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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 768x432, winston-churchill-gettyimages-3062107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23133393 No.23133393 [Reply] [Original]

At 23, Winston Churchill wrote "The Scaffolding of Rhetoric", an unpublished article where he laid out the five key elements to being a great orator

1. Pick the right word, which is usually the short one
>Use exact, short words. All the speeches of great English rhetoricians except when addressing highly cultured audiences display an uniform preference for short, homely words of common usage so long as such words can fully express their thoughts and feelings.

2. Rhythm of sound matters
>The great influence of sound on the human brain is well known. The sentences of the orator when he appeals to his art become long, rolling and sonorous. The peculiar balance of the phrases produces a cadence which resembles blank verse rather than prose.

3. Accumulation of Argument
>The climax of oratory is reached by a rapid succession of waves of sound and vivid pictures. Their ear is tickled by the rhythm of the language. The enthusiasm rises. A series of facts is brought forward all pointing in a common direction. The end appears in view before it is reached. The crowd anticipate the conclusion and the last words fall amid a thunder of assent.

>> No.23133394 [DELETED] 
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4. Analogy
>An apt analogy connects or appears to
connect [the abstract and the concrete]. It appeals to the everyday knowledge of the hearer and invites him to decide the problems that have baffled his powers of reason by the standard of the nursery and the heart...They translate an established truth into simple language.

5. Extravagance of
>Extravagance so wild that reason recoils is evident in most perorations. The emotions of the speaker and the listeners are alike aroused and some expression must be found that will represent all they are feeling. The effect of such extravagances on a political struggle is tremendous. Upon the audience the effect is to reduce pressure as when a safety valve is opened.

>> No.23133404
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4. Analogy
>An apt analogy connects or appears to connect [the abstract to the concrete]. It appeals to the everyday knowledge of the hearer and invites him to decide the problems that have baffled his powers of reason by the standard of the nursery and the heart. [...] They translate an established truth into simple language.

5. Extravagance of language
>Extravagance so wild that reason recoils is evident in most perorations. The emotions of the speaker and the listeners are alike aroused and some expression must be found that will represent all they are feeling. The effect of such extravagances on a political struggle is tremendous. Upon the audience the effect is to reduce pressure as when a safety valve is opened.


>> No.23133414

Yet Hitler didn't even bother with abstractions and was a 1000x times the speaker Churchill was.

>> No.23133576



>> No.23133591

Yeah, this post was made by an Anglo.

>> No.23133715

Hitler… the more I learn about this guy the less I care for him.

>> No.23133758

>how to be a scummy, populist politician
Yeah, I'll pass.

>> No.23133932

That all seems pretty sensible. I'm sure most good public speakers have had the same thoughts, without necessarily committing them to paper.

>> No.23133995

>an uniform
I checked the original script and found he was actually saying this.

>> No.23134330

Uniform was pronounced "oo-niform", whence "an".

>> No.23134340

>a bo'ohw'o'wo'er

>> No.23134343

> Uniform was pronounced "oo-niform”
As it should be

>> No.23134363

Then why was he such a shitty speaker

>> No.23134367

who won the war

>> No.23134368

>receives a Nobel for Literature
lmao what a meme award

>> No.23134374

it's a norm macdonald joke

>> No.23134378

>was a 1000x times the speaker Churchill was.

>> No.23134380

The Soviets

>> No.23134393

where's the soviet union now

>> No.23134401

where’s the british empire now?

>> No.23134424
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>> No.23134432

You lost your Empire, Nigel. And English is known because of Americans.

>> No.23134446

bit of a dated reference now

>> No.23134450

You’re right. I’ll say Mohammed from now on.

>> No.23134470

his name's rishi

>> No.23134823
File: 20 KB, 474x355, britainpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keky, whenever a roach gets uppity just post pic related

>> No.23134931

Hitler is and was a joke--for Germany, a bad one.

>> No.23134935


>> No.23134944

Good post, OP. All too common a phenomena for a good thread like yours to be instantaneously derailed by /pol/filth--an unfotunate burden for /lit/izens to bear.

