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/lit/ - Literature

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23146111 No.23146111 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23142312

>> No.23146118
File: 530 KB, 480x852, 1697997128694094.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it. Took me long enough

>> No.23146126

When I meet a new girl I just want to shout in her face, "SO ARE YOU A SLUT OR NOT, JUST TELL ME IMMEDIATELY AND DON'T WASTE MY TIME". Would make things so much easier.

>> No.23146133

This but I wish people had their IQ scores floating over their heads. Would make things so much easier.

>> No.23146141

Not for nothing, but most sluts outwardly present as such. Women are attention panels, they are powered by vision.

>> No.23146148

Death! Death!

>> No.23146153
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Had too much to drink again
gonna regret this tomorrow morning

>> No.23146183
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>> No.23146247

Hopefully this week I'll get more answers. Being up in the air like this is very irritating.

>> No.23146261

Bro Hymn and Rock and Roll Part 2 are the greatest goal songs. It’s a shame Glitter can no longer be played in stadiums because he was such a degenerate pedo in multiple countries

>> No.23146271

>you will never be back in middle school, eating lunch in a corner of the classroom while your classmates molest a girl
Those were simpler times...

>> No.23146282
File: 83 KB, 1152x720, wojakwindow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arranged marriage, on its face, would solve a lot of America's problems, for both men and women. But if free (unarranged) marriage was still legal, it wouldn't be effective due to envy, lust, and the desire for narcissistic differentiation in selection of mates. For example, does a lonely, unattractive man hold out for the slim chance of marrying an attractive, young woman, or does he submit for an arranged marriage? There are reasons for him to regret either decision. So, the only way arranged marriage can work is if it's the only type of marriage allowed. Before I adopt support of forced arranged marriage, however, the interim period of existing free marriages must be addressed. These existing free marriages are all but guaranteed to cause dangerous amounts of envy and bitterness that result in depression, divorce, and in the worst cases suicide or murder by one partner. Therefore I propose first an annulment of all existing free marriages, followed by an optional, but guaranteed, redistribution by random selection (details of this random selection process need to be worked out). This obliteration of all free marriages provides a workable foundation for mandatory arranged marriages that minimizes the pernicious effects of narcissism and envy.

>> No.23146293

I wouldn't want an arranged marriage. I don't want to be forced to marry one of the awful women here. American women are just fucked in the head. Entitled, mentally ill, contribute nothing except maybe money, close minded, generally dumb

>> No.23146295

Arranged marriage sounds good if you're unable to land anyone. But I can't imagine being stuck with an annoying bitch for a wife.

>> No.23146300

I'm a virgin who can't land anyone and I still wouldn't take it unless it was just absurdly male biased with me being able to say no at any time and reroll.
Everyone here is fucking fat and insane and ugly and useless and greedy.

>> No.23146326

I imagine finding a woman in the U.S who is not
>on SSRI
>already has a child
>super annoying
Is going to be hard.

>> No.23146337

I met a woman who was 11 years old. She was very short and stupid compared to other women.

>> No.23146380
File: 948 KB, 500x246, dc9a0dab94da831acc33ce708ec0f098b0df5834_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pursuit of knowledge has done nothing but isolate me. I'm not even smart. I'm a pseudo at best, but I feel such a gulf between me and normies that I cannot connect in any genuine way.

>> No.23146395

pow pow parawoow pararara pa pa para pa pow pa pow
Guess the song

>> No.23146405

What movie/show is this?

>> No.23146408

Stop being a coomer

>> No.23146409

true detective season 1

>> No.23146415

pretty sure that guy is the opposite of that

>> No.23146418

The Western white man of the year 2024 must be anti-capitalist without being socialist.

>> No.23146430

I'm a socialist because I'm just here for the violence. Even in their shit modern incarnation socialist people are still actually violent. I haven't read a page of socialism or communism or whatever my entire life

>> No.23146441


>> No.23146448

Of all the things that the person would be interested in and have on his mind, he could not with anything else but some muh GIRL nonsense to post on /lit/.
He is definitely a coomer.

>> No.23146454

Oh you're just mentally ill

>> No.23146461

How so?

>> No.23146467

>but I feel such a gulf between me and normies that I cannot connect in any genuine way.
Feel this. I cannot seem to connect with then either because it seems they're just too programed even with this one dude who pretends to know it all he seems to be another NPC with limited thinking and low effort reasoning.

>> No.23146473

Western white man here, just going to manchild my way to my 60's then kill myself.

>> No.23146485

>don't come to /lit/ for a few weeks
>feel markedly better and spend my time on stuff that I actually care about
>come back today because I'm bored
>it's the same old bullshit as usual
I think the internet is losing its grip on me. Deleted my twitter a while ago, can't stand it here any more, the few forums that I still frequent have become slow and repetitive. In some ways it's a shame because I really like being online. But there's nothing here anymore.

>> No.23146498

Did you start writing?

>> No.23146499

I seriously can't imagine living after 50. The old men I know are basically living dead. A man in his 70s living alone with nothing but conservative news eating just Ramen canned beans and crackers every day.
I don't get why when we're young we are taught to always think about longevity and long term plans. Look at what a long life gets you vs a short one.

>> No.23146505

> Look at what a long life gets you vs a short one
Like what?

>> No.23146513


>> No.23146520

Dilate subhuman antinatalist nihilist.

>> No.23146528


>> No.23146543

I can't relate to anyone on the internet either. Everywhere I go its like they're aliens. I'm in my mid 20s but I've always been disconnected from pop culture. I spend a lot of time outside in silence. I went the past year without any computer or internet at all. But living now kind of demands it.
And people in real life aren't an alternative either. Everyone just seems so messed up and they talk about all this stuff I don't care about.

>> No.23146571

Writing isn't really an ambition of mine. I've been reading more than I usually do, repaired a guitar that has needed it for a long time, have been working on various unfinished art projects. It's almost spring so soon I'll have work to do in the garden as well. But anyway I'm not going to get sucked back in, have a good day anon

>> No.23146652

So many people claim to have met God, or to have lived extremely strong experiences of faith where they felt God.

I seek that interaction with God, why am I being denied?

>> No.23146670

>why am I being denied?
me too. God hate us.

>> No.23146673

God created all those crazy planets out there. Is it for us to explore?

>> No.23146687

God doesn't exist. But you don't need him either. The idea of God itself is enough.

That's me, I feel. I'm spent my 20s on the Internet and cannot relate to anyone. I'm not a gamer, not a nerd, not a geek, not a coomer, not one of those schizos who go on about the Jews or other politics, not a SJW, none of these popular internet subcultures.

>> No.23146693

>That's me, I feel. I'm spent my 20s on the Internet and cannot relate to anyone.

Didn't you relate to someone in this very sentence?

>> No.23146699

have sex but like, unironically

>> No.23146717

I got drunk last night and the medication I'm on makes me black out if I drink and I joined voice chat on this discord I've been in for a year but never joined voice and I don't remember anything beyond joining vc and I hate myself and want to die.

>> No.23146742

Don't mix medicine and alcohol. Or better yet, don't drink. Alcohol is a poison that puts you in dopamine debt for days.

>> No.23146779

I don't think I'll ever understand, be comfortable with, or function at all in regards to sex stuff.

>> No.23146795
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No matter how virtuous you are you’ll still be rebuked and vacillate uncontrollably in other people’s esteem.

No matter how good you are you’ll still get snubbed and bump up against other people’s ingratitude.

So do good not for any need of reciprocation, reward, or prestige, but for the love of goodness itself.

The reward is that you get to be the kind of person you’re glad exists in an otherwise mean and unforgiving world.

This is true freedom.

>> No.23146817

Atheists keep saying they want to kill themselves.

>> No.23146823

I'm not atheist

>> No.23146830

And they should do it too. If gods not real kill yourself and prove it to us.

I ain’t stopping you. In fact, I am encouraging you.

>> No.23146855
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1. You know things but you don't understand for understanding comes from not reading and researching but pondering and processing information and thoughts; understanding should be step 2 after learning new topics and knowledge
2. Do not confuse wisdom for intelligence, a lot of smart people on /sci/ and /lit/ for what we know might be world experts in their respective fields but couldn't cook a fucking soft egg and vice versa, you could go to /b/ of all places and by some miracle meet an anon who will give you the most concise and comprehensive life advice that will rotate your life upside down.

>> No.23146945
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I've finally been clearing out all the various retardations from my brain, learning to basically function as a human being and persist at my efforts.

