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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 400x400, K5xxSBFQ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23130415 No.23130415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He's a trust fund kid, right? Only 29-30 years old and already Vladimir Sorokin's translator, friends with Bret Easton Ellis and Will Self, and being paid by multiple famous publishers to translate obscure novels from 6 langauges. Surely daddy's money played a role in his sudden rise to prominence? No one could do what he does with a day job.

>> No.23130423


>> No.23130439

>He's a trust fund kid
Yes >>/lit/thread/23060187

>> No.23130452
File: 338 KB, 600x852, Cry-Cry-Again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy an ad

>> No.23130478

Yes, his dad is rich and his mom works in the industry. He’s 30 something.

>> No.23130496

Apparently his dad's a lawyer-turned-pharma-exec and his mom's a lawyer-turned-filmmaker.

>> No.23130509

He grew up in Belgium so besides his native English he knows French and German. He learned Russian at university. He claims to know Italian, Spanish and Turkish but those must be his weakest. Why does this board seem to hate him? Is he arrogant or something?

>> No.23130516

He unironically claims to speak them all fluently. He also learned German as an adult, not as a child.

>> No.23130528

He grew up in fucking Milwaukee, retard
Him and his brother were raised doing crew and both had crew scholarships, so basically the “sport” for unathletic rich fags. But apparently they had enough capital in high school to start their own nonprofit
> In high school, Lawton and his brother Ben cofounded Technology Through the Ages, a public service organization that helps residents of assisted living communities in Milwaukee stay in better touch with their families using the internet. He has also worked at RaisedBy.Us, a nonprofit organization that enables employees of tech companies to pledge a portion of their paychecks to a charity of their choice

>> No.23130534
File: 1.21 MB, 1284x2111, IMG_8031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots,
My name is Max Lawton, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day writing about mis-ass authors. You are everything bad in the literary world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy and read obscure books? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to entry-level literature like the pedophile Alexander Theroux.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your favorite author. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of Columbia’s Crew Team, and translate a super obscure Russian writer for NYRB thanks to my mom’s connections. What books do you read, other than "jack off to Céline and Nabokov"? I also got straight A's, and have a banging hot wife (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening

>> No.23131014


>> No.23131079

Max Lawton, you yerk.

>> No.23131151

But some bio online says that he was born in Brussels?

>> No.23131524

>Why does this board seem to hate him?
It's just one perma-seething twat on here who wants to wield 4chan as his own personal army against this Lawton guy. A very loud and tedious anon (this one: >>23130528).

>> No.23131607

Writers and intellectuals in general have always near invariably originated from the aristocracy or the bourgeoisie, I don't see how one could possibly be interested in literature while simultaneously failing to grasp this truth.

>> No.23131613
File: 539 KB, 1284x960, IMG_8029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writers and intellectuals in general have always near invariably originated from the aristocracy or the bourgeoisie, I don't see how one could possibly be interested in literature while simultaneously failing to grasp this truth.

>> No.23131655

who cares faggot?

>> No.23131669

With AI people will increasingly be paid to play the Face of AI generated bullshit; publishers will have house authors prompting & editing those products. It's already happening. Translation makes it even simpler and more plausibly deniable.

>> No.23131844

Hi, Max.

>> No.23131862

Who cares if he's a rich nepo baby? Are you delusional?

>> No.23131870
File: 438 KB, 1197x2236, IMG_8030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any hot takes lately, max?

>> No.23131882

Why does Max hate Theroux so much? Was he raped by Theroux?

>> No.23131893

Leaf by Leaf likes Theroux and is kind of in the same circle as Max. Would be fun if someone tagged him in that Max comment.

>> No.23131901

>fat by fat
>same circle as Max and people with talent

>> No.23131942

He will review Blue Lard and probably interview Max

>> No.23131973

The OP image is taken from a video by Leaf by Leaf lol

>> No.23131996


He's earning his way so
He has nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.23132011

Absolutely embarrassing for Max. High cholesterol by high cholesterol has genuine down syndrome and is incapable of saying anything remotely interesting or insightful in his “reviews”

>> No.23132037

Max seems based. Where should I start with his translations?

>> No.23132068

His dissertation
Celine vs Dostoevsky

>> No.23132159
File: 553 KB, 1401x1060, Advertisement Spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have written this AD POST multiple times, Max Fagton.

>> No.23132162

Who's that in the pic? David Foster Wallace?

He looks different without that jiz-rag on his forehead.

>> No.23132172

It's a literal who named Max Fagton advertising >>23132162

>> No.23132223

Why would someone "advertise" with such obvious outrage bait? Are you ESL or something?

