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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 106 KB, 1100x733, great-blue-heron-fun-facts-1100x733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23114456 No.23114456 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>23110026

Imagine feeling the same awe and wonder at the sight of a bird as one would have for a dragon.
And not just birds, imagine seeing flying insects with the same awe and wonder as faeries.
Anthills as alien civilizations.
The forest as a vast community of students of life, each and every one with 3.7 billion years of experience.
Imagine seeing every organism as a fellow traveler and teacher.
Now that's true biology.
But it doesn't stop there, imagine seeing endless beauty in every rock and grain of sand, in the clouds, the wind, the sun, moon, planets and stars.
Now that's enchantment with the universe.
The grand tapestry of existence woven by infinite numbers of co-creative entities.

>There's a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory of falling from a great height. We know we are approaching the grandest of mysteries.


>> No.23114470

are you a girl or handsome guy?

>> No.23114484
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>have crossdressing fetish
>went to the gym too much and became too muscular to pull it off

>> No.23114486

Not very deep into plants and animal biology, but I could talk hours and hours about the different human species.

>> No.23114493
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What's on my mind? The jews. The jews, and their endless lies and schemes. That's all that's ever really on my mind anymore.

>> No.23114498
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>You can't me muscular and feminine.

>> No.23114505

> woman uses photoshop and filters to look muscular

>> No.23114507
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>> No.23114514
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>uses clothes and makeup to look feminine.

>> No.23114516

I'm not a tranny or faggot, but I want not-paying taxes sexuality rights.

>> No.23114519

You're totally a self-hating tranny or faggot.

>> No.23114521

Why can't I get my rights as a non-taxist if every other group got their special privileges?

>> No.23114522
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>> No.23114548
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>> No.23114555

I hate modern politics, every single part of it, I do not condemn, neither the left nor the right, for what they stand for, what I can't stand, is the rethoric both groups share. Everything is about putting the other side in the worst light possible with no regard for consistency or reality. Everyone who uses this rethoric, consciously or unconsciously, is to me a midwit by default and not worthy of discussion.

>> No.23114557

>"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality"
― Lucius Annaeus Seneca

If I had to pick an accurate quote, it would be this.

>> No.23114565
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Tell Bill I said have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

>> No.23114581
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>While Turing may have been a victim of the Cold War, von Neumann was its champion, influencing the policy of Mutually Assured Destruction from his commanding positions at Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study and the Atomic Energy Commission. Born to a wealthy family in Hungary in 1903, he experienced at first hand the Communist government that briefly came to power after the First World War, and became an ardent foe of Communism. He acknowledged that atomic weaponry was a “monster” but perceived it as the lesser of two evils, advocating a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the USSR. Hoping to create a hydrogen bomb, he needed a stored-program electronic computer, and in 1945 began to construct one at the Institute.

>Modern game theory began with the idea of mixed-strategy equilibria in two-person zero-sum game and its proof by John von Neumann.

>Zero-sum game is a mathematical representation in game theory and economic theory of a situation that involves two sides, where the result is an advantage for one side and an equivalent loss for the other. In other words, player one's gain is equivalent to player two's loss, with the result that the net improvement in benefit of the game is zero.

What is zero-sum logic projected onto the category of All Else? Is it not a war of all against all - an eternal war of the Self to over-code all of existence with its own coding?

Isn't that what is actually unfolding via a global arms race of psychological, informational, and narrative manipulation for the purpose of power and profit?


>> No.23114584

So in between high IQ and low IQ is purgatory. Don't believe these "le tortured intellectual" types, they're larping. I am literally incapable of learning a skill that will pay for me to live on my own, I can't say anything worth hearing, I don't have thoughts of value. I am a vacuum that drains every room of positive energy.

>> No.23114589

Nice excuse for living on neetbux.
You are worse than the browns filling up the universities and workplaces.

>> No.23114599

>Turing may have been a victim of the Cold War
All fags get the rope.
No, you're just lazy and gay.

>> No.23114625

god, i miss omegle for small chats with strangers
why the fuck is there no alternative? where am i even supposed to go to meet randoms?
does anybody from here wanna talk for a bit? disc is "prettylittlehead"

>> No.23114631

What do you want to talk about?

>> No.23114634

but no erp or funny business

>> No.23114636
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>> No.23114642

Found some dickens at thriftstore. Itd been praised so much so I was curious. But it did this kind of smug educated English thing and it felt like every sentence was filled with commas for asides that specify some detail that did not matter. I guess I'm too much of an idiot
I haven't found any authors I really want to read. I wonder if I'm just not into English. But then it's a shame I'm monolingual.

>> No.23114648

Birth is just cursing the soul with flesh. I'm miserable therefore the world should meat It's fiery and desolate end.

>> No.23114651
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Thank you for making me just a little more racist. Can't believe we sacrificed the stars for you "people".

>> No.23114652

>should meat
Anons gone full carnal again

>> No.23114654

I'm white

>> No.23114661

>I'm white
>filtered by Dickens
>his work has too many commas fr
Your last name is something like "Fuentes" or "Ramirez", you are not white.

>> No.23114666

My last name is extremely anglo and would immediately dox me if I said it.
I didn't get filtered because it had too many commas. I just wasn't really interested in it. Not everyone has to like the same things.

>> No.23114671
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We're all performing the greatest daredevil stunt of all time: jumping the flaming pit of Doomsday.
The stakes are ultimate.
Safety not guaranteed.
Totally rad to the max man.

>> No.23114683

well anon it's your own fault for picking some dogshit book from a century ago
i honestly think in some cases the writing style can be so simple that it doesn't engage your brain at all
i'm not pretentious nor do i think every book needs to be cryptic or obfusticating, but a little bit of difficulty to the prose does force you to concentrate more which in turn makes immersion a lot easier
shit like dickens is just too distracting. and anglo works of literature in general are overrated garbage who only got popular because of the position of anglos in the world, not due to their inherent quality - dickens being a prime example
there's a reason why everybody around the world reads russian and french lit but why nowhere near as many read dickens despite anglo supremacy across the globe
their authors are just not terribly interesting

>> No.23114688

i work at a superstore. no gibs and I work harder than both of you.

>> No.23114695

also i'm straight and cys gender unlike you

>> No.23114696

They might be right that the solitary confinement is the most severe punishment.

>> No.23114703

Yeah Ive been thinking of leaving English behind and learning French or Italian. I'm not sure how quickly I'd be able to read though. I've tried a lot of English as in England literature and I don't really find it that interesting to read. And the tone of the authors feel smug and academic or something else I can only describe as wimblypimbly like a nutty professor.
And American authors are all masons or other weird cultists.

>> No.23114709
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Getting filtered by Dickens means you're not white. Simple as.

>> No.23114713

I think you should grow out of this whole filtered thing and pepe thing and getting upset at differences in opinion thing.

