279


>> No.23151291

>Wasn't she Anti-Brexit and also pro-Abortion and pro-LGB I'd said that makes her kind of a lefty. Or do you mean Centre-Right by UK standards but that's be still pretty left of center in other countries?
I meant generally, the fact you had to leave the T out of LGBT is funny enough in itself. She claims to be against bigotry but well- lol.
Being anti-brexit really doesn't mean much for someone in the UK and only means she wasn't staunchly conservative before that party had its own takeover, being pro-abortion really doesn't say anything for someones left leaning or right leaning politics.
>I'd said that makes her kind of a lefty.
It's best to look beyond labels and look at their approaches to political issues, the classic wanna buy some magic post goes into labeling things as liberal but it does it in a staunchly American manner which abuses the word and misses what liberalism is.

>Or do you mean Centre-Right by UK standards but that's be still pretty left of center in other countries?
I'd also like to say that ugh, centre right in the UK is nowhere near left of centre in other countries LMAO. One only needs to look at the makeup of the conservative party over the last 15 years to see how that change has set in and at New Labours cycling in and out through Mili > Corbyn > Starmer again.

Back to Jo. If you were to look at recent actions beyond her gender critical outings of rowling you'd get her anti-corbyn activity before the anti-semitism scandal all while describing herself as anti-bigot, a feminist and on the "left".
She's so lost in the centrist sauce that she can't see the wood for the trees; of her multi-milion pound mansion that requires road closures to maintain.
It makes sense that she hates trans people so much beyond living in an insulated circle, because the woman is a walking identity crisis.

It's fine, her past really is whitewashed to such a degree that I don't blame kids who grew up reading her books in school to take the squeaky clean single mum working class hero bit.

I've read the third & fourth books and seen the movies and ugh, those movies really try to hit some themes hard but miss the mark.
The plots are batshit and the time travel stuff is well lmao. On screen it's harder to adapt because they're boiled down to 2-3h movies so that compression really hurts.
They are written by someone who is very much making things up as she goes on, elements are introduced suddenly as narrative devices and when the time travel stuff is brought up as criticism she tried to course correct twice.

>> No.23151322

>I hate the classification that all right wing conservative parties are anti abortion or anti immigration.
Immigration on an Island like the UK is a tougher one too. 'Cause you've got some dishonesty going on because it gets votes.
The conservative party here are campaigning as being anti-immigration and they have some harder right politicians who bang that drum to rile up voters but they are ultimately pro immigration.
They want to keep wages low, they're battling inflation so they NEED immigration but they just can't say it so they come up with a 3 word slogan to keep their votership happy.

They've made repeated cuts to the home office, they miss their targets and the boats & hotels are results of those cuts, along with their backlog. They repeatedly set targets, fail to meet them and pat themselves on the back and then use the backlogs and the boats to continue to rile up the culture war targets all while green stamping applicants where they can.
It's manufactured outrage and it serves as the perfect example of your point.

>> No.23151363

>post some random off handed comment like I watched movie x it was shit
>get 3 replies within 15 mins (slow board)
>post a relevant well thought out comment about literature on /lit/
>0 replies for the next 8 hours

You people are trash.

>> No.23151374

I usually would have left your movie comment well alone but I had read the books again recently and watched the movies for a project.
It's a drive by post, maybe I'll drive by another one of your posts and completely ignore it when there's a good thread here in 3 weeks.

>> No.23151402

Okay, let me fix that... uh, I thought movie was trash, read the book, books was kiddier than I'd thought. That's my real opinion about it. It was the second one so it's the one OP posted. I also think OP is seeing too much into this, those Jungian readings say more about you than about the author, guess that take is more /lit/-oriented.
I know she's sent money to Planned Parenthood International, right after she had a Trump related meltdown on Twitter, that's enough for me to dislike her. I already didn't like nor the books nor the movies and thought the retcons like making what's his name and some other character gay were for dumb and for PC reasons, instead of looking up to an straight white man they were actually looking up to a gay man all along! Fuck this franchise, I'm glad the spin-off films lost money to the studio, I hope the reboot is a shit show and manages to piss off all sides.

>> No.23151407

Shitty retards will engage in movie discussions until thread hits 500 replies but an actual literature thread hardly ever goes past 50 replies.

>> No.23151589

>She does strike me like the UK equivalent of a Democrat White Woman. Make of that what you will.
All wealthy liberals indulge in what's called
>meant generally, the fact you had to leave the T out of LGBT is funny enough in itself. She claims to be against bigotry but well- lol.
Nothing bigoted when being against mentally ill groomers dressing up everyday like it's Halloween.

>> No.23151691

>also think OP is seeing too much into this, those Jungian readings say more about you than about the author, guess that take
I'm actually just parroting some other take but thought it would generate discussion.

>> No.23151734

Why is everyone talking about her politics all of a sudden? I swear that's the only thing you tards talk about.

>> No.23151745

Once you realize that no one here reads it all starts to make sense

>> No.23152416

That copypasta is such a steaming pile of horseshit, probably written by some wignat retard who only ever watched the movies. I started writing a list of all the ways in which that copypasta's interpretation of the text is demonstrably wrong, but i've stopped bc nobody's going to read this shit anyway lol

>> No.23152857

i will read it. hell, i will even screencap it and post it on reddit

>> No.23152869

It really is a rip of Earthsea.

