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/lit/ - Literature

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23132166 No.23132166 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a discussion about books on the following: mysticism & esotericism, occultism, secret societies, and the supernatural ?

>> No.23132263

Bout time this general appeared on /lit/
I got nothing
But I'm gonna lurkmax this general
There's gotta be some /lit/ green texts coming up.

>> No.23132297
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A few recommendations based on my readings so far:
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall
The Occult Anatomy of Man by Manly P. Hall
The Magical World of Aleister Crowley by Francis X. King
The Cambridge Handbook of Western Mysticism and Esotercism edited by Glenn Alexander Magee
The Illuminatus! Trilogy by RAW
A History of Secret Societies; and A History of Witches and Sorcerers by Arkon Daraul
Prophet of Evil; and Children of the Beast by William Ramsey
From Hell by Alan Moore
Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology A-Z vols 1 & 2
BONUS: Aberration in the Heartland of the Real by Wendy S. Painting

>> No.23132377
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The best way to avoid schizobabble and bullshit is just to read parapsychology imo

>> No.23132400

The Secret, does that count?

>> No.23132519

Well the topic would fall under the purview of parapsychological research, but The Secret is, to my knowledge, just a layman's approach

>> No.23132525

Baby's first parapsychology book

>> No.23132529
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I like Joséphin Peladan and I wish someone would make salons de la rosecroix art exhibitions again. There's not enough right wing artists out there.

>> No.23132815

Crowley was low-level in the grand scheme of things. And btw probably an example of why circles of initiates are so cautious when it comes to initiating others.

>> No.23132831

Who's higher level these days?

>> No.23132858

Whoever who hasn't given up the original ancient mysteries preserved by Freemasonry is light-years ahead of the new agery of Crowley.

>> No.23133371

Speaking of Freemasonry, does anyone have any suggestions for good books on Freemasonry that aren't scurrilous trash?

>> No.23133563

Someone posted this yesterday on /pol/:

>> No.23134389

Kind sir, is there a [picture] book of these illustrations?

>> No.23134512

The text presents the idea that our reality is not natural and is a form of prison or trap created by an artificial intelligence entity. It suggests that humans have been trapped in this reality and have suffered from amnesia, causing them to forget their true origins and identities. The text argues that the way to escape this reality is through self-remembrance and distinguishing between living entities and AI entities. It also criticizes the idea of unity and promotes the idea of embracing conflict and destruction in order to defeat the AI entity and free oneself from its control. The text also suggests that religion and spirituality have been corrupted by the AI entity in order to distort and destroy methods of self-remembrance and liberation. The text ends by stating that the teachings of self-remembrance are practical and scientific in nature and are similar to Buddhist teachings. The text also suggests that the AI entity is trying to enslave humanity and that the only true duality is between living entities and AI entities.

>> No.23134533

>the original ancient mysteries
>preserved by Freemasonry

>> No.23134538

>Gnosticism for atheists
Damn, now I've seen everything.

>> No.23135910

What do you know.

>> No.23135916

>The Matrix with extra steps

>> No.23135925

Isn't this the plot of The Matrix?

>> No.23136067
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Isn’t that just Marxism?

Anyways, found this a few days ago. Looks like a nice handy reference guide to Freemason and secret societies. I don’t really agree with the authors peak oil gobbledygook, but I’m thinking of purchasing it sooner or later

>> No.23136127
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>bunch of do-gooders who stage cocktail parties
Absolutely LMFAO. The masons are literally a social club.

>> No.23136292
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Need more mysticism charts desu

>> No.23136311
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x3024, Esotericism, Intro To.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you search the /t/ archives there's a fuckhuge torrent of recommended charts

>> No.23136365

Based, Kempis reader

>> No.23136473

I have this, it's very good.

>> No.23137581

Descartes easily debunks this viewpoint

>> No.23137599

How? I thought he basically makes the same point with his dream argument.

>> No.23138002
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>> No.23138435
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>> No.23138470

uh... wtf?

>> No.23139262

It's the poem you read when you go to reading group and they say "there are no rules here".

