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23107500 No.23107500 [Reply] [Original]

rip vice, rip pitchfork

prev >>23103778

>> No.23107502


>> No.23107509


>> No.23107510


>> No.23107513


>> No.23107518

At my job I write:
>Submit... OK
>Submit... OK
>Submit... OK
dozens of times a day. It's dawned on me this may be having some subconscious effect. An unintentional mantra. How should I re-phrase it?
>execute... OK?
>Submit... Pass?

>> No.23107532

Figuring out if the complaints I've been getting about this worker are valid or not.
They say he's on his phone a lot and doesn't help others. Whenever I'm on site I don't see any of that. As a test I asked him to do a dirty work (taking out trash from the canteen) and he did it without hesitation.

I'm split because the people complaining are also good workers. I'm leaning to it being true due to how many people say it, but I also know that he makes a bit more money than average and maybe that creates some seething with other workers.
I'll keep an eye out next week.

>> No.23107533

すみません, anon.

> Anon doesn't get it.

You must got the knowleade to know what to do.
Knowlead-maxx, Anon.

Whats your job, anon?

>> No.23107541

Upload... SUCCESS

>> No.23107545
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>It's dawned on me this may be having some subconscious effect.
Do you feel an inexplicable urge to submit?

>> No.23107559

it's not about knowledge. you naturally know how to be healthy, all animals do. we've forgotten our primal wisdom.

>> No.23107562

He could be kind of an autist and thus needs clear concise instructions and tasks, otherwise idling in the interim

>> No.23107566

yep.. k

>> No.23107570

Currently listening to superheaven writing a short essay on Chaucer's Tale of the Pardoner and online retards drinking Persian tea my Japanese girlfriend made me. It doesn't get better than this.

>> No.23107575

>It doesn't get better than this.
your girlfriend could be white

>> No.23107579
File: 1.19 MB, 2400x1601, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a field service engineer working on photolithography machines. >>23107541
Hmm, I'm not usually uploading things, but I like SUCCESS. This could work.
I plead the fif

>> No.23107581

backy hurty ouchie ouchie

>> No.23107583

Something I realized is I've never come upon a writer who shares my exact beliefs and values to a tee. Even with the very best and most similar authors, there's about a 40-50% intersection in agreement, and every other person is far lower.

I wonder what this says about me. Does it mean I'm really far from the average in some way? Maybe it's a good thing, maybe not. Some of the best thinkers in history are so valuable because they brought a unique perspective no one had before -- but unique isn't necessarily better.

Still, if I found an author who gave voice to these feelings I have inside, it would feel amazing. So perhaps I should write it, in case there's any other guys like me out there trying to make sense of things. That might be good

>> No.23107587

could not be writing about chaucer

>> No.23107590

Vice and pitchfork are shutting down?
Thank fucking god.

>> No.23107591

I never realize that I'd become a workaholic after spending years of being NEET.

>> No.23107595

Do you like it?

>> No.23107599

From "Tool Users vs. Homo Sapiens and the Megamachine," by Lewis Mumford:

...one may well hold it an open question whether the standardized patterns and the repetitive order which came to play such an effective part in the development of tools from an early time on, as Robert Braidwood has pointed out, derive solely from toolmaking. Do they not derive quite as much, perhaps even more, from the forms of ritual, song, and dance - forms that exist in a state of perfection among primitive peoples, often in a 'far more exquisitely finished state than their tools. There is, in fact, widespread evidence, first noted by A. M. Hocart, that ritual exactitude in ceremony long preceded mechanical exactitude in work; and that even that rigorous division of labor came first through specialization in ceremonial offices. these facts may help to explain why simple peoples, who easily get bored by purely mechanical tasks that might improve their physical well-being, will nevertheless repeat a meaningful ritual over and over, often to the point of exhaustion.

>> No.23107600

honestly, yeah most millennial media, culture, art etc should be shut down and erased from the collective memory.
but vice was immense in its time

>> No.23107615

Millennial culture was better than Gen X or zoomer culture.
Low on the irony and still willing to be different.

>> No.23107616
File: 181 KB, 700x1071, A4330F95-E89D-436F-9F10-26F53914467A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vive French

Viva philistina

Vive Canaan

Vive 4chan

Did you see the rape the enemy tried to do to this crucial website?

Vive paganism
Paganism: Each love is a soul and infinite multiverses.

Cheers to the true governments.

>> No.23107619


>> No.23107621

No. I want to believe that honest work = honest wage but Im just being tricking myself into disappointment.

>> No.23107632
File: 189 KB, 736x1100, 65C5DC2B-EC1D-4D31-BB8C-67018D08AEEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People fought so hard for what!

Where’s all those soldiers? I dare soldiers to fight the TRUE war.

I dare Navy Seals and MI5 to purge subversives as hardcore as the navy seals and MI5 fell for running into bullets for them.

Lets see the police burn down the churches.


Truest community is worth all


>> No.23107645

bin it all. the paper trail of humanity ends now

>> No.23107647
File: 63 KB, 735x724, D833E8DE-8231-4210-A94A-63BBEE4A4920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People were willing to do so much for so little. Yet the slightest purge grants all.

>> No.23107658
File: 637 KB, 1125x775, ECA9E08A-25CB-4837-B38C-EBD4993EFCBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such an army but never fighting the true war?
Change that.

>> No.23107664
File: 262 KB, 1828x1088, garth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millennial culture was better than Gen X

>> No.23107665
File: 280 KB, 1125x751, 900A09D2-6FB4-47F5-8E5E-F6537A64B768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare hackers to cure the internet and take notes of every problem causer

This is for every goodness and immortality

>> No.23107672

> it's not about knowledge. you naturally know how to be healthy, all animals do. we've forgotten our primal wisdom.

During the time we have these "primal wisdom", humans has had a few lower life expectancy.
I've looked into these "primal wisdom" and there is no sign that such a wisdom exists. Many traditional ways of treatment of illneses arn't that effective than modern medicine.

The thing you could mostly call wisdom is try and error what plants you can eat and some effects.

> Chaucer's Tale of the Pardoner and online retard


> my Japanese girlfriend

Why does anon do this so much?

"Group xy" gots any girls, you will be alone and all that?
What do you think?

Know what you feeling. Can't get into details, nevertheless.

>> No.23107681

Vice was fucking horrendous, that channel literally felt like it was programmed by that bitch from NETWORK but with 'dude weed' every other show.
Glad to see Pitchfork go away, now if only Fantano would have a heart attack or something.

>> No.23107682
File: 361 KB, 1381x1609, F74810F3-0D94-4743-B03E-60EEF6455EB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my peoples are united.

I dare our girls to say something mean.
I dare our piercing words.
I dare our most trolly trolls etc to indulge in strangest fun.

What? I love my friends. I love my community. I love society.
I love utopia. I love the future. I love SOUL.

>> No.23107688

Vice was originally good, but then the true members “left” and it got subverted.