>> No.23114721

When the quakers made penitentiaries they thought people just needed alone time with God so lots of prisoners went insane from a combination of solitary confinement and having only a bible to read

>> No.23114723

I think you should go back to Africa, nigger.

>> No.23114726

I'm sorry you feel that way.

>> No.23114734

I've never read Dickens. What's your fav?

>> No.23114735

That's AI generated, anon

>> No.23114746

>dude jaw
>dude shoulders
>dude wrists
>Dude bulge
for christ sakes at least use leanbeefpatty as your strongmen

>> No.23114749

like i give a shit what some retard who thinks dickens is high lit thinks
eat my hairy asshole shitheel
i prefer italian and it's also easier, however, you won't have nearly as much to read in italian and most of the good stuff that's in italian also makes it into french (even if it doesn't make it into english)
france remained an intellectual powerhouse for a long time so there's just a lot of stuff to read you can't get otherwise (a lot of it completely untranslated)
you could probably even get more milage out of learning spanish just because there's a ton of authors to read there too, but i never liked spanish personally, very ugly language compared to my beautiful italian

>> No.23114753

I'm just stating facts.
Great Expectations. A Christmas Carol and David Copperfield tied for second. But really, you can't go wrong with any of his novels.

>> No.23114757

I dont have a bible, just the solitary confinement.

>> No.23114758

>like i give a shit what some retard who thinks dickens is high lit thinks
you will never be white lol

>> No.23114761

Yeah I'm torn. I think I'd really like to read original Dante. But I also recognize France just has sheer numbers and longevity on its side. Also French might just be more useful in a practical sense in my life as well.
I agree with you on Spanish.

>> No.23114773

Maybe you'll be fine then

>> No.23114777

I dont really think so but thank you for kind words.

>> No.23114782

the number gods approve of you, you'll be fine

>> No.23114786

Woke up drunk

>> No.23114792

why are you drinking so much

>> No.23114797

Sciatica sucks.

>> No.23114800
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>Woke up drunk

>> No.23114804
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I am convinced everyone should walk at least 2 hours a day, preferably in a natural environment, but also including their human community.
Imagine how much our community was enriched if everyone got out of their wage-slave cages and interacted with each other and their surroundings.
Amazing thought, isn't it?
I walk outside and I am mostly alone, mostly among the ones forced to walk against their will.
Since I've started walking 2-4 hours a day my health has drastically improved. My balance and coordination has improved dramatically from exposure to uneven terrain on trails and adapting my movements to dynamic circumstances.
I don't trip, having refined physical intuitive situational awareness.
Appreciating nature outside is the ultimate white pill, the best psych med in existence. Unlike harmful drugs you don't get desensitized to it, but the opposite: the more you experience the drug of natural beauty, the more powerful it becomes. And so it is well with artistic beauty.

>> No.23114807

I don't have nature outside

>> No.23114808

Man this girl has totally messed up my routine. My plans, my schedules, all interrupted by her. She called me out for wearing mismatched socks, she called me out for skipping classes, she called me out for drinking too much. She embarrassed me about my YouTube history. She's sleeping over in my house, getting into my personal life.
I'M NOT EVEN DATING HER WHAT THE FUCK. All the drawbacks of a wife none of the benefits of a gf.

>> No.23114811

My dad had people over and they stayed til 2am, long after my dad went to bed

>> No.23114816

Sorry that needs to change.

>> No.23114825

the best shape and best mindset I was ever in was when I would walk-run-and jog 5 miles a day with a weekly soccer game. I wish adult football clubs were a thing in the US like they are in the UK.

>> No.23114872

Wonder if liberals actually have any substance to their "backlash" for Alabama saying embryos are children? Perhaps not since it's emotionally flawed like their transgender argument for if I feel like a woman then therefore I actually am a woman.

>> No.23114884

Liberals don't have substance for literally anything

>> No.23114886

Things are getting worse and worse please god let me have another chance

>> No.23114894

Recreational adult team sports definitely has the potential to be very community building.
One problem is toxic sports culture - the cults that surround professional sports. "Go team" before "go game." Without people to play with, there is no game.
This has infected competitive video game culture as well, getting mad if one loses, or is beaten by a more skilled opponent. A game is boring is you lose all the time, and the most valuable and interesting experiences are when you face a challenge you fail at. More skilled opponents are your most valuable teachers, showing you that greater heights of the art of the game exist than you thought possible.

>> No.23114895

After several months of having my mental life dominated by obsessive fantasies of vintage transvestite fetishism, I seem to have finally broken the spell by getting really into an English Civil War boardgame. Regular male brain reactivated.

>> No.23114899
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When you get into the Victorian era, it's game over for you. Then you'll turn into a vintage goth tranny.

>> No.23114915

Doesn't seem they really thought the whole "bring backlash to pro life'ers" thing when I sit and think about it but you're correct.

>> No.23114916

I tend towards more leftist positions, however I do find it odd how the abortion debate in the left-of-center sphere is about women's rights.
Like, they literally think that people care about abortion because they want to oppress women. Lolwut?

Everyone who I know who cares about abortion literally thinks that life starts at conception. That's literally it.

I am actually pro-abortion, because I do not believe that early stage fetuses are human enough, but I can understand people who believe exactly that.

>> No.23114917

She's trying to bruteforce herself into being your gf. I have seen that happen multiple times.

>> No.23114919

The English Civil War was almost as gay honestly.

I want to see you in >>23114899 instead

>> No.23114920
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>I tend towards more leftist positions
That's common among women and other retards.

>> No.23114923

Dude, the rest of the world disagrees with some of my views, so like, go join the 8 billion plus club. Congrats on your membership.

>> No.23114931

How come I don't feel wise like Socrates when I say that I don't know?

>> No.23114933

reddit is down the hall and to the left

>> No.23114937
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Not knowing and knowing that you don't know are two different things.

>> No.23114941

>even the silk flowers in the background are made of plastics
At least Victorian era plastics like celluloid spontaneously combusted for excitement, but this is just sad. If you want to put heavy metals in silk to make it weigh more, I can understand the grift, but half the delight of a dress like this is the swish. Plastic just flaps.

>> No.23114942

I can sympathize with that. But it's not just politics. The world at large is a very dishonest place. Whether it's business or dating or even friendships. People are often deceiving on purpose.
Expecting honesty is unfortunately a rather naive expectation. Even the people who mean you well, will often be dishonest to you.

It would genuinely be nice if people could be intellectually honest with each other, but I never met another person who genuinely made an effort to be intellectually honest, especially during a debate.

>> No.23114955


Reddit does not like me cause I hate sluts and modern degenerate lifestyles.

>> No.23114960
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>I hate sluts and modern degenerate lifestyles
>so anyway, I think abortion is fine and cool

>> No.23114965

Yes I happen to hold both those opinions at the same time. Go figure.

