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/lit/ - Literature

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23103778 No.23103778 [Reply] [Original]

hermit edition

previous >>23099821

>> No.23103791
File: 37 KB, 474x1071, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you not laid eyes upon the sublime beauty of a woman's tender feet? Ever since I kissed her lovely, pink soles I have been unable to control my outbursts— I awake thrice nightly to dreams of once again seeing her feet... Or terrors that I never will. No, if I could see, kiss, press my tongue along her insole and slide it up her arch... I would be okay with death, instant, unforgiving... I would die happy— No!— I would die in ineffable ecstasy! Oh! But I am so lonely! Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever see her sublime feet again...
>"If I could only grasp your tender, lovely feet
>And smell the springtime rose and flower's summer sweet—"
Alas! I fear I will never again bear witness to her... What's this? There is a knocking at my door... It is my darling, beautiful, lovely, amazing girlfriend! I shall greet her now. So long, 4chan! If I should die before the morrow, know this— I died a happy man.

>> No.23103816

I like the word chuddy

>> No.23103841

I hate myself for the fact I became a coomer when I was 12. Much less for the act itself than for the expectations I was unconsciously putting on women. That women are little more than fuckmeat - that I couldn't focus but on their most obscene parts - it shouldn't have been that way, I was supposed to realize the existence of sex only much, much later.
Years of committed nofap and training the forced suppression of nocturnal emissions have only made me feel worse and worse about it.

>> No.23103859


>> No.23103882

So just found out I'm actually an alien. This morning my mom said my father was one. Looks like I'm half alien, half human, which explains the "autism."

>> No.23103886

No, you.

>> No.23103888

Your dad was in fact not an alien, but we can tell what your mom is.

>> No.23103895

Was your father an Englishman in New York?

>> No.23103904

No she said he was in Mexico and crossed the border into the US when he was a child alien.

>> No.23103953 [DELETED] 

I discovered bad things at a very young age. My earliest fantasies at 10-11 were of taking care of a girl that had been through the same sorts of things I had— always very romantic dreams. However, there were darker things that frequently captured me, always guilty, always terrible, and it made me feel ashamed. They were ideas of doing the same, or of having it done to me. Fortunately, I never saw women as objects— mysterious, unattainable, and later quite bad, but never as objects. I am at least lucky to have never been a coomer in the way that people tend to be.

>> No.23103965

Anyone want to know how my dad molested me when I was an infant?

>> No.23103970

Chuddy buddy

>> No.23104040

I am an ugly mutted mongrel. Leftism has won over me in a way that is fully permanent and ineradicable. It's over. Whites lost. Aryans lost.

>> No.23104056

Talk about something more interesting.

>> No.23104065

But the A-ryans! They lost! It's over!

>> No.23104073

when a girl calls you an idiot, that's when you know you're gonna fuck

>> No.23104075

What does being in love and being loved feel like?

>> No.23104078

thank you for your input, mohel

>> No.23104086

I said I'm a mutt, I didn't said I'm not white. In fact, I'm a blue eyed blonde haired Aryan.

>> No.23104097

There's this ancient thinker who says bald men must be smart because in nature all bald animals are smart. Who was he?

>> No.23104099

>I didn't said I'm not white
you don't have to "said" it, it's very clear

>> No.23104100

Must have been an ancient Greek. Perhaps a Socrates. Maybe a Diogenes.

>> No.23104101

I am probably of Saxon descendt, although it is not impossible that my blood is that of the ancient Lombard or that of the Frank. Neither do I fully disclose the possibility that my close relatives are the direct male descendants of true Scandinavians like Erik the Red was one.

>> No.23104102

well, there's a saying that dumb hair leaves the intelligent head after all.

>> No.23104105

Let's learn together.

>> No.23104107

>make peanuts and live in New York so I'm double fucked
>spend 10 years driving shitboxes to save money
>finally decide to splurge on a used Hyundai sonata
>turns out stealing it is very easy and part of a tiktok challenge
>don't learn this until it's stolen and totalled 3 weeks after I bought it
If I didn't have insurance I'd blow my brains out.

>> No.23104121

dont you know? I thought I was the only wizard these parts.

>> No.23104128

You shouldn't make peanuts. Unless it's exclusively the starch-based ones. The plastic ones are bad for the environment.

>> No.23104146

I'm done lobotomizing myself. I'm going let my endocrine system run at max efficiency from now on, despite the terrifying clarity and consciousness that I am capable of. I'm not going to hold back any more and will ride the winds with my powerful wings. If my intensity makes the cattle quake, so be it--some will follow.

>> No.23104260

Are that schizophrenic and very Misanthropic Iranian?
Tell me about the world of birds, please.

>> No.23104264
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I should be querying. Or refining the query.

>> No.23104270

What are they thinking?

>> No.23104276

They are judging us.

>> No.23104284
File: 48 KB, 877x514, 1676422405528757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're thinking about the world's endless vanities and how a simple life is best. And that the query needs refinement.

>> No.23104285

who dat boy

>> No.23104343

I don't have enough time for school and work. I could be a better student if I didn't have to work. Now I'm not just average I'm a mediocre average. Maybe higher education still is a privilege of the privileged

>> No.23104346

I'm 5 years away from wizardhood. I'm not gay though so you'll have to suffer...

>> No.23104363

Sometimes it's enough to be high and lofty of your rights. You don't have to be educated, it's enough to refuse to clean the trash if your boss asks you to do so. Most of the times it works, and someone else will run to do it instead.

>> No.23104395

so i've been asked to go in for an interview tomorrow, but i dont know what to wear. every single other interview i've ever been to has been online so i've just worn a button up and some jeans.

is that appropriate in-person interview wear or should i doll myself up a bit? anything i should bring?

>> No.23104403

Legit conversation if judged too thin for the board’s theme

>> No.23104461

Guy I'm in a group project with asked me not to tell on anyone in my final report. He read, 'The group made a lot of noises. Multiple times, I and others left early because we could not work in class when it got too loud.' and begged me not to include this in the report. He's a known clown, so they will know for sure he was the one causing all of this shit. Honestly I did expect that reaction. I just wanted to make sure he knew I could tell on his ass without batting an eye. I can always send an e-mail or shit on him later. It was just nice to see how panicked he got. He even asked the class 'haha guys nobody is shooting on anybody right??' after he saw my part of the report. I know for an absolute fact that others will write that shit too.

>> No.23104473

Snitches get stiches. You are truly scum and if you had problems with him yoy should have told him to his face.

>> No.23104474
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>> No.23104490
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Whaddaya think yer doin? You prejudiced against snake-handlers?

>> No.23104501
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>> No.23104505

I don't give a shit. And I did tell him multiple times. I just gave an accurate testimony. Honestly I was pretty nice considering how worse it actually was. If multiple people leave the room telling you in the face 'You're making too much noise, I can't work here,' you can't exactly have a surprised pikachu face when shit goes down. Actions have consequences.


>> No.23104514

And I don't get stitches. I've always spoken my mind and don't fear men.

>> No.23104520

if you ever find me going to 4chan to write about how im telling on someone please put one between my eyes

>> No.23104531

Nothing to say I suppose. I just enjoy the simple things in life and wanted to make someone know. Nothing to cry about.

>> No.23104534

You have the hubris of a coward, and the moral fibre of a potato. Regardless of how annoying he is, discussing it should fix the issue. If it doesnt you exclude him from the project and dont put his name on it. This faggoty crybully schtick is the type of thing I'd knock your teeth out for if you grew up in my neighbourhood, and as an adult I'd think you're a petty child incapable of handling minor problems without causing a problem yourself. Expect some karma.

>> No.23104552

have some pride for once in your life

>> No.23104564

look man im not a footfag but i get it. it's as the great philosopher kevin gates once said: "if a woman is beautiful, i want to kiss every part of her body." i've seen beautiful women. i've seen their feet. i understand.