>> No.23132232

Make your spam less obvious, Max. Your posts were deleted by mods last time for spamming and you're doing the same thing again.

>> No.23132235

Spend less time seething here, Max, and spend more time learning Turkish, nepo

>> No.23132238

(totally not seething Max Fagton, caught advertising again)
gg ez

>> No.23132240

Meant for >>23132223
Max, is your wife’s daddy paying some turk to translate for you while you larp as being being “fluent”

>> No.23132249 [DELETED] 

Follow Max on twitter

>> No.23132252

Hey, Max Wallace, go get your jizrag
and put it back on your head, ya skinny fat nepo baby.

>> No.23132268

Every notable person in Jew York, Los Angeles, or Washington is a trust fund nigger.

Remember that the next time you're impressed by something they do. They put the cart before the horse: because of nepotism, it was always a foregone conclusion that they were going to do SOMETHING because they can make something terrible and have it promoted through their (dad's) connections or their own connections which they only have because of a lifetime of dadmoney paying for them to live in hip areas and go to hip parties and attend hip schools without having to worry about real life, or by simply using dadmoney to pay for social media signal boosting and knowing people who know how to manipulate the strings of the relevant scene/industry. Then, once they get something "recognized" (they also have enough dadmoney to keep pathetically throwing shit at the wall until it sticks, which often takes them years even despite all the dadmoney greasing the wheels), they are an established name in whatever scene/industry it is, and now all future projects have immediate credibility.

98% of people who get published or have their art shown somewhere are doing something any random aspiring writer or art major could do, but skipping the crucial first step of "actually getting organically noticed," which is 98% of the difficulty of going from aspiring writer/artist to writer/artist. The remaining 2% is just continuing to churn shit out, that's the easy part because now when you go to a publisher or gallery you already have a portfolio and they will shrug and say "I presume this is fine, sure, we'll publish you."

Layer this on itself for a few years and you have a portfolio. This is the backstory of nearly all major writers and artists in the last century. New York Jews originally used the technique for themselves, in the early century, but then it caught on generally and is now the only way to do anything in America. American culture is made entirely out of nepotism networks.

Date a rich Jewish girl from New York some time, if you randomly mention you have an invention for an automatic ass-scratcher she'll tell you she can introduce you to another Jew she knows through another Jew who could finance it, and you can bypass the usual channels that normalplebs have to go through to get a meeting with him because she'll just get you an informal in person one. Jews live and breathe this kind of behavior so much they don't even notice they do it, so they are kind of being honest when you criticize them for it and they go "What? I'm not doing anything everybody else doesn't do." They really mean it, they are serious.

>> No.23132272

The only other types or artists in the USA are charismatic peons with low IQs selected by nepotistically captured industries (like music) and uplifted in exchange for shiny toys. Basically you have a bunch of Jewish music producers, who know the right combination of Swedish ditty-writers (like the gibberish ditty generator in 1984) + business/computer guys with predictive algorithms to create a star by feeding them lyrics and managing their persona and image via agents. They reach down into the dregs of society and pluck out a Cardi B or a Big Sneedy and say "I will give you what sounds to you like a lot of money if you join my minstrel show. I will feed you lyrics and a persona and manage you like a puppet, but I will also let you feel like you're the creative soul behind it all. What's not to like? You get paid, you get to be a minor deity, you even get to feel like you're the artist so you won't even notice the strings."

And because the Cardi Bs of the world actually do have some organic talent (just not enough to get ahead organically in a totally nepotistically captured industry without being deliberately plucked from obscurity by Jewry), when they're "collaborating" with their handler-producer-writer collective on "their" latest creation, they will even occasionally autonomously generate something interesting, or add their natural charismatic flair to the basic skeletal and muscular system of content provided by the Swede lyrics-writer and the autistic savant producer with his sound-machines. This is free labor for Jewry, because not only does Cardi accept the aforementioned deal, she even throws in a little non-Swede-choreographed spontaneity of her own gratis, and all they have to do is say "Very good Cardi" then turn to one of the other Jews and say "give her a peanut."

This is why blacks should repudiate the Jewish culture industry minstrel show with its giant clock necklaces, stupid names, and Halloween costumes. It actively promotes degeneracy and lowest common denominator behavior in the black community because it's good for business and it produces more charismatic apes to uplift in the next cycle. Current black culture is totally manufactured.

>> No.23132283

Pretty accurate. Dated a JAP in NY and one of her friends kept having his plays published and performed despite them being absolutely dogshit written by someone arguably literate and who has never read a play in his life. Found out his dad’s friend owned a theater or two around Manhattan.

>> No.23132314

Norman Maclean couldn't get published for
quite a while.