>> No.23114968

i remember seeing that soccer scene in trainspotting and my mind was blown. here after you're over 25 everyone just basically gives up one everything. community, fitness, joy
those things only BEGIN to return once you're retired from what I see at over 60.

>> No.23114969

>why yes, I am a fucking retard. go figure.

>> No.23114970

No my family is trying to bruteforce her into being my gf. I don't think either of us are interested

>> No.23114981

God, that's somehow even worse.
But I think she is lowkey interested cause if she wasn't she would be way more upset about the whole thing.

>> No.23114982

The only problem I have really with liberals is they want the goverment to be in the business for the people with everything but turn to emotional arguments for abortion and saying "the state/goverment shouldn't be in my business for abortion".

>> No.23114987

Why are you so upset?

>> No.23114993


>> No.23114995

conservatards like you are subhuman

>> No.23114996

I have a lot of regrets. I have a lot of questions too. Right now I’m wondering where’s the best place for me to move for this line of work.

>> No.23114998

I do find that to be a contradiction as well.
I mean, they will even take away your kids if you teach them the wrong stuff.

>> No.23115004

No she's just lonely and needs a friend and is totally alien to American culture so she's happy to have someone to hang out with and show her around

>> No.23115006

what would /lit/ FC entail? Which anon would be our striker, what would our escutcheon look like, what would our motto be, what would our name be?

>> No.23115009

I'm not a conservative, niggerfaggot.

>> No.23115012

That's not a contradiction for liberals. Their view is just how to maximize and enforce moral degeneracy. They use gay little arguments to justify it post hoc but none of them are sincere

>> No.23115013

make her trade you the poosay for friendship, you're getting literally nothing out of this deal

>> No.23115018

Well I am getting practice being around a girl which I haven't done in ten years

>> No.23115020
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So true.

>> No.23115021

a burning book
He rapes his sister.

Instead of sambas they just wear foot wrappings
Teams are sorted skins vs dark skins

>> No.23115025

>i shill for every single conservatard policy and speak like one
>but i'm not one because i chose a special snowflake ideology like trannies choose their pronouns
like i said, you are subhuman, and like trannies a mindless attentionwhore with nothing to contribute

>> No.23115026


Political liberalism is mostly reactionary. I don't think there is a goal of "more degeneracy". It's more so that they tend to oppose anything they see as traditional.

>> No.23115027

you need to practice slammin' that ham, if you know what I mean

>> No.23115029

Hitler was a degenerate himself. Fascists are just offering a different form of degeneracy.

>> No.23115030

Of course the book would be on fire
If we played skins vs dark skins skins would be short on defense lol

>> No.23115038

>check out how hard I can hit this strawman!
Neat, now go kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.23115039

how old are you both?

>> No.23115041

What the fuck are you talking about? Liberals are overtly progressive

>> No.23115046

>some jew said that Hitler was actually a transvestite with one testicle, and I believed it because I'm a fucking retard
cool story bro

>> No.23115048
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The uniform is just whatever you would say these guys are wearing

>> No.23115049

Both 25

>> No.23115051


And yet every single "progressive" thing is just rejecting a previously held social norm. There's no guiding principle beyond that.

>> No.23115052

But I do know that I don't know as indicated by me saying that I don't know.

>> No.23115054

Loincloth and hand wraps

>> No.23115060

My parents got me 2 bottles of lotion today.

>> No.23115062

try initiating some touching, literally just tap her on the arm or shoulder

>> No.23115063

and those little tommy copper ankle wrap thingies, lest we sprain an ankle

>> No.23115067

guy literally raped his cousin and she later killed herself out of shame

>> No.23115068 [DELETED] 

That sounds so pervy man

>> No.23115072

That's how it works. Why would it be pervy?

>> No.23115074

That's scary

>> No.23115076 [DELETED] 

I'm too zoomer for that man. I don't want to deal with the aftermath if it all goes wrong.

>> No.23115089

Understanding the world, they said, when I was still young and clueless, like it's a nice and useful thing..
Now that I understand a half bit of it I realize how much of a pain it is to understand.. ohh all those people who still live in ignorance of their environment. They have not left infancy, they probably never will.

>> No.23115090

1. If it "goes wrong", all that will happen is that she will distance herself from you and you will get the hint.
2. If you don't make a move on her, some asshole will and then he will pump and dump her and she will be worse off because the nice guy was too chickenshit to approach her.

>> No.23115092 [DELETED] 

Not to sound hyperbolic but much much worse things can happen.
I don't know man. I doubt it. And if shes the type for that, why should I have even bothered?

>> No.23115105

>Not to sound hyperbolic but much much worse things can happen.
Like literally what? Dude touching people on the shoulder is not illegal.
>I don't know man. I doubt it. And if shes the type for that, why should I have even bothered?
I have seen many good girls who got ruined by assholes.

>> No.23115114 [DELETED] 

I had a friend who basically was forced to leave school because of that exact situation. He's lucky it didn't turn legal.
>good girls
Well I don't know, not to be mean. But they don't sound too good if they fall for that. I have been in the reverse situation of basically the female equivalent of that and I just turned them down.

>> No.23115115

The guy you're talking to is some other retard. I'm the one with the problem. I'll try. Last night we were watching TV and I tried to shift closer to her and she basically moved to the edge of the couch

>> No.23115130

forgo women. consecrate yourself to an abstemious lifestyle

>> No.23115148

not him and but modern women seem so twisted up inside that it seems unfixable. unless you just totally give up on the idea of love and somewhat dehumanizing them for the purpose of your pleasure or procreation it just doesn't seem like you can reconcile with them at all. social media and the internet has just fucked their brains

>> No.23115186

I feel like a should write. A book or a novella. I am bipolar, so I think my moments of mania would create good literature. I was very artistic when I was younger but then went the science route. not really trying to become an author, just to write a freaky book and release it to the world.
It would definitely be a lot of work, years worth probably.

>> No.23115239

I don't need asbestos in my life bro

>> No.23115242

Never read a book by a crazy person that wasn't complete shit. Focus on yourself, the world doesn't need more aphasia

>> No.23115262

Any of you start to deal with a lot of problems after not having immediate success in college and use fail to recover after that?

>> No.23115264

>I slide a plate of heat insulation to your side of the table.
>You look up at me, puzzled and disappointed.
>I sigh: "Just eat it." I say, embracing my crossed arms to hide my eyes from the dangling light bulb, the cold surface of the wooden table on my forehead cooling an overheating brain.
We exist in that awkward silence, an air of disappointment, a miasma infecting our lungs with defeat that deflates our ego. We sulk together as you pick away at your pink meal, wishing it was pussy instead.

>> No.23115280

Early Europe was half white, half yellow.