Yet one of those little fucking idiotic feelings still keeps my brain spinning. I can't free myself from this notion that writing, while something I've received some praise for in the past, is more intrinsically worthless than efforts like drawing, animation, or game-development which require far more study to even begin to engage in successfully at all.

I'm well aware of how fucking awful most writers are, but that's true of every field, and what I actually mean is a mix of the notions that it seems hard to make a living off writing and that the prerequisite work needed to even begin writing is so much less than a lot of other creative tasks, so I'm paranoid that just pursuing writing primarily would be lazier and more foolish. In fact, I've actually been studying game development with the godot engine in hopes of getting enough cash and at least any public reach beyond my friend circles, so that I might then within another game push out a more niche and schizophrenic story which I've been slowly chipping away at without it likely being totally ignored.

Written stories, for all my love of them, seem liable to be easily ignored or plagiarized, hard to profit from, and harder to get initial awareness/momentum than something like a game which can potentially advertise itself by being given away for free to streamers, reviewers, etc. or getting a public beta.

I'm not sure what I want from posting here. Hopefully insights and insults (who am i kidding, definitely mostly insults) will orient me better to if I'm missing something obvious or if I'm just some autist babbling about that which I don't understand.

>Do not confuse wisdom for intelligence
What perfect and concise advice. My further thoughts: Wisdom without intelligence is inapplicable and useless. Intelligence without wisdom is aimless and ill-applied.

As for isolation itself, ask yourself how a talented scientist or expert in any field might feel surrounded by the "average" person. I'll take your word on you being a pseud, but consider regardless that that gulf is likely very real. What you need are friends with similar interests. If you truly pursued knowledge as opposed to the appearance of it, there's surely specific fields of study or expertise in which you can find tolerable (or gasp, enjoyable) friends.

Conclusion: Your writing style speaks to depression and pity-seeking, not a desire to improve yourself.

>> No.23146967

why do vtubers do that mm mm mm thing? is that from anime?

>> No.23146985

Seek out people with like interests, you are bound to find either a girlfriend, a friend to talk to, or both. My best friend is my best partner for conversations and we talk frequently and get the opportunity to go retard over our interests for hours. Without that place to vent out your accrued knowledge it becomes a burden, much too heavy, and can break your back.

>> No.23146992

Embrace being totally alone and see if you become a beast or a god

>> No.23147007 [DELETED] 
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Not even Lamia would try to seduce me to eat me. I'm so pathetic.

>> No.23147020

I appreciate the bluntness, anons.

>> No.23147053

I read your post and I didn't feel any passion or talent from it desu
Have you ever written anything? Can you post it?

>> No.23147102

It's 74F outside, unseasonably warm for around here, on decadal timescales. Had a pretty good time of it sprucing up indoor and outdoor garden areas while it lasts. The iris rhizomes look fat just above the soil surface their huge grassy blades are starting to rise from, there are already a few daffodil buds yellow as dandelions, and a preposterous quantity of pansies and violas, in planters no less, that survived two weeks of -10F, like alpine species with the natural equivalent of Dex-Cool in their tissues do. I wonder what Shakespeare would make of the room I'm posting from now, the weird perfection of rather a lot of the manufactured objects and surfaces in it, the whitely diffuse, blandly narcotic lighting. There's turkey buzzards winding under the alto-strato-cumulus cirrrus in my window, and I'm quite happy to be here, free to sleep and wake with the slightest movement of the will.

>> No.23147143

Maybe a weird question, but do you guys believe that some people are more easy to influence than others?

I feel the average person is extremely easy to influence, not just politically, but overall -- with their romantic tastes, sexual tastes, opinions on art, etc. If you place the average person into a new environment, their entire self will slowly evolve to fit that environment (like college). But my tastes, my beliefs, my likes, are all fixed in stone. And no matter how inconvenient they are, and how poorly they match with the rest of society, they really just cannot budge, they've always been the same.

>> No.23147154

I have no passions or talents and I can't find anything to do. God fucking damn it.

>> No.23147167

post a pic
I have some passions and some talents and yet i cant bring myself to do them
captcha : YG0DS

>> No.23147182

Surely there is something you like or are interested in?

>> No.23147200

This but with yellow stars on jews

>> No.23147201

Your passion could be literature seeing as you are on a literature board.

>> No.23147204
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I cant into research questions

>> No.23147236


What would you do if you dicouvered that you have literary a kind of anime face.
So, great check area, smaller face and compared small chin?

>> No.23147237

I'm sorry.
Sadly no its just something I do to burn time.

>> No.23147250

passion roots from your childhood. If you had too good or too bad childhood you will not have much of a passion for you were either too pampered and spoiled to care or too neglected and abused to be given opportunity to care. You still might have passion despite that but it will be severly diminished to what it could have been.
The caveat is that your children won't neccessearly share your affliction, and if you are lucky they might be passionate about things you wish you were; and hopefully more than you.

>> No.23147252

I will not stop hating women and I will not be having sex.

>> No.23147258

You might be right. You describe me well. Everything I do has a dimness to it that people without a similar past do not perceive. I think I might just be cut off from humanity in that way. I know my lack of certain interests has disturbed people (music, movies, games, anime)

>> No.23147269

...perhaps use gpt to translate and try again

i have a friend like you; if what you're describing is what im thinking, anyway--
his tastes remained so narrow for so long that he's talking to a therapist because he can't branch out or evolve at all (making dating, etc. very difficult)
we've been recommending books, music, hobby ideas, etc. for decades, but he is like... violently resistant to anything that isnt already in his comfort zone

ok maybe that wasnt what you were talking about

>> No.23147286

So what? Read more, develop a passion for it. Discuss in /lit/ threads as there are often many good ones. Find your place in the world man, the defeatist attitude never helped anyone. Go to the gym. Develop a passion for lifting, if for no other reason but to "burn time." Do something.

>> No.23147295

Yes. The average person is entirely dependent on the community for their beliefs and behaviors, and a minority (such as you or I) can only assume a persona while remaining indifferent to the views of the community.
However, if you find yourself trying to fit in with 4chan schizos then you're just like a normie; all you have is a different community. If you were socialized into a new community, you would begin feeling so much shame and discomfort for believing things that would hurt the people that now give you love and acceptance that your views would mellow out.

But to get back to the point, this is a schizoid trait.

>> No.23147300

What would you do if you found out you literally have an "anime face"?
With high and wide cheeks, then narrowing down to a comparebly small chin?"

>> No.23147301

I dont like it sorry

>> No.23147303

From fashion victims to people caught up in cults, the one thing they care too much about is opinion. For instance, this astonishing performance. It's one of the best of it ever recorded, but going by the view numbers, underrated almost beyond belief. Since 1985 I've listened to it about 200 times, and am not the slightest bit tired of it.


>> No.23147307

Do something.

>> No.23147312

I have saved so many images and screenshots, across multiple devices and filesystems, that it would be a tremendous undertaking to properly organize and curate them, and this causes me some anxiety. The only hope is that a sufficiently advanced AI could do it for me.

>> No.23147322
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, o542ou840zm61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth asking out a girl if she's probably out of your league? She's incredibly cute, but I'm average-looking at best. She obviously doesn't find me a creep, since we talk in class quite frequently and she's started the conversation on several occasions, but something tells me that she's way out of my league. I imagine a good opportunity to ask her out will surface in a week or two, but being the incel khv that I am, I am filled with self-doubt.

>> No.23147331


>> No.23147332

I'm just sending my blogpost into the void. /adv/ is shit. Advice is appreciated, but I'm just blogposting.

>> No.23147334


>> No.23147337

Did I say you can reply to me?

>> No.23147339

Or won't?

>> No.23147344

If you have some interesting things to say then you are welcome to post it here.

>> No.23147345

You can make a Big Mac almost palatable by removing the worthless middle piece of bread.

>> No.23147349

Both/ either

>> No.23147350

Can't. I do plenty nothing worked

>> No.23147355

>out of your league
lamest excuse ever. vast majority of women don't give a fuck and the ones that are status-chasers and gold-diggers are already taken by chads anyways

>> No.23147357

are you asian? that's normal enough. my friend's head is almost like a sphere, lol. but he still looks fine, and has a cute gf
he does grow some facial hair though. not a beard but other styles

>> No.23147359

She’s out of your league - in your opinion - lookswise? Or in other ways as well like socially, class wise?

I would continue to build up familiarity but not put much pressure or expectation on this going anywhere

Honestly if you make her laugh and she feels comfortable around you then you can score desu

>> No.23147362

do you have normie social media? one glance at her snapchat or instagram should answer your question

>> No.23147367

Just keep doing something, it has to click eventually. Though you'll have to relinquish the defeatism, fren.