>> No.23107696

He goes on to talk about "megamachines" (a kind of machine made from human components organized by hierarchies, think humans builing pyramids for pharaohs under the direction of priests and the control of soldiers) saying this:

Now the misuse of Megamachines would have proved intolerable had they not also brought genuine benefits to the whole community by raising the ceiling of collective human effort and aspiration. Perhaps the most dubious of these advantages, humanly speaking, was the gain in efficiency derived from concentration upon rigorously repetitive motions in work, already indeed introduced in the grinding and polishing processes of neolithic toolmaking. This inured civilized man to long spans of regular work, with possibly a higher productive efficiency per unit. But the social byproduct of this new discipline was perhaps even more significant; for some of the psychological benefits hitherto confined to religious ritual were transferred to work. The monotonous repetitive tasks imposed by the Megamachine, which in a pathological form we would associate with a compulsion neurosis, nevertheless served, I suggest, like all ritual and restrictive order, to lessen anxiety and to defend the worker himself from the often demonic promptings of the unconscious, no longer held in check by the traditions and customs of the neolithic village.

I'm curious what someone who is themselves involved in this kind of ritual in their work thinks about this.

>> No.23107719


You can't judge the worth of your own cultur, your own time.

> Millennial culture was better than Gen X or zoomer culture.

In fact, Zommer and Millennial culture are quite the same in many directions. Millennials just growph up and forgot about the nerv of the young.
The only thing to say is that Zoomers are online more than we were.

And they will never learn about the true free internet just as we never learned about a time the socity doesn't care much about the life of the individueal. The Americans call it "wild west".

You againt, anon?
It has been a while.

>> No.23107722

people living in primitive conditions have lower cardiovascular diseases, they're taller, more developed faces. the human brain has shrunk over time.

>> No.23107727

If you could revoke the dead, how much of them would say "my death was it worth in the end"?

Never cheer for war. Never begg for war.

This time has its own tasks. Take it!

>> No.23107729

wow, I'm going to read this ASAP. Working inside of a semiconductor factory is a bizarre experience. I often have vague ideas of the ritualistic aspect of it. The machines are so complex that nobody can understand them in totality. But I do know that if I preform my checksheets (rituals) in the correct sequence the machine will operate correctly.
The factory itself is the megamachine, and photolithography is only one part of the process. Albeit the most important and technical part.
>for some of the psychological benefits hitherto confined to religious ritual were transferred to work
wow wow wow
Anyway, at least it isn't quite so monotonous, due to the complexity. This is all extremely interesting to me, thanks anon.

>> No.23107733

nah remember 'big night out', 'do's and don'ts', porn reviews, glossy photos of children holding guns

>> No.23107735

Pitchfork and vice both deserved to die

>> No.23107737

Midwits don't want a high-paying job for a better standard of life. They want to 'get' the high standard of life without doing jack shit for it other than learning for exams and sitting lazily in an office. What a grossly brown attitude.

>> No.23107738

it was originally bad when it was canadian. then they moved their office to london and it was sick.

>> No.23107748

Nick Land-tier?

> lower cardiovascular diseases

Cause they die before...

You have a point. I going a walk from more than 12 kilometers a day and I have to admit, I'm quite fit.

>> No.23107749

>You can't judge the worth of your own cultur, your own time.
that's exactly what you can do

>> No.23107751

>They want to 'get' the high standard of life without doing jack shit
yeah... everyone does.

>> No.23107763

Someone who got himself a high-paying job as a banker 'needs' a million bucks to afford a house.
I know tradesmen who through skill alone have made themselves the same house with little more than 200 000 bucks.
Office workers are rarely more than parasites. They need money because of their slave-like attitude.

>> No.23107769

Why did you do it

>> No.23107770

> I often have vague ideas of the ritualistic aspect of it.
> The machines are so complex that nobody can understand them in totality.
> But I do know that if I preform my checksheets (rituals) in the correct sequence the machine will operate correctly.


Thats what you're talking about.

Was ihr den Geist der Zeiten heiszt,
Das ist im Grund der Herren eigner Geist,
In dem die Zeiten sich bespiegeln.

>> No.23107774

it was my destiny

>> No.23107780

I tried my best; society did not appreciate my best so I dropped out and ate the leftovers.

>> No.23107791

they're slaves because they don't want to work?

>> No.23107795

money made me do it

>> No.23107801


>> No.23107806

They're slaves because they become reliant on others because of their attitude of 'I need thing, but someone else must do the work'.
A feminine attitude rather than a master attitude.
Someone with a master morality gets a house when he needs one, be it through his own work or by paying others.
He wouldn't narrow his mind to what he thinks to be societal expectations.

>> No.23107808

this but i didn't try my best

>> No.23107814

Indeed, I was going to mention 40k too.

>> No.23107826

>'I need thing, but someone else must do the work'.
opposite of a slave mentality?

>> No.23107829


>> No.23107832

All I can think about is you saying that you hate me and it hurts so much that I can’t stand it. I just want to give up on everything. I’m so tired of trying

>> No.23107837

Of you want to gratuitely hear the sort of master morality that gets a master not to work, is the proud refusal of not working for someone else but even the early noblemen of Europe found the task of serving their guests too noble to leave it to their servants. We cannot however induce this sort of master morality to your average office worker of today. They would lick someone's boots if he offered them 10 000 bucks for it. If they refuse to work physically, it's because they were told so by their friends and family, without ever begging their thoughts to comprehend the deeper meaning of it.

>> No.23107855

>even the early noblemen of Europe found the task of serving their guests too noble to leave it to their servants
societal expectations
and no, it's cos no one feels like working when you don't have to

>> No.23107861

So have you been able to buy a house with your office cuck job?

>> No.23107869
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>Brother is fat, tall, brown, a conservative, is a salesman, has short lightly curled hair, is loud
>I am skinny, average height, pale, liberal, a librarian, have long straight hair, am quiet
How can we be so different? We definitively have the same parents.

>> No.23107870

i'm a student

>> No.23107873

Are the gigamutts turning into a species of aliens through the gigamutting of turbomutts
Wtf is this yikes

>> No.23107881

was he breastfed & you weren't?

>> No.23107884

Gave away the time and opportunity to learn real skill. Now you have to be a good office guy so one day your effeminate boss might give you a raise.
You will have studied, but without skills, without any pride you will arrive at your first workplace. Just the knowledge that you just 'got' everything you have.
Noblemen at least had military education next to their diploma. At least they new how to fight.
I have no respect for this modern elite.

>> No.23107886

One girls once said she hate me.
At the end, she hugs me publicly and share with me her deep feelings of lonlyness and so on.
Head up, Anon.


The nobelity of the old age really refused to work. Even to do something similar to them could make it hard for you to come into the could.
Sometimes, they let merchants (mer-Chads?) in. Often not even them.

Its a modern, bourgeois attitude to be proud of work.

The prol at the end of the system, has a different viewpoint of work.

>> No.23107900

i'm reading classics at a small english provincial university you might know
>Noblemen at least had military education
more slave behaviour?