>> No.23115301

a pre indic swarthy race existed(such as the ligurii) but were wiped out my aryan steppe warriors. these schythic steppe people founed the slavs, celts, and gemanics, although the first and latter miscegenated with pre PIE peoples and siberian tribes respectively, whereas the Germans remained mostly endogamous. Ashkenaz(germans, Meschech(celts), Magog(slavs) all sons of japeth.

>> No.23115304

The board has gotten a lot worse over the years. The vibe is totally different from even a few years ago.

>> No.23115316

Meschech founded the hallstadt culture(celtic culture that started the Vinca script and belgrade),
Ashkenaz was the eldest son of the eldest son and inherited the largest estate(all of northern europe spare for hebrides)
Magog spanned from the Urals to the Dnieper.

>> No.23115322

When did /lit/ peak?

>> No.23115331

the girl at work I kept looking at threw a pass today and I realised I’m way less interested than I thought I was

>> No.23115334

before you showed up

>> No.23115335

I've been here for six years tho

>> No.23115338


>> No.23115342

Idk but I remember it being a lot better specifically like 1-2 years before the pandemic

>> No.23115348

It’s not even as if this goes without saying, but I wasn’t even referring to culture. I was generally referring to quality. There was a quality and an likemindedness in regard to tastes among a minority of users as recently as a few years ago that is just totally absent now. It really did feel just a little bit like one of the expat salons but online or like a collegial sort of club sometimes. It’s nothing like that now.

>> No.23115353

> swarthy race
Herodotus describes the Eukaras as small and swarthy.
However, Tacitus reports us enough about the Finns to learn that they were not white for they lived, not like barbarians, but like savages:
> "Among the Finns," he says, "surprising savagery, hideous misery; no weapons, no horses, no houses." For food, grass; for clothing, hides; for bed, the floor. The only resource is the arrows that, for lack of iron, they arm with bones. And hunting also pays off men and women. They don't quit, and each takes his share of the spoils. For children, there is no other refuge from beasts and rains other than the branches. Here go the young, here retire the old."
These are the fens, the fees, the fads, the pygmies, the dwarfs all early European people have known about from the earliest antiquity: the Slavs, the Germanics, the Italians, the Greeks.
> these schythic steppe people founed the slavs, celts, and gemanics,
The Indo-European peoples came into Europe in waves and not all at once. First came the Slavs (the word Ibr from wich Iberia comes from describes an ancient Slav ethnicity that was later conquered by the Celts, they were Slavs in habits and in custom just as the ethnonym Ibr is but a variation of the ethnonym Srb), then came the Celts and the Italiots, although I do not entirely discard the hypothesis that Slavs and Celts are but descended from the older people of the Thracians, for Herodotus tells us that the Thracians are the biggest nation in the world by populational numbers, just after the Indians.
Only much later, the Germanics came into the continent of Europe.

>> No.23115367

Whomever posted that needs to take their meds

>> No.23115368

Why did imaginary dialogues cease to be a thing? They have lots of interesting potential

>> No.23115372

Hey, piss off. That was a very important time period, nigger

>> No.23115379

I don’t think you’re human enough either therefore I should be able to abort you

>> No.23115383

NTA but I’d rather be a subhuman than a faggot.

>> No.23115388

I think abortion should neither be legal nor illegal.
It does not deserve time to be wasted on in the parliament.
I also think that women have no business inside a parliament.

>> No.23115389

What if I reject the norms of whoredom, trannies and race mixing? Am I still a liberal?

>> No.23115392

meds taken, grass touched, the outdoors ventured into, I (of sound mind and body) do solemnly declare that it was, in fact, the Jews.

>> No.23115394

It’s probably because she didn’t see him as a 6” Chad and his height dried her vagina

>> No.23115396

Focus on yourself

>> No.23115399

Old 18th Century liberals would often say that non-whites or people who don't own any kind of real estate at all should not be permitted into politics because they have no state-building capabilities and democratic government only applies to a mid-sized minority. Just something I learned reading the forbidden books.

>> No.23115427

Celts split off from Vedic culture. Most of what you're talking about are much later developments who adopt Goidelic terms, which are themselves essentially corruptions of Vedic Sanskrit. For example, all the names of the Danube are generally corruptions of Sanskrit words meaning fluid, but different Sanskrit words are adopted in different periods. Celtic variants come before Avestan changes the meaning to ones closer to river, and Greek ones after are influenced by the semantic meaning shift, before Latin eventually reverts most back to an approximation of the still most pervasive Celtic name.

>> No.23115434

Gotta have hope mate, yes you fucked up badly and there will be hard times ahead but look ahead there must still be some way, look for it and from that you can gain the resolve needed to keep going. A medium term goal to help push through these dark times but you will have to work hard and suffer far better then the constant despair if you dont do anything. Sometimes you will doubt yourself wondering wether this is even possible and in some depending on the range of the goal it might not be but this is why l emphasised a medium term duration something like 5 to 6 years and something that is actually achievable in which you can see yourself doing without it being too ridiculous. Something l suggest would be to go deeper into yourself to survive this period to do things you have wanted to do but it was always too intidimating like writing or reading deeply any kind of activity that really engages with you this is so that you dont keep ruminating and obsessing over what has happened, to help you overcome the shame and dont isolate yourself it will be difficult and awkward to maintain your relationships but keep trying. Just dont forget your resolve as it submerges under the mundanity of daily life when midway you may have found some equilibrium where you can get by with and slowly start reintroducing old habits. This moment of resolve is significant it will force you to be stronger, it will be a source of much needed relief where you can enjoy life you live without the anxiety, panic and sadness that clouds everything that all you can see is your failures
and people tend to waste it, what usually happens is that the issue was never that serious so you naturally get over it with no serious change occuring, or they try, fail give up and move on leaving them regretful for the rest of their lifes. Think of it as a training period when successful you will emerge much more beautiful than you thought :)

>> No.23115438

>t. shapeshifting lizard alien
fuck off spacenigger, you're not getting my loosh

>> No.23115441

> For example, all the names of the Danube are generally corruptions of Sanskrit words
Corruption of Sanskrit words or part of the general heritage of Indo-European languages? Sanskrit is just the oldest Indo-European languages we know about until this day so naturally it has the most similarities.
The sad truth about Celtic is that what was preserved of it until this day is so disfigured that early scholars of Indo-European linguistics hesitated to categorize it into this group. Or, it was only after a more detailed analysis of the Celtic language that scholars 'discovered' that it actually belonged to the Indo-European languages.

>> No.23115460

It's so close to Vedic Sanskrit that Goidelic is considered the first branch of the PIE tree. It's also insanely well documented and well preserved, to the point removing its legitimacy would call more than PIE theory into question but also several fringe theories.

