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23132271 No.23132271 [Reply] [Original]

death is the ultimate blackpill.

in the end I realize that nothing matters, I will die without ever realizing my dreams and the suffering of a life full of regrets.

please recommend me any book or philosophy that helps to deal with this despair of fear of death and the anguish of losing a life.

>> No.23132276

> in the end I realize that nothing matters
If nothing matters, why don’t you just starve to death?

>> No.23132279

Good. Accepting death is the first step towards living well. Read Book of The New Sun

>> No.23132280

Yeah, become a toodist skunk.

>> No.23132362

Why do fags say this? Death is not a big deal and life is full of meaning. I thought that even before I realised reincarnation is real. Stop being a pussy.

>> No.23132395

It's just their justification for idleness. It goes away as you grow up.

>> No.23132407
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Ruminate on death and fearful of meeting loved ones that passed on because after their death I became a weak man and am ashamed of my life on Earth without them.

>> No.23132425

Eternal life in Jesus Christ is the answer and is readily available to you if you want it (read the Gospels) Or be a cringelord and keep whinging about how "nothing matters lmao xd". Up to you.

>> No.23132463

If your dream is to know yourself and you understand that you are mortal then when you come to die you will realize an aspect of your dream and then death is in fact not the ultimate blackpill, I suggest starting with the Greeks faggot

>> No.23132500
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>It goes away as you grow up
Boy, are you in for a fun ride.

>> No.23132513
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Are there any books on futuristic necromancy? By which I mean the possibility of bringing people back to life through futuristic methods like running their brains on emulators. If humans are just fleshy robots, there is no reason we have to die. We just have to reverse engineer ourselves and perform repairs when we break.

>> No.23132549

Humans are not fleshy robots

>> No.23132591

>It goes away as you grow up.
no, it gets closer

>> No.23132620
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>> No.23132673
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Though thou shouldst be going to live three thousand years, and as many times ten thousand years, still remember that no man loses any other life than this which he now lives, nor lives any other than this which he now loses. The longest and shortest are thus brought to the same. For the present is the same to all, though that which perishes is not the same; and so that which is lost appears to be a mere moment. For a man cannot lose either the past or the future: for what a man has not, how can any one take this from him? These two things then thou must bear in mind; the one, that all things from eternity are of like forms and come round in a circle, and that it makes no difference whether a man shall see the same things during a hundred years or two hundred, or an infinite time; and the second,
that the longest liver and he who will die soonest lose just the same. For the present is the only thing of which a man can be deprived, if it is true that this is the only thing which he has, and that a man cannot lose a thing if he has it not.

>> No.23132678

They are though, that's what medicine is all about my nigga.

>But the soul!
The fact that brain damage can drastically alter people's personalities and some people seem to be born with no souls (see the Hartley Hooligans) is very telling.

>> No.23132685
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Spiritual progress is made through confronting death and calamity

By facing the realities of death, infirmity, loss, and disappointment, you free yourself of illusions and false hopes and you avoid miserable, envious thoughts.

Let death and exile, and all other things which appear terrible, be daily before your eyes, but death chiefly; and you will never entertain an abject thought, nor too eagerly covet anything.

>> No.23132688
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I remember when I turned 14. The point is that you're alive right now, so make the most of it retard.

>> No.23132718
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>> No.23132729
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Yes, it's shocking when you realize it. And then you grow up and learn to cope with it.

>> No.23132800

>The fact that brain damage
A soul is not an immaterial thing that somehow lives inside of you

>> No.23132816

Not an either/or. Eternal life cannot have meaning by its very definition.

>> No.23133052

>death is the ultimate blackpill.
My nigger dick is the ultimate blackpill. Your mother swallows it every day and that's why she doesn't love you. She's blackpilled.

>> No.23133082
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>Denial Of Death
>The Upanishads
>The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
>The Unbearable Lightness Of Being
>The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
>On Death & Dying
>Pet Sematary
I shit my pants in horror pretty much every night thinking about death & what it means, so maybe i'm not the right person to talk about this stuff, but i still feel compelled to do so nonetheless. i deeply oppose gnosticism & platonism & such, but are we not terrified of death because we're slaves to our material nature as chemically controlled organic beings descended from a countless line of chemically controlled organic beings who were only able to achieve natural selection because they were terrified of death & entranced by the pleasures of the flesh? isnt death-terror ultimately just a lie our bodies tell us in order to coerce us into continually playing the game of life?

>> No.23133232


>> No.23133470

Know that feel.

>> No.23133657

I don’t know what will happen after death but I think it will be pretty good

>> No.23133762

Coping is the easy. Doesn't change the fact that it's going to happen.

>> No.23133787
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.23133812

Why don't you optimize your everyday life perfectly without a minute of downtime if you believe people make decisions mostly out of rational thought?
He doesn't starve to death because he was born with an innate strive to avoid pain and
to survive.
Show me the math on how such a thing as coming into reality or consciousness makes simple, rudimentary sense, the way you expect him to answer your retarded question.
There ARE stupid questions, nigger pleb

>> No.23133860

I think it is way more complicated. Death can be sweet to us in many cases, just as life can be unbearable. Our fear is also related to change and the unknown, this is a special case of fear because it is not just an unknown transformation (as we go to through in life, already anxious and fearful), but a radical and definite change.

>> No.23133865

Pascal's Pensées
>Imagine a number of men in chains, all under sentence of death, some of whom are each day butchered in the sight of others; those remaining see their own condition in that of their fellows, and looking at each other with grief and despair await their turn. This is an image of the human condition.

>> No.23133894

> He doesn't starve to death because he was born with an innate strive to avoid pain and to survive.
then it’s not the case that nothing matters. He clearly doesn’t want to starve. In those instances life is meaningful. His problem is therefore figuring out what to do when he’s not eating. Taking a break from the internet would help

>> No.23133902

Thinking Clearly About Death.

>> No.23133933

the most midwit take on life

>> No.23133960

>in the end I realize that nothing matters
Wrong, you were intentionally created by your ancestors to help mankind, life created you to preserve itself. The universe created life as a natural event that is as inevitable and constant as the stars.

A toaster was created by men to make toast you were created by men to serve mankind.

>> No.23134119

>end I realize that nothing matters
>Wrong, you were intentionally created by your ancestors to help mankind, life created you to preserve itself
That doesn't matter

>> No.23134331

it does matter, everything matters

>> No.23134503

Go away and leave us serious people alone

>> No.23135739

>implying your personality is part of your soul and not external to it
You have an idiot's conception of what the soul is. Read the Upanishads if you really need someone to explain this to you.

>> No.23135906

look at all the meaningless cope in this thread. not one idea that can be of help in a state of spiritual emergency.

>> No.23135909

You need to read How To Die by Seneca.

>> No.23135948

I think I'm going to transition and see if that alleviates some the anxiety.
Not a hard and fast solution, but not worth nothing.


>> No.23135961

are you fucking retarded? that will make everything worse. don't ever take any hormones or any shit like that dumbass.

>> No.23135967

Don't need to. Already low test, gyno, small dick.
I'm on a raft and its up to the ocean, man.
At the very least I can blow truckers down by the Beacon and Bridge, get AIDS, and pass away gracefully.

>> No.23136007

you are right that sounds very graceful.

>> No.23136017
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This should help.