>> No.23104593

No, I don't think many Iranians are also fans of bivalves. They do like birds though, because Conference of the Birds and a lot of bird religions come from around there.

>> No.23104617

We're still going to work together. It was a critic of the whole group. What's wrong with you defending a retard for being retarded and reaping what he sow?
And you're not knocking anyone's teeth retard. I'm 23 and I'd probably bust your ass without even trying.
>Expect some karma.
Sure. Just like someone who gets fucking annoying deserves a little lesson. Actually speaking with you reignited m'y will to fuck him up, and I will probably do it for real now. Thanks retard

Where am I lacking pride?

>> No.23104623
File: 97 KB, 850x850, wonderful-pomegranate-tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To berry, or not to berry, that's the pomegranate.

>> No.23104632

share location
ill come to your yard

>> No.23104635

If there was a threshold that divided where good from not-good, I’d be perpetually right underneath it. I’m the 4th place, the second tier, the close but no cigar of people.

>> No.23104652
File: 804 KB, 1276x1592, The_Autonomous_Circlejerk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All kinds of belief systems, including religions, are all going to develop their own LLMs to develop and refine arguments for their beliefs, resulting in an AI-augmented memetic war to end all memetic wars.
They don't necessarily need to develop their own specialized LLMs either, but instead merely refine their ability to confirm their own beliefs and biases using LLMs, using them as automated circle-jerk machines.
I will out-jerk them all, for I am the greatest mental masturbator of all time.
Nobody can fiddle myself like I can.

>> No.23104661

>implying anyone believes any of this after your gleeful snitch hand rubbing
My girlfriend could kick your ass. I'm not defending the retarded, I told you to cut him from your group project, I'm saying you're acting like a woman and it's not a good look. I seriously doubt you're busting anyone's ass or fucking anyone up because if you were, you'd understand snitching says a lot about your character you crybully cuck.

>> No.23104697

Why should I even compete if I’m in perpetually second or third tier

>> No.23104699

Cinema is the only art form worth a damn at this point. Zone of Interest is a truly great work

>> No.23104700

Because if you work hard enough you can earn a 240th tier woman

>> No.23104706

did you ever watch under the skin

>> No.23104712

Yes I loved that too, always stuck with me

>> No.23104735

remember the bit where the mother & father drown leaving their infant baby alone to die a brutal death on the cold, rocky beach.
it was so horrible, i kept telling people about it in bars when i first saw it lol

>> No.23104740

sure, I don't have a yard though

I misread them. No, I can't cut him off from the group project since I need him on board. Why are you people even talking about snitching if I already told him face to face what the problem was? It's nigger-tier reasoning. What did you expect me to do? Give him a lil' hug for being an annoying retard? He was forewarned, didn't listen and didn't apologize. Fullblown adults reap the end of the stick, that's how the world or business works.

>> No.23104745

No thanks

Not motivated by pussy anyway

Never have been

>> No.23104749

There are no video games you like?

>> No.23104776

videogames aren't art

>> No.23104781

But neither are films

>> No.23104786

yeah they are

>> No.23104798

No they’re not. They’re media, same as video games.

I thought you were speaking colloquially lol. Films are not art.

>> No.23104808

I’ve worked with nothing but middle aged mothers for the last 5 years and I really cannot take it anymore.

People make memes about Jewish preference, but what about middle aged mom preference. They hire middle aged moms, promote middle aged moms.

This is the fucking finance department and these bitches don’t even know a credit is. I had to teach two of them how to use Microsoft Excel.

>> No.23104840

>No they’re not. They’re media

>> No.23104852

Zone of Interest made me feel intense visceral hatred for fictional characters while not making the film "entertaining." All because Glazer made the genius decision of not using Riefenstahls' cinematic language or any other famous reactionary techniques, those same techniques that are still used today. Through that decision, it developed a style that's completely different from 99% of films, wholly original in sound and storytelling. So, it can accurately explain the evil of banality and how that persists in the movies. I agree with you, itt's truly a great work of art

>> No.23104884

Films, movies. Those are media entertainment. Media entertainment is not art. It’s just media entertainment. The only qualitative difference between films and video games is that one is interactive, it’s interactive multimedia.

>> No.23104904

Nobody will love you as much I do. I would die for you if you wanted me to.

>> No.23104918

You don't even know me.

>> No.23104921

I think I’m done. I think I’m going to check out. I’m going to tell everyone I love them, and then I’m going to end things.

>> No.23104923

tfw literally Thomas Mann

>> No.23104929

is media or entertainment the key factor? shakespeare was entertainment.
the difference is one is a game. is chess art?

>> No.23104931

What groceries did you get?

>> No.23104935


>> No.23104942

No. Chess is not art. Video games are not art. Movies are not art. Shakespeare’s dramas are art, despite being entertaining because a thing is not merely entertainment just because it is entertainment.

>> No.23104944 [DELETED] 

Such nonsense

>> No.23104955

>not merely entertainment just because it is entertainment
so what's stopping cinema

>> No.23105054
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I wish I could become a wirzard, living deep in the woods alone, having demon servants and the ability to control the weather.

>> No.23105081

oops, i messaged the girl who CLEARLY is not interested in me again

>> No.23105104

Who are the conservative political pundits that zoomers are listening to?

>> No.23105109

Peterstein, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro

>> No.23105113

I watch Vinesauce

>> No.23105120

I was gonna get lunch with a friend today but he dropped out last night because apparently he forgot the he promised to study with a uni mate today. We planned this lunch two weeks ago, there's no way he planned to study with someone over two weeks ago, right?

>> No.23105126

No chance

>> No.23105142

be charitable brother. is this a consistent thing? otherwise just give him this one.

>> No.23105144

My birthday is on saturday. I took tomorrow off work to drink heavily and read Nick Land. Maybe some pizza, maybe some pasta. My brother who lives 4 hours away is coming down and I look forward to shitcanning him at soulcaliber. Coincidentally, my very delayed shoes should be at my house right now, but I feel no attatchment for them. My current shoes are great, my previous shoes got me a lot of attention, but these boys? Meh. I just wish it was warm enough for girls to walk around in tight shirts with pokey nipples.

>> No.23105146

So the bullet that I need to bite is that he prefers to hang out with that uni mate over me? It's fine, I don't expect to be prioritised, I'm not special enough for that, I'm just curious.
No, this is the first time he's dropped out, he just came back from his country after nearly five months and I was really excited to see him though so it's a bit disappointing. I was also gonna use the opportunity to do other shit that I've been meaning to go to the city for but I guess I'll just put them off again.

>> No.23105164

What little homie doing over there.

>> No.23105165

Henry Kissinger's complete memoirs are longer than the freaking Bible. What the heck. Sure the man got around, but come on. Really?

>> No.23105169

What am I?

>> No.23105173

That's for you to decide.

>> No.23105175

A miserable pile of secrets.

>> No.23105176

I am turtel

>> No.23105179
File: 25 KB, 282x297, bd3fea99d889b15f46df2987eb2633efb3a59228.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not how that works.

>> No.23105181

Wrong answers. Do you give up?

>> No.23105182

A coquettish habberdasher?

>> No.23105185

A turtle?

>> No.23105184


>> No.23105189


>> No.23105191


>> No.23105193

Can I get a hint?

>> No.23105198

It starts with an "r" and is 6 letters long.

>> No.23105199

That's not what turtle starts with

>> No.23105214


>> No.23105215

Why do the husband and wife partake in phyllorhodomancy whilst engaging in connubial rites upon their nuptial sojourn?

>> No.23105221

Nope. It does have "r," "e," and "d," but not the rest of those letters.