>> No.23115475

I don't know what fringe theory you're going by, but Celtic is definetly not an Indo-Aryan language. The Sarmatians form part of this group, but they have not been in Europe until the Great Migration in the 7th Century of our era.

>> No.23115487

>I don't know what PIE means
It's the mainstream theory of Indo-European language development.

>> No.23115494

Starting to realize my morality is exclusively driven by not wanting to be punished rather than any kind of empathy or nobility

>> No.23115507

The Celts split from the Indo-Aryan group before the Vedes split from the Iranians, so no, idk what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.23115512

yeah, that's why man invented god

>> No.23115514

At least call it by it's proper name, slave morality

>> No.23115538


>> No.23115547

The Celts split from Vedic, much later Avestan (early Iranian) splits. You're very retarded to not know what Proto Indo European is while trying to reconstruct a timeline of Indo European languages.

>> No.23115549

In 2019, Kara bought a Nintendo Switch with Ring Fit Adventure from Target when she was 23 years old. Stangely enough, in 2009, a woman also named Kara bought a Nintendo Wii with Wii Sports Resort from Target when she was also 23 years old.

>> No.23115572

I know enough about Indo-European languages to know that the Iranians and the Vedes still formed a unitary group of people after the Celts split from them. This Indo-European group, after leaving their ancient residence in Upper Asia, split in two, the Celts and the Slavs moving to Eastern and Western Europe while the Indo-Iranians moved further to the South.

>> No.23115589

The /pol/ people love to talk about how Jews have subverted Western culture but they never talk about how Western culture perverted itself and made itself hospitable to Jewish subversion.

>> No.23115601

>women always talk about how bad rapists are but they never talk about how they deserved it for dressing like a whore

>> No.23115602

Ahh yes, tell me more about how a group of 15 million people totally controlls 1,3 billion people.

>> No.23115618

What do you think Spengler’s Western analogue to stoicism is?

>> No.23115624
File: 85 KB, 568x568, 1708801519440755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this kike

>> No.23115657

That's how. Now bend over or I'll spank you

>> No.23115659

Shizo arguments detected: zero

>> No.23115664

Jews are smarter than you, they have more money than you, and more power than you. Sucks to suck!

>> No.23115665

> I determine my morality by how other people will judge me and react to it

>> No.23115675

I used to despair at the thought of being forgotten. Now I've come to find comfort in that thought. I find much more freedom when writing now, since I know that no one will read those pages.

>> No.23115680

The 21st Century might be many things, but it is definetly not a Century of action..

>> No.23115706

But I don't

>> No.23115724

Yes you do, and all in all you think like a woman and defy logic like a woman

>> No.23115727

what have you even been reading? best writers were and are completely disturbed.

>> No.23115737

But I don't
Logics gay anyway. Just another human thing

>> No.23115745

A morality based on the avoidal punishment applies that you do not apply your own moral principles but behave amorally less someone else's morals might infer

>> No.23115757

But my moral isn't based on that I think you read my post wrong.

>> No.23115763

> my morality is exclusively driven by not wanting to be punished

>> No.23115769

Where did I say that

>> No.23115779


>> No.23115780

this thread is dead. let's all stop replying to it and wait until tomorrow to start again

>> No.23115783

Oh thats not me sorry.

>> No.23115791

Then what is your morlity

>> No.23115812
File: 49 KB, 763x676, Screenshot 2024-02-10 202355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did imaginary dialogues cease to be a thing? They have lots of interesting potential


>Just cut them up like regular chickens?
>Just cut them up like regular chickens.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNMAgq-oSrw [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMb-Iy242eA [Embed]

>> No.23115813

The hoes are right. Just because something was pumped and dumped a 137 times doesn't necessarily mean it isn't worth another pump and dump.

>> No.23115836

The more women are hoes, the greater the hoe profits will rise. Women are intelligent.

>> No.23115840
File: 215 KB, 1308x1754, resistance_is_useful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

313 KB

But even as I gag and choke on the taste of my own vomit, I know that there is no escape from the nightmare that has become my reality. Zylara's laughter echoes through the forest, mocking my suffering with every retch and gag as I kneel before them in abject humiliation.
The tears stream down my cheeks in rivers of despair, mingling with the vomit that stains my lips and chin in a grotesque parody of humanity. I am nothing but a puppet, a slave to Zylara's sadistic whims, destined to suffer at their hands for all eternity.
As the last of the vomit spills forth from my lips, I collapse onto the forest floor in a trembling heap, my body wracked with sobs of despair. The taste of dirt and grime lingers on my tongue like a bitter reminder of my own degradation, a constant reminder of the depths to which I have fallen.
But even as I lie there, broken and defeated, a flicker of defiance burns within me—a tiny ember of hope amidst the overwhelming darkness. For in this moment, I refuse to surrender to the despair that threatens to consume me whole. No matter how bleak the future may seem, I will never stop fighting for my freedom, for the chance to reclaim my dignity and autonomy from the clutches of my oppressor.

>> No.23115845

I ate food. The consequence of which caused my stomach to fill. My brain registers this as a feeling of being full.

>> No.23115875

>dude... shapes
the gayest genre of American conspiraposting.

>> No.23115888
File: 116 KB, 1000x432, squarepegroundhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally picrel

>> No.23115904

Should I get into fentanyl, heroin, and meth or stick with coffee?

>> No.23115909

Heroin gets way too expensive, way too quickly.

>> No.23115912

Stick with coffee.
But make it more than a drug.
Get into the flavors.
Explore the flavors.

>> No.23116050

I've always been serious, but now I'm more serious than ever. Somehow it feels as if I may die soon, like a seizure in my sleep. All this energy is coalescing, pressure that must either kill me or fling me away into some unknown direction at high speed. Every day the waves rock forward and then back, deeper and stronger. When will they break? How?

Other people are a mystery. I feel like some offshoot, a twisted stem. Their struggles are unknown, blank-faced and limp tongue. I don't even read what they say anymore. Das macht nichts.

>> No.23116210

I am a Swiss.

>> No.23116221

jewish space lizards detected

>> No.23116233

Us Swiss people and the Anglo-Saxons are very alike. Not only are we the last white people, we also share that direct and honest character that lacks all hypocrisy. Not even Germans are as white as we are, and if the Scandinavians are, we are more realistic than them.

>> No.23116241

I'm Irish and we're the whitest.

>> No.23116262

recently started eating at work rather than fasting ~14 hrs and it’s made a world of difference

>> No.23116264

I'd say that Irish people aren't white, but because you are Celtic, you are our natural brethren because our republic is named the Helvetian Republic, after the early inhabitants of Switzerland, the Celtic tribe of the Helvetians. Our Bundeshaus still contains Helvetic runes engraved into it's wood.

>> No.23116288

Yeah. Something like that.

Are you retarded? Can’t you read?

