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23088243 No.23088243 [Reply] [Original]

Name your top 3 favorite books in the Bible.

1. Proverbs. Normie choice, and usually is always people's favorite book. Book of wisdom and fatherly like advice.
2. Letter from James. Most based and underrated book. Filters and ruffles feathers of "just believe" Christians.
3. Revelations. Ultimate filter. Great conclusion to the Bible, and has the best imagery. Pastors took afraid to preach it.

I'm a Protestant so also please recommend me books to read about saints. Any books about Saint Valentine or Augustine? Also thoughts on Apocrypha books?

>> No.23088267

Genesis, Job, Mark.

>> No.23088477
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The annals of the four masters and the book of the dun cow tell the story of Ireland's mermaid saint which is pretty cool, I think.

>> No.23088813

Enoch is apocrypha, despite many claiming that Enoch 1 is absolutely inspired because of how it fits in with the rest of scripture. I like Enoch and the Desert Fathers and Revelation, we're living in it.

>> No.23089658

>Desert Fathers
Will check out. Enoch is an interesting figure but I don't really know anything apart from him going up to heaven without dying.

>> No.23089675

3rd - Judges
2nd - Exodus
1st - Sirach (but it's Protestant apocrypha so that wouldn't count for you OP)

Do these actually go into Li Ban's story in any deeper detail than the Wikipedia page on her? I've never read the Irish annals but I get the intuition they'd be a very long-winded chronological text with something like Li Ban being one of dozens of odd barely-elaborated footnotes.

>> No.23089787

Just started reading the bible. Genesis seems kind of boring so far, I'm looking forward to getting to exodus

>> No.23089836

The Pentateuch is really fucking boring.
Genesis and Exodus have a narrative (that is often confusing and downright absurd at times), some long lists of names, but they are relatively easy to get through (well, until Exodus gets to the fucking tabernacle instructions).
Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteromy are such a fucking slog to get through. Ancient laws, lists of names, counting heads. I'm glad I didn't just skip though: Numbers 31 is literally an account of a genocide, where Moses has all men, non-virgin women and boys executed, then splits the cunny among the soldiers, the priests and God. That one really caught me off guard.
Moses in general was a suprise to me. He didn't fuck around and yet he died before ever setting foot on the promised land through no fault of his own. It's a really interesting story that just makes me appreciate how fucking hardcore you have to be in order to become God's favorite son.

>> No.23090310

I count the gospels as two: the sinoptic as one, and john the other. But being fair i should just list them as one
I like numbers just because the jews never learn despite God cutting them no slack. And i just like Moses overall. Spiritual leader/warlord characters are my favorite
Don't know which to pick as a third.
I used to read revelation a lot when i was through my atheist phase. I like proverbs, isaiah.

>> No.23090395
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I don't have a favorite book yet as I've only just begun reading it, but this is my favorite portion of the New Testament so far.
Matthew 14
25 And in the fourth watch of the night, he came unto them walking upon the sea.
26 And seeing him upon the sea walking, they were troubled saying, That it is a ghost. and for feare they cried out.
27 And immediately Jesus spake unto them, saying, Have confidence: it is I, fear ye not.
28 And Peter making answer said, Lord if it be though, bid me come to thee upon the waters.
29 And he said, Come. And Peter descending out of the boate, walked upon the water to come to Jesus.
30 But seeing the wind rough, he was afraid: and when he began to be drowned, he cried out saying, Lord, save me.
31 And incontinent Jesus stretching forth his hand tooke hold of him, and said unto him, O though of litle faith, why didst though doubt?

>> No.23090455

Wtf so you mean ruffles their feathers??
Also, by reading the Bible without being able to understand the significance and what it means.. you're just reading out of your own mind and not god. It's just a waste of time lol, maybe go to church so you can understand what it means. Lots of it is very spiritually connected and isn't meant to be read literally, a lot of it is a metaphor.