Truman Capote said something similar.

Sara Silverman is not funny
Pete Davidson is not funny

It's hard to hide in professional sports but that
type of thing is starting to rear its head.
Nepotism will buy them a year or two on a team then they run off to radio or other media
and use those couple of years as a form of
Street cred.

>> No.23132323

I remember that

Capote: Well, it has brought about the rise of what I call the Jewish Mafia in American letters. This is a clique of New York-oriented writers and critics who control much of the literary scene through the influence of the quarterlies and intellectual magazines. All these publications are Jewish-dominated and this particular coterie employs them to make or break writers by advancing or withholding attention. I don’t think there’s any conscious, sinister conspiracy on their part—just a determination to see that members of their particular clique rise to the top. Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow and Philip Roth and Isaac Bashevis Singer and Norman Mailer are all fine writers, but they’re not the only writers in the country, as the Jewish literary Mafia would have us believe. I could give you a list of excellent writers, such as John Knowles and Vance Bourjaily and James Purdy and Donald Windham and Reynolds Price and James Leo Herlihy and Calder Willingham and John Hawkes and William Goyen; the odds are you haven’t heard of most of them, for the simple reason that the Jewish Mafia has systematically frozen them out of the literary scene. Now, mind you, I’m not against any particular group adhering to its own literary values and advancing its own favored authors; such cliques have always existed in American letters. I only object when any one particular group—and it could just as well be Southern, or Roman Catholic, or Marxist, or vegetarian—gets a strangle hold on American criticism and squeezes out anybody who doesn’t conform to its own standards. It’s fine to write about specifically Jewish problems, and it often makes valid and exciting literature—but the people who have other messages to convey, other styles and other backgrounds should also be given a chance. Today, because of the predominance of the Jewish Mafia, they’re not being given that opportunity. This is something everyone in the literary world knows but never writes about.

>> No.23132396

Mark Rothko paintings triple KEK

>> No.23132412

Everywhere I go in this site makes me more and more antisemitic everyday, lmao.

>> No.23132417

some people just need a help with their first break, its not nepotism its just a little help to get started

>> No.23132431

Some people, yeah like talentless rich kids.

>> No.23132516


>> No.23133219

/// He liked to fulminate over moral depravity and the decline of traditional family life /// A stone mason was employed to engrave the following epitaph on a tradesman's wife: "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband" /// The sudden onset of rain caught everyone by surprise, and people scrambled for cover /// Yes, certainly the happy ending necessarily doesn't mean that, you know, everybody goes prancing in the sunlight and dancing /// Law, in his view, to be law at all must at a minimum comport with certain norms: regularity, publicity, clarity, stability /// Alex was the cryptonym for Colonel Oleg Vladimirovich Penkovsky of the GRU, a man who had provided the British and American intelligence services with information beyond price /// The senator has gotten into hot water with constituents over his callous remarks /// They slunk away a few minutes later, looking significantly less cocky /// With poetry, as with going to sea, we should push from the shore and reach a certain elevation before we unfurl all our sails /// The Iowa caucuses get a lot of attention during the presidential primary season /// After he was misquoted in the interview, he knew he would have to run the gauntlet of his colleagues' anger /// We want you to give us the lowdown on your teammates /// Your glum mood can rub off on those around you /// The report states that vandalism is a pestilence that must be stamped out /// I spent the night scrunched (up) in the back of the car /// The killer acted without fear of retribution /// The café is a fun, casual spot, great for a pop-in after work with friends ///

>> No.23133237

/// The cold weather began to set in /// And parents can not, and should not, be constant sources of unqualified praise /// The trustees have a dispositive power to transfer the money /// This is more than just clever marketing - formerly desolate stretches of the riverfront, city streets, and buildings have been resurrected for locals and visitors alike /// The professor held forth on the current state of politics until everyone was sick of the topic /// You won the first game and I won the second, so it's a wash /// The new runway is a billion-dollar boondoggle /// He took folk music and melded it with pop /// They are guided by the visible grid of the trellis /// He is duped by a debonair con man into opening a car and safe, and lands in jail for a year /// He spoke without notes but with a crib sheet of four points /// I slipped away from the guided tour /// He found himself pilloried by members of his own party /// Why did people get in a flap over nuclear energy? /// His agonised eyes, fear-stricken, glinted white in the moonlight, and there was foam on his jowl /// I suspect that they stay in the scullery only a few days and in the kitchen only a few weeks /// He killed 12 people before the authorities finally nabbed him /// I was a sassy kid who sometimes talked back to my mother /// She delivered her speech with tremendous wit and verve /// The chassis lurched forward and then back sharply, knocking the four passengers off balance /// The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing ///Just put it in my in tray and I'll look at it later /// This odious walled vertical suburb is a civic embarrassment, the embodiment of a runaway plutocracy that places its own interests over the commonweal — and common decency /// They spent their honeymoon in a cruddy beachside hotel /// He broached the subject they had been avoiding all evening /// She spun round as the man, with a holler, burst through the door /// Perhaps we should examine the facts rather than indulge in a great paroxysm based on absolutely nothing /// It's time to wake up and smell the coffee and start doing things differently /// Horses flick their tails to make flies go away /// After 15 years here I feel I'm stuck in a rut /// The minister suffered yet another torrid day of criticism /// This is not really a store, but rather a window onto the world of Pirelli ///