>> No.23105230

i'd be fine just not needing to eat food all the time

>> No.23105245

Really? Peterson is not even a pundit…

>> No.23105247

i'm watching adventure time for the paranormal references

>> No.23105248


>> No.23105258

There is a substantial unity underlying niggers' foolishness, women's garrulousness and willingness to laugh hyenishly at the slightest provocation, and assorted minorities' gormless gooble-gobbling about with that dead look in their eyes. It's a fundamental lack of regard and respect for the systems beneath their feet that enable them to live such carefree lives. All of them are united in "taking for granted" what came before them and what has to go on behind the scenes. Even the level concrete they stand on or the warm buildings they enjoy, as a "backdrop" to their mindless cackling or empty yammering or milling about in circles eating corn products smashed into shapes by space-age machines, all of it was laid by people who, by definition, are nothing like them. They are parasites by definition. They can't exist without producers, and by definition they don't produce. They are not contributors. They're just cackling "fun-having" bug-niggers whose only function is to take up space.

The ratio of space taken by parasites and producers is also revealing. Producers recede into invisibility. The more they produce, the better their products, the more they seem to beg to be taken for granted. One simply assumes that "the ground is level, the building is warm; that's just the way it is." Comfort and convenience aren't noticed by parasites. Conversely, parasites take up as much space as possible. If a space can tolerate 500 people speaking quietly, a parasite will generate enough noise for 50 to 100 people. Parasites use the speakerphone to talk, so that they have to yell loud enough to be heard, in line at the grocery store. If a space can tolerate slight thoughtlessness or mess-generation from each average occupant, a parasite will degrade the space at a much greater than average rate. When walking past a parasite on the sidewalk, the parasite will not take up 50% of the sidewalk, per the ratio of two people, but 75% or higher. Every system installed by producers is strained to its breaking point by parasites, forced to run in inelegant, sad fashion, slumping and sagging under strains never envisioned.

The parasite is typically fat and has slovenly body language, occupying more space. The parasite uglifies surrounding space. The parasite is typically a dull-eyed gaping mouth-breather. You can tell a parasite is thinking stupid thoughts and could say something stupid at any time. Parasites can't enunciate, parasites use coarser, stupider versions of words and phrases, parasites commit more solecisms (and don't care when corrected). Parasites scuff their feet as they walk. Parasites eat with their mouths open. Parasites make everything an uphill battle. Parasites always take the low road. Parasites are the living embodiment of the tragedy of the commons, of entropy itself.

The world has been made into a nigger's paradise. Abstract away all superficial details, and the world is a dualism of two substances: producer-slaves and parasite-revelers.

>> No.23105262

Just remembered the time none of my so-called friends came to my party

>> No.23105324

I don't really want to read philosophy or stories
I think I just want to read peoples thoughts in journals diaries and essays
Can anyone recommend any

>> No.23105334

Wanna read my diary??

>> No.23105336

Conversations with Eckermann, Goethe
The Italian Journal, Goethe

>> No.23105352
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yes, the world isn't fair and a great few have carried it's weight this whole time. So what do you suggest?

>> No.23105357

After a listless six years spent pursuing a mechanical engineering degree—which wasn’t at all a pursuit motivated by ambition or interest; pragmatism, I think, would be the primary factor that convinced me to choose engineering—I managed to graduate without suck starting a shotgun and, naturally, I then had to find a job. Two months had past since my graduation, which I spent in a lobotomized haze fueled by a daily habitual saturation of my cannabinoid receptors with clouds of vaporized tetrahydrocannabinol. I realized this fugue state wasn’t sustainable and, of course, rent had to be paid. And so, I sent a flurry of applications throughout the country, without a care to the industry, state, future prospects, or compensation I would be subjecting myself to. I had no internships on my résumé, a mediocre GPA (although, if you consider I was stoned for the duration, my GPA should be curved), so I was willing to take whatever was offered. Engineering is not a glamorous profession. I was preparing for a life doing HVAC maintenance in North Dakota, or walking around with a clipboard and a hardhat at a Houston oil refinery; I was perfectly willing to do my little part to make Lockheed’s missiles better at death and destruction. I’ve always considered myself to be something of a mercenary; I am capable of justifying almost anything. With the right philosophical foundation, everything is permitted—even living in North Dakota.
Three months had passed since my graduation, and I was starting to observe the homeless with a more critical eye—studying them with —and scouting for flat, dry camp sites with low pedestrian traffic. A durable tent seemed crucial. Maybe I could get a dog? During one of these reconnaissance missions, I got a phone call identified by “Kumagaya-Yoshimi Semiconductors,” which I promptly answered. I was greeted by an over-socialized middle aged sounding woman from the KYS human resources department who informed me they had sent an email inquiring about scheduling an interview two weeks prior. Despite my lack of response to their email (marijuana shrinks your hippocampus and effects one’s emotional behavior, regulation of hypothalamic functions, cognitive function, and memory—this is my excuse for not checking my email during the job search), KYS was still eager to set up an interview, which of course I accepted with a nonchalant affirmation, and within the next two weeks, after three video-conference interviews, and some thinly veiled IQ and Myers-Briggs personality tests, I was hired as a field service engineer for KYS and could stop researching which sleeping bag/tent combo would best withstand a Colorado winter.

>> No.23105458

That's what you get for being a Marijuana consumer

>> No.23105469

That's not me, it's Ruby.

>> No.23105491

I like reading, playing Tetris, watching MMA and watching fighting game tournaments, how come I don't have women flocking to me?

>> No.23105515

Ruby Tuesday?

>> No.23105528

Women don't give a shit about these things you mentioned

>> No.23105546

No, Ruby is his nickname. We'll just refer to him as Ruby. That was an excerpt from his suicide note.

>> No.23105556

Marijuana takes another one

>> No.23105567

fuck you clytemnestra you fucking whore

>> No.23105578

No, he abstained for months before killing himself. Like he said, he can justify anything w/ the right philosophical foundation. Perhaps it was the clarity (and increased hippocampus volume) which gave him the courage to step through the door.

>> No.23105611

Trust me i'm a doctor

>> No.23105616

Letting you go was most likely the worst decision of my life as of now. The second worst decision was thinking I could fix myself on my own. I can't do it, really. You never knew you were the one who grounded me into existence. I loved the person I was when you were around. You made me whole, and you made me do stuff I didn't know I could do. I will never find anyone more capable than you.

>> No.23105630

Years of Marijuana abuse ruined his brain. 6 months isn't long enough for meaningful recovery. Brain damage isn't just a switch you turn on and off. Marijuana is known to cause long term depression

>> No.23105635



>> No.23105649

Good to know. This is fiction, after all. Every character in my story will kill themselves, each justified by their own respective philosophical foundations. Perhaps Ruby will have killed himself because he fired his endocrine system.

>> No.23105652

I think she should kill herself over not knowing Foucault got AIDS in LA

>> No.23105671

Is it gay or immature to publish poetry for the first time in your 30s?

>> No.23105672

Delightfully both

>> No.23105674

Being a lawyer is clearly fucking terrible, but it seems like a relatively good choice for a /lit/ person. I should’ve become a lawyer.

>> No.23105678

I keep paying for beta reads on Fiverr and keep getting results worse than what ChatGPT4 gives me. The only edge humans have is a larger context window. GPT4 can, for the moment, only remember about 10 pages at a time

>> No.23105679


>> No.23105688

Depends what kind of law and what kind of /lit/ person. Bear in mind, a lot of us hate reading.

>> No.23105694
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, Sipping beaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like reading.

>> No.23105699

Do you like autistically arguing a point because you saw it written down once to the point other people cry?

>> No.23105703

Not till they cry but if i know it's right then I'll argue it.

>> No.23105709

Damn...wish I knew german

>> No.23105715

We need you to go past the point they cry if you want to be a litigator or trial lawyer.

>> No.23105718

There's only one way out. You have to do something. Thoughts don't accomplish anything. Before you go to bed tonight, come up with some real decision to do something towards improving your life. And then do it again the next day. There's only one way out.

