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23104261 No.23104261 [Reply] [Original]

Since I finished the series of these books and started applying them in my life, many aspects of my life have simply improved. What are your opinions?

>> No.23104268

>many aspects of my life have simply improved
What exactly?

>> No.23104278

Is this the guy that has been bodied by both destiny and nick fuentes somehow

>> No.23104283

Can you share what you believe to be one of the most transformative ideas in it?

>> No.23104327


I usually consider myself somewhat introverted in the social sphere but I can keep a conversation fluid if I put my mind to it. I like it because it opens your eyes to the fact that things like "The Soul Mate" "The Destined Person" are nothing more than a fallacy that is instilled in us from a young age. The book also teaches you about feminine behavior and how to avoid generating emotional dependence on a person thinking that it will be the only good thing you will have among many others.
I don't think so, I think that's Mark Manson.

>> No.23104337

Oh it's for sons of single mothers; who could have guessed? Despising of feminine traits will not course correct a lack of masculinity, it only makes you more feminine (women already hate one another privately)

>> No.23104366

The content of the book is not exactly to criticize women or despise them, it simply tells you the truth about female behavior.

>> No.23104381

I was thinking it was a compilation of works that all men should read just from the cover. Like:

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
Plato's Phaedo, Phaedrus, Symposium, Republic, Protagoras, and Gorgias
Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy
Excerpts from Saint Augustine

Hell, I would include some modern stuff too, maybe parts of MacIntyre's After Virtue.

One can only imagine if young men were reading that instead of "red pill" shit...

>> No.23104462

I take note of those recommendations but the truth is that the book is good. I thought the same thing when it was recommended to me but it is better to read than to give a summary

>> No.23104570

Imagine taking advice from a dude named Rollo

>> No.23104596
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Rollo is a huge fucking dorky loser
>no hot chicks
>no fast cars
>does not live in cool places
Dude also is allowed on social media, so you know the shit he is peddling is your typical bluepill-redpill goyslop shit that will leave you short on money and with less wisdom than before you read his shit.

He won't even debate Jason Bryan when Jason Bryan has much more experience with women and dating. Rollo is 100% a bullshit artist. He has a boomer mentality.

>> No.23104602

>The content of the book is not exactly to criticize women or despise them, it simply tells you the truth about female behavior.
There is no truth about female behavior, they are not a monolith, neither are men.

Jason Bryan would teach you that women you attract and women you pine for represent a mirror to yourself, what you seek DOES define what you are. Understanding WHY you seek what you seek is the key to understanding yourself and your relationships with women.

>> No.23104676

Is Jason Bryan that good? Everyone mentions him and I'm already falling in love with him

>> No.23104688

This is what should be taught in school instead of social justice books

>> No.23104741

He's a wonky honky for sure!

The problem is, people like Rollo are in this to make money. Same with Andrew Tate and allllllll of the "manosphere" dorks who end up being frauds and busted time and time and time again. The thing is, it is so easy to manipulate and lead men by the idea of putting everything in the context of a game. "Max out your stats" thinking that works in video games does not tend to work out in real life, it works when presented to men like that, which is why people fall for the same ideas time and time and time again.

Yes, being a pickup artist does work to some degree, but what guys like Rollo are selling is a programmed mindset that, they claim, worked for them in a particular moment in a particular location, and then preach their "discoveries about women" as the one true Scotsman, so to speak, when observations about women are whatever some dork like Rollo wants to make up, since his entire philosophy is looking outwards at women instead of looking at himself, which is why Rollo is one of the thinnest-skinned fucking dorks. Ask him to show off photos of his youth, of him having a fun time, of any art he does, the guy is a soulless boomer husk who is in it for money and to make money off other men's failings.

Rollo is one of the absolutely thinnest-skinned dorks I've ever interacted with online in the "male space" of Twitter. Absolute dweeb.

