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23112907 No.23112907 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading this Hitler biography and what strikes me is that in one point of his life Hitler was essentially 30 year old NEET who had accomplished nothing. He never held a normal job in his life. And then suddenly he was ruler of Germany. What a strange life.

>> No.23112917

Serving in and surviving the First World War is an accomplishment, and especially with the bravery that he demonstrated. So now I'm perplexed, either the biography you are reading is very bad and you should stop reading it or, and perhaps this is the more likely option, you are making a stupid meme post on our board because you think its funny or to cope or something of that nature, I don't really care, and you don't actually know anything at all about the life of Adolf Hitler.

>> No.23112920

>And then suddenly he was ruler of Germany.
After more than a decade of dedicating himself to politics.
Still a pretty quick career, but it was a politically volatile time.

>> No.23112929

Decorations from World War I
Iron Cross, Second Class – 2 December 1914[21]
Bavarian Cross of Military Merit, Third Class with Swords– 17 September 1917
Regimental Diploma (Regiment "List") – 5 May 1918
Wound Badge in Black – 18 May 1918[64]
Iron Cross, First Class – 4 August 1918[21]
Bavarian Medal of Military Service, Third Class – 25 August 1918
Cross of Honor with Swords – 13 July 1934 (retroactively awarded to all war veterans)

>> No.23112933

There was nothing sudden about it. Read Simms and Longerich.

>> No.23112947

And then this fucker ruined his country and it has yet to recover! KEK! Fucking Germans. What were they thinking? Dumbasses.

>> No.23113042

geopolitical reality dictated it was either let it get absorbed by anglo/american capital or be turned into a bolshevik colony. in a better world the 20 july plot would've succeeded and germany would've stablized.

>> No.23113056

If you work & have a family to feed you can't really devote yourself to fringe politics.

>> No.23113061
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The same goes with Stalin. What he accomplished is insane, he was a peasant from the backarse of nowhere in Georgia and ended up as Tsar. Especially also that he was the only Bolshevik that was working class and wasn't educated

>> No.23113073

>Only bolshevik that was working class

Oh son.

>> No.23113077


You are a fag

>> No.23113081

Why should Hitler have suffered the indignity of dying in a coup?

>> No.23113086


>> No.23113090

Yeah he was literally a divine avatar of his people's gods. He was a greater man than Jesus or Buddha, and he only lived a hundred years ago, we actually have video footage of him. It's quite amazing. If his enemies had to make him the most evil man in history, because if they didn't he would be the most revered man since thousands of years.

>> No.23113091

He grew up in poverty after his father lost his job as a cobbler and then became an alcoholic and beat him regularly. Then he and his mother drifted around for a few years. That is working class.

He was obviously really intelligent and ruthless which was what helped him excel.

>> No.23113100
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greatness requires taking paths uncommon to normals.

>> No.23113101

>>He was obviously really intelligent and ruthless which was what helped him excel.
That doesn't sufficiently explain what he accomplished. Something supernatural was acting through and guiding him.

>> No.23113105

He's intelligentsia
You want to read on Shliapnikov.

>> No.23113110
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The dedicated campaign of misinformation around Hitler is the single biggest motivating force for me to read more about him. The more I read the more I agree with his views and actions.

>> No.23113113

>and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

>> No.23113123
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In Kershaw's books Hitler comes off as a boring brute & a hypocrite as well. Might be biased I guess.

>> No.23113137

>In 1972, he visited Bavaria and was shocked to hear the views of an old man he met in a Munich café who told him: "You English were so foolish. If only you had sided with us. Together we could have defeated Bolshevism and ruled the earth!"—adding in for good measure that "The Jew is a louse!" As a result of this incident, Kershaw became keen to learn how and why ordinary people in Germany could support Nazism.[7]
you should have listened, bro

>> No.23113139

>adding in for good measure that "The Jew is a louse!"

>> No.23113152

I'm not doubting that he was an effective demagogue, just that he seemed extremely hypocritical & dishonest. His ideology was basically "dindu nuffin" with regards to WW1 & some other stuff, all while being fanatically convinced of the superiority of German culture.
I wanted to like him but ended up being disgusted.

>> No.23113157
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IDGAF, the man was right.

>> No.23113168


>> No.23113184

The first paragraph is a truth nuke regardless of whether or not you are a nazi. I know so many people like that and I hate them all.

>> No.23113208
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>WWI, gassed, commendation for risky trench runner delivery guy, Near Death Experience
>spook working for police infiltrating the Spartacists

It's not all that odd; those were strange times.

>> No.23113219

Imagine if someone had killed all of them.

>> No.23113225
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Anglo Zero Sum Game wet dream for a permanently division of European Continental Power was too tempting not to make a deal with the devil in Moscow - and they mortgaged themselves to America, twice - only to lose the empire in the process while inaugurating Nuclear Proliferation (sending unvetted Klaus Fuchs into the Manhattan Project). They misplayed their world-historic hands perfectly to pass the aegis of sovereignty to America & the Russians to duel out. Thus always to Perfidious Albion.

>> No.23113228

I was just talking about Hitler the man, not about geopolitics.

>> No.23113257
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Any reasonable person can immediately see that is complete horseshit. He has been described as a bore and a zealot, a coward and a bully, craven and a warhawk, a sexual deviant and a puritan
It gets very tiring, read a few older books, ones written by people other than kikes and their American shabbos.
When you do it becomes painfully obvious he was nothing more than a passionate man who dearly loved his land and his people, he was able to rouse them to his side with a combination of strong rhetoric, anti-exploitive economic policy (removal of usury and full control of their own currency) as well as the brutal punishment of those who had caused their humiliation.