>> No.23105730

Am I fit to be an ambulance chaser?

>> No.23105731

All the cool law jobs relate to politics

>> No.23105733

Do you like the ambivalent nature of truth? If yes, you'll make better money at McKinsey

>> No.23105735

I'm going to eat healthier tomorrow so that I die a little slower from heart failure and get to experience blindness, deafness, and crippling weakness for a longer period of time.

>> No.23105736

If you want a political job, you're better clerking

>> No.23105744
File: 210 KB, 1024x871, Pieter_Bruegel_d._Ä._095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terribly lonely
Redownloading vrchat
I'd go to bars but I'm too agoraphobic and am influenced by my family to think they're all loser drunks that will make me an alcoholic
I have a big passion project I think could make me famous but every time I come home to work on it I just have this incredible feeling of dread and despair at my life so I don't get anything done.

>> No.23105747

Listen, he* just knows that now, retroactively, and thinks it's hilarious.

>> No.23105748

Do the project now

>> No.23105749

Listen, Ruby's a she in my headcanon and there's fuck all that bitch can do about it, word of god or not

>> No.23105754

I know what I want to do but I really fucked up the timing so I have to wait another year

>> No.23105756

Political advocacy is a lot cooler than clerking and clerking is kind of retarded actually since it’s not even a requirement to hold any office, which is what all clerks really want

>> No.23105758

>a small jew nerd

>> No.23105764

If you want to be the one who writes the legal opinions, it's a necessity

>> No.23105766

Am I retarded for not wanting to wear my wireless headphones into the city because I'm afraid that they'll get snatched off my head?

>> No.23105767

what is it?

>> No.23105770
File: 325 KB, 640x480, Kamala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you could just suck a mean dick

>> No.23105776

I'm doing it anon
I really want to get involved with other artists in the community. I'm going this solo and I don't want to but trying to make connections through this online space sucks ass
One guy I've got added, I kinda blew our first convo because I was awkward and kept interrupting him because I didn't know how text convos work. But I'm thinking of just messaging him, hey whats up lets talk shop dammit, and just going off the cuff. Like fuck it whats the worst that could happen. I could embarass myself or imagine myself getting disprespected, and then get really mad and make a mess of things even though the person I'm the most mad at is myself for letting the slight happen

>> No.23105780

It is a sexy girl name, I know. This shall be incorporated in the manuscript.

>> No.23105783
File: 63 KB, 1217x843, Dr. Katz concerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't know how text convos work

>> No.23105790
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I really like this painting, Rembrandt was truly one of a kind. Its like the sense of warmth you'll come across while inside the chaos of a crowded house, you go down the stairs, stop for a moment and there it is, an old man sat down, lost in some kind of introspection, the lady stoking the fire, the options to go back up into the fray of daily life or go down to the cellar. And so we are here, invading the philosophers hidden resting area while he appears unaware of our presence.

Its a WWOYM thread so I thought Id do just that, but just in case you feel like calling me out for being some pretentious artsy fartsy idiot, I will preemptively wish a grueling and seemingly everlasting week and weekend upon you.

>> No.23105791

It had been a while
I'd never really had long text convos like that without going into voice chat
But also I got strong jealousy because his work was really taking off, which was ridiculous because it so obviously deserved the praise, and it was my fault for not pushing my stuff more. And so I started giving criticism that came off rude
And to be fair he's a huge autist too and probably got a massive prideful head from his work. So that probably contributed to his going cold
Fuck I hate all this wishy washy speculating where the fuck is the easy quick fix to this bullshit

>> No.23105794

Kek I'm reading this while imagining you're talking about that bird picture

>> No.23105796

take a breath lad

>> No.23105799

Me too

>> No.23105803

Well, that went better than I thought, I too have chuckled at the thought of that, thanks lads.

>> No.23105808

I just get frustrated. Gone my whole life burning bridges and becoming alone. Never feel like I get closer to understanding myself better and all the books I've read still have me feeling like I'm just thrashing about
Obviously just letting go and not thinking about it doesn't work because then I blow up on people or fuck up massively and get a huge scar to my reputation that costs me all my friends
Fuck man I get really jealous of people that have had some guiding force in their life. A dad that cares, some older brother or friend or counselor etc.
It really feels hopeless if you don't have any guidance. No one can do this shit on their own. Without guidance and intelligence you're up shit creek forever like a pinball endlessly bouncing off all the huge life wrecking events that people could warn you about.
Oh well. Not everyone gets to reap life's rewards. Least I can do is be a good influence to my young cousin

>> No.23105857
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>> No.23105885

I'm in the hunt for a very specific poster. And you kind of spounded like him for a second.
He is some weird Buddhist from Iran.
I like singing.
Sometimes I wonder how many facets of myself just got repressed to spite my parents.

>> No.23105887

It's called an idiolect

>> No.23105905

God, I love Dio.

>> No.23105911

Rainbow is peak.

>> No.23105914
File: 75 KB, 657x935, tuxedo_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're young, you have a lot of growing to do. Just chill the fuck out a bit and you'll be fine.

>> No.23105917

Dont make assumptions

>> No.23105918

jusrt bought a bathmate

>> No.23105956

getting liver pains again, this time worse than usual. this might be it for me fellas. it was good posting with you.

>> No.23105992

I had some pretty bad liver symptoms about 3 months ago from stupidly drinking way too much while also being on amoxicillin (twice) and a bunch of otc meds for pain. I thought I was ok because I never doubled up on anything and always left space between meds and booze but I didn't even know the amox was a liverkiller. And in spite of all this I'm pretty sure it just healed by leaving it alone and stopping all meds/drinking.

>> No.23105998

But also go to a doctor right away since you should never fuck with liver pains. I was just saying, once you do get diagnosed, it might be something you can just heal from naturally.

>> No.23106037

I love jews

>> No.23106077 [DELETED] 

> “I’ll tell you, my good girl, why you have come. You’ve come because I talked sentimental stuff to you then. So now you are soft as butter and longing for fine sentiments again. So you may as well know that I was laughing at you then. And I am laughing at you now. Why are you shuddering? Yes, I was laughing at you! I had been insulted just before, at dinner, by the fellows who came that evening before me. I came to you, meaning to thrash one of them, an officer; but I didn’t succeed, I didn’t find him; I had to avenge the insult on someone to get back my own again; you turned up, I vented my spleen on you and laughed at you.
>I conquered myself, however, and raised my head; I had to do so sooner or later ... and I am convinced to this day that it was just because I was ashamed to look at her that another feeling was suddenly kindled and flamed up in my heart ... a feeling of mastery and possession. My eyes gleamed with passion, and I gripped her hands tightly. How I hated her and how I was drawn to her at that minute! The one feeling intensified the other. It was almost like an act of vengeance. At first there was a look of amazement, even of terror on her face, but only for one instant. She warmly and rapturously embraced me.
>A quarter of an hour later I was rushing up and down the room in frenzied impatience, from minute to minute I went up to the screen and peeped through the crack at Liza. She was sitting on the ground with her head leaning against the bed, and must have been crying.
WHY DID YOU DO IT!!!! Any Underground Anons want to explain it?

>> No.23106081

I hate them.

>> No.23106086

Sometimes I feel like I'm an actor badly performing way too many disparate roles at once.

>> No.23106088

Bringing that girl I've been having little dates with to a street carnival tomorrow. It's less awkward now and I'm liking her more as I get to know her. This is the first time I've actually gotten to know someone in a long time. There's times when I'm right next to her and I get so carnal. I've kept things very platonic til now. I don't want to fuck her and then ship her back to Asia tho. Wouldn't be very Christian of me

>> No.23106109

I had liver pains from sitting on my ass all day and drinking all day

I stopped drinking for 3 months and worked out moderately while eating SOME greens and that was enough for my liver to heal. I was taking Amox and it was fucking miserable so I stopped taking it.

point is just get it checked out even just at a clinic. Get your blood levels back and see what else you need do. Go outside for vitamin D.

