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/lit/ - Literature

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23127683 No.23127683 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly Robot Edition.

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23113538

>> No.23127695

he cute

>> No.23127701
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>Nearly 150 books

Is it worth it lads?

>> No.23127750
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Think I'm gonna read another Conan pastiche, bros. Pic related is apparently one of the best.

>> No.23127759
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How come non-Anglophones can't write good SF/F?

>> No.23127822

They can

>> No.23127878
File: 289 KB, 955x1500, Necromantra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend pic related if the idea of 'smogpunk' interdasts you. It also has a cute necromancer waifu.

>> No.23127883

That's not meta filter. The meta filter is not reading scifi by people that don't have stem degree's.

>> No.23127920
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They have no soul

>> No.23128879

Go for it, anon

>> No.23129722

kek how do they describe the character in the book?
>her makeup routine took over an hour every morning.
>she spent $300/month on lipstick.

>> No.23129771

>Funny you post Tristan and Isolde, I'm pretty sure those two never had sex.
lol, lil bro googled the picture and read the wikipedia, he must be an expert.
> The lovers held each other; life and desire trembled through their youth, and Tristan said, “Well then, come Death.”

>And as evening fell, upon the bark that heeled and ran to King Mark’s land, they gave themselves up utterly to love.

>> No.23130577

Has anyone read The Space Trilogy by CS Lewis? How'd you like it?

>> No.23130638

I have no idea why there are two generals, but most of us are here
Anyways, I read the first one and it's very very good. Enjoyed it a lot. No idea what Perelandra or That Hideous Strength is like, though

>> No.23131305

Is there a way for these generals not to turn into ai slop copy paste posts forever?

>> No.23132352

Yes, try posting something original next time.

>> No.23132523
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so the Dunc trilogy looks to be option 2 think they'll go full Golden Path?

>> No.23132546

>enough time to waste on 4 books of genre fiction
Is 4 books some herculean task to Americans lmfao

>> No.23132552

Rent free, chinky.

>> No.23132590

>>>>>4 books is considered a massive time sink

>> No.23132783
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Is this true?
I read the webnovel and it really is shit (5 year old is advanced in earth, wind, fire and saint in water, isn't mentioned again until he's 15 at the magic academy and he still doesn't know any new magic, but is claimed to have emperor tier magic despite only learning an saint-ranked earth spell)
I was planning on reading the lightnovel after a webnovel reread. I heard there is more content, but this would be a big plus for me.

>> No.23132802

I completely disagree with the golden path idea. Just read dune and god emperor. Sure there are things you won't understand at all, but people these days read mtl chinkslop and just referencing the wiki when you are confused will be more than enough.

>> No.23132811

holy fucking newfag
1 nobody discusses LNs here, that's an /a/ thing
2 you're talking about a webnovel and you won't even give a name?
go be less vague and deepthroat a shotgun

>> No.23132814

MT obviously

>> No.23132820

>acronym like I have a magical clairvoyance to read your thoughts
wish I had a magical fist to ram through your screen, faggot

>> No.23132822
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Are there any SF-fantasy books out there that read as awesome as a 1970s-80s hard rock album cover looks?

>> No.23132833
File: 27 KB, 293x445, 51xk709fL9L._SY445_SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any SF-fantasy books out there that read as awesome as a 1970s-80s hard rock album cover looks?
The Book of the Long Sun series by Gene Wolfe: This epic science fiction saga takes place on the long sun, a vast artificial world with four tiers, each with its own unique culture and environment. The series is known for its complex plot, rich worldbuilding, and mind-bending concepts, perfectly capturing the ambitious spirit of progressive rock bands like Rush.

>> No.23132845

I recommend finding (possibly older) videogames with cover that give you the same feeling and then researching the authors to see were their inspiration came from, or shoot them an email if you can't find anything.

>> No.23132846

But does it have a happy ending?

>> No.23132849


>> No.23132855
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I haven't read pic related yet, but here's the synopsis for it from Amazon:
>Sucked into an exotic, barbarous world, Dan meets a jovial warrior and finds himself on an adventure he could’ve never imagined - battling monsters, demons, armies, and evil sorcerers.
>Dan the Destructor is a mixture of sword & sorcery and post-apocalyptic B-movies presented in a quick paced pulp novel format. It’s fun, badass, fantastical, and action-packed.

>> No.23132866

>portal fantasy
based, this is my favorite fetish

>> No.23132876

I very much desire to share my first story. Linking the PDF

>> No.23132881


>> No.23132895


>> No.23132915

what are your stories about, I'm not going to click random links with no premise

>> No.23132931

It’s a short story about a murderer who dies and goes to space. I pinky promise the PDF won’t harm your computer, however if you like I can upload the text to pastebin

>> No.23132935

gptsama... I kneel...

>> No.23132941

What are the odds that I will waste the later half of my life reading ai generated chinkslop that releases faster than I can read? It's looking like 100%

>> No.23132945

I don't care about it being harmful I care about it wasting my time and that description doesn't particularly appeal to me.
What's the premise for your big fantasy story you have yet to write?

>> No.23132947

There are so many actual books out there you could read instead you should have no problem keeping yourself entertained - assuming you have the disposable income to spend on books.

>> No.23132951

But actual books lack soul.

>> No.23132957

I’m sorry to hear that. The fantasy story is about a world filled with a variety of Native American style cultures, with an animal based magic system. The main character is an islander based of of the Taino people’s culture, who can partially transform into a Marine Iguana.

>> No.23132960



>> No.23132964
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>> No.23132977

Dune Messiah as the image says is short and feels like a direct continuation of Dune itself, I'd say it's worth reading regardless, and Children and God Emperor combined are only marginally longer than Dune so if you can make it through the the original those two together shouldn't be that bad either

>> No.23133020

I'm with >>23132977. Everyone knows that Children are "eeeh", but Messiah is ok and really short, and it's not like either are hard reading. It's trivial to blast throuh both in a day or two.

>> No.23133041

>What are the odds that I will waste the later half of my life reading ai generated chinkslop that releases faster than I can read? It's looking like 100%
You can just, not read it?

>But actual books lack soul.
AIslop is generated based on a pre-existing training dataset so if it has soul it automatically means that there is a shitton of books with souls which were used to train it.

>> No.23133065

But you can't beat the hypothetical AI in terms of SOVL density.
Beneath the twilight's bruised embrace, where gnarled roots clutched the very earth as if in defiance of oblivion, stood Anya, Knight Errant of the Verdant Order. Her emerald cloak, once vibrant as spring leaves, hung in tattered threads, the verdant hues dulled by the dust of countless battles. Yet, her sapphire eyes, the very essence of summer skies, burned with unwavering resolve.

Anya gripped the hilt of her ancestral blade, Moonsilver. Its once moonstone pommel, fractured and dull, seemed to weep silent tears in the dying light. The blade itself, though nicked and scratched, still held the faintest shimmer of moonlight, a testament to its celestial heritage.

Before her loomed the Obsidian Gate, a monstrous maw carved into the mountainside, pulsating with an unnatural violet glow. Whispers of malevolent energies coiled around it, a chilling symphony of despair and decay. From its depths, monstrous shadows stirred, grotesque parodies of life, their hunger a tangible presence in the stale air.

Anya took a deep breath, the scent of decaying magic and ancient stone filling her lungs. Fear, a serpent coiled around her heart, threatened to squeeze and constrict. But she pushed it down, channeling it into righteous fury. This was the culmination of her quest, the final stand against the encroaching tide of darkness.