>> No.23152870

Women, especially leftists, treat social policy like their personal shoe closet - any permutation of racial diversity and sexual deviancy is just another accessory to wear for the benefit of their own personal attention and status. It doesn’t matter how toxic it is for everyone else because that toxicity only feeds their drama addiction.

>> No.23152872

He is so right about liberals are you stupid?

>> No.23153101

Go on, we'd love to hear you debunk it

>> No.23153108

It's obviously written by a Marxist you spastic.

>> No.23153434
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It's a knock-off of The Worst Witch, that one is way more of a one to one paralell, Earthsea is just not the same type of fantasy.

>> No.23153454

This. It was also a tedious and pointless chore to read. It's funny how Marxists think they're so principled and brave when they bend the knee to "liberals" on all the social justice stuff.

>> No.23155073

Just looked into this. Outlandish

>> No.23155283
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>>23153108 >>23153454
>It's obviously written by a Marxist you spastic
you know, i'd honestly never considered that, because the only instances in which i've ever seen it posted have been in HP threads on /tv/ where poltard anons have used it to argue that Rowling's ideas throughout the series could never be based or redpilled. Its probably due to its unbearable tediousness & pointlessness that, I must confess, i've only ever skimmed it in my half dozen or so previous encounters & thus missed the finer points of the text implying that it was written by a marxist/radical leftist
Absolutely, but i dont think those criticisms reasonably apply to HP
>>23153101 >>23152857
despite its superficial trappings of being liberal, progressive, & anti-racist, HP is actually a deeply race-realist text, the main overarching message of which is that hierarchies, borders, & boundaries exist for a reason, between life & death, different species, different worlds, etc. & that those who attempt to subvert or destroy such natural hierarchies, borders, & boundaries, between the magical and non-magical worlds, different species, life & death, etc. are transgressing against natural law & do so at their own peril & the peril of their offspring. The central thematic crux of the stort is, imo, something like karmic debt & how it relates to the life cycle of both individual people & civilization as a whole: throughout the series, the central characters pay for the sins & weaknesses of their elders or are blessed & protected by their sacrifices. The marxist author of that dogshit copypasta accuses the protagonists of being mindless enforcers of the status quo & establishment ,strategically ignoring how a substantial segment of the latter half of the series is that the status quo/establishment inevitably become corrupted & totalitarian in response to crises they cannot handle, & must necessarily be confronted & dismantled. Also, Voldemort does not "cling to an idyllic imagining of the past", he fucking hates his past & wants to eradicate it by ripping apart all limits imposed on the world by natural law & becoming an all-powerful immortal god of death that exists beyond civilization, the human family, all organic life, etc. Marxist leftoid assholes & neoliberal globalist fucks have infinitely more in common with voldemort than almost any other character in the series

>> No.23155317
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Also, voldemort doesnt "accidentally kill himself because some obscure technicality that causes one of his spells to bounce back at him", he dies because he thinks that being able to dispense destruction with impunity makes him a master of death, & that violence/force could never backfire upon him

>> No.23155620

The symbology is purely anthithetical. To the young curious mind, the concepts presented are dismissed almost as instantly as they are learned. To devour knowledge in a way is to disregard it with the same manner. Regardless of the authors intention or likewise the thread turned theme which has argued politics and content creator. None of it would matter, not a single word of it. If each of you, every single one of you did not enjoy it. For what it was, an extension of your own psyche. Equally represented were your hopes and dreams. You cheered and cried internally at the appropriate times. You argue over it even now that you swear mentally you have outgrown it. Too mature to enjoy a mundane representation of childlike wonder and fantasy. Yet hear you are, each with your own interpretive bias slung about like a monkey on your back. Did most, if any of you know jungian principles back then? Doubtedly. Did you even care about the inner monologue developing in your own mind as you fed it more and more with the pretense of learning or even dare I say it, fun. It isn't Earthsea. It certainly is more akin to the worst witch. Regardless of her upbringing look what happened? Do any of you argue for or against Beatrix Potter? J.k rowlings life is not over and she certainly has enough money to effect change. But its divise arguments wirh the contextual end that bring about mote arguments and divisive thinking. Step down from the soapbox and pull up your blankey's and cocoa. Each of us was spoiled and we thanked the idea of it then and parts of us thank it even now. Make of it what you eill but stop besmirching the ideaology of one now when yours could just as easily be dissuaded by a logical argument. Moreso in fact being dependant on the standpoint taken.

>> No.23155649
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>None of it would matter, not a single word of it. If each of you, every single one of you did not enjoy it. For what it was, an extension of your own psyche. Equally represented were your hopes and dreams.
I vaguely imply this in my posts here >>23155317 >>23155283; the books sold like a hundred billion copies & inspired a bunch of million dollar movies & became a sustained global literary phenomenon because, in my view, they speak to something about the human condition & the nature of human societies approaching universal & essential, & they do so while running almost completely counter to rowlings personal politics; not many years ago, i was very surprised to read a relatively detailed summary of her life & views & learn that she's been a lifelong 2nd wave radical feminist, limousine liberal/champagne socialist type; i never would have suspected such a race realist, natalist, pro-civilization text to have produced by someone with views like hers. its as if the story was too powerful for her to resist, & it merely used her as a conduit in order to manifest itself into the world regardless of her personal biases & opinions

>> No.23155727

I don't understand what there is to analyse about her politics. She's a centrist liberal whose views haven't changed since 2000, hence why some of her views looks reactionary to contemporary liberal politics, but others still perfectly align with centrist liberalism like hating Brexit and Trump.