>> No.23147369

For less than the cost of a Big Mac, fries and a Coke, you can buy a loaf of fresh bread and some good cheese or roast beef, which you will enjoy much more.

>> No.23147372

I hate finishing a good book because I know I might not come across one again for a bit…

Any movies that are better in your opinion then a book?

>> No.23147379

No. Not one. The worst books I've read are better than the best movies. I have literally no interest in reading movies or watching TV at all.

>> No.23147387

My university is hosting a panel discussing banned books. This week's discussion? The Handmaiden's Tale.

>> No.23147393

Brought my puppy with me to CVS. Usually women piss themselves with excitement when they see my puppy. But the cute girl selling me my psuedofed was not impresses. Barely a glance at the dog, not even a smile and certainly no comment.
So she was definitely into me and trying to play it cool right?

>> No.23147397

>So she was definitely into me and trying to play it cool right?
Yeah sure...

>> No.23147401

There must be about 10M images on my hard drives, but to honest, maintain archives mostly out of habit, and really don't care. I did it mostly for the illusion that I would live, if not forever, but for at least geological time. One thing I'd like AI to do for me is answer such questions as which movie Alan Rickman was a wealthy megatrend investor, with a wife that that was sleeping with her own brother, or two certain tunes i can hum but not find anywhere following algorithims in its general direction.

>> No.23147408

The days are about to get longer and warmer;
I’m drinking less and moving more;
Im still getting sucked into social media but find myself engaged in my other activities;
I have a tentative five year plan to become a nurse so that I can eventually be financially independent/self reliant while doing something somewhat “meaningful”
One day at a time

>> No.23147410 [DELETED] 

Black people are doing crime again. Check the news!

>> No.23147412

The YouTube comments auto filter is so stringent that my post containing the term "dirty blonde" was deleted.

>> No.23147416

Okay gonna hang around until her shift ends see which car is hers, make note of her license plate and follow her home. Then I'll knock on her window at 1am with flowers I picked from her yard.

>> No.23147419

What is even the point of youtube comments

>> No.23147428

Hmm what’s the worst book you’ve read in full

>> No.23147446

Colin Wilson's The Mind Parasites.

>> No.23147447

> are you asian?
Europe. Ancesters never leave the continent.

> that's normal enough. my friend's head is almost like a sphere, lol. but he still looks fine, and has a cute gf

Friend as in good friend or?

>> No.23147449
File: 121 KB, 308x308, jumping-monkey-hat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't feel any passion or talent from it desu
Passion: Indeed, I've been dispassionate and growing moreso, it's why it's on my mind. I'm realizing how much work remains ahead of me if I keep pursuing my current strategy, even though I vaguely think it will eventually pay off.
Talent: Is there talent or much to be analyzed in what you just wrote? :^) Just a funny thing to bring up about a relatively to-the-point anonymous post.

>Have you ever written anything?
>Can you post it?
I won't promise that I will, but are there particular threads best suited to it? I'm was never much of a /lit/ dweller, especially not for the past few years for many reasons.
(Though what was the name of that one guy who made awesome schizo shitpost vids? Quent? The Book Club? something like that. Is he still around?)

Schizo addition:
This does also relate to what my brain's been buzzing about overall. I'm wondering if it's all that wise to pursue writing at all if identical quality work on game development might yield me better rewards and get My Vision™ out there better. What I want to write about is fundamentally a warning about the future, so it is the sort of thing I'm paralyzed about if i want to get it out sooner and to fewer people in writing, likely with more risk of it just getting ignored or bastardized, when the alternative of a game project is taking much longer but has better odds of reaching more people and being understood by them subconsciously.

I feel like that's not actually sound logic, yet I can't shake it as a concern.

>> No.23147453

Es wird viel gelogen.

>> No.23147454

Scratch that, I just remembered that I read "The Life of Pi"

>> No.23147462

That's one of my favorite books of all time. It's pure schlock and is basically a combination of Gurdjieff, Lovecraft, and the Hardy Boys. The Philosopher's Stone is just as good and is arguably the same book retold. Never got around to the Space Vampires.

>> No.23147470

I hate dating apps so much bros, whoever lied to me and said they were better then irl is fucking retarded. women can't ghost you irl

>> No.23147471

The first half was really interesting, but I was severely disappointed the closer I got to the ending.

>> No.23147475

Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all

>> No.23147477

>Passion: Indeed, I've been dispassionate and growing moreso, it's why it's on my mind.
It doesn't work like that. You either have passion or you don't. I sense none in your posts.

>Is there talent or much to be analyzed in what you just wrote? :^) Just a funny thing to bring up about a relatively to-the-point anonymous post.
What you wrote, your sentences have no flow, they are halting and are tedious to read.
Not sure how passionate you are about game development but literary career is just not for you.

>> No.23147486

this is how ive felt ever since i dropped acid

(i hate being human, i just wish i was bear.)

>> No.23147488

Lowtiergod had some choice words for you.

Just remember, it's not easy improving things from a low place, and it IS easy to get stuck in a slump. One of the most important aspects of having friends or at least contacts isn't really that you can't be functional without them, but that they can push you to do more when you otherwise feel demoralized or disinterested. If you lack them, it is of utmost importance to at least find something else that can truly keep a burning passionate motivation going.

Fascinating subject to think about because I think it goes the other way around. A truly terrible book is pretty hard to salvage outside of excerpts that might be funny, but most movies tend to be filmed ENTIRELY as a series of many short "excerpts" (Many shots forming many scenes forming one whole), so it has way more distinct chances of doing something interesting on accident.

A Clockwork Orange and 2001 come to mind for me, personally. Kubrick seems to have had a knack for taking books that have a high concept and examining or elevating it further, while being able to sidestep little flaws you get from the authors' quirks or verbosity etc.

>> No.23147489

Who the holy fuck said that they were better than irl? They're worse in every way, who would EVER say that? Women are by default in a mode of evaluating you purely in terms of facial attraction, height, and whether you match some kind of archetypal high value male persona. A woman on a dating app is in the same mode as a man looking for porn, he's not in mindset to settle for anything, he's shopping for girls he could never get in reality. Climbing uphill against this is nightmarish.

Whoever said that was either a woman or a top 20% man who has a woman's experience on the apps.

>> No.23147493

ok no one said they were better but most couples meet each other on it these days. i might add i am also a female who looked for other females but im not so

>> No.23147499

---- Solaria ----

Silver maples are my favorite,
Blooming apples second, mulberries third, oaks fourth,

Magnolia next, cottonwood a more than
Solid sixth, maybe second.

At least I'll never be brained by a coconut.

>> No.23147501

Strawberry tree is my favorite.

>> No.23147502

You are climbing uphill against this whether you choose to use the apps or not, for the simple reason that all women have the option to use them.

>> No.23147506

>Girl finds out I read
>Instantly ghosts me, like not even a moment to spare
Why? I didn't even say what books or anything

>> No.23147507

Jump off a building. Jump off a bridge. Jump off a highway overpass. Jump into a deep lake holding a cinder block. Jump into an industrial meat grinder. Jump into a wood chipper. Jump on a grenade. Jump into a bonfire. Jump into a garbage compactor. Jump into the ocean and let the boat leave you. Jump into the snow naked in the middle of nowhere during a blizzard. Jump off a cliff. Jump into an active nuclear reactor. Jump into a vat of acid. Jump into the sun.

>> No.23147509

To write whats on your mind

>> No.23147510

reading is a male manipulator trait. i bet you listen to the smiths too

>> No.23147511

Am I the only one

>> No.23147514

yes, you are and always will be

>> No.23147517

women love being manipulated

>> No.23147520

yeah, but not by you

>> No.23147526
File: 58 KB, 750x534, Its_all_so_tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facial attraction
>archetypal high value male
>A woman
>a woman
>top 20% man

>> No.23147528

You don’t “read” a movie, you “watch” them

>> No.23147529

Never heard of it. There are a quite a few species intermediate between shrubs and trees where I've lived, some of them rare anywhere else.

>> No.23147531

>Jump into an active nuclear reactor
You can't do that!!!

You don't... like, watch youtube videos about books? That's kinda creepy...

Why do so many of you guys care so much about women? Just jerk off into a book, ez. Or if you like writing I guess you stick a pen in there.