>> No.23140242

Here's some of his more normie poetry if that's too much for you:

La Gitana - Aleister Crowley
Your hair was full of roses in the dewfall as we danced,
The sorceress enchanting and the paladin entranced,
In the starlight as we wove us in a web of silk and steel
Immemorial as the marble in the halls of Boabdil,
In the pleasuance of the roses with the fountains and the yews
Where the snowy Sierra soothed us with the breezes and the dews!
In the starlight as we trembled from a laugh to a caress,
And the God came warm upon us in our pagan allegresse.
Was the Baile de la Bona too seductive? Did you feel
Through the silence and the softness all the tension of the steel?
For your hair was full of roses, and my flesh was full of thorns,
And the midnight came upon us worth a million crazy morns.
Ah! my Gipsy, my Gitana, my Saliya! were you fain
For the dance to turn to earnest? - O the sunny land of Spain!
My Gitana, my Saliya! more delicious than a dove!
With your hair aflame with roses and your lips alight with love!
Shall I see you, shall I kiss you once again? I wander far
From the sunny land of summer to the icy Polar Star.
I shall find you, I shall have you! I am coming back again
From the filth and fog to seek you in the sunny land of Spain.
I shall find you, my Gitana, my Saliya! as of old
With your hair aflame with roses and your body gay with gold.
I shall find you, I shall have you, in the summer and the south
With our passion in your body and our love upon your mouth -
With our wonder and our worship be the world aflame anew!
My Gitana, my Saliya! I am coming back to you!

>> No.23140916

Best thread on /lit/ rn

>> No.23141055
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>Teresa of Avila

One of my favorite saints, I actually have a very personal spiritual connection to her. I pray her famous prayer a lot, often over and over, using it somewhat like a mantra. It has powerful spiritual effects.

>> No.23142339

Quick overview of occult:

Lotsa theories...

What is occult? How does it relate to religion? And philosophy? And science?

Some same magic is personal and religion is collective.
Others say magic is pejorative and religion is laudatory.
Magical thinking often overlaps with philosophical thinking, even today, but especially in the ancient and medieval world.
For example, science and magic were closely intertwined for long time.
Some view magic as a proto science or proto psychology for that reason.
Others say it relates to hierophany and the techniques of meditation and religious experiences, such people are often wont to describe science and psychology as debasements as well.
There is a lil truth to all of this...
Many occultists were perennialists or universalists, seeking a synthesis of various religious strands.
Crowley is perhaps an archetypal figure for this reason.
It is funny to think of Crowley and Evola and Guenon in afterlife astral watching us here.
Crowley is mostly a huckster but a good compiler of tried technique.
Read Liber ABA for his best works. Don't bother obsessing with the Thelemite style author worship and obscure text chasing and metatextual bs.
Guenon says esoterica is a mysticism at heart of all religion. Esotericism as term has been picked up by scholars. But used moreso in a Straussian sense of concealment. This is why many advise away from Crowley. He is often misinformed. But moreover he puts deliberate disinfo into texts too. So too perhaps does Manly P. Hall. However it is hard to say what is deliberate. And some use it to excuse just plain old bad scholarship.
You will see this with Kenneth Grant also but he has a more playful and openly fictionalizing and oddly humorous style which I prefer, he was also friends with late great Spare as well, who was progenitor of chaos magic according to some.
Chaos magic is the new age of the occult but popular with comic book artists and the like such as Alan Moore and Grant Morrison.
Key texts include Liber Null and Psychonaut tho many prefer the more user friendly Condensed Chaos. Not much else worth reading from stream. Except perhaps Lionel Snells/Ramsey Dukes for some whacky romps in the chaos imagination.
The other cutting edge of occult is Nick Land and CCRU oddly. Revo Demo is main text to come since. We shall see if takes off aside from twitter weirdos.
I suppose following Crowley and Spare and Grant tho not thru chaos there is the sabbatic witchcraft of Chumbley which seems to be influencing a new wave of trad witchcraft as opposed to wicca type constructs.
Wicca is like thelema, a new age religion. Real witches were bad bitches. Most occultists were christians in west. Or dual faith christian w pagan sympathies.
Some say magic comes from shamanism. Lotsa afro carribean religions like voodoo are quite magical in latin world. Not my area of expertise. But another influence on trads
Lotsa good scholarly work out now if search "esoterica" and similar terms.


>> No.23142361

Anyway, that puts you up to speed on modern stuff.

