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/lit/ - Literature

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23130277 No.23130277 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't studied esoteric literature at all. I did LSD about a month ago and during my trip I kept seeing eyes everywhere. It wasn't scary, more mystical. Since then I still see eyes in the corner of my eye sometimes and get spooked when I look at the image attached.

What is the actual significance of the eye of horus/masonic/esoteric eye symbol?

>> No.23130294


>> No.23130639


See The Evil Eye: The Classic Account of an Ancient Superstition

>> No.23131482

You begin to see. Outer reality is but a reflection of the inner. Keep relentlessly looking, dodge the Golems, never give up, train and focus your attention. Keep searching and you shall find.

>> No.23131530
File: 137 KB, 619x640, Jane Lead's Drawing of the Flaming Eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Jane Lead (1624-1704), a female christian mystic and the only female author I respect. You can find most of her works in pdf format on http://janelead.org/
I recommend starting with Revelation of Revelations (1701 edition on the website) chapter XVIII specifically (page 67 in the 17CV).
Pic is Jane Lead's drawing of the Flaming Eye, might pique your interest.

>> No.23131561
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>> No.23131569

>page 67
Page 65 actually. Page 67 contains my favorite passage however:

> for in the Will is the highest Magick, when it is united with the Will of the High-
est; when these two Wheels meet in one, they are the swift running Charriot, which nothing can
cross or stop, in which the Bridegroom, with his Bride Sophia, ride most triumphantly together
over all things, viz. over Rocks, Mountains, and Hills, which are all made plain before them, and
Seas dyed up. What is able to resist a Will that is united with God’s Will, before which every
thing must stoop and bow? which Will, when ever it goes forth, always accomplisheth its Enter-
prise. Its not a naked Will that wants its Garment of Power: impregnable Almightiness is with it,
to pluck up, to plant, to kill, and to make alive; to bind and to loose, to save and destro

>> No.23131575 [DELETED] 

n my opinion to search means nothing. To find is the thing. Nobody is interested in following a man who, with his eyes fixed on the ground, spends his life looking for the purse that fortune should put in his path. The one who finds something no matter what it might be, even if his intention were not to search for it, at least arouses our curiosity, if not our admiration.

>> No.23131585

In my opinion to search means nothing. To find is the thing. Nobody is interested in following a man who, with his eyes fixed on the ground, spends his life looking for the purse that fortune should put in his path. The one who finds something no matter what it might be, even if his intention were not to search for it, at least arouses our curiosity, if not our admiration.

>> No.23131595

Unnatural actions have unnatural consequences.
I say no to your disgusting excuse for a cure that is actually part of a slave control currency system.
I know for a fact that I am correct in what I say because of my everyday life and direct experience. Your reference is very likely dogma from others. We are not the same.

It's all a process and interconnected. But you have to start searching in order and disorder, between this and that, to find something worthy and new. You should never follow anyone, follow yourself. The journey starts with a single willful step.

>> No.23131620 [DELETED] 

>to find something worthy and new. You should never follow anyone, follow yourself
You can't make originality your goal, l'originalite consiste a essayer de faire comme tout le monde sans y parvenir. Originality consists in trying to be like everybody - and failing.

>> No.23131626

>to find something worthy and new. You should never follow anyone, follow yourself
You can't make originality your goal, l'originalite consiste a essayer de faire comme tout le monde sans y parvenir. Originality consists in trying to be like everybody else - and failing.

>> No.23131633

>What is pareidolia?

We like faces. We see eyes and faces in things where there are none. When you take a drug that increases pattern-seeking, you see more eyes. It isn't an esoteric thing, it's a monkeybrain thing.

>> No.23131643 [SPOILER] 
File: 539 KB, 1170x1147, CLOWN_Biblically accurate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dweller on the threshold

More to do with LSD flashbacks, doesn't bear much thought.

>significance of the eye of horus/masonic/esoteric eye symbol?

'illumination' is yet another kind of shadow cast by Light

Eye of Ra (Right, Solar-Banebdjed, protection; Red Lower Egypt); left brain, logic, order
Eye of Horus (Left,Lunar-Isis/Hathor/Khnum, White Upper Egypt, torn out by set & magically restored by Thoth, like Osirus' cock was mended by Isis) Medjed fish eats the one flayed by Set - like Ouranos' was by Zeus - and becomes the soul of the Nile flooding in the Elephantine pantheon; spectral representation of Osirus in the world by the same name, but veiled Right brain, dreams, anagogic/asymmetric/atemporal correspondence

The experience of catching things in the corner of your eye is common, intimations of there being more There there than meets the eye. Take note of which side with reference to the brain hemisphere relation above.