>> No.23116291

It’s almost the opposite considering real life has been sucked into internet life.

>> No.23116311


>> No.23116313

Anybody caught any rare or shiny Hegels lately? I'm having no luck.

>> No.23116315

Well fentanyl and heroin do almost the exact opposite of coffee

>> No.23116319

It did for me too, but then I gained 50 lbs

>> No.23116380

it's fucked up that suicide is illegal because of christ, the notion of eternal damnation is too unfair

>> No.23116391

Suicide is a sin because killing people is a sin
Killing yourself is as bad as killing someone else
But there is something so cursed about it that in most cases, yes, it leads to hell

>> No.23116423

hell isn't real, retard

>> No.23116432

I would do anything to be able to wake up tomorrow with the opportunity to do my life over. I made so many mistakes because I had no idea what a good decision was.

>> No.23116435

>Killing yourself is as bad as killing someone else
that's complete bullshit though, do I not have free reign over my own existence?

>> No.23116439

same, well said

>> No.23116455

you have no proof of this, it doesn't matter that any attestation of it has come form humans, even the idea that it could exist, with a nonzero level of credibility, is enough to dissuade me from taking my own life, weighing eternal agony against my temporary agony produces a simple decision

>> No.23116486

>I am easily scared by threats made with zero evidence
Everyone who doesn't kill themselves goes to hell.

>> No.23116489

It's one of the reasons why I could never be a Christian, that retarded shit. My grandfather fought in 'nam, and Agent Orange got him after he got home. He had to live in an iron lung with almost no control over his body, so he put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Any God that would damn him to eternal torture for that is, frankly, a faggot.

>> No.23116504

>zero evidence
the existence of the universe alone is enough existence for divinity, that's enough of a move in the direction which results in "suicide leading to eternal damnation"

>> No.23116533

you're one anon on the internet, you have no credibility, call it arbitrary but consensus has formed around the fact that suicide is a cheap way out and may lead to eternal death and suffering

>> No.23116565
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>jewish space lizards detected
How did you find out?

>> No.23116578 [DELETED] 

Indeed, but the average human being is like a vortex of darkness that sucks up all meaning in the world. Human beings are the complete opposite of natural beauty and harmony, and humans are like a negative space that devours all meaning. WEF has the right approach in wanting to slaughter most of mankind.

>> No.23116601

>hell isn't real, retard
I'm sure you have scientific evidence for this?

>> No.23116680

I loved Notes from the Underground, especially the first part. I finished it a few days ago and now I'm feeling empty from not having a new book like it. Currently planning to re-read NLH but it's nothing like Notes from the Underground, so any recommendations?

>> No.23116741

I wish I could be the person other people need me to be. It sees like all I ever manage to do is disappoint or burden others.

>> No.23116748

that's retarded anti-logic
>consensus has formed
that is also not an argument

>> No.23116751
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/pol/ is always right

>> No.23116756

Yeah, I'll show it right after you show scientific evidence that it does exist, you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.23116758
File: 1.26 MB, 1241x1131, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that you hoped for, that you dreamed about being a part of, is a fabrication. Your memes, your shitposts, your internet culture, is the shell of other men's ambitions. Ambitions beyond what you will ever understand.

>> No.23116766
File: 201 KB, 1066x1200, 1708102040723025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've seen your gay little psyop screencap before. I remain unconvinced. The holohoax never happened, but it should have, and it will.

>> No.23116771

i am being persecuted by homosexual elites

>> No.23116772

This is good

>> No.23116778

I believe you.

>> No.23116782 [DELETED] 

is there a compilation of all the direct presocratic writings and fragments in one book from all of them without commentary

>> No.23116803

what were you eatin

>> No.23116813

Finding out people irl probably don't go very deep so perhaps I should just match that and apply deeper meaning if need be. I think it's cause of years of debate on social media I figured go deeper but suppose I can't go autistic like that.

>> No.23116816

So, you actually have no biases for the claim you've made yet still hold onto it.

>> No.23116817

no, I really don’t think our life is our own to get rid of. or especially for the reason of‘being tired of living’

>> No.23116832
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, eugene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You christniggers are so fucking retarded.

>> No.23116839

"Irony is the song of a bird that has grown to love it's cage." Is that it?

>> No.23116859

Autocorrect is a bitch

>> No.23116894

"This is good." Said the traveler, easily pleased by the senseless babble erupting from the spinning heads of forayed coins. As senseless as fate itself, the search for a needle of rationale in the bale of paper shreddings.
"The man who held my place was better than I could ever dream of. A man of stature, a shadow I'm not fit to stand in. Nonetheless I thank you for your kind words." Suddenly, as if driven by a bolt of lightning hurled by Zeus himself, an electromagnetic blast surged the tavern, uprooting the nails from the cupboards and shattering the ceramic beer steins under the weight of a collapsing forest soaked with the tears of angry drunkards. Splinters and shards of broken baby dolls fill the air we breathe and spin around us as if twirled between the fingers of two colliding galaxies, at this moment all we know is that we are hopeless in our struggle to be free. We are torn by a centrifuge dragging us further into a void of understanding, all that we have is the floor no one remembers building that we cling to, our weight a chain tied to the bottom of a shrinking spiral, uprooting our foundation which is pulled by cosmic determination towards utter annihilation. “In our day we knew of such fate as divine retribution.” I breathe in a thick swallow of pulpy ferrous air; “But in our children's future, such a shock will be Tuesday.” We clasp hands as we ascend into the unknown, the only memory we have of the world we left behind is the clasp binding us together, the only tangible reminder of what was coveted, the splinters bridging our bloodied palms uniting us.

>> No.23116929
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>> No.23116940

This convinced me to heatinsulationmaxx my diet

>> No.23116942

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I so terrified of intimacy? Holy fuck. I'm fucked (not literally). I've even managed to charm multiple woman into sleeping with me but then my dick doesn't work. Now I'm starting the cycle all over again. I can feel the mutual attraction between us but I'm already afraid. I am not fucking normal. I'm not going to fix this. Fuck it. Oh my God...

>> No.23116946

i wish i was the red kike floating in the night of the spheres of a horse rapid in the sand nigga of the gay faggot south midget of the dead metal white of bones and mirrors of time trapped in a hole black of independent baldness writing irrelevant capsules of tryhard goodness in a space of would be gatekeepers afraid of intolerance that might radiate the musical retardness of a window crying by the atmosphere of wordless intepretation balanced by the dilettantism of small differences redundant in the afternoon of selected would be scribes of faith trying to capture a single flash of homeostasis in a rival of

>> No.23116966

To become a worse writer or to kill yourself?

>> No.23116973

To resist high temps or magma

>> No.23116977

>ree speck

>> No.23117003

Take some Valium or a gas station dick pill and calm down

>> No.23117008

My ESL brain cannot fathom sceptical is also correct. The S being paired with C makes it feels so weird.