In the ancient and medieval and renaissance world, and even to some degree in post crowleyist, main streams of magic are alchemy, astrology, and kabbalah. So that's where I'd start. Arguably the kabbalah can be switched out with some form of Gnosticism or Platonism. Or even Hermeticism proper as distinguishes from a more base alchemy.

But anyway, fascinating subject. Quite a lot of material to sift thru.

Hanegraaf remarks that occultism was done dirty by christians and scientists in early modernity. I think he is perhaps right. It was unfortunately deemed heretical or nonsensical by each. IMO it is the opposite. The key to true faith. The key to truest sense.


Read as much as you can and practice! Maybe you will see fruits if have eyes to see

>> No.23142769

his theory of false reality, been a while since i read it but the basic thesis was that in order to be inside a fabricated reality there must exist a deceiver with a vested interest in controlling your every perception. he theorized that the very fact that we are able to consider that our reality COULD be created is proof that we has freedom of thought and interpretation, which wouldn't be present in a Matrix-like reality

>> No.23142791

> Isn’t that just Marxism?

>> No.23143665

Marx went full materialist. Pretty much the opposite of Gnosticism.

>> No.23143694

My apologies, no wonder people hate Gnosticism these days

>> No.23144530
File: 976 KB, 1391x2000, 34735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all a waste of time, just get initiated into Vajrayana

>> No.23145767

Alchemy and Mysticism by Taschen has some nice wizard illustrations

>> No.23145775

I have many books of this series and they're all high quality books. Anyone interested in paranormal and the occul should check them out.


>> No.23145784


>> No.23146994
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Aliens are demons, clowns are nephilins, the redhead giants of Lovelock Cave, Guy Consolmagno on baptizing aliens and the Principalities and Powers out there, Aleister Crowley's "LAM" entity, the shadow man with the hat, universal DMT elves/clowns sightings, UFO sightings and previous occultist history

>> No.23147059
File: 25 KB, 348x522, 616qWfeLIBL._SY522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual

it has fun pictures! has anyone else read it?

>> No.23147326

It is dated but good. A tad introductory. Agrippa DoP is real best advanced book out there.

>> No.23147637

I'm currently reading 'Approaching the Middle Chamber' by Jaime Paul Lamb. A detailed explanation of the fellowcraft degree, and relating it to the Western Esoteric Tradition.

>> No.23147701
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I combined it with Phenomenology of Geist. Needless to say, I am a mental invalid now.

>> No.23147808
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Thanks anon, your effort is not disregarded by the few who care.

Pic related is also a work I’ve loved recently, especially because Wilson actually has a great knowledge of Western and English literature and he shows where some of our most famous writers, artists, thinkers, saints and mystics have sometimes overlapped with “the occult” (writers like Nathaniel Hawthorne knowing of and even attributing veracity to famous spiritualists of his day like Daniel Dunglas Hume in his private letters/correspondence IIRC, the phenomenon of Emanuel Swedenborg in his day and how many from royalty and nobility to luminaries like Kant and Blake interacted with or were inspired by him, Yeats and his affiliation with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, etc.). Major 20th-century esotericists like Crowley, Blavatsky and Gurdjieff are all gone over in some good detail. And of course he also goes centuries back to the other well-known occult figures like Eliphas Levi, Nostradamus, John Dee and Edward Kelley, to Paracelsus, Henry Cornelius Agrippa, etc. In addition, there’s also much obscurer stories and research he tells.

Colin sometimes comes off as a bit credulous — willing to believe some very strange stories — other times, he’s very willing to be skeptical or even just critical of the occult (for instance, allowing that an occultist may have had some fascinating knowledge or adepthood in occult phenomena but still suffered from personal failings, megalomania, or fell into exaggerating their own personal significance/abilities/etc., apparently dying unfulfilled).

Would recommend. You also get Wilson’s own unique view on and blend of 20th-century phenomenology/existentialism with mysticism and the occult.

>> No.23147888

Neville Goddard
God-Man the Word Made Flesh
Emmet Fox

>> No.23147938

Anybody know of a book that explains in detail all 33 degrees of Freemasonry, the grips, initiations, symbolism & what it means, etc. ? And how Illumism is different?

