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23111603 No.23111603 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about the harsh realities of ageing and facing death?

>> No.23111613

As I Lay Dying

>> No.23111630

My diary desu

>> No.23111650
File: 163 KB, 635x1000, tibetan book of living and dying .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the novel explores the theme of mortality by showing each of Addie’s loved ones offer unique responses to her death

"Reflecting on his mother’s death, the cynical Darl remarks, “It takes two people to make you, one people to die. That’s how the world is going to end.”

Dewey: “I heard that my mother is dead. I wish I had time to let her die. I wish I had time to wish I had.”

Vardaman drill holes in her coffin so she can breathe: he thinks that because Addie’s physical body still exists, she must still exist and therefore need air in order to keep existing.

But if you want to get real, try something like pic related

>> No.23111764

That's not a real dead person is it? Is this being spammed because some subhuman fucking nigger is advertising his retarded soundcloud concept album no one will ever care about? I hope you get dismembered by niggers you fucking scum, if this is true. You are less than a parasite, you are negative inverted matter and nothing with intrinsic significance like life and death should be dragged through the substanceless mud of your mind or your pathetic mockery of "art" so your disgusting aborted jiva congeries of a persona can LARP to its nonexistent reflection in the mirror that it has some kind of character. You shouldn't even be allowed to touch baryonic matter let alone anything that has spiritual or conceptual significance. Go look at your fucking failed soundcloud mixtape as intently as you can with eyes pulled painfully wide and then blow your entire fucking head off nigger.

>> No.23111812
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>> No.23111821

Any major book on Buddhism, considering that's part of the Four Noble Truths.

>> No.23111877

>greatest p.e. record of the last 15 years
>soundcloud mixtape

>> No.23112674
File: 58 KB, 550x550, ImamAli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nahj Al-Balagha

>By Allah, the son of Abu Talibis more familiar with death than an infant with the breast of its mother. I have hidden knowledge, if I disclose it you will start trembling like ropes in deep wells.

>> No.23112676

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.23112935

Well, I came to post this

>> No.23112968

Please tell me you didnt just read a synopsis. Faulkner shows a lot more about the nature of death through the narrative and some really thoughtful remarks.

>> No.23113394

just watch Dying at Grace

>> No.23114662

“...the reason for living was to get ready to stay dead a long time.”

deep stuff

>> No.23114925

Dunning-Kruger effect personified.

>> No.23114948

me two

>> No.23116688

Anéantir by Houellebecq

>> No.23117260
File: 415 KB, 1420x1358, don-t-die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