With a battle cry that echoed through the desolate valley, Anya charged towards the Obsidian Gate. Moonsilver sang in her hand, eager for the clash, and in that moment, Anya knew. She might fall, but the Gate would not. Not tonight. The spirit of the Verdant Order, of countless fallen heroes, surged within her, a tide of courage impossible to quell. This was her SOVL, her soul, laid bare on the battlefield - a testament to the unwavering spirit of light against the encroaching shadows.

>> No.23133071
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>> No.23133072


Anya took a deep breath, the acrid scent of decaying magic and ancient stone stinging her nostrils. Fear, a serpent with scales the color of deepest shadow, coiled around her heart, threatening to squeeze and constrict, its icy tendrils attempting to ensnare her courage. But Anya, fueled by the unwavering spirit of the Verdant Order and the countless heroes who had fallen in the defense of the light, pushed back against the fear with the unwavering force of a tidal wave. This was the culmination of her quest, the final stand against the encroaching tide of darkness that threatened to engulf the world in its suffocating grip.

With a battle cry that echoed through the desolate valley like the roar of a celestial titan, Anya charged towards the Obsidian Gate. Moonsilver sang a song of righteous fury in her hand, its blade eager for the clash of steel against steel. In that moment, Anya knew that even if she were to fall beneath the onslaught of the darkness, the Obsidian Gate would not. Not tonight. The spirit of the Verdant Order, a beacon of unyielding courage and unwavering light, surged within her, a transcendent force that even the most profound darkness could not extinguish. This was her SOVL, the very essence of her being laid bare on the battlefield, a testament to the unwavering defiance of light against the encroaching shadows.
Anya gripped the hilt of her ancestral blade, Moonsilver. Its once moonstone pommel, fractured and dull, seemed to weep silent tears in the dying light. The blade itself, though nicked and scratched, still held the faintest shimmer of moonlight, a testament to its celestial heritage.

Before her loomed the Obsidian Gate, a monstrous maw carved into the mountainside, pulsating with an unnatural violet glow. Whispers of malevolent energies coiled around it, a chilling symphony of despair and decay. From its depths, monstrous shadows stirred, grotesque parodies of life, their hunger a tangible presence in the stale air.

Anya took a deep breath, the scent of decaying magic and ancient stone filling her lungs. Fear, a serpent coiled around her heart, threatened to squeeze and constrict. But she pushed it down, channeling it into righteous fury. This was the culmination of her quest, the final stand against the encroaching tide of darkness.

With a battle cry that echoed through the desolate valley, Anya charged towards the Obsidian Gate. Moonsilver sang in her hand, eager for the clash, and in that moment, Anya knew. She might fall, but the Gate would not. Not tonight. The spirit of the Verdant Order, of countless fallen heroes, surged within her, a tide of courage impossible to quell. This was her SOVL, her soul, laid bare on the battlefield - a testament to the unwavering spirit of light against the encroaching shadows.

>> No.23133080

trash desu

>> No.23133084

Still more SOVL than your boomer gweiloslop.

>> No.23133093


>> No.23133733

Stopped reading there

>> No.23134093

That sounds interesting except for the fact that you're starting out with wimpy caribbean islanders nobody cares about. I'd rather read about the Navajo or Iroquois or Maya or something.

>> No.23134098

The fact that zoomers and autismal weebs think this is a good example of writing indicates the death of art in general. It's a step above chinkshit, but you still have to be a mindless NPC to enjoy it.

>> No.23134339

>1 nobody discusses LNs here, that's an /a/ thing
I'll talk about them here if it comes up.
Also the main LN thread is on /jp/ and they're too autistic to even read translations lol. /a/ basically never discusses them unless it's about an adaptation.
Presume they mean Mushoku Tensei which honestly might be the worst series in the entire genre.

>> No.23134348

Doubt it. Villenueve will probably drop out after 3, I'd be really surprised to if the studio wanted to keep going with them.
Stoked to see Dune2 tho, reviews have been hyping it up.

>> No.23134388

Do you know if this book series is "done"? That is, that the main story is sufficiently finished, or is it still ongoing? I prefer not to start a series that hasn't had its ending written yet, because it means waiting years (or forever) for the conclusion. I'm looking at you Wayne Barlowe.

>> No.23135168

I don't think it's finished, but considering the amount of books in the series the writer has put out in such a short amount of time I'm sure you don't have to worry about it not being finished. He isn't writing some 'epic' pseudslop.

>> No.23135176

This chart is so shitty. If you're going to read dune messiah to finish "muad'dib's story" then you have to read children of dune as well. And why the fuck would you read god emperor of dune but not heretics and chapter house? Most retardedly Dune encyclopedia and Road to Dune aren't even mentioned but there's a whole section bitching about brian and how you LE DON'T RESPECT LORD FRANK if you read his fanfics.

>> No.23135285

This, honestly if you're stupid enough to start reading one Dune sequel after the perfect ending of the first novel, you ought to be able to tolerate reading through the rest, at least to Sandworms of Dune.
But honestly you're better off treating Dune as a standalone novel that never had any sequels.

>> No.23135348

That’s a part of the hero’s journey, he starts off at home and goes to see the great wonders of the world

>> No.23135669

I don't want to self insert into some Caribbean.

>> No.23135702


>> No.23135722
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>> No.23135873

Someone explain wtf is going on with this general, why are there two up?

>> No.23135874

Why are there 2 generals?

>> No.23135889

A lot of prose to describe nothing happening

>> No.23135944

How do I get into Wolfe?

>> No.23135953

You don't. Wolfe gets into you!

>> No.23135957

Book of the New Sun of course.

>> No.23136121

Start with The Knight of course. (skip The Wizard)

>> No.23136382

>skip the ending where everything important happens
another galaxy brain /sffg/poster

>> No.23136394

more like
>skip the second half because it's complete ass. don't waste your time.

>> No.23136416

the worst part of the duology happens in book one THOUGH the death of Sir Ravd

>> No.23136666

Read through Heretics. God Emperor is totally bizarre and the best book Herbert ever wrote, but I like Heretics purely for it's action sequences. Chapterhouse is dull with no ending, and the books Anderson and his son co-wrote together aren't worth getting into (except for Road to Dune which is mostly Frank's notes and outtakes)
Anyways I'm reading A Deepness in the Sky and so far it's great.

>> No.23136705
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You don’t have to, ethnic group bases aren’t 1:1 with the cultural bases. You can larp as whoever you want to, but I don’t plan on really exploring much outside of the southeast in this first part of the story
Some of the names are retarded, but there are reasons to the retardation and all the -reaches. Although this map is about the size of North America, there is a reason why there are so many ethnic groups.
And the entire eastern half of the map speak similar varieties of the same language, there is a very good reason for that cop out however.
Trust the plan. Two more years

>> No.23136840

Everything after God Emperor is shit and not worth it. Don't listen to these other fags.

>> No.23137052

Brother chill the fuck out, you asked me to read it and give his thoughts. I don't see ANYWHERE he called you a nazi or some shit.

You are freaking tf out. He doesn't hate you or whatever you think is going on, if he did he'd say some vile evil shit to you. Whatever he posted, re-read it as a genuine conversation.

>> No.23137073
File: 2.39 MB, 1880x1040, 00009-135835293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the person who recommended me this shit a few threads ago "FUUUUUUUU". It has some interesting magic and fantasy races/ elements but the info dumps and triplicate information you have to skim through to get there is rage inducing. Also the MC is a simpleton of a retard!
Whoever recommended this one thank you. Its been a while since ive enjoyed trad fantasy this much. Main selling point is the characters and their interaction thus far.

