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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 256 KB, 800x1212, TheRiseOfTheodoreRoosevelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23120135 No.23120135 [Reply] [Original]

Post some of your favorite history books.

We need more good biographies/autobiographies in these threads.

>The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt begins at the apex of his international prestige. That was on New Year’s Day, 1907, when TR, who had just won the Nobel Peace Prize, threw open the doors of the White House to the American people and shook 8,150 hands. One visitor remarked afterward, “You go to the White House, you shake hands with Roosevelt and hear him talk—and then you go home to wring the personality out of your clothes.”

>The rest of this book tells the story of TR’s irresistible rise to power. During the years 1858–1901, Theodore Roosevelt transformed himself from a frail, asthmatic boy into a full-blooded man. Fresh out of Harvard, he simultaneously published a distinguished work of naval history and became the fist-swinging leader of a Republican insurgency in the New York State Assembly. He chased thieves across the Badlands of North Dakota with a copy of Anna Karenina in one hand and a Winchester rifle in the other. Married to his childhood sweetheart in 1886, he became the country squire of Sagamore Hill on Long Island, a flamboyant civil service reformer in Washington, D.C., and a night-stalking police commissioner in New York City. As assistant secretary of the navy, he almost single-handedly brought about the Spanish-American War. After leading “Roosevelt’s Rough Riders” in the famous charge up San Juan Hill, Cuba, he returned home a military hero, and was rewarded with the governorship of New York. In what he called his “spare hours” he fathered six children and wrote fourteen books. By 1901, the man Senator Mark Hanna called “that damned cowboy” was vice president. Seven months later, an assassin’s bullet gave TR the national leadership he had always craved.

Previous Thread: >>23078759

>> No.23120188

Anyone have a recommended reading list for American founding fathers and presidents?

>> No.23120494
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>American Founding Fathers Biographies

>George Washington
James Thomas Flexner

>John Adams
John Ferling

>Thomas Jefferson
Dumas Malone

>James Madison
Jay Cost

>Benjamin Franklin
Carl Van Doren

>James Monroe
Tim McGrath

>Patrick Henry
Jon Kukla

>Thomas Paine
Craig Nelson

>Alexander Hamilton
Willard Sterne Randall

>Samuel Adams
Ira Stoll

>John Hancock
Harlow Giles Unger

>Robert Morris
Charles Rappleye

>John Jay
Walter Stahr

>Francis Marion
Hugh Rankin

>John Paul Jones
Samuel Eliot Morison

>Paul Revere
David Hackett Fischer

>Joseph Warren
Christian Di Spigna

>> No.23120668

>70% of the founding fathers are literal whos not worth writing about

>> No.23121434
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thanks for the recc, just got through the first chapter
interesting stuff
>the hittites had a specific law against biting people in the nose and imposed a fine of 40 silver shekels on anyone who did so
this is simultaneously one of the weirdest and funniest things I've ever heard about
I wonder how often it happened that they had to make a law specifically about it

>> No.23121523
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>> No.23121548
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Life on the Mississippi and The Innocents Abroad



>> No.23122724

>muh war elephants
has there ever been a general more overrated than Hannibal?

>> No.23123092
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Russian revolution is peak kino. Especially the white armies

>> No.23123112

Okay cool book but how do I get a Roosevelt-like personality?

>> No.23124437

Mommsen is great.

>> No.23124443

The coolest are Washington and Franklin, anyway.

>> No.23124448
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Let's limit this to America

>> No.23124450 [SPOILER] 

I hate that faggot for not daring to touch the eras that the Anglo goblin Gibbon touched out of fear of not being good enough. He could've set the record straight but no, he had to be a faggot.

>> No.23124453

No, fuck off.

>> No.23124476
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People are reading Hitler's War by David John Cawdell Irving

>> No.23124799
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A Majority of Scoundrels

>> No.23124867

I don’t know anything about the USA despite growing up here. Are there any books that could tell me what we learned in school? I remember them teaching it, I don’t remember any of it

>> No.23125938

Is there a particular era you have in mind?

