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/lit/ - Literature

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23111332 No.23111332 [Reply] [Original]

Submit to &amp Magazine and have your work featured in issue 020, scheduled to release sometime in March.

&amp Magazine accepts all:
>Literary Fiction, Experimental Fiction, Prosecraft, Short Stories, Novel Excerpts, Genre Fiction
>Book Reviews, Author Discussions, Critiques
>Writing Prompts, Story Ideas, Microfiction
>Journal Entries, Personal Accounts, Navelgazing
>Letters, Correspondence
>Classifieds, Wanted Ads, For Sale, Lost, Personals
>Nonfiction Essays, Philosophy, Intellectual Debate, Academic Work
>Greentexts, Shitposts, Screencaps, Screeds, Schizology
>Artwork, Ads, Photography
>Advice, Interviews, Reviews

SUBMIT /lit/ERALLY ANYTHING IN ANY FORMAT OR FILETYPE!! (Try to keep it under 5000 words)

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Inquire about your submission status here:
Username: anon
Password: god

Or connect with us here:

Read previous issues of &amp here:

Interested in proofreading, copyediting, or doing graphic design work for the magazine? Send us an email or connect with us on Discord and get involved.


>> No.23111627

How is &amp Drops doing? Almost done editing a submission.

>> No.23111628

discord link is expired

>> No.23111663

I thought &amp was dead? Wasn’t there a rip thread for it a couple of months ago and then some faggy drama?

>> No.23111666

No, I think that was before 019 came out, which it did.

>> No.23111708

Oh yea, the magazine run by kenneth the crackhead the bisexual canadian schizo who constanly doxxes people on here

>> No.23112802


>> No.23112803


>> No.23112853

That was a supposed false alarm but it's basically dead. Editor went crazy and doxed his co-editor who was doing all of the work and she retaliated by posting a bunch of screenshots of him threatening her. The editor countered this retaliation by calling the police on her home.
Shit is belly up and it's sad that he's pretending otherwise.

>> No.23112898

I am starting to experience more psychotic and vertiginous episodes. Maybe this will help me write a story. You like crazy stories?

>> No.23112923

You probably don't want to involve yourself in this dramafest if you're already so broken.
But to answer your question: they'll take anything. Most of the issues are padded out with stories that they write.

>> No.23113057 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.23113093
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>> No.23113258

Woah mate. Don't get too heated here. I was just letting the guy know the history of this shitpile. Don't dox me too.

>> No.23113851 [DELETED] 

Bump. Where did everyone go?

>> No.23113970
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What are you writing?

>> No.23114021

Stop bumping this thread. There is obviously no organic interest. The doxxing drama fest didn't help either.

>> No.23114135 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Eye Friday

13 chapters of lives colliding in Vancouver's downtown eastside

I'm finished writing it, just doing the epilogue to tie up the loose ends. I think the book ends in Chapter 13 on a very positive and inspirational note, so want to give it an epilogue to tie up the loose ends and not ruin the finish of chapter 13.

>> No.23114140 [DELETED] 
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What? Keep bumping the thread and keeping the hype train rolling for &amp 20? Of course!

>> No.23114579

No &amp submission?

>> No.23114835


>> No.23114880 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 615x501, almostready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST finishing the 3rd book, I will submit, I swear... once I get focused on one project, it is so fucking hard to take a break and do something else. Don't want to phone something in.

>> No.23114887 [DELETED] 

It is 98% done, looking to get it submitted to Amazon and online before March 1st. Pulled an all-nighter tonight.

Had a cleaning gig lined up this week for a hoarder who died, but looks like they are hiring a professional team because of all of the human waste involved. Maybe I am glad that I'm not doing it, haha.

>> No.23115082
File: 298 KB, 720x848, Jason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one isn't going to suck, lads!

>> No.23115122

fuck off shitlicker

>> No.23115190

I've said it before and I'll say it again..
Jason Bryan: Savior of &Amp

>> No.23115202

Atlas deserved it.

>> No.23115518


>> No.23116195 [DELETED] 


>> No.23116437
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join the discord

>> No.23116860 [DELETED] 


>> No.23117104

Gay ass retarded ass fucking people gay ass schizophrenic posting ass redditors.

>> No.23117110 [DELETED] 

Why are you here?

>> No.23117488

You are also gay.

>> No.23117576 [DELETED] 
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I am also Black

>> No.23118253


>> No.23118401
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Having second thoughts.

>> No.23118772

dont be a Discord tranny

>> No.23119383

amp is so fucking dead

>> No.23119595
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>> No.23119665

t. ari

>> No.23120363