>> No.23137077

>you asked me to read it
you're really bad at this

>> No.23137081
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>> No.23137090

Actually gonna finally start in on this.

>> No.23137102

Dude, with you all due disrespect, stop. You've already proven you're an unhinged weirdo. We all know your dirty tactics of image manipulation. Leftoids are all the same and I'm not going to engage with any of you from here on.

>> No.23137113
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>the adam friedland show podcast

>> No.23137120

Dasha won't ever love you.

>> No.23137129

Dune 1 only 1 worth reading
Whoever wrote this is a fucking pedophile
This is the pedophile that wrote it kek. Dilate and rope

>> No.23137150

It's your fault for making any of that sexual in your mind, you degenerate.

>> No.23137162

Whatever you say pedo, let me know when you get arrested for cp

>> No.23137173

To be fair the spoilered quotes were from the January version. It's entirely possible everything was changed since then, I wouldn't know.

>> No.23137176

Real Previous Thread


>> No.23137371
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>> No.23137392
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>> No.23137395

what book?

>> No.23137403

The Ultimate Enemy by Fred Saberhagen

No idea if it's any good, I just came across the image from a blog I follow

>> No.23137404

>the ultimate enemy
The jews?

>> No.23137424

Which tiers? There's the surface, the tunnels and the mainframe.
Bad bot.

>> No.23137555
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>> No.23137557
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gptsama told me books similar to LOTM are:
House of Leaves, Annihilation, The City & The City, Perdido Street Station, The Library at Mount Char

>> No.23137576

>mount char

>> No.23137657
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All he had to do was post ONE (1) chapter for Doors of Stone to fulfill his charity promise. Now it’s been over two years. wtf was his problem?

>> No.23137662
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>> No.23137678


>> No.23137817

>schizo schizo schizo
Why do people leave their broken newfag bots here?

>> No.23137829

>read a blurb
>"Reminds me of George RR Martin..."
>"A new voice in dark fantasy..."

>> No.23137838

>a tour de force
>new york bestseller
>your favourite authors favourite author
Also when they advertise books on the radio

>> No.23138000

Crackpot theory: whenever Robert Baratheon screamed Lyanna we always took it into account he was grief stricken over her death he was but I think he was actually echoing Rhaegar's last words before he killed him since we were never revealed what Rhaegar Targaryen's final lines were it would make sense it would be the name of the woman he loved which further enraged Robert since it proved once and again that Lyanna never loved him and instead loved Rhaegar

>> No.23138048
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So, this was disappointing.

>> No.23138120

>"Fantasy as it ought to be written." - GRRM
>"Science Fiction as it ought to be written." - GRRM
>"Mystery as it ought to be written." -GRRM
>"My diary as it ought to be written." -GRRM
>"Pornography as it ought to be written." -GRRM

Just say you didn't read it next time, damn.

>> No.23138207
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They better go all the way to the shota teg scene.

>> No.23138259

Book of Revelation, THEN The Book of Genesis.

>> No.23138337

This is garbage

>> No.23138345
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Absolutely ridiculous, saw this the other day.

>> No.23138349

Frank Herbert really lost his way somewhere.

>> No.23138361


>> No.23138370

Is that good? I bet you have more to say about it than he did.

>> No.23138377

I haven't read it yet.

>> No.23138384

After recently finishing Chapterhouse, it might be for the best that he died. The only great part of that book was the afterword dedicated to his wife.

>> No.23138395

Never mind the wasted words. Anything written by an AI beyond a technical manual lacks what every human being worth a damn imbues their writing with: themselves. There is no self in an AI, just parameters and logic gates. You might as well read a brick wall.

>> No.23138396

Explain why without spoilers.

>> No.23138417

>There is no self in an AI, just parameters and logic gates
There is no AI, once an actual AI is created it will have a sense of self. The hardware regardless if it's a chemical soup or a circuit board is irrelevant.

>> No.23138422

Remixer with Coherency, then. It's still ass for now, bro.

>> No.23138505

>tfw I reread Dune recently and realized that there's less than two weeks of events described in the entire book apart from the ~5 year time skip
How does this not feel rushed?

>> No.23138509

Probably because it was originally serialized in a magazine.

>> No.23138553

Are the berserker books good? I mean the scifi series. The idea seems promising.

>> No.23138598

In short, It was way too long for how little it actually covered. Started out strong, good pacing, but about 30% in the things slowed down to a fucking crawl. A new arc began and lasted until the end, confined to one location and stretched out so fucking thin. To make it worse the main group was separated for the bigger part of the book, one character just outright virtually written out and used only as a convenient narration tool. In short, I feel like most of the pages were wasted.

>> No.23138622

How would you rank Herbert's non Dune books and do you think any of them will be adapted now that the new adaptation of Dune is a hit

>> No.23138628

is the first one worth it ?

>> No.23138714

An interviewer should ask him how this book opens if it's unforgettable.

>> No.23138907

Is The Book of the New Sun hard to read? English isn’t my first language btw

>> No.23138927

it uses a lot of very archaic words that even native speakers would probably have to look up, like peltast or cacogen, but apart from that it's OK. there's a glossary at the end if I recall correctly.

>> No.23138996

Any good anti-HFY sci-fi/fantasy books?
>I don't really consider witches/wizards like Harry Potter to count, they're still human

>> No.23139005
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There's also the books by Andre-Driussi, a dictionary, chapter guides, etc. if you really need it. But I'd suggest just try reading it yourself first.

>> No.23139080

Insofar as a direct response to the modern HFY internet literature phenomenon that reddit stole from /tg/, no such literary movement or counter-movement exists in the real world, outside of reddit.
If you mean the general self-loathing defeatist nihilism that considers humanity to be ipso facto debased and not worth existing, let alone thriving, anything written by Russians, the French, or Nietzsche would correspond to your taste.
H.P. Lovecraft occupies a weird middle-ground, being on both sides of both those criteria I mentioned simultaneously.

>> No.23139098

60 pages into this and it's enjoyable so far. It's like Adventure Time for adults. Purposely cheesy and over the top, but in a non-ironic way.

>> No.23139162

I'm told Xeelee is about the Interim Coalition of Governance, in which mankind debases itself through a philosophy of fucking, sucking, murder, mayhem and complete rejection of individuality, dignity and rights, wherein they use child soldiers and nigh indiscriminate killing to conquer the galaxy. Humanity, fuck yeah, right?

>> No.23139166
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>> No.23139236

so is lightlark good or nah. i'm getting a ton of mixed reviews. on a side note, i love normie shit like sanderson and abercrombie.

>> No.23139249


>> No.23139250

Yes, Xeelee has the most xenophobic human culture in all of sci-fi arguably. Their setting shits all over 40K in terms of HFY, and even the Xeelee shit on the strongest of 40K entities. The ICoG involves the concept of turning an entire galactic civilization into a military machine in order to fight the Xeelee, after being enslaved by two separate alien species and having enough of that shit, subsequently conquering or assimilating every form of sapience they can find.
Xeelee: Exultant is a great book that 'ends' their War on the Xeelee (within the Milky Way) and takes place around the 10000th year of their 100k war against the Xeelee.

But that guy asked for ANTI-HFY so I'm not sure what he really means.

>> No.23139251
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>on a side note, i love normie shit like sanderson and abercrombie
your existence makes me mad

>> No.23139271

IMO it's anti-humanity fuck yeah in the sense that humanity has become a collective monster that only the most abject nihilistic misanthrope would admire and in the end it doesn't even matter.