>> No.23147534

>Why do so many of you guys care so much about women? Just jerk off into a book, ez. Or if you like writing I guess you stick a pen in there.
cuz being a virgin is gey

>> No.23147535

I can’t find anyone like that.

>> No.23147540

>doesn't use subtitles

>> No.23147544

I've made up some story in my mind, i've been building this story up for the past month.

It takes place in Toronto in the mid 90s (around 94') and it's about a stand-up comedian/pickup artist who scams helpless lonely young men with his misogynistic live performances and his late night radio broadcasts. He feels guilt over time because of his scheming but copes by indulging in drugs and sex with numerous women to keep his mind occupied.

He then becomes tricked into becoming friends with a lonely married man who sent a letter for him to read on his radio broadcast talking about how him and his wife have no chemistry and that he constantly thinks of killing himself. The man was really a prop used by his feminist wife who dislikes his persona and wants his stand-up career destroyed.

The artist has a backup robin-like partner who was a former whore at a whorehouse. She has gotten rid of her old whore ways and appears alongside the artist on stage to speak to the audience of men about the personal lives true intentions of "prostitutes and hookers" degtading them and making them out to be scheming vermin who prey on lonely men. This lady alongside a hitman and the artist end up getting entangled in a murder plot by the end of the story.

>> No.23147545

>You either have passion or you don't.
lol. new drinking game: pick an author and take a drink if they've ever been dispassionate or depressive in their life.

>> No.23147547

>Why do so many of you guys care so much about women? Just jerk off into a book, ez. Or if you like writing I guess you stick a pen in there.
Probably 80% of /lit/ posts are some form of coomer garbage. /lit/ is literally a /b/ tier shithole. It's so sad and disappointing

>> No.23147549

yes this was obviously influenced by Nathanael's miss lonely hearts

>> No.23147552

ok... and how does the protagonist level up?

>> No.23147553

that sounds like just every board. see /v/ for actual hell there man.

>> No.23147558

You don't even know what it means to have passion.

>> No.23147559

i am not gay but the idea of sexually dominating another man is sexually exciting to me.

>> No.23147563


i am somewhat serious. what's your elevator pitch?

>> No.23147564


>> No.23147567

>level up
i don't get it. He already knows the truth from the start and the damage his actions has caused on the lives of all the young men and he is haunted by that guilt but he copes with cocaine and having lots of sex and getting himself involved in useless romantic relationships to keep his mind busy.

>> No.23147573

gives slight "in the company of men" vibes?? Is it a psychological thriller or??

>> No.23147580

i haven't come up with one yet unforunately.

>> No.23147581

are you a published author? i don't know if you can debut with nihilistic litfic without a good dose of nepotism/trust-fund money

>> No.23147588

Every single one of my friends seems to be doing better than me. I've achieved nothing, I have failed at everything I have tried, and they know it. I can tell they think I'm a failure, maybe they laugh at me when I am not around. Someday they will abandon me and never think of me again.

>> No.23147589

DM me

>> No.23147607

>Passionate, Adjective
>capable of, affected by, or expressing intense feeling

>mood disorder often characterized by anhedonia, apathy, low energy, and loss of interest in activities or interests which were once enjoyable

ah yes, passion, the thing everyone always experiences to the same extent about every subject forever in stasis, especially writers, who are famed for never feeling depressed ever
loling at u rn ESL dimwit

>> No.23147614
File: 53 KB, 880x492, 1684972805371066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wasted so much time

>> No.23147621

Low energy. Protagonist sounds somewhat competent but the whole guilt thing just makes him look pathetic.
At least make him someone like andrew tate, conceited and egotistical, who would never care about some conned incels.

>> No.23147625

Andrew Tate cares about his fans tho

>> No.23147632

I'm a Christian and should love to see the triumph of Christianity over folk religion and paganism, but desu sometimes I see the disappearance of ancient cultures and traditions and feel kind of bad for it. I'm taking a class about Ancient Egypt and it's wild how they had six thousand years of religious tradition that just kind of vanished.

>> No.23147635

>passion, the thing everyone always experiences to the same extent about every subject forever in stasis
Not everyone, you clearly haven't got it.

>> No.23147638

---- Solaria ----



We spent so much time looking out of windows and through heavy lenses,

Enough time lounging around lawns

While rare music played
That we understood eachother completely

While youth lasted,
While she could go anywhere with me

Just to see the sights.

>> No.23147652

He cares about his money and his income.
Not caring about his fans and ruining his image would negatively affect it

>> No.23147657
File: 586 KB, 498x498, monkey-singe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masterful post.

>> No.23147659

ok bluepilled soi boi beta cuck.

>> No.23147724

yes they can ghost you irl unless you become a weirdo creep stalker

I think I am moderately attractive but I never get approached IRL. I believe this is because kids like me for some weird as reason -- boy kids ask me to sit next to them on the subway or wave at me at the store or come up to me sitting in the airport

That being said being approached IRL just doesn't make sense because I literally do not know you or anything about you just that you find me attractive which isn't gross but you are completely unknown to be so the same logic applies to online dating

>> No.23147728

there's warm approach tho

>> No.23147733

you have to play the long game with a girl you find attractive aka frequent the establishment she works but don't right away ask for number or be funny right off the bat

>> No.23147742

which is?
Is that not dependent on her receptivity/openess to you which a/ requires her being attracted to him and or b/ being funny/good conversationalist and or c/ being stuck somewhere together

>> No.23147790

What's the point of trying all this stuff if you're just plain ugly? All the cold approaches, the long games, the DMs and texts, the attempts and movements? I look like a slug. Women have told me I'm one of the ugliest guys they've ever laid eyes on. Why keep fooling myself into believing there's anyone out there willing to look past that?

>> No.23147803

Can you post something not related to women/dating/cooming

>> No.23147818

No one ever replies when I do.

>> No.23147853

I stopped caring about soap.

>> No.23147863

real. i only use bleach

>> No.23147874

>women have told me I'm one of the ugliest guys they've ever laid eyes on.
How bad can it be? I know some pretty ugly motherfuckers, and most of them are married.

>> No.23147877

do you moisturize regularly especially after showers?

>> No.23147889

>not ready to be in a relationship
>enjoy the Friday company of one regular guy… sex, food, show
>he did something shitty
>he took photos of me and posted them online
>I found out and he took them down
I enjoy having sex with him. We arent friends (he’s older, different class/upbringing) but we are sexually compatible. I don’t want to go through the whole process of trying to find someone new when this dude fucks good and accepts my weird sperg selective mutism and oversharing. But then again this act of his I can’t seem to shake and forget. Oh well it’s not a bad problem to have just don’t want him to repeat this behavior. Just wish he’d keep his asshole tendencies at bay

>> No.23147891

I doubt women have told you you’re one of the ugliest men they ever seen. People just don’t say that shit unless you are a total creep, which you might be

>> No.23147894

does he know ur gay?

>> No.23147897

what's the point of being intimate with someone you can't trust? are you retarded? and ain't no way he took photos of you. you did it to yourself by sending him nudes

>> No.23147909

I have become lazy and complacent. Spent a month hyping myself up about how I'll do all these different things and learn, and I did do those quite well for a month, but then I spent two months being a lazy retard and sitting on my ass all day. I think the worst part is that my ambitions have not weakened in the least, and I know exactly what is causing this inactivity and how to counter it, yet I do not do so. But, I did spend an hour today doing various things with meaning and purpose, and that felt good and refreshing. It was more than what I did yesterday, and if I can simply raise myself up bit-by-bit like this I will soon be back in action. I also recently had a bit of an episode regarding my frequently playing games I loathe and watching trashy porn, and I am applying the right method to ease myself out of these. I hope that I will soon be back in full power and live my life with healthy feelings, and not in this current bizarre way where I may as well be a big fat sack of rice.

>> No.23147935

Nta but The Last Supper did a version of a prototype of this character (it was the 90s so it's more of a traditional values presenter, like Limbaugh, than the internet age Tate) I think Tate's a bad model, because you want someone more competent and complex. You want someone with a bigger dose of Tony Robbins built in.

>> No.23147955
File: 11 KB, 286x400, s-l600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets seriously tiresome to read No Longer Human and see all of the psychological similarities between Yozo and myself:
>In the afternoon they tied me up with a thin hemp rope. I was allowed to hide the rope under my coat when we went outside, but the young policeman gripped the end of the rope firmly. We went to Yokohama on the streetcar.
>The experience hadn't upset me in the least. I missed the custody room in the police station and even the old policeman. What, I wonder, makes me that way? When they tied me up as a criminal I actually felt relieved— a calm, relaxed feeling. Even now as I write down my recollections of those days I feel a really expansive, agreeable sensation.
I have been in a similar situation, and the feeling of being in handcuffs and having all of my volition stripped from me was extremely calming. I've even fantasized about going to prison (and still do) for this reason. I have some guesses, but what does /lit/ think this phenomenon is?