>> No.23104746


Listen to "wonky honky", that will tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.23104748

I understand that the guy is already over 50 years old but if I didn't know about cases from my own family and friends that I admired doing, I wouldn't believe everything the book says before my brother was the living definition of a womanizer who went to nightclubs that It could have taken the whole weekend for him to finally end up with a girlfriend he has been with for 4 years and who has forbidden him from going out to parties or interacting with any woman at work, now she keeps him at home every weekend. week and he only goes out when he goes to visit mom at home. It also happened to a work colleague whom I admired, only that he was subjected to it by a girl 6 years younger than him and I also mention that I was raised in an environment in which excluding my brother mostly lived with women

>> No.23104763

>my brother was the living definition of a womanizer who went to nightclubs that It could have taken the whole weekend for him to finally end up with a girlfriend he has been with for 4 years and who has forbidden him from going out to parties or interacting with any woman at work, now she keeps him at home every weekend. week and he only goes out when he goes to visit mom at home.
Okay, and what you're describing is 100% normal, the entire system needs 9-5 workers with stable lives to keep the system going. Let me guess, he took his "vaccine" like a good goy and he votes Liberal or Conservative.

Congratulations, you have a normal family!

>> No.23104769

Yes. Nick mocked him online in some stream.

>> No.23104774

Sure, but arguably this is true of friendship as well — Plato's whole theory of love as the desire to "give birth in beauty" vis-á-vis the other.

I am just skeptical of manosphere stuff because I have yet to read anything that associates itself with that sphere that isn't trash.

Granted, it isn't all as terrible as Tate and Mystery lol.

>> No.23104793

Rollo is possibly the least cool person next to Thernobitch and that California long brown haired guy that tried to be everyone's friend online, goddamn that guy was faker than fuck!

Anyone who actually talks about outside-the-box ideas on life just tends to get banned. The redpill shit is 100% okay with the system to talk about because it still feeds into the materialist / consooooomer paradigm.

Shit like Jason Bryan talks about introspection, thinking outside of the box, tries to get you to imagine what your place is inside of the box. The whole system wants you to be beholden to women and embarrassed if you can't get pussy, all while pressuring you to do things to maintain relationships that might not only not benefit you, but be openly toxic!

All relationships with women that don't involve kids are basically worthless relationships, the only relationships that actually matter are ones where children are involved. Everything else is basically just masturbation with a woman's body. Rollo and the system, both of them preach that you need to maintain your "frame" and have a certain dynamic with women. The truth is, the only dynamic that actually has any real meaning (read:spiritual) is if you have a kid with a woman and the synergy in your family is healthy. That's basically it. If you're together with your woman because you feel the pressure from society to conform, or because of finances, everything in your life is going to be about maintaining your happiness in that artificial state.

Once you truly realize that the entire way our society is structured is designed to funnel you into quiet subservience of government and the powers-that-be, the dating world will make 100% sense to you. Guys like Rollo keep you focused on small-world ideas, not big-world ideas.

>> No.23104796

>Having a family is Jewish subversion. If you aren't a forever alone conspiracy tard you will never be free!

>> No.23104804

who is the california long brown haired guy?

>> No.23104809

Theo von?

>> No.23104810

I forgot to mention that she can go out to nightclubs and parties and my brother has to stay home. She also mentions that my coworker ended up getting dumped despite his efforts. By the way, I don't give a shit about politics since I'm not from the USA.

>> No.23104817

>I am just skeptical of manosphere stuff because I have yet to read anything that associates itself with that sphere that isn't trash.
Manosphere is ALL grifting, by design. You'll notice they are basically all trying to sell some sort of alpha male builder kit for $50+ a month and they all have similar grifts.

The entire philosophy revolves around creating bimbo-type men, but instead of huge tits and a tight dress, it is about being a fit landlord / businessman with an F150. It is not to say it doesn't sometimes work, of course it does, every guy should aspire to be somewhat fit, well dressed, and successful, but the redpill stuff on the manosphere intends to crank these guys out like a factory for $50 a month within the system.

