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23106080 No.23106080 [Reply] [Original]

Life is about growth/evolution. It's about what your environment is forcing you to be. That happens totally without your control. Life is not about becoming who you want to be or changing the world to what you think it should be. So many people are dissatisfied, depressed, and disappointed because they've been told they can change anything and be anything, and it's not true.

>> No.23106107

Very based post. God bless you.

>> No.23106136

Believing in free will is practical for an individual, but as a society we should be determinists for the sake of improving genetics and the environment, and therefore improving human decision-making. The society that continues to believe that everything is just the product of free will and that we could all be perfect if we just chose to do so will inevitably be replaced by the society that understands the true causes of our behavior and seeks to manipulate it thereby.

>> No.23106151
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you are right, brother.

>> No.23106163 [DELETED] 

This is just autism. When people say you can become what you want to be they obviously mean within the possibilities of reality and the material conditions. They don't mean a hobbit, a dragon, a tiger, a dark wizard. They don't mean the richest man in the world, the man with the biggest penis. Just like with the turboautistic field that is analytic philosophy, this is just an attempt by Anglos to make sense of their convoluted language that informs their poor expression and way of thinking.

>> No.23106197

This is just autism. When people say you can become what you want to be they obviously mean within the possibilities of reality and material conditions. They don't mean a hobbit, a dragon, a tiger, a dark wizard. They don't mean the richest man in the world, the man with the biggest penis. Just like with the turbo autistic field that is analytic philosophy, this is just an attempt by Anglos to make sense of their convoluted language that informs their poor and vague expression and way of thinking.

>> No.23106349

in the very first month of biology class they teach you that life is a product of nature (you) and nurture (the environment)

>> No.23106372

Environmental determinism is only half the truth. The organism's umwelt is also determined by its insertion and projection into its environment, as a continuation of it, or *internal* environment. The environment and organism interpermeate. The distinction is cognitive, not ontic.

>> No.23106428
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>So many people are dissatisfied, depressed, and disappointed because they've been told they can change anything and be anything, and it's not true.
people keep saying this with exactly 0 evidence
like that's a nice headcanon, but do you have a single study where people have reported being said because they can't change and be anything? inb4 you derail it with some tranny shit
i have never in my life met a person who was unhappy for some vague undefined reason having to do with how they can't just go and become a famous hollywood celebrity or a superstar nuclear physicist
they're unhappy for mundane reasons, they hate their boss, their spouse, they can't find a good job, can't find a partner, they're unhealthy, their parents are sick, their kids have issues, w/e
i don't think expecting to have a nice job, a nice wife, and family who aren't mortally sick is about being told you can "be anything"

>> No.23106433

i agree
and it's really no different from how people used to think in the past
even in medieval times where the peasant knew he couldn't advance socially, there was always spiritual advancement and the aspiration of being a super good/wise/loved person
and besides, only kids are told they can "be anything" for fun, nobody goes tell some 21 yo who is failing college
>lol dw bro you don't need to do this you can BE ANYTHING
au contraire, the moment you hit 12-13 they tell you the exact opposite
>you better do x well, because you need x to do y, and if you don't get x and y so you can do z, well, mister, you are gonna end up homeless and alone!

>> No.23106437
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>> No.23106441
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>that Semitic stare

>> No.23106445

good thing the entirety of history teaches the opposite

>> No.23107125

>It's about what your environment is forcing you to be
Sounds rather slave-like. Some people want to master reality, some people submit to the master and conform to the 'reality'. Choice is yours. Life isn't "about" something, its not a book. It simply is; and any human who tells you what life is about is fucking retarded.

>> No.23107137

>zaps him with a chi blast taught to me by my karate dojo instructor who initiated me into ancient taoist alchemical secrets after doing a really good roundhouse kick one time

>> No.23107203

This. I am unhappy because my father squandered all the family wealth, my parents fight, i work a 12 hour 6 day a week job and am still broke and have to pay off debt from a failed business. I am unhappy because the lack of time means i do not get proper self-care (can't work out, don't get good sleep, don't have time and money for good fashion purchases or choices) which consequently means i get little to no opportunities with the opposite sex and lack time for proper socialization outside of work. I also wish i could record a few of my tracks on the shitty usb mic i have but i am again usually short on time from having to work all the time and the pressures of closing a failed business and the pressures of an unhealthy family environment. Sometimes i feel like the happiest time is when im asleep and sometimes really struggle just to get out of the bed because i don't feel like coming to a reasonable living condition is within near future. I would be happy if i had a bit more time to work on my music, to work out sometimes and not to feel like a gun is being pointed at my head with the bills and debts. I would like to not hear about my parents fighting. My dream isn't that i would be a rockstar or an astronaut. Sometimes i have vivid dreams of just buying a ticket and flying to a different continent and trying to start from scratch. I don't feel like i have the resources or thr skills to necessarily make that a success story but it's something i keep in mind and ive started to learn a new language because of it. Merely to feel the dopamine high of starting from scratch in another country is incredibly alluring. I would feel hopeful again regardless of the outcome or struggle rather than a walking corpse that i am now. I don't want to wait until I'm 40 or start having erectile dysfunction for my life to start feeling "normal" again. Its been more than 5 years of this shit already anyways. And even if i stay poor or get shot in a second or third world country at least i know i would have an adventure rather than rot to death in these conditions.

