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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 199 KB, 1200x960, kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23112717 No.23112717 [Reply] [Original]

Please remember to use the Oxford comma.

>> No.23112731

that's not an example of the oxford comma

>> No.23112737

I'm just not going to use any commas at all.

>> No.23112752

that isn't an oxford comma

>> No.23112754

ok mccarthy

>> No.23112785


>> No.23112793

That's not an Oxford comma.

>> No.23112795

>let's eat and fuck, grandpa
Sex with grandpa on a full stomach
>let's eat and fuck grandpa
Incestuous necrophagia

>> No.23112856

i dont even know what a comma does

>> No.23112863
File: 59 KB, 801x1365, 1708819128053348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there needs to be a basic literacy test before you can post on this board

>> No.23112874

says who

>> No.23112879

literally the very anon you replied to. looks like there does need to be a basic literacy test. huh..

>> No.23112880

chortled irl

>> No.23112883

whos he to say there should be

>> No.23112885

its like spelling correctly just some bullshit made up to trick people into going to university.

>> No.23112891

Me, you nigger.

>> No.23112893

well fuck you too you silly prick

>> No.23112894

Boy, I sure do hate nigger.

>> No.23112905


>> No.23112955

PSA: The Oxford comma is the comma that appears before the last element in a list.
Example (with Oxford comma): I like apples, oranges, and grapes.
Example (without): I like apples, oranges and grapes.

>> No.23113065

Nah I’m good

>> No.23113307

As others have aid, that is not the Oxford comma.. An actual example of the point you're trying to make could be:
>On my way to work I saw your mother, a thief, and a whore
>On my way to work I saw your mother, a thief and a whore

>> No.23113318

That, is not; an Oxford Comma...

>> No.23113673

I’d like to thank my mother, Ayn Rand, and the Academy

>> No.23114011
File: 99 KB, 658x874, oxford-comma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more on-point.

>> No.23114162

>We invited the strippers JFK and Stalin.
There I removed all ambiguity (if there ever were any).

>> No.23114181

It's even more ambiguous now, retard.

>> No.23114191

no now it's very clear that JFK and Stalin are in fact strippers

>> No.23114194

Just "fucking" rearrange the sentence to remove ambiguity. Woah, maybe if you do this enough you will even improve your diction.
>Nooooooo, it's not my fault it's the comma
Keep whining like a pussy bitch your whole life about "fucking" commas on the internet

>> No.23114201

syntax pleb

>> No.23114203

That's changed the meaning.

First, it changes the emphasis on the subject of the invitation. In the original, the emphasis is on inviting strippers, and the fact of their being JFK and Stalin is supplied as additional clarifying information. In your version, the emphasis is on inviting JFK and Stalin, and the fact of their being strippers is tagged on as a title like 'President'.

Second, it changes the emphasis on the nature of JFK and Stalin's capacity as strippers. In the original, though they are invited to strip, they are not defined as strippers - they may only be stripping for this one occasion and otherwise persisting in their duties of state. In your version, being strippers is their defining feature, their very profession, and one can only conclude that they have given up political activity.

>> No.23114204

Calm it down before you shoot up a school, bud.

>> No.23114205

i am blessed with perfect communicative clarity and i only rearrange my sentences to create ambiguity

>> No.23114266

We invited the strippers; JFK and Stalin.

>> No.23114637

that's not an Oxford nigga

>> No.23114649

Hey opie, idk how to tell you this but like, that's not really the Oxford comma. Sorryyyy

>> No.23114675

this. grammar and syntax are meant to aid clarity, so it's the fault of the writer.

>> No.23114686

Fucking retard lmao

>> No.23114697

thats not the oxford comma tho

>> No.23114717

who gives a fuck about an oxford comma?

>> No.23114727

Oxford comma more like schmoxford cumma.

>> No.23114731

That's not the Oxford comma. That's regular grammar.

>> No.23114751

Is it there a thing in the English speaking world against the comma or is it only this guys?

>> No.23114762

Somehow I think the op of the pic doesnt know what an oxford comma is.

>> No.23114764

ew gross

>> No.23115132

>Getting baited like this
Is /lit/ a low-iq board or just extra autistic (even by 4chan standards)

>> No.23115142

>taking the counter bait

>> No.23115151

>actually, I took time out of my day to correct nobody as an ironic joke

>> No.23116160

Kinda based.

>> No.23116485

noone gives a fuck about an Oxford comma

>> No.23116499

>taking the counter counter bait

>> No.23116506

i was one of the people who replies and said this was wrong. i didn't take it as a joke and my reply was serious. all it took was a few seconds to make the post, so who cares?