>> No.23107904

Well theres no real skills to learn. Everythings kinda gay. The real skills have just turned into hobbies that you cant really make a career off of

>> No.23107908

> nobelity of the old age really refused to work
That's different. Are you a nobility? Don't make yourself a hypocrisy out of it. You aren't in an office because you refuse to work physically. You are in an office for a marginally better wage that will give you no real benefits. A tradesman still spends five to ten times less the amount you spend on a house. A marginally better wage just doesn't make up for it.
> Its a modern, bourgeois attitude to be proud of work
No, if the noblemen refused to work, it's not because they despised work but because it was not the task of their class to do work. I'd say any decent nobleman of the Middle Ages decently appreciated any good and hard working burgeois or serf.
Now the burgeoise people and serfs class themselves into two very distinct formations: one that works much less for it's practical outcomes but for the honour they derive for it, and another, lazy one that despises work and only does so for any sort of practical outcome. Guess wich one's poorer.

>> No.23107922

> more slave behaviour
[...] Military service in pay from a leader repulsed many men, especially those of high birth. These arrogant minds found humiliation in receiving gifts from their equals, and sometimes even from those that they regarded as inferiors based on purity of birth. Nor did every conceivable profit blind them to the disadvantage of suspending for a while, if not losing forever, the plenary action of their independence. When they were not called upon to command themselves, by an inability of any kind, they preferred to take part only in truly national expeditions [...]
If you know how to make walls, a roof, dig the basement, install sanitary facilities and electricity, putting floors and painting the walls, little will you need in cash to make a house.
Skills issue.

>> No.23107926

Yeah thats the problem Im saying. Those are basically the only skills. Its lame.

>> No.23107928

>be me
>25 y/o
>heart damage from OD
>no transport
>no money
>heart arrythmias getting worse
>go out of breath all day
>don't feel like I'm getting enough air without deep breaths
>deep breathing causes sharp chest pain
>persistent phlegmy cough for 3 months
>can no longer withstand hot showers without falling over
>worried I'll end up disabled or on life support
>can't get a living will or DNR because I need doctor's approval and/or transport
It's so over bros. If I end up on life support I'm going to be destroyed

>> No.23107934

why did you do OD?

>> No.23107935

I get what you're saying, but hey, still more fun to do your own house than to lazily spend a million bucks you had to cuck your asshole for.

>> No.23107937

>The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn't; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. Aristocrats were always anarchists

>> No.23107939

Suicide. Yes, some sort of poetic irony is at play.

>> No.23107942

Ok? Just because the noblemen learned how to fight doesn't mean they were obligued to go to war.

>> No.23107944

my father's lived with this arrhythmia for 30 years. take hot baths.

>> No.23107946


Read Hegel about the Dialektik von Herr und Knecht.
> https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/ph/phba.htm

> Are you a nobility?

> Now the burgeoise people and serfs class themselves into two very distinct formations: one that works much less for it's practical outcomes but for the honour they derive for it,

I would say:
"one that works much less for it's practical outcomes but for the honour"
=> That are the bourgeois. At least in a spiritual sense.

"and another, lazy one"
=> Thats the spirit of the proletariat.
For them, work is a necessary evil that they want to reduce as much as possible.
This viewpoint is as correct as the bourgeois one and that of the old nobility.

The only difference is the social situation.

>> No.23107951

humans in nature live like lions, just sort of chill. not listening to your nature (listening to discipline instead), we can call this a slave mentality. dyou see

>> No.23107953

I think about if I could do it and how much it would cost if Im willing to eschew a basement and paint, maybe sanitation too and what the simplest and cheapest pattern of structure could be thatd be large enough for several rooms

>> No.23107954

Mine is from acute cardiovascular damage with additional symptoms like deafness and blindness. 5 years ago I had no tinnitus, now I can hear it with maximum volume music from my headphones. I can hear and feel my heartbeat in my ears as well. My vision also pulses with my heartbeat and I get white spots.

>> No.23107955

>Read Hegel about the Dialektik von Herr und Knecht.
can you precis it

>> No.23107957

> That are the bourgeois. At least in a spiritual sense
> Thats the spirit of the proletariat
Well I think this is a bit oversimplified. Is the hard-working tradesman who owns an enterprise more of a burgeoise, the office rat more of a prole? In the end, this rethoric serves little more purpose than to make people feel bad about being the private owners of their labour when it is supposedly the ultimate proletarian goal.

>> No.23107961

A lion knows how to fight as well and willingly risks his life to do so.

>> No.23107968

drinking again just to kill boredom

>> No.23107973

Why is it that the things that can be horrifying and scary, like being bound or humiliated, or whipped, or put on a leash, and having your will dominated are also the things are extremely erotic?

>> No.23107974

do they train? they know instinctively.

>> No.23107979

They learned while growing up much like babies learn to walk. They weren't born with the ability to fight if that's your question.

>> No.23107981

How did you try to OD? Did you mix pills with alcohol or what?

>> No.23107982 [DELETED] 

childhood trauma is the common theory

>> No.23107984

The way to control this is to go and get a half hearted hobby you spend your afternoons doing. I would hike, go to cafes, try new restaurants, sight see, go to church, play sports in the park etc until it was about 5pm and then go home to drink. That way you don't start drinking at noon and end up talking to yourself and staring at a wall til 3am.

>> No.23107987

a baby will figure out how to walk on its own

>> No.23107988

A deer knows how to walk within minutes of being born. Humans are different. We require rearing, which is why we have such a long adolescent period.

>> No.23107989

I'm going to Antarctica in 2 weeks. What should I do there?

>> No.23107991

As someone on the cusp I prefer Gen X culture much more

>> No.23107992

deers have children at age 1 year.

>> No.23107994

how so?
I start drinking at specific hour and a specific amount, I think that nothing interests me anymore.

>> No.23107995

Sounds like my sister and I except we’re both white. I hate liberals so much

>> No.23107997
File: 15 KB, 640x560, e071158a8181376318f260b2abedcdfa3824f888b8a258a739aedfbd0171eb29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one write a thesis outline? Asking for a friend.

>> No.23107998

>he says this while typing in English

>> No.23108007

Just the fact that I have sexual imagery in front of me i guess. often it's not even ai I'm just scouring the archives scroooooooolling past stuff. I don't even jack of and do not get hard either
I do it when bored or/and stressed but it's pissing me off because for 7+ years I hadn't looked at porn at all

>> No.23108011

I mean the hips of this lady. Sure this isn't normal, right?

>> No.23108014

I dislike women because they scream when I approach.

>> No.23108018

I'll also watch gore and it has a similar effect. I get a rush out of the stress but it depresses me

>> No.23108019

It's almost like you're different people

>> No.23108029

Welp, tomorrow I start doing some farm work around the house. Getting closer to my goal of becoming a true freeman like the Germanics of old.

>> No.23108031

Make your thesis statement. Then make an outline

I) Main point
a) sub point
b)next sub point

II) Main point 2

IIII) Main point 3

Etc etc. If you have more questions ask your AP Lang teacher

>> No.23108042

Are you also going to sacrifice horses and slaves?

>> No.23108050

Once I have animals I might do some sort of 'sacrifice' when I get to slaughter one. As to the slaves, the Germanics treated them better than any other society that knew slaves. They lived in their own house and worked their own field, merely paying a sort of produce tax to the masters much like tenants.

>> No.23108055

> can you precis it

The european nobility, save the Normannes which comes over England, arn't usually occupators but ranther normal peasants who got some money from other peasants in order to buy weapons and all.