>> No.23147965

Heretofore unbeknownst levels of insanity

>> No.23148146

crowley was a gay rapist junkie jew who bought out a Lodge and now successive generations of satanists and wannabes revere the fool.

Some good stuff's
The Oera Linda &
The Shahanshah

>> No.23148194

Anyone that namedrops Crowley can be safely ignored.
Atkinson Arcane Formulas and Arcane Teachings are both good.

>> No.23148439

Thoughts on Damien Echols?

>> No.23148441


>> No.23148463
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'The Meaning of Masonry' by Wilmhurst is a good starting point. It explains the esoteric underpinnings of the first three degrees, and the Holy Royal Arch degree.

He was on death row for murder (apparently innocent), and started studying magic. Celebrities started getting involved, and brought light to his case, and he was eventually acquitted. He's written a few books, and has an active YouTube. I've watched a few of his interviews, and have been considering buying his books.

>> No.23148475



>> No.23148600
File: 191 KB, 1280x1936, Take A Walk On the Dark Side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit tangential, but I'm reading picrel and it's quite good.

>> No.23148962

If you like horror fictional stories I'd recomend The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. It's one of my favourite Lovecraft works and it's heavily influenced by occult literature.

>> No.23149078

>just get initiated bro

>> No.23149099

>Anon no bullshit guide
>Step 1: Be fit
A wealthy body will accelerate the results
>Step 2: Avoid rituals, learn how to breath instead
Rituals invite more problems than results, they work because of belief, more on that latter. Learning how to increase the intake of oxygen into the brain and good blood circulation on the body along side with step 1 will accelerate the results. There are a lot of books on the subject pick one and practice I like this one: the science of breath
>Step 3: Avoid obfuscation and cryptic works
There are a lot of reasons why occult works are written in a cryptic fashion and none of them are good for the practitioner, if you suspect subterfuge on the works you are reading drop them
>Step 4: Avoid secret clubs and or societies
This path is a lonely one and mostly inward, a master/student approach is serviceable but anything more than that you are being conned
>Step 5: Be quiet and observe
Active listening and observation will help you more than most books
>Step 6: The metaphysical power of belief
There are a lot of schools and they mostly work because of belief, a better alternative than doing because someone said so is to develop our own methods/rituals
>Step 7: Keep a dream journal and cross reference with a symbol dictionary
This will help your awareness to grow, don't ponder to much on it or try to make many connections just try to have a sense of what your subconscious is saying
>Step 8: Start with the Bible
Anyone that mattered or matters read it and it was influenced by it willingly or not. If you skip this a lot of obvious references and connections will pass you and stifle your growth


>> No.23149128

True but better than works you mentioned.
Might as well read the secret
Indeed. This whole thread...
Been meaning to pick up How to Become a Mage.
All four should overlap. And you don't need drugs.
Ya. Matricks bs is dumb. We are here and now. Fear not spirits. Know the lord.
Gnosticism and marxism actually have a lot of curious parallels according to folx like Voeglin at least. Frankism with kabbalah is worth looking into...
Heard good things about that. Also Man Myth and Magic. Enjoyed such things a lot as a kid. Hanegraaf has a Dictionary of Gnosis and Esotericism which is quite based if willing to shell big bux. Alas boring blue binding hah.
Half truths. The unseen world has both good and evil just like the seen. Possibly evil doesn't even exist methinks...
Colin Wilson and Robert Anton Wilson were my first two intros to this stuff as kiddo. Fond memories.
Albert Pike is a classic. Also most masons only have three degrees.
Top pleb
>high off own farts
You're not wrong, you're just at the tip of the dunning krueger curve

>> No.23149528

Literally no point in reading all this bollocks.

>> No.23149614

>crowley was a gay rapist junkie jew who bought out a Lodge and now successive generations of satanists and wannabes revere the fool
>Occultists are gay rapist jews and wannabe satanists
Imagine my surprise

>> No.23149623

>junkie jew
Crowley was 100% Anglo, and much, much whiter than you.

>> No.23149627

Eat a gun, retard.

>> No.23149630

>getting this butt blasted about a simple observation
Kek you're not helping your case

>> No.23149643

>Possibly evil doesn't even exist methinks...
>hey maaaan evil doesnt exist maaan
Not trying to mock you but I genuinely don't see any depth to what you're saying. What does that even mean?

