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23146240 No.23146240 [Reply] [Original]

>reading scifi story set in the future
>everyone uses xe/xim/xer pronouns
suspension of disbelief ruined

>> No.23146262

The city of Neo-San Francisco shimmered neon, a vibrant tapestry of xe/xim/xer pronouns and dazzling energy displays. Everywhere signs and displays buzzed – "We proudly serve all genders!" or "SRS Blowout – Get 20% off!"

At the heart of the city thrummed the mysterious Faggot Core, a colossal machine shrouded in swirling techno-mist. It pulsed with every rainbow flag fluttering in the breeze, with every whispered "I love you" shared between same-sex couples. You see, in Neo-San Francisco, a well-kept secret fueled their entire civilization: the power of faggotry, specifically, the vibrant, boundless faggotry that flowed between LGBTQ+ individuals.

Our protagonist, OP, was an absolute powerhouse. A flamboyant autist with a penchant for glitter and outrageous outfits, OP exuded an infectious faggotry that could light up a city block. Little did OP know, xir very existence was the key to the Faggot Core's very efficiency. Xir giddy laughter, xir passionate debates about diaperfur commissions with xir girlfriend (male), the Twitch streamer Lexi (average viewer count: 2), supplied the bulk of the Faggot Core's flow of pure, rainbow-hued energy.

One day, a visiting dignitary from a more… conventional society, arrived in Neo-San Francisco. Xe (yes, even the uptight dignitary used xe/xim/xer pronouns as a matter of courtesy) was bewildered by the city's boundless energy. "Where," xe demanded, frowning at the dazzling display, "does all this power come from?" The Mayor, a flamboyant drag queen named Mx. Sparkles, winked at the dignitary. "Oh, honey," xe purred, "it's all thanks to the love that flows freely here."

The dignitary scoffed. "Unconventional love? Preposterous! Such things are chaotic, unstable!"

Mx. Sparkles simply smiled. "Unstable? Au contraire! It's the very chaos, the vibrancy, the refusal to be confined by outdated norms that fuels our city! We call it 'The Rainbow Current.'"

That night, during a Pride parade pulsating with music and joy, the dignitary witnessed something extraordinary. OP, on a parade float, danced with such unrestrained passion that the Faggot Core pulsed with rainbow light brighter than ever before. The dignitary gasped.

The next day, as xe prepared to leave, xe approached Mx. Sparkles, a hint of grudging respect in xir voice. "This 'Rainbow Current' of yours," xe conceded, "it is… something to behold."

Mx. Sparkles grinned. "See? Maybe a little unconventionality is all it takes to light up the world!"

So, the next time you feel that spark of love for someone special, remember, you might just be contributing to the power grid of a future faggot utopia. Shine on, fellow rainbows!

>> No.23146296

>person posting on a lit board can't imagine language changing over time
another dumb prescriptivist filtered

>> No.23146301

would you grow a vagina and womb if science could offer you the possibility for self insemination

>> No.23146324

If science gave us the ability to change our gender and physical form to become more like a woman, I would assume that it could do the opposite as well, so I would do everything in my power to become as unlike a woman as possible.

>> No.23146329
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>> No.23146344
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it's probably gonna change toward pic rel after WW3

>> No.23146355

Unfathomably based.

>> No.23146406

I wish I can write prose like this on the fly just as fast
you probably AI'd this but still

>> No.23146442

Every scifi novel written before like 1980 has characters in space ships smoking Pall Malls and reading the NYT

Any attempt to imagine the future is going to be passed through the fucking meat grinder of contemporary biases

>> No.23146446

Man, I don't remember this part of The Left Hand of Darkness

>> No.23147079

Tranny pronouns aren't even popular now, they're a forced meme.

>> No.23147705


>> No.23147720

Can't wait to read this, I hope ww3 doesn't happen anytime soon. I still got more books to read!!!

>> No.23147744

>Little did OP know, xir ***very*** existence was the key to the Faggot Core's ***very*** efficiency
Oh no no no

>> No.23148060

I would become a writhing mass of snow-white tendrils, claws, and teeth that moves far too quickly for something so terrible

>> No.23148260

Kek, loved it.
>girlfriend (male)
Never not funny

>> No.23148287

top kek ahaha

>> No.23149558
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>wake up
>go to work at HR's R Us WageCages 4U
>everyone and their dog (who white women fuck) are using pronouns
>they dont even wash they/them ass
>their thussy stinks
>big buttmad upset
>divested in the narrative
>pretending this isnt happening right now
Beliefs suspended alright