" The master is the consciousness that exists for itself; but no longer merely the general notion of existence for self.[...]
The master relates himself to the bondsman mediately through independent existence, for that is precisely what keeps the bondsman in thrall; it is his chain, from which he could not in the struggle get away, and for that reason he proved himself to be dependent, to have his independence in the shape of thinghood. The master, however, is the power controlling this state of existence, for he has shown in the struggle that he holds it to be merely something negative."
(From the link above.)

Read it.

> In the end, this rethoric serves little more purpose than to make people feel bad about being the private owners of their labour when it is supposedly the ultimate proletarian goal.

As there is nothing from about being a proletarian, it doesn't count at the end.

If you just goes to work for "blink blink and the p0ssy", you're a proletarian.
On the other hand, if your goal is in the work itself, you're bourgeois since a nobelman would never work for the sake of work.

Just look at socities in which aristocratic rule are in power.
These guys really hate work, preclude some kind of things like scholary or serving in the military.
Even merchants are just sometimes welcome. Partly in England, in Venezia...

It's not only some european stuff. Look at Japan. (The Ritsuryo.)

Cause work is associated with the lower classes and they want themself as far from them as possible.
For the bourgeois, it's clear that everybody has to do some work, its a duty and something a brave citized or subject has to do. All other things are more suspicious. Asociated with either luxary and wast or crime.

The viewpoints are a resolte of long time of historical experience. The nobility as the ruler who got money and all for nothing. The bourgeois (middle class) needs to work for a live and cultivated a moral around this...

>> No.23108060
File: 73 KB, 1125x811, 1696708492302555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ideal is to be born strong, with good karmic intention, to adhere to an honor system(by one's own volition), whose onus is the protection of beauty through reason or by force. A sovereign, dedicating himself as a sentinel, upholding the frail, totis viribus.

>> No.23108062

Power: Meeting every problem with an enforced wall or spear point, as strong as a triangle. The trinity is a holistic approach to human spirituality, through the holy spirit we are made muses of the divine, through the Father we become disciples who endure rigorous training, and through the Son we learn compassion and sensitivity to the less fortunate. Power is motion. Motion is power.

Beauty: Harmony of elements, but synchronicity, a vague implication of divinity, otherworldliness. The appearance of divine origin eludes to its preciousness, elusiveness, scarcity, and rarity. Its value is its vulnerability. Beauty is delicate, invasive, audacious, and youthful, it is unexpected.

Freedom: The ability to do as one pleases, at any time of his choosing. Freedom is also the environment that makes this possible. In an open field, we are met with no obstacles, as opposed to mountains which are portrayed as uphill battles(rightfully so). You can't dance around on a cliff. The more conditions the less freedom, the more conditions the more confined the directed become.

Honor: Planning one's future, contemplating one's past, acting in one's present, done with the precise intention of salvation. It is action according to one's soteriology, whatever it entails. Some believe death in battle saves them, so they train for that day their whole life. Some believe in nonviolence, so they drop out of society to disengage from the influence of the biochemical collective(unfocused minds, estrogen-testosterone ragdolls). Both are honorable.

>> No.23108066

math is the code everything is written in. It is unyielding to all rhetoric, math is the spoken language of God which formed the universe.

serendipity is the Bia that overrides all human rationality. It transcends the maximum we have evolved for, we are thus incapable of truly surmounting confusion. God has not obscured anything, the truth of reality is immediate, but our brains are blind to most of it, even elucidation by God himself in the plainest terms and miniscule scale would be beyond our comprehension. It's an integer overflow issue. It is the wonder that makes life riveting, and the mystery as a goal that gives our lesson meaning.

biological determinism and reincarnation: Our bodies and spirits have evolved parallel to each other, our spirits have checks and balances they must meet to heal, the lives we live were picked by our spirits so we could learn tailored lessons, we all have a purpose predestined for us. Our bodies are the checks and balances of nature, we accommodate the living situations we were faced with. There are multiple ways to fix a problem, but some tools are better for the problem than others. A male model born into old money is not necessarily the right tool for a soul to learn about compassion, empathy, and suffering. However, a red-plated skin syndrome patient is not suited to learn about love, forgiveness, and philosophical introspection. The model will be loved regardless, he will have time to himself to find out why, and he will have to forgive(a monumental task for people that are rarely hindered by biological or material limitation; "how dare you for being imperfect!"). He may have parents who abandoned him at boarding school, talent scouts who just needed an advert, and women who wanted a trophy. The harlequin will be the object of at worse senseless torment, at best pity, and will still share facilities with people worse off than himself. He will be in pain throughout his short journey. People evolve to be vehicles for the spirit, and the spirit is perfect for its body.

infinite casualties of endless war: We have been and will continue to be engaged in perpetual (cosmically speaking) low-intensity conflict between ourselves and the cyclical emanations of linear reasoning set in motion before anyone and so great as to be immune to interdiction. In grandeur and speed, is a momentum that suspends the universe in its upward motion. Everything that has happened will happen again forever. It will appear at times that our cycles are declinations or upward inclines, but in reality, we are merely moving with a current that will wash us ashore before pulling us back in, and so on.

>> No.23108067

I don't think sacrificing slaves and raping them is really that great of treatment.

>> No.23108078

Then why is bondage porn so popular

>> No.23108081

Can honour set to a leg? no: or
an arm? no: or take away the grief of a wound? no.
Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? no. What is
honour? a word. What is in that word honour? what
is that honour? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it?
he that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no.
Doth he hear it? no. ‘Tis insensible, then. Yea,
to the dead. But will it not live with the living?
no. Why? detraction will not suffer it. Therefore
I’ll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon

>> No.23108088

> On the other hand, if your goal is in the work itself, you're bourgeois since a nobelman would never work for the sake of work
This is not true for many burgeois people just want to get rich in order to sit lazily all day.
The burgeois class themselves into distinct categories anyways. The burgeois farmer is someone who works his own lot. They are as proud if not prouder of themselves than the actual noblemen.
The tradesman who owns his own house and works for customers 'on the wild' is another such species of burgeois people that can barely be classed anywhere.
Do they possess any less of a master morality than the noblemen? I would not say so. In the end, it's not about what sort of master morality you pick, but about picking a sort of master morality at all and one that you can realize out of your social and material means as well.
The two master moralities I presented above however to me seem like the ones the least prone to failure while at the same time being those that provide the most every day benefits.
Nobleman master morality, rich burgeois master morality, gangster master morality fail in that they rely too much on other people to be sustainable while bringing any real benefits.
In any way if you have aspirations to cultivate higher sorts of master morality you should first cultivate farmer master morality or tradesman master morality. An own lot and house provide enough energy and recource for the philosophical elaboration of better master moralities at the dinner table.
> Just look at socities in which aristocratic rule are in power.
These guys really hate work, preclude some kind of things like scholary or serving in the military.
My sort of master morality forces me to despise rich people who don't want to work master moralities for a million reasons. They would be my arkenemies if I hadn't already liberated myself from their influence completely by becoming a tradesman and farmer double master moralist.
> Cause work is associated with the lower classes and they want themself as far from them as possible.
Yet they need them for any sort of work they require, I don't. Already, farmer master morality and tradesman master morality have proofed themselves superior to fat fuck master morality. In having all the skills in the world, I did not only isolate myself from the plebs to a complete degree, I have also made it impossible to fall into the forced society of a pleb who merely raised through the societal ranks without ever having further elaborated on a better sort of master morality.
> nobility as the ruler who got money and all for nothing. The bourgeois (middle class) needs to work for a live and cultivated a moral around this...
A tale old as time. The Gods came to the world as Gods without ever having done anything for it and deserving the name of creators of everything.
Hercules, the half-God, had to do a series of super-human deeds to become accepted into the palace of the Gods.

