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/lit/ - Literature

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23130684 No.23130684 [Reply] [Original]

>the weak cannot be moral
don't even want to imagine how many normal people this asshole has poisoned with this line of thinking. once heard, it would even prevent a good man from acting selflessly simply because it will spark a flame of self doubt in them, "am I doing it because I am weak?" and such.

it's funny almost to see how the society self adjusts and always finds new ways of preventing good things to arise naturally. I am a naive person so naturally I am inclined to believe in "good" and forget the majority only believes in "power".

>> No.23130711
File: 89 KB, 608x593, morality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no one is moral

>> No.23130722

Edgy. Anyway the adults are talking.
You're right. Its a nonsensical way of thinking that just tries to justify their own immorality. People always say things like this. The immoral never want to believe that someone can live by their principles even to their detriment.

>> No.23130751

Keep living in dreamland

>> No.23130773

Intersting how these "might is right" types always end up with a mental breakdown, like Nietzsche did. I expect BAP to have his Turin horse moment one day.

>> No.23130785

>the American gospel

>> No.23130814

According to him you need to experience spiritual experience in order to quit smoking. Hes gone full schizo.

>> No.23130881
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They practice might is right until they start noticing their advancing age, and that they will come to face the All Might(y). If might is right then how will the All Might(y) react?

>> No.23130888
File: 144 KB, 667x1000, 73B66FCF-90FC-4AC7-8671-FDC27AE3F502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not “might is right” but rather “whatever survives is right.” We simply predict that might will survive. Morality is an evolved survival strategy, after all.

>> No.23130893

Congratulations, you're a retard.
>"Professing to be wise, they became fools."
Bible 1 / Retards 0

>> No.23130897

You are a massive insecure retard OP
Imagine thinking JP is a "might is right" guy. I mean, I know you guys have never read him but come on.

>> No.23130907

Peepeeson is just a sad puppet. You should turn your attention to the real demons (e.g. the Kock brothers.)

>> No.23130913

Why the FUCK is he dressed like Two-Face? His subconsciousness betraying him?

>> No.23130973

>even to their detriment
There's your problem.

>> No.23131035
File: 69 KB, 1194x894, AEB3C4CC-3AB9-43E0-B5F7-FE194272D452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A single Twilight Zone episode makes a better argument than the most elegant Might is Right literature published.

>> No.23131059

He is 100% right though, if you are harmless you can never know if you are a good person or just a submissive person.

>> No.23131073

His message isn’t that might is right nor that being altruistic is weak. The idea is that being moral means being capable of hurting or asserting power over others and choosing not to. The weak don’t have a choice, that’s why they can’t be moral in this view.

>> No.23131104

It's actually an extremely unchristian way of thinking. The weak are explicity blessed by Christ in the beatitudes.

>> No.23131113

What if I think "might makes right" is the general rule of the human mind, but that it is a bad thing that this is the case.

>> No.23131125
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I miss when he would copy those postmodernists with all his crazy diagrams. Now he is paid millions just to say some dumb conservative pandering shit and has lost all soul

>> No.23131129
File: 34 KB, 557x308, Matthew 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which bible are you reading?

What's more interesting is that I never see *anyone* ever go around saying "might makes right", but there's an endless stream of people who will claim they did to attack their character or justify violence against them. I don't even care for e-celebs either.

>> No.23131217

And no, I dont care about JP's braindead interpretation of the greek word.

>> No.23131254

I'm not even a fan but its amazing how this guy lives rent free in everyone's heads despite being philosophically tepid.

>> No.23131436

>I expect BAP to have his Turin horse moment one day.
that would be kino though

>> No.23131454

This faggot was just in my city and I didn't hear anything about it until I read the paper.
I would have put an end to these threads on /lit/.

>> No.23131508

BAP is a Romanian male; they all have mental breakdowns after 40 LOL

>> No.23131571

I actually kinda started liking JP again listening to that Exodus stuff. He has some good insights about the Bible and psychology, but he is ridiculous when talking about politics or post-modernism.

>> No.23131587

> it would even prevent a good man from acting selflessly simply because it will spark a flame of self doubt in them, "am I doing it because I am weak?" and such
Or or or it would make submissive person think “Am I doing it because I am good or I am just being used”

>> No.23131617


>> No.23131630

>the powerless don't have an avenue to exercise morality, they just eat shit breakfast, lunch and dinner and have other people decide things for them
I imagine the actual notion to have been, if he even wrote anything like that to begin with
>it's funny almost to see how the society self adjusts and always finds new ways of preventing good things to arise naturally.
considering you're mad at kermit, king of the milquetoasts, there's quite a chance you're some sorta gramscian commie or something. That line would be pretty funny, then

>> No.23132193

I'm sure he never said anything like that

He's always been kooky. There's an old post from like 2010 where some anon who went to his school talks about how he wore a cape and everyone knew he was crazy

the word is totally different than 'weak'

>considering you're mad at kermit, king of the milquetoasts, there's quite a chance you're some sorta gramscian commie or something. That line would be pretty funny, then
this, anyone with strong feelings toward this guy is just outing themselves