>> No.23134948

damn lmao

>> No.23134952

>most basic bitch shit ever
>good post

>> No.23134957


>> No.23134968

Stop lying to yourself. I'm better read than you'll ever be and I've never once seen this article shared. Hesiod wrote, "and whomever she [Calliope] chooses, she pours honeyed dew upon their tongues. These men become kings. These are the men whose words have the power to sway the masses." Churchill is 100% certainly such a man. Anyone who is not an absolute fool should be interested in what Churchill has to say on oratory. This board just isn't for your kind, child.

>> No.23134975

I’m sure it will be useful for your political speeches in favor of the Juden and Israel.

>> No.23134986

In so saying you think you've shamed me, but were I to give political speeches, I would be in favor of Jews and Israel, yes. I am pleased by this fact and do not hide it.

>> No.23134990

Stunning and brave, totally unsafe opinion.

>> No.23134993

I don't concern myself with such things, /pol/filth. I only ask myself what I actually think.

>> No.23135000

You’re the most basic bitch here. That’s why you praise such baby tier advice. You’re beneath us.

>> No.23135011

As you should be able to guess by now, I don't care what you think. Good day.

>> No.23135020

Holy shit what an embarrassing post.

>> No.23135028

Spoken like a man who neither read Hesiod, nor the essay OP shared.

>> No.23135040

Missing the point, but i just feel too bad for you to bother making fun of you.

>> No.23135051

Were you a smarter man, you'd realize how OPs essay is entirely relevant to the petty rhetorical bait n' switch you've just tried to wield.

>> No.23135052
File: 170 KB, 1592x856, db04a70c-2324-437a-9c8a-8e18ebe965de-img_3877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you make a self-deprecating joke & a yank repeats it to you

>> No.23135062

lol funny tweet, Mohammed, funny tweet.

>> No.23135066

mate your banter game is atrocious

>> No.23135076

Not as atrocious as your mom’s pussy :DDD

>> No.23135124

well hell, aw shucks, really? heavens to betsy, you gotta be kidding, goshdarn it, the tarnation thing.

>> No.23135331

Hitler and Churchill are constructs, he didn't write shit at 23, he didn't exist at 23.

>> No.23135334


>> No.23135404


>> No.23135522

Even if that were true, it wouldn't take away from the power of the words which had been spoken and written by him. They still influenced the people regardless. If anything, that might add even more power to the importance of rhetorical study.

>> No.23135528

People were even more retarded back then and easily impressed.

>> No.23135531

Never change, /lit/. Never change.

>> No.23135563

>t. man who hasn't read enough from the past or the present
The lows and high of man have not changed. Only their dress.

>> No.23136163

Nope, the Soviets just won 8 more years of Stalin.
Sucked to be them, I guess.

>> No.23136167

Americans don't speak English.

>> No.23136176

the /pol/ colony shows its fruits once more

>> No.23136187


>> No.23136194

No one won, then.
American, not English, is the language people speak, then.

>> No.23136303

>populism is when you get your nation into a meaningless war against your people's wishes
u wot m8?

>> No.23136319

In current year, "American" == Spanish.

>> No.23136591
File: 119 KB, 800x643, churchill and his number one paypig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poasting my favourite Churchill quote

>If you're going through hell... sell your country and bloodline off for an endless supply of cigars and booze

>> No.23136596
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>> No.23136597

Who is his "paypig?"

>> No.23136618

Haven’t seen a good rhetoric thread in awhile.
Op was not a fag, for once.

>> No.23136625

He was neither good or bad, he was a mix of both. People aren’t just black or white, they’re mostly shades of grey

>> No.23136634

Why does any of this sound weird to anyone unless they’re a mentally deranged tranoid?

>> No.23136638

Underrated band

>> No.23137400
File: 43 KB, 488x488, GUEST_06aba061-8e27-4d78-8dd0-0891be8351cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


glad you found the essay interesting lads, only came across it because it was mentioned in Andrew Roberts biography of Churchill, which I would also recommend if you wanted a defense of the man

>> No.23137416

It was a great article. You made an exemplary thread--one of today's few. I'm sorry to have derailed it a bit. I should have had more toughness and met the posts of the Hitler-peddlers with overlooking. There was a lot worth talking about in that essay. In any case, thank you. (You) are why I keep coming back to /lit/.

In his case, an abominably dark shade of grey, nearly indistinguishable from the blackest of blacks. One could almost get lost looking for the white in it.

>> No.23137907

yes man