>> No.23108092

I believe that all jobs have a subconscious effect on the people who work in them and worse, that it stays with them forever. People who spend their first few professional years as a lawyer will always think like a lawyer. People who spend their first few professional years as an accountant will always think like an accountant. People who spend their first few professional years as a teacher will always think like a teacher. You get the idea.

>> No.23108099

Spengler called engineers the priests of the machines.

>> No.23108102
File: 2.86 MB, 2267x2836, 6e21d602addb3d85c4796ab09cf343c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather have your son downloading porn or your daughter uploading it?

>> No.23108103

You ever stand on a tree branch and get that uneasy but exciting feeling in your feet? Feeling like you're falling is what drives everyone.

>> No.23108107

I get that feeling when I'm in bondage

>> No.23108113

What hour and what amount

>> No.23108115

Daughter uploading it to my hard drives

>> No.23108143

You must think outside of the Nietzschean box.

>> No.23108152

I did not read Nietzsche, I have merely heard about the master and slave morality comparison and, after all the books I've read, concluded that to be worth a thing on this earth one must relentlessly apply a master morality elaborated by oneself that, if it lacks perfection, at least merits originality. No one can tell me to do a thing before I haven't compared it to my dailily revised notions of morality.

>> No.23108172

all animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it

>> No.23108179

Are you saying I'm a woman?

>> No.23108181

start 8pm and it's always the 3 liters of beer.

>> No.23108186

>I think that nothing interests me anymore.
tried cocaine?

>> No.23108195

The ideal is for whites to go extinct so everyone else can go back to killing eachother

>> No.23108216

I already sometimes function like Im on cocaine.

>> No.23108259

i don't enjoy enjoying things

>> No.23108282


>> No.23108283

I was about to write something so profound that it would change the lives of everyone who even glanced upon the words.

>> No.23108290

Tie-breaking round for /lit/'s favorite children's books. Vote for your favorites here :


Related thread: >>23108191

>> No.23108296

So what like three beers? Is that it? That's fucking retarded. You made yourself sound like a daydrinking alcoholic

>> No.23108297

NTA but yes

>> No.23108299

32 posters halfway through

>> No.23108304

Depends on the kind of porn he’s downloading but my daughter would be forbidden from using the internet

>> No.23108306

It’s perfectly normal. Go read history.

>> No.23108307

three beers wtf lol

>> No.23108308

don't count posters that's not cool

>> No.23108343

Oh sorry, I'm an American and had to look up the conversion. That's about 9 beers which is alright. I used to go through anywhere between 15 to 20 beers a day. Those were rough days

>> No.23108383

Dwarves are kinda like Mexicans, if you think about it.

>> No.23108417

oh yeah

>> No.23108475

How do you get over the feeling of being late? I’m looking specifically at you guys who went back to school at an older age.

>> No.23108490

They skin people alive?

>> No.23108503

Life ain't a race.

>> No.23108515

Plenty of people arrive early and still fail

>> No.23108542

that image is how it feels to smoke a drunk cigarette alone

>> No.23108544

>quit drinking
>start doing hard street drugs
i think i missed the point

>> No.23108548

the concept of dwarves as established by tolkien were based largely on jews and he admitted as much in various letters to colleagues; sort of alien to the land, speaking the local language but with an accent due to having their own private tongue, "tremendous love of the artifact [greedy]" and immense warlike capacity.

he also compared orcs to mongols.

>> No.23108560

It’s not, but what saying that implies is an oversimplification. You have to do certain things early enough if you’re ever going to be really successful. You just have to.

True, but that’s irrelevant. Dude, plenty of people who practice their sport everyday never go pro so better never practice if you want to go pro. It makes no sense. These are just bullshit half-truths people say to make themselves real better. They don’t actually paint a holistic picture of the reality.

>> No.23108562

a coke habit in my opinion is better than being an alcoholic. you can build a life around doing blow (unless you lose all your money)

>> No.23108569 [DELETED] 

rubinstein never practiced and was far better than horowitz you practiced all day and was miserable

>> No.23108572

You get over it by believing nonsense like those posts until the feeling is no longer relevant

>> No.23108575

rubinstein never practiced and was far better than horowitz who practiced all day and was miserable

>> No.23108577

what sport did they play?

>> No.23108579


>> No.23108624
File: 1.12 MB, 616x826, Creek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working with a silent fury until my muscles ache, toiling deeply in secret service to a holy struggle. Sleeping deeply, wake and work again. They sent me home a day early because I worked so hard there was nothing left to do in the woodshop. Paid off my debts to the landlord today, feeling free.

The Spring has come and the grass is growing back. The birds have come alive with their chorus, the forest glistens in the sun upon the oily sheen of the leaves that dance in the wind. The creek is clear now and runs calmly. Take it all in and breathe for a moment. Gave thanks and praise to the Lord, nearly wept in gratitude.

One brother in Christ, deep gashes in his hand from work. Lost his wife just months ago, yet hides the pain with good humor. Fed him scripture, prayer, hope, and friendship. Already I can see Him working in this brother, he is healing. The Lord sends another one, a brother who just lost his best friend. Learning to heal people.

There is a fire growing deep within the soul, it is driving and directing the steps of my feet and the work of my hands. I see its traces, in the healing within and in the souls of those around. I feel it rising up from the land, like a great tsunami of light washing hope over the souls of the brokenhearted.

I am sure that it is the fire of the Holy Spirit.

>> No.23108638

If you're too late to succeed, then fail. Doesn't matter to me.

>> No.23108646

Better late than never. What else am I going to do?

>> No.23108648

>I’m looking specifically at you guys who went back to school at an older age.
I started university at 34 and it was the best time of my life. I rented a house a stone's throw from campus, and a bunch of the kids I had classes with seemed to look up to me just for being older, so I threw a lot of smaller parties and my place became a pretty popular hangout spot. I don't think I would have had a fraction as much fun with the whole experience when I was an awkward low confidence 18-20 year old.

>> No.23108651
File: 1.74 MB, 4160x3120, 20240223_153323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I just got a book titled "We Are Doomed" and the author is literally a chud

>> No.23108655

Yeah I really resent all the boomers who told me 18 to 20 is supposed to be the peak of my life when that time is when a lot of young guys are deeply mired in awkward teenage insecurities

>> No.23108664

I'm really liking this chud already

>> No.23108666
File: 2.11 MB, 4160x3120, 20240223_153826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.23108671

worlds 7 billion and no one understands

>> No.23108680

do you really think there are 7,000,000,000 humans in the world? i think it's a completely made up number and there's no evidence to back it up.