>> No.23139272

which PKD book should I read next:
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
or Valis

>> No.23139289

Fair enough. In that sense, he should/would like it. Xeelee's transcription of humanity into a war machine in not much idealized. The most relevant novel would be Xeelee: Exultant. It's fucking great, if anybody wants a read.
Three Stigmata is traditional scifi Dick.
VALIS is very autobiographical and pertains to a vision he glimpsed in real life that changed his life.

>> No.23139315

thanks so I will commence with Plamer Eldritch

>> No.23139319

I keep meaning to get around to Xeelee myself, and a dozen other classics. All things in time, bros.

>> No.23139415

BNB loves the MC doesnt she, i can feel the stockholm.

>> No.23139426
File: 56 KB, 675x365, zWMLOIf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scott R. Bakker introduces dozens of colorful names most of which are embellished with umlauts and accents, just to drop that sentence. tell me that's not intentional.

does anyone else suffer from fiction amnesia? i can unknowingly reread books after years just to recognize plots halfway through and start questioning reality by the sense of deja vu that shit evokes.

>> No.23139499

>4 years of shitposting for names such as KUMREZZER

>> No.23139542
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>lemme just steal everything from the Silmarillion...
>oh wait I ran out of names...what about...Cumguzzler?

>> No.23139558

Does it trouble you?

>> No.23139579

>and pertains to a vision he glimpsed in real life that changed his life.
you can say drugs here
its okay

>> No.23139582

it explains why Bakker writes so much gay rape

>> No.23139599

Not really. You are projecting your own Stockholm onto others.

>> No.23139618

Him being Canadian explains why he writes so much gay rape.

>> No.23139667

I finished Three Stigmata last week, it was very good!

>> No.23139712
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>> No.23139955
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>read atros imperium
>1st chapter, woman soldier

>> No.23139958
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>1st chapter, woman

>> No.23139966

if something can exist in real life, why can't it exist in fiction where it's even easier for impossible things to happen? (dragons are real btw)

>> No.23139996

>if something can exist in real life
it shouldn't though. It's embarrassing and more ridiculous than any sff

>> No.23140026

I don't begrudge organizations existing that solely recruit women, such as Sisters of Battle who double as Emperor's concubines, female nobility personal guards, camp followers or witch covens doing the magical shtick, and so on. They have a niche they carve out.
To me, it doesn't make sense in a low fantasy medieval setting for a peasant woman to be a soldier as long as the humans there don't reproduce asexually like spores. Rome would've disappeared within a generation if half their legions were women when fighting against Hannibal. Just Battle of Cannae wiped 20% of their male population.

>> No.23140040

I can temporarily suspend my sense of disbelief and accept magic, dragons, alternate realities, time travel and other fantastical things but women soldiers is a step too far and goes way beyond of what is acceptible.

>> No.23140042

I really like the idea of women soldiers being used as props by an exploitive system.

>> No.23140045
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None of those have to do with each other. If dragons therefore women soldiers makes no sense. How does the existence of dragons make women stronger?

>> No.23140052


>> No.23140054

Listen, if you make a race of women that reproduce faster than the most fertile coochie in Nigeria and skew the female/male birth ration 3-1, I will allow you woman soldiers. You'll have to work a bit harder than just writing down "soldier" next to "woman".

>> No.23140084
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Of course, that opens new plotholes, how come this faction of women hasn't conquered the whole world yet by having so much more extra coochie to give to angsty incel males who live in the inferior 1:1 female:male birth ratio tribes. Would the males in such a society be far too content to contribute more or would the development be led by women and thus inferior technologically? Or would the males be so satisfied, and women so thirsting for more dicks that they are actually super successful until they met troll cocks that they die from rather than absorbing into the faction? Problems can likely be solved if you just throw enough angry women with spears at it anyway.

>> No.23140130

Ironically, there is more attestation to women soldiers - and I mean actual combatants who did something - in the period between the fall of the empire and the American Civil War than there has been between the ACW and the present day. The Romans are the odd ones out in history: they are one of the few historical regimes that never (to anybody's knowledge) permitted women to fight in real wars for any reason, though they were fond of having gladiator girls chop each other to bits in the arena.
Not that female warriors should ever be considered "normal" or "standard" like modern western militaries like to pretend, but their wide attestation throughout history should not be ignored.

>> No.23140137

What are some examples, aside from bullshit like Germanics' letting their women come into battle to throw rocks at people? I'm talking actual trained soldiery. Women are weak and slow, they cannot be soldiers or warriors.

>> No.23140144

I don't trust greek poofters, those idiots hear a joke and write a whole history about it out of their ass.

>> No.23140150

This actually seems to be the plot of Frostflower and Thorn by Phyllis Ann Karr; women constitute virtually 100% of the fighting forces of the fiefdoms of the Farmer-Priests partly on a basis of extreme chauvinism (the male is considered divinely sacred and more important than the female in managerial and civilizational terms, and should be doing skilled labor like weaving or selling or smithing) and because so many more women are born relative to men that the value of their wombs is driven down to nothing so they're forced to become armed harems or mercenaries.

>> No.23140152

holy shit transport me there NOW

>> No.23140156

Have you ever read The White Goddess by Robert Graves? It's like extra strength femdom, it's too strong for me.

>> No.23140162
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here ya go
when medieval writers are recording this shit down as a matter-of-fact footnote in a logistics ledger, that lends a lot more credence to authenticity than the poetic license of Ludivico Ariosto's Bradamante cutting down 10,000 saracens for Charlemagne and then flying across the ocean on a hippogriff to rescue her one true love Ruggiero from the foul sorceror Atlantes

There is good reason to believe that the Sarmatians/Scythians' tendency to train their women in horse-riding and archery founded the basis of the Greeks' myths of the Amazons, and it is not at all impossible that a so-called "Penthesilia" participated in the Trojan War.

>> No.23140165

Consider this: fighting nuns/priestesses.

>> No.23140206

>Just Battle of Cannae wiped 20% of their male population.
Killing a number of people from throughout the republic equal to about 20% of the population of the capitol isn't the same as literally killing 20% of anyone. That would be like killing 120,000 Americans (roughly 20% of the population of DC) from across the country and claiming that it's 20% of the male population.

>> No.23140227

I don't like femdom or excessive sexuality or romance in the stuff I read, I just find the plot interesting. Is Frostflower and Thorn femdom?

>exposing breasts to not be killed
A horse archer woman is acceptable, as well as a crossbow bitch perched up in a castle, the ones posing as heavy infantry would likely have a really tough time, as described here. Seems like most of these cases were either desperate or used as a sort of "banner" for the army, which I don't mind. Again, if the women don't have super special qualities in fantasy compared to men, they can't really take a primary role of war.

>> No.23140232

I don't recommend it. Most nuns are old and buckle after the first punch.

>> No.23140279

You're confusing Rome, the late Imperial state of a couple million citizens, to the piddly pre-marian reform Rome in 200 BC that still couldn't quite grasp the cities on that Italian boot. Most of their soldiers had to be citizens at the time. Now imagine losing 20% of your citizens in one battle, while all the "Allae" non-citizen cities started getting rebellious thoughts. Credit to the Romans for managing to gaslight them back thanks to their reputation.

>> No.23140343

Does she have titties?

>> No.23140350

The Eternal Champion by Michael Moorcock

>> No.23140355

Trash. Irredeemable trash.

