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/lit/ - Literature

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23120107 No.23120107 [Reply] [Original]

>enter thread supposedly about religion
>it's mostly full of atheist toddler tantrums and their "le ebin" stale copy/pasta from 2004
>quote from a religious text on the literature board
>everyone throws a tantrum over it
Why don't atheists just follow their nihilist beliefs to the logical end point and kill themselves in greater numbers?

It's not like they make any contribution at all to the threads they participate in (or the world, what with their marxist 'modern art' and other filth and perversity), and they always cry whenever someone starts effort posting. They might pretend to be logical or rational once called out, but that facade quickly drops the moment they see one too many Christian posters or a few verses from the Bible (even in threads supposedly about it), then they shit all over the place and determine to spam and ruin threads.

Seriously, why don't they just make like an atheist and chop their cocks off, wear women's clothing, then kill themselves? Nobody misses these people when they're gone and their parents mourn their death by the day they joined that atheist sodomite death cult "lifestyle". What else have the atheists provided to society? Politicizing science? Victim-hood mentality pervading society? They're just subhuman trash and won't even speak the truth out of fear of their fellow man, or even just possibly being "cancelled' will silence them from speaking.

Every board would be so much better if there was a /fed/ board, for all the fedora retards that shit up every board and every thread where religion comes up. It's also fitting since atheists worship the state and man is the supreme authority in their lives, they often make appeals on morality based on the laws of men which are always changing.

>> No.23120124

For whatever reason, low IQ ex evangelical american hicks AND deranged ESL nietzscheans who haven't read very much literature but just want to debate atheism have invaded the board thanks to lax moderation. even in 2018-2019 the mods kept religion debates off of /lit/

>> No.23120126

Start a /Fed/ general. Do it on /pol/ so you get plenty of (you)s.

>> No.23120143

Read the sticky, cloacafucker. >/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/

>> No.23120148

The moderators on here don't enforce the rule anyway. The whole thing is retarded.

>> No.23120163

You're either a Christian or you're not, I can't imagine why anyone would go online, onto 4chan of all places, to discuss it. Are there not Christian websites? In any case, go to a church, they're full of Christians

>> No.23120167

>enter thread supposedly about religion
>get so supremely assblasted you make a separate thread to house your wailing walltexts

I‘m increasingly convinced that some posters here truly believe calling things reddit (or associated buzzwords) fosters real strength just the same as lifting a weight.

>> No.23120184
File: 95 KB, 1200x1200, the rizzler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. boomers/third worlders that didn't know Reddit had atheism as a default on its homepage

>> No.23120190

The Bible is a collection of books, you subhuman nigger monkey.

>> No.23120208

t. Redditor

>> No.23120213

yep, low IQ boomer/third worlder

>> No.23120220

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that people are open more and more often in this contemporary age group

>> No.23120715

Ty anon. I love cats so much.

>> No.23120802
File: 9 KB, 474x266, 'ddsdfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bible not literature