>> No.23108681

i look like shit and i feel like shit

>> No.23108683

Do women ever hit you with that wide eyed stare?
It always seems to say "who is this weirdo, ugh/ew"

>> No.23108688

women don't even look at you if they find you weird and repulsive.

>> No.23108693

Didn’t that feel weird? Partying with teenagers as a 30-something?

>> No.23108694

---- Solaria ----
Scenic Drives

There's something almost beyond belief about the parallel
Between majestic instrumental music and perspectives from which

The rarest of cabin seats subtend
Like the finest in archives.

>> No.23108695

There could be more for all I know

>> No.23108699

True but if they're in a customer service role they have to
I swear they have an inbuilt radar and they can smell my virginity

>> No.23108701

The chud meme is just one of the many Norman-British phenotypes

>> No.23108706

these dwarves fuck more than you

>> No.23108710

How much NVIDIA stock should I buy? 100 crates?

>> No.23108729

Don’t think I’d be buying any stock right now

>> No.23108747
File: 462 KB, 640x360, IMG_0763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyrim was such a vibe

>> No.23108750

i'd give it all up just to be able to enjoy playing skyrim til 4am again

>> No.23108768

describe yourself

>> No.23108784

Virile, voracious, pancake ass, kaleidoscope

>> No.23108809

Penis, cock, dick, johnson, shlong, ol' stick n balls, third leg, prick, member, wang, chub, boner, pp, dong, phallus, wiener, shaft, wee wee, knob, one-eyed monster, pocket rocket, skin flute, dingaling, ding-dong, trouser snake, disco stick, stiffy, peen, meat rocket

>> No.23108811

Socializing doesn't really change much as you get older, aside from some people getting married and having kids and basically dropping out of the group entirely to focus on their new families. The "vibe" so to speak is basically the same whether you're partying with 20 year olds or 30 year olds. Everyone is there to drink a bit and laugh and have fun, and, god willing, nail some hot 20 year old piece of ass.

>> No.23108814

If there's no evidence to back up the idea of 7 billion how could there be even more?

>> No.23108817

i love that

>> No.23108821

If you live in the west, the only stock I'd consider buying until the US election blows over includes lock and barrel.

>> No.23108822 [DELETED] 

yeah except with the added element of
"anon was on bad form last night wasn't he"
"yeah did you know he's 30?"

>> No.23108828

yeah except with the added element of
"anon was on bad form last night wasn't he"
"yeah do you know he's 30?"

>> No.23108831

You don't have very high self-esteem do you, anon?

>> No.23108836

I thought I was starting to move on and accept my lot in life and quit caring but I accidentally caught a little bit of a scene from a romance show and it hurt just as bad as ever. Maybe in another couple years.

>> No.23108839

im kidding

>> No.23108840

grey sweatpants are a cheat code

>> No.23108856

I mean, you can easily do that at any time

>> No.23108857

After watching this video I decided to become a coconut breeder. I'm going to plant coconut seed and raise coconut trees and pick the fruit from the top in order to sell the coconuts to make profit.

>> No.23108858

i can't enjoy it anymore

>> No.23108862

I know this is a long shot, but do any of you have resources that would be useful to consult when starting a publishing house?

>> No.23108863

Because it hides the pee stains?

>> No.23108864

sell me the coconuts

>> No.23108905

the birds are calling for you
please don't follow

>> No.23108908

gets them staring

>> No.23108921

Who cares consent is just enforced by the state so it’s illegitimate

>> No.23108925

anyone i see in grey joggers i assume is on their way to dick a bitch down

>> No.23108928

Ass, bastard, bitch, chink, cock, coon, cunt, damn, dick, douche, dyke, faggot, fuck, ginney, hell, kike, nigger, polack, piss, pussy, queer, shit, slut, spic, troon, tit, twat, whore,

>> No.23108950


>> No.23108961

Yeah. My plan is to go innawoods and never see another human again, but whenver I accidentally think about love it destroys me, and then I get to fantasizing (I know it will never happen) about a Misaki or really anyone including a male saving me from myself, and then I just start fantasizing about suicide. It always hurts to think about love.

>> No.23108967

Such is our lot in life, I suppose. I luckily have other things to live for but I doubt I'll ever really get over this.

>> No.23108978

My orgasms used to be total body experiences and now its like I am just peeing

>> No.23108979

Unless you don’t have a big dick or are fat or both…

>> No.23109016

>impostor syndrome
what is this meme?
Imagine not just being a fraud, who barely gets to do their work but also pretend you suffer a psycological problem and that it´s all in your head making you feel bad about beting shit about your job instead of just acknowledging the problem that you wasted a lot of time in university not doing anything and you also don't really give much of a shit about your job to get better at it
Just accept you don't give a shit you faggot wagie, you are not mentally ill

>> No.23109039

Spirit is downstream from Matter.

>> No.23109047

For me that matter is fecal

>> No.23109052

Lol, my old drummer played that song in the car and made me piss myself

>> No.23109058

Talking about plant life breeding makes me feel weird

>> No.23109087

Women have only one political stance - community consensus.

>> No.23109094

Poooooor as the biiiiiiiiiirds
But to give their songs away
Gathering possessions round
To make a fine array
Daaaaaark waaaaas the niiiiiiight
Praise God the open door
I ain't got no home in this world any more

>> No.23109104

I'm just so lonely. Getting a girlfriend, moving somewhere quiet with real trees, living humble, having a kid. It never stops hurting. Instead I'm stuck in a shithole city. I'm an unlovable virgin. I'm horribly horribly alone and bitterly unhappy. I'm just not meant for people. And even these goals are impossible. I'm not even a person. I can't develop myself. I'm just this weird thing in-between an animal and a human.

>> No.23109124

thinking about getting into blackface

>> No.23109155

Do it and then give me the nigger word pass. The ultimate scam!

>> No.23109157

i want to stop jerking off to her because she's trans but she's just so fucking hot

>> No.23109158

I'm >>23108961
I guess I'm very similar to you. You might actually have hope though, because it could be all in your head. I've already tried to reassess my situation and it's hopeless. I'm literally dying of heart damage, so when I move to the woods it will be soft-suicide à la Chris McCandless.
Divert your path as soon as possible anon, or you may end up completely broken and truly hopeless. You really might be a lot better off than you think, you might just be a mentalcel, and you might really get better. Just try bro.

>> No.23109177

For all the ugliness of modernity, a site like Youtube is filled with millions and millions of autistic male hobbyists sharing all their shit with eachother. That's like a little modern renaissance unto itself. I was reading Leibniz today and he's just so fucking excited about all these new arts and theories because they're all bursting at the seams with knowledge that can be correlated by the omni-method he is planning. It's sort of like that in a way. 150k views on a video for a man who had custom materials made so that he can make authentic Sharp's rifle cartridges. 500k views for a guy who magnet fishes in rivers. A million views for a guy who does DIY candle making.

If we got some kind of decent integralist society going and it managed to preserve and sublimate what is actually good about the present, overall shitty and evil era, that would be ideal.