>> No.23126051
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>> No.23126069

It's pozzed.

>> No.23126078

I read Adrian Goldsworthy's book on Augustus while listening to the Oblivion OST for the full experience of nostalgia for a lost age. If anyone knows any historians of the Middle Ages similarly talented at making the period seem interesting and exciting I would be obliged.

>> No.23126336
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Thanks to the anons that reccomended this one the previous thread, I finished it in a few days

And since we are here, someone has reccomendations on books on the russo japanese war?

>> No.23126381
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>Thanks to the anons that reccomended this one the previous thread, I finished it in a few days
You are welcome anon.
>And since we are here, someone has reccomendations on books on the russo japanese war?
Pic related is on libgen

>> No.23126386

Assyria wasn't the world's first empire fucking lol what a trout

>> No.23126590

Nope. I literally know nothing except the fact that it was founded on July 4, 1776. It’s pretty pathetic.

>> No.23127134
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This Hamilton biography is superior.

>> No.23127182
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>> No.23127209
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>> No.23127300

Tell me more the historical leaders of your irrelevant third world shithole, if you shall.

>> No.23127304

Start hunting, smoking Cuban cigars and get shot once while making a speech. You’re welcome

>> No.23127306


>> No.23127489
File: 540 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Durant's series on human civilization? I've flipped through the first volume briefly and it seems like a good read, but I want /lit/'s thoughts before I fully commit myself to it.

>> No.23127885
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You do have a copy of The Power Broker conspicuously placed in your Zoom backdrop, right /lit/?

>> No.23127899

What about Jimmy Carter's novel?

>> No.23128075

Sad, but at least you've got an exciting road ahead of you. U.S. History is great.

>> No.23128088

Like what?

>> No.23128102
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It's far from exhaustive, but take a look at this.
>>[Colonial History]
Bradford, William; Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647
Hackett Fischer, David; Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America
>>[American Frontier]
Jackson Turner, Frederick; The Frontier in American History
Clavin, Tom; Blood and Treasure: Daniel Boone and the Fight for America's First Frontier
Faragher, John; Daniel Boone: The Life and Legend of an American Pioneer
Ambrose, Stephen; Undaunted Courage: The Pioneering First Mission to Explore America's Wild Frontier
>>[American Revolution]
Hackett Fischer, David; Washington's Crossing & McCullough, David; 1776 (Read these two as a pair)
Lee, Henry; Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department
Graydon, Alexander; Memoirs of a Life Chiefly Passed in Pennsylvania
Trumbull, John; The Autobiography Of Colonel John Trumbull
French, Allen; The Siege of Boston
>>[Westward Expansion]
Wesley Powell, John; The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons
Lewis, Meriwether; The Journals of Lewis and Clark
>>[War of 1812]
Berton, Pierre; The Invasion of Canada
>>[Texas Revolution]
Crisp, James; Sleuthing the Alamo: Davy Crockett's Last Stand and Other Mysteries of the Texas Revolution
>>[Mexican War]
Eisenhower, John; So Far From God
>>[Civil War]
McPherson, James; Battle Cry of Freedom - James M. McPherson
Catton, Bruce; Terrible Swift Sword: The Centennial History of the Civil War Series
Rhodes, James Ford; History of the Civil War, 1861-1865
>>[Spanish-American War]
Roosevelt, Theodore; The Rough Riders
>>[Pacific War]
Dower, John; War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War
>>[World War II]
Patton Jr., George; The Patton Papers
Morison, Samuel Eliot; Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus
Freeman, Douglas; Washington
McCullough, David; John Adams
Kidd, Thomas S.; Benjamin Franklin: The Religious Life of a Founding Father
Freeman, Douglas; Lee
Chernow, Ron; Alexander Hamilton
Meacham, Jon; Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power
Kidd, Thomas S.; Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh
Meacham, Jon; American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House
McPherson, James; Abraham Lincoln
Donald, David Herbert; Lincoln
Catton, Bruce; Grant Takes Command
Catton, Bruce; Grant Moves South
Henry Dana, Richard; Two Years Before the Mast
Means, Howard; Johnny Appleseed: The Man, the Myth, the American Story
Edmonds, Michael; Out of the Northwoods: The Many Lives of Paul Bunyan, With More Than 100 Logging Camp Tales
Kraybill, Donald; The Riddle of Amish Culture
Mather, Cotton; On Witchcraft
Sugden, John; Tecumseh: A Life
Tocqueville, Alexis; Democracy in America
Wilkes, Charles; Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition
Randolph, Vance; Ozark Magic and Folklore
Furniss, Norman; The Mormon Conflict 1850-1859
Arrington, Leonard; Brigham Young: American Moses
Arrington, Leonard; Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900