A lot of those same guys then fall for the type of woman who will leech them dry.

>> No.23104824

I felt that way until I had my first kid, definitely a coming-to-God moment. I grew up thinking children were horrible and I was completely against the idea of having them, meanwhile, I serially monogamie'd my way through life with beautiful women that I just fucked and dated FOR NO PURPOSE other than social advancement and boredom.

>> No.23104838

Unless you have a kid with a woman there is no reason you should care what the fuck she does, says, thinks outside of your space... like women have no point in your life other than raising your kids and providing you with some comfort and someone to also provide comfort to.

The system wants you always on thin ice wondering about your "partner", God I fucking hate that term, the system relies on men and women wanting control over each other to keep the dating paradigm going. It is a self-policing system to keep people aligned with the political system, 9-5 jobs, and total corporate control over life and culture.

People gotta realize that culture and society run real deep, and that our dating lives have been co-opted to uphold the system, so you can't even really date in a serendipitous way, and anti-natalism is so deeply ingrained in our society to foment unhealthy relationships based on things OTHER THAN producing offspring.

>> No.23104841

What do you mean "social advancement"? I'm curious because I don't usually think of men fucking women for this reason.

>> No.23104849

why are child-havers here? how mainstream is this shithole now?

>> No.23104858

Unironically I would recommend Hagakure and Mein Kampf instead of Rational Male

>> No.23104861

>What do you mean "social advancement"? I'm curious because I don't usually think of men fucking women for this reason.
If your social group(s) know you are always with beautiful women and they are affectionate towards you, you're basically catapulted to the leader of your social group. If you have a hot girlfriend and have female friends who think you're attractive but you've friend-zoned, then you can host parties and social events and just be really, really socially fluid. That energy that type of guy gives off is highly attractive to women because you're already pre-approved.

>> No.23104872
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We've written more books than you, and we've been on 4chan longer than you.

>> No.23104879

It is the snowball effect. The more women that openly agree you are attractive, the more women you can date.

>> No.23104885

No wonder this board sucks so much now. The young and hungry are gone. All that's left is boomer dads.

>> No.23104888

This is a very shallow way to think about love and relationships. It's the sort of transactional thinking that is the hallmark modernity, and it is not a good thing. I pity people stuck in this mode of thought.

Pic related, a phenomenological Thomist view on relations and IMO one of the best.

>> No.23104892
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Forgot my recommendation.

>> No.23104902

Boomer dad is about to release 3rd book. How about you?

It's not shallow at all, just realistic. Having kids is the ultimate goal of a relationship, not love, because love has conditions and is very fickle. Love is also something that is mostly produced in a way that conforms to the social norms designed to keep you in the 9-5 mentality and in the simulacrum. Why do you think dating has been pushed onto the phones, because serendipity is deliberately kept in short supply and people are meant to be lonely to keep them consuming and throwing things down into the void of their heart because they're growing old without children and these meaningless serial monogamy relationships. So many less people are having kids in modern times.

>> No.23104903


>> No.23104940

Ok, I'm going to continue using Rollo's method for now, even though I'm seeing positive changes in myself, but I see that many people discredit it. So what content is the best in any case? I see that there are people whose method is garbage but I don't see that other content is better than that. I have already read Models by Mark Manson and I give it a point in several parts but I don't think it is honest in every aspect.

>> No.23104966
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Hmm you kind of think like me so therefore you are based.

>> No.23105024

lol this is funny to read as a robot with no friends, ah the lives ppl live are interesting

>> No.23105046

There is a lot going on despite it being a short work. John Paul II is admirably clear and direct for someone in his philosophical tradition (the content was developed before he was Pope).

A key idea is that the body is sacramental, an outward sign of inward, subjective being. The body is a gift, both from God, and one that can be given to another in marriage.

Lust results from the objectification of another, the seeing of another experiencing entity as a means rather than a human end. People in turn, particularly women, come to want to objectify themselves, othering self to self. People reduce their worth in their own estimation.