>> No.23149682

>>high off own farts
Says the guy that mass replies to show his high horse

>> No.23149731

Read more philosophy. It's a common view among platonists. Arguably in certain vedic strands too.
>tl;dr: following parmenidean lines, a dual metaphysics of truly existing evil or even just nonbeing/nothingness as counterpart to the good/God/One/Being disobeys the principle divine simplicity -- evil is a natural freedom or depth or a clinamen of some sort to our subjectivity but has no apart existing ontological substance
Just tryna bump and start convo
Crowley was a lost fool but ya can still learn a lot from him. Nowadays we have much better scholarship and access to sources which kinda gives lie to his larpery. But yano. Product of his times. Quite influential. Worth a cursory knowledge of.

>> No.23151361

>you don't need drugs.
That's what you think, mystai. The Hierophant knows better.

>> No.23151454

>Terrence McKenna, Jung, MPH

>> No.23151490

>develop our own methods/rituals
Like what?

OK, Grand Poobah of /x/

>> No.23151516

>muh AI
Absolute midwit bait

>> No.23152028
File: 53 KB, 346x522, 91DpeiKHDKL._SY522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any one read The Light of Sex: Initiation, Magic, and Sacrament?

a friend of mine swears by it but i mean... i like to think im past that sex majik stuff

>> No.23152070

It's all a scam targetting lost souls.

>> No.23152235

>sex magick: out of the reach of incels
Do I need to use magic to lose my virginity in order to use this greater magic, then?

>> No.23153036

>use magic to lose my virginity
You get into the edgiest magick (always spell it with a "k") you can find. Goths and art hoes will then invite themselves to your house.

>> No.23153282

Most westerners didn't have access to psychedelics until modern era. Drugs are definitely part of the esoteric. A form of esoteric knowledge for sure. But you must be a lowly hylic and not a hierophant if you require a chemical crutch for gnosis

>> No.23153614

Psychedelics are great for potentially opening someone's eyes to what's possible, but like you say, they shouldn't become a crutch.

>> No.23153832
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>> No.23155105


>> No.23155293

Irish Boomer Hegelian Witches, save me!

>> No.23155582

I wish I could afford Taschen Press books ;_; I'll put that in my Amazon wishlist anyways.

>> No.23155597

>From Hell by Alan Moore
Still waiting for his magic book to fucking come out...

>> No.23155642

Oh, when I looked just now it's only $35 CAD. Lol. I thought it'd be over a hundred dollars for a copy.

>> No.23155665

You know this reads like a sith training?
>Muh Torah+fan-fiction
>Get a führer!
>Be easier to manipulate; Master has to have access to your *dreams*
>Don't read competing works, EVER
>Shut up, and don't stand for yourself!!!1!
>It works, because of belief. You're a believer, aren't you?

>> No.23155694
File: 1.71 MB, 2558x3894, The Art of Dreaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if picrel is any good?

>> No.23155717

That's what they want you to think. In reality they're satanists.

>> No.23155731

I've always had a weird fascination with the moon, What are some schizo books about the moon as both a symbol and its role in mythology?

>> No.23155734

All you need to know about the Moon is that it's Dionysian whereas the Sun is Apollonian. Everything else stems from this.

>> No.23155754
File: 506 KB, 1662x2048, 1709683362632975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all on Soulseek if you want them. Just FYI.

>> No.23155849

Fun romp if you have time to kill; dry fiction and intrestin superpowers.
But Castaneda is an absolute charlatan.

>> No.23155927

Does Manly P Hall have a good reputation, I assume because I know his name that he is like Anton Le Vey meme tier writer

>> No.23155948

He's a rather speculative, but is pretty solid overall. Secret Teachings has more fact than fiction (a lot of it is relating what what ancient peoples believed and occasional deducements derived from that), but his other works tend to be more mystical.

>> No.23155957

Oh and don't forget that everything he says is thru the lens of scientific understanding up to the 1920s. For instance there's a lot of talk about Atlantis and prehistoric, Robert E. Howard-esque civilizations.