It is not rocket science. Read pic related and compare the anti-white books written by liberals and jews now compared to the anti-German views expressed back then.

>> No.23113266

>Hitler was essentially 30 year old NEET who had accomplished nothing. He never held a normal job in his life.
he's literally me...

>> No.23113267

I didn't say he wasn't passionate. He seemed very passionate to me, in an extremely shallow & unreflective way. I also didn't deny that he loved his people, or his idea of them at the very least.

>> No.23113276
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>shallow & unreflective way
Kikery. This is meaningless and subversive. Especially in light of all that he accomplished.

>> No.23113283

He had a single-minded focus on his political project and accomplished a lot. I'm just saying that I didn't see him as a sympathetic character.

>> No.23113317

dont bother trying to argue this with a /pol/tard, they are as blindly fanatic as the people who single-mindedly hate Hitler. ideologues can't understand nuance and the idea that a historical figure might be more complex than a cartoon character.

>> No.23113322

>He had a single-minded focus on his political project
You mean when he was the leader of a country and waging a war? No shit. The ability to do this is not indicative of what a person is like in terms of personality.

>> No.23113351

Hitler was a project. They deleted the tracks of where is father Alois really comes from, it was planned from a generation prior. Sebottendorf put Hitler to power because they wanted to counter royal monarchist movement. Hitler and his regime was planned by the world reigning cabal.

>> No.23113356

have you fought in a war in the european continent?

>> No.23113357

Hitler himself read more than you did, that much is clear.

>> No.23113365

shame the junkers didn't win the power struggle.

>> No.23113371


>> No.23113385


>> No.23113391

The problem with the whole "Hitler was a jew" gambit is that even if I believed it, it would only make me hate jews even more.

>> No.23113399

What was Stalin doing in Vienna? Wasn't he poor? Trotsky was just a richfag, but Stalin?

>> No.23113409

>His ideology was basically "dindu nuffin" with regards to WW1 & some other stuff, all while being fanatically convinced of the superiority of German culture.
That was the ideology of pretty much every German from 1919 to 1945. What were you expecting?

>> No.23113423

Many German plebs had that ideology admittedly, but I think I expected Hitler to have a more nuanced worldview.

>> No.23113498

Where did I say that Hitler was a jew

>> No.23113502


>> No.23113507

by that time he had already made a name for himself in Lenin's party and made money through crime

>> No.23113525

>nuance is when you hate yourself
Leftniggers are so retarded

>> No.23113548
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If the nazis had won hitler would be on a legendary man status like alexander the great or napoleon.
He went from poor fag artist to conquering most of western europe.

>> No.23113570

I don't think it's possible to ever get a really unbiased biography of Hitler.

>> No.23113609
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Priest school, where Stalin got an education, unlike 90+% of Russians back in the day.

Revolutionaries arise almost exclusively from the better educated middle class, as lower class mud-farming peasants aren't smart enough to carry off a revolution (they're used as cannon fodder) while upper class elites obviously don't want to disrupt the status quo.

>> No.23113618

because he was a manlet

>> No.23113619

> Anglo Zero Sum Game wet dream for a permanently division of European Continental Power was too tempting not to make a deal with the devil in Moscow
Yeah good thing Hitler didn’t make a deal with the devil in Moscow. Oh wait he did. It’s one of the first things he did. We all know neonazis are scum that Hitler would have executed but fucking hell man the stupidity is bottomless.

>> No.23113766

>allies are making a deal with the USSR
>Hitler takes the deal away from them
wow so evil :(

>> No.23113773

Man, Vienna around this time is where I'd go if I had a time machine. Wittgenstein, Schiele, etc. were about too. What an outsize influence on culture that relatively small city has had.

Also why did Trotsky go to the other side of the city for a cup of coffee?

>> No.23113777

It would have been so kino if WW2 didn't happen and we ended up with ideological plurality across Europe instead of just a complete and utter globohomo hellscape.

Also Israel would never have happened.

>> No.23113780

His favourite books were pulp cowboy stories. I'm sure they're pretty quick to read, so don't doubt he got through many books a year.

>> No.23113892
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Everything from his private corrospondence to his passionate
heartfelt speeches was filled with references to history and classical literature. The fact that you, and those like you, repeatedly try to obfuscate this is the reason interest will only ever increase. Even now it has increased to the point where one can talk openly about some of his actions in positive terms, this was impossible five years ago.

You have failed. People are now beginning to hate the jew again.

>> No.23114001

He was British Intelligence, like all other gays

>> No.23114041

Someone else would have taken their place. You can't kill an idea whose time has come.

>> No.23114044
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>> No.23114050

you stupid faggot, the Irish are the real jews. Hitler was a gay scientologist who killed more innocent druids than the pope

>> No.23114057

Hitler died in 1945. Dianetics was published in 1950, and Scientology was still a few years out from that. What are you babbling about?

>> No.23114060

Ir ish

Waking man

>> No.23114070

the vatican is the synagogue of satan, it worships blacks because their skin is charred from being cooked in Hell

>> No.23114087

Those weren't responses...they were gibberish. Try again.

>> No.23114103
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Intentional shitposting in an effort to discourage actual discourse. One can not do this without kikes seething about their six murillion.

>> No.23114106

the Islamic shadow government of planet retard is going to prison, the only question is how many millions are going to die first

>> No.23114175

>>23114057 wasn't a shitpost, it was a simple statement of temporal reality. Can >>23114050 explain how Hitler was a Scientologist?

>> No.23114186

Did you even read the book?Being a construction worker was a pretty normal job.