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23137459 No.23137459 [Reply] [Original]

Listening to audiobooks is NOT reading

>> No.23137483

Tell that to my uber driver who was listening to a true crime novel on my trip to the airport and particularly enjoying

>> No.23137486

I spend like 3 hours traveling. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I listen to audiobooks or audio dramas. It's better than shitty podcasts anyway.

>> No.23137487

>listening is not reading
yes and walking is not running, what's your point faggot?

>> No.23137515

How do I logically dismantle this statement

>> No.23137529
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There is no such thing as 'reading'.
The very term is nonsensical.
The action that we generally refer to as reading is just the apprehension in the brain of signals outside of the brain through the eyes and recognizing familliar patters that we give meaning to. Reading has no existence as such. It's only the neurons firing in the brain.

>> No.23137546

Nigger reading is when you read

>> No.23137571

Do you ever feel like when you imagine an apple it doesn't exist in your brain but in some ideal form of a brain which exist in an otherworldly realm of perfect apples. That's what happens when you read an audiobook

>> No.23137629
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Truth: listening to audiobooks is BETTER & more neurologically ancient & powerful than reading

>> No.23137675

>more neurologically ancient & powerful than reading
No, that would be somebody reading to you /orating to to the tribe.
Audiobooks are plays on tape, it can't change performance to suit the audience.
No, it's not reading - some things work better as plays, some things work better as books.

>> No.23137679

Oral tradition is the pillar for literature across the world. Every myth, legend and tale of the past was transmited through oratory means before being written down. So yes, audiobooks are a valid way of engaging with literature.

>> No.23137689

audiobooks ARE reading and watching sports IS exercise. to claim otherwise is deeply ableist and fatphobic

>> No.23137708

Anarchist primitives figured it out centuries ago

>> No.23137711

>Anarchist primitives

>> No.23137738

Yes anon, listening is listening.

If you're trying to say people don't receive information from the books, then explain the people who have learned to speak languages while sleeping while listening to a language tape over night.

>> No.23137744

works also with sissy hypno tapes

>> No.23137776

You could make the same argument to suggest we should eat nutrient slurry instead of actual food

>> No.23137786

>anon shows signs of reading Plato's Republic

>> No.23137793
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I don't agree. Audiobooks are not vocalised in a powerful oratory voice. Rather they are narrated in a gentle yet firm voice. It does not harken back to ancestral memories of an authoritative figure making a speech, it is the voice of a visiting kindly grandparent reading out of a storybook.

>> No.23137798

Don't eat food and pop vitamins all week then.

>> No.23137804

Yes it is. We could have a detailed and intricate discussion of a book and it’s themes, messages, and inspirations without it mattering what method we use to receive the information. Being elitist about the act of “reading” is pretty fucking stupid, and if other people enjoying audiobooks makes you seethe maybe you need to touch some grass.
>nutrient slurry
Based. I generally dislike the process of eating, I eat pretty fast just to get it over with- even if it’s foods I enjoy. I’d love to have my diet reduced to variously flavored smoothies with all the nutrients I need

>> No.23137823

>Being elitist about the act of “reading” is pretty fucking stupid
It's really not. Gatekeeping is what keeps communities from falling into decay. Read Profession by Asimov.

>> No.23137831

You think neurons in the brain don't exist?

>> No.23137839

>gatekeeping is good
I fully agree with you there, but the point of reading is to put the information from the book into your head. Audiobooks accomplish that just as well as looking at an actual book, does it not? Do you have an argument that doesn’t boil down to either
>I want to feel superior
>nooooo I HAVE to keep my eyeballs glued to the page in order to have any sense of self-worth!

>> No.23137858

I do believe that reading off a page is superior to listening to words in your ear
>more often than not, you need to develop an inner monologue in order to efficiently process words off a page, which does wonders for your cognition
>listening is a passive process, it is extremely easy to let words flow over your head, which is why lectures are accompanied by whiteboards or powerpoint presentations.

>> No.23137866

>you need to develop
Anon, I’m in my 30’s with kids, I’ve already done all the “developing” I’m ever going to do. For kids, sure reading off a page does wonders for their various processes but for me? I’ll stick with listening to my audiobooks in the car

>> No.23137877

Well I'm sorry you were deprived of books as a child. You're right, if you're mentally incapable of reading then you probably should listen to audiobooks. They were originally designed for the blind and/or otherwise disabled people after all.

>> No.23137881

A place where taking eyes off the task could be fatal?
Nah, that's excellent example of >>23137675
>some things work better as plays, some things work better as books.

>> No.23137885

>not an argument
I accept your concession

>> No.23137961

I'm not even arguing with you about this you dumbass lmao. Do you want me to vocaroo my post to you, you dyslexic retard?

>> No.23137965

correct. it is listening.

>> No.23139034

Especially not when it's sped up "self help"/PUA trash

>> No.23140866

nigga I got so many IQ points I can read and think about something else at the same time. listening is not a passive process

>> No.23140872
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composition looks familiar

>> No.23140878

It's hearing

>> No.23140895

Crime and Punishment
By: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Constance Garnett - translator
Narrated by: Anthony Heald
Length: 20 hrs and 28 mins

read that shit in 6 hours

>> No.23140952

like this>>23137487

>> No.23140963
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>> No.23141000
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Even so, here's 19 of my free audio horror stories for you gentlemen to enjoy. Best ones are at the end of page 2 imo


Feedback or unhinged abuse equally welcome

>> No.23141007

I don't like Putin, but Zelensky is a kike faggot, yes.

