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23142063 No.23142063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come online leftist thought has never taken off the way right wing content has? Breadtube has an audience but it hasn't really grown since 2020 whereas the right attracts new people.

>> No.23142073

Because leftist opinions have largely remained stagnant since the culture war days of the late 2010s. If you're a leftist the chances are you will remain a leftist. Conservatism is rising because people are growing sick of the stagnant developments liberalism promised.
Liberals promised a utopia yet all we got was race washing tv shows and failed commune states like Chaz. Conservatives actually offer something of substance, which makes it more attractive to the common person

>> No.23142084

>Conservatives actually offer something of substance, which makes it more attractive to the common person
Do they though? Most of the visible conservative tubers are unhinged schizoids, the only difference between them and Breadtubers are the sides the wings are on.

>> No.23142087

A lot of in-fighting, a lot of shattered, fractured communities that hate each other and make it harder for themselves to be unified in the way the online right is.

>> No.23142103

True leftists are the rare good people who take morality too seriously. The anonymity/separation from real world provided online allows more people to be what life is really about, self serving individualists that best fall under the right.

>> No.23142106

Because promoting leftist thought with the products of capitalism has become increasingly absurd and self-refuting. Maybe decades ago a leftist could convincingly pull off the "in capitalism but not of it" struggle sessions, but it looks downright bizarre in the flashy digital age. There's just no conviction vibe.

>> No.23142110

Why would taking morality to absurd levels make you a good person?

>> No.23142115

weren't most of these channels found out to be state/corporate sponsored anyway?

>> No.23142124

Isn't that just a man with fake hair???

>> No.23142130

Youre a retard in a rightwing bubble. What rw channels get anywhere near the sort of views breadtube ones do? I mean actual philosophy or idea channels, not "watch (rightwinger) own libs" type stuff

>> No.23142139

Leftists are much more sectarian than right wingers

>> No.23142141

Breadtube is not actual philosophy.

>> No.23142144


>> No.23142150

>What channels get more views? And I don't mean channels that get more views.

>> No.23142152

So the government funds this shit???

>> No.23142153

Because they are represented by trannies, nobody likes trannies even if they pretend they do for social good boy points

>> No.23142160

Sorry, my bad, I assumed we was talking about the politics as a whole, not specifically youtubers. Although I'd say they grow a larger audeince due to more and more people waking up from the liberal nightmare we've been living in. Andrew Tate is a prime example of this; men are sick of being treated like 2nd class citizens by liberal ideologies that they now idolise an absolute cretin of a man.
All in all, any content creator who panders to one side is unhinged, as they clearly suffer from binary thinking and cannot accept anything outside their own beleifs. Same goes fro the consumers of this content. People don't watch breadtubers or right-wing youtubers for any deeper political reasons other than they agree with their own worldview.

>> No.23142167

Feminists were once the vocal pieces of liberal ideology. Now it's trannies. What was once a liberal hivemind has broken off into two sects of lgbtq+ allies and terfs. You'd be surprised how little liberals get along with one another.

>> No.23142172

>In other news, water is wet

>> No.23142193

Who do you think funds the likes of Shapiro and Peterson?

>> No.23142195

Because non-Communist leftist thought is more intricate and more nuanced than "I... also hate all the things you hate!"

>> No.23142285

R fraid so

>> No.23142316
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The real answer is that left content has a terrible sales funnel.

Most right leaning content is made for normal people, and offers simple explanations for everyday problems. Most left leaning content is made for people who are already left leaning, or at least already have some familiarity with the issue in question.

If a lefty makes a video about inflation, it will be a 2-hour history lesson full of asides to pick fights with other youtubers and “debunk” conflicting views. If a righty makes a video about inflation, it will be a 5-minute polemic about a single person or small group who can be blamed, or a 2-minute econ 101 info dump.

The shorter, simpler video is an easier sell. You don’t need any prior knowledge on the topic, or any familiarity with the sources cited. You don’t need to care about political “inside baseball” or the drama sphere.

This is the same reason that sequels to novels often sell poorly. The debut novel can be sold to anyone; the follow-up can only be sold to readers who’ve read the debut. The more prerequisite knowledge someone needs before they can engage with your work, the fewer people will.

>> No.23142327

Sure proved me wrong. Couple of tards like most rightwingers.

>> No.23142358

Feminist division is something to behold. They will admit it's an incoherent mess with no agreed upon goal, and then wonder why everyone is turning away from it.

>> No.23142365
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Turns out artificially censoring one point of view doesn’t magically make the other one popular or appealing. Wojcicki and her (((people))) insteas turned jewtube into a sterile barren wasteland full of vain content. Leftoids have remained in their bubble, rightoids moved to X and the like, and you average Joe now consumes goyslop 12 hour video essays about the subtle nitzschean references in the Skyrim civil war questline.

