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23110485 No.23110485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this is why black people remain poor
it's their anti-intellectualism that runs rampant in their community
no matter how much shilling literature community does for blacks, they will never learn

>> No.23110510

why is he resigning? can't he just take a week off.

>> No.23110530

Every non-reader I‘ve ever met was a globetard

>> No.23110538

The only way negros can make honest money is by playing sports. Trying to educate them is a waste of resources, as they usually have no introspection. Go to any public school and you will realize that the nigglets perceive education as violence, that's why so many of them complain about structural racism.

>> No.23110558

>it's their anti-intellectualism that runs rampant in their community

I think it is more that their would-be intellectuals are, most of the time, unable to disentangle any and all subject matter from their ressentiment over white people. If a person or people are unable to solve for truth, rather than dunking on rival tribes in meaningless rhetorical sparing matches, then they have fundamentally opted for a downward spiral.

>> No.23110579

Only at Miller Grove

>> No.23110593

dis nigga be readin n shiet lmfaoooooooooooooo

>> No.23110623

>tryna to

>> No.23110649

this, i despise intellectuals and most of the modern academia but black/ african 'intellectuals' always sell out by becoming some retarded activist, muh whites. its tiring bro.

>> No.23110756

Negros are malevolent bio-robots spawned by the Vatican to burn down protestant Burger Kings

>> No.23110769

I’ve pointed this out before. They also have a stronger sense of inner group conflict to weed out undesirables (such as black nerds) which is wholly absent in white communities.

>> No.23110771

It's not culture it's genetics.

>> No.23110845
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very good

>> No.23110854

>stronger sense of inner group conflict to weed out undesirables (such as black nerds) which is wholly absent in white communities
lol, this happens in all communities
the difference being which group gets labeled as undesirable, in white folks case it's people with the "wrong" opinion

>> No.23111054

Yeah this is why the CIA and NOI had to kill MLK Jr. and Malcolm X, they would have promoted intellectualism and positive change to the black community and they couldn't have that

>> No.23111066

>it's their anti-intellectualism
No, it's their lack of frontal lobes.

>> No.23111069
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>> No.23111070
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they should promote niggers going the fuck back to Africa

>> No.23111098

As a white nationalist I would literally do anything in my power to help a black separatist nationalism rise. I don't even think they should have to go back to Africa. Let's carve out an entire state or multiple states and just give the blacks some good farmland. ANYTHING to make it THEIR problem instead of everybody else's problem. I will gladly subsidize it too. As long as the blacks agree to create a black state or state within a state I am glad to help in any way I can. I actually like blacks and want them to succeed too, I just can't take the lower 30-50% of awful shitty blacks ruining all of society anymore. Put all of them in one area and within a few years they'll hang the worst offenders themselves, all those gang banger retards and juvenile delinquents, and get back to mid-century levels of wanting to farm and work for themselves again. Someone get "black twitter" on the line and tell them I will volunteer as a Hitler to the blacks and help them fix their shit.

>> No.23111115

>white nationalist supports reparations
The internet does strange things to people.

>> No.23111130


>> No.23111131

Not him. But he is right. Anything and everything to get blacks TO STAY AWAY. From us.

>> No.23111135

nta but even if we gave niggers a million dollars each to fuck off back to Africa, it would pay for itself in a generation

>> No.23111145

There is nothing to African-American culture but ressentiment. And it makes sense that they would define themselves by slave morality considering that they were former slaves. But it’s still astonishing how few of them care for self-determination, strength or reform at all. Every word they say just leads to the conclusion that they demand more superficial inclusion in labor and media. It’s the responsibility of others to work for them because they’re oppressed; they don’t have to do anything at all. After all, they’re slaves in chains!

>> No.23111150

It's a condition of learned helplessness. That snivelling little pajeet Dinesh D'Souza actually has a very good book on this called The End of Racism.

You don't have to completely embrace his rejection of biological factors. I think the black community was both bred dysgenic by whites and has continued to breed dysgenically. But you can fix that in two generations of mild eugenics (nothing crazy, just incentives for high-achievers to breed and low-achievers to breed less).