>> No.23106113 [DELETED] 

I'm worried my heart damage will merely disable me and not kill me, and this is tempting me to want to go to the hospital. But I'm such a sperg that I don't know how to do it, who to talk to, and if I go, what to even say or do. Then again, if I get discharged, I don't have a phone and I don't know the area or how to get back home. I don't even have enough money.

All I know is that my symptoms got much more severe two days ago. I nearly fell over in the shower after an attack of arrhythmia, and for the past two weeks I can always hear and feel my heart thumping in my ears. What does an anon like me do?!

>> No.23106129

anyone tried clamping?

>> No.23106135
File: 509 KB, 1024x683, bjork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my gf seem to be on the eve of splitting up. Almost like she doesn't know she wants to or at least doesn't want to admit it.

She says the same things and so do I but there's a little less something each time. Maybe I'm just scared or worried but everyone sort of just leaves me and tries to find a reason to. I'm not perfect but I try my best and try to be good. Anyway.

>> No.23106140

Is there such a thing as harmless flirting? I didn't know flirting could be harmful.

>> No.23106167

if you are below htn for sure

>> No.23106185

High blood pressure?

>> No.23106191

I only clap when everyone else is, so I don't stand out.

>> No.23106298
File: 254 KB, 640x646, 1707786733924959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>therapists office sends out letter with my diagnosis (Just depressive mood, not gender dysphoria) out
>Explicitly told them that I don't want them to send it, they accept
>Not out to anyone, nobody even knows that I went to therapy
>Live with my parents
>Wake up to a call today explaining that they accidentally sent it out
This has to be some joke. Is that illegal?

>> No.23106300
File: 345 KB, 1822x2048, deaf-man-emoji-1822x2048-kxr3cwbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a recluse. I think a mothering girlfriend could help me become a better person. Let's see.

>> No.23106305

how mothering

>> No.23106310

women feel disgusted by weirdos

>> No.23106311
File: 1.36 MB, 1856x2048, shushing-face-emoji-1856x2048-2e17vfy7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23106313

Someone to go in the bath with you?

>> No.23106315

Isn't that a common thing in romantic relationships?

>> No.23106322

Can you buy one that comes with bathtub?

>> No.23106330

it can be used in the shower

>> No.23106337

It's called prostitution.

>> No.23106340

That doesn't sound as nice as bathmate. Bathmate sounds like it comes with rubber duckies not just rubber

>> No.23106348

i just woke up boys i'm so cosy right now

>> No.23106350

GIWTWM work ends in 2 hours

>> No.23106359

what should i have for breakfast

>> No.23106367

English muffin, egg, ham, cheese, pineapple, fried plantain

>> No.23106368

its a dick pump nigga

>> No.23106379

That sounds even less fun than prostitution idea anon had
>tfw no bubble bath

>> No.23106396

Now I'm regularly going to /wwoym/ and typing something up, only to delete it before or after I post. It's so exhausting. There's no point. I don't get any enjoyment from it. Now my head is drowning in thoughts I can't express and, really, I don't even want to. My brain is messed up, too bad it turned out this way. No, I don't need advice or help. It's useless, because my heart damage is killing me. I don't have any life to repair or anything to look forward to. I'm going to die with a mask on— no one will know who I was, or what this heart felt. Yeah, I know I'm pathetic. I'm literally the dregs of the dregs. I deserve this, obviously. I brought it all on myself and I have nothing to point a finger at. At least I have my books.

>> No.23106398

misread that as plump dick am i gay now

>> No.23106443

Should've deleted this as well.

>> No.23106469

Uh, yeah, obviously. Now get on your knees and suck my cock.

>> No.23106481

I am bisexual but I've never acted on it because men are cringe. I think God made me bisexual just so I could empathize with women.

Imagine being a straight woman and not having a choice not to fuck men, the ultimate cringe machines. Imagine having a boyfriend you love and you try to have sex with him and he says 'Mmmm yeah you're daddy's little munchkin' and you have to make the decision, do I tell him? Do I spend 8 hours trying to explain to him how unsexy that is, as he pouts like a little boy who got no presents on Christmas morning because 18 years of daddy/munchkin porn has prepared him for this moment? Do I just live with this spine-chillingly cringe thing he's going to say every 5 seconds in every sex act from now on?

I've literally seen porn, recently, for dudes who like farting in women's faces during a blowjob. And it wasn't just "I fart in her face." It was titled something like "My farts make her feel safe." What the fuck does that mean? I'm so glad I don't have to deal with men. I'd fuck a guy right in the ass if I didn't know he's going to say or do something retarded and make my dick shrivel up like a stack of dimes.

>> No.23106483

Another day to drink purely out of boredom

>> No.23106487

You're only not noticing women are fucking retarded too because their tits are closer.

>> No.23106495

Women usually trade cringe for boring. If you want a woman to dominate you she'll say some shit like 'I want to tease you for five seconds with my butt and then we have normal sex'. Somewhere between that, and daddy's safety farts, is the golden mean.

>> No.23106588

Sitting at work now I'm waiting to get off so I can watch ghetto fights. Saw a gif of it today and weaves went flying, everyone joined in and a fat black woman was just walking around, naked.
I used to watch a lot of those fights years ago. I should start again

>> No.23106597

Grad school

>> No.23106606

>be jannie that works in an office
>people are constantly rude to me
>don't greet me
>constantly file nonsense complaints against me
>today I got told somebody filled a complaint about me for "sitting inappropriately" during break time
This job really blackpilled me on human nature and social hierarchies.

>> No.23106654
File: 40 KB, 544x626, 1493902936481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just getting old or I've finally reached the ends of my interests with vidya. Nowadays whenever I try to play something I just feel a sense of boredom and even a bit of drowsiness. Maybe its because I've completed my backlog of games.
I ended up reading more often than not for the past couple of days. And I don't feel as lethargic about reading as I used to be.

>> No.23106660

Just had a two hour chat with my dad on the phone. We talked about recent UFC fights, old action movies he loves (I felt bad because I told him that Frank Dux is a bullshitter and Bloodsport never actually happened), old action stars who he really likes (Van Damme, Stallone, those sort of people), talked about working out and fashion and how a good physique and outfit can make you feel like a million bucks, he told me about some eggs that he got from a lady up the road (easter egg chicken eggs, check them out, they're pretty cool) and other shit, I know he appreciated it, we haven't talked in a little over a month because I don't have credit and he's been busy but yeah, I know he appreciated the call.

>> No.23106663

That’s an old one unless there are multiple family fights with an older naked woman joining the fray

>> No.23106670

I'm only 21 and I've lost all interest in video games with the exception of The Binding of Isaac but that's only because I'm so close to getting all the achievements. I downloaded the Dishonoured games the other day and I played through two missions and I just can't be bothered to open it again, I struggle to find enjoyment in playing video games these days. Don't get me wrong, I like watching some video games (this year's Capcom Cup matches have been really good) but I just can't bring myself to play them. I've also been reading a fuck ton lately and I've been fucking loving it, I just finished Norm MacDonald's book which I highly recommend if that's your thing or if you like Norm.

>> No.23106676

cars are one of the things i hate the most, and some people's dream is to possess a car

>> No.23106681

Yeah, the last game I told myself I'd buy was Tekken 8. And while I do enjoy it a bit I haven't been playing much of it. I do watch my favorite players like JDCR and Eyemusician though. And if there's any tournaments up, I tune in to watch how it goes. I'm probably not gonna be bothering with games for a long time.