>All Seeing Eye

[higher]Self-coherence with the One. Polarization is the beginning of wisdom, but in the end you won't begrudge the vehicle for bearing you here-to-there.

>> No.23131644

In my experience, originality comes from disconnecting from your routines, mental patterns and beliefs that establish said routines, therefore becoming mad, insane, and finally finding your way back to reality to put it into words that can be experienced within the routines of "normality". This is very related to spiritual practices, revelations, and isolation from humanity, embracing nature and the unknown.
However, I also know that reality is subjective and therefore acknowledge your path to originality as a possibility.

>> No.23131647

>Originality consists in trying to be like everybody else - and failing.
Now that I really think about it, that's basically what I'm trying to describe, but accidental?

>> No.23131680

that sort of experimentation is all very well for a scientist but literature cannot be called a science. science works on a calm intellectual level with proper safeguards against imaginative freedom
>path to originality
there's no path. you either are or aren't, the focus should be on being good
>isolation from humanity, embracing nature
humans exist in nature

>> No.23131697

It's racism.

The ancient white world used a blue eye symbol on everything from pottery to ships. The semitic cultures that sprang up after the retreat of those civilizations started calling them evil eyes. It's simple genephobia. Racism.

>> No.23131786

>safeguards against imaginative freedom
With disconnecting from routines, I definitely meant to disintegrate these safeguards. What I am trying to describe is a shift into the imaginative and then back into the "scientific" logical to make sense of it.
>humans exist in nature
True, maybe nature is not the right word here. What I mean is the wild, whatever is beyond our filter that we carefully craft since the day of our birth. The wilderness outside our cognitive position that makes us feel secure in ignorance.

>> No.23131849

>a shift into the imaginative and then back into the "scientific" logical to make sense of it.
It has to go in the reverse order. It's true that an unusually difficult problem can force a writer to find himself not only making personal variations on accepted forms, but perhaps as Shakespeare and Hardy did, coining new words. Innovation in this sense is not experiment.
>the wild
what does your diet look like btw?

>> No.23131874

Have you ever noticed literally every single living organism has eyes? Have you ever wondered why?

>> No.23131889


>> No.23132334
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>> No.23132336

Flat Earther spotted!

>> No.23132344
File: 157 KB, 726x1024, flatearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23132346

Completely flawed biblical hermeneutics. Biblical literalists are retards.

>> No.23132365

Agreed. Talking snakes, donkeys, bodily resurrection, etc is clearly impossible.

>> No.23132367


>> No.23132380

You're not one of those retards that thinks that literally happened are you

>> No.23132393

The historical parts, yes. I don't believe the creation accounts in Genesis (little known fact, there are two) are literal, and I don't believe a global flood really happened in the fashion that's depicted in Genesis either (although it's probable there was a global cataclysm where the ice caps melted, around 11,000 BC). I believe in the narratives about the history of the Patriarchs, the Israelites, and the New Testament, though.

>> No.23132402
File: 484 KB, 1500x1312, bibleliteralists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The historical parts, yes.

>> No.23132404

Gain some nuance.

>> No.23132445
File: 81 KB, 600x600, modest-mouse-the-moon-and-antarctica-Cover-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The third planet is sure that they're being watched
By an eye in the sky that can't be stopped
When you get to the promised land
You're gonna shake the eye's hand

>> No.23133357

>You're gonna shake the eye's hand
I'm gonna cum in the eye's butthole

>> No.23134269

/lit/'s Christians (and Christians in general) get very mad at psychedelics and obsess with le Satan. They'll just spout schizo thinking about it, you're better off asking a dedicated forum.

>> No.23134849

you're on the wrong board, it sounds like you want a blog post to read.

>> No.23134901

psychedelics are contraindicated for people with a family history of schizophrenia. You may have HPPD. Good news is that it the hallucinations should go away with time

>> No.23135738

Start with the Greeks
Most famous Greek philosophers were into a psychedelic cult that taught them philsophy, google Eleusinian Mysteries.
Anti-intellectuals will ask 'but how can matter enlighten the spirit' with the obvious answer being their wrong assumption of dualism.

>> No.23136150

LOL that happened to me too. In fact I saw an entire landscape made up of eyes while on acid.
I just thought, "Wow, trippy." Soon the eyes transformed into a ziggurat made of ants.