>> No.23140397
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The Roman Republic was still a regional power that could afford to send tens of thousands of soldiers to fight an empire across the sea. For every legion formed of Roman citizens, there was an additional, larger legion of allied forces. "Only" about 30,000 Roman citizens were present at the Battle of Cannae, while the population of the city of Rome included some 300,000 citizens (males over the age of 13) and the greater Roman Republic had a population of 6-7 million.

>> No.23140522

To my knowledge, there was never a case of a woman "posing" as heavy infantry, if by posing you mean Mulan pretending to be a man type shit or those patriotic women who joined the Union Army in the 1860s masquerading as 16 year old boys.
Most female combatants - and there were a lot - were generally in the "support" role, and I don't mean camp followers setting up tents or providing sex relief, I mean conscript militia or hired free companies who were meant to bulk out armies and consolidate routs while the heavily armored mounted cavalry were doing the bulk of the fighting. That was pretty much the state of affairs for 98% of men in combat as well - you're either stabbing the backs of the footmen running away or getting stabbed in the back while you run away.
However there were a select few - very uncommon but not at all unknown or even considered unusual - female knights who actually did shit like cut the heads off of saracens from atop a horse in full mail harness while on crusade in the Holy Land. Sikelgaita for example, or the famous joustress Agnes Hotot or the Breton virago Joanna of Flanders. These are strictly the exception to the rule, and should not be accepted as a standard of military composition, precisely because they were wealthy enough and had enough leisure time in order to actually train martial skills, which you cannot simply learn in an 8 week boot camp.

>> No.23140746

does primal hunter ever get good? ...does any litrpg ever get good? this is like junk food that also tastes bad. like im wasting my daily calorie intake on marshmellows when i could be eating chocolate cake
the writing is unintelligent. the pacing is a slog. i dont care about prose, but that's shit too.
what i don't understand, is that i'm a slop consuming, dysfunctional retard.. so why don't i enjoy this stuff? do you need high iq to enjoy slop for what it is, or just poor taste and a lack of perspective?

>> No.23140753

>does primal hunter ever get good?
No, it gets consistently worse.

>> No.23140767

ESL thread

>> No.23140800

...that's one way to announce your arrival

>> No.23140841

aren't like <10 translated?

>> No.23140977

No, it isn’t, especially if you read it on kindle. The difficult part comes in understanding the greater picture.
t. fellow ESL

>> No.23140991

nta, 5 of them were. I read them as they were released. I wrote a brief bit on my Goodreads account, which I'll repost here:

The Leopard Mask, Guin Saga #1 - Kaoru Kurimoto (1979/2007)
>I went into this 120+ volume series fully aware that only a few would ever be translated into English. After reading all that were available, I don't think I would have read many more. A surprisingly generic western fantasy written by a Japanese author.

That being said I also read what was translated of the manga and also watched the anime. Bad choices all around. I wrote a lot more on a different website that's long since gone but that's a different matter.

The one other /sffg/ review concurs.

>> No.23140997


>> No.23141142
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Good Lit-RPG

>Hell Difficulty Tutorial
>The Nailmaker
>Cinnamon Bun
>Book of The Dead
>The Tutorial Is Too Hard
>The Reincarnation of Alysara
>Dawn of The Void
>Age of Stone
>As Good as Dead
>The Warlord
>The Mana Influx
>Red Mage

Good Fantasy and sci-fi

>The Murderbot Diaries
>Melody of Mana
The Dragon Riders of Pern
>Warlock of The Magus World
>12 Miles Below
>There Are Superheroes In This Story
>A Neets Guide To Becoming A God
>The Reality Dysfunction
>What We Do To Survive
>A Practical Guide To Sorcery
>Healer of Monsters
>I Am Not Chaotic Evil
>Violent Solutions

>> No.23141284
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Street Cultivation but with a system that makes sense and a plot that isn't garbage.

>> No.23141288

how many books have stolen jedi without calling them that?

>> No.23141291
File: 607 KB, 1528x807, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.23141295
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince

>> No.23141318

>sloan tells the ra'zac about a rock he had zero reason to suspect was anything out of the ordinary and is treated like a villain for this
>sloan is willing to do anything to protect his daughter, who is under 18 and under his legal protection
>refuses to marry her to roran, who has no farm and no family
>gets humiliated and crushed in front of the entire village when his daughter opposes him and tells him she's travelling into the mountain range where his wife died, and is then punched by roran
>strikes a deal with the ra'zac, who are legal authorities of his king, to protect his daughter, gets taken captive
>is kidnapped, starved and tortured for months, loses his eyes while in captivity
>is "rescued" by eragon, who kidnaps him and tells roran and katrina that he is dead
>eragon drags him off to a campsite and wakes him up
>sloan figures out he's talking to eragon and has no idea what is going on
>eragon rattles off his list of titles and achievements before mindraping sloan
>the narration specifically states eragon enjoys doing this
>sloan STILL tells eragon to fuck off, and says he doesn't care what happens to him because his daughter is safe and that's all that matters
>sloan's life is completely in the hands of an enemy who has just brutalised him and he still refuses to back down
holy FUCKING based, this is a real hero

>> No.23141325

Didn't striking the deal with the Ra'zac get his hometown wrecked?

>> No.23141333

Sloan was trying to sell Roran out in exchange for saving Katrina and possibly the village, which is rendered moot when they all evacuate anyway

>> No.23141453

what's the name of that book that someone was shilling here a few weeks ago, he was asking for similar books. it's about a guy studying dragons or something like that, he said the book is quite unique in that it focuses in the study of dragons and how they work

>> No.23141566

Jedi themselves are literally just the knights templar with loose entry requirements and magic. It's not difficult to imagine.

>> No.23141583

dragons are fucking gay

>> No.23141601

A Natural History of Dragons?

>> No.23141616

yes, thank you. i will read it eventually and probably post about it here

>> No.23141646

>the way of kings' ending
Books for this feel?

>> No.23141680

None of these examples describe women fighting. Women were present in armies, but so too were children. They did chores to keep the army functioning. Running errands, washing clothes, repairing and mending things etc.

To emphasise again, none of those examples describe women fighting. They helped make preparations for a siege that proved useful, 4000 of them followed an army to dam a river, and women holding banners (not weapons) were killed by archer fire.

You need some better examples bro. Or did you just see the modern '''reconstruction''' pictures and assume they were legit?

>> No.23141686

>trying to reason with a coombrain

>> No.23141693

>knowing you've just read the last good book in an ongoing series
A Storm of Swords
Lord of Chaos
Hero of Ages

>> No.23141699

A mystery book with an atmosphere like Persona 4?

>> No.23141765

>It has some interesting magic and fantasy races/ elements but the info dumps and triplicate information you have to skim through to get there is rage inducing
Didn't I say it was slow as fuck? Personally I love that shit. The only problem I really had with it was that the cave arc went on for too long

>> No.23141803
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What are we reading?

>> No.23141807

I'm gooning

>> No.23141822
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Lord of Light at the moment. it's great, like all anons have said before.

can I read Mieville's The Scar without reading Perdido Street Station? I found The Scar for $1 yesterday

>> No.23141891

Second Malus Darkblade book

>> No.23141934

I rated lord of light a 3/5. Please don't lump all 'anons' in the same basket.

>> No.23142041

Starless Night
holy shit, this entire 'love story' is so hamfisted
I swear Cat had more chemistry with Jarlaxle in two sentences than with Drizzt in two books

>> No.23142047

What's the actual story like (excluding all the irrelevant relationships/sex shit) ?

>> No.23142070


Swan Song.