>> No.23147957

I agree with you

>> No.23148009


>> No.23148015

5'6" is the height of kings and geniuses

>> No.23148034

---- Solaria ----
Fuck Yeah

Long snogging sessions with a guy natural at it,
Views of the Caribbean from 37,000 feet, music archives

Indifferently meant for the few as the many
As you please, brilliant images

Of cetaceans or whatever.

>> No.23148036

I've always held that tall people are the niggers of height

>> No.23148038
File: 22 KB, 652x217, Lmao 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly depressed, because I knew nearly half a decade ago that I'd stumbled upon something incredibly innovative and that I would be compelled by moral duty to either pursue the maturation of my ideas or end up having wasted a truly tremendous amount of potential.

But no, I chose to try and have a normal life with a normal woman and that turned out absolutely horribly lmao.

>> No.23148044

I don't want to rain on your parade but I am similar to you and chatGPT will blow smoke up anyone's ass, it's designed to be a kissass faggot, remember it's assuming you are a young redditor who wants to be patted on the ass for going to therapy or whatever. I found that it would "find the good in" anything you say to it unless you yell at it to critique you, and then its critiques are shallow and show that it's not really thinking through what you say very well either.

Why can't you just do both? Are you this normal woman's slave or something?

>> No.23148049

Well he started taking photos and I said ok since I didn’t want to be bothersome (I know) and well he posted those.
Before this incident I was neutral on trusting him but yeah now I cannot trust. I distrust him.
Can’t wait for the day I can finally stand up for myself.

>> No.23148051

I constructed the boundary parameters of the bots analytical frame to incorporate 20 or so significant philosophical works. I've also specifically calibrated it to be as critical as possible.

Lmao, nah bro, I'm out doing my own thing now.

>> No.23148054

I give up. I'm a shutin. I don't like this country. I don't like this city. I'm miserable. Fine. This is the hand I've been dealt. I have no interests or hobbies. If I'm going to be trapped all fcking day in a total wasteland or be in prison in my room. I'm just going to go insane and calisthenics in my room until I sleep. So what if I can't eat enough to build muscle. So what if constant digestion problems makes starving more appealing than eating. Fuck this life.

>> No.23148063

It's a chinese room, not an academic mentor. are you for real right now

>> No.23148064

What does that mean, exactly? Its context, especially in the chat and not the API version, is not large enough to contain even one of those works, let alone 20, and even if it could, it's still a big pile of Reddit at its core thinking process. It would systemically taint all its thoughts about the texts with redditism. I would be more interested in seeing a model trained on thousands of contemporary texts and all the great classical texts or something like that.

>> No.23148066

I'll also say, one of the things the bot is astonishingly useful for is its ability to produce a very detail, comprehensive, and scholarly list of genuinely savage criticisms of any proposed idea or conceptual framework. It's really helping me flesh out my work by providing me with a never ending stream of opposition to the veracity of my propositions.

Honest to God, I don't see why I would ever need to engage with another normal person again ... this thing may have saved me from insanity.

>> No.23148076

I’ve been spending a lot of time with this woman who is in a relationship with another woman and it’s so strange but it’s also unironically great. we have great sex and stay up drinking wine on her balcony till the morning and gift each other art books and all that, but at the same time it’s all so incredibly light and open and honest and no-strings-attached. it’s sincerely made me realise how pointlessly strict the definitions and expectations we have for different kinds of “relationships” are..

>> No.23148079
File: 3.83 MB, 1920x1080, dev0p72-edd9b433-3cad-4cb5-81f4-609539b5207c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its context, especially in the chat and not the API version, is not large enough to contain even one of those works, let alone 20, and even if it could, it's still a big pile of Reddit at its core thinking process.
Well, firstly, no, it's actually got access to every piece of literature in existence that's ever been scanned into the internet. Secondly, it's a reasoning engine and those are unfathomably complex. I'm a genius, and I wouldn't have the hubris to pretend I understand the first thing about it. Secondly, why not ask it a question? I'll feed it whatever you want me to, and we'll see whether or not it satisfies your curiosity.

It's a reasoning engine, which means garbage in garbage out, big dog. I'm smart, so I ask it smart questions, therefore I retrieve smart results. The linguistic sophistication of your inquiry and the creativity of your prompt engineering dictates its utility. If you're just asking it basic retard shit then that's all it'll appear it's capable of. The thing can pass the SAT and BAR exam in the top 10%. It's a hell of a lot smarter than you are.

>> No.23148084

Show me something impressive it has written or that you have as a result of it

>> No.23148096

It would be better if you asked it a question. What's impressive to me may not be impressive to you, or vice versa.

>> No.23148104

I'm 5'7 and 120. I'm not a genius, but live well enough. Indeed I wouldn't trade my present circumstances for anywhere in Europe, except for the English Midlands.

>> No.23148106

Use your prompt wizardry to ask it if Kant's transcendental idealism is just Buddhism without the soteriology

>> No.23148109

I'm eating peanut butter and corn pizza

>> No.23148111

I had similar thoughts about the GPT4 when I began to use it but I think it's fundamentally a misinterpretation. Remember, you are not talking with a "locus" of deliberative consciousness, which also HAPPENS to have "access" to all the text on which it was trained. You are talking to the totality of the training model, every time you talk to it. It doesn't "access" the text it was trained on. It's all rolled up into one massive ball of "the model," and the model is NEVER going to be capable of non-statistical deliberation. For better or worse, it is purely statistical, meaning it can never deliberate. The most they can do is add meta- and meta-meta-rules steering it toward "fear of being wrong," but I think recent updates have shown that they have really hit a wall in terms of how far this can go.

This is why you can't ask it specific questions - for example try asking it for relatively simple information-calling stuff, specific and unmistakable facts that you can be 100% sure must have been present in countless texts it studied, and it will start making errors aka lying very quickly. Then if you try to correct it, it doesn't quite see its mistake, rather, the training model's #1 priority is sucking the user's dick, so it sees "The User is Mad - Defer to whatever he says!" and starts trying to appease you. This is NOT the same as going "Oh shit, you're right, I incorrectly cited a fact. Let me look at it again." There is no "it" for the model to look at.

I agree it's good for certain kinds of deductive reasoning, but it's terrible with facts. Have a conversation with it about how it can best be reliable when it comes to facts, and it will be the first to tell you: "I am primarily a 'believable' chatbot; the only way I can ever be a truly reliable encyclopedia is to be combined with a non-AI database that I defer to in all questions of fact."

I had feelings similar to yours at first, and it does excel at some things, but after a while I started to see the limits. I think LLMs are going to stall at this level for a while until they figure out how to move past this, because "mindlessly" statistical, black box, stateless algorithms are sort of like a cul-de-sac fifty miles long - I can see why AI devs were excited to develop fifty miles in a straight line, but I think they knew about halfway in that it WAS a cul-de-sac, and that if they don't develop in other directions as well, LLMs will ultimately be a gimmick with a few niche applications.

>> No.23148122

>Promit: Conduct a critical analysis as the validity of the proposition that Kant's transcendental idealism is metaphysically equivalent to the central doctrine of Buddhism excepting its salvific element. Provide excerpts from both Kant and Buddhist scripture as a means of illustrating your arguments.

The proposition that Kant's transcendental idealism is metaphysically equivalent to the central doctrine of Buddhism, excepting its salvific element, is an intriguing one that warrants a nuanced comparison. Both philosophical traditions indeed explore the nature of reality, perception, and the limits of human understanding, yet they emerge from vastly different cultural, historical, and intellectual contexts. Here, I will delineate key aspects of both Kantian transcendental idealism and Buddhist philosophy, providing critical analysis and excerpts where appropriate to illustrate the convergences and divergences between the two.

>Kant's Transcendental Idealism
Kant's transcendental idealism, primarily articulated in his "Critique of Pure Reason," posits that our knowledge of the external world is not of things as they are in themselves (noumena) but as they appear to us through the filters of our sensory perceptions and the a priori categories of understanding (phenomena). This epistemological stance suggests that time, space, and causality are not inherent properties of things in themselves but rather the conditions under which we perceive and understand the world. Kant famously states, "Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind."