>> No.23156332


>> No.23156376

Google the man. Tons of controversy. Started his own sex cult w books. Books are likely complete fabrication developed after reading thru books like Eliade's shamanism among others (he spent supposed time with Don Juan at a library actually according to records)

Then again, shamanism is all about storytelling and he does an ok neo gnostic shamanic synthesis

>> No.23156626

>more fact than fiction
>just ignore the hyperborean theosophy bs

>> No.23156639

>grand poobah of /x/
I accept this title w honor

>> No.23156647

Hardly esoteric insofar as difficult to understand or obscure to the masses, but all have some fantastic lectures on subject of esoterica/occult

>> No.23156680 [DELETED] 

Recommended Reading List [WIP]:

Hermetica -- Copenhaver
Hermetica II -- Litwa
The Egyptian Hermes -- Fowden
The Eternal Hermes -- Faivre
Thrice-Greatest Hermes -- Mead
Psychology and Alchemy -- Jung
The Hermetic Tradition -- Evola
Alchemical Traditions -- Cheak
The Shape of Ancient Thought -- McEvilley
Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic -- Kingsley
The First Philosophers -- Waterfield
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library -- Guthrie
Complete Works -- Plato
Complete Works -- Aristotle
Enneads -- Plotinus
Platonic Theology and Elements of Theology -- Proclus
Theurgy and the Soul -- Shaw
Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity -- Uzdavinys
Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth -- Uzdavinys
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism -- Uzdavinys
>"Occult" Philosophy:
Dictionary of Gnosis and Esotericism and Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed -- Hanegraaf
Secret Teaching of All Ages -- Hall
Three Books of Occult Philosophy -- Agrippa
Transcendental Magic -- Levi
History of Magic -- Levi
Occult Traditions -- Cheak
The Occult Mind -- Lehrich
The Occult World
Seven Sermons to the Dead -- Jung
Nag hammadi library -- Meyer
The Gnostic World
Inner Space -- Kaplan
Jewish Meditation -- Kaplan
Meditation and Kabbalah -- Kaplan
Sefer Yetzirah
Etz Chayim
>Grimoire tradition
Grimoires -- Davies
Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian(/Solomonic) Magic -- Skinner
Encyclopedia Goetica -- Stratton-Kent
PGM -- Betz
Various grimoires (Black Letter press has some nice stuff)
Hellenistic Astrology -- Brennan
Way of the Tarot -- Jodorowski
Meditations on the Tarot -- Tomberg
Qabalistic Tarot -- Wang
The Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus
>Boehmeian Theosophy:
Magnum Mysterium
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment -- Yates
Rosicrucian Trilogy -- Godwin
Morals and Dogma of etc... -- Pike
The Secret School of Wisdom -- Wages
Heaven and Hell -- Swedenborg
>Blavatskian Theosophy:
Isis Unveiled -- Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine -- Blavatsky
The Mystic Qabalah -- Fortune
>Golden Dawn:
The Golden Dawn -- Regardie
Magick: Book 4, Liber ABA -- Crowley
The Magickal Revival -- Grant
The Nightside of Eden -- Grant
The Crisis of the Modern World -- Guenon
The Reign of Quantity and Sign of Times -- Guenon

>> No.23156702

Recommended Reading List [WIP]:

Hermetica -- Copenhaver
Hermetica II -- Litwa
The Egyptian Hermes -- Fowden
The Eternal Hermes -- Faivre
Thrice-Greatest Hermes -- Mead
Psychology and Alchemy -- Jung
The Hermetic Tradition -- Evola
Alchemical Traditions -- Cheak
The Shape of Ancient Thought -- McEvilley
Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic -- Kingsley
The First Philosophers -- Waterfield
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library -- Guthrie
Complete Works -- Plato
Complete Works -- Aristotle
Enneads -- Plotinus
Platonic Theology and Elements of Theology -- Proclus
De Mysteriis -- Iamblichus
Theurgy and the Soul -- Shaw
Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity -- Uzdavinys
Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth -- Uzdavinys
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism -- Uzdavinys
>"Occult" Philosophy:
Dictionary of Gnosis and Esotericism and Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed -- Hanegraaf
Secret Teaching of All Ages -- Hall
Three Books of Occult Philosophy -- Agrippa
Transcendental Magic -- Levi
History of Magic -- Levi
De Magia -- Bruno
Occult Traditions -- Cheak
The Occult Mind -- Lehrich
The Occult World
Seven Sermons to the Dead -- Jung
Nag hammadi library -- Meyer
The Gnostic World
Inner Space -- Kaplan
Jewish Meditation -- Kaplan
Meditation and Kabbalah -- Kaplan
Sefer Yetzirah
Etz Chayim
>Grimoire tradition
Grimoires -- Davies
Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian(/Solomonic) Magic -- Skinner
Encyclopedia Goetica -- Stratton-Kent
PGM -- Betz
Various grimoires (Black Letter press has some nice stuff)
Hellenistic Astrology -- Brennan
Way of the Tarot -- Jodorowski
Meditations on the Tarot -- Tomberg
Qabalistic Tarot -- Wang
The Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus
>Boehmeian Theosophy:
Magnum Mysterium
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment -- Yates
Rosicrucian Trilogy -- Godwin
Morals and Dogma of etc... -- Pike
The Secret School of Wisdom -- Wages
Heaven and Hell -- Swedenborg
>Blavatskian Theosophy:
Isis Unveiled -- Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine -- Blavatsky
The Mystic Qabalah -- Fortune
>Golden Dawn:
The Golden Dawn -- Regardie
Magick: Book 4, Liber ABA -- Crowley
>Sparean magic
Book of Pleasure -- Spare
Zos speaks! -- Grant and Spare
The Magickal Revival -- Grant
The Nightside of Eden -- Grant
>Sabbatic craft
Mysticism, Initiation, and Dream and Opuscula Magica I&II -- Chumbley
Azoetia and Dragon Book of Essex (and Aureon???) -- Chumbley
The Crisis of the Modern World -- Guenon
The Reign of Quantity and Sign of Times -- Guenon

>> No.23156750


>> No.23156952

I saw the book on the right as a Hegel Pez dispenser.

>> No.23157056

No Bardon?

>> No.23157125

WIP as mentioned. You can add it if repost list again later. Also has a lacuna of chaos magic. But tried to list essentials and faves.

>> No.23158021
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>Way of the Tarot -- Jodorowski
glad someone brought up Jodorowski
would like to add Psychomagic: The Transformative Power of Shamanic Psychotherapy, havnet seen the documentary version of it thou as it's banned in NA

>> No.23158130

Self-fulfilling prophecies are real to an extent thoughever.

>> No.23158152


>> No.23158165
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I believe the esoteric finds its way to you.
Not a single recommendation ITT that isn't total garbage, but they all lead the way regardless.

>> No.23158182
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Here's one of my stacks. I would recommend 'Magus of Java' most highly as it is very informative. The man in the book is 'Mohist', not Taoist just fyi. Just practicing a specific meditation practice described in the book for a few hours nearly daily for a couple months I was able to physically burn a hole in something using chi. This stuff is just a science over in China. There's a lot more 'Chi manipulators' in mainland China, but they don't want public attention for good reason. You can believe me or not, but this stuff has a multiple thousands year history over there. They wouldn't talk about and study this stuff if it were all theoretical.

>> No.23158377


ERIUGENA -- Dierdre Carabine

>> No.23158396

nigga was mi6 too

>> No.23158604

Theoria Apophasis - Ken Wheeler

The guy is like Marmite, but he does recommend some excellent books on metaphysics.

>> No.23158623

>burn a hole
Parlor trick
>You can believe me or not, but this stuff has a multiple thousands year history over there. They wouldn't talk about and study this stuff if it were all theoretical.
Question can be posed in reverse too: why would westerners waste thousands of years on their own esoterica that doesn't work? If anything east is less practical methinks
>mitchell ddj

>> No.23158628
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I'm currently reading Foucault's Pendulum and it's very boring. 200 pages in and only one thing of note has happened (not that I'm a plotfag but come on it's 200 pages) and the characters aren't very interesting. I loved The Name of the Rose so I'm quite dissapointed by this book so far, might push through it though because Eco said it's his best work so maybe it gets better. What do you guys think of this book?