>> No.23117015

I need to get the fuck out of this place. Goodbye guys. I'm leaving 4chan cold turkey. If I come back to check replies on this post I curse myself to hell on earth. I'm too fucking weird. I need to get the fuck off of the internet. My God, what have i done... what will I do now...
Thanks for all the book recs.

>> No.23117018

See you tomorrow buddy.

>> No.23117022
File: 31 KB, 1100x619, dooley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dick doesn't work

>> No.23117024

don't fuck this up. Theres nothing left except for zombies of acheron too poor to pay for the voyage across the river Hades.

>> No.23117026

Usually "sce" makes just an "s" sound, so yeah, I could see that tripping you up.

>> No.23117032

You'll be back. They all come back.

>> No.23117041

why is this so true? Is this a karma thing where we have to be here for our souls to learn something? Why is quitting the internet so difficult?

>> No.23117045

>Why is quitting the internet so difficult?
Because you were more or less brought up by it.
You're here purely out of habit.

>> No.23117051

true. I realized I've used this site for nearly 3/4ths of my entire life. Kinda wild

>> No.23117089

Baby steps
Play some horror games to get used to facing fear, or maybe take some class on giving speeches. You can improve at this. Eventually jumping off that proverbial cliff becomes natural. Thrilling even. I started enjoying speeches because of the adrenaline after years of giving them. You are lucky to have things which are thrilling and intense. Imagine if intimacy caused you to feel nothing. Be honest, affirm life and focus on having a good time above all else. Women don't care if you can't cum or not. They just want to have a good time, again just like everyone else. If you can't cum, be ok with it, and take it slow. I was the same way with my first gf, and it led to some actually great sex. no focusing on the end goal of orgasm, just getting lost in each others bodies and losing sense of time. It's great. After some time I finally was able to finish and it was amazing.
Fuck I need to get a gf

>> No.23117090

Eh this wasn't nearly as good

>> No.23117096

Because it's free drugs from your body that you're supposed to get through IRL social interaction and romance, self-improvement, that kind of thing.

>> No.23117122

Went down a YouTube rabbit hole where all the videos are about why making friends as an adult is so difficult. Like what the fuck? I couldn't even make friends in high school

>> No.23117130

How can I forget someone ever existed?

>> No.23117135

You can’t.

>> No.23117138

Drugs and alcohol are great for that.

>> No.23117142

How unfortunate. Their face consistently jumps out at me like Mario's in 64.

>> No.23117148

Find someone or something else to replace the hole they've left behind, otherwise it will keep sucking their memory back into itself. Like a vacuum. It's easy to forget how much of your life a relationship can take up, and facing how empty it is without them can be difficulty. It's like drugs and alcohol and all addiction really. You can work real hard to quit, but if you don't build a new life to replace, it, you're basically back to where you where before you began the drug, along with all the reasons why you started.

>> No.23117150
File: 75 KB, 720x480, Carl Sr..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find someone or something else to replace the hole
that's exactly what my dad told me

>> No.23117186

That's just heartbreaking

>> No.23117190

It feels like I've been abandoned and unaccepted by my mother all over again

>> No.23117191
File: 318 KB, 500x667, toki wisdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is brutal.

>> No.23117201

reminiscing on how much success I had with women by acting like Vincent Gallo in Buffalo 66. basically 80% commanding and angry and 20% gentle and forgiving. constantly have some violent displays in your language and topics of discussion and never let her make a decision (unless you digest it and give her two options). don't forget to rebuke her every so often for doing something embarrassing, cringe etc. I'm ngl I'm very calm so it's only an act unless I'm with a bpd girl who proves all her guys into acting like this.

>> No.23117229

"Not nearly as good."
"You'll never hold a candle, the greatest fire you can stoke in your heart is still but a spark which lands on drowned kindling."
"I know Arbor, if nothing else I know my limits."
"Perhaps you know all too well. It seems your spine dangles your head just to attract a bite. Everyone who engages you is worse off for it."
I recede deeper into my slumber, not a restful sleep, but burying my head in sand until the sun awakens my less fowl inclination. Even a bird is smarter than me, they notice when their siblings don't return from the abattoir, I'm dumb enough to march on. Every part of my life is frozen by a spiritual winter from which nothing beautiful can blossom. Even my blankets are cold, I embrace my mattress as the only love I've ever known, my viscera cascaded across a block of ice kept cool by a judgmental ceiling fan that blows my longing soul back into my reluctant body. My flesh-colored walls remind me I should have been aborted, my popcorn ceiling reminds me of my desiccation after lusting for madusa. I live in this purgatory
if only to pay my debt for merely existing. In this tantalus-like existence, my decay is only slowed by a Dionysian love for spectating drama. I heal only so an eagle may feast on my liver once more, my aging is slowed only so I may die for as long as possible. The jagged stone holding me upright serves as a coat rack for a lifeless animal pelt, an animal pelt mocked by an effulgent lighthouse, and wooden ships out at sea, and the waves dance with each other as if every wave loved each other as a soul mate, but I wither away, deserted but meant for more. My eyes sink into my skull out of fear of seeing more, I hold my shoulders in a shrug to protect my head from years of being slapped across the head, I prowl about because I've hidden from my problems, my gait marked by a constant crouching as if I am anticipating an assault.

>> No.23117246

His short stories

>> No.23117251

> knowing exactly what to do
> IF only you had done things differently to this point

>> No.23117263

I should’ve joined the army back in 2012 before it was totally gay

>> No.23117277

Too mentally ill for the military, if I wasn't I would join just for TRT

>> No.23117308

what would you do if 500000 nigers paratrooped in your city

>> No.23117309

I feel like a kid again

>> No.23117318

start behaving unreasonably

>> No.23117319

Right but not owning land is not something I can control

>> No.23117324

Jews should give me a blow job

>> No.23117329

Is that a tomboy?

>> No.23117331

Religious people fuck more, though. You will die alone

>> No.23117387 [DELETED] 

The way niggers behave in Democrat cities and the liberal pandering to them as special cases then pointing the fingers at "nazi, right wing extremists".....I'd grab popcorn

>> No.23117393

wouldn't make any difference, we're already all poor and addicted to opioids
captcha: HAHA

>> No.23117395

try that in a small town

>> No.23117398

You're perfect for the American army

>> No.23117400
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>> No.23117401

Everybody dies alone, retard.

>> No.23117402

Atheism is actually more of a joke than them claiming religion is a joke

>> No.23117403
File: 706 KB, 1600x1600, 1704601475898260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do women suck? why can't women be cool

>> No.23117407

The human condition is so wacky.

>> No.23117415
File: 101 KB, 788x681, IMG_2485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to finish my first short story, roughly 6,000 words. Do I share it with /lit/? It’s genre fiction.