Sister is turning out ot be best character so far I'm liking her development a lot. She kind of reminds me of Daryl Dixon a little from TWD that they both had shitty lives before the apocalypse happened but used whatever advantages they had previously to benefit them. Still feeling like The Stand is the much better postapocalypse book but I'm liking the characters far more in Swan Song. Also curious how the TV show is going to adapt the scene where Roland sleeps with Sheila I wonder if they'll just gloss over it.

>> No.23142118

thus far Drow(Mistress Baenre) want to go to Mithral Hall and take over(for internal political reasons, just standard Drow stuff), Drizzt goes to Menzo, gets captured, Catti is like: I'm going to follow him, now they're both in Menzo and also there's Entreri who wants to get out of Menzo and now he's teaming up with Cattie
also there's that really transparent 'I am just leaving this plot important mask here, and I am talking loudly about it- just in the case that if someone was to take it they can' speech from Jalaxle and Entreri is like: 'Hm, that's a little bit weird it is like he wants us to do this or something'

>> No.23142161
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The best Fantasy novel is french tho

>> No.23142170
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Rate my Big Bad.

>> No.23142180

>Drizzt goes to Menzo, gets captured, Catti is like: I'm going to follow him, now they're both in Menzo and also there's Entreri who wants to get out of Menzo and now he's teaming up with Cattie
Sounds like some ya trash. Very dissapointing.

>> No.23142184


>> No.23142206
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Just finished 'The Blabber' by Vernor Vinge, that means I've finished 99% of 'The Zones of Thought' with all 3 main books done and this short story, the only thing left is a short introduction to 'Children of the sky'

It's truly a special series and I can't suggest it enough.

I was carried away by the short story by the time I finished it.

How the narrative of the series develops out of chronological order not only WITHIN the series but OUTSIDE of the novels by way of Vinge writing them all out of order is masterful and it gives the impression that the series can be enjoyed from many approaches simply by starting the series at different books, similar to the starwars movies.

I wish Vinge had a few more novels in him, he is I believe, throughly retired and it's sad to think he won't be around for more of my life.

I still have more books to read by him is the last comfort I have on that.

Tldr if you haven't read 'A Fire Upon The Deep' by him, go give it a shot.

>> No.23142221


>> No.23142241
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Thinking about making this my first new series this year, what am I in for bros?

>> No.23142282


TLtL is a bit slow but ramps up towards the end and then the next two books are pure kino. Perhaps the Stars is utter trash, skip it.

>> No.23142284


Marooned in Realtime is a treat

>> No.23142294

the killing star. halfway in, i'm liking it. i am somewhat lost with some characters, not sure who is who and what relationship they have in between but it doesn't really matter, it's irrelevant for the story and the story is good.

i have this happen with several other scifi books before, that i enjoy the story a lot but it seems there's a lot of focus put in the characters and that part doesn't work for me, it doesn't take too much away from the overall book but i think it would be much better without

>> No.23142296

God Emperor fucking sucks. I got memed by this chart.

>> No.23142326

a little antisemitic

>> No.23142434

For more ratings, reviews, and opinions from /sffg/ search the group's bookshelf. I don't feel like providing a summary at this time of the series other than to say that opinions vary wildly on the first book and mostly only those who loved it continued to the second. Those who loved it, loved all 4 books for the most part. My thoughts are an outlier in that regard.

>> No.23142455 [DELETED] 

Here's a link to see all 4 books at once. Click on "view group reviews" to see them. https://www.goodreads.com/group/add_book/1029811-sffg?utf8=%E2%9C%93&id=1029811&search%5Bquery%5D=Terra+ignota

>> No.23142459

>If you read a lot its not a lot of writing and the prose is actually not boring. When I play PST I feel like I am reading an edgy comic book, PoE is a step up and I feel like I am reading genre fiction like Mistborn or something, deadfire especially. (PoE1 is very dry comparitively) Disco I would rate at the top as it reads like some mashup of literary naturalism and speculative/wierd fiction with very dense and descriptive prose.
Thoughts on Mistborn and Pillars of Eternity being similar works of literature? Upvote this post five times and I'll link to the board and thread this quote was taken from! ;)

>> No.23142461 [DELETED] 

Oops, wrong version of the link.

>> No.23142501

I saw one of you guys hyping up Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City, so I started it today.

So far it feels like KJ Parker will be one of the authors to be successfully replaced by an ML algorithm and it's a good thing.

>> No.23142522

All authors will be successfully replaced.
All humans will be successfully replaced.
All organic life will be successfully replaced

>> No.23142527

Maybe but KJ Parker being replaced is an unambiguously good thing to look forward to.

>> No.23142553

Your posts will be successfully replaced with higher quality ones soon enough, as will mine. I for welcome our robot anons.

>> No.23142587

Which scifi/fantasy ip has the biggest, richest world?

>> No.23142600


>> No.23142669

Why do you dislike him so much?

>> No.23142671

i got tricked into reading that garbage too man

>> No.23142799

I dislike everyone; especially the jews.

>> No.23142873

Cuckery of the highest order.

>> No.23143027

>Why do you dislike him so much?
Orhan is a seriously annoying character - he's doing the Flashman bit of "self-admitted total scumbag, but actually a selfless hero in denial", but he doesn't earn the self-interested scumbag part, and what comical heroics I saw so far are either coming completely unearned and displayed through his brilliant intelligence. And that's the worst part of the book for me - Orhan's heroic power is supposed to be that he's a cunning and educated individual, which draws attention to the smarts he's displaying, and that shit falls short. The book doesn't make him clever, it makes him cleverer than everyone else:
>- Hm, the pirates are attacking the fleet supply stores. Why?.. Ah! They want to paralyze the operations of the Imperial navy!
>- Damn it Orhan you can't humiliate the entire imperial command staff who didn't figure it out in front of everyone, you're such a jerk!

>- Hmmm, the pirates are attacking the charcoal production facility. Why would they do that? Aha! They want to deprive the city of charcoal!
>- Quiet down Orhan can you imagine the panic if other people figure it out!

>- Wow, this place looks like a perfect spot for an ambush with a force of several tens of thousands. I'm sure not walking into that one... Oh, out high Imperial general had already walked into it and lost the entire imperial guard of thirty thousand man in one skirmish. He was so stupid, damn.
>- Thank God you're not stupid like him, boss!

Et cetera et cetera. It's like the only joke in the first third of the book is "damn every figure of authority in the world is clinically retarded, bazinga". We're only perceiving the the narrative through the eyes of a character who is an insufferable smartass who never really earns the endearment by actually showing any good thinking and producing comedy by outsmarting his opposition. His constant flexing on everyone is plainly annoying. The book tries to salvage it by making his abrasiveness into a funny character flaw, but that one is also never earned - all of his men respect and adore him despite him being an asshole of a commanding officer who literally pays his men in counterfeit money, he had a spectacular rise from literal slavery into dazzling military stardom despite every superior hating him, and all of his countless friends love him despite him treating them as dirt. The siege began only recently, and I already actively want the faceless characterless Evil Army to succeed, since the most enjoyment I can get from our protagonist is seeing him fail hard and thus being forced into some interesting and genuinely comedic development.

The situation is not helped by the prose being generic even for comedic fantasy slop with no character ever trying to not think or sound like a XXI century West-End faggot, and any secondary characters for Orhan to work off just plain not existing.

>> No.23143330
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For me? It's all about that Sword & Sorcery.

>> No.23143345

Great summary and response.