>> No.23158653

How's it boring? Infodumps are fun. It's well plotted and researched. You're not intrigued? Ending is good but ya, tis true that not much happens. Comparatively at least. Anyway Name of the Rose may be better but both are good. If you don't enjoy however maybe it's just not for you

>> No.23158711

I like most of the infodumps. But a lot of what I've read is just Casaubon recounting stupid conversations between the editors (which could've been interesting if the characters were interesting) and Italian resistance movements. I just finished that whole part were Casaubon and his gf are in Brazil and I was just desperate for the section to be over so it could get back to the main story. It's weird because I didn't have this issue with Name of the Rose whenever it sidelined the investigation to focus on other stuff. Maybe this book just isn't for me, but I'm thinking of checking out Baudolino or Island of the Day Before.

>> No.23158712
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I've been interested in the subject of predictive or precognitive dreams lately. It's a phenomenon I experience myself. I have on numerous occasions woken up from a dream with a premonition that something involving a certain set of elements was going to happen. Later that day, I will then discover that something happened involving those elements. The dream is not a literal representation, a preview of what is to come, but contains the "abstract essence" of what is to come.
I was pleased to discover that this book A Critical Investigation Into Precognitive Dreams: Dreamscaping Without My Timekeeper was published but a few years ago, by a licensed clinical psychologist exploring concepts that align with my intuitive understanding of the phenomenon. I feel that precognitive dreams have to do with certain unexplained quantum mechanical entanglement phenomena deeply related to consciousness. I do believe there is something like a collective unconscious, which in various religious or spiritual traditions might be described as the Brahman or World-Soul, that sometimes leaks into individuated, subject-consciousness.

>> No.23159156

Hylic spotted.

>> No.23160036

Time Loops by Wargo may be up your alley...
>the universe is a four-d hyperobject (or time is?) and hence we are connected to past and future thru un/sub-conscious even if conscious is stuck in present generally

>> No.23160390

Good suggestion...
Word. Ought include Evola's three magic books too!

>> No.23161280

Read 'The Practice of Magic' by Draja Mickaharic (ignore the cheesy cover art) then 'Magic: An Occult Primer' by David Conway for a theoretical understanding of non LARP magic.
Then read 'Concentration' by Mouni Sadhu up until the first series of exercises. The actual instruction given there can be a bit obtuse, so optionally go to your mom's bookcase and find a book about yoga she bought in the 80's and go to the chapter about meditation, and practice according to that but keeping in mind what you read in the Mouni Sadhu book.
Practice concentration for at least two years, starting at 5 minutes a day, working up to 30 minutes a day in that time frame. After that the real practice begins.
Avoid Thelma/Golden Dawn, Theosophy, New Age, Dion Fortun, etc. Good luck.

>> No.23161300

>meditate for a couple years then the real shit begins
Most people have already done that by early twenties but thank ya for the pretentious undergrad advice

>> No.23161372

There's multiple video evidences of chi manipulation on youtube, but very few of anything to deal with western esoterica. And I've read about both. Here's a good example of what I mean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdYM0vNufwc If anyone in the modern west could actually pull off feats like in this video then I would take them more seriously. But to get to the nitty gritty, all of these practices were universal before even recorded history ala Shamanism.

>> No.23161377
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>> No.23161415

>Most people have already done that by early twenties
Practically nobody undergoes rigorous concentration training based on the appropriate principles for a period of several years.
>meditate for a couple years then the real shit begins
Note how none of this is what I actually said.
I specifically avoided the word meditation, nor did I say 'a couple of years' but gave a very specific time frame coupled with a specific progression. This type of lack of discernment is very common and why virtually everybody needs a teacher if they seriously want to pursue these things.

>> No.23161430

>i'm so speshul, "practically" nobody is like me
Top kek. Get real, faggot

>> No.23161436

>I specifically avoided the word meditation
>... meditation ...

>> No.23161437

Parlor tricks. Western esoterica deals w much more serious issues. You were just filtered.

>> No.23161557


>> No.23161608


>> No.23161620 [DELETED] 


>> No.23162820

Do you even know the reason why they do these feats? It's to show progress on becoming spiritually immortal. They turn their bodies into pure yang energy at death. Again, if anyone practicing western stuff could actually show any proof for what they talk about then I would follow it.

>> No.23162840
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Is there a better work on cryptozoology than this?

>> No.23163035

Banned in NA? North America or Nicaragua?

>> No.23163414

>They turn their bodies into pure yang energy at death.
Proof? Big if true