>> No.23117419

One less retard for the world but I wish liberals and niggers did this

>> No.23117420

>havnt been depressed for like 2 years
>people still often say I seem depressed
I would understand if this was in person but this is online in text based interactions, I guess I'm forever inescapably branded as an outsider.

>> No.23117422

yes please

>> No.23117427

Wow, you're a special one like all of 4chan. We get it bro

>> No.23117432

Please. I would enjoy the short story you've made.

>> No.23117453

Okie dokie. I will finish editing and probably post tomorrow

>> No.23117475

>that one retard pointing a gun at a completely conflagrated near dead burn victim the entire time

>> No.23117480


>> No.23117508

Why did he do that?

>> No.23117513

Probably suicidally depressed already and wanted to use his life for something he believed to be good, even if it wasn't ultimately much. I'll probably end up doing something like that if I'm able to kms.

>> No.23117519

Did you not hear him? He did it for the wholesome heccin' Palestinianarinos.

>> No.23117565

I've learned a lot about the nature of women from living with my grandmother from my 20s and now 30s. I could use this information to make myself appealing to them, but I don't feel like it.

>> No.23117567

He probably thought he was going to bring attention to the genocide.

>> No.23117572

It's not even the first time this happened.
Last December in Atlanta another guy did the same shit, and the media """forgot""" to mention why he did it, lol.

>> No.23117589

Most people suck. Only a few people you will come across will turn out to be compatible with you.
This is even more true of women.
It's basically tautological.
All women suck, until you meet the one who doesn't, maybe.

>> No.23117634

Sometimes I experience a sudden realization of how i am wasting my life away, day after day. I feel as though i truly have no future. I feel aimless and pathetic like a child. My life feels like a prison cell, and I've grown accustomed to it.
I am afraid of people. I have not had a real conversation with a person in over a month.
I tell myself I will try to go to a bar or something, but end up chickening out every time. And instead spend the night in front of a screen.
When I do go to one of these places anyway i end up sitting alone talking to no one wasting money. Small pleasures cease to be enjoyable once they become pure escapism.
I have retained no connection to anyone from my childhood or hometown. I have no social network.
In high school i became disconnected from everyone I had known in middle school. I remember at my brother's party in h.s seeing one of these childhood friends, and being surprised at how warmly he greeted and talked with me after having not seen him in 4 years. I had barely thought of him at all, but if I am honest I really felt nothing.
I mostly just do not care but i wish i did. My roommate asked me for a loan of money, a significant amount I gave it without reservation but when i do give i never do it with any real feeling.
I almost always pick up hitch hikers.
I think I always give in to others requests precisely because I am so alone so I am always in an insecure position. I don't want to turn anyone away ever out of fear not out of any real benevolence.

>> No.23117666

>I have not had a real conversation with a person in over a month.
10 years here

>> No.23117671

Really? It seems like almost everyone here describes themselves as depressed.

>> No.23117692

I was already depressed from living with my mom at this age, feeling like it totally eliminated for me whatever possibility I ever had of achieving anything great in life, but now, I’m so horribly sleep deprived from sleeping on this shitty little mattress that she has and being woken up an hour before dawn every morning by the noise that I don’t know what I’m more depressed about, the fact that I’m in this situation or that I get about three hours of sleep total per night. I am basically suicidal as a physiological symptom of sleep deprivation at this point. Every night I mull over killing myself, and in frustration, I do this thing where I make a gun with my fingers, press it to my temple, and pull the trigger. This is my nightly ritual of frustration now. I don’t even know what to do now other than actually go through with it. I think there’s something wrong with me, like physiologically. I mean, I know there’s a lot wrong with me. But I mean permanently wrong.

>> No.23117694

4chan users and literature people are probably the two most chronically depressed communities I can think of.

>> No.23117732

Not denying the positive effects of elementary schools, but all-races all-genders all-classes middle and higher education turns people into coward faggot degenerates and you are one if you haven't realized this.

>> No.23117741

That’s pretty fucked up anon, I hope your sleep schedule gets better, I can’t see how you deserve this

>> No.23117745 [DELETED] 

Sun White. Urine White. Bean Black. Void Black. Hot Blue. Diarrhea Green. Gangrene Green. Cockscomb Red. Plantain Yellow. Milk Yellow. Bone Yellow. Orange Orange. Gay Gray. Hair Peach. Robo Chrome.

>> No.23117752

I should have never gone to school. I should have dropped out of school at the age of 12. Not having done so has left me with the irreparable damages of nigger and whorish degeneracy. I fucking hate NPC subhumans. Schools are to blame for literally everything. Generation after generation passes with people going to school and it only gets worse and worse but from the day the first all-in schools were built people started turning into degenerates. This faggotry cannot be stopped soon enough.

>> No.23117893

>Broken dreams so grand
I cri everytim.

>> No.23117998

Test to see if spoilers on /lit/

>> No.23118107

For the last three days, I've been getting tired way earlier than normal and I don't know why. I normally stay up until 1:30 and then go to bed but I've been falling asleep in my chair at 11:00 for these last three days, even now as I type this at 11:07 I already feel tired. Why the fuck is this happening?

>> No.23118115

I believe God is punishing me for hating my mother, but I don't know how to stop hating my mother.

>> No.23118122

>I fucking hate NPC subhumans.
The only people who call other people "NPCs" are NPCs.

>> No.23118164

I don't really care about never having sex, but sometimes I'll find myself just wanting physical contact with another person pretty strongly and feel down because I've never met anyone who would have been comfortable doing that kind of thing with me.

>> No.23118169

Why do you hate her?

>> No.23118182

When I see people venting online, I get annoyed. I used to vent, but fundamentally it's flawed the same way therapy is flawed for men -- it cannot solve any problem, it's to your life what masturbation is to the libido. Some degree of frustration is healthy in men, it's what propels them forward. It is a good thing which is being squandered there, placed into a little box. How inconvenient it is sometimes to care in this world.

>"You are vexed and bitter, that is very good; if only you would get really angry for once it would be even better."

>> No.23118338

I use venting as a way to weigh the legitimacy of my feelings. If I write it or speak it and it sounds lame/gay/retarded as fuck, it's probably just something I should get over. If it sounds legitimate and reasonable, it's something I devote more time to thinking on and fixing.
Venting publicly and anonymously on a forum like this helps further verify the legitimacy of said thoughts and feelings, I feel like, since most people will just call you a fag if it's something stupid.

>> No.23118632

The goal is not to solve the problem though.

>> No.23118633


>> No.23118641

Do you think there’s any demand for a Barnes & Noble alternative that leans less on manga and toys and more on classics, traditional /lit/ aesthetics, that sort of thing? Or do you think the demand is just not there. I’m basically wondering if there could be a 4chan to Barnes & Noble’s Reddit.