>> No.23111162

I sympathize with a lot of the problems they genuinely face but it has become abundantly clear to me that they drag themselves down more than anyone else does. How many times in public school I witnessed them walking into classrooms and physically fighting people, and then they blamed racism for why they failed the class. Almost every other ethnic group in the country produces prosperous citizens except them, including African immigrants who become some of the highest earners in the US. And don’t be mistaken, plenty of black people do read and get educated, but all their energies are put into working for HR departments or directory boards for corporate diversity because they literally can’t conceive of themselves as anything but the downtrodden who must vindicate their mediocrity

>> No.23111171

I saw a pretty good screencap of a post from an exasperated teacher that talked about the day it finally clicked for him, when he asked his nigger class what "racism" was. Racism was why their dad left. Racism is why police arrested them when they did something illegal. Racism is why their mom was so fat. It's literally a voodoo mindset, where everything bad in their lives can be ascribed to this mystical "racism" factor that no one can seem to prove exists.

>> No.23111184

I agree and I am also just sick of them on a level too deep to change rationally, although I also love them at that level so it's complicated.

There are things that make me empathize with them strongly and prevent me from hating them completely. For one, all the kali yuga type stuff we shitpost about, it didn't just happen to them as a pre-existing people, they were dumped into it head-first while it was already halfway complete. They only achieved consciousness as a people inside concrete prison-jungles built by the dying phase of another civilization. That's why even when they claw their way out of the dregs, the best they can think of for themselves is to work in the whitest cleanest concrete jungle-cube and live in the nicest cube in the least ruined cube-farm. Blacks don't even have distant instinctive memories of different societies and different possibilities like whites do. They don't think back to Africa. They were spawned like Uruk-hai from slave farms that stripped them of pride in their origins and wiped them to be blank slates, and then told to enjoy riding subway trains and eating greasy fast food from plastic wrappers.

When middle or upper class white people do this stuff, when whitey looks down at the greasy, weirdly plastic-like pseudo-coardboard his poorly made slop food is contained in, it's not ALL HE'S EVER KNOWN. It's against an unconscious background of "We used to be Europeans; the reason this sucks is that it's a pale imitation of real food that once really existed; the reason the container sucks is that it's filled with plastic cancer particles making me grow tits and die, and I dimly know my ancestors didn't have to deal with that."

The good instincts and soul that blacks do have are also hopelessly caught between the insane and terrible habits of black society below and behind them, and the concrete jungle of depressed office-job whites ahead of and above them. Imagine those are your two options. Again whites have a third option: become an autist and go your own way, somehow. And this is enabled by the aforementioned instinct to know vaguely that there are other options, or at least used to be.

There is no hope for blacks in their past and no hope for them in the present. What they need is a future. They need a black version of Israel, where they can go work on kibbutzim and spend the first 10-20 years just ruthlessly taking the gangbangers out back and hanging them for stealing from the kibbutz for a third time or joyriding and ruining the farm's only tractor. Solidarity and building a better future for your people are a hell of a drug.

>> No.23111189

It is literally a cargo cult religion yes. It's getting weirder too, as there has now been a full generation of blacks who 100% believe everything TV commercials and Marvel movies tell them about white people being personally responsible for them breaking a nail.

>> No.23111193

>Dinesh D'Souza

>> No.23111217
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This is actually nothing new. In the early 1900's a lot of racist whites wanted to help blacks move back to Africa. Picture related, it's the racist American politician John Tyler Morgan. He was very upset about Leopold of Belgium abusing the Congolese because Africa being turned into a shithole would make it harder to convince American blacks to move there.

>> No.23111224

It was also the original plan of the Founding Fathers. It's not that new. Lots of population movements in the last few centuries. The same was considered for the Jews, usually with Jewish cooperation.

>> No.23111230

>They need a black version of Israel
Let's just ship all the niggers to Israel, kill two birds with one stone.

>> No.23111232
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Yep. Hitler was a Zionist for a while.

>> No.23111235
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>It's getting weirder too
It's gonna get a lot more weird.

>> No.23111238


>> No.23111241

God I love that movie.
>well that isn't much use, is it?
>should've been "the rule of wrist"

>> No.23111245
File: 190 KB, 736x1006, 78691ca87a95493c90543f5764e6ab59 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these lazy 0 IQ /pol/shitposts

Did someone set a spambot loose or are special ed teachers letting their classes spend time on /lit/?

>> No.23111248

make it a couple billion and you’re statement would still be factual.

>> No.23111249

I'm actually enjoying the conversation in this thread, please don't let this retard >>23111245 turn it into 300 posts of "fuck you nigger" / BBC spam.