>> No.23143386
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Is this book good? I'm sorta interested in the plot of MtG but I could never really piece it together just from the cards

>> No.23143397
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>card game novelizations

>> No.23143421

It's the best of any that ever released in my opinion. That being said I read it around when it was released in 1998.

>> No.23143425

>trying to not think or sound like a XXI century West-End faggot
lmao if you think it's bad now wait when you get to the scene with the fountain, i legit felt embarrassment

>> No.23143426

I forgot to mention that there isn't really any overarching plot. There are series that link to each other, but mostly it's unrelated.

>> No.23143461

Tie-in is more accurate. Novelization means something existing is turned into a novel. A novelization of a movie for example, or a game if it follows the game closely rather than being simply set in the game universe. It's similar to saying film adaptation.

>> No.23143538

I'm just hoping Barlowe's third book is better than the second. If a few extra years in the oven is what it takes to get it on the level of God's Demon, then I can forgive the long wait.

>> No.23143605

Is there a good list of the Asimov timeline leading from the Robots era into his Foundation stuff? From what I can gather Runaround might be chronologically the first one since it is where the First Laws are mentioned the first time anywhere in his works. I think Bicentenial Man then maybe after Robots and Empire is where the Galactic Empire is possibly first created or mentioned the earliest origins of it anyway.

>> No.23143744

I somehow got baited into reading the Martian. And holy shit, is the main character unlikable. I didn't know it was possible for the "villain" in a Man vs Nature conflict, but I sure hope Mars gets this cringe, unfunny redditor. Also, the book is garbage

>> No.23143752

So what does he do? Mind rapes everyone trollge style?

>> No.23143765

I read it years ago(I know that because it's on my kindle) but I don't remember anything at all about the book, it was that mediocre.

>> No.23143779

looks like a very warm guy. I've owned Fire Upon the Deep for years now and just never read it.. I'll bump it up in the queue, thanks

>> No.23143965

>mfw I realize what the New Sun is
Literally fell to my knees and cried.

>> No.23143990

Can someone go to canada and check on bakker? I want my fucking nogod series.

>> No.23143997

Were you expecting something other than YA out of a forgotten realms book? It's the default D&D setting now, WotC would throw a fit if someone tried to sneak in something not intended for middle schoolers.

>> No.23144051

I wasn't expecting anything.

>> No.23144113

Planetes too
God Emperor was such a fucking bore, and I liked Messiah and Children and the political drama in it.
More importantly, why hasn't he finished the series? I loved Fire and Deepness.They do a great job translating Dune style space opera with hard sci fi concepts and in-depth intrigue.
Hopefully he gets someone that isn't like Brian Herbert to use his notes to finish the series.

>> No.23144128

Please rec me something for interesting interactions between different races/cultures. Aliens or elves or orcs or whatever the fuck.

>> No.23144167

I can't think of any. I am sure every single human and elf interaction I've read about resulted in sex. Can't speak about interactions between other races but don't expect anything interesting and original between humans and elves. In fact if you come across elf race in the book then you might as well drop it right then and there.

>> No.23144172

Lord of the Rings?....

>> No.23144177

[Speech 100] You will read the Xeelee Sequence and the Great Ship series.

>> No.23144180


>> No.23144190

I'm beginning to think sffg is a genre for basedboys

>> No.23144252

There are books specifically about dwarves, orcs, elves, and whatever else. Literally called The Dwarves, The Elven, Orcs, and whatnot.

>> No.23144254

Examples? Most of what I type when I search for it is erotica

>> No.23144285


>> No.23144311


>> No.23144536

Blood Meridian

I give it 10 chuddies bouncing on the bed out of 10

>> No.23144546

Pillars bloated prose is like liquid gold next to anything Sandersoy has ever shat out

>> No.23144772

It was Jesus all along?

>> No.23144824

Well there was wotsq which had prostitution, sex and sacrifice
>And implied rape
Yours think this series was something that would potentially "grow with its readers"
>Also I can't see anyone else but Merida from Brave when I read Catti-brie's dialogue

>> No.23144879

I'm not going to lie, boys, Empire of the Vampire isn't as obviously misogynistic so far as I was promised.

>> No.23144890

I’m rereading Long Sun, and catching some things I missed, and some Wolfe smugness. It’s still comfy.
I’ll give Gormenghast a shot afterwards.

>> No.23144931

Good /sffg/ books with first person perspective? I can't read anything in third person after the Red Rising series.
I tried Suneater but it was the most boring and uneventful slop I've tried so far.

>> No.23145064

MtG Arena is a great self contained book
never read Brothers War

>> No.23145073

Sexy Space Babes

>> No.23145079

>the last Daenerys chapter we will ever read lives in infamy because sunset found her squatting in the grass
GRRM is a hack who ruined his legacy

>> No.23145089

Neuromancer, second try; I put it down years ago because of unrelated reasons.
I always remembered it being more flourish and hard to follow than what I'm founding it now, I guess I was a retard then or just got better read.
It has my favourite opening sentence of all scifi

>> No.23145144

I got into sf lit a few months ago. Wish I had sooner. There's so many unique premises to stories, especially in that medium, that evoke a sense of wonder by immersing you in what is basically a thought experiment. Other media seems more prone to tropes and mimicing imagined paradigm shifts that have been done to death.

>> No.23145163

Familiarity breeds contempt. As you come to know it all becomes the same. Many move on at that time to recapture what was lost. They hope they can fool themselves one more time.

>> No.23145429

Is the protagonist white?

>> No.23145483
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I still think it's pretty hard to follow, and.. like how people argue about PKD's prose.. Gibson's prose is apparently meant to convey a sense of disorientation and confusion (due to the rapid-pace nature of the f u t u r e)? well fuck me because with Gibson and Dick I find myself re-reading passages a lot

>> No.23145504

Dick's prose is wonky because he was taking amphetamines and writing like a machine for so long: he mentioned once how he was writing 82 pages a day and pumping out a novel every few weeks, I believe on his A Scanner Darkly website page.
He says it took him 25 years to write a good book/character(s) lol

>> No.23145528

Is it as woke some anon said?

>> No.23145580
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Liked the convo with Pillman and Richard. That was fucking hilarious.

>> No.23145874

Finished malazan 5

Crimson guard gives off "We're here to replace the bridgeburners as the cool independent
unit " vibe. Is this accurate?

>> No.23145889
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Overhyped FOTM slop or actually based?

>> No.23145915

It was okay. The later books are better, not a whole lot actually happens in the first book.

>> No.23145919

>500 pages
>not a whole lot happens
Phew, thanks for the warning bro, I hate stuff like that. Should've been suspicious when all Youtubers talk about was
>OMG, dude DUDE...the ending was so fucking good!
And I'm like
>Ok what about the other 99% of the book?
A book has to be good all throughout. Last two I read were Solaris and Between Two Fires, they were great. Maybe I should stick to single books and not trilogies and stuff.

>> No.23145922

Meant for >>23145915

>> No.23145934

And it was from decades ago when Eberron was just being introduced to displace Greyhawk and Dragonlance as the default D&D setting. Forgotten Realms was an edgelord setting like Ravenloft at the time.

>> No.23145948

psy-op tier overhype

>> No.23145951

Pandora's Star. There's gotta be more tasteful ways to describe the events, but it's finally getting interesting.

>> No.23145955

Interracial gay sex? Check.
Tomboy lesbian girlbosses? Check.
Not-Christianity is bad? Check.
The good guys are CURRENT YEAR diverse while all the evil vampires are White? Check.
It's woke and the woke could have easily been removed or reworked to not be woke, but it isn't AS pozzed as every other modern fantasy novel from tradpubs. And it's certainly better written; which makes the wokery all the more grating.