>> No.23141008

>and then I unga'd her bunga

>> No.23141109
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So? You feign neutrality while posting propaganda

pic related is a statue that russia erected in an area of Ukraine that they are controlling now. But retards like you always say "muh zelenzky is a JEW' while ignoring Putin's proximity to jews, and shit like russia's multikult rape invaders putting up commie statues

>> No.23141113
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>pic related

>> No.23141209

Stopped reading there. I'm honestly not interested in your opinion if you need to resort to baboon ebonics.

>> No.23141215

anyone know of the best way to get into audiobooks? is there an app or website like libgen that i can peruse a vast library of audiobooks to download? im sorry if thats a stupid question, but i am getting a job soon where i will be driving around a lot on my own and listening to books would be quite nice :)

>> No.23141227



A BBC episode of an educational program called In Our Time led by Marvin Bragg, the episode is on "Reading" and at around the 7 minute mark, the woman in the group talks about how literate people can read to the illiterate and it was a form of entertainment.

Even in the film Adaptation of the Pride and Prejudice novel by Jane Austen, it has characters who read books to other people.

>> No.23141238

torrents from audiobookbay
ddl from mobilism forum
plenty of shit lying around on youtube too.

>> No.23141267

thank you man. will check those out.

>> No.23141804
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The 3 apps that I know of are Audible, Librivox and Audiobooks. I think Audible requires that you buy the audio books, Librivox has a large collection of readings of classic books done by volunteers and it's the same with the Audiobooks app but Audiobooks has ads with it. You can disable the ads by paying a subscription, I guess it's called a subscription, of around $2 or $6 or paying $11 for a lifetime subscription.

>> No.23143405

By literal definition, no. But it's a way of getting the information into your head, and it works well for some people.

>> No.23143419

I think audiobooks work better for some people than others.

>> No.23143428

If you wanna listen to classics, try librivox.

>> No.23145068

>Thees ees a Leebreewox reckording.

>> No.23145104

true but if listening ain't reading then looking ain't reading either
so it's down to braile, smelling books and tasting books

pick your poison sis

>> No.23145370


>> No.23145397

Audiobooks serve a purpose. If you're listening it as a podcast or some shit while you're doing other things, that's not even close to actually reading the book, I agree. It's more like catching a few bits of the story if I'm being generous and pretending to be more sophisticated than you actually are, if I'm being realistic.
Audiobooks can only be consumed if you're giving it the 100% concentration and attention it needs to actually get something out of a book, so it's best used in a situation where you're in a position where you can't read something but want to concentrate on a story anyway.
I just had eye surgery and can use screens just enough to hit play on Audibooks and I've listened to about 30h worth of shit in 2 weeks while just laying down in bed and listening to the story being told.

>> No.23145495

So, you don't know Braille yet well enough to read?

>> No.23145499


>> No.23145688
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Listening to an audiobook and calling it "reading" is like claiming you're playing a game by watching a "Walkthrough" video of the game on YouTube.

>> No.23145702

Retard, when you're reading you're not just staring at a page and the content gets magically transferred into your brain. You have to recognize each and every word, piece the sentence together in your mind and imagine the content, while giving your complete attention to it. Listening to an audiobook is just like listening to a radio. It's not "reading". They're both passive activities. The actual reading is being done by someone else, and you are listing to that person converting the information into sound so that you can access it as well without actually reading the text.

>> No.23145777

Audio books are for people, who can't create voices in their heads from text, in other words for retards without imagination. And even in fulfilling this goal audiobooks are inferior to radio plays. Only way this books are actually good for is to be played to children provided that narrator can properly providd required impression of a mother reading a chidlren's book to her child before the night.
Otherwise it only impedes a full picture.

>> No.23145819

Librivox is abhorrent. Constant saliva sounds, awful microphone quality, bored narrative voice. I wouldn't even recommend it to blind people.

>> No.23146244


>> No.23146577

This is better in most cases if it is about fiction and there is no need to learn it for some reason.

>> No.23146587

You’re a fucking schizophrenic.

>> No.23146601
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Depends upon the book... Books were originally maent to be read aloud, but some books are written with only a silent reader as the target audience. Delany's Dhalgen comes to mind.

>> No.23146836

I have imagination but my eyes can't read big texts in my age (24).

>> No.23148302


>> No.23148349

The quality is variable, but some are good at least.

>> No.23148354

Apparently a lot of blind people these days, especially those who go blind later in life when they already know how to spell, actually never bother learning Braille because text to speech is so convenient.

>> No.23148358

What about while doing something that occupies your hands but not your brain? Like, something that you could also hold a coherent conversation while doing.

>> No.23148360
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I can't listen to music while reading an audiobook but I do enjoy the odd audiobook here and there. Audiobooks kind of miss the point of actually enjoying a good reading sesh though.

>> No.23148401


>> No.23148473
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Personally what I like doing is ripping audiobooks off of YouTube (there are tons of unlicensed Audible books on there) and then listening with an app called "Smart AudioBook Player." I like doing this cause then I can rip it into a super small bitrate (as if the kbps has hardly anything to do with it) so I don't have a 1+ gigabyte mp3/m4a on my phone. I use a great site called TubeRipper which lets you rip vids into a variety of different formats and resolutions. Better method than using Audiobookbay imo.

>> No.23148509
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Fucking BASED honestly. Nothing like getting lost in a well-narrated audiobook during a sesh or while nodding off.

>> No.23148567

It's not, but it's better. The spoken word has been the way that stories have been told for 50,000 years. I do read and I enjoy it, but listening is better. I also enjoy reading out loud, but I don't get opportunity often because it feels weird talking when I'm alone.

>> No.23149439

Thanks, anon - I didn't know that.