>> No.23109180

only way to get the pass is steal it. that's what a real nigga woudl do

>> No.23109198

>girl I've been crushing on actively repels at the sight of me now and stood up when i sat near her vicinity out of nowhere when she was pretty lukewarm beforehand
is it over??

>> No.23109215

i wouldnt overthink it

>> No.23109224

Always be exactly the same persona around every woman and derive this persona from moral and intellectual principles you'd stand behind regardless of outcome

Anything else devolves into trying to correlate your behavior with the intentions of a woman, and women are insane so you will go insane

>> No.23109235

>moral and intellectual
not the sort of things that make the young girls hearts go aflutter

>> No.23109240

Would it be retarded to become a cop?

>> No.23109251

I don't find modernity particularly ugly from the outset. Even Seneca's essay about noise is a little too rich with irony to be quite convincing to me. I suppose it depends where you live. I like Youtube mostly because of the panoply of free music, and modernity mostly because where and how I live there's almost all there's almost all the humanly possible time and quiet to listen to anything at all pleasing..

>> No.23109274

the best youtube videos are the ones with 20 views, actual insane people talking to their phone vamping out on the street at 5am and shi

>> No.23109275

Which scene? Sometimes I'm driving in the city and I'll see two normal attractive possibly gifted people in love and it'll remind me that basically my entire mental life my entire mental continuum slash mindstream the whole kit and kaboodle is probably some lower density hell to these people.

>> No.23109284

I'm funny-faced, which is good because people trust me for it.

>> No.23109285 [DELETED] 

isnt that hard to do and they make you go to school
might as well do a trade at that point

>> No.23109290

You exaggerate, but I get your point.

>> No.23109295

do i

>> No.23109299


>> No.23109309

Try listening to both mixed as I'm doing now.. Fucking fabulous.

>> No.23109315

this guy on meth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp6Bbz_yKW8
found a channel of this girl making videos for her dead dad as well. bleak

>> No.23109316

Ive heard that is hard to do, and they make you spend a chunk of time in school
you might as well do a trade at that point because it will pay better and you wont have to deal with horrible people

>> No.23109317

truly a great time for the culture

>> No.23109336

Indeed. As for mine, only moreso.

>> No.23109340

im huge that's why they bite their lips looking at it

>> No.23109351

my heart faints within me

>> No.23109360

I can't decide whether I'm truly waxing artistic or if I'm just becoming crazy enough due to being socially isolated to take seriously random passing ideas, sounds and images in my mind which I wouldn't have given a second of serious consideration otherwise.

>> No.23109370

How so? Eros in me has its moods, but never loses power.

>> No.23109376

Seems pretty easy from the research I’ve done
I have a bachelors degree and work experience already

>> No.23109424

Not going to hell!

>> No.23109430
File: 183 KB, 400x400, ebb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh another Friday night at home getting pantsdrunk shitposting on 4chins and writing my abysmal short stories while grooming 20yo young men on tinder.

>> No.23109436

Would this scenario count as sexual assault, literarily speaking:
>Two men, 18 and 23 (X and Y)
>Part of group home for homeless young people
>Both getting along fine
>Y pins X to bed, takes X by the legs and raises them into air, then grinds and thrusts his crotch into X
>It ends after about 15 seconds
>During this time X doesn't say no or express discomfort despite extreme humiliation, to preserve pride
>Y takes it as just playful roughhousing
>X pretends to be bi to avoid humiliation
Is this a grey area or does it count as an actual assault?

>> No.23109437

Work experience as a cop?
Don't they make you do the whole police school thing anyway?
Why do you want to be one

>> No.23109446

good short books

>> No.23109457

You're already there.

>> No.23109589

Last college project ever - done. I fucking did it, boys. Everyone can now suck my dick and praise me. I entered the fucking Zone. I did it.

>> No.23109594

>Is this a grey area or does it count as an actual
This is fucking gay. Just buy a pepper spray and fuck him up next time he tries that shit

>> No.23109628

hell yeah brother

>> No.23109638
File: 3.03 MB, 640x470, 1679839241778298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Schopenhauer's aphorisms is like reading a catalogue of what he would have posted in 19th century /wwoym/

>> No.23109641

The reason I consider a certain character my waifu isn't because I literally think she's my wife on all levels except physical but because I see her as something like a Platonic Form of a woman, someone who, were I to meet her in real life, would bring the best out in me and lead me to become a greater version of myself for her. Does that make sense?

>> No.23109642

kino life desu

>> No.23109645
File: 457 KB, 658x680, 278c32e0b92bee8ac6e3e1325c40c460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23109651
File: 3.86 MB, 2451x1359, FrierenIsst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23109653

ayooo this nigga got raped and pretended to like it lmao

>> No.23109656

please go touch a tiddy IRL

>> No.23109659

Anon, I...

>> No.23109725

Glad you appreciate. Are you a 20yo young man by any chance

>> No.23109728

Thats why I said that I was drinking out of boredom not the need.

>> No.23109734
File: 164 KB, 640x465, 1708625450573595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been in analysis paralysis about sensibilities for weeks.
How much butt kissing do you do, /lit/? Do you read about complex social interactions?

>> No.23109742

Please don’t hate me forever

>> No.23109744

>How much butt kissing do you do, /lit/?
None whatsoever.
>Do you read about complex social interactions?
No, I avoid them at all costs.

>> No.23109745

Well, they'll probably have to stop when they're dead, unless they become a spooky ghost to haunt you

>> No.23109747

Give us the story or a cryptic text alluding to your situation if you don't want to share.

>> No.23109749
File: 72 KB, 500x500, avatars-GskLVgrHVURCbYMH-Rp5Cag-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23109757

Yes I'm lonely! Wanna die!

>> No.23109768

One thing I learned from video games is that immigration is good.

>> No.23109805

Why are you lonely?

>> No.23109830
File: 480 KB, 1001x823, bloomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post tenebras, lux

>> No.23109851

See me blowin' ice cold smoke, finna roll up
See me flyin' high, I got no love
Pull up to the spot with my Range Rover

>> No.23109858

Today a girl told me I have big eyes and look vulnerable. Is that good or bad

>> No.23109861

Last time I invited my friend over to watch the UFC with me he had a good enough time but there weren't enough finishes for his liking and he probably thought it was a little boring. There's another card on tomorrow, should I invite him again?

>> No.23109863
File: 35 KB, 500x500, artworks-tyJeaWhr6MozSKFC-guqBZw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's doing this to you. Depending on if she's a manipulative harlot or not it could be good or bad

>> No.23109864

Very bad. It may be the worst insult I have ever heard, worse than "ugly" or "incel." Honestly not even sure what would make her say that.

>> No.23109868

She herself is very shy, awkward, and vulnerable

>> No.23109871

Too intricate for us to give you advice. She may have said it out of pure autism.

>> No.23109876

Yeah that may very well be it.

>> No.23109882

my advice in all matters romantic is to err on the side of entanglement. It's far better to get hurt than to let life pass you by. Do what you will with this

>> No.23109887

I'd be more afraid of hurting than being hurt desu senpai famlam homie g dawg bro

>> No.23109893

Just be yourself and you'll get a gf.