At the same time, the flip side of lust is shame, shame because we know we are seen as objects held up to the standards of things to be used, rather than as person.

There is a great blend of ideas from Augustine, Aquinas, Husserl's tradition (personalism) and others.

>> No.23105095

there are like three different types of women, and once you master the archetypes you've literally mastered women and manipulating virtually all of them becomes child's play (because women are, overwhelmingly, intellectual and emotional children). men on the other hand have dozens of varieties and hundreds of unique motivations and you could spend a lifetime trying to truly master them in order to manipulate every man you meet (as another man, that is. if you're a woman you just use your vagina and hope he's dumber than you, 50/50 shot)

>> No.23105240

Here's the thing... occupying your time with understanding women is folly. Who cares if you've "mastered" the three different types of women? What does that actually get you?

Look at people like Vince McMahon. Look at how even with billions of dollars, the dude is a degenerate that has no mastery of himself. The guy is washed up, a clown running an empire of clowns. He even, apparently, wanted a storyline where he got his daughter pregnant. He had an entire story arch about people kissing his ass.

Real question is, why would you want to be a master manipulator?

>> No.23105241

Who is Jason Bryan? I'm looking for it but I can't find results anywhere.

>> No.23105396

Wait for 3rd book. Will be shilled here a lot in like 2 weeks.

>> No.23105472

A ban-evading boomer and pathological shill.

>> No.23105499
File: 169 KB, 583x876, the-good-man-though-a-slave-is-free-st-augustine-23-march-2021-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vince reminds me of this quote.

>> No.23105561

the life of oofy doofies

>> No.23105614

>uses the word "goyslop" unironically
>calls other people dorky losers
opinion discarded

>> No.23105724

Nigga damn he just wanna know how to find his content

Interesting. And how do I find its content? When I search for it I get varied resultsInteresting. And how do I find its content? When I search for it I get varied results

>> No.23105728


>> No.23105729

Oy vey

>> No.23105739

just be good looking nigga

>> No.23105965

Being good looking helps you to fuck women, it does not help you in relationships once the bitch has her claws in.

>> No.23105966

i have aspergers and this guy is autistic as FUCK

>> No.23106017

Rollo does not know how to party or be stylish at all

>> No.23106072

It's so over Rollobros. A cuck and a pedo supporting faggot think he's heckin cringerino.

>> No.23106106
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Rollobros... lol... Rollo is the least cool dude I have ever followed on Twitter. The guy is SO stiff and boring. Like seriously, old man, have you ever thrown a party, or even smiled?

>> No.23106143

>The whole system wants you to be beholden to women and embarrassed if you can't get pussy
This is just cope for losers that can't be winners.
>inb4 B-but material things don't matter, what's more important is being a spiritual person, anyone who cares about material things is superficial.
Replace the word "spiritual" with "good" and your position would be indistinguishable from your average bugman on plebbit. The pseudo-mystical ascetic philosophy that you adopted from your current e-daddy (i.e. what you believe to be introspection) is a philosophy of pacification and surrender. At its essence it's about letting people steal from you because the things they're stealing supposedly don't matter. You can act all high and mighty but you know deep down that you're losing out, because the reality is, you are. And you'll continue to lose until you drop this infantile tradlarping cope and actually face reality. But in all likelihood you won't because its easier to pretend that you're above getting pussy instead of addressing the reasons why you aren't getting it.

>> No.23106155
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If you re-read my message, it is about blazing your own trail to the end goal: having kids.

Personally, that was the moment my womanizing goals flipped on end and became something totally different. The anti-natalism I had inside me was gone, and it opened up the doorway to a new type of relationship with a woman that wasn't possible without a kid.

Lots of people getting in dead-end or toxic relationships because they feel pressure to "prove themselves" to others, so they stick it out with a fat chick or get married to their long-term girlfriend whom they don't love anymore, because everyone expects it of them.