>> No.23133300

>Wlliam Goyen

A little on the nose, Truman.

>> No.23133305

I am 35 years old. I hate rich kids that wind up successful in muh career and muh degrees because it's easier for them.

His dad owned a BMW. He is a lawyer.
My dad owned a series of shitty GMC cars that broke. Mine worked as a custodian.

I did ONE (1) semester of college and I never was able to pay them so they held my transcripts. NEVER would release them or let me go back unless I paid. They still won't release them 15 years later.

Translator kid has an easy job and only has the opportunities and nice school and everything because his parents paid for it. Never had to worry about.

I wound up working at Walmart and restaurants. No matter what I'll never be able to do what I wanted to. I'll never be able to live comfortably.

I'll always hate people who had and have it better than I do.

>> No.23133751


>> No.23133763

Refer to >>23132159 and kill yourself nigger Max Lawton, (who many say is a racist for advertising on 4chan.org. Your advertising is shit.

>> No.23133798

Try to no be poor next time, ghetto boy.

>> No.23133999

Go back to Walmart
Sign up for their drivers training
Make 80-100k a year
Max out 401k

>> No.23134142


>> No.23134147

Max Fag

>> No.23134150

Almost like those were the only 2 classes with lots of free time to pursue creative hobbies

>> No.23134159


I have bills to PAY!!!


>> No.23134251

That’s all fine and dandy but who’s stupid enough to buy a jag these days?

>> No.23135556


>> No.23135999

Who's the working man's Max Lawton? My vote is for that broke ass guy who's always shilling his books on /lit/

>> No.23136230

Max was BTFO on the subject of Turkish translation a few months ago on twitter.

>> No.23136742


>> No.23136763

either a trustfunder or a rent-boy, maybe even both

>> No.23136996

i don't know, i think he's a smarmy little douche but he was right on that one. that translation was self-published shit and the cope people brought up to defend it didn't make any sense. lawton might not be the right person to do an all-new translation but he'd certainly do a better job that what was published.

>> No.23137027

80k to 100k a year is nothing if you started from nothing. 401k is for midwits who think they're going to make it to retirement to live out some sort of golden year fantasy.

>> No.23137157

Inshallah the Fourth Reich will gas these trust fund nepo queers.

>> No.23137539

>I could give you a list of excellent writers, such as John Knowles and Vance Bourjaily and James Purdy and Donald Windham and Reynolds Price and James Leo Herlihy and Calder Willingham and John Hawkes and William Goyen
Anons anyone read their works ? I have the desire to read all of them

>> No.23137545

John Knowles is a good writer. Haven't read the others.

>> No.23137626

Fuck off.

>> No.23137934

Almost all of them are gay. This site seems to have strong opinions - those who like dick and those who don’t. It would be a real shame if one of our pol visitors was offended by a description of two males having sex.

I still am curious wtf some random anon has against this guy. There’s so many writers (and translators) who are from “privileged” backgrounds. What the hell did this guy do to piss you off?

>> No.23137938

Fuck off, Max. Post your skinny fat body to IG. It might inspire obesity by obesity to lose some weight

>> No.23137940

Max, you are a racist gay man for advertising on 4chan.org. New York Review would be surely interested in learning that, don't you think.

>> No.23137941

Max Lawton is the clairo of the literary publishing world

>> No.23137942

I love you Max :3

>> No.23137981


>> No.23138029


>> No.23138037

>What the hell did this guy do to piss you off?
He probably slid into Max's dms asking if he could choke on his cock and when Max refused, he got all pissy

>> No.23138045

Max Lawton is gay, though.

>> No.23138222

goddamn hes pathetic

>> No.23138359

No this board is pathetic. You literally have a straight white male who succeeds and you fuckers shit on him. You all sound like a bunch of whiny little jealous bitches. There isn’t one valid criticism of his work. Why is his success so damaging to you?

