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/lit/ - Literature

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23131884 No.23131884 [Reply] [Original]

Can female even read about things beyond relationship and sex? Are female capable of thought beyond things related to their vaginas? All, I mean, all of YA and "adult" books centered to women the forefront of the plot is relationship, not politics or anything, just relationship and sex, that it, that's what sells, women go bitching about how STEM and hard philosophy is dominate by male, by they can't think about thing beyond related to their vaginas, plain and simple, great majority of women are slave to their nature, I remember on anon saying something like:

"A man's love life is just a part of his life, a woman's love life is her whole life"

>> No.23131908

Male authors write exact same books centered on sex, personal drama and relationships

>A man's love life is just a part of his life, a woman's love life is her whole life"
In other words you are a coomer who just wants his books to be 80% about sex and females and the rest padding and some politics. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.23131917

Many years of traditionalism have taken their toll. Women were raised to only care for womanly matters such as marriage and relationships, so naturally when they’re finally allowed to publish, it’s what they write about. I personally don’t hold that against the. What else would they write about? War. They’re not allowed to go to war. Love and war are kind of the big two themes.

>> No.23131924

Seething female detected

>> No.23131928 [DELETED] 

it was lord byron who said that. amis sr wrote a nice poem bout it

Between the Gardening and the Cookery
Comes the brief Poetry shelf;
By the Nonesuch Donne, a thin anthology
Offers itself.

Critical, and with nothing else to do,
I scan the Contents page,
Relieved to find the names are mostly new;
No one my age.

Like all strangers, they divide by sex:
Landscape Near Parma
Interests a man, so does The Double Vortex,
So does Rilke and Buddha.

“I travel, you see”, “I think” and “I can read'
These titles seem to say;
But I Remember You, Love is my Creed,
Poem for J.,

The ladies’ choice, discountenance my patter
For several seconds;
From somewhere in this (as in any) matter
A moral beckons.

Should poets bicycle-pump the human heart
Or squash it flat?
Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart;
Girls aren’t like that.

We men have got love well weighed up; our stuff
Can get by without it.
Women don’t seem to think that’s good enough;
They write about it.

And the awful way their poems lay them open
Just doesn’t strike them.
Women are really much nicer than men:
No wonder we like them.

Deciding this, we can forget those times
We stayed up half the night
Chock-full of love, crammed with bright thoughts, names, rhymes,
And couldn’t write.

>> No.23131938

it was lord byron who said that. amis sr wrote a nice poem bout it; 'something nasty in the bookshop'.

Between the Gardening and the Cookery
Comes the brief Poetry shelf;
By the Nonesuch Donne, a thin anthology
Offers itself.

Critical, and with nothing else to do,
I scan the Contents page,
Relieved to find the names are mostly new;
No one my age.

Like all strangers, they divide by sex:
Landscape Near Parma
Interests a man, so does The Double Vortex,
So does Rilke and Buddha.

“I travel, you see”, “I think” and “I can read'
These titles seem to say;
But I Remember You, Love is my Creed,
Poem for J.,

The ladies’ choice, discountenance my patter
For several seconds;
From somewhere in this (as in any) matter
A moral beckons.

Should poets bicycle-pump the human heart
Or squash it flat?
Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart;
Girls aren’t like that.

We men have got love well weighed up; our stuff
Can get by without it.
Women don’t seem to think that’s good enough;
They write about it.

And the awful way their poems lay them open
Just doesn’t strike them.
Women are really much nicer than men:
No wonder we like them.

Deciding this, we can forget those times
We stayed up half the night
Chock-full of love, crammed with bright thoughts, names, rhymes,
And couldn’t write.

>> No.23131940

I am a male, I am just sick all the coomer shit released by male/female authors. As other anon said women are going to write about that shit because they are women but why do males write it?

>> No.23131958

Erotica/coomer lit is mostly written by female, don't project bullshit

>> No.23131976

You are dumb. Take any random fiction work written by a male and you will find that it contains plenty of erotica and coomer shit (but generally less than female fiction).

>> No.23131983

picasso said all art is erotic

>> No.23132010

Picasso was a coomer

>> No.23132020

all artists are to be honest

>> No.23132026

Not true.

>> No.23132039

being in love with a woman is the one subject (and one subject only) of all real poetry.
water to water, ark again to ark,
from woman back to woman

>> No.23132046

That's why most poetry is garbage.

>> No.23132061

I blame GRRM for this

>> No.23132071

poetry is written for poets. 'it's impossible for anyone to feel it who does not carry within them the seeds of wonderment to which wonders speak.'

>> No.23132073

It's true. Being sick in the head is a requirement for artistry. Whether you let your degeneracy leak into your work or not is a different issue.

>> No.23132080

art if it is any good at all can only express the artist.

>> No.23132124

Pithy aphorisms. Midwits read a quote somewhere, memorize it and regurgitate to appear profound.

>> No.23132128

Attention whore

>> No.23132136

It's just their biology really. Girls play with puppets boys play with mechanical toys. And any pseud cultural explanation can't explain this phenomenon when it already appears in very young children. Foids are just interested in nurture and socialization probably a biproduct of their mother instinct and the fact they never did technical stuff like hunting or war just sitting around the fire and preparing food for the men and occasionally getting fucked or raped. Kek. Maybe it's the effect of estrogen on the developing brain or the lack of testosterone I have no idea. Fucking disgusting foidz.

>> No.23132163

from 'the poet in the nursery' by robert graves

I took the book to bed with me and gloated,
Learning the lines that seemed to sound most grand;
So soon the pretty emerald green was coated
With jam and greasy marks from my hot hand,
While round the nursery for long months there floated
Wonderful words no one could understand

>> No.23132177

Nice projection, xir

>> No.23132184

I am a straight white male, not sure why you would think otherwise

>> No.23132186

Out of curiosity does high testosterone correlate with piss poor social skills? Just curious. That would explain about me.

>> No.23132191
File: 20 KB, 300x400, Voltaire300px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One has often accused our country, and the English, for they follow our steps in everything, even our vices, to have stripped virility from the theater with too much tenderness: to have a romantic intrigue in every play, even tragedies, is effeminate.
>I must confess that their charges are just. This passion which we constantly display upon the stage is nothing but galanterie and often degenerates into debauchery.

>> No.23132192

Learn to banter. Inability to banter is a female trait.

>> No.23132215
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>> No.23132218

I don't think modern women are suffering from that problem at all and yet they're still predominately interested in relationships above things.

>> No.23132224

Typical reaction I'd expect from you

>> No.23132230

top draw banter

>> No.23132387
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If you can find a woman who wrote something like The Bible, the Second Treatise on Government, Finnegan's Wake, or Jaws (the movie), please give me her number. Until then idc.

>> No.23132401
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>> No.23132418
File: 15 KB, 300x278, 1677110723761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women have done for thousands of years was figure out how to get fucked, or how to fuck someone else over in a way that wouldn't obviously lead back to them.

They form extremely deep relationships with each other, but these really just form the basis of levers of power, which they use constantly to upend their own social order. This order is preserved by the fact that they have a unified opponent---men---but because they are physically weaker and have to protect their own ability to bear children, the entire social structure of their sex operates underground. In a way, you could make the case that women form the largest and longest-running state in human history, if all a state needs are common interests---bearing the next generation---and a common enemy---again, men.

This means that, psychosexually, the only acceptable form of feminine literature should be women writing from the position of sultry French Resistance fighters being violently fucked by SS Commandants. Yes, that is the only form of female literature I would accept.