>> No.23106158

>The guy is SO stiff and boring.
Being boring is nowhere near as bad as supporting a pedophile like Nick the spic does. Also Rollo has been in a stable relationship for more than 20 years, something that neither DesTINY or Nick is capable of doing.

>> No.23106162

Maybe Rollo is good for the average joe then. Maybe he can teach men how to have simple, functioning relationships. Fulfillment is different to everyone, or is it?

>> No.23106165

pretty lol. Is this Rollo? and yeah even though Rollo is almost definitle yon the spectrum id trust his advice over either nick or desTINYs'

>> No.23106219
File: 77 KB, 757x633, SmartestManOnEarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No child, my name is Patrick S. Tomlinson. And I hereby declare, in sound body and mind, that all women are whores and deserve to be raped. You can find me on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/stealthygeek

>> No.23107390

So basically you had your kid and now your paternal instincts are active and your child is the center of your universe
Thats great man good for you

>> No.23107536

What's his insight? Can you give an example?

>> No.23107601

Hating femininity is neuroticism, and, ironically enough, feminine
Confidence(masculine trait) can not be gained, it can only be obscured by neurotic feelings.

>> No.23107628

What did Nick Fuentes do? Genuine question, never heard of any pedo thing. Although any person that makes the mainstream seethe will likely be turbo cancelled or have some sort of horrid allegation against them

>> No.23107668

>This is just cope for losers that can't be winners.
This is just cope for losers addicted to pussy. Imagine how many mental gymnastics you have to go through to smugly say "heh, I cum into a wet hole more than you do". Go back to r/theRedPill and unironically eat shit, faggot cuck simp.

>And you'll continue to lose until you drop this infantile tradlarping cope and actually face reality.
>le based atheism XD
I fucking hate redditors so much, it's unreal

>> No.23107728

Books to become smarter please

>> No.23107924

>Can you share what you believe to be one of the most transformative ideas in it?
kek, this is where this thread died, btw.

>> No.23108023

I probably would have been stuck in the friendzone if I hadn't read him. However, if I followed his advice to the letter I wouldn't have got my gf either. And there are other things I heavily disagree about too. So he has some and some bad.

>> No.23108028

It's ok but kinda weak in its game advice. Just read Roissy and Roosh

>> No.23108048

dont take dating or life advice from balds

>> No.23108713

Red pill definitely “works” on many women, otherwise it wouldn’t be popular, though it’s only fans from what I can tell are losers (or ex-losers who think they are not losers any more).

Rollo’s whole deal is based off fear, he justifies his work by saying he wants to prevent suicide, and in order to do that (apparently) it’s important guys playact being an “alpha”—which in the best of cases one could describe as a manipulative psychopath who is incapable of love, but more commonly will end up as a pathetic poser pretending to be something he is not

Regardless of the merits of any particular piece of practical advice (like “be confident” “be mysterious”), never follow the teachings anyone who is fundamentally fearful and promotes his work by exploiting people’s fear. Of course not to mention that he’s ugly and promotes vasectomies and posts cringe satanic imagery

There are much better misogynists out there if you are interested in understanding “the truth” about women. Rollo is just not very smart, and I’m surprised to see him respected in places which have amount of sophistication ( for example I’ve seen BAP retweet him)

>> No.23108743 [DELETED] 
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>places which have amount of sophistication ( for example I’ve seen BAP retweet him)
Post was good until this sentence; hilarious, indistinguishable from a parody. you're think a cringe and literally gay jew using borat baby voice for neocon politics has ANY idea about women.

>> No.23108752

>places which have amount of sophistication ( for example I’ve seen BAP retweet him)
Post was good until this sentence; hilarious, indistinguishable from a parody. you think a cringe and literally gay jew using a borat baby voice for neocon political purposes has ANY idea about women?

>> No.23108826

I didn’t mean to imply that BAP was among the “better misogynists”. He just seems miles ahead of Rollo in terms of intelligence, and I’m surprised Rollo gets any respect from anyone. BAP in my opinion is a good example of misogyny being a direct cause of homosexuality. I don’t believe he is inevitably gay by nature

>> No.23108851

But all in all BAP’s sexual perversion is more essentially African than anything else. His favorite theme, cucking, resembles the fixations of 90s (and thereafter) hip hop: “fucked yo bitch”

>> No.23108998

Could you give me some recommendations?

Who is BAP?

>> No.23109135

Otto Weininger is the best misogynist. He puts all red pill grifters to shame. And really he’s so much more than that, imo his best work is On Last Things where he isn’t discussing women. But reading him cured me of any negative emotions I had regarding women

>> No.23109143

Bronze Age Pervert/Constin Almariu

>> No.23110569

The book is bad by every criteria. The fact that you think it's good means that you are bad. I don't mean to be rude, I am telling you this because I know everyone can improve.

>> No.23110975

>being this much of a slave to pussy
Kek praying for you, anon. We all have our vice

>> No.23111465

Rollo is a nothing but imagine giving shit about Nick.

>> No.23111539

my buddy is exactly like you so far.

He also considers himself a loner/he hates socializing and anything that involves socializing, but he can keep a conversation fluid if he puts his mind to it

He also loved Rational Mind (and couple other works like it by similar authors)

He also said they opened his mind ("red-pilled him on how the world actually works" as he puts it)

He also says things like soul mates, destined person are nothing more than a fallacy imposed from a young age
>this part I already knew on my own from my own life experiences, the live and learn thing

He also said he understands female behavior now
>with this, I disagree with him because most of it is WAY off, incredible creeping, and just going to make him even more weird and unlikeable to women

He also says he's learned the importance of avoiding emotional dependence on a person
>this part I already knew from my own life experiences, the live and learn thing

Problem is he is such a weird person. Reason he started devouring Rational Mind (and books like it he loves by similar authors in the same clique) is because he met this girl at the dog park that he was seeing every morning as they both took their dogs to the same dog park every morning at the same time

He fell in love with her (kinda like how Bruce Willis fell in love with that girl just from talking to her on the phone in the movie Red)

Difference is my friend is a total spazz and got all these crazy intense feelings for her and started obsessing over her and he started creeping her out. He would read me the texts, he'd be all demanding that she go on date with him and when she didn't set one up he got all pissed and told her he's done with her etc lol

So he started reading the books to help him out but all it has done is made him even more weird and anti-social and less likely to get a girl

what's funny is he quit going to the dog park as punishment for this girl not giving him a date, but a few months went by of him studying Rational Mind etc religiously everyday and extolling on their belief system everyday, then he goes to the dog park, sees the same girl, and falls in love with her all over again

So he's right back where he started but he still keeps saying the books have shown him the light and the true meaning of how things really are

>> No.23112092

Ok, if what you're telling me is true, let me tell you that it offends me that you compare me to your friend and I mean it, he needs to be in a padded room At least I consider myself a guy with tastes and the rational man helped me avoid behaviors in certain types of women But your friend seems to have taken the book's knowledge very literally and seems like a member of a religious sect.

>> No.23112155
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Sounds like he's just young. As I get older, I've found my principles, I've started to take marriage seriously, so a lot of the women I meet lose my attention within a few minutes conversation, once it becomes apparent they aren't moral or kind. Love is the only good thing about living, everything else is venal and empty. I've never experienced it properly, but these days the promise of it is the only thing keeping me chugging along.

>> No.23112502

That's just what a religious person would say whose parents got him a wife.

>> No.23113456

>This is just cope for losers addicted to pussy.
Sex addiction is a myth for retards. Have fun missing out on one of life's greatest pleasures.
>Butthurt about atheism.
I didn't even mention atheism in my post. I was criticising the vacuous pseuds who spread reddit-tier "philosophy" and present it as some kind of redpill.

>> No.23113464

You're a slave to the e-daddy who imposed their retarded idealist philosophy one you. Which makes you fake and gay.