>> No.23138386
File: 1.89 MB, 1284x1759, IMG_8039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This white man is so quirky and unique

>> No.23138394

holds up hegel at the gym! hi i'm max but you can call me tehqueerofD00M~

>> No.23138398

Max you are pathetic and your shilling even more so.

>> No.23138405
File: 1.22 MB, 1284x1178, IMG_8040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No this board is pathetic. You literally have a straight white male who succeeds and you fuckers shit on him. You all sound like a bunch of whiny little jealous bitches. There isn’t one valid criticism of his work. Why is his success so damaging to you

>> No.23138414

He dont need our approval. what does a guy like this need approval of a bunch of retards on 4chan. its not like hes desperate for our attention

>> No.23138418

>its not like hes desperate for our attention.
this thread is certainly a counterpoint. Max, consider suicide.

>> No.23138433

I'm so glad I'm not like this. They're exactly like women.

>> No.23138517

>I still am curious wtf some random anon has against this guy.
It's a culture war runoff poster trying to regulate what can and cannot be brought up on this board. He's spamming ML to troll and rile people up in general, like with Twitter screencaps and other ragebait threads, but the long-term goal is to get this Lawton guy and anything related to him "banned" from /lit/ -- either outright (under "advertising", as if Max Lawton himself is running some sort of board-wide hate engagement campaign to... sell books? by being an annoying faggot and tarnishing his own character?) or, if the advertising angle doesn't work, some other method that will make ML and anything related to him (such as his translations/publishers) impossible to bring up due to the spam that occurred before. Hopefully the mods see through these transparent (and rather feeble) attempts.

Here's a previous thread by the same schizo:

Lawton seems like a twat and I can certainly understand the itch to shit on him, but these recurring gossip/smear threads are just pathetic.

>> No.23138524

Take your meds, you mentally ill loser

>> No.23138527

Just seems like a guy who hates him, how is that some kind of complex counter-shilling op?

>> No.23138528

>(and rather feeble)
You write like a homosexual, Max

>> No.23138538

You really need to go back to plebbit, dude

>> No.23138540
File: 69 KB, 900x900, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>him "banned" from /lit/ --
yes Max, the fact that many people say you keep posting advertising threads on 4chan ought to be brought to NYR and Columbia's attention. And your ridiculous twee grammar stands out like a sore thumb.

>> No.23138631
File: 16 KB, 340x260, manualidades_marioneta_serpiente_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that Columbia doctoral trust fund brats are on 4chin and try to awkwardly sockpuppet
redditors like Max Lawton (of Columbia University Humanities) don 't realize you can admit who you are on here and people on here would like you more for it, not to mention that sockpuppeting is intellectually dishonest and would be viewed as such by academia.

>> No.23138680
File: 551 KB, 1409x1044, Lawton Spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple threads of ego-aggrandizing puffery
Just admit you were spamming, Max Lawton.

>> No.23138784
File: 138 KB, 1241x1239, 1700625865798701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing complex about it imo, it's standard procedure. And even if the "op" isn't real and there's no agenda to this type of recurrent smearposting -- which I doubt -- it still not /lit/-related (even if Max sort of invited it by being an obvious lolcow). You yourself found it odd. It'd be one thing if people were talking about his translations or "novels" (which don't seem to exist) or whatever. I guarantee you that this guy >>23138680 will appear with his screenshot in every thread that's even tangentially related to Max Lawton from here on out (NYRB, Sorokin, etc). He's already posted it twice ITT.

Again, your theory doesn't make any fucking sense. Explain how Max posting threads designed to make the users of 4chan hate him and/or outs him as a 4chan poster benefits him and his work in any way. We're not talking about Woah Vicky here.

>> No.23138793

You’re still writing like a massive faggot, lil plebbit boy.

>> No.23138799
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 3482309423948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will appear with his screenshot in every thread that's even tangentially related to Max Lawton from here on out (NYRB, Sorokin, etc). He's already posted it twice ITT.
Read: I, Max Lawton, am angry and am lashing out that someone remembered my old threads and screenshotted them, and despite them lauding Max Lawton (of Columbia University) as a genius translator, I, Max Lawton, now view them as a smear!

>> No.23138805

Maybe you can get ChatGPT to dumb it down for (You). Make it a oneliner, throw in some keks and cucks and troons and so forth.

>> No.23138813

Gay doesn't equal smart. No doubt you've sucked BEE like a little bitch boy.

>> No.23139161
File: 168 KB, 828x850, GG6C2ijaEAALCdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an excerpt from Max's upcoming novel, THE ABODE

>> No.23139164


>> No.23139165
File: 262 KB, 828x1342, GG6C2ihbAAAMmBr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23139274

>muh steve kang langulliers
Is he pedo too?