>> No.23107253

Nigga looks like Luke and Chewbacca had a baby.

>> No.23107258


>> No.23107631
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> I think he's right
Well thats because you're all fucking dipshits who dont give a shit about reason or logic or intellectual honesty and at the end of the day the very fact that none of you had the baseline intelligence to figure out why he's wrong on your own probably means you wouldn't be able (or far more likely WILLING) to understand it even if it was explained to you.
But alas,
you will continue to draw breath all the same and the world will be made smaller, greyer, and duller all by virtue of your active choice to remain in ignorance.
Enjoy the shit you wallow in pigs.

>> No.23107636

>Life is about growth/evolution

Are you sure he wasn't talking about hair?

>> No.23108089

Would you mind explaining why he's wrong? When I first began digesting his ideas they were incredibly upsetting to me and made me rethink a lot of the things I assumed were true.

>> No.23108110

early life section and FUCK OFF KIKE

>> No.23108176
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Not either/or. It's not for nothing that one adage that has stood the test of time is "know thyself". Ideally, the person you wish to become is just the same person you were supposed to be in terms of your potential. Obviously, the wish doesn't often track very well with reality. Not sure if anything can be done about it either. People will believe what they want to believe.

>> No.23108232
File: 245 KB, 772x496, Screenshot 2024-02-23 162802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's wrong for the same reason all people like him are wrong but people who believe him will always believe regardless.
Every thought you have, every action you take every moment you are conscious is a refutation of him proved fare more directly then any small context i may apply with my words alone.
The proof he is wrong is constantly infront of you.
If you cant se it i cant help you.
Its like trying to explain color to a blind man (only in reality you've just chosen to shut your eyes)

>> No.23108243

You’re a Jew

>> No.23108265

By that logic the Earth is Flat, as it appears.

>> No.23108271

How will you improve genetics and environment if you can't will it?

>> No.23108284

God wills it.

>> No.23108294

You will never be a woman.

>> No.23108317

Free will isn't a thing you percieve; it is your perception itself.
If it does not exist there is no way to know anything exists least of all any "evidence" it does not exist.
Ergo it must exist.
The proposition:
>"Free will is not true"
can never be true as in all universes where free will does not exist the concept of truth statements cannot exist; there is know way to know anything.
You reject determinism for the same reason you reject solopsisim broadly as it is fundamentally a form of solopsisim.

>> No.23108321

So his theory is that universe is predetermined we are but one tiny part of it and cause and effect determines all so it also determines us? If we are part of the universe we are effects of something but also the cause of something. That means that you can cause things to happen with your will. Is that will free? It is caused by something and that something is you. So you are using your will how you want. That is your will and you are using it according to your wants you are the sole cause of your will. Only problem is that you didn't choose to be how you are.

>> No.23108325

No, that's just false. Free will is not awareness.

>> No.23108326

Oh so you just don't understand his arguments

>> No.23108328

>can never be true as in all universes where free will does not exist the concept of truth statements cannot exist; there is know way to know anything.
You have no idea what you're talking about, that annoying line is from an entirely different debate.

>> No.23108341 [DELETED] 

Tie-breaking round for /lit/'s favorite children's books. Vote for your favorites here:


Related thread: >>23108191

>> No.23108342
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What God?

>> No.23108378

I dont care if you think i'm wrong on this
I know i am infact right
No i understand them well enough, there all the same and they all need to be rejected just as much as any other solopsistic bullshit needs to be rejected for human beings to survive let alone flourish
I cant speak for you but awareness IS free will to me.
So at the least my argument stands on its own merits.

>> No.23108411

The real one

>> No.23108533
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>> No.23108554

>life is about growth
Should have just ended it there honestly.


>> No.23108855


>> No.23109582


>> No.23110074

Another retard trying to change the definition of free will. Can you cope any harder by moving goal posts?

>> No.23110380
File: 4 KB, 200x200, pepe-wojak-jim-face-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an action independent of causes?

>> No.23110473

ontological bedrock

>> No.23110477

Does that mean the foundational level of reality or existence?