>> No.23109895

If your intentions are good, and you know if they are, then you have nothing to worry about there. If you don't like the girl or have any affection for her, don't manipulate her. But if you do, then don't be afraid that things might end up painfully. That chance is always there anyways so don't let it deter you

>> No.23109911
File: 35 KB, 447x447, They hated Jesus..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23109917 [DELETED] 

I am drunk AMA reddit! I am a very wise guy and I can help you solve your problems

>> No.23109944

She farted while playing her Nintendo Wii, after drinking coffee in her apartment in Tennessee.

>> No.23109945

But I was myself all this time but no girl took interest in me.

>> No.23109948

You weren't being yourself.

>> No.23109950

Okay but what does being yourself mean then?

>> No.23109958


>> No.23109962

Im not comfortable being sexual.

>> No.23109963

Do you pick your nose in private but not in public? Do you scratch your balls and fart with a moan in private but not public?

>> No.23109967

Is it weird to make a note on my phone on all the new people I meet? From their names to their characteristics? Because while remembering people's look is relatively easy for me, I genuinely struggle to remember people's name unless someone describe to me how they look.

>> No.23109969

Those are just good manners things, they dont say anything about you.

>> No.23109970

Neither, I enjoyed doing stuff like that as a teenager but if a chick asked me to pull down my pants these days, I'd hesitate and I don't know what the answer would be.

>> No.23109975

Nah, that's cool.

>> No.23109976

Then what does be yourself mean? If it's not being what you are in private, then isn't it meaningless because then you're always being yourself?

>> No.23109980

Hard to be friends with someone after they lie about you but then after some time passes of calm they try to use another person closer to you as a shoeing for a pass. The sad truth of the thing is another closer to him was so low effort constantly he ended up just making it easy on himself to try and get others not to take him seriously.

>> No.23109986

I wake up. I go to class. I sit silent as an easter island head. I leave. I drive home. I do homework. I browse a shitty website filled with cynical insecure brainlets. I scroll through brainrot content on youtube. I feel bad about myself. All the time I feel bad about myself. I do some math problems out of the book to feel like I'm moving somewhere in my life. I tell myself I will lose weight and start having lots of casual sex. I eat shit. I go to bed in a dirty room. I wake up and browse more brainrot websites. I do this for five years with almost no variation.

>> No.23109991

Is it awkwardness or you just don't want to have sex? Awkwardness you can work on, but if you don't want to have sex then just do comfy stuff instead.

>> No.23109992

Go to they gym nigga.

>> No.23109999

But you were capable in teen years.
I think its more like repression thing going on, like if I'd get with a girl 1 on 1 and detect that it might lead to physical intimacy then I just run away because I dont know what to do and have no inner instructions.

>> No.23110004

>I browse a shitty website filled with cynical insecure brainlets.
Popularity and reddit are to be thanked.

>> No.23110007

After all the supposed knowledge gathering and intellectual beefing and all the crunches and self-violation you're still the same pig and you like it.

>> No.23110013

That's like not showing up to the test because you haven't studied. Sex is more a learning by doing thing, and you have to show up to those to get good. Desensitise yourself by trying to stay longer and you might get to build up inner instructions or even talk to each other to develop instructions together.

>> No.23110018

I hate the singing voice in Cocorosie, very annoying.

>> No.23110025

not everyones taste thats for sure try rhe song by your side

>> No.23110027

Adam should have thrown eve off that cliff and jumped right after, honestly
God hasn't conquered Jack-shit.

Please reccomend (preferably literary) refutations to content like this.
And this is also a book, too.

>> No.23110030

Are you male or female? Maybe it's because I'm a dude.

>> No.23110031

My favourite Saki story is about God rotting everything in Eden except the tree of knowledge when Eve and Adam are like
>No fuck off snake God told us not to eat that one

>> No.23110037

If I didn't have all these burdensome plans to socialize and maintain friendships I could stay home and drink all night while watching tv. Man having a social life is tough

>> No.23110039

Fuck off normie

>> No.23110042

could be cocorosie isnt the weirdest shit ive listened to

>> No.23110045

What's the name?

>> No.23110048

He is not a normie if he has to mantain social relationships like it's a chore.
Watching GoyVision is a redflag though.

>> No.23110059

Eve and The Forbidden Fruit

>> No.23110063

He is a normie if his choices are social or staying home to drink and watch tv

>> No.23110069

ok fair enough.

>> No.23110080

>But you were capable in teen years.
I'm capable now too. Also, holy quads.

>> No.23110106

Same. The people where I live are very lascivious and I do not enjoy it. Everything is sex sex sex. People are very lewd in general. Even abstract concepts are about sex to them.

>> No.23110110

Its more like I dont want to show up because I dont want to be exposed as a fraud and I've slept through all the preparation time. Its better fail than go and take a risk.

>> No.23110115

Am I finally a normie? Does that mean I can finally escape this nightmare imageboard?

>> No.23110116

>. Its better fail than go and take a risk.
It's really not. Taking the risk involves the risk of sex happening, and not showing up involves none of that risk. If you want sex, take the risk. It's not like you're going to have to immediately have sex just to stay in the room a couple minutes longer than you usually do. You need to learn the world doesn't end just because you were alone in a room with a woman for five minutes and touched hands.

>> No.23110143

But I become so overwhelmed with anxiety that I have to escape the situation. I will be exposed.

>> No.23110150

Exposure therapy where you incrementally expose yourself to more of the stressor until it's more tolerable works because you take it in baby steps, anon. 30 seconds longer alone with a woman won't make you more socially awkward but less. Then you can maybe work up to the whole hand touching thing by the time you're dead.

>> No.23110156

Touching is fine unless its in a sexual way besides Im not 20 year old.

>> No.23110465

i’m wondering now 4 + 4 is how much

>> No.23110515

No just work experience
I just want to do something different with my life. I really regret the path I’ve ended up treading and I want to do something hard.

>> No.23110522

Just realized I’ve been living with my parents for 4 years and am turning 30 there.

I’m such a fucking loser…

>> No.23110618

once i woke up with pain in my chest, so i looked it up. everywhere said call 999 right now. i called my gp, and he was like 'ah i'll get an ambulance sent over'. ambulance arrived, took me to hospital, protocol is they have to wheelchair you to the waiting room, i sat in there for six hours, examinations, blood test, x-ray
in the end the nurse went 'you've got indigestion here's some pills'

>> No.23110645

Yeah but only in so far as it weighs on you that you are no longer at their stage in life. If you don't have the means or virtues to marry and start a family then no amount of pussy will help you cope. There's some exceptions to this given the nature of their work lile artists for example but other than that willingly being in social circles with people that young is sign of a dysfunction.

>> No.23110659

Wishing I could get the last 5 years back so I could do things differently

>> No.23110724 [DELETED] 

this part in my book, the protagonist is drunk, he goes and ebay and starts typing "real \timenmachine". search.
sees a listing '100% legit time machine nonrefundable - $20,000'.
he tells himself if i can only get $20,000 everything could be different, i can be happy ...

>> No.23111240

44 dumbass