>> No.23139278

this is bad and this thread should not exist

>> No.23139877

He has another novel titled Progress about a gay relationship:
>It’s October, 2020. On a Saturday night, a college sophomore and his best friend engage in a radical act of sexual experimentation with their female acquaintance. The next day, a prolonged series of crashes heard through a dormitory window heralds the end of something. In simple terms: all wheels stop spinning and all screens stop shining. Afraid of this new world and the people they share a city with, the two boys make the precipitous decision to begin walking from their place of study in NYC to the narrator’s home in Ohio. As they walk, the formerly platonic contours of their relationship give way to something else. Maneuvering across the concrete skin of America, the boys slumber in the empty belly of a dead country in blissful ignorance of the threat hanging over them.

>Opening as a campus novel, morphing into a melancholy psychogeographic exploration of a country-carcass, and ending as a psychedelic vision of the end of history, Progress is about what happens when rules change. Conceived of and started before the pandemic, this novel is a particularly relevant read in our current historical moment. Written with the chilly object-fixation of Peter Handke and the wry humor of Will Self, Progress is also deeply indebted to Vladimir Sorokin’s shamanistic and scatological engagements with Russian history. To put it another way: Progress is The Road meets Call Me By Your Name with a dash of Dhalgren. It is a transmission both awful and enormous from the heart of our new American age.

>> No.23139886

He has a great prose style. Max will write the next Great American Novel while translating masterpieces from 8 languages. Jelly yet, /lit/?

>> No.23139949

He's friend with dasha nebrasova?

>> No.23140345

Sounds bad

>> No.23140360

Is Max gay or something? Why would anyone write a gay romance?

>> No.23140365

Because they're gay.

>> No.23140461

Plz share the epub.

>> No.23140463

It's not published yet. neck yourself for being a faggot and secondly for wanting to read this dreck.

>> No.23140468

I-I want to laugh to it!
And share to everyone so he get no money from it.

>> No.23140478

It isn't published yet, but considering Fagton is a rich kid with a mother who works in publishing, it probably will be in the future.

>> No.23140481
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Walls and empty streets are le bad, wow!

>> No.23140490

Max you got BTFO kek

>> No.23140494

Postmodernism was a mistake. These freaks write about shit like the life-shattering decision of using a single square of paper instead of a double square and then make some vague links to Hegel or whatever philosopher and try to sell it as a masterpiece. I hate these charlatans so much.

>> No.23140939

The greatest English translator alive, bitch.

>> No.23140973

>objective truth objectively does not exist
no shit

>> No.23142188

I just took a huge shit and it looked exactly like Max Lawton.
Can any Jungians specialized in excrementory theory help me out?

>> No.23142341

Should I read Theroux?

>> No.23142474

A ver.

>> No.23142905

Max Lawton posts here. He recently tried to shut down my independent translation of a French text he is currently translating for NYRB. I know for a fact he will steal what I posted of my translation on here.

>> No.23142912

How did he try to shut it down?

>> No.23142939

He tried to find out where I was writing and storing my translation. Like if it was a Google doc, he could contact Google and get them to shut it down. He was also very interested in my translation process.
I quickly figured out the reason he was so interested and asking all these questions is because he was trying to gather information to get my translation permanently deleted and to serve me some kind of legal injunction.
Lol, didn't work. I'm going to finish my translation before he does, send it to NYRB and snipe him out of his own contract.

>> No.23142952

And this all happened on /lit/? I didn’t notice. What a bitch. Anyway, good luck on your translation.

>> No.23142957

You sound like a schizo

>> No.23142968

Ok, maybe it wasn't Max Lawton...but it was some NYRB shill/worker. NYRB will most likely be releasing a translation of Laissez Bronzer les Cadavres by J.-P. Manchette soon (next 5 years?). It's pretty much the only work of his they haven't translated. I posted about my own independent work on a translation of this (>>/lit/thread/23086207).). In the thread some guy got really fucking interested in the translation. It was very obvious to me it was someone at NYRB wondering if they should be worried and figuring out how to shut me down.

>> No.23143063

Max doesn’t give a fuck about this shit book
lmao schizos, man.

>> No.23143071

Hi, Max

>> No.23143267

take your meds

>> No.23143417


>> No.23143854

If you were at a party talking to your friend, and you casually mentioned you'd been reading this neat book and were recommending it to your friend, Max Lawton would be the type of dude to butt into your conversation, proclaim he'd read the book too, found it trifling, and that he'd actually read a much deeper and more obscure book that did what the book just recommended to your friend was trying to do, and then he'd go on about how great it is but that you probably wouldn't get it, bearing in my mind your choice of books, but that he thinks it's great you're reading outside of the high school syllabus. And he'd do all this because he overheard you mentioning a book that isn't extremely well-known to your friend, a book like, say, Heart of a Dog.