>> No.23111252

Fuck you nigger

>> No.23111254

Imagine being white, male or female, and just wasting your genes on some nignog or a chonk

>> No.23111261

That’s funny. I read a book about witchcraft in Africa. The researcher had considerable difficulty finding any evidence of people practicing it, but could encountered tons of practices to counter witchcraft, and even lots of witch hunters. He’d ask them if they’d ever encountered people using black magic and lots of them would say they hadn’t, because they witches were always a step ahead. Then he’d ask if the lack of evidence of witches made them doubt witches existed, and they’d insist that the fact there were countermeasures to witches, such as the witch hunters, were proof enough.

>> No.23111271


>> No.23111298

Americans have spent trillions just to create some physical distance from negros

>> No.23111305

They don't even like it either

>> No.23111310

None of this would have happened in people just accepted Mychal as white.

>> No.23111367

I’m not racist myself I think all races are relatively equal. I think the problem with the African Americans is the culture they made for themselves is extremely evil. I think at a certain point the violent gangster high ego culture was made out of necessity but now it’s more of a hindrance. And you see any self respecting black man that leaves that box ends up being infinitely more successful. You even see more and more black people noticing this to like the guy in the twitter post. Probably doesn’t help that
like >>23111184 said their culture was itself made within the confines of another fundamentally evil culture and state instead of more organically.

More importantly though I don’t think if your culturally more hood that matters though. As long as you don’t suffer from the negative mindsets that are stereotypical to the culture that everyone knows. High ego, unnecessary aggression bla bla bla. Like the type of people that would be in the nigga moments joke from the boondocks. I also don’t think rap is relevant to this talk either, more of the people your raised with. An extremely obvious example of this is that when you see Down syndrome and other extremely mentally disabled people act like this just because they were born in the culture despite obviously not being good or smart enough to know what they’re talking about. It seems like parroting what they constantly see which is a bit sad
What’s with this mindset that someone can’t think of something wholly new and HAS to harken back to the old? White man looks at goyslop and can only think to the past as hope and the black man (because he has no past) can’t see anything? No one can see the dogshit and make up something new?

>> No.23111374 [DELETED] 
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>I’m not racist
stopped reading there

>> No.23111395

Shouldn’t you be willing to read opinions other then your own to be open to changing your mind or at least absorbing diverse perspectives so you can have more to think about. Isn’t that how a man’s mind grows?

>> No.23111400

Yes, but if you're not racist, you're clearly mentally underdeveloped. Or, at the very least, woefully naive.

>> No.23111409

I think it's TS Eliot who says that a present without a past can have no future, because it's motionless, it's not coming from anywhere so it can't go somewhere. But simultaneously, a present without a future loses sight of its past, because it no longer has any meaning to it. The past is like one's memories. Why dwell on or process one's memories if one is going nowhere and doing nothing? But if one wants to do anything meaningful, to change and grow, one has to have a past.

All three terms (past, present, future) are necessary to be a complete person and a complete culture.

>> No.23111416 [DELETED] 

niggers have no concept of past or future

>> No.23111422

That's only the goblin subrace (you can tell a goblinigger by the fact that they litter), the original orcish stock has all normal human capacities.

>> No.23111425

Arthur de Gobineau already envisioned all those events in the year 1853. A later essay he wrote explains how European colonization of Africa and Asia will put the terminal stage of miscegination into a date much earlier than he had predicted in his book about the human races.
He literally knew it.

>> No.23111428

Take it to /pol/, you braindead self-worshipping genetic castoff.

>> No.23111431 [DELETED] 

No. African nigger language has no past or future tenses. It's one of the reasons why niggers can't into cause and effect.

>> No.23111441

that's incorrect, swahili has past and future tenses, as do other african languages.

>> No.23111445

It never ceases to amaze me how confidently /pol/tards pass around the swill of their ignorance, nor of how eagerly you swine guzzle it down.

>> No.23111455

German still has a whole three or four past tenses and two future tenses.

>> No.23111468

/Pol/ becoming popular among the mainstream is what has killed this website. Every board is saturated with minimally functioning /pol/ types now. They are intellectually penniless, cowardly men, who are looking for an echo chamber in which to vent their wickedness and find other evil men who will validate their sense of self. /Sci/, /Lit/, and nearly any board where once intelligence could be found is now saturated with racists and anti-Christians from /pol/. Most of them also seem to be from the third-world, so the impoverishment of their character is likely a byproduct of the impoverishment of their cultures. The Jannies, lazy as ever, would rather see the boards destroyed, than trim the fat.

>> No.23111478

Arrogant men like you are the death of society. Every time you see a white mouth kiss a black foot in apology, know you are to blame.