>> No.23142385

Lefties are just defending the status quo which people are sick of for obvious reasons. It takes a special sort of individual to actually enjoy living around violent negroes who throw dirty needles and chicken bones everywhere, this message just doesn't resonate with normal people.

>> No.23142458

Maybe leftists should stop insulting literally anyone who disagrees with them under the pretense that any right-of-center dissidence doesn't automatically lead to mass deplatforming.

>> No.23142472
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I once remarked that leftists themselves, especially academics, have a huge problem with “the man on the street” who they see symbolizes reactionary tendencies no matter what due to the fact that a) it’s a man b) he’s an average Joe and c) possibly low information or low intelligence. Which is odd considering their platitudes towards the working class. In reality, they actually don’t like them and when class divisions are swept away so will they as a concept, wishfully thinking.

>> No.23142473
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People became angry with the Modern Left when they began targeting children with LGBT issues, after gradually gaining acceptance in society. People are now realizing that everything the Far-Right said about them was true when did come for their kids.

The Right is not any better either.

>> No.23142486

Go to the default Reddit front page and see how you're wrong.

>> No.23142537

the reason why rightists aren't sectarians is because they do not belong to a single unified religion so they cannot segregate themselves into different sects which all ultimately want something that is vaguely similar but never clear.

>> No.23142543
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>How come delusional men who pretend to be women are never popular as normal sane people?
The opinions of freaks and the rest mentally ill are never taken seriously and rightly so.

>> No.23142560

the internet is where losers go to lick their wounds, read what you wrote.

>> No.23142562

When people talk about the "right" it isn't the same as when people talk about the "left".
sure, conservatives will group liberals and commies together while commies will group liberals as right-wing. But at the end of the day, there is no single great author that the right-wing movement predicates its entire being on like Marx, because there is no real "right", it's just a name used by convention by different people. to Leftists, it refers to people who are simply not leftist, to conservatives, it refers to them alone, to french people before the revolution, it refers to monarchists whereas left refers to anti-monarchists.
The right is in reality just a vague umbrella that means different things to different people.

>> No.23142602

That’s not true. Leftism was actually more mainstream back than, even before 2020. Now it’s actually dying down.

You forget we live in the shadow of the postwar world, and while Communism's crimes are not held against it, the structure of the current world order is set up to make sure that it is essentially impossible for a true Right to take power anywhere or, if they somehow do, implement policy.

>> No.23142615

because you live in a bubble?

>> No.23142621

It has taken off before that, now it’s actually exhausting itself. This happened because of what FDR did.I don’t understand why people keep going after Churchill as if he was fighting Germany to turn it brown or something.

Churchill was an imperialist and a White nationalist. FDR was a full-blown commie sympathizer who did everything to please Stalin (warned about by Churchill) and gave away Eastern Europe while destroying Europe's empires, his New Deal also gave a a pathway for Leftsits into positions of power, l while also accepting jewish communist refugees leading to the 60s deluge.

>> No.23142630

No. Leftist content hasn't grown.

>> No.23142647

Men are tired to disgust of money-economy. They hope for salvation from somewhere or other, for some real thing of honour and chivalry, of inward nobility, of unselfishness and duty.

>> No.23142654

what the fuck are you talking about. they pretty much overthrew american democracy in 2020 and are turning the kids into troons en masse.
you live in a bubble m8.

provide truth of your assertion thats more substantive than the view count of some dyke's yootoob channel

>> No.23142656

rightwing content creators just paraphrase moldbug who ripped off carlisle. so? and if they're not doing that they're just summarizing evola and spengler. half of rightwing anything these days is fluffed up by grifters and e-whores.

>> No.23142658

>what the fuck are you talking about. they pretty much overthrew american democracy in 2020 and are turning the kids into troons en masse.
>you live in a bubble
You lack self-awareness and a sense of irony, dude.

>> No.23142732

OP thinks Ben Shapiro is right wing

>> No.23142764

It doesn't need to take off online because it's the moral consensus in polite society

>> No.23142776

>rightwing content creators just paraphrase moldbug
Depends who you are talking about and it's not so simple. Moldbuggers are a minority.
>who ripped off carlisle
Have you read Carlyle? I suppose you would also like to add that Gramsci just "ripped off" the italian school of elitism.

>> No.23142779

Jannies love making threads about this tranny.

>> No.23142797

Actual leftists have a whole jargon, narrative of history, and suite of precepts and assumptions that have little connection to either mainstream lib dogma or reality. Also the actual elite consider leftism obsolete/discredited and no longer take it seriously. It's an increasingly inaccessible insular cult for larping hipsters.

The dominant liberal progressive worldview is running into a different problem, which is that all its promises and hopes were fueled first by America's post-WW2 economic windfall and then in the 80s by massive debt expansion; at its core it takes growth and prosperity for granted and can't reconcile its inherent contradictions now that the good times are ending and the bill is coming due.