Fuck you Max. You're a cunt and Jessica didn't care that Sorokin was "a modern day Bulgakov but more obscure and deeper thematically". Like what the fuck was your problem, dude?

>> No.23143863
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Forgot the pic.

>> No.23143930

Is he jacking off while reading Hegel? Those are levels of BASED I didn’t know were possible

>> No.23143982

beyond retarded and paranoid. is this some zoomer thing, the result of growing up surveillancecucked?

>> No.23144001

Why are people ITT acting like translating a book makes one a success?
You're essentially a middle man wagey repackaging whatever modern slop for a new market of consumers.
The author is the only creative one in the chain and the books he's translated are probably shit anyway.
He didn't write them kek

>> No.23144014

You're right, and that's because Max is ITT and mad as fuck. The only translators that anyone really cares about are classicists.

>> No.23144028

He's working in various own novels at the same time. He will release them soon and will be the best novels of the decade.

>> No.23144034
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>> No.23144039

It would be foolish and cynical to suggest translating doesn’t require creativity also, especially when it’s a difficult book.

>> No.23144088

Oh, sorry. My ESL writing is bad and moved you to laugh. Ok. I insist, his soon published novels will be a great revelation.

>> No.23144192

Although I should be reading, this is my favorite thread.

We have :

1. Disgruntled Wal-Mart employee bitter about Max’s privilege.

2. Anon who is worried about his seminal translation of Manchette being stolen.

3. Several people in the crowd yelling ‘what a fag’ as if we’re all in middle school.

Call me impressionable, but this thread has made me curious to explore his translations and his upcoming fiction.

>> No.23144196

I already ordered Telluria just see what the fuzz is all about with Sorokin and Lawton. I wonder if I picked the right book.

>> No.23144215

You forgot to mention that Max is in the thread and obviously created it and is seething about getting called out, kek. >>23138784

>> No.23144222

Your welcome bro. Welcome to Max's world and enjoy you're stay.

>> No.23144359

Huh? I don’t get it. Is that guy Max?

>> No.23144360


>> No.23144389

It does come off as a bit too defensive

>> No.23144438

>2. Anon who is worried about his seminal translation of Manchette being stolen.
I am worried about this. Let's just say that after unveiling the humble beginning of my translation to 4chan...I noticed some suspicious activity regarding my source document. It could only be explained by a tip-off from NYRB to monitor my progress.

>> No.23144440


>> No.23144444

Max is BASED. Admit it.

>> No.23144450
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>> No.23144480

I know what I saw. And the only way it could happen was if someone else was logged into my account also viewing the source document. The person realized they fucked up because they noticed what I noticed and quickly logged out.

>> No.23144482
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I think the thread is working…maybe mind control from a filling I had a couple months ago…a true aberration.

Anyways - I made a purchase. I traded some of my goynotes for these.

>> No.23144486
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Did it have a good cost-page ratio, my dude?

>> No.23144497

i have that carl jung book and i don't know if it's a good read or not but it has a ton of cool pictures!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.23144499
File: 105 KB, 1179x757, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old people literally trying not to die just to read the next Max Lawton translation.

>> No.23144506

Max is honestly so kind, translating important and overlooked world literature for illiterate monolingual GEEZERS. You can tell he truly does have a good heart. I weep for all the stinky wrinkled old fucks that died before they could read Max's excellent translation of Vladamir Sorrorkin's BLUE LARD out now from NYRB books

>> No.23144512

Max gives people reasons to live. A true /lit/ chad.
We should all kneel.

>> No.23144519

You may not get to be like this Max guy, but you could be like his dad, or maybe his dad’s dad.

>> No.23144523 [DELETED] 

I kneel

>> No.23144535

So someone is false flagging as this max guy to draw hate?

>> No.23144537

That’s not the point. The point is that it takes a fraction of the creativity of writing a novel and more importantly, nobody cares.

>> No.23144540

Don’t you think this is your fault for sharing it?

>> No.23144542
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BASED. He’s also a good Christian.

>> No.23144549
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>> No.23144550

What a bizarre thread. Prominence? And people carrying water for him? I don’t really get it and I won’t be reading any of these. Life is too short to be this concerned with a literal who.

>> No.23144551

Alright, OP. You've convinced me. I've seen so many variations of your self-promotion threads that I decided to pirate your translation of Telluria.
>“‘TIS time to shake the Kremlin walls!” Zoran wandered back and forth under the table with great focus, driving his fist into his palm. “’Tis time! ‘Tis time!”
tis time indeed

>> No.23144553

Spam. Everyone do your job

>> No.23144588

>Help me Niggerjanny!