>> No.23145957

I can understand gushing about the trilogy, but I can't believe that anyone ever read just the first book and immediately went to talk about how amazing it was. I wouldn't even say the ending was particularly good, mostly the entire thing was exposition to set up the next two books. If you're unsure of your ability to make it through, you might consider just reading the Wikipedia page or something and then skipping to Dark Forest.

>> No.23145960

Its not even that the ending is good, is more like
>BRO the next book get AMAZING
I only read the first book, and the only interesting part was what happened in the past, the flashbacks and retrospections, but the present story is absolutely meh tier
>it gets good in the sequel!
I want my 9 hours back

>> No.23145967

>see someone ask for scifi/fant recs on another board
>immediately tells bakkerfag to fuck off
This begs an important question: Considering its presence here was due to covid,
>WHERE did it come from?
>WHERE was it discussing bakker beforehand?
And perhaps, most importantly:
>WHY can't it return to whence it came?

>> No.23145972

Why can't authors right about romance without cuckold scenarios?

>> No.23145973


>> No.23145980

Thanks a lot bros, I knew I can count on you to save me from frustration.
>BRO the next book get AMAZING
>it gets good in the sequel!
God, I hate stuff like that. Like my brother unironically, without a shred of ironiy, saying how One Piece is absolute god-tier after the -whatever its name was- arc and when I checked the wiki it was like 450 episodes in.
Some people might light such a long buildup, but honestly, I do not have the patience or understanding for it. I won't repeat myself, but like I said, the entire book has to be good, not just the last 20 pages. Of course every book has its ups and downs, even the most fantastic titles have passages that are a slog to read through, but yeah, I keep it at that.

>> No.23145988

You need just 9 hours for a book? That's insane. I needed 3 weeks for the 190 pager I read and I made sure to read often.

>> No.23145993

Women love them, straight white men hate them. So they get to kill two birds with one stone.

>> No.23145994

Book reading is like sex, anon. Everyone fudges the numbers.

>> No.23145998

Same here. I'm willing to give it a chance if it's just one book, but wasting time on an entire book based on some vague promises that the sequel is more entertaining/mindblowing/incredible/whatever is a hard pass. I have powered a few times through a bad or boring first volume and just decided to drop the series. Really not worth the time and effort.

>> No.23146010

They literally never show up again in BotF. The Crimson Guard is an Esslemont thing. The Bonehunters are the Bridgeburner replacements.

>> No.23146011

Yup, pretty much. Undermining men is beta males virtue signalling to leftist women.

>> No.23146021

I mostly read on a jailbroken kindle with koreader, it tracks reading statistics, just checked and it took me 9:34 to get trough 3body in 9 days, it most likely was spurs or like 2 hours every other day
Audiobook is like 13 hours so I guess I read slightly above 'reciting' speed
Never found the apeal in speed reading or the like, I'm certain it annihilates comprehension.
Read at your own pace bro, its all about enjoying it

>> No.23146022

actually kinda looks like him

>> No.23146046

Wow, this is the first time in a very long while a book description got me totally hooked and hyped.
Hollow by Brian Catling
>Sheltering beneath Das Kagel, the cloud-scraping structure rumored to be the Tower of Babel, the sacred Monastery of the Eastern Gate descends into bedlam. Their ancient oracle, Quite Testiyont--whose prophesies helped protect the church--has died, leaving the monks vulnerable to the war raging between the living and the dead. Tasked by the High Church to deliver a new oracle, Barry Follett and his group of hired mercenaries are forced to confront wicked giants and dangerous sirens on their mission, keeping the divine creature alive by feeding it marrow and confessing their darkest sins.
Never heard of this book before and just stumbled on it completely at random but I'll be damned, if I don't read into it.

>> No.23146056
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>not available on my pirating source

>> No.23146064


>> No.23146071
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>> No.23146073

It's also very funny to me how much of a fag Adam Elvin is. Every time he starts grumbling about muh revolution, even his friends roll their eyes.

>> No.23146116

Thoughts on Babel by Kuang? Trying to give more modern fantasy a read and heard decent things about this one

>> No.23146156

The question as aways is, heard from whom? It's the same as anything from Kuang. Colonizers (white people) are bad and must be destroyed. Anyone who doesn't believe as she does is evil. Nuke Japan. China is the greatest.

>> No.23146188

>catapult bowling
That's it I'm done.

>> No.23146260

Why do you need to jailbreak a kindle to read on it?

>> No.23146265

Hamilton is a commie (just like Reynolds). The Pandoras star came out in about 2004 and at that time he couldn't write progressive leftist garbage that he writes now, so he was sort of portraying commies as bad but at the same time apart from the main terrorist guy others were mostly freedom fighters. This is even more apparent in previous Greg Mandel series.

>> No.23146288

You don't, I just did it because it offers more customization options: screensavers, fonts, formats, statistics, connection options, night mode, etc. It also runs faster than the base kindleOS. Bear in mind this is an old paperwhite, with an old processor and lacking features, koreader brings it almost on par with modern kindles, minus the warm light and waterproofing

>> No.23146332

If only China believed in Kuang as much as Kuang believed in China.

>> No.23146357

>Yeah bro my oneitis has taken an olympic swimming pool worth of cum in her womb (none of it mine), but I make her laugh so I'm the real chad

>> No.23146365

The Fortunate Fall by Raphael Carter

>> No.23146386
File: 445 KB, 500x271, fcc46c6feea6231f0f45279f3799af77.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

鬼神 Kill Em All 4132 Year-of-the-Tusk
I Am Mandati Man
478,637,782 CULLED SRANC

>> No.23146401

are there ones with male protagonists?

>> No.23146433

>I can't read anything in third person after the Red Rising series.
Lol why?

>> No.23146435

kek, most /sffg/ coomers are absolutely ok with that.

>> No.23146438


>> No.23146479


>> No.23146493

Might explain why ironically Wilson Kime, the consummate all-American spaceman, feels like the obligatory character in the grand space adventure. also
>Primes are basically what Marxists insist all of human history boils down to, despite all evidence to the contrary
>muh resources
Which is probably why they're such good villains. Let me ask you something: is Hamilton known for his cast being so hard to tolerate, or is it just in the commonwealth that there are like four out of twenty people I would weep for when the war finally begins?

>> No.23146566

I've read all his work upto Salvation. I have't thought too much about it but his well written characters are usually women and leftist liberal types, he really puts effort in them, the rest like the people who created and run Commonwealth, people you'd think are extremely competent and also ambitious (and interesting) are made to look boring, low energy and useless. His other work is more or less the same.

>> No.23146608

Good point. At least Kazimir is based so far. But the way he met Justine ... does Hamilton not know the way women react to strange, armed men watching them from the shadows, or does he know something I don't?

>> No.23146660

From what I remember Kazimir wasn't even white. There was nothing based about him, unless you think interracial sex and coal burning is based.

>> No.23146668

Bakker news?

Please God, give me hope!

>> No.23146743


>> No.23146757

Soul status? Damned.
Meaning status? Inverted.
Horizon status? Rutted.
Head status? On pole.
Death status? Swirling down.

>> No.23146853

Like I said, books 2 and 3 are quite good, they're what everyone is always raving about. You can probably everything you need to know about the first book just by reading the plot summary on Wikipedia, there's just not that much going on in it.

>> No.23147146

>interracial based?
Only when I do it. and the based thing about him was his attitude toward life. Death to the enemies of mankind. Nothing is so important as that.