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23126334 No.23126334 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, Schopenhauer
>chillin' in my metaphysical corner
>spot Hegel talking his dialectical nonsense
internal eye roll
>"Bruh, what are you even saying?!"
>can't handle the dialectical acrobatics
>start banging my head against the metaphysical wall
>declare Hegel the king of obscurity
greentext my frustration
>mfw Hegel thinks he's the master of absolute knowledge
>"lmao, did you just invent a whole new language to confuse people?"
>accuse Hegel of being the king of overcomplication
>claim his philosophy is just a foggy maze of words
>keyboard can't handle my metaphysical rage
>send out shockwaves of pessimism
>Hegel fans in disbelief
>mfw they can't see through the dialectical smoke and mirrors
>retire to my corner, convinced the world will never truly understand my brilliance

>> No.23126354
File: 54 KB, 900x750, Hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the absolute madlad philosopher
>decide to check out Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Representation"
>expects some intellectual banter and engagement
>open the first page
>this dude really believes the world is just some blind, irrational will
>am I a joke to you?
>my dialectics are on another level, bro
>tfw no synthesis, just a lonely will wandering in the dark
>can't even comprehend the absolute spirit,
>baka starts complaining about the suffering and striving in life
>that's cute, but where's the dialectical progression, senpai?
>calls it the "will to live," more like the "will to be a metaphysical lightweight"
>chuckles in dialectical master
>should've titled it "The World as Edgy Despair and Lack of Synthesis"
>this dude is like the anti-chad of philosophy
>imagine not embracing the absolute unity of opposites
>should've taken a few lessons from my dialectical dance
>Hegelian dialectics >>>> Schopenhauer's whining
>thinks he can escape the suffering through asceticism
>nah, bro, you can't run from the dialectical truth
>time to go back to my absolute spirit, where synthesis reigns supreme

>> No.23126392

So fucking true, dude

>> No.23126398

mart won

>> No.23126630
File: 52 KB, 288x384, IMG_5885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein
>chilling in my Norvegian hut
>what the fuck is an “Aristotle” and a “dyal electic” lmao
>bored as fuck
>first time philosophying
>realize most of these retards are making shit up
>get bored again and go fight in Italy
>write a useless book that trolls metaphysicians
>blow the socks off some old anglotards
>mfw I sperg all over philosophy and accidentally solve it lmao

>> No.23126670

What you get when you’ve never read hegel or schopenhauer:

>> No.23126894

Mart won.

>> No.23127140

>imagine not embracing the absolute unity of opposites
This leads to absolute death.

>> No.23127148

don't know shit about german pihlosophy but the idea that the geist, the world spirit, is ultumately manfsted as a constitutional democracy that resembled the very society hegel was living in is enough to just call COPE and move on with these german niqqas