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23114208 No.23114208 [Reply] [Original]

I believe I could be a great man. Perhaps the Hitler of our times. Everywhere in my life I see clues, and it's now obvious to me. I feel this destiny calling in my soul as I weep for the lost dignity of my people. What books will help me fulfil this potential?

>> No.23114226

Dr Seuss

>> No.23114229

Crime and Punishment will help to crush your potential

>> No.23114230

books on suicide?

>> No.23114275

What did Hitler accomplish? The Jews were more powerful after WW2 than before.

>> No.23114297

Don't read books, join the military and get deployed. If you survive a few bellic interactions you will soon rise the ranks and be in the position of commanding an expedition. Bring new ideas into the execution and rise another few ranks until you are at the top and use the power to try to make changes.
Or die in the battlefield, an equally good option.

>> No.23114354

chubby fingers typed this

>> No.23114358

he accomplished the creation of a master race of jews

>> No.23114370

Idk, as long as you go to Argentina after.

>> No.23115188

Hitler took advantage of new techniques in charisma and propaganda which people have now developed resistance to.

>> No.23115193

If you need our advice, you ain't shit.

>> No.23115194

Mein Kampf

>> No.23115465

no you won't only way to be promoted is in a war where important people die and need to be replaced. currently only politics decides upwardability

>> No.23115832
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>which people have now developed resistance to

>> No.23115937

LOL Trump is such a dummy. Probably the first clown ever to hold executive leadership. It's bizarre that anyone could even compare him to Hitler

>> No.23116161

You have zero historical foresight. Trumpism is the first genuinely populist and right wing movement centred around a leader's charisma since Fascism. Yes, he is a dummy without the intelligence to mastermind a movement or radical overthrow, but he also has a uniquely powerful hold on the collective psyche. A lot of this is just people projecting onto him what they want, but he's still using the age old techniques of charisma and propaganda. 100 years from now some retard will be saying "we're resistant to Trump's appeal', just simply because they're outside the pressure of the times.

>> No.23116269

Were you literally called by God, because Hitler was.

>> No.23116945

Don't kill the jews this time. Just deport them elsewhere/convert them

>> No.23116955

Odd looking duck

>> No.23116958

well if destiny is truly calling this man, they will

>> No.23116964

I can’t help you, but I honestly hope you make it. Save us.

>> No.23116972

I have the same determination markers as Trump and Hitler according to my astrological chart however I have a fucked up hypersexuality so I wander in the abyss between two worlds and will never reach the heights they did.

>> No.23117040

Stop touching yourself.

>> No.23117046
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I would advise against it, you will at bare minimum have to do a lot of work.

>> No.23117050

>What books will help me fulfil this potential?
People took him more seriously because he was a military veteran. To be like Hitler, you have to go fight for Israel.

>> No.23117055

So many men like to romanticize their jerking off with words like "lust" or "self-abuse", like they're Doctor Frost, when it's really the most pathetic thing a man can do and doesn't deserve to written about, which is why it hasn't historically, and every man who isn't a redditor grows out of it

>> No.23117059

We already have modern day Hitler who's the current Prime Minister of Israel.

>> No.23117060

Rich dad poor dad

>> No.23117061

>I believe I could be a great man. Perhaps the Hitler of our times. Everywhere in my life I see clues, and it's now obvious to me. I feel this destiny calling in my soul as I weep for the lost dignity of my people. What books will help me fulfil this potential?
You don't need to read books. Just kill an old woman who owns a pawn shop and a young woman. Then flirt with a detective.

>> No.23117065

This isn't even mentioning most of them do this to pornography too, which is even more cringe

>> No.23117066
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>> No.23117073
File: 53 KB, 354x286, jamz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rich dad poor dad
>I just had the poor one
>call me Charlie Bucket
>attitude is "fuck it"
>no golden ticket so I'm ballin' on a budget

>> No.23117079

Faggots (like le heckin slowburn horror A24 kino) love archaisms because they can hide the fact they are attracted to being fucked by another man behind thhe corpse of highly valuable but public domain civilizations, you ever seen a straight person say "the whimsical adventures of nigger", thought not

>> No.23117352


>> No.23117361

3 Steps to Success

>> No.23117564

>I believe I could be a great man. Perhaps the Hitler of our times.
I unironically hope you do, anon. We are in dire need of a new Hitler to destroy kikery.

>> No.23117651

>he also has a uniquely powerful hold on the collective psyche

So does Taylor Swift. And you can just as well say that Obama's appeal was genuinely populist. And I fail to see how Trump, besides a little bit of lip service, is genuinely right wing