>> No.23111483

what the fuck do you see that often? what kind of clubs do you go to brah?

>> No.23111502

>there are three reasons why there could be differences between groups: genetic differences, racism, and cultural differences. I reject the first two
so this is them intellectual power of the globalist neocon

>> No.23111506
File: 528 KB, 1284x1585, mychal-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who is this guy and why did he quit, exactly?

A quick Google search shows he was mostly shilling diversity books to elementary school kids. Was he actually getting bullied for that or did he have a mental breakdown for an unrelated reason?

>> No.23111513 [DELETED] 


>> No.23111536

>their anti-intellectualism
this is american anti-intellectualism, it has been engineered by corporate shit-sellers to sell shit, and of course it's extremely effective on sections of the populations which have traditionally be kept poor and ignorant. And you buying into their stupid lives only proves that you don't have to be black to be a stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.23111537
File: 502 KB, 474x661, Mychal-Threets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Some guy on Twitter said he was weird because he is weird.


It has nothing to do with race or racism or blacks being illiterate. Good thread guys.

>> No.23111552

explain why america is the most productive country in scientific research, technology, literature, and has the highest rated universities in the world if everyone there is anti-intellectual?

>> No.23111575
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Exactly, that guy is retarded. America is the most productive country in the world because of the rampant racemixing and immigration that happens there. All Americans are mulattos and that's why it is the best country in the world.

>> No.23111577

I sense some irony. Your indignation against america's superiority is not an argument.

>> No.23111591

The sad truth is that it's only because of the whites that America is productive, and not even because of all their whites, but almost exclusively those of Anglo-Saxon descendance and a few other Aryan minorities like the Swiss.
Once the non-white element takes dominance over the country, it soon becomes corrupt because of how easily non-whites fall into the society of mafias and gangs and other reasons that require a wide range of literature to be comprehended an inch further than the surface.

>> No.23111690

Last men in an increasingly desperate scramble to do ancillary lab work for diminishing wages which are steadily less effective at keeping the diversity away—all built on the foundations of a formerly White country.

Also all of the culture is fake and the science is just applied to sell you stuff.

>> No.23111702

Racism is real but it amounts to almost nothing. It used to be a major force in this country but that ended decades ago, and everyone should accept this.

>> No.23111707

>scientific research, technology
actual literature or tiktok goyslop?
>has the highest rated universities
american anti-intellectualism comes from millennials who want to push the idea that everything has to be inclusive, but it's still on its early stages

>> No.23111712

Excellent post.

>> No.23111716

Nice ressentiment bro, hope timmy reads this

>> No.23111737

I don't get why an adult of any ethnicity would choose to have such a stupid hairstyle. Looks really are a good way to gauge intelligence and mental stability.

>> No.23111767

This is categorical wrong. There are plenty of "black" intellectuals that never bring "white" people up. I know you're a lazy nigger so let me help you out with a couple names.

Glenn Loury
Thomas Sowell
coleman hughes

>> No.23111769
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>> No.23111788

lol dumb niggers America is super corrupt, it's just a "legal" form of corruption. If you think that nigger Trump isn't a corrupt piece of shit you're just as dumb as Tyrone.

>> No.23111797

Well, I have came to the notion that some families are corrupt while others are less corrupt. Some people would do anything for 10 000 dollars, that is corrupt because it means you have no moral values. A country becomes corrupt the more people hold such or similar attitudes.

>> No.23111799

corruption implies an original purpose. america has no purpose therefore it cannot be corrupt.

>> No.23111813
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If you watch his videos and look at the negative feedback he received it's clear he was being criticized because he's weird looking, childish and overly enthusiastic about the children's library section. He's weird in the same way someone who is really really good at being a children's party clown would be weird. Nobody was bullying him for being literate, they were saying he had "dark energy" and gave them "pedo vibes" because he's the kind of person who gets tattoos of children's book illustrations all over his arms.

I think he's wholesome but definitely weird.

>> No.23111819
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>it's their anti-intellectualism that runs rampant in their community
>no matter how much shilling literature community does for blacks, they will never learn


>> No.23111822

little bit of column A little bit of column B. even in the 1950s negroes were commiting disproporationately large crime for their group, but they also had their own thriving communities where the talented tenth would be forced to help them. now it's just pure anarchy and it's crimestop for USG to actually fix the problem so they just shovel tax money into the furnace.