>> No.23090494

1- Revelations
2- Matthew
3- Can't decide between Daniel and Genesis

>> No.23090508

What are you babbling about, you self projectionist?
>you mean ruffles their feathers??
There's many Christians, including Martin Luther himself, who argue about the legitimacy of Letter from James and whether or not his commands should be followed. There are people who believe faith alone (due to Letters from Paul) is all you need for saving, and those that one must also do works. I believe one must have faith and one must do works. Paul does mention doing good works in some verses. Anyway it does trigger some Christians this debate and the letter itself. James writes about what it truely means to be Christian and about the rich. It's a gut punch of a book.
>Also, by reading the Bible without being able to understand the significance and what it means.. you're just reading out of your own mind and not god.
Lot of assumptions here.

>> No.23090515

Gospel Of John

>> No.23090517

Ecclesiastes. The rest blows

>> No.23090553

So do flowers, if they get sun and water

>> No.23090558

Kings, Psalms, Matthew

>> No.23090583

Not assumptions, and from what you've told me you just show that I'm right. You believe you have to work for Christianity, but that is no t it at all. It is having a relationship with God, and I know I am very spiritual cause I get words from God all the time lmao. Also, if you see repetitive numbers they mean something, don't search angel numbers search biblical meaning. God wants to have a relationship with you, he's not trying to force you to work yourself so much. Anyway Im probably wrong because I don't care that much but yah, you're right but you don't understand the fullness of it. It's not about working to please him, it's about developing a relationship with him and yourself to find the purpose God put you here for.

>> No.23090630

You can't steer a ship without a compass, and that compass is God. If you have no sense of direction, how will you know which way to go? Everything relies on eachother. You need faith to step out into Christianity, but you can't do works until you have a relationship with God and have a solid understanding. It takes time, but you can easily feel him. The new testament is what's in alignment with God.

>> No.23090725

Did you even read what I wrote? Faith (ie full trust in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) and good works is what you need. There are Christians who go to work, school, and don't do anything to help others. They just think "well all I need to do is just believe and uh yeah that's it." No. Volunteer at homeless shelters, animal shelters, orphanages, try to help people in need, get them to go to your Church. Tell others about Jesus and the New Testament, this is what the Letter of James is mainly about. Maybe you should read it, instead of just blindly following one pastor's word, actually read the Bible for yourself.

>> No.23090757

Honestly no idea.

Probably John, Luke, Acts.

>> No.23090800
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I've been trying my best to convert from theism to Christianity but I have too many doubts and questions. If faith is a gift from God I haven't received it yet but I want it.

>> No.23091043

>Numbers 31 is literally an account of a genocide, where Moses has all men, non-virgin women and boys executed, then splits the cunny among the soldiers, the priests and God.
They were actually rescued from the sodomaniacal baal-peor sex cult and bathed in water and turned into honorful and chaste Jewish girls. They weren't spoiled and plundered like reddit sodom atheists like to claim. That would conflict with Numbers 25:1 25:3 31:16

>> No.23091802

>3 favorite book
Top four are obviously the Gospels. Is this a Top 3 Old Testament?

>> No.23091812

>Is this a Top 3 Old Testament?
If so Psalm is obviously #1. When you go to any "high liturgy" church they all follow the same lectionary

And thats always
1) reading from Old Testament other than Psalms
2) reading from Psalms
3) reading from New Testament other than the Gospels
4) reading from the Gospels

>> No.23091843

Genesis, Mark, Gospel by Mary Magdalene.

>> No.23091848

I read Confessions by St. Augustine, that was a good read. It opened insight into power of confession and to why the Catholic tradition was or is as it was or is.

>> No.23091861

I'm jelly, been putting it off, but it's def on my must-read

>> No.23091870

>If faith is a gift from God I haven't received it yet but I want it.
I've always had it naturally, so it that sense I was gifted. But I would be cool to be one of those people without the gift that prays for it and wants it, that would be pretty badass too

>> No.23091913
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I have this book and it's full of wisdom.

>> No.23092972

any orthodox nigga in

>> No.23092994

>ctrl-f Jonah
>ctrl-f song of songs
Pleb City

>> No.23093746

Isn’t that just Catholic? What other denominations do that?

>> No.23093872


Runner up: Jonah

>> No.23094055
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>> No.23094251

Where can I buy a complete 81/ 84/ 88 book (whatever the canon says) complete Ethiopian Bible?
All I can find are ‘Apocryphas’ which are just the Catholic Deuterocanon plus the Book of Enoch and makes no mention of other unique Ethiopin OT books or even the unique Ethiopian NT books.