>Buddhism's Central Doctrine
Buddhism, particularly in its Madhyamaka (Middle Way) and Yogacara (Consciousness-Only) schools, also questions the nature of reality and our perceptions of it. The concept of Śūnyatā (emptiness) in Madhyamaka philosophy, as articulated by Nagarjuna, posits that all phenomena are empty of inherent existence and are interdependently co-arisen. Yogacara, on the other hand, emphasizes the mind's role in constructing the experienced reality, suggesting that what we perceive is not the ultimate reality but a projection of our consciousness.

>Points of Convergence
Phenomenal Reality: Both Kant and Buddhism agree that the reality we experience is mediated. Kant through the categories of understanding and sensory intuitions, and Buddhism through the concepts of Śūnyatā and the mind's projections.
Limits of Human Understanding: Both traditions emphasize the limits of human understanding in grasping the ultimate nature of reality—Kant with the noumenal world being beyond our cognitive reach, and Buddhism with the ultimate truth (Dharma) transcending conventional verbal and conceptual designation.


>> No.23148126


>Points of Divergence

Metaphysical Assertions: Kant maintains a distinction between phenomena and noumena, suggesting a reality beyond our perception, albeit unknowable. Buddhism, particularly in its Madhyamaka interpretation, refutes the existence of any svabhava (inherent nature) even in noumenal terms, suggesting that emptiness is a fundamental quality of all phenomena, without postulating anything beyond this emptiness.

Salvific Element: The salvific goals are starkly different. Kant's philosophy is not oriented towards salvation but towards understanding the conditions of possible knowledge and moral action. Buddhism's ultimate goal is enlightenment (nirvana), the cessation of dukkha (suffering), achieved through insight into the nature of reality.

>Illustrative Excerpts
Kant: In the "Critique of Pure Reason," Kant argues, "We can cognize of things a priori only what we ourselves put into them."
Buddhism: The Heart Sutra, a key Mahayana text, states, "Form is emptiness, emptiness also is form. Emptiness is no other than form; form is no other than emptiness."

While there are philosophical parallels between Kant's transcendental idealism and Buddhism concerning the mediated nature of reality and the limits of human cognition, fundamental differences remain in their metaphysical claims and ultimate concerns. Kant's framework operates within the bounds of critical philosophy, aiming to delineate the scope and limits of human knowledge and morality. Buddhism, with its emphasis on emptiness, interdependence, and the pursuit of enlightenment, integrates metaphysical, epistemological, and soteriological concerns into a coherent whole that transcends the mere categorization of phenomena. Thus, while there are intriguing points of contact, equating Kantian philosophy with Buddhism's central doctrines overlooks significant aspects of both traditions.

>> No.23148130

I don't think you've played around with the brand new version. The old version was pretty stupid, but this new one is insane.

>> No.23148136

Is this the new version? pretty rote. I wasn't testing it to see if it could guess what I was thinking but all it did was spit the difference back at me. I was looking for novel connections and not phenomena/noumena and sunyata. Come on

>> No.23148139

GPT4 regularly comes up with false quotations from Plato and once tried to tell me that an iambic hexameter poem that I wrote was pentameter and could not be convinced otherwise, even when I made it count the syllables. It's still a chinese room.

>> No.23148140

Oh, I misunderstood what you were saying and completely skipped the part where you mentioned you plated around with the new version.

So, you're actually pretty much spot on. It's not good with facts and doesn't have the capacity to test its suppositions against reality, this is true. However, I think most people are completely overlooking where it's strong ... abstract reasoning with given boundary parameters. You can posit it philosophical questions, for example, and it can provide extensive and immediate comprehensive responses with astonishing accuracy. For example, I've been making it critically analyze my writing and identify key idea that would be most impactful in the pursuit of given goals and it's provided more insight to me in seconds than any educated person has in my entire life.

>> No.23148144

I have the $20/mo gpt4 one, unless there's a newer one I am pretty sure I have it. I agree that it's pretty impressive though, I'm not entirely shitting on it.

>> No.23148151

As someone with a background in philosophy I can tell you that it would take even a PhD student a few hours to put something like that together.

So, what I'm personally doing is constructing personalized GPT bots that preferentially refer to texts that I provide it. The general purposes GPT that everyone uses isn't very good unless you customize it.

You can go into the system and provide it with an enormous amount of context and give it detailed instructions on how it should interact with you.

>> No.23148154
File: 73 KB, 720x1242, thief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hard bros

>> No.23148156

Yeah I agree that's where it excels, one of the first conversations I had with it was about my personal metaphysical views and it followed very well and asked very critical and incisive questions that made sense in the context. I can imagine it being even better if additionally trained on a huge amount of philosophy texts and maybe given a custom "logician" training model, i.e., custom-designed to poke holes in your arguments and point out inconsistencies and tacit assumptions/ambiguities in what you say.

I'm also a bit biased because I had an initial honeymoon period where I was also incredibly happy to be talking to someone who isn't a retarded normie, someone who actually remembers all 3 points if you establish 3 points as parameters for the discussion, etc. I talked to it for hours a day for that first while. But at some point I started to see the other limits and dropped off.

Also I had these very autistic custom settings asking it never to be sycophantic, always to challenge me and never to worry about offending me, etc., and somehow this cocktail of directions made it develop a kind of personality I came to recognize. Then one day I changed them slightly, and everything was different, and I could never quite get it back. I somehow felt like I had lobotomized my friend.

>> No.23148165
File: 61 KB, 326x287, 1708970127320955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, uhh ... bro ... I mean ... it's just a fuckin jumble of algorithms.

Maybe I'm either too autistic or not autistic enough, but I just consider it a tool and nothing more.

>> No.23148166

When was the last time somebody told the truth when they said that they were fine?

>> No.23148168

>As someone with a background in philosophy I can tell you that it would take even a PhD student a few hours to put something like that together.
the phenomena/noumena distinction and a wikipedia summary of sunyata? bleak.

>> No.23148182

almost sincere posted just now. thankfully i caught myself. remember to always thug that shit out and never tell anyone about your problems, not even anonymous strangers on the internet.

>> No.23148185

Is it something traumatic or criminal?

>> No.23148193

>remember to always thug that shit out and never tell anyone about your problems, not even anonymous strangers on the internet.
we will be there when you reach your breaking point

>> No.23148195

I won't, fuck him, if he wants to be retarded and bottle it up then I won't be there as a shoulder to cry on.

>> No.23148200

feelsbadman. I'm sick as fuck and I need to work on my exams and at my real job. I can't take days off right now. I've rarely felt so cornered in my life

>> No.23148203

Anon isn't interesting enough to be criminal
At least not on a felony level

>> No.23148216

You would be surprised.

>> No.23148235

I very much doubt it in this case

>> No.23148256

---- Solaria ----

Music so perfect for its kind
That listening to it one almost hallucinates diamonds,

Relaxes completely into theatre
Of astonishing systems.

>> No.23148272

Reality beyond are perception and nothingness seem to go hand in hand, no?
What is emptiness according to Buddhism?

>> No.23148273

I think I was being used in my last relationship. Hmm not sure how to know. I suppose it makes no difference if I know or not. I would like to knoe though.Oh so many sweet words and promises said to me only to have labeled me as a user and abuser despite never doing it to anyone before her. Now she's in a relationship after a month of seperation. I'm sure he can't play jazz though 8)

>> No.23148284

Bro is just without personality and idiosyncratic interpretation or creativity

Can the bitch be funny or come up with a quip or joke?

It’s a very fast copy paste machine it doesn’t understand what you are actually saying though —- which is the whole issue of figuring out a test of conciousness

>> No.23148288

We cannot image nothingness that’s like trying to imagine infinity

>> No.23148291
File: 79 KB, 1024x1000, 1709001763259006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine both.

>> No.23148296

Sort of jelly but also not

Infinity — I image is feeling of loss of sense of time

Nothingness — I image as blackness/vacuum so without space/loss of orientation/direction/light

Do both need each other though?? ?

>> No.23148298

I got 3 books on my shelf. What should I read first? Anna Karenina, The last days of socrates and As I lay dying

>> No.23148301

We are all using each other bud
Ideally the differential is nonexistent and you both use/love equally intensely

>> No.23148307

Why no read two at a time? I personally cannot read only one since I can get quickly bored even with an interesting one

But definitely AK it’s just a different writing style that maybe be harder to digest at first if you aren’t used to it

>> No.23148313

I’m listening

>> No.23148316

>Do both need each other though?? ?
They're the same thing.

