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23111794 No.23111794 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys think Atomic Habits made him a millionaire? I see that book E V E R Y W H E R E!

>> No.23112061

You mean atomised? Houellebecq didn't write the habit reddit book

>> No.23112080

Quality thread

>> No.23112083

more like this nigga? the other niggas feel like cucks writing fairytales

>> No.23112153

If you liked him you may like Sartre or Guenon, fr*nchmen with a similar phenotype

>> No.23112284

Read Celine.

>> No.23112290

Nice bait thread, but anyway, did H end up making that porno?

>> No.23112597

No. And I have no idea who guernon is so no to that too
Listen to this fellow.

>> No.23112612


>> No.23112621

Has he even sold that many books? I once read about how many books you have to sell to make money and how many books actually sell that much. It was depressing.

>> No.23112906

He made the porno and signed a contract allowing the producer to put it up on his private website which turned out to be OnlyFans. He's a boomer so he didn't realize this. Now he's fighting it in court and losing.

>> No.23113149

Corporations don’t deserve rights

>> No.23113159
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>> No.23113586

i think Whatever was he best work, a true shopenhaurien feat

>> No.23113630

What percentage do Frenchie writers get?
In my small Euro country the minimum required by law is 15%. And a regular book would be like 10 Euros. And 10% profit tax after that. So I have to sell 730k copies to get 1 million Euros. (Obviously if you're famous you could negotiate a bigger percentage)

>> No.23113704

here it says he has a few millions at least

Mais que va donc pouvoir faire Michel Houellebecq des millions d'euros que lui rapportera «Soumission» ? Peu probable qu'il les investisse à nouveau dans la production d'un film, comme il y a quelques années. Scénariste et réalisateur de «La Possibilité d'une île», tiré de son roman, l'écrivain n'avait pas hésité à miser personnellement 500.000 euros en 2008, suivi par Arnaud Lagardère (600.000 euros), afin de boucler le budget de 5 millions d'euros de ce film produit par Mandarin («Brice de Nice», «OSS 117»). Résultat ? Un bide total. L'orgueil de Houellebecq en a pris un coup, mais y perdre sa chemise ne lui a fait ni chaud ni froid.

Anyway everything related to the wages is very opaque

Plus raisonnablement, aujourd'hui, en France, cette avance va de 800 euros pour un auteur débutant à une fourchette située entre 10 000 à 30 000 euros pour un romancier s'étant fait un "petit nom". "Je peux monter jusqu'à 2 000 euros pour un premier roman qui m'emballe et pas au-delà de 20 000 euros pour un auteur reconnu", confirme l'éditrice Anne-Marie Métailié. Pour Les particules élémentaires, Michel Houellebecq, qui n'était pas encore la star que l'on connaît, avait touché une "modeste" avance de 140 000 francs de la part de Flammarion, en 1998.

>> No.23113716
File: 368 KB, 2048x1365, 8D8D686F-EF0D-4C87-97A0-C61B4043401E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wouldn’t that mean the video is or was available publicly?

>> No.23114571


>> No.23114744

Need to see it.

>> No.23115002


>> No.23115011

He (referring to the person in the photograph that you posted in the OP) didn't write Atomic Habits. A different author wrote Atomic Habits. They're not the same person.

>> No.23116879


>> No.23116887

What makes normies so obsessed about Atomic Habits?

>> No.23117088

don’t you want to be 1% better?
he teaches you how to be 1% better with 110% effort if you don’t stop every day.
but you gotta write it out.
make an atomic map.
literally envision 1% gains and you’re already there.
the atomic vision is half the battle.

>> No.23117097

Look at that fucking face. He was destined to be a great writer by that face alone.

>> No.23117299

>Marries a Jap
>In one of his lasts books, the protagonist's wife is a Japanese woman that loves getting gang banged by blacks and arabs in Paris

Houellebecq bros...

>> No.23117510


>> No.23117511

His wife is chinese. I guess he just wanted a piece of yellow pussy. Can't blame the guy yellow feever is a dumb sickness. I will forever blame my asian looking cousin

>> No.23117518


>> No.23117538

He’s a redhead? lol this makes so much sense now