>> No.23094258

In English*

>> No.23094355

Has anyone here read both the KJV and the Douay-Rheims?

>> No.23094509

Song of Songs is just coomer bait

>> No.23095204

The standard apocrypha from LXX/Vulgate with Enoch is in the Ethiopian Bible, coptic Christianity is very much traditional Christian, Enoch is the only thing that truly stands out. The Kebra Nagast is unique to the Rastafari tradition but is not scripture, perhaps you were looking for that.

>> No.23095214

When I study the Bible I always reread the chapter in multiple versions and look stuff up and read commentary. I could spend 8-10 hours on one chapter.

>> No.23096527


Isaiah 58:
58 “Cry aloud; do not hold back;
lift up your voice like a trumpet;
declare to my people their transgression,
to the house of Jacob their sins.
2 Yet they seek me daily
and delight to know my ways,
as if they were a nation that did righteousness
and did not forsake the judgment of their God;
they ask of me righteous judgments;
they delight to draw near to God.
3 ‘Why have we fasted, and you see it not?
Why have we humbled ourselves, and you take no knowledge of it?’
Behold, in the day of your fast you seek your own pleasure,
and oppress all your workers.
4 Behold, you fast only to quarrel and to fight
and to hit with a wicked fist.
Fasting like yours this day
will not make your voice to be heard on high.
5 Is such the fast that I choose,
a day for a person to humble himself?
Is it to bow down his head like a reed,
and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him?
Will you call this a fast,
and a day acceptable to the Lord?

6 “Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of wickedness,
to undo the straps of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover him,
and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
8 Then shall your light break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up speedily;
your righteousness shall go before you;
the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
9 Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
you shall cry, and he will say, ‘Here I am.’
If you take away the yoke from your midst,
the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,
10 if you pour yourself out for the hungry
and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness
and your gloom be as the noonday.
11 And the Lord will guide you continually
and satisfy your desire in scorched places
and make your bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water,
whose waters do not fail.
12 And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;
you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
you shall be called the repairer of the breach,
the restorer of streets to dwell in.

>> No.23096530


God does not want our pious religious practices if we won't also love and serve our neighbor, the needy, or those who serve us.

>> No.23096564

>yet he died before ever setting foot on the promised land through no fault of his own.
>in order to become God's favorite son.
I don't think we're reading the same book.

>> No.23096622
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>I believe one must have faith and one must do works.
>Faith (ie full trust in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) and good works is what you need.
Salvation isn't by any work. If you had a true faith and believed what was written, works would naturally follow. It wouldn't be something you do to be saved, but because you are. Salvation is by God, otherwise God gets no glory. If you earn it, you're boasting and glorying in yourself rather than glorying in the Lord.

Fruit is expected, but no amount of fruit will save or contributes to salvation. It's not the works that save, no amount of doing good can save anyone. It's God that saves, God is a God of salvation. It's by faith in the blood atonement of Christ, a perfect spotless sacrifice to fulfill God's own laws, offered by the grace of God which we could never earn or achieve by merit or any amount of doing good. Don't underestimate the holiness and goodness God, the justice and judgement and severity of God.

>> No.23096628

John 16:13
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”

It's worth looking up how other bibles have changed and perverted this verse. The NIV is particularly bad, but it's not the only one with those specific changes.

>> No.23096641

Faith isn't something you receive from God, just as repentance isn't received from God, you have to make the choice to believe or to repent, and to search for him. And if you do repent and seek with humility and prayer and a love for the truth, you will find God. Those who read the Bible as a scoffer, or reject the premise of it, are just wasting their own time.

God wouldn't be findable if he didn't want to be found. It'd be like playing tag with a toddler, you're only going to get tagged if you let them tag you. God can only be found because he wants to be found but only by those who want to find him and those who follow the Lord are called to live holy lives.
Hebrews 12:14
“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:”

>> No.23096681

I'm not sure if that anon had a point he meant to get across, but Calling sinners to repent, showing people their sin, isn't a "pious religious practice"; it's standard operating procedure for followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you're not showing people their sins and warning them to flee from the wrath to come, you're not loving them.