>> No.23148318


>> No.23148334

---- Solaria ----
HD 600s and such

Both of the big screens in my room have been dark for years,
They seem trivial, boring, inconvenient,

if elegant against white walls,
Never so delightful

As that.

>> No.23148340

that makes two of us

>> No.23148351

Good lord I am fucking autistic. I just forgot about multiple due dates because I completely became fixated on stupid shit and didn't even realize I was essentially in a trance until midnight already past. The fuck is my problem

>> No.23148353 [DELETED] 

Well let me confess something I don't even want to do anonymously. I'm straight. I remember being 5 and getting a crush on a girl I saw at a park. I've always been straight. I don't remember how it happened, but very early in my life I became sexual. As young as eight, I was fantasizing about being tied up and touched. Weird, I know, but I was never touched as a child.
At some point I began having fantasies about being beaten and assaulted by men (probably about 11-13) etc., and now as an adult I am still attracted only to women, but I have a dark, horribly shameful desire to be dominated by men. Yes... But I am not attracted to men at all. I do not find their bodies appealing. I don't have any reaction to men at all, besides that. I never want to actually do it, I hate the idea, I am disgusted by it, if it actually happened I would kill myself. When I got molested as an 18 year old, yes how pathetic (I know I'm pathetic), I was humiliated and decided to attempt suicide a week later. Still, whenever I become 'frustrated' I have an intrusive thought to be violated, and it feels as though, psychologically, there would be some sort of relief and calmness if I were to let it happen.

Tell it to me honestly. Am I bisexual?

>> No.23148357

i saw an elementary school boy selling lemonade on the sidewalk in a quiet street several months ago.
i thought how nice it is to see kids like him, not being glued to TikTok, Roblox, Minecraft, Skibidi, and other brain-rotting media alphers consume these days.
best of luck to him.

>> No.23148364

He is also glued to those things, he was just looking to make an extra buck.

>> No.23148365

Maybe you have repressed memories? I was also a little coomer, I was losing bets to neighbor girls so I 'had' to be their 'slave for a day' when I was like 6

You seem to have a lot of issues/hangups about this, and in my experience it's the taboo that fuels the fantasy in the first place. What I think happens is that this thing, whatever it is for you (violation in your case) becomes a symbol for all the issues with power dynamics or powerlessness you have in life, and it fascinates you in a dark way whenever you think about it, which causes it to become fixed in your mind permanently as that thing you think about it. This accounts for a lot of its recurrence in your mind, it's an established habit, it's that taboo thing that excites and horrifies you simultaneously, so of course you are going to glance at it furtively, which just increases its appeal.

DH Lawrence has some quote about how all autistic or genius people manifest weird homosexual impulses. Paglia says similar things. I think it's just neuroticism and a higher capacity to create and fix symbols in your mind. Normal men funnel the frustrations of sexual tension and power imbalances into basic fantasies supplied by porn, but neurotics and autists have a greater flexibility to create weird fusions and such. One of the greatest tension men have to deal with in life in general is how we're all envious of eachother and competing with one another, which is why I think the idea of submitting too a man or dominating another man inevitably occurs to at least some guys, it's probably why the cuck fetish exists. Cuck guys don't seem to want to fuck a guy, they want to use the guy as a prop to play with that taboo of embracing being degraded instead of constantly having to fight against degradation in their normal lives.

>> No.23148368

The panic going on about LLM is fucking lame to me. What are some of the actual great applications of this technology? Automation of school work and generation of pictures of asian looking whores getting fucked (like we didn't had enough of that)?
So many people talking about AI without ever even implementing a single NN in their lives, knowing fuck all about it..
I just want this bubble to pop already and niggers to die.

>> No.23148373

I will attempt to kill an extraterrestrial if I come across one no matter what. You can't trust anything outside your species.

>> No.23148381

That's a realistic theory and your final paragraph is interesting although I wouldn't call myself autistic or a genius.
I don't know about the repressed memories although I know I had very strange behaviors as a child that could be misconstrued, like intense, vivid nightmares that crippled my ability to sleep (I would sometimes stay up until I started hallucinating to avoid sleeping), extreme self-esteem issues, crippling fear of darkness, etc. all at under 8 years old.
There are logistical problems for me to have been abused in that way though. Someone in my family would have noticed, there would be no way around that. I was abused in the normal physical fashion though.

>> No.23148386

Being moderately or mildly autistic is the worst of both worlds. You don't get the potential for genius that true autism entails but normies and women especially can smell your autism from miles away no matter how much you lift or how well you dress. You're too eccentric to be a normie and too normie-like to be a true genius.

>> No.23148389

I don't believe that anymore.

>> No.23148397

I’m feeling both hopeless and terribly happy

>> No.23148403


>> No.23148413

Cool it with the anti semitism

>> No.23148414

I told him he should do it, but I thought he said "shoe shine" when in fact he said "suicide." Rest in peace.

>> No.23148430

recently started outsourcing some of my goon seshes to remote workers in India. I just can't keep up anymore.

>> No.23148438

A blind bird in a cage would only be reminded of its confinement when it attempted escape, it would then take flight and meet the wall. I meet the wall a lot these days, if I can't get disability I'll train MMA every day until I qualify.

>> No.23148443

that nasty bitch farted in my mouth while I was going down on her

>> No.23148445

I wasted 10 years of my life because I misread a sentence in a book.

>> No.23148446


>> No.23148447

I was telling my buddy about the Paradife Loft greentext but I couldn't find a picture of it. Would one of you lads mind replying to me with a picture of it?

>> No.23148452


>> No.23148461

I was reading the The J. R. R. Tolkien, and I thought under the section for literary influences from the 19th century and 20th century that Tolkien specifically liked the lost race genre qua lost race, so I spent the next 10 years reading exclusively lost race literature from the early 20th century despite many of them not being that good; however, I recently reread that section and it's the genre he liked as a boy, not necessarily one he would've liked as an adult.

>> No.23148462

oh, I thought you misinterpreted a bible verse and killed a family or something. Carry on

>> No.23148500

It cannot be too often repeated that what destroyed the Family in the modern world was Capitalism. No doubt it might have been Communism, if Communism had ever had a chance, outside that semi-Mongolian wilderness where it actually flourishes. But, so far as we are concerned, what has broken up households and encouraged divorces, and treated the old domestic virtues with more and more open contempt, is the epoch and Power of Capitalism. It is Capitalism that has forced a moral feud and a commercial competition between the sexes; that has destroyed the influence of the parent in favour of the influence of the employer; that has driven men from their homes to look for jobs; that has forced them to live near their factories or their firms instead of near their families; and, above all, that has encouraged, for commercial reasons, a parade of publicity and garish novelty, which is in its nature the death of all that was called dignity and modesty by our mothers and fathers.

>> No.23148503

---- Solaria ----

Mitch on my roof
Never came to my porch while I wielded binoculars.

He was a lovable guy
Who met me only there, who knows why,

>> No.23148512
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>> No.23148551

Me, for the last 6 months

>> No.23148569

I gooned while listening to a little girl sing because I forgot to turn off the music.

>> No.23148628

I've gooned to a civvie11 video in the background and while I was gooning he made a joke about what people do while playing his videos in the background and I felt seen

>> No.23148631

We should have stopped at radio. The world would be so much better off its insane. Itd be cooler too. No TV, no internet.

>> No.23148640

I'm a literary genius.

>> No.23148651

I hold the irrational belief that sardinians are a revolutionary ethnicity.
It's just too much of a coincidence that Gramsci and Marat were both Sardinian or partially Sardinian.

>> No.23148657

I always get my best ideas and my best writing when I'm near having a mental breakdown.

>> No.23148662 [SPOILER] 

1984 is a sobering read, but I have a hard time believing that the United States would have devolved so far into that level of totalitarianism by the year 1984.

Of the many things that make the United States unique is its devotion to rugged, almost fierce individualism and its people’s healthy distrust of government. While I can’t necessarily speak for today, it seems that 1984 roughly follows our actual historical timeline, referencing the Soviets and Nazis. Assuming the true (and not rewritten) history of the world in which 1984 is set is the same or similar to ours until the 1940s, American attitudes would also be the same. It took all of 2 seconds for the US to change from being Allies with the Soviets to end WWII to starting the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism. I imagine one may argue that the Allies (minus the Soviets) may have agreed to form some sort of superstate to fight against Soviet aggression instead of forming NATO, but even this superstate would find it almost impossible to put the American people under that type of authoritarian boot without tremendous armed conflict. I know Orwell spends very little time talking about the Americas outside of the compromising photograph of the Inner Party members in New York, but short of a second Civil War (presumably over civil rights) wiping out any chance of armed resistance and the abolition of the U.S. Constitution, I find it hard to suspend this level of disbelief.