>> No.23111823

you don't know what that word means

>> No.23111835

When I entered undergrad at a very lefty liberal arts college I always thought I was just too stupid to understand the politics and theory that was being hammered along the lines of what you outlined above (yes, little difference between your nigger class and a college course that costs thousands of dollars). I spent YEARS trying to do the mental gymnastics to make those ideas work simply because to even entertain any other ideas was literally unthinkable. My heart breaks for all the young people out there who are experiencing the same thing only I imagine its 1000x worse.

>> No.23111868

>Racism was why their dad left.
true. black men are economically disadvantaged because of racism and this leads to them leaving their children more often than other races
>Racism is why police arrested them when they did something illegal.
true. blacks commit just as many crimes as anyone else in their same socioeconomic class but they are arrested more often because racist police are afraid of black people.
>Racism is why their mom was so fat.
true. black communities have less access to healthy foods because grocery stores close down. these stores close because of crime, but crime is directly correlated with poverty, not race. black people are more likely to be in poverty because of the effects generational poverty and systematic racism going all the way back to when black people were first brought to america.

not all black people can perfectly articulate this but this is what they believe. it is an internally consistent argument and blowing it off by comparing it to voodoo isn't a valid refutation. in fact it's just more low iq racism.

>> No.23111875

Hi, racist /anon/, there are rich blacks out there. Remember that Ethiopian king who had so much gold that he collapsed an entire economy, etcetera, etcetera. Just because something's not intellectual in a way comprehensible to you does not mean it's not intellectual. Also, one could argue that true intelligence is 'comprehending the other', and if this statement is true, then your ad-racials show lack of what you propagate others are not.

>> No.23111876

wasn't really true though, white men and women stick together more than any other race. the real trouble with negroes is the reconstruction sham happening again, wherein fedgov ignored their violent crime which was why the klan was made.

>> No.23111879

You don't think the Earth is a globe? Or do you not believe in globes? Have you ever played tennis? Have you ever touched and spun a geographical globe?

>> No.23111882


Well it has always been the largest country in the West, so it's going to produce more of everything. It's just basic math.

>> No.23111920

He could just quit the fucking videos, that's his real problem. It is profoundly retarded that he sees this as a basis to quit his actual job.

Also, he is not remotely wholesome.

>> No.23111963

8/10 people who work in youth services positions at libraries in a large cities act like this
t. library worker in a large city

>> No.23112000

lol i'm sure it will immensely improve the lives of those blacks to enable and legitimize the very kind of external locus of control thinking that gets them into trouble in the first place. after you're done using your "high iq antiracism" to explain to the negress that she's not fat because of her life choices but rather due to generational systemic something something aka whitey did it, do you think she will be more or less likely to take action to get less fucking fat? all this coping about systemic whatever isn't for her, it doesn't help her, it's for you to feel good about it, you need those niggers to live in hell so you can have the pleasure of explaining how much not their fault it is. once you people are done "helping" them they'll be pining for the halcyon days of the plantation

>> No.23112012

Stop talking gibberish you know exactly what I'm talking about

>> No.23112023
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>blah blah blah remember when 4chan was a wholesome leftist circlejerk
no, 4chan was always a cesspit of edgelords. now take your astroturf elsewhere and kill yourself.

>> No.23112038

reductionist thinking. it's needs to either entirely racism or entirely personal choice with you people. in reality things are multifaceted. yes racism plays are role in black peoples lives, but that doesn't mean they don't have personal autonomy or the ability to overcome their predicament. the issue is that when you look at black people as a group personal autonomy isn't a thing and systematic disadvantages start to have a larger effect.

>> No.23112054

of course it had a purpose, stated very plainly in the doi: to secure "certain inalienable rights" for its citizens such as "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

>> No.23112057

>personal autonomy
Much like women, niggers are far too incapable of higher intellectual functions to have anything that could be considered "personal autonomy". They're stupid animals, and should be regarded as such.

>> No.23112066

liberty and the pursuit of happiness are totally nebulous so they can be discarded. if the purpose of america is to preserve the lives of it's citizens I would agree america is totally corrupt. in most states you can kill preborn babies. if you are under 65 you have no guaranteed access to health care. everyone is either taking dangerous drugs or is dangerously overweight. one of the mayor civil rights movements of the recent decades had been to advocate for the social gaslighting of mentally ill people into killing themselves. the average lifespan is the lowest in the western world. pathetic country.

>> No.23112072

What country are you from?