The great commission wasn't to provide community services or be kind or host bake sales or listen to music in a church service or compromise with the world or let the world tell the church how to act, but to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. God already gave the order, and the example in Scripture is you go unless God says not to go. Also worth reading 1st Corinthians 1.

>> No.23096707


By pious religious practice I was talking about fasting, specifically. I agree that works of mercy apart from the preaching of the gospel are in vain. But I think it works the other way, too.

>> No.23096717

1. John
2. Quite literally anything from Saint Paul; probably Corinthians if we want to narrow it down
3. Revelations
Also, reminder to Christians and those looking to convert who are just starting with the Bible to read the New Testament first. Easiest way to start and to understand Christ off the bat. If you have zero understanding of the Old Testament at all, you can begin with the first five books there before going to the Gospels.
Have you considered reaching out to a priest? They're your best source of information when it comes to Christ and His ministry. Faith can a lifetime struggle for many people, so don't feel disheartened. Know that its possible for any man or woman to find faith and believe in Him.
Phenomenal portion.

>> No.23096730

stopped reading right there

>> No.23096763

im so sorry anon

>> No.23096770

>Have you considered reaching out to a priest?
I hope he is not underage though

>> No.23097091

It's got its own peculiar compilation consisting of the lamentations with additions to Baruch/Jeremiah.


>> No.23097101

1. John
2. Genesis
3. Job

>> No.23097103
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Nah, it has more than Enoch in the OT even Josippon.

>> No.23098117

1. John: sums up Christian theology.
2. Genesis: mystical.
3. Ecclesiasticus (Sirach): wisdom.

>> No.23098217

Gospel of John, Psalms, Job

>> No.23098438

Mark chapter 9 is a great little discourse on wanting to believe in Jesus. Jesus literally has a guy tell him straight up 'Help my unbelief." Would be good to meditate on.

The ironic thing is that out of all the Ethiopian/Orthodox canon that is "apocrypha" to Catholics Enoch is the one that feels the most important because Jude explicitly quotes it. "Odes" is just repackaged Psalms. "Esdras" is just repackaged Ezra-Nehemiah. Prayer of Manasseh is too short to be a true biblical text and logic leads me to believe Psalm 151 is a later invention.

I can't get over Enoch being cited by Jude though; that should count more towards its canonicity than it apparently does.

>> No.23098507

If you like Proverbs you should read the Wisdom of Sirach. A deuterocanonical book not included in the Protestant Canon.

>> No.23098547

I know, because the Copts are their own wing and have that little twist and there are Coptic chants and prayers, just like there are Greek and Slavonic and Roman chants and prayers exlusive to themselves, but no one adds or takes away from scripture. So if you eng speaking please use KJV/DRB/ASV/LXX, God is one.

Side note. It is the Peshitta that anons seem to be interested in. The Syriac NT. When compaired, the Syriac MMS with the Greek, a verb here and there can add deeper meaning and open the text up more, but never do we see an alternate meaning.

>> No.23098567

Not just Jude also but Revelation, Matthew, Ephisians, Daniel, and everything else Apocalyptic. I will tell you that Enoch is 100% inspired and is not just a key but is the heart and soul of the OT and the Gospels.

>> No.23098584

>I can't get over Enoch being cited by Jude though; that should count more towards its canonicity than it apparently does.
You mean Enoch himself or the apocryphal book that takes that name? The apocryphal book just copped the quote.

>> No.23098831

>t.not like a roe nor a young hart

>> No.23098840

If it were only Enoch it would be more feasible than having to account for the other differences that there are within the Ethiopian canon. It also has a different version of Maccabees and also has the book of Jubilees following the book of chronicles that end with the prayer of Manasseh, which Enoch appears to be placed between it and Ezra–Nehemiah. For such reasons maybe it's just more feasible to have the texts exclusive to the Ethiopian churches within their own individual compilation. Otherwise it's easier to justify the inclusion of books when their inclusion is agreed on by the canons of at least more than one church body.