>> No.23144712

i think the Max Lawton stuff is part of a much larger problem with independent publishers in general. there’s all sorts of fishy shit going on lately
for example, the author America and the Cult of the Cactus Boots, which eventually got published on Rick Harsch’s corona/samizdat press, had actually gone to Deep Vellum first. however, his negotiation with Will Evans (DV head) came to a halt when Evans just completely ghosted him. and Evans is chums with, you guessed it, Lawton
there are so few people concerning themselves with these kinds of books and even fewer actively participating in their gestations. why the hell are these yuppies trying to start beef with others involved in that?

>> No.23144728

What the fuck are you talking about you gay cunt!

>> No.23144731

i think i’ve made it pretty clear exactly what i’m talking about lol

>> No.23144744

A paradox, unironically.

>> No.23144748

ya. brought to you by the same geniuses who thought rc waldun posted here.

>> No.23144753

Max, we all know you created the thread and you got BTFO earlier. Just log off.

>> No.23144761

That gym machine will not untangle the paradox.
Try keto and HIT

>> No.23144769

William Goyen. His short stories. Do it

>> No.23144774

You should translate Restif de la Bretonne

>> No.23144784

Scratch that, translate Rabelais and his World by Bakhtin. Used copies are expensive and it’s been out of print for some time. You’d have my respect if you get that in circulation. I already emailed NYRB but I’d like to see this ball moving

>> No.23144785

Hi Phillip. This is the Max Lawton thread. Please make your own thread if you want to shill America and the Cult of the Cactus Boots. Thanks.

>> No.23144830

Is Max going to translate Faulkner into English?

>> No.23144833

What’s a paradox? Sounds like it could be /fit/ slang?

>> No.23144840

fuck off boomer shill

>> No.23144864

I get payed $0.50 for every Max Lawston thread that gets posted and another $0.001 for every reply that thread recieves. Its not alot, but it goes a long way to feeding my village. Its not an easy job but someone needs to do it.

>> No.23144877

nice larp

>> No.23144892

This America Cactus Boots book legitimately sounds like the worst book to ever be created

>> No.23144944
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I didn't believe you, so I researched a bit. So, I read the synopsis and saw the main demographic by seeing the comments on Goodreads and youtube reviews. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the fact that only a single woman reviewed the book tells me the book is pretentious garbage, made for the most insufferable literary fans alive

>> No.23144995

OK, Crypto /biz/ tard

>> No.23145003

Maybe it's an oxymoron? Or a contradiction in terms?

>> No.23145007 [DELETED] 

Why do you one who ghosted who?

>> No.23145014


>> No.23145031
File: 67 KB, 828x855, F7TPlX5bYAAsp84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his favorite books. shit taste desu. same books as any 19 year old on /lit/

>> No.23145038

/lit/ doesn’t read

>> No.23145041

Where'd you find this?

>> No.23145050

his twitter lmao imagine posting ur fav books on twitter

>> No.23145057

Kino taste. Also, 19 year olds don’t even know the existence of half that list let alone have read those books.

>> No.23145071

>any 19 year old on /lit/
reading comprehension fail. and it's pretty pleb.

>> No.23145077

really, Max? No BLOOD MERIDIAN?
guess Blue Lard is getting donated to the thrift store as soon as it arrives. Why waste time on an author who doesn't recognize perfect American literature.

>> No.23145080

the only item on that list a 19 y/o wouldn't know is Will Self because he's your FRIEND

>> No.23145082

>reading comprehension fail.
I obviously meant on /li/, retard.
> and it's pretty pleb
No, it’s pretty solid and has some patrician choices (shit that’s not even translated to English). It would be a pleb list if he had Cormac McSharty or shit like that. You just resent Max for whatever reason.

>> No.23145083

Ah, the classic "I wrote x but meant x + y." Very vague writing. I'll have to give you a B-.

>> No.23145086

And Schattenfroh, Canti del caos, Radon Daughters, Guignol’s Band. I doubt even Pound’s Cantos.

>> No.23145088

I’m glad you’re ignoring the important bit. It means you have no answer.

>> No.23145090


>> No.23145093

Learn what samefag means, retard.

>> No.23145096

seethe harder, samefag

>> No.23145099

>/lit/ tries to make Max Lawton into a lolcow but he’s so above this shithole that it’s not working at all

>> No.23145108

Would be convincing other than Max Fagton dropped in on the thread zherself to chimp.

>> No.23145113

lmao right