>> No.23112075

He's clearly an American, can you read? Not even a European would make such a hard judgment about America.

>> No.23112078

you're right :(

>> No.23112086

thanks for completely dodging the substance of the post to fart a cloud of platitudes in my face

>> No.23112088

>capitalizing board names and even jannies
this little bioleninist newfag not even trying

>> No.23112103

why would a nigga care about this nerd shit. too busy piping snowbunnies

>> No.23112108

the substance of your post was that black people shouldn't believe things that are true because the truth of racism is inconvenient for them. sadly deluding them into believing racism isn't real won't help them. things don't just go away because you refuse to acknowledge them. they also don't go away just because you complain about them. what black people need to do is learn to make the best out the situation they are in.

>> No.23112181

This is astute. Congrats on being one of very few people to ever have a constructive "take" on race

>> No.23112187

>He's clearly an American, can you read?
no I'm American :(

>> No.23112264

Fucking lol. Liberal arts majors fucking suck and ruin people's brains

>> No.23112320

so in other words the fat negress that thinks
>i'm fat because i eat too much
is, to you, "delusional" and needs to be educated by you, a high iq individual, about "the multifacetedness of reality," specifically just this one facet that she's actually fat because of
>systematic racism going all the way back to when black people were first brought to america
and you actually think this will help her "learn to make the best out her situation"? do you think fatsos that tell themselves "i'm fat because of evopsych reasons, you see, we evolved in a situation of scarcity..." are more or less likely to lose weight? it's cope, it doesn't matter if it's true, it matters that it FUNCTIONS AS COPE, it will be used by the person to justify inaction. to feed this shit to people is sabotage.

so the question is WHAT IS THE USE of the concentrated media campaign that you're participating in to induce in blacks the belief that nothing's their fault and therefore - nothing is in their control? for whose benefit is this being done? because it's not theirs. notice how you're sneakily trying to paint this thinking as something they came up with themselves that you're merely, being once again an enlightened high iq individual, ARTICULATING FOR THEM - but that's a complete lie. they think everything's racism because they've been taught to think everything's racism, by you. now they "know" who's to blame, and the knowledge brings them satisfaction, and, since they're satisfied already they... don't do shit to improve their situation. huh!

>> No.23112345

>They need a black version of Israel

they tried that;
they have child cannibal soldiers

>> No.23112371

Blacks commit significantly more crime than others in their socioeconomic class but get away with a disproportionate amount because their neighborhoods have stopped being worth even attempting to police. They still get arrested more because that is just how much more crime they are committing.

>> No.23112381

>true. black men are economically disadvantaged because of racism and this leads to them leaving their children more often than other races
what was the rate of White men abandoning their families during the great depression, or any of the major recessions in the last 100 years?

>true. blacks commit just as many crimes as anyone else in their same socioeconomic class but they are arrested more often because racist police are afraid of black people.
lol. lmao, even.

>true. black communities have less access to healthy foods because grocery stores close down. these stores close because of crime
who commits these crimes?

>> No.23112431

yes. you are deluded. if you have never had to work a desk job for 60 hours a week while riding the bus 4 hours a day to commute while living in a food dessert you have no place to judge why others are overweight.

>> No.23112435

>what was the rate of White men abandoning their families during the great depression, or any of the major recessions in the last 100 years?
very high. poor uneducated whites are still largely deadbeats.

>> No.23112438

Lmao a food dessert

>> No.23112442

Black American culture is sick; they will never progress. As for Africans their borders being utterly banjaxed by European powers as well as a lot of them only being exposed to organised religion for less than 200 years means their societies will not advance for a long time.

>> No.23112455

must be nice being this privileged. I hope you never need to experience what people in the ghetto go through, but I hope you can try to empathize with them someday

>> No.23112464

I can go get Tastykakes from the 7-11 right now if it‘ll make you feel better

>> No.23112473

must be nice being able to drive to stores and buy things whenever you like. another privilege most people in extreme poverty don't have

>> No.23112530

Maybe they can shed a few rolls of fat walking to the nearest Food Lion for a cabbage

>> No.23112591

True, those are the few black intellectuals who are based. They also skew conservative and explicitly reject woke victimology.

>> No.23112603

are you actually the guy i was talking to trying to change the subject or some random fatso hijacking the conversation to cope with his obesity? it's funny either way

>> No.23112605

oh yeah people in the ghetto and their famous 60h/week office jobs. you've totally lost the plot

>> No.23113417

>random wojak cuck porn for some reason