For a universal canon I'd propose the following order with ideal restored title adaptations:

The Yuhudi Scriptures
—The Law
In the Beginning, Names, And He Called, In the Wilderness, Words

Yohoshua, Judges, Ruth, Shamu'el, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra–Nehemyah, 1 Esdras, Ester (expanded), Yudith, Tovit, 1-3 Maccabaians

The Twelve, Yashayahu, Yirmiyahu, Barukh, Epistle of Yeremias, How!, Yehezqel, Daniyel (expanded)

Praises (incl. 151), Prayer of Manasses, Proverbs, Preacher, Song of Songs, Iyov, Wisdom, ben Sira

The New Covenant
—Matthai, Marc, Lucas, Yoannes, Acts, Romaeans, 1-2 Corinthians, Galates, Ephesians, Philippesians, Colossaeans, 1-2 Thessalonikeans, 1-2 Timotheos, Titus, Philemon, Hebraians, Jacob, 1-2 Rock, 1-3 Yoannes, Yudas, Revelation

>> No.23098890

Genesis - obvious, but an inescapable choice
Exodus - see above
Judges - highly entertaining

>> No.23100550

>Genesis - obvious, but an inescapable choice
How? I haven't finished it yet but it's been boring. Easy to read at least

>> No.23100563

>1 Corinthians 3:9-15: For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building. 10 According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. 11 For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— 13 each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. 14 If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

Christ's work is eternal. If we participate in building up Christ's kingdom, some of what we do may last forever.

>> No.23100635

>The creation of the world is boring
>Noah's Ark is boring
>Jacob's wacky bamboozling of Esau is boring
>Jacob's dream at Bethel is boring
>Jacob kickboxing an angel is boring
>Onan getting zapped with a lightning bolt for using the pull-out method is boring
>Tamar fucking her father-in-law and almost getting burnt alive is boring
>The Joseph story is boring

If memory serves there's also a bit where an obese guy gets stabbed but he's so fat that the sword just disappears, handle and all, into his huge gut, but that might be from a later book

>> No.23100649

I think that story is from your diary desu.

>> No.23100738

>Jacob kickboxing an angel is boring
Wasn't that actually god incarnated as a man?

>> No.23100745

You might be thinking of Jesus.

>> No.23100785
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Genesis refers to him simply as a "man," but the obvious implication of the passage is that it's a divine being of some kind. Later books refer to Jacob's adversary as an angel.

>> No.23100787

I should say the Son of the trinity to be specific

>> No.23100807

>tfw it's Sunday of the holy forefathers and the deacon reads from the beginning of Matthew for what feels like 20 minutes

>> No.23100811

God is just that much of a dick (so far).

>> No.23100815

1. Song of Songs
2. Judit
3. John

>> No.23100827

Moses is burnt out after decades of performing the fairly thankless task of leading the Israelites through the desert. This is demonstrated when Moses strikes the rock and yells insults at everyone at Meribah. Moses isn't the right man to lead the Israelites in Canaan, so the Israelites can't enter Canaan until Moses has passed on.

>> No.23100829

Too horny

>> No.23101255

>If memory serves there's also a bit where an obese guy gets stabbed but he's so fat that the sword just disappears, handle and all, into his huge gut, but that might be from a later book
That's Judges 3 and Ehud.

>> No.23101576

>The apocryphal book just copped the quote.
The Book of Enoch predates the NT (it was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls) and Jude 1:14 explicitly cites Enoch.

>> No.23101634
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Song of Solomon

>> No.23101652

Samuel 1 and 2 is an epic akin to Arthurian legend. The tragedy of Absolom hit me hard.

Genesis sums up the human condition perfectly.

Gospel of John is pure kino.

>> No.23101660

There isn't a single beautiful verse in the entirety of the bible when taken into full context.

>> No.23101663

Also if you want to know Augustine, read City of God. That book was radically cutting edge for Christian apologetics.

>> No.23101672

For Apocrypha I really enjoy the additions to Daniel. Also Sirach is very comfy.