>> No.23128125

Beautiful! Where is that?

>> No.23128157

The volumes are beautiful, at the very least. Next time I'm in my uni library I'll keep an eye out

>> No.23128160
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Chronicle of the First Crusade 1096-1099, the reign of Baldwin I 1100-1118 and Baldwin II 1118-1131 of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

>> No.23128198

>Thoughts on Durant's series on human civilization?
It's brilliant. Just don't think that reading through it will make you knowledgeable on any one of the periods it covers. It's the best overview there is, but it really is just an overview.

>> No.23128463
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Are there any books or monographs about the shift from humans identifying with their city-state as their nation to most people across the old world then coming to see a large, multi city region as their nation?

Is there a term for this that I could look up to do my own googing?

>> No.23128547
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>> No.23128677
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>> No.23128777

>Imagined Communities - Benedict Anderson
Anderson was a leftist, but he does the topic justice, so it fits the bill of what you're looking for. Some other books I can think of are
>Fire in the Minds of Men - James Billington
More of a history of revolutionary ideas, but it's also an intellectual history related to the development of nationalism.
>The Pursuit of Power: Europe 1815-1914 - Richard Evans
Historical overview of the era that created modern nation-states.

>> No.23128892

What is the best book on the early history of the church?

>> No.23128899
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>> No.23128953
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>> No.23128976

Thank you, Nigga!

>> No.23128980

It's a terrible narrative history which is all I can tell from what I've read of it. If you are interested in any period just find something else for it

>> No.23128992
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>> No.23128993


>> No.23129060

Books recs related to Prohibition era gangsters?

>> No.23129287

Heavily outdated both factually and ideologically

>> No.23129290
File: 306 KB, 1024x623, criminal history of christianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these fucking books ever getting an English translation or do I have to learn German?

>> No.23129299
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Dude. Weed.

>> No.23129315
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If they were worth reading somebody would have translated them. Excessive length usually equals prolixity/slop

>> No.23129451

>Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums ist das zehnbändige Hauptwerk des Schriftstellers und Kirchenkritikers Karlheinz Deschner. Es beschreibt detailliert Verfehlungen, die den verschiedenen christlichen Kirchen, Konfessionen, Sekten, Sonderbünden und ihren Repräsentanten sowie christlichen Herrschern im Verlauf der Geschichte des Christentums angelastet werden. Das Werk umfasst die Kirchengeschichte von ihren biblischen Ursprüngen bis ins 18. Jahrhundert. Der erste Band ist 1986 erschienen, der abschließende zehnte im Jahr 2013.
>Partielle oder vollständige Übersetzungen des umfangreichen, über 5000-seitigen Werks erschienen in englischer, italienischer, spanischer, griechischer, polnischer und russischer Sprache.
sounds like you're just not looking hard enough

>> No.23129477

The English translation is 300 page self-published single volume.

>> No.23130005

Then create the English translation yourself.