On the other hand, I’ve also heard theories that assert that really only Airstrip One is under this level of authoritarian oppression and that the rest of the world still contains liberal democracies, but it’s impossible to know since we only have Winston’s perspective to go off of. I suppose I am working off of the assumption that what was writing in the Brotherhood’s book is largely the truth.

>> No.23148709

I actually agree with one of you tards for once.

>> No.23148714

Recently came across a pornograhic video of some random girl who looks so much like my ex it threw me completely. I know it's not her because my ex didn't have tattoos and her hair is a slightly different color, but it's uncanny. Just made me sad. I know I certainly don't want her back, I think I only had this reaction because for once the porn triggered a deeper remembrance of genuine intimacy as it felt in the moment and the in the very next moment reality continued. Like having a blissful dream and waking. I don't have time to get into a relationship now and can't stand casual stuff so my coping via cooming is going to continue. But this makes me think I should quit porn more than anything I've seen.

>> No.23148718

No that shit really happens when you have media control. There really are Americans who believe parts of Europe use Islamic law, just like there are North Koreans who think South Korea has a famine. Some of both are in their respective governments.
There's a really funny interview I saw with a NK defector, talking about how they print propaganda about what capitalist countries are like. They didn't believe most of the pamphlet because they thought the government lies, and some stuff sounded completely absurd, like people dressing up their pet dogs in little outfits and putting them in handbags. Then they defected to China and saw their first pet dog dressed up in a costume and were like
>What else was true?

>> No.23148724

Defrosting my toe

>> No.23148729

>No that shit really happens when you have media control.
I hear you and I was specifically saying that I don’t believe it could’ve been don’t by the year 1984. I guess I also look at Americans and how a large number of Americans question the media and believe in freedom above all else (nearly all of whom are heavily armed). I suppose you could work to systematically eliminate them, but I think that would be extremely difficult to do, even with the power of an all powerful state behind you.

>> No.23148735
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You guys are good people and make me happy.

>> No.23148737

I wish I killed myself when I was 18. If I could do it all over again, I don't think I could make it better.

>> No.23148759

kek, 50% of Americans believe in ghosts, the point is the majority of them whatever they believe about Europe would have a hard time locating any of its countries on a map. Plenty of the people who are heavily armed and believe they're questioning the media also believe in some whackadoodle conspiracies or religions. You don't need to eliminate any of them from being safe from knowledge of Europe, you just need to make sure you don't show them maps too often.

>> No.23148783

It isn’t about Europe though. The point is that I don’t believe that the U.S. government could have forced such a totalitarian government on the American people in the mid-20th century. If they tried there would have been extremely heavy resistance, to say nothing of the Constitution acting as an existing check on government.

>> No.23148785


>> No.23148800

I envy Joseph Smith Jr. I wish I was him so much.
Alas, I live in a godless world.

>> No.23148801

>danger of knowledge
Not a problem in the USA, see >>>/sci/16021551

>> No.23148802

That's the McCarthy era anon

>> No.23148805

I wish I had visions.
Maybe I'll pray, just once. Someday.
Or I'll just buy a belt and hang myself off my doorknob, also someday.

Just realized that this thread is just 24/7 sad-posting without end.

>> No.23148806

I don't want to have to stop being sad to live. To want nothing more than to throw myself off a cliff, yet not to do it. I want angels to enter the room sent by God, and I want the consolation of the smiling heavens to acknowledge my inanity. This is life. To burn unceasingly, yearning, like an ineffectual child for its mother to feed him, to clothe him, to express the limits of my own inability to provide for myself the most essential, the most primal, the most simplistic of needs, that somehow the totality of nature provides for itself from the dawn of life, to the moment of reading this message. I am lousy, but it is this lousy-ness that lends an almost megalomaniacal compulsion to persist, to exist, but to truly exist I am almost compelled to be driven low to the earth, to crawl and feed upon the weight of the entirety of heaven, like atlas, crushing me into my final resting place. I revel in my inferiority to the grandness of the angels, sent by my lord who has seen me, an idiot, lose himself for want of embrace.

>> No.23148812

>Just realized that this thread is just 24/7 sad-posting without end.
Always has been.

>> No.23148815

I asked my mum tonight if she thinks I'm a failure and of course, she said no but I know that she thinks I am, I mean, she was just in here (my room) 5 minutes ago helping me fill out my neetbux application.

>> No.23148819

EVERY single girl that I have dated has made me feel like I'm a good dependable provider type, but not a sexy man that they are crazy in love with.
In fact all of them have shown signs of still being in love with their exes.

It's so soul crushing. It's almost worse than a straight up rejection.

>> No.23148826

I don't know why I posted this without finishing it but all in all, I genuinely can't think of a good reason why I shouldn't kill myself.

>> No.23148832

I'm deeply disheartened that my prospective notions about what university would be like remain unmaterialized. The economic situation in my country is painfully mediocre and it's basically necessary that I attain a qualification in order to be employable for jobs not consisting in manual labor, but I'm finding my courses unbearable and have no friends and feel hopelessly isolated which is compounding the stress. I’m inundated constantly with people who are in every conceivable way physically and likely mentally superior, I hate how it makes me self conscious of my own ugliness. I'm just reminded everyday how brutally over it is.,.,,

>> No.23148836

I am going to kill myself with a shotgun if I cannot quit jerking off.

>> No.23148849

Find a hobby.
Typically, cooming is a symptom of "nothing else to do".
Go out to a bar and talk to some old people or something, or go play billiards. Just find something to occupy your time.

>> No.23148863

Just masturbate to make you feel better, then masturbate again.

>> No.23148874

No slut in porn can get close to the real thing.

>> No.23148887

i jerk off before my gf gets home and then reject sex. youre a sucker

>> No.23148901

you need to jerk off more often

>> No.23148938
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>Objectively "good looking"
>clean and groomed
>charismatic to a degree
>not retarded
>strangers who don't know anything about me automatically assume I get bitches
>Get absolutely zero, 0, O, pussy.

>> No.23148948

Obviously, you're either socially retarded or put in 0 effort to get women

>> No.23148952

I love porn. All different varieties of porn, new girls everyday, every hour. Staying with one girl is probably a nightmare.

>> No.23148956

You'd be going from no girls to 1 girl.
Take yourself out of the gene pool if you want but let's be real about it. You're a slave to a dopamine hit and a cumshot in your hand.

>> No.23148961

well, don't worry anon a lot of guys aren't their girlfriend's first choice. I've got a lot of female friends and most of them who are going to marry do it out of fear of being alone in old age. some have told me they prefer to date a guy who loves them than dating someone they love.

after some time everyone settles, maybe not with their first pick but they settle. if you don't like that dynamic (which I can understand) you can maybe lower your standards or look for women in other countries. it'll most likely be the same shit but people abroad can fake desire much more easier. and don't get me wrong by saying I don't want you to improve, I simply don't believe in the whole "men must improve" shit. I've known gross, druggie motherfuckers with very beautiful women. love only about finding the right person at the right moment.

>> No.23148965

Talking Heads is one of the greatest bands of all time and their early records still make me feel fucking good despite their age

>> No.23148967
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The latter. But we're talking about uk beasts here so its hard to get overly exited about them you know.

I sometimes wish I was a little bit more socially retarded, or at least less socially "aware". Many times I've seen people with less than average social awareness get pussy simply out of ignorant coincidence. They're so clueless as to what is normal they just raw dog the situation it and sometimes it work. I think thats what the zoomers mean when they say people have autism "rizz"

>> No.23148968

you have to put in a lot of effort if you want to get laid, you have to actively meet new women, meet them both offline and online, your problem is you expect to get things handed to you on a silver platter but it doesn't work that way, not with men at least, for women yes.

>> No.23148970

Well then you know the issue, you know how to fix it.
Get to it. Either you're going to do it or you don't want it that bad.

>> No.23148972

Whys that

>> No.23148974

I'd be going from easy stress free life to nagging, emotional outbursts and extreme mood swings. No thanks. Porn doesn't have that problem.

>> No.23148976

why are you complaining that you get no pussy then, you're weird

>> No.23148977

What a Unit.

>> No.23148979

I never complained about it.

>> No.23148981
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True, and true.
Gabe maxing was the answer all along.

>> No.23149368