>> No.23101708
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>I believe one must have faith and one must do works.
This is where anyone who actually reads realized that you don't even know the first thing about Sola Fide. Pic-related is what Martin Luther actually said about Faith, rather than whatever out of context garbage you've been fed on Youtube. From Luther's commentary on Romans:
>Faith is not that human illusion and dream that some people think it is. When they hear and talk a lot about faith and yet see that no moral improvement and no good works result from it, they fall into error and say, "Faith is not enough. You must do works if you want to be virtuous and get to heaven." The result is that, when they hear the Gospel, they stumble and make for themselves with their own powers a concept in their hearts which says, "I believe." This concept they hold to be true faith. But since it is a human fabrication and thought and not an experience of the heart, it accomplishes nothing, and there follows no improvement.
>Faith is a work of God in us, which changes us and brings us to birth anew from God (cf. John 1). It kills the old Adam, makes us completely different people in heart, mind, senses, and all our powers, and brings the Holy Spirit with it. What a living, creative, active powerful thing is faith! It is impossible that faith ever stop doing good. Faith doesn't ask whether good works are to be done, but, before it is asked, it has done them. It is always active. Whoever doesn't do such works is without faith; he gropes and searches about him for faith and good works but doesn't know what faith or good works are. Even so, he chatters on with a great many words about faith and good works.
This anon is right.

>> No.23101735
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I'd say my favorites are Hebrews, 1 Corinthians, and Isaiah. Those are the books I always end up re-reading, and I've actually used Corinthians as an early aid in language learning for Spanish, French, and German. 1 Cor 13 in particular is great for that.

>> No.23101784

First time doing bible read through. Starting with Matthew. On the part where jesus is healing the sick. What am I in for bros

>> No.23102003
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Hold on to your butts after chapter 13.

>> No.23102006

>Commit myself to read as much of the Bible in Spanish (second language) as I can for Lent then finish that same year.
>give myself around 5 hours a day except Sundays
>read ten pages on day one (technically five pages as it’s a bilingual side-by-side Bible and I just read the Spanish and rarely check the English when I don’t understand something)
>that plateaus to ONE page today
>I’m having trouble concentrating and find myself fiddling with the book and getting lost in my own thoughts not to mention getting distracted by the internet.
What can I do? Last Lent, I finished the NIV NT in around two weeks given I’m a slow reader and the text was very small, but I never got distracted nearly at all. I’m at Genesis 31 now.

>> No.23102021
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Take your time and don't get frustrated with it. Like Saint Paul says in Hebrews, life isn't a race it's a marathon. In a marathon you only lose if you stop trying.

>> No.23102093

Hebrews not being in the OP is ridiculous

>> No.23102762


>> No.23102795

though I went through catechism, and am confirmed in the catholic church (that makes me more schooled in religion than I would say 75% of Canadian my age) I've never actually read any books of the bible in their entirety.

Im reading the gospels now, and even from a non religous perspective, its unbelievable how many biblical references we make in every day, without even being cognizant of them.

Im starting to think even in non-religous schools, studying the bible should be part of the curriculum, if nothing else but to give a better understanding of our history, culture and laws. It really is the ultimate literary classic in that sense.

>> No.23102842

Yeah, my bad. Judges really is the most action-packed, unless you're consider Maccabees canonical.

>> No.23102974

>Jude 1:14 explicitly cites Enoch.
I've never seen any evidence that Enoch originally had the quotation in it before the New Testament, rather than it being added in later.

>> No.23104476

Ezra genesis and deuteronomy

>> No.23105621

Get audio version

>> No.23105629

Spoiler alert: main character dies
Spoiler alert: deus ex machina finale

>> No.23106269

What edition/translation is this?

>> No.23106444
File: 74 KB, 1047x814, 1708494136423831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started reading the OT, i really enjoyed the binding of isaac
Thanks for convincing me to read this bros

>> No.23106500

I don't think it's more likely that Jude would have just made up the quote.

>> No.23107102

Should've probably gone for more interesting than repetitive texts instead like the synoptic gospels and acts. Probably won't get the same depth out of the more poetic works using a simplistic translation.

>> No.23107116

The most based choices.

>> No.23107195
File: 358 KB, 1028x1543, 1687571507616607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the 1611 KJV.

>> No.23107704
File: 14 KB, 320x240, BibleKJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, because the Bible is directly inspired by God. So it's not made up, it's divinely revealed and all of the writers of the Bible have this in common. That's also why Jude knew about the angels that are "reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day." Because of divine revelation.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17

"But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ."
- Galatians 1:11-12