>> No.23106690

Hey what's the antonym for penitent? There's impenitent, but I'd like to find something else. Something to describe that insolent attitude where I never did any wrong, everyone else is to blame for my situation, I'm the victim blah blah blah. That narcissistic avoidance of responsibility or accountability. Is there a neat single word to describe this? Thank you my dear colleagues.

>> No.23106695

Ever play pathologic 2? You'd like it I reckon

>> No.23106702

I found death stranding to be a meditative game, low on the dopamine abuse scale. You might like it, its certainly unique.

>> No.23106705

It really sucks, there are so many games that I look at and would love to play but I play them twice and then never open them again. I think it's because I don't care for the stories and the gameplay mechanics get repetitive really quickly. Take The Witcher 3 for example. I know that all I'm gonna be doing throughout the game is riding my horse, casting some spells, slashing my sword, running around and looting some shit, that's all I'm gonna be doing over and over and over again, it gets boring very quickly to me.
Have you tried asking in /wg/? They'd probably be a better help.
I haven't, do I need to play the first one first?

>> No.23106707

The Impact of Posing with Cats on Female Perceptions of Male Dateability
>Men holding cats were viewed as less masculine; more neurotic, agreeable, and open; and less dateable.

>> No.23106713

I am writing this post for myself only, because I'm constantly disappointed in everyone I meet, and the only heroes are in books. This extends to myself, but I know this, I try each day to transform, to pull away a wing. When you have higher aspirations and everyone else is content to live in shit, it can only make you bitter.

>> No.23106722
File: 185 KB, 1920x1090, Le Voyage dans la Lune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a moment of silence came, and my eyes peered into the distance in my dreams, I suddenly came upon the town between some bushes. Distant noises and lights, I had the impression that they were shouting something to me. It was there that I felt that we would never taste a fresh, clear night in the forest, lit by fireflies under the pale cold moon as we could before.

>> No.23106728

Outside of the odd humanitarian type job heroics are preformed in certain situations. Someone rises up in one of those situations and they’re a hero. Not sure how old you are but it’s weird that that is what you are looking for in a person- “heroic”. People are complex and chance plays a huge role in mostly mundane lives

>> No.23106733

I don't hate cars per se, but I hate how selfish people can be with their cars.

>> No.23106740

“You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are all singing, all dancing crap of the world.”

-me (literally)

>> No.23106746

A virgin, either male and female, is completely normal and can be a virtue, but an incel virgin woman is magnitudes more revolting than an incel virgin man.

>> No.23106751

Oddly enough I started getting way more watches once I had a pic of me with a cute cat in my online profile. Might be that I'm a tall, bald, bearded guy which might be intimidating to some women so the cat might've made them feel I'm less threatening

>> No.23106757

I've played DS and I had a wonderful time going through it. The trekking parts were my favorite because it made me reminisce about the times I went hiking with my dad. I finished it thoroughly.

I think its just how the game contextualizes the player into doing the same things repeatedly is what matters. Its the little pull and push of it that makes me stick around playing the games I play. I played Monster Hunter a few months back and sank basically 500 hours into it. Despite the fact that I used the same weapon type, and grinded out the same monsters for a certain equipment. But what made me stick around were many factors like learning the monsters, getting the chance to learn more about the monster, etc. But of course, I stopped playing after beating the end game elder dragon Fatalis and AT Velkhana because after that point you're so overpowered you're basically untouchable.

>> No.23106764

that frame from trip to the moon was my lastfm profile pic when i was 16 you just took me back

>> No.23106769

>I haven't, do I need to play the first one first?
Nope. # 2 is more like remaster of 1

>> No.23106775

i'm glad i could take you back if at 16 you had such a good movie as a profile pic, mine was certainly some bullshit i don't even remember

>> No.23106780

i was really pretentious at that age
>mine was certainly some bullshit i don't even remember
wait were you in the /mu/ lastfm threads

>> No.23106785

no i never go there and i'm generaly a ghostfag

>> No.23106793

Interesting, I'll check it out, cheers for the recommendation.

>> No.23106797

The slow and gross spread of the word "side hustle" into common usage encapsulates just how awful our culture has become in every way

>> No.23106804

I wonder how many people have died while using 4chan. Like a fat guy getting a heart attack from seeing one objectively wrong opinion too many.

>> No.23106807

Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.

>> No.23106812
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>> No.23106818


>> No.23106820

All of them were women surely

>> No.23106822

Biggest career mistake you can make is becoming like a generic symbol analyst or operations functionary. It will lock you into mediocrity forever.

>> No.23106825

I never knew if I loved movies or if I just watched them as a hobby but every time I think about Val Kilmer's performance in Tombstone I get super excited, it was just perfect, he blew every other cast member out of the water, I think I love movies.

>> No.23106828

best post, seconding this

>> No.23106831

Most people don’t give janitors a second look. You must have given them a reason, surely

>> No.23106833

She can still have sex though. An incel virgin man has to ignore consent laws in order to fuck.

>> No.23106834

Women need to die

Skill issue

>> No.23106838

Women are far cringier than any man could be

>> No.23106840

Rising is the superior record

>> No.23106842

The world is ending slowly and the primary thing pushing it to this end is technology. The techno-alarmists were literally right and nobody cares.

>> No.23106853

You're just so wrong.

>> No.23106864

i love how simple this awser is, I think opinions realy are hiding behind a façade of arguments, but in the end it's simply all about the manifestation of the profound nature of people

>> No.23106873

I’ve been really joggin’ my noggin’ in regard to this bit in Spengler’s Decline of the West where he says in other words that “ethical socialism” is the modern, Western analogue to Roman stoicism and also the ethical-political philosophy of the future Western elite.

I’m having a really hard to seeing it because, at least in modern America, the only schools of socialism with any real interest at all are communism and national socialism. Both are very fringe and the latter has been almost totally resigned to the dust bin of history. It also has little to know philosophers going back to point to. If Spengler’s right, there should be philosophical schools budding ad early as the 18th century with clearly identifiable thinkers that correspond with this school of socialism that’s to come. But I’m just not seeing it. In fact, I don’t see any interest in philosophy in American politics at all.

>> No.23106875

is there something that explains how useless agruing is ? what are some references i can look at this up to?

>> No.23106881

A chick that I know posted a picture of one of the pages of the book she's reading and it's about wanting a man who loves her and who will smell her and who will kiss her and whose hair she can run her fingers through even if they're soapy from doing the dishes and it makes me think cause I expressed my feelings to this chick years ago and she basically laughed in my face despite us getting along super well and having so much in common. I could've been that guy but oh well.

>> No.23106884

The type of socialism you're thinking of is 'being a freaking decent human being!'
No philosophy at all, just a vibe and a phrase

>> No.23106904

Spengler is at pains to point out that it is even less of this type of socialism than economic socialism or communism (capitalism, but for the working class as he calls it). He outlines what he sees as most in line with this sort of socialism in Prussianism vs. socialism. Prussianism is what he calls the sort of this socialism he would have for Germany. He saw it as fighting for top spot with National Socialism, a battle it ultimately lost much to his dismay because he thought National Socialism was a disaster for Germany.

>> No.23106905

How could Nietzsche be so right about so many things but so obviously wrong about Christianity and the Greeks?

>> No.23106922

weird way to spell "jews" but ok

>> No.23106923

The Ben Shapiro vs. Destiny debate on Lex Fridman’s podcast is actually such a black pill because it’s so perfectly representative of the contemporary political zeitgeist. On one side you have a zionist who worships money for money’s sake while wavering back and forth between neoconservatives and lame duck classical liberalism to justify his Zionism money-trapping civilization and on the other side you have a progressive-leaning liberal who pushes social degeneracy even to his own detriment because it gives him hits of social-emotional dopamine and a feeling of superiority. In the center is a Jewish “mediator” who is totally impartial and not at all biased and is totally a really smart guy and his popularity is completely organic. Surely, he is an authentic American and knows what Americans want and what’s best for them.

I mean, if this doesn’t perfectly depict the absolute joke that is contemporary political life, I don’t know what does.

>> No.23106928
File: 223 KB, 420x630, hip hop Hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the latter has been almost totally resigned to the dust bin of history.
Don't call it a comeback, I been here for years.

>> No.23106932

He wasn't wrong about Christianity, it's a retarded pussy religion.

>> No.23106938
File: 53 KB, 502x419, commies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking with my dad recently, and he was describing a video he'd seen on tik tok
>yeah, and then he called that faggot with the blue hair a beta male
>you know, the blue-haired faggot. the cuck.
It took a second for it to register with me who he was talking about.

>> No.23106939
File: 575 KB, 1068x1692, SimuatedMetafictionalSelfAwareNarrativeEntity(SiMSANE).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of character is optimal for philosophical exploration? A character whose very existence is in doubt - a fictional character that is self-aware of its own fictional nature; a metafictionally self-aware character.

This is the existential isomorph of the liar's paradox (this statement is false) (My existence is false, yet I am - or am I?) An intrinsically paradoxical self-definition makes the character intrinsically question it's own existence, the nature of narrative, and its relationships between itself and The Narrator - and thus the greater metaphysical terrain that includes The Narrator and Character.

Here's this premise in motion: https://ia601309.us.archive.org/4/items/adventuresinCCC/adventuresinCCC.pdf

>> No.23106946

Why is her stomach and pussy visible

>> No.23106950

That's my entire point anon. An incel (involuntary celibate) woman is worse because no one wants to have sex with her despite her being a woman

>> No.23106951

that's a belly button indent and her thighs, retard-san

>> No.23106955

Every day I loose more respect for the government. If this is the average dude, our politicians can't be much stronger, right? It is simply the red-pill and direct knowledge anyone can deduce after studying the causes, effects and symptoms of social degeneracy. In a few decades at most the general population will be so weak that any strongman, excluded from society for that very reason, will be able to disobey the laws and society with no real consequences at all, or with consequences for other people only. A blue haired faggot dyel won't stand on my way for too many hours.

>> No.23106960

It's clearly not. She's just wearing a boob holder and nothing else.

>> No.23106968

the internet is where the do-nothings and defectives get shuttled to eat lotus petals while the beautiful enjoy life as it has always been enjoyed. living in some digital sheol while chad brad and the lads pipe my counterfactual wife in some eternal pagan summer. the only act of autonomy left for a defective is to walk away and refuse the lotus drip

>> No.23106973

just feeling really lonely today

>> No.23106996

I mean, I never had respect for the government. I’ve always been aware that the government was staffed with useless lazy people being led by college educated social climbers. The politicians are some of the dumbest people in our society actually. They just fit perfectly into the little social-professional niche that they’ve carved out. The ideal politician is an Ivy League educated lawyer who will sell out his legal expertise to whatever money interest pays him the most to do it. He is a social climber, materialistic, and usually a coward actually. He doesn’t inspire any admiration or desire to follow. The real problem we face is that we’ve somehow built a civilization that not only sort of locks these people in as the political class, considering the 4 main ways in are Ivy League lawyering, progressive activism, successful entrepreneurship, and media celebrity, it’s that we’ve built a civilization that doesn’t have space for anything else. Even the churches and the fucking army battalions are gay and female now. Nothing I’ve mentioned selects for inspiring and competent virtuous leaders. I think one of the reasons Donald Trump has such a giant cult following is simply because he’s just so unabashedly a leader. I think he’s a leader for the wrong things, and frankly, a buffoon. But that he is some kind of business, media, and now political party leader cannot be denied. And he admires strength and so he strives to epitomize strength as he imagines it. That’s why people like him. We are just a society so totally devoid of strength and leadership as well as a society devoid of virtue.

I think you severely underestimate the way this effete society wields the law to achieve its ends. The law is never weaker. It’s only more targeted. Police ignore crimes not in general but for certain people. Prosecutors ignore crimes not in general but for certain people. And if you think the vast machinery of the law enforcement state can’t still come for you, straight, white man, you are mistaken. That’s the real danger in this civilization. It specifically exalts these things that select for all the wrong things, and suppresses the right things. I think a lot about how millenials and zoomers are going to one day run for office even though none of them have ever had professional careers and indeed can’t get professional careers because they’ve all be auctioned off to immigrants and foreigners or machines. What will they have to stand on? It’s like nowhere you look are there admirable people. I realized the other day, that I have literally never in my life seen a man I admired. Never.

>> No.23106999
File: 8 KB, 225x225, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clearly a jumper, you dumb-as-a-stump sumbitch.

>> No.23107006

>thousands die in a flood
I sleep
>anon writes this story on /tv/
On the last day my cat was alive I put out the heating pad for her which was her favorite place. I laid on the bed with her but not too close in case she didn't want to be bothered. She got off the heating pad and laid down next to me anyway just so she could be near me.

When I took her to the vet to be put to sleep because she was so sick she was brought into the room with me so I could be with her in her last moments. She was so weak she barely had the strength to stand but after being with the doctors for hours and not seeing me the moment the door opened to the room I was in the doctors had to hold her down to keep her from jumping into my arms as soon as she saw me.

I'm getting teary eyed at work

>> No.23107018

> And if you think the vast machinery of the law enforcement state can’t still come for you, straight, white man, you are mistaken.
I mean sure I still have to pay taxes. Neither do I mean with 'the government has become too weak to enforce it's laws' as an invitation to go around the streets blasting guns. What I mean is that, for example, in modern society, if you don't work for some corporation, just hang all day at home doing gardening and feeding your animals, a few people might blink their eyes, but they are too weak to actually do anything about it, while 50 years ago, it did simply not happen that someone did something like that without also taking a good income for it to be able to lead a good middle class lifestyle; that's why so many farmers went bankrupt, that's why everyone started doing their college diplomas and seeking the highest paying job. This era has now ended, society is no longer the stronghold it was in that era, where not abiding by the societal expectations led to serious social sanctions from that same society. I am unhappy to say this, but mass immigration will only work in favour of this negative tendency.

>> No.23107095

You gave her respite in those moments, she was not afraid anymore.

>> No.23107159

What you just described was the norm for 50% to 75% of the population on earth until very recently. So I have no idea what you are talking about. You’ve always been able to retire to your estate or your homestead and spend your day’s tending it. It’s never been disallowed at any point and in fact is abnormal due to economic impracticality for the first time every today. You still can’t afford to just retire to your garden. It’s less affordable than it has ever been, and you quite literally have to pay property taxes forever no matter where it is you farm. Hell, you still have to pay taxes even if you become a farmer abroad. You cannot escape. That has never, ever been the case until recently. This life you imagine is less possible than it’s ever been…

None of this is a good thing either by the way. Dropping out of civilization is not an ideal. In Rome, retiring to your estate didn’t amount to abandoning civilization. It does today, and that’s partly why you cannot really do it. They won’t let you. The land price is driven up and has to be appraised. The tax man always comes. The 5G networks follow you everywhere. The eminent domain pushes you out when it wants to. The total mobilization civilization needs you contributing to it and you don’t actually get a choice, not that it would be the optimal thing to do if you did have a choice. Ideally, that life wouldn’t be dropping out.

>> No.23107201

I’m curious if you any of you guys feel caught between wanting to be a professional writer and something else that is sort of in conflict with that, or if you have a day job or some other life situation that you’re stuck with which you just think isn’t very good for writing.

>> No.23107217

I want to be a good writer but I am thoroughly untalented with nothing to say. I'm just a useless NEET. Its insane how much better someone else would be if they had the freetime I did. And no I don't waste my time on anime or games. I just do nothing.

>> No.23107229

>walk away and refuse the lotus drip
and do what instead?

>> No.23107240

Writer how?

There's of course a market on Substack for bloggers if you have talent. Literary fiction and poetry are deader than dead.

>> No.23107254

> What you just described was the norm for 50% to 75% of the population on earth until very recently
I can't speak for non-European countries, but in Europe, individual freedom has always been the case, until about the 19th Century. Doing something that your family members do not do, and vice versa, has always been tolerated.
> It’s less affordable than it has ever been
It became unaffordable during the 20th Century because everyone was expected to lead a middle class lifestyle. Not leading a middle class lifestyle meant you being poor and socially inappropriate. Today you can bluntly justify it away with hating the elites. Buy a handful of tools for 500 dollars and get started.
> have to pay property taxes forever no matter where it is you farm
You have no legal obligation to pay taxes if you can't afford it (at least where I live).
> This life you imagine is less possible than it’s ever been
It is more possible than it has ever been. In the past it was affordable as well but you would have been looked at as a shizo for doing so. Today that is no longer the case.
> Dropping out of civilization is not an ideal
For me it is. Those still living in civilization, ten years from now, will have to do everything over their smartphones from payment to work. Markets, going to the mall once served a social function. That social function is fully gone today. Have fun becoming a literal cattle slave or drop out as soon as you can.
> The land price is driven up and has to be appraised
You can literally buy a cheap homestead out in the wild for 15 000 bucks so that's not an excuse either. It's just the much more of a reason to drop out completely. Why work at all if you will never even afford a house? If leading a middle class lifestyle has become impossible, why work at all?
> The total mobilization civilization needs you contributing to it and you don’t actually get a choice
You do have a choice. The institutions still give you the right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness so you can just read them the constitution aloud if anyone tries to fuck with you.
Now to make my point fully understood, you don't take yourself all the freedom to work on your homestead all day. You work the amount of time necessary to survive; it is more about the political statement of using as little money as possible, or none at all, wich gives you the actual freedom and ability to spend your free time sitting on the table sunken in philosophies.
You should also have children and raise them independently and integrate them later to society as total aliens. They will get there with ideas that might be far from being perfect, but with the energy of an adolescent, feel the need to make themselves expanded.

>> No.23107263

i'm beginning to think my violent delights will soon terminate in violent ends.

>> No.23107282

more and more my dreams find their settings in the department stores of tokyo, the subterranean tunnels that extend them and run parallel to the city...

>> No.23107294

Guys, what do you thing is the better place:
/lit/, /x/ or an Alt-Chan?

Be honest.

I really enjoy /x/ but I can't get this on great doze. I need distance sometime.

>> No.23107295

goodbye vice

>> No.23107302

i bet /x/ is boring as fuck

>> No.23107327

AI boom has fucked my porn addiction. I was clwan for years, now I see all the AI lewds everywhere and over time my defenses wane and end up looking at porn, although scrolling past it so that it "doesn't count". I don't even get hard, just the dopamine rush. Then I feel bad and stop for like two weeks

>> No.23107330

And thinking all the crazy fantasies deep dive VR is going to make real, from having a Genghis Khanesque harem to being some invisible timestopper, doesn't help either

>captcha SAD T

>> No.23107341

beyond health and wellness, when i make my protein shakes, when i chalk up my calloused hands, seeing myself in the mirror, there is but the one mantra i repeat day by day, that gets me through the coming weeks: there is nothing more satisfying than being objectified by a woman.

>> No.23107351

Same, I lost two cats recently
Loving pets more than some random people is natural from what I've seen

>> No.23107352

I look ugly but not ugly enough to invoke sympathy. Just disgust.

>> No.23107353

I'll never fit in

>> No.23107360

same boat i look good but not good enough to where people know i know i'm goodlooking

>> No.23107361

i severely abused my body and now i am experiencing health problems. how could this be happening to me?

>> No.23107366

>He drove silently down the darkened avenue. There were a few late-night businesses still open. He passed a McDonald's, the Kettle, and of course, the Walmart, and then, nothing. One more stoplight was ahead. It remained green, as the cross traffic seemed unlikely at this time of night. He gunned it as the road turned into an on-ramp for the highway.
>Some ninety minutes later, he finally exited the freeway and found himself stuck behind a late-night train by the railroad that paralleled the Northwest Freeway. He licked his lips. He made it this far, no need to do anything hasty, and waited patiently.
>He was almost at his goal. Suddenly he froze, as a emergency vehicle came roaring up behind him, lights blazing. He gripped his pistol he kept at his side. His shirt itched as tiny beads of sweat emerged from every corner.
>Finally, he turned on Aberdeen Trails. The soft light of street lighting glowed on the streets as he passed rows of 1990s-era tract subdivision houses. They looked peaceful. He wondered what they would think of what would happen when news of what would happen to them when they heard of Kathy Jeder's disappearance.
>The black Trans-Am pulled into the driveway at 15721. He put on his gloves, grabbed his backpack, and lockpick set.
I didn't know where to go with this one.

>> No.23107367

Do you actually find the AI pictures alluring or does your "dopamine rush" come from the transgression? Because to me even good AI pictures look kind of uncanny

>> No.23107369

I wanted to try gurochan but I hear it's pretty autistic.

>> No.23107373

Speak a bit more?

> And thinking all the crazy fantasies deep dive VR is going to make real, from having a Genghis Khanesque harem to being some invisible timestopper, doesn't help either

Don't fool yourself. Its fine, as long as you stay in controll over it and doesn't confused it with reality.

Don't confuse these digital pictures with real life humans. Don't lose the respect for the women and all other can be finde.

>> No.23107377

was it on purpose ? séléction naturelle as we say

>> No.23107386

Make it like The Collector where he breaks into a serial killers house looking for his ex girlfriend and encounters all sorts of medical experiments.

>> No.23107387

Maybe, you should google "biohacking"?

Never heared of that one.

>> No.23107394

>You can literally buy a cheap homestead out in the wild for 15 000 bucks
Oh it's you. I don't know where you live but it's obviously in America somewhere based on your whole "read the constitution to the cops" bit. You are not going to be able to buy enough land to be self-sufficient for $15,000. Say nothing of initial investment in seeds and livestock, putting up adequate fencing for that livestock, and getting the equipment needed to make supporting yourself through farming feasible ($500 isn't going to cut it). What will you do for water? What will you eat while you wait for your first crop to come in? Your whole thing just reads like a fantasy from someone who has never so much as grown a potato.

>> No.23107402

I’m scared that I’ll never be happy again

>> No.23107409

It was mostly a proof of concept of "can I make a character's drive to a certain location both autistically specific and compelling?"

>> No.23107430

I want someone to make a new thread

>> No.23107462

u do it

>> No.23107467

no u

>> No.23107468

you can't hack your biology, there's no way around nature. most of those hacks are doing more damage

>> No.23107471

im not doing it

>> No.23107501



>> No.23107613

I’m willing to be you never practiced all that much so you wouldn’t actually know how talented you are or aren’t.

I meant fiction and poetry mostly. People still make a living writing them.

>> No.23107634

The more work you can do yourself the less money you will need. That is a universal law.
> be self-sufficient for $15,000
You won't be able to lead a comfortable middle class lifestyle with a small homestead, but to survive, that will do more than enough, especially if you can live without money. Need electricity? Put some solar panels on the roof. Need water? Make a water pump. Everything can be done freely by oneself for very little amounts of money you can save off your mouth working minimum wage for six months. Hack the system.

>> No.23107766

There's something so satisfying about having decisions to make that, even in certain ridiculous or dangerous situations, I enjoy myself more than I do when undertaking any kind of menial or routine work. It's not that I enjoy such things as close calls to carjacking, twisters, or management so bad it pisses most people off, but rather the instant exercise of power when it comes to situational awareness more than usually subtle, something like the original of wit, which is highly retrospective and